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tv   News  RT  April 5, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the the, the well, the central kitchenaid organizations as usual, cannot proactively investigate the killing of its 7 work as in gaza. and that's also the idea of admitted to faith. he is about to claim the thoughts. it was part of the thing had last. members, i can see why cards bearing 33000 territory in the lives was in the gaza strip. thousands paid to these 3 subs, ronnie, and a huge show of support for palestine. as a civilian dest old rose ever hire. a russian investigator said there is
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a clear link between ukraine and the reset in moscow. terror attack after finding photographic evidence on one of the suspects mobile phones, the others are locked into the option of reaching you from the russian capital. welcome to the latest updates i a michael point. you are the well, the cetera kitchens as usual cannot be trusted to carry out an independent investigation into the deadly id of strikes on it's a convoy and that's the office of another organization is work as were attacked while leaving a warehouse past with food or the idea of a sense fired to senior offices, although we cleaned it for his thoughts, the word profiting him as militants. as we demand the creation of an independent commission to investigate the killings of our colleagues. the idea of cannot credibly investigate its own site. here in garza, the last cross line to our,
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to middle east bear chief mar, phenomena more. i think it's understandably the. well, the central catching is not exactly happy right now. take us through. what do you have to say of the oh yeah, i would rather see world central kitchen is out. rangers right now and doesn't seem to get ready to accept these roles. apology you this stage when they stress the idea of a video of fails to show any reason to keep the humanitarian con voice which carry new weapons and post no threats, they call for a systemic change. to avoid more apologies, more grieving families and more military failures is most recent. one was fall from the on the deadline mistake by his really army. on monday night 7 workers from the international charity that provides foods relief in prices and conflict zones, including starving, gaza,
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were killed when their cars clearly marked with the organizations logo. were heats after the team had unloaded food broke. so there's probably a student in place by seats in the area in the area, by the way, where the u. s. is planning to build a ports to bring humanitarian assistance to gather using mary time rules and on those killed were as citizens of the us was trailer canada, the u. k. and paul and how student driver also died shortly after they me incidents happen. these really leadership admitted unintentional try and involved a trends, parents pro, an earlier on friday the army published the statements calling. what happened a mistake? and here's what they have to say. the investigations findings indicate that the incident should not have a could. those who approve the strike would convinced that they would targeting onto myself protests and not world central kitchen employees. the strikes on the vehicles is a great mistake stemming from a series failure due to a mistaken identification areas in decision making and then attack country to the
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standard operating procedures. the idea of who is supposed to be dismissed to officer is operating drones involved in the killing and disappointing 3 others saying all 5 missed 10, the critical information, but it seems the world is not ready to let's have another deadly mistake buys really on the go here's a very harsh response from the un human rights kind of so for the 1st time in 6 months, all the conflicts taken clear and firm position, condemning israel. attacking people or objects involved in humanitarian assistance may amount to a war crime. as the high commissioner has repeatedly stated, impunity must, and the u. n's tal. pride's body also adopted the resolution of there on friday demanded to stop all arms sales to israel to close. prevent further violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of human
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rights. its trust that the international court of justice ruled in january that there is a plausible risk of genocide in gaza. and ever since things only got worse and they've, how is sweet in clay? friday's resolution also calls for an immediate cease fire, immediate emergency humanitarian access and assistance. and also to n c is really the occupation of the west bank and is jerusalem considered illegal? according to the international law, at least the siege, all the guys, a sweep and the vault, the idea of ins, agent densely populated rough, fine guys, a south where up to 1500000 people. now sheltering di conditions with israel said it is ready to launch a large scale operation there to fight have mass miller tens, israel's and bass. so that to the un in geneva slammed the resolution as painful the human rights council. and for the u. n. as a whole,
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but it seems that israel is getting to a deeper and deeper international isolation and we have to do something with that back to you. all right, our to mid least, very cheap are if in austin, i thank you for bringing us all up to speed on this now was more on how the well, the media reacted to the killing of the 78 workers, but remained relatively silent about the depths of 33000 palestinians of the past 6 months. here is archie is donald cortez across the main stream media stories of 7 a to workers from the world. central kitchen killed trying to provide relief in gaza. buying is really air strike. israel faces global condemnation for what, what it calls a mistaken strike the wealth. central kitchen is posing in scarsdale operations. off the 7 of its workers were killed in an air strike one palestinian and 6 foreigners, including one dual american canadian, as well as an australian and europeans. and is rarely officials are under an
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unusually high amounts of pressure to take responsibility for their actions. first of all, this is where the government's apologizing to the families of varied work is cables, including the 3 families and breton, all of us have expressed breast grief about this guy. right? but all you apologize, the frank, to be frank, if you let me on christian, there's no point attacking me already. i've just arrived. i'm happy to talk to you . i'm just also a simple question. i want an answer to that. you want to apologize. allow me to watch for this was a mistake was moved, so you can apologize already. you don't need to know that the precise details to issue an apology in the greeting family life something. there are grieving families and we agree with them because clearly, so here in terms of traffic has happened. but while the uproar now you'd have to be from a different planet to think that this was the 1st time a handful of civilians were killed by israel. well, most of the 7th day the aid workers had passports from western countries, and that's enough for western journalists to hold their politicians speak to the
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flags, could have any repercussions united states. i mean, i know you're going to say that you're waiting for the, the results be investigation everything. but as we've discussed them in the, we've had this before, investigations, we keep seeing these really, it wasn't usually something i think are 208. we're open till 5. that's right. yeah . we're going to push them to do better as we have done since the beginning. you have a definitive assessment. that's no violation. so it's so we have not at this time concluded that israel has violated international humanitarian law. but these are very much ongoing processes. following the massage of the peoples of influence is not a violation of international humanitarian law. your, your question presumes at this very early hour, that it was a deliberate strike that they knew exactly what they were hitting, that they were hitting a workers and did it on purpose. and there's no evidence of that. it's about time, some serious public attention was given to the flight of aid workers in gaza. and in this case, the chief of world central kitchen says his staff were deliberately targeted by the israelis and part of what he said was not a war on terrorism. for the war against humanity itself, for its part,
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israel says it's supposedly high precision military technology. ms identified its target. this to i cause not carried out with the intention of homie w. c. k, a. where kills. it was a mistake that followed me say, then defecation night during that war, in a very complex conditions. it shouldn't have happened. oops, that's also how tel aviv is brushed off the over $12000.00 children that have been killed in gaza since last october. i figure that surpasses the total number of dead kids in conflicts between 20192022. just one. look at the l. c. 4 hospital before and after israel launched its most recent onslaught would give anyone a sense of how liberally over whelming forces being used there. it all goes to show for why we're seeing such astronomical collateral damage at the hands of tel aviv.
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and how israel seems to care not one iota for the preservation of innocent life in gaza. the the, well, the civilian deaths told and guys, and now passing the 33000 people have taken to the streets and the iranian capital to mob the annual college day. which is dedicated to the find the policy unions are these use of july, the reports on the ground, the people with a capital to run across the country or marketing display already with the palace media people. the last friday of the casting monica from the basement to raise awareness of the palace, the logins i guess as well. he calls from complex to jerusalem was designated back
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in 1979 bytes blades committee. and it has since been widely observed in the country and other parts of the world this year. so it stays totally different from previous years since. * are facing the military campaign by israel now, and it's sort of a resolution to these really occupation of palestine resonates even more urgently ever today. there's time around, the demonstrators have been invented the anger, i guess the idea of learning these really flag insurance to israel. basically, they want to ship to big powers fine holding signs with awareness raising messages, i can see why cards bearing the trigger. 33000 fish territory to the lives was in the gaza strip since the conflict demonstrators. also,
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the recent is really attack that killed the central kitchen aid workers to be on quite a bit call. i tried mostly say shows that it does not stick to any international law. we can also see pictures demonstrating the scale of the destruction, which is after 2 weeks to be an operation to eliminate purchasers here, sorry about the united states continues disappear, idea military officers a few days as well as hospital facilities and damascus on monday, which. * senior officers,
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the bodies military detention people were providing advisory assistance to the syrian army. of course, there are no revenge, which they said how many pretensions for our to against israel resistance american bases on washington brings appears to be idea of these people in
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the extra the criminals face, the tracking diplomatic conditions as an active aggression against the countries sovereignty added on s or so every year the change are based on the latest state of affairs and the region message remains the same way or wrong to show moments to ship life policy and cause while one has called on most that makes sense to turn off on projected that also joining the situation. the alerts tend to east africa now where somalia has expelled the basset of neighboring,
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you'd see will be at the spot. sauntered on the dispute about access to a port in the break away. a regional, somebody land will get issue says it's territorial integrity, it must be respected, a smell. this tends to have an, its sovereignty in light of se, open interference. and now internal affairs, we've demanded if you up as an investor leaf within 72 hours and our closing consulates in how gauge the and got it all way. all reserve and protect, you know, territory is steadfast. bolton shows have been inflamed, patrice along the a and e. c. o p. i, since i just, the buff signed a memorandum of understanding would break. we region offer somebody land under different circumstances. the kind of deal between ethiopia and somali land would have been actively straightforward because one country grants, if land lots nearby access to c port add by extension to international trade. and
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in return is what it a political price to. but some of the land is just a defacto country, and since the political price was nothing this, then it's the o. p s taking steps towards recognizing somali land as the southern states. serious repercussions have followed us since that deal of discussion on the 1st of january, this, the, the symbolic government to quote this um, best suited to ethiopia. and immediately it declared that the brutal king said the accord uh national priority. days off to the news of the m. o. u. somebody president signed a parliamentary bill declaring the deal, not in void a position to the deal spread quickly among the public and government officials participated in the young protest, marching the somali capital on the 11th of january. this. yeah, and that is quite a lot that somebody is angry about more than just the idea that you might recognize that somebody lands independence,
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somalia accuses i just above us. middling. and it's in turning in the face that initiating discussions about in the fee of state with a um, uh somebody land without even trying to notify move. i do see in advance and baltimore, oddly, officials say they do not object to. so you get to your appeal and not the ports gaining access to a port along the so monday or close for commercial purposes, they draw the line at the end. if you open military installation on what they consider. so monte soil. this is of course, deepen despite the fact that move up. this is not really sure what exactly is in the memorandum of understanding which is now creating the conflict between the countries. on the other hand, if the opium prime minister and somebody lands president had presented the deal as a major win for the respective national goals. but before the end of the memorandum the closest you'll pay a quote to the ownership was some agreements in 2017,
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but opted that's everything just fell through. and of course, to add to the epi center of the whole conflict. if somebody lands been report which occupies a strategic position in the whole north africa and lies on a very busy shipping route for traffic to and from the middle eastern, eastern africa and the main beneficiary of all of this. and this whole complex power place could be somebody land, even though it is in a ton to miss break ways, stay from somalia, that has the persistency pursuit independence for 33 years. it has states institution, it has the military and is functioning, political and economic system. but it's independence is not recognized by any country. and somalia considered somebody lined up to be part of its territory. and why is that the opiate is impinging upon its sovereignty. but what we do know so far is that the result in crisis could escalate as somalia is rolling into
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a national supports to the deal. while if you open somebody lined up, he has determined to go ahead with this deal. observe is, and indeed some of the officials, the fia, the dispute may place into the hands of also bob, which is the missteps, insurgencies, amaya, and said that paula rice has the region the rocks in the forward, he said for the graphic evidence found on the phones of the moscow terror attacks aspects prove a link between the tri city and the watering ukraine. i do for you said the terrace phone contains the images of people and comma flush along with the ukranian slug and destroyed houses in the background. it also contains a ukrainian postage stamp with an obscene gesture. this evidence may indicate a link between the terrace stats and the special military operation, a set of investigative actions and operational measures of being carried out to verify the involvement of representatives of the cranium. special services and
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international is the mess terrace organizations in the organization and financing of the terrorist act. an investigation here in russia has been ongoing since the horrific events of the 22nd of march, which took the lives of 144 innocent civilians. we have seen a number of arrests, the series of criminal charges broke forward and obviously investigation on folds. we are getting more and more information about the forces which choreographed the attack. the latest is the data from the phone of one of the atrocities suspected pop. the traits of which they actually tried to throw away understanding that it would probably incriminate them father. this data has been analyzed. what does it show? well, 1st off, like we had photos of a male in minute tree fatigue straight. and then you praying in sac holding a chain with a symbol of ukraine. that's the tried and photos of a tank of the bones out building, presumably from the wizard,
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plus an image that really became eye clinic and the days of the will. thoughts of the ukrainian soldier standing on snake island, giving the middle finger to a russian ship. this really went down in the annals of history. it was a legend, almost. although ultimately it proved to be nothing but missed on thoughts, not from deluxe, which on the morning of february 24th 2024 on the, on the bus. 3 of the start of the special military operation, one of the co conspirators on the instructions of the curator, found screenshots of images of the entrances to the crocus, the whole building and access roads to its own internet resources, and sent them to him. the suspect confirmed all of this in his testimony. so clearly the 22nd of march atrocity was not a spontaneous. let's go and shoot the top crow cuz it was meticulously pond. it was coordinated with a number of players on the concept who was chosen as a target months in advance just to be clear. and none of this proves anything
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definitively. no location of the photographs or people in the photographs of being identified as far as we know. but what the investigation is throwing up such as many lens father creat installed. top russian officials have been saying for weeks, which is that one way or not the ukraine because had, but it was no innocent bystander in the blood. the events of that day literally ship items. this attack was prepared by radical islamic and was facilitated by western special services ukraine. special services also have a direct link to it. what does ukraine supposedly need to do to prove it's worth commit sabotage and terrorist attacks? that's what ukraine security services and the british security services have claimed. oddly enough, the americans have also spoken about this repeatedly when you specify the us, the u. k. and ukraine. those 3 countries were behind the terrace attack, said, of course you, well, i think so. we are currently talking about the findings that we have,
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and there are some general developments. it seems that the thing is all beings of being pointed at ukraine, but have out of the west of the reaction to all of this. give us a bit more about that. well, fuss me. it is important to note that none of those, the rest of the sofa of ukrainian origin, almost all have central asian heritage on sympathies with is the most extreme is on the bottom. the page has been very clear on this, on how this was a calculated political decision by the mazda mind of the tax designed to stoke onto my going on is on the 3rd big sentiment in russia, which of course, is home to more than $6000000.00 foreigners over 90 percent of whom come from central asian states. i see numerous with russia. it cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalists. we have a country that demonstrates a unique example of into faith harmony and unity into religious and ethnic unity.
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and in the external arena, russia behaves in such a way that it can hardly be an object of attack by islamic fundamentalists. but the goal of undermining the unity of russian society, especially in more than conditions, is certainly visible. moscow has long maintained that the gunman was simply pull ones. and this why did to your political day mind that the true architects of the atrocities still remain at large very possibly abroad. now, on that point, given current events, and given what we know about tips modus operandi, it was probably only natural that suspicion would food on ukraine. but really, this suspicion became even stronger off to the very old reaction of kids allies to the terrorist attack. the atrocity was basically still ongoing when washington came out in 1500. besides, it's isis pay, we've made that determination step. nothing to do with you quite. and don't look at you crate. now, just to reiterate,
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no investigation had been opened yet no one had even mentioned. you quaint and thought crow class would still literally bonding. and yet here was washington already defending its ward. it really seemed like a case of the late of protests too much. there's no indication at this time that ukraine or ukrainians were involved in the shooting. but again, it's just broke. we're taking a look at it. but i would disabuse you with this early hour of any connection to you. there is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because you credit was not involved in this. there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that ice k is actually and by all accounts responsible for what happens that talking about ukrainian involvement or how much should we believe them? but i think we have very little confidence in and the thing the russian government says there is absolutely no evidence that the government of ukraine had anything to
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do with this attack. the media of course, occurred all of this measuring most of those concerns as baseless. but like i said, we really do need to look at the ukranian pay book. and very sadly, terrorism does feature, that was a thought is the meet up for that to list of needing american politicians. john this officials, celebrities was about to i get a couple of things. what about to blow up the crime in bridge for t up this is all side game they've admitted as much to spin up. is it true that the security service of ukraine was involved in the elimination of such persons as kiva cyrus and starsky? can you give any details if this is the case, then yeah, with your question is exactly the right one. officially, we cannot recognize this in any way, but at the same time i'm ready to disclose the details to you. so that is the context to the latest developments in this investigation. the task now will be unraveling. all of these threads, fathers that they need, most goes security services to them off the mind of the massacre on,
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if indeed they do end up leaving to the landscape government in kias. will this be a way to shut moment when ukraine's allies finally stopped turning a blind eye to the bloody and terrorist auctions open increasing the rogue states? where the, how the situation might play out in ukraine is the focus of the latest episode of going on the ground. but at the goal of science, professor john, the share mazda, it's down to share his thoughts. you can watch the show throughout the day. but here's a quick preview. you see, you will get rushing media and global south and media. this talk of doubling down by nato countries, the quote, because whole massacring must go the ties to a. i mean, you might want to explain what isis k is, because i think most people around the world see it as a capitalized by us policy in afghanistan and iraq and
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syria. people are saying they are doubling down on it and fronts a has plans. according to the russians. i'm sending more than a 1000, maybe one uh, 1000 foreign legion nato, for the 2 country members uh, soldiers to help zalinski of which page. and it said that they will, they will um, react to that military. i don't believe the french are going to send troops into ukraine. i believe the americans will tell them in no uncertain terms that that is not possible. and the germans. ready do the same and i think to be significant resistance within france itself. if i'm a chrome tries to do that, or you were talking before about the possibility of the west using nuclear weapons to defend ukraine. sure, the russians when i think that's xtreme leo, i'm likely i think the team that states is not going to initiate we're use. i don't
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even think we're going to think seriously about that possibility. and again, i don't think we're going to send in troops either. i think that we will just have to accept the fact that we lost in ukraine, and what we will do foolishly, i believe, is everything possible to undermine russia's position in those parts of ukraine that it ends up annexing. and more generally doing everything we can to cause trouble for russia moving forward. so even if we get a frozen conflict, i think what's likely to happen here is that you're likely to have an intense security competition between ukraine and the west on one side at russia on the other side for the foreseeable future. and the potential for escalation in this competition, this nasty competition will be significant. the
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well, hard to the companies where you can get for the details of all stories will fall long this out. thanks for watching. i'll see you again the who, what i would show the no, just don't a whole new world. yes. to shape house and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will depart. we choose to look for common ground the because they already see here cause they can scroll. so i'd be search and then use .


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