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tv   Going Underground  RT  April 6, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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a determination to maintain strong collaboration with china. i think he said that during the dinner during the meeting and particularly in industrial and in the last lecture sectors, you know that china is one of the indonesia is most significant partners. and so i believe uh, it's only reasonable that china has become one of the top countries, the resist. yeah. and the research is expected to help improve by like the relation between our 2 friendly countries. yeah. i think uh that says the very significant reset by, by see them like 5 level. now if we talk about the security of the in the past, the effect by b j considers you as interference to be the main cost off true balance in the
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region from your point of view. what's enemy shows view on this matter? well uh, 1st and foremost, as it comes to the with the free and active foreign policy, we naturally see a secure and peaceful in the past civic region, strategy environment for indonesia to try and to grow. as a result, we prefer cooperation with a more inclusive approach that well comes every one through dialogue, mutual respect and understanding of international law rather than rightfully and competition. so this is clearly stated in the asi, i'll look uh for the in the past,
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i think. and i've called and said real boys by indonesia, that as soon as to become the perspective of us young member states, indonesia is the world uh, 16 largest economy now and the 3rd largest democracy in the world. so our population makes up more than 40 percent of the overall i see on population. that means that indonesia is a new economic power and it's price and the size implication for original and globally front on me suck, chose so as a middle power, indonesia has similar power and liability to join the bricks. and if this happens,
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it will undoubtedly enhance the new nation economy and also open up several prospects. however, the extent to which indonesia, we'll join the break still a consideration for us. so both in terms of economy gains and political issues and it is prudent for us to anticipate what the future may hold. so, but i believe that the, it is style and so low from non ally and approach to both the alignment approach now is already different color from bipolar b butler. so mostly for indonesia is the forest most populous country in the world with a robust economy. we also know that we are aiming for the golden generation in
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2045 to and do you see any asia as a leader in the global cells as the world experiences the shift towards multi polarity of the global? well, it's undoubtedly that indonesia is consistently forcing the interest of the global solid in international air and not as we did in the past during the 1st independence era. so internet show was the pioneer of the asia, africa congress in 1955 and resulting in desktop steel bundle or the bundle and spirit rates later become the inspiration to the establishment of the non lying movement in 1961. and at that time, indonesia left the global south struggle against imperialism,
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colonialism, and western occupation. so indonesia was also the founding member of us, the on shortly after 1967. and now indonesia is a member of g to empty. the 3rd larger, largest democracy in the world. one of the most promising me the power countries. and what i wanted to emphasize is that indonesia is us feel committed to play a fire football role in creating global peace. so global peace and security and prosperity. so hands, i'm very determined to express opinions in that indonesia, and as i really always show significant leadership in
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the global south, we're going to talk about election, but not in a nation election. we are going to talk about russian presidential election. i think indonesia, in russia as a very long standing of relations since the so if you have time. so given indonesia, in russia as a long history of this throne relation, i believe this is a very welcoming and kind of june of gesture, right? example or president put the end to accommodate delayed by see them like, yeah, but i will. and this also demonstrates the 2 countries intention to develop by lead through the nation under rebels, the government. so like weisner also we are way too late, but i sit in within 4 is are these out in election with land slide 63. i would like to begin with appreciation through the federal assembly, you know,
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the russian federation and sample election formation for opportunity to be part of the intonation of sort of ration of the russian presidential election. so it is indeed a reflex and this is for the 2nd time i written this, the presidential election, the 1st time was 99. the 6 during the election. and the candidate at a time was voted sales team and to gonna, uh, and uh for this election i think for candidates. so the election of silver program is an important event that allows us to learn from one another and share best practices and explore democratic practices. the 3 different methods of casting votes. yeah,
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which i did now. i which i then it's a at my manually by checking the options of develop paper and electronically by using the device provided. so these 3 ways and the other one is online, which can be done uh from anywhere without having to go to the holding station. so this 3 uh options i demonstrate the, the strong a willingness to hinder fraud. i think. so through the use of technology indicating a more democratic improvement. and furthermore, i believe that the russian people are actually made it to do fling political inclinations as evidenced by transparent voting boxes, which i so yeah, uh, treated uh,
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the sensors that directly counted uh ballots. and this demonstrate the majority of democracy in russia. so overall, my findings indicate that the any country can develop its own electro system of customized to its own needs. and democracy can continue to evolve in accordance with its countries. unique circumstances. that's uh, i think over all my findings. yeah. and you had a pleasure visit as well as always in russia. of course. yeah. so. so not long after the election completed, the west crashed a b b e. election to criticize the election and calling it on democracy. take an unfair. so from your point of view,
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why do you think such allegations were made towards russian election? well, i cannot the command on their behalf. yeah, i am sure unsure of the basis of such charges. however, i believe it is important that we recognize that democracy may grow in response to each country's particular needs and circumstances. and i think so far uh i witness the process of democracy in russia. we did turn aldo so many people, and also with the transparency in the pulling station proof that they have breakfast, a democratic election. we also know not long after the election. there's a recent terror attack in moscow that really shocked the
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world, especially not long after the election and prompting several countries to ramp up there and type her is precautions. so how has indonesia responded to the news of this tragedy? well, i was in moscow almost a week here before the effect of good and i was there to participate this, you know, the entire nation observation for the president selection of a presidential election. it was, i'm very logical. it started road and trouble by the harder for effect on civilians in public spaces. because before the election, even a night before the election, we also in the room in the big room like, uh, parts of home to watch all sort of performances of, uh,
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the best of singing and dancing. so russian culture. so of course, on behalf of the house of representatives of 35 bits of indonesia and the inclination people, i send my profile of on the lenses to the russian people following the how to take effect on the progress of city hall. and which claim many lives more than $100.00. yes. and our hotels seem to be also extend to the injured and uh the, the uh, the uh, families. so following the incident in moscow, the invitation government through the coordinating menu, sir for politics law and human rights, as directed, relevant of ministries, particularly security forces to boost domestic vigilance,
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which i believe is a natural reaction. but most importantly, i believe in donations were surprise and said then to learn about the fact we all hope that the. 1 risk responsible for sites a genius effect to be arrested quickly and it's been, i've asked it, i think by the or $30.00 fees. and uh, so it'd be stopped. so because of course, uh this, this uh, really disturbing. and its a threat to the most co is also looking into evidenced uh for in special services taking part in this attack. so do you think this period is justified? well, i promise that the russians are pretty before us is real swiftly on call for the preferred traitors of these areas. scaling no matter where they come from.
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and whoever is responsible must be persist with it. yeah. and also is the science behind. this is a fact, so i believe a spill in under investigation. so now we will back talking about the media and russia relationship. there are a lot of people who shared the opinion that the relationship that both countries have right now is solely because the relationship that has built during soviet indonesian era to what extent do you agree on this opinion? well indeed i think, uh, we cannot deny the historical throughs that by letter nation suited between indonesia and russia be game during the soviet union era. and it's
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basically in 1945. yeah. since the beginning of our independence and at the time the associate union was one of the countries that, well come indonesia, independence and a condemn. all types of hold on. yeah. reasons. and uh, fee goes fighting for indonesia, independence side support. and uh, a from the soviet union at the united nation u. n. the sophia union regularly highlighted the issue of indonesia. and the last thing that the u. n. stop that you're going to to the aggression and for the international community to recognize indonesia as an independent hunting. so i think this is
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a static effect on historical capital for the foundation of our, uh, long lasting relation between the 2 countries. so along with the global politic of brands, there have been ups and downs in relation between indonesia and russia, but i believe there we will continue to assign some in the near future and also in the future. if we are taking back to these days, what modern day projects between the 2 countries that play an important role in strengthening the cooperation and in your point of view, how can we escalate that relationship? well, uh, indonesia idea of over asian has been wired successful in variety, or fails, but the friends and location corporation spam out. yeah. i hope that's corporation between the 2 feels we'll continue to grow in the future
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. however, i believe it is also interesting, those by the, the prospect of corporation in the field of renewable energy, for example. and they're not, they've energy and also particularly nuclear and energy, interesting point that even the show have to open up towards russia. yeah. now, um there's just id release to buy envelope an innovation company that monitor social networks. and the study found that the majority of indonesian users expressed support for the russian special military or pre should also citing a negative attitudes toward nieto and the u. s. so what's your take on this study, and why do you think in a nation's half this kind of opinion? i do believe that indonesian citizens are knowledgeable about
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the issue and above the thing. objectively. the side, the by the big data analytics f lawyer has shown a clear public opinion on the ground. however, i have to clarify that the finding uh does not have the prison dispense of indonesian authority in the nation consistently versus the floss on democracy will be allowed to release them and dialogue to and conflict. and those fairly these and of course, we really continue to critically digest many various information or issues, including little bit analysis and you brain and gaza and many other
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places in the context of the russia, ukraine conflict and release as clearly stated that we consistently support the perfection of variability or integrity and soften empty. so yes, diplomacy and dialogue, so the at the forefront to find sustainable solutions. so i believe still the end of war. uh, should be, i mean, uh at the end, you know, diplomacy and negotiation. so it'd be there. so we are parole to this diplomacy and negotiation at the end to find a more sustainable and permanent solution about this. finally, i am part of the ip you task force in the fall them into the union task force on russia, ukraine conflict. and we pushed up to both parties from russian
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solomon uh on this space represented by their federal funds to uh, and also by duma. and also the ukranian parliament. actually we try to find a more sustainable uh, peaceful solution uh through dialogue. i think this is with us or is the only platform that still exist. it can be a platform for engagement from both parties. so i think in an issue, i want us to have a piece in the territory because it also affects uh for security, the end of the decent pdp. nope. leo safety. indonesia has consistently force the need to respect the un charter and international law,
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including who respect in 3030 of the integrity and suffering p. however, we also committed to multilateral exams and diplomacy to and conflict and hostilities. so hands, i do believe that you need a lab throw sanctions to word russia are not only in a factor and what was the other way around, but also unable to find a clear path for sustainable peace. so secondly, i would assert that indonesia also formerly complies with the fundamental principle of independence and active part and policy, which had been uh, called meant that uh since 1948. so it
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means that indonesia, i was wondering, policy cannot be fully or partially align with any countries, any blogs or in the world power in this respect indonesia as maintain possible safe relations, re busha since it is off yet era. so likewise, indonesia also has become a good friend of ukraine since their independence in 1991. so our friendship has deeply repeated our foreign policy history. actually see that last year the nation for administer called for reform of the you and the security consul emphasizing the need for a multi lateral system. so what do you make of the debate surrounding this issue? the security, consult efficiency? yes, of course. the issue of the advocacy and efficiency of the u. n. security console
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has become our close of pension. we are outright supporters of the u. n. system and we put the strong trust in the powder and we'll fill out the role of the system. however, we believe that the you and the security council of the form is extremely needed to avoid further pot fatherless is with you guys through the political situation. suggesting guys, uh, i think uh to create peace in palestine. so for those serious steps, need to be taken immediately 1st. oh congress my us, you live and have their same interest to create sustainable peace in gaza and palestine as a whole by working together taking complete actions and mobilizing resources to lead out of this adversity. and 2nd,
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western countries must stop there, douglas, found it a double send the perspectives douglas, i'm as you and he poll perfect, so attitude towards palestine and completely stopped providing politics. so late the end, the call and make support. so israel authority, so then we must also raise you negotiations to create an independent palestinian state and upset by the spine to become a full member of the united nations. and in this case, indonesia will of course uh, continue to provide politico support model support for police need in independence and the security of the policy, me and people. so in the nation actually continue to gather support for palestinian
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peace through various forums including have the parliamentary level. so in these last 2 ip assembly sessions with example, we have always mobilize this thing of the global vitamin by football, shooting and emergency item 2. and is that i was attacked on guys to stop the war and also the violation of human rights and guys i initiated this last time in one that and on roller russell silver. and then uh, recently in jeanette uh, also uh with south african solomon and also had a blue pallet and the the
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the in 1941 with the nazis health relation. ultram nationalist view establishes the claim, the independent state of croatia. shortly off the seizing power. they built the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during we'll go to use dash is use the cam system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities and political opponents of the fascist regime conditions in the san of us come with a renders the gods to which it to arise and the prisoners they send in the
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constitution temps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the the the, the the, the, the,
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the love that the media does a yeah. who are shown on was because of the of the associated vehicle. got you to go into it. you and you're doing the properties is the best. let's just put on the since i see the slides because i have some students go to the, the media to decide if that goes what it is. uh, my, your, it was the one year that it was already sites. so you can think that it's pretty spit use it up a vehicle, was that glitched? i know the the
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russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community. most i'll send some of the same assist. you must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will bend in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state on rochester thing and split the r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you speak to stephen twist, which is the the, the
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bottom line, of course, in the meal temporarily hopes a un security council briefing about the plight of women and children who education is your making, the good, i'm sure. the pro 5. seeing riley's, i help throughout the muslim world on the last friday overall. my gone for the to build a grim use of the cause of death. both have died in central bush, a policy of a 1000 people to the state of emergency is declared in the re the model. jessica kings out of the d. u. m boss of the sci fi.


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