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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 5, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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is but any time sheet and somalia cause food is somebody lined up to be part of its cherry tree and why is that the opiate is impinging upon its southern c. but what we do know so far is that the resulting prices could escalate, as somalia is running into a national support to the deal was at the open. somebody lined up he has determined to go ahead with this deal observers. and indeed, some of the officials, the free f, the dispute may play into the hands of also, bob is not mr. insurgencies, amaya and said that paula rice has the region and must be update this. i'll see you again in boxes and minutes the the pay just
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a little reminder once again as we get started here, we post a show now every day used to be a weekly. now we're doing this daily. we've gotten a great response from so many of you because we hold no punches, so look for it to pump. number one, it looks like a israel may have killed chef jose on dresses, volunteers with a precision guided missile, a precision guided missile. what does that say? to file number 2, us military officials are now saying no way to the floating peer off of the gods the coast idea. i'll tell you why they're saying that truth from number 3. the white house press secretary loses her mind when asked about the president's dementia. i'm going to play it for you so you can hear it. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact on the
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okay, so as we begin today, i want you to look at the photos of the vans that were bombed by israel. let's put them up. so folks can see him. thanks tie. there it is. that is one of the vans that carried the volunteers who were trying to help feed starving palestinians. see that whole. they were part of the world central kitchen run by the famous chef jose . i'm dress. see that whole it's right there on the top of the van, right? you know what that says, the military hardware, experts, it tells them and they have been telling others that that's the work of a precision guided missile. that leaves that impression. and what does that mean? it means the people who fired it chose their target specifically. in other words, it's not a case of oh, wrong place, wrong time, collateral damage that kind of thing. i mean, when you look at the van,
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it's marked clearly with the logo or the well known relief group. everyone including the id f, knew that they were there, had the big yellow colors and signs. and by the way, isn't israel considered among the most technologically advanced countries in the entire world? so how does this happen? and how does it happen again? and again, of course, israel is going to say, well, we're going to investigate. the united states is going to say ok, and if it's anything like all the other atrocities that have occurred there, nothing will come a bit, nothing. there will be no report other than to say we did nothing wrong. i'm us october 7th of anybody who has a problem with everything. we just said anti semite. that's it. like boom, boom, boom, right? now i want to show you 2 reactions to this attack. the 1st was, the 1st one kind of explains why is wheel keeps committing these atrocities with
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impunity? this is uh, the prime minister of australia who was good, looks to me. i mean, he looks pain. that was take a look yourself and tell me what you think, but it looks like he's forced to have to make a statement because one of the dead relief workers who died or happens to be in australia. and since this is completely unacceptable, the israeli government has accepted responsibility for the same problem. mister netanyahu combined his condolences to the family of his own me uh frank and into astrology. a as a result of this tragedy, there you go. this is unacceptable. busy but he says he feels bad and he's offered his condolences. so okay. can you imagine i'm in seriously put yourself in
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this situation. you know, imagine you're the victims, father, you're the victims, mother, your son or your daughter. we just killed this way. right? i mean, and your prime minister says, oh, i'm so sorry, your son is dead. but israel's, as they're offering condolences for blowing up his van with the precision guided missile from leading people that they don't like. i mean, really do. there's another response to that. yeah. who i want to share with you, which seems at least much more appropriate. here it is. a israel is doing is fighting not just come us. we're going to more against the entire palestinian people. and this world central tension. harl appears just one part of what the notes in your machine is. the way you are in a mind you are the united states should not be giving another new will uh, to israel to continue the start of the war against the palestinian people. if you
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could sit down, face to face with netanyahu today, what would you say to have stopped murdering innocent people? stop murdering innocent people. you also said not a nickel, more words, right? i know it's just words, but most western leaders won't even offer that. certainly not people in the united states senate, the united states congress, you know, is condemning that then you on a hotel or this the, this is interesting. it's the wealthy and one of the wealthiest neighborhoods where in israel it's what prime minister netanyahu and his family live. that is where protestors who wanted to make sure they heard him, came in the thousands and thousands to protest his handling of this guy's situation . this is israel. ok. they clash with the police. it's interesting that this
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happens there, but it won't happen in the united states. weird big class with police. they yelled for nathan, yahoo to step down as prime minister. and then there's this. there's this all. so remember all the talk of that floating peer off the coast of gaza. it was supposed to be mr. biden's. great idea, which he unveiled here it is. for tonight, i'm directing the us military to lead and merge the mission to establish a temporary peer in the mediterranean on the coastal. gotcha. i can receive large shipments, trying to water medicine, a temporary shelven. well, we were starting to get a sense that was. busy b, s political b s. after making a big deal, a lot of those floating peer, which would allow us troops to feed tens of thousands of starving bells demands. it's now starting to look like, 1st of all, it's not going to happen. what was it thought through,
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was it just the political stock to begin with? we're hearing it wasn't even his idea by the way, nathan, yahoo told him to offer that. according to reports, the washington post is now suggesting it's a stupid idea, because it makes us troops, pardon the pun here, but floating docks. you heard the hear the term sitting ducks floating docks. here's what one u. s. military source has just told the washington post. if a bomb went off in that location, the martin american public will ask, well, what the hell were they doing there in the 1st place? and you know what? they would probably be right. joining us down to discuss this is journalist, samuel, jamie. you can read his stuff all over some of stock where he reports on everything from a genocide pandemic. busy origins, big tech and a whole. busy lot more, sam, thanks so much once again for joining us. maybe we start, we're where, where i just ended the idea of the idea as in congress as it sounds to me any way
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of building a floating peer. so you could feed the people that you are killing. i don't know, but something is conflictive about that to me. that yeah, i think that was a p r operation from the beginning. so the obvious solution is a, is released to stop. it's a genocidal or military attack on the palestinians and be that they should be able to go to their homes in gaza and even, you know, i, i go to the state department briefing and another journalist of a week and a half ago said, why are they allowed to israel and the spokes person said, oh, we don't want force displacement, which is an insane in answer. most of the people in dies are actually from what is now is ro. and under the international law, they have the right to go back to their homes. and what is now is roland. so it's
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not sports displacement. that would happen there. they should have a right to go to is route where there are right original homes where so these people have been displaced by israel multiple times, their multiple estimate cleansing. they should have a right to live peacefully in their homes. what israel's doing is just one mass of atrocity after another that sets the believe. or let me ask the question this way. how would you characterize israel's comment? backed by us state department comments that is realize just bore with him off and this is what is necessary for them to destroy how mos without ever using the word palestinians or other citizens or civilians, etc. this is just a word with a mouse. that's all it is. yeah. how much is the pretext?
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the the method is genocide and the goal was us, the cleansing of. that's what israel is doing here it is using the october of seven's attack as a pretext in order to do what it is done throughout. it's a 76 year history of, of driving out as an include cleansing palestinian, so that it can steal the country from them. that's a fundamentally what's going on. um, i think, you know, they're video record after the, even the guardian, fairly mainstream thing said, reported that they were targeting slight as well. the snipers are literally targeting children. yeah, i mean, even before this attack on a world of central kitchen. mm hm. you had our borders testify before the un security council, back in february that they are con, voice, or repeatedly targeted. this is totally consistent. what was,
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what is rose said from that it was going to do from the beginning, but that's crazy what me. but let's, let's, let's stop and talk about this for just a moment. if they really did target world central kitchen. jose on dressers, group who's a famous guy. people love this guy because they, he's got a good heart. is that a lot of great things and he's been to the white house, he's all over like the american people all over the world. respect is guy is really targeting, here's volunteers who are there to feed people can only hurt is real. it will make more people hate israel because many people like andras the right. yeah. why would they do that? i mean, i'm not, i mean, a dresser, you know, but like buy a lot of people but, and he's also kind of a card carrying member of the establishment. um yeah. yeah. you know who, who was cooperative, who was ex, credibly supportive of his ro back in october. i don't know if he still is. yeah. um and um in so you have israel effectively turning on people
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who were supporting it, but it is what else done that before they'll have somebody who's a collaborator and then and then they'll turn on them. do you think israel, but do you think they maybe the question to you is them? do you think israel does not want these? people said they don't want them fed so much so that they're willing to they're there. it's hard to get the words out of my mouth, but they're willing to kill people. they're willing to kill people who want to feed the people they yeah, they've been doing dr. palestinians for some time. is it palestinian leaders trying to, you know, tribal leaders and others who were organizing that capacity to feed the palestinians or themselves targeted several months ago? you had is ro, the day that the south africans went to the international court of justice and up to, you know, the accusing as well as the genocide. yep. is around put out story that under
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a law, which is the main mechanism for palestinians to be the, you know, getting you know, food and other necessities that they were involved in the october 7th to attack this whole propaganda edifice. which meant that the us government and all these other ridiculous western governments pulled the plug on on the wall. some of them had come back in since the us has not. and then it was later found that israel tortured the so called information. it was false confessions, they tortured people into saying, yeah, and ro, whitehead, you know, yeah, i'll say anything to make to, to make you stop torturing the you want me to say that the owner was participated in october 7th. sure. i'll tell you that in a while personnel to participate in october 7th. so there is a systematic propaganda effort pulled out by israel of bias. lackeys in the us
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media bite co conspirators in the us and other governments in order to perpetrate a genocide. they said from day one, they're so called defense minister said from day one, no food, no water, no electricity. that is a clear statement of genocidal intent as the south african government articulated before the international court of justice. at what point does the united states, our country that we live in, and very much respect for many things, but not this. say to israel, is it you've lied to us. we've asked you to do things, you haven't done it. in fact, you've done, you've doubled down on everything the world is losing its trust of you and therefore is about losing its trust. and we're losing our credibility because of our support for you. i'm sorry, but one more and the funding will be cut off. where is that conversation? where are those words?
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well, what's i think what's hindering those words or 2 big things one historic. let's either what do we mean by the united states? is it a country that what it proclaims to be, which is founded on the premise of individual liberty? or is it the, you know, main vestige of empire that eradicated native americans and slaves blocks and install house of mexico. and, you know, committed all of these cities and this is just simply the latest chapter in that a genocide, a legacy of the monroe doctrine and so on and so forth. so in the other thing that's stopping that is that the 2 party system has a walk on this, right? you know, he's going to be worse on a perpetual war and genocide, biden or trump. i don't know. i don't want to know. yeah. um so, so let's say you're damned with you doing day and you know, when it comes to it when it comes to i mean i've got to tell you when it comes to
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israeli policy, i don't think you can get much worse. the trump until bible came along and then i said, well, i was wrong. maybe you can. i'll tell you what, let's take a quick break. we're going to come back in just a minute to talk a little bit more about this. with the with sam, stay right there. the 1935 fast is easily led by dictator benito mussolini decided to expand its colonial empire in africa and take over the opium. by that time, ethiopia was the only fully independent state on the continent. back in 1896, its inhabitants were able to defeat the italian colonies and defend their
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independence. since then, rome craved for revenge for the humiliating defeat. in the morning of october 3, 1935. without any announcement, the flashes attacked ethiopia and bombarded it most severely. ethiopian armed forces bod, courageously. but the roots allergy of the value and knew no bounds. they use not only massive bombing attacks on civilians, but also chemical weapons. toxic gas is this james the course of the war. as a result of the occupation of ethiopia by the fascist 760000 people were killed. the capture of the african state was committed with europe's tacit approval. britain and france recognize the annexation, giving the green light to further fastest expansion in the world, and paving the way for the outbreak of world war 2.
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the arching in these mountains is certainly rewarding, but it takes a lot of energy and man am i hungry. luckily, i'm in north. the city of where food is almost a 4th of religion for recipes are handed down for generations without changes. and this qualifies for being part of the unit. sco world heritage. intangible list. that's the again the what is part of the blog post that isn't the deepest view of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without glitches. let's go out of
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as the, by the way, i mentioned something at the end there and that, that those are my thoughts. i mean, i followed the donald trump presidency. and between the i think $24.00 to $30000000.00 that he got from sheldon addison, the billionaire casino guy. he, he almost that donation almost guaranteed. it came with a promise that donald trump would do everything possible to help bb and support him in all ways. no matter what he did and he did by the way. so when i said i didn't think anybody could be worse on is rarely policy and bend over more for the israeli government. then trump. i was surprised, the biden has basically done exactly the same. some would argue worse, which one would you argue is worse? yeah, i don't want to i,
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i view them as part of different parts of the same system. yeah. so, you know, trying to do things for israel that no other president could do like, like he got got out of the iran deal, which was the one sort of halfway decent. saying that obama did. he moved to the new embassy to jerusalem. he, um, he paid off the moroccans to normalize relations with these railings. and uh, so setting the stage for this. so different us presidents do different things for the insidious of us is rarely establishment. um, you know, this has a long history. i mean, even jimmy carter who people, you know, who, who is very critical of israel, you know, when he was out of the office, when he was in office, even the camp david accords were sort of the weapon as i called. i have an article on this called a weapon, ization of peace, where the word camp david did was basically take egypt,
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the biggest most powerful era country out of the equation of bye and having them signed a peace deal with these railways before these regular ease dealt fairly with the house, denise storm for which we've paid a for which we pay them. uh, billions of dollars annually to this day. right. mm hm. yeah, exactly. exactly. so you integrate that into effect set the stage for a lot of further calamities, even though on its face. it seemed like it was a pro peace bring. it actually set the stage for a great deal of atrocity. i want to ask you about about a story that is very washington, a very washington story, which actually did not take place in washington. let me, let me tell you about it. so i'm sure you know already white house press secretary, corinne john pierre went absolutely bonkers lately. sam, when she was asked by a local reporter in north carolina, if the president is okay. and i thought it was a respectable question,
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she just said, is the president ok? a lot of people want me to ask because, you know, they knew i was going to talk to you. so i'm going to ask you this question here. here it is. here's the moment when i told a number of people that i was talking to you today, the, it was interesting though, they all said, would you please just ask her? does the president have dementia mark, i can't even believe you're asking me this question. that is the credibly offensive question to ask that you know i the last good way. oh, let me. no, no, no, no, no. you mark you. you, you took your ticket down his rabbit holes for the past several years. the president's position has laid out very because in a comprehensive way of the president's health. this is the president. if you watch you every day, if you really pay attention to his record and what he has done, you will see exactly how focus he's been on the american people, how historic his actions has been. and so i'm not even going to truly, truly a really good it'll take take the promise of your question. i think it is
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incredibly insulting. and uh and so we can, you know, we can move on to the next question. yeah. i'll tell you what, samuel, for a new tell me what you think of this and then i'm gonna tell you what i think a well i agree with are those decisions have been to story. i'll say that much. i'm back in making it genocide or arming israel, giving a diplomatic cover and preventing the ceasefire resolution at the un for 6 months. and then when you finally get all the water down, you know alone, you one, you undermine it. is saying that it's not binding at that that's, that's pretty historic. that's pretty started. look, i mean you, you got the blinking. you got jake sullivan, you got all of these, have a rad checks doing it, you know, managing this horrific policy. you know, i don't even care what his allege, you know, a site and psychological state is, but, you know, i was just, i, yeah, i mean, i was,
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she took it back and she was so taking it back by what seemed like a very logical question by the way i feel like i have dimensions sometimes. i mean, she, she, she didn't say he murdered babies and she just said, i mean, the guy just asked the question, is he okay, i mean these, these old, i mean, my mother was old and she had dementia. and the fact that you ran from the question so much reminds me that i wish we would go back to having an actual press secretary . because if she's a pressed secretary, then i'm the queen of norway. okay. she's now press secretary, a press. secretary is somebody who comes from the press, which used to be the way we did this. they chose one of us, somebody like you or somebody like me who was actually went to school, has a journalism degree and is as an as follow news. most of their life are covered news, most of their lives. and they may have talked to their peers somewhere along the line. they decided both parties, but we would have some heck doing this job. some, some, some guy from the democratic party of the republican party is
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a b r company. and that's why we have, i think, not so bright people in these positions. what do you say? yeah, i mean, it's a propaganda position. you know, i mean, i'm at the pentagon at the state department to of briefing sometimes. and, you know, the miller there pretends to be like a professor or something. he's not, he's a propagandist. and um, you know, just discombobulated me. i asked the other day, do you recognize the geneva conventions applied to the house didn't care? cuz he's like of course we recognize the geneva can quite request conventions. next question. and then the next step, the next day you wouldn't call on me. i went up to last towards them. i said, you didn't say with respect to the hosting you territories. did you mean to say that he says no. i said, i'm not exactly what i said. um. so there, there is to deceive their job is to make you think that they said something. yes,
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we recognize the geneva conventions apply to the palestinians. when that is not their policy, their policy used to undermine international law was saying, of pretending to say we, we, we, we expect israel to uphold international law. i was going to ask you, i must make you pull your hair out. but i see that by looking at you, the questions been answered. busy but seriously, you go to these briefings, you sit there, you have to, you have to go to what's that like? i'm sorry, we're down to one minute, but just give us a sense of what it's like to be a reporter today. going to these briefings where, you know, people are lying to your face. yeah, well, i mean, i'm unusual in the, you know, the questions that i ask that people can look up on my sub stack of who say need upsets tax dot com. or, you know, i almost, i almost take the tone of a prosecutor where i am asking them questions that effectively indict them. um and, and sometimes i call out and just said and, you know, literally call them on their, on their baloney right. after october, 7th,
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i did that. so you're going to use whatever making i can to try to expose the lies that are going on that allow for all of these for you and you just and you do, and you do, and you do a great job with that. it's who say need dot subs that dot com. if you want to check out one of the few guys who's actually trying to hold their feet to the fire of sam, your great guess. thanks so much for sharing some time with us today. before we go, i want to remind you of what we do and conversations like the one i was just having with sam and it's a kind of a mission to try and de silo the world. right. stop living and little boxes tell truths, truths don't live in boxes. the truth is everywhere. that's where we try to live. i'm rick sanchez. and i'll be looking for you again right here. but we help to provide a direct impact the
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the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just because it shows you a few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the
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breaking news right here and archie, the un human rights office says either or may have committed a war crime by attacking media bates or in a convoy in guys that the ross and investigators find evidence linking the moscow concept full terrorists. what the crane conflict after obtaining photos from the suspects, bull bombs and parents. jones rise in the south china sea in virginia, cuba is the philippines of intensifying the territorial dispute with support from quote, external forces and an escalation in east africa as somalia expels them. bassett, of neighboring and c o b a and a growing rest over a defeated region.


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