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tv   Documentary  RT  April 7, 2024 4:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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in the country. oh, it's interesting to hear. he is one of the very few e leaders that is sending for piece talk. when it comes to the situation in ukraine . he says that he's not fond of the idea of sending more weapons to ukraine, but we could say that him went in is essentially showing the size that some of our kids are taking when it comes to the cleaning and conflict. okay, so we have the president, the legs in favor of peace. what was the international reaction being to this development? so of course, in the west, if your views don't really align with what they see is morally right, then you are this pro russian entity that is against piece for them be and against equals being against a ukraine. when so for them it's either your plan wins or nothing at all and what's their media was quite quick to highlight to this specific view in different articles. but the prime minister of the voc, you also shares a similar view to the one of the president. now in slovakia i'm like the president,
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the prime minister, which leads the government holds the most executive power. so the prime minister here, roberts 5th so says that he promises to and military a to crane and that he stands for peace talks like listen, okay, and i, it looks like it has other and bigger problems in your brain. we don't agree with. i mean degree, if sma forms of coalition, we would do everything also is a part of the e. u. a support. everything for peace and ukraine and efforts to stop peace negotiations on ukraine. now the prime minister of slovakia has previously mentioned that these new sanctions against multiple are essentially pointless. he also says that if the ukraine to the joins nato then that the pulls the 3rd world war. but so we do have older reactions to this presidential election and one of them is the hon. gary and prime minister, who essentially congratulated slovakia on their recent elections. looks like listen, my heartfelt congratulations to people agreeing on his overwhelming victory at the
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slow presidential elections. a big win for the people of slovakia and the big wind for the advocates of peace all around europe. now at the end of the day it was the country's choice to make so which this would mean that people in slovakia are essentially tired of seeing their money being spent in a war that they don't want to be part of. so of course, another you member that is also sharing the same sentiments as so vodka is hungry and the backlash against slovak is annually elected president, is also something we saw, i guess the home very a prime minister, vic, to oregon all because these country also stands for peace talks, rather than sending more and more weapons to ukraine. of course, now the west seems to be in steer that some sort of slovak can and hung. gary and coalition might happen, which could threaten the rest of the you. now, by threatened in here, i mean that's more and more you citizens might just start electing tend to dates that are more pro peace talks and negotiations. and, you know,
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with an economic crisis in the u on top of that internal and domestic issues on the rise, it's very probable that sooner or later that you will have to make a choice. and that choice is either a set down in the go shooting table with moscow and talk about the conflict, or keep on spending more and more money on your brain and spending more money on your claim that is only fuel in the war that ukraine is now losing, and also a war that could potentially escalate into something even worse. now, when we think of the concentration camps during world war 2, we tend to focus on the atrocities that occurred on the corner soil. but there's another notorious area, in fact, this 3rd largest extermination comp and all of that conflict that's rarely get spoken about. next we look at what happens to serve the subject fallacious. yes, and that's death account. it is a hurricane watch, but an important one. and then starts
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the the,
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the, the, you have been following this story of what really happens to the man,
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women and children from cousin who was sent to us on. if it's fixed, i'm a nation camp. the thanks to a newly released as, as the documentation. we will be able to locate and trace what happens to the possessions to the goals that was taken and use some of its extermination cap the. this is the original. who is this? the previous asset to the c i a, the documents and till the 21st of october, 1946 o. s. s agent m. as in bigelow, whose task was to locate and trace the gold looted by the nazis in world war 2. identified exactly what happened to the goal and that was taken in yugoslavia actually in the independent state of croatia. he sent his report to mister harold
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glasser, director of mandatory. it was such that the us treasury building in washington dc. yeah, it's the full secret content. there harold, the following report has recently been received from a reliable source in italy. it is sent to you in the belief that it may be of interest. the owes to show organization crow sions, fascist organization headed by type avalanche removed funds from yugoslavia. estimated to total $350000000.00 swiss francs. the funds were launched in the form of gold coins from the funds broad from the form i independent crow at state where jews and serves with plundered to sip on the most to show organization and fix. i owe an estimated 150000000 swiss francs
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were in pounded by british. most of our days that the strows with frontier the balance of approximately 200000000 swiss francs was originally held in the vatican for safe keeping. and according to a ruler, a considerable portion of this later amount has been sent to spain and argentina through the vatican's pipeline. but it is quite possible that this is merely the smoke screen to cover the fact that the treasure remains in its original repository . sincerely yours, emerson, bigelow, famous journalist and research. and that will, could, she was one of these survivor. she was a child of closer and home. she is live, keep indicated, collecting the names of the killed children till the age of 14. so head collected, precise names over 19419
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to establish names or children killed or from consider a region killed, didn't just signal what's extermination can the, let's see what happens to the children of color who was sent to you, send the fits extermination kept the only such camps that existed in world war 2 children aged up to 12 who was cents now as a direct result of decorated venomous officer to 2 volt times successful operations . the . busy the. 2 the
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. ringback the
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. busy the the . busy the . busy the,
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the intention was to present to your son, which is a working environment the we actually have pictures of lots of really happened that you sent events that these are images of 200 children that they close to should come under the about miller chose to showcase his yes, and if it's reality to the international community, however, the truth is very different. being put in control of your son, if it's extermination, cap newbold mulish as a come under in 1942. came up with an incredible monstrous answer. 10 a guy there. his intention was to totally conceal all traces of
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crimes and suggestions of genocide. so the only nazi country in europe. 2 all the well to have just like germany. so the rice, true extermination camps, but which they prefer to call concentration caps was curly sha? yes. and of itself was the largest comp in all of the world war 2. what's the most monstrous, in terms of how the people detained? what killed but and yes, and if it's the killing was conducted in the most terrible ways. they used a specially designed, circled, so it'd be a knife. people were killed with sledge hamis, even expectant mothers in late pregnancy. they devised incredible ways to make victims eyes pop out. because the had defeat, independent state of croatia,
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tablets had said by wants to start each day with a fresh plate of sub eyes. that jerry phrase was even written in a book titled by the famous italian writer, courtesy. and by the way, he describes this hellish scene on the other hand, the nazis fig. creation. post a ship propaganda, the son of it was a labor cab. now they say stuff, every new special sensitive operation. how to demonstrate to the international community that all of as well and how to hide the heinous crimes and genocide that took place every day in the us. and if it's desktop, this even involve the famous cardinal. we should still be in it's
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at that time in 1941. and until the end of the war in 1945 cut in no stip unit held the position of archbishop of sa grab. that was his role. and he was the only man responsible for maintaining daily contract with the vatican. he even went as far as sending daily messages and left us to pope pius the 12th. unbelievably alicia step in which made his contribution by inviting one of his closest and best friends at the time, months and you are most switching to visit the us out of its concentration cap. that visit took place in 1942 the
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months and you must searching was meant to be the eyes and ears of the vatican which had spiritual responsibility and was recognized throughout the world as a moral authority. great impulse and staff all was attached to watch the fat to consult and highlight responded to the sound of its desk. that meant that months and you must searches for cold water to carry significant weight. so luis, a step inch called his friend. they had study together, dates of together in room learning doctrine and the teachings of the catholic faith . so my, so she came. but while she was shown and presented with was a diametrically opposite picture to watch the camp was in reality. remember the 20000 children should have been taken to death camp commanders took
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just a few of them. some 200 children who were given the mess of old gift of life. they were presented to months and you are my searching and to other international authorities. even now a check. so any mention of your son, if it's in the fat to consider all kinds will reveal nothing, nothing more than what months and you must, which you saw happy children singing and playing. you will that there was a labor camp. now, there is a strong incentive for the pope process because caught in the step in which is undergoing the process of so called beatification and felt had begun. long before even the time of pope john paul. the 2nd, the question of whether the cardinal step or not you should be proclaimed to st. that process makes it very important that we know and confirm what archbishop step
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enough really did dentist draw. his letters can be found personal messages to the pope, claiming to have done a wonderful job. the cure, lation catholic church, having from the 1944 to this day, more than 200000 converts people who chose to face to change their religion from orthodox. and became catholic the most and after the episode was months in your muscle, g is just one example. when it had become undeniably clear, that croatia was losing the wall archbishop step and was invited and received personally by the independent correlation head of state to publish. yeah, we see the heavy duty that he received as a mission to do his best in order to save leading political figures and
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independence correlations. minutes really to doing the days, months and years of his tenure. and he did do his best. the phil felt the commission in that sense, my erotically cardinal step, and that you might actually be considered a saint at least for the correlation states. the people talk political and military officials, he saved from being arrested and brought to justice for their unimaginable crimes. she organized so called rich channels arranged for top military leaders. some would say criminals to visit sicily, number 7, cecilia, and strange to be received as refugees. and even given new documents and passage to a safe haven. leslie analogy and tina, as was even managed for the head of state to publish. but this goes deeper.
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the question was asked, what days people live and excellent names was found. the gold taken from the taste of use and of its victims, mostly subs and jews. and some from the roma population enormous quantity of gold was sent to the vatican. that was another task for continental step. and when it became clear that the wall was lost, he organized an annual bishop's conference. and in his address to the bishops, he said, we have a special mission and we choose the most faithful among the faithful. and that's las colinas of direct on events. another friend from his school days in the vatican where they loaned the catholic doctrine together. trellis not kind of which is the
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most faithful and specially chosen accepted the mission and personally took the goals to the vatican. there are records, we can locate the fate of that gold because bush also already stopped under arrested people at the boulder. and then took, once that such an enormous amount of money was released from the subject under which took the balance of those funds is and goes straight to the vatican. now whole this has been discussed with this gold exiled was to show organization has some would say for decades been financed throughout the postwar. yes. it might seem that the catholic church has always supported these war criminals. the pope himself john paul, the 2nd even personally received the president of austria full time when he experienced strong international isolation. and he was recorded
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a saying that well, time was a good catholic. so his position was restored. based on this knowledge, clearly cardinal stiff enough to special instructions one from the savvy and orthodox church. and another from the catholic church in croatia. books offering evidence by order of the vatican to look into unifying the collective positions. don't weigh the costs in no step enough to shut the college st. this document is a personal letter from extra timeouts. bishop alicia step and that's which dated november the 29th. but this is from
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1979. just imagine that's more or less a year before croatia was officially proclaimed and recognized as the newly formed independent state of croatia. from this measure it becomes abundantly clear that the knowledge of bishop alicia's step in that's is a committed and notorious mtc much simply what he did just to you know, the saw the break out of the 2nd world war was to attack the jewish sylvia and populations but isn't the job of a high priest, even the highest of priests as archbishop of sa grab. so what did happen with the us on if it's extermination camps just on if it's
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remained active up to the very last day. you'll now see what was left. then but you sent events looked like on the day you had to liberate us into the extend the nation kept the close to detain, is being held in the camp, tried to escape, but in the haste, they simply wanted to band and destroy everything they could look so much evidence remained removing or destroying it old would have been impossible. it was hell on us. the deadline own over the ground. it was peel hara. the smell of decaying human flesh hung in the bodies everywhere. that was the scene, the treated, the 1st deliberate as the people who enter do you send if it's literally shocked with a so called fact trays to authorize it in the account?
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the same as skin side tray, and another as a producer, change, known as a lunch at the, it was impossible to escape the river was dest, was everywhere, bodies as long been left to rot. the assessed demonstrations inside read. it was the summer of 1945, the people gathered and protested loudly. the crowd was enormous. another group of people, those who had happily greeted the german soldiers with flowers. then with those who had lost s office, mothers, brothers or sisters,
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they chanted desk to the wall criminals. the victims of us on events wanted revenge the table with desperate. they couldn't believe what it happened when it was uncovered, the full truth of the monstrous reality. if the ascent of its extermination camps, they set the victims of your sentiments would one for revenge. it was class at the purchase of the innocent had to pay the desk to wall criminals. these demonstrations have never been shown. it's almost impossible to remember the reality of sunk rent just after the war. the especially when we consider another reality that the sub in population of equal rights under the constitution.
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after the civil war of $95.00 disappeared, they had to lease croatia. and now no more than 2 percent of correlations, population is being the habits of world war 2. and if you send, if it's continued in 1995 with an attack on the serbian population in serbia in croatia across the
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the, this hours headline stories 3 people are injured during and that stuck on the cell . put ro g at nuclear power plant by ukrainian drones just 20 minutes after on inspection, by 8 e a representatives also a head by some future. let me come. we are marketing today, 6 months of work. the shipments of the world, the rate. we are a step away from victory b as really prime minister at both. so what he calls the great achievements of the operation in dallas have 6 months of devastating war on the end fave is marked by a death sold up reportedly exceeds 33000 people. the i'm the hung gary and prime minister welcomes the new president elect as the box,
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the senior politician calling for peace. and you pray. well, that's a win for the nation. the but the recap of the top stories for the past 7 days and writes up to the moment developments as well. hello, and welcome to the weekly here mark there's been a ukrainian, rona tech on the photos you and you can our power plant. 3 people have been injured on the sites, infrastructure has been damaged, rushes, rough, awesome corporation who runs the plant as co. busy on the international community to condemn the assault. a real sad time categorically condemns the unprecedented attack on the facilities of the nuclear power plant and its infrastructure and cools on the leadership of the international atomic energy agency, the director, general rafael grossi personally, as well as you governments to immediately respond to the direct threat to the
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safety of these a borrowers, your nuclear power plant, and categorically condemn the attempt to escalate the situation around europe largest nuclear power plant. this latest attack took place just before mid day web of 3 ukrainian f. p. jones, otherwise known as kamikaze. drones are reported to obstruct those. i thought it was you and you'd be a pop blog, which again, is the largest in europe. one of the drones hit the port facilities, some of the nuclear power plants. and now the drone impacted me of a dining hall, which is again, used by hundreds, thousands of civil civilian employees of the nuclear power plant. 3 people, again will civilians, employees could be injured, and the law screwed heath the 6 reacts to build a v i a, a has been one. they've said to themselves of this strike. they've been pulled that
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it has happened. they both have said this is consistent with their own observations . it's just 20 minutes before this latest strike, the international atomic agency had a team on the ground conducting an inspection, the international atomic energy engines experts have been informed by his approach a nuclear power plant that a drone designated on site today. such designation is consistent with i a, a, observe ations i or still refrain from actions that contradict the $588.00 principles and jeopardize nuclear safety director general russell grocery set. the goals of these reacts the buildings are very, very big. they can, they can with that huge impacts, as there is a risk the, the drug would have penetrated the nuclear, the building itself before he's however, that it could destroy the body to little critical and for track infrastructure.
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subbing the reaction building and that is the water pumping mechanisms, the cooling systems, the powered systems which code by the lead to a critical failure within the reactive builder itself. the the ukrainian side had previously showed the reactor complex. uh, the nuclear power plant repeatedly, repeatedly the multiple attacks, there's damage at the nuclear power plant. vital systems had been damaged before. nevertheless, the west has refrained from outside criticizing you paid for these tribes. but now we're also asked them is ringing alarm bell saying that these cannot be allowed to continue. and that this must be condemnation. will be great in government pressure on that. you create the military to end this war just to pick off and one off, put it off to the last her points. the russian foreign ministry spokesman marie is a heart of a house called in western leaders to finally admit the key of striking europe's
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largest nuclear power plant is potentially catastrophic. a. hi, den matoney shows an otherwise live defenders realize that their words and bond could by street may leave nothing of it. the international community must realize and respond to the act of a nuclear terrorism. but the key for shame, how many more time should the armed forces of ukraine show the separate ocean nuclear power plant before the west, and it's not your monster as a landscape. stop repeat in this w as in the blood is show let's cross life no to us army veteran anomalous scouts. bennett, scott, good to see you. there we have its ukraine continues. this show a nuclear plant to europe largest showing a lock of at concern for the possible epic consequences for both people and the environment. why does the international community feel to react in your view to, to these breaches? well, it's, it's a remarkable display of cowardice or ignorance,
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or even more frighteningly, a complete delusion and incompetence on the part of these european leaders to not recognize that the destruction of the largest nuclear plant in their, in their continent. europe would, would result in devastating catastrophic environmental effects, economic effects, social effects. it really would, it could be the trigger to domino the collapse of europe and it's government system . so it's a higher of us. exactly. right. and she says it ever so eloquently, she always does that. this is the time that the european leaders must wake out out of this hip gnosis, that the united states as low them into, in their ad a ration of this silly little comedian zalinski and recognize this isn't about games anymore. this isn't about the military operation. this is about
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a turning to madness, where zalinski and the ukrainians, not the russians, but the ukrainian zelinski. nazis or whoever these maniacs are, are actively char, getting a nuclear facility in an active political suicide. and that suicide is their intention to burn down europe to ashes with their, with their hope that this uh, nuclear plant will be the facilitator of that. i don't think russia will allow it. of course, i think they will step in and do a blitzkrieg sort of uh, annihilation and capture operation. it's already set up counter measures, but it shows you the mentality of, of the west and the, it's a puppet zelinski to even think that this is something appropriate to do. and it's, it's one of the worst displays of madness i've ever seen. well, not least because blowing off a nuclear power plant is going to drastically affect ukraine itself. it's almost as
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if it's your noble never happened. yeah, that's, that's the amazing thing. they can't remember. sure. noble. they perhaps don't have enough grey hairs and their beard or their hair to recognize that many of us have lived through the eighty's in the ninety's. and recognize how far more intelligent and peaceful those times work compared to now where we are populated with fools and government positions, or mad men and military ones. and they are targeting something for destruction that could feasibly annihilate all life on europe. we have only arrogance to per zoom to predict the environmental domino's that would fall. but we haven't even taken in consider, consideration the populations, the migrations, the foreigners that have come up into europe that would, would completely come apart. and thereby, europe would come a part to so this isn't a military target, this is
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a button to push for absolute social decay uh in europe. and i think that's the real agenda is a zelinski is increasingly behaving like hitler completely mad in the bunker. that is looking to burn down ukraine and europe in a mad dash desperation for it's either going to be his victory or no victory at all . so rather, i think it's a little go up, you know, you can get away with it. so, you know, because you have the international atomic energy agency being there just 20 minutes before the attack. ukraine strikes the site at the i a e a, they say that to yes, stripe happened at, but we're not going to speak on who targeted i. so it's essentially, as you say they're, they're given carte blanche, almost only thing that they can attack, knowing full well that the details of the attack is just going to mention at russia
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. just throw the words at the screen. something will stick on. it's going to be on the most go yeah, that's right, and it, it prods and provokes us of, of intelligence and responsibility and indecency. it prods and provokes us to stand up and say, this is enough. this is an absolute intolerable display of children in position positions of, of government authority, retarded children that, that so the children of the you, the children of the i, a e, a, the children of these silly nato's countries and e u. countries that have been marked on this political suicide of war against russia through a proxy agent named zalinski and ukraine, which has been completely devastated. and really the only hope for their living would be to transplant them to america, to solve the american border. but all of these irrational asked by the european union and the nato of individuals, a, i, e, a,
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this can be tolerated anymore. and i know russia has a certain disposition of calm and, and respect. but at the same time, i think it really needs to rise up and say, the world can't, can't survive with the sort of people in positions of authority in the i a e, a, or the un, or any of these political, a governments in europe. this is, this is no longer something that can be contained. these people are acting out of spite. they're acting out of pride and selfishness. they have a delusion of superiority over russia because russia doesn't embrace its rainbow flag climate change transgender agenda. nor does the rest of the 3 fourths of the world either. but these european global lists and american global less than the 5 eyes from australia and canada, the united states, and britain to germany and france. they have completely lost all rationality by their silence. when you are silent against the attack on a nuclear facility, when you look the other way,
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when in fact you finance and you provide the weapons for these lunatics to attack a nuclear facility. if you have lost all credibility, you of the lost all rule as a decent country in this society of humanity, you have no where, whatsoever to establish yourself is either moral or safe. and that's what the europe and the united states is being branded as by the rest of the world. they are no longer moral, they are no longer safe. and therefore, i think you're, you are inevitably going to see a distance thing and an oscar cessation of europe in the united states by much of the world with rising up under the bricks order. and this attack on top rosure is the ultimate confirmation of the political suicide. that animates these european nation states. the thoughts of us all of a veteran, scott bennett, live on the program. thank you. so the quote for more on the printing of a truck home is rogia power plants, our website. how's you covered?
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all the latest developments can be funded. r t dot the, it's been 6 months since the october 7th terrorist attack on israel and subsequent war and gals. and the focus of the id started right now is on the sides of the strip. and although buildings in the city of con eunice, of, nor is the being less than the locals are returning with the hope of finding their homes. it comes as many is really units have reportedly being pulled out all of those southern areas. it is that it doesn't seem to be close to the story. they have been facing such facts to come back to window, hold on one folder on the unfortunate and come with that. so it does look good. and so i'm going to say area, they seems to be now deploying restructuring the doing things for the sake of just making sure they can when. however, america is not giving up exposition or stance. they're asking for a phone withdrawal from the gods and they're asking from for the subject of the war
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. they're asking for attendance, access of humanitarian aid and revisiting materials into the got the slip and they are not willing to compromise. any of those for the difference is that it's on my side has been saying that they would not stop the war. i'm just there for you and all they kept him in gaza. so there's still a very long way to go. i said before, i need a cease fire. you know all benjamin netanyahu has been highlighting the great achievements of the is really defense forces, apparently claiming they're just the step away from victory fy 16. so let me come a, we are marketing today, 6 months of work on the shipments of the world. great. we eliminated 19 out of $24.00 from as battalions, including senior commanders. we are a step away from victory. i'm us not. what is real to 3rd world from us after the october 7th attack? since then, more than 33000 gallons of being killed according to local authorities. international
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groups are crying fall over they sheet, military and disasters are over half of the world health organizations. mission request, how practically being denied or delayed by israel, the you and agency. howsoever i finally managed to gain access to the ruins of the intake largest hospital, the w h o released fund age apart remains, although she found in kansas city. after months of idea of raids, i'm bombardments, the images show robin hospital boards with bodies strewn across the wreckage. following their visit, the members of the un grouping referred to the facility as an empty shell with grades or satellite images all about the shape of the scale of the destruction into perspective, world health organization, smoke, depression, margaret horace, describe the hospitals, loss of someone called ripping the hearts out of the regions health care system, access to life saving,
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aiden gas is not confined to just the doesn't and partially functioning hospitals. like the majority of the knows our ship a hospital once the largest, the most important referral hospital and garza is now with them to show off to the late to seek know patients remain at the facility. most of the buildings are extensively damaged or destroyed, and the majority of equipment is on usable or reduced to ashes. the who team said that the scale of devastation has left the facility completely non functional. so the reducing access to live saving health care in gaza. but policy being children's dr. mean fall g told us the gals, a health care situation is and the daughter states and the idea of humbling of medical workers is unacceptable since the war began in early october. the situation for his dear live guys in guest as also the worst bank has to be the dia is care with cost or
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do get uh with the uh, the target uh, the size of a commission, the, the, the ad, physicians, nurses and all of our, his care where it costs, and that would be with them in a very said is, and then on active given to me. uh now i can add it. i gotta go really a very sad events. and one of the ad bad in the doctor says she's in the f it online as she actually she was, she passed away. she was getting along with the air force, the styles, jewelry, and is try it on their house. they live and not far from i see voss because they offer them to uh do, evacuated,
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at least in the area. they decided that no, they wanted to stay in their homes. and then this crime is psych actually hit and $5.00 to $5.00 of them where kids or international observers have one another run 70 percent of northern gals as population are on the verge of facing catastrophic hunger. the world food program saves woman 3. children are severely malnourished, not on the number of people facing foam, and has doubled in the past 2 months. while the monetary organization is working to provide all possible a to gallons. it staff say their own safety is at risk loss who has been able here to serve $1000000.00 people every month with food because they completely depend on us that we have times is we don't have the necessary security guarantees to work here. the people also need to be safe. so for that,
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for us to really be able to scale out the verge, simon, so that people don't have to die because they don't have food. we need security guarantees for us as do you mind, terence, but also for the people recess in gaza. hi, i hey, that is i have 3 boys in one girl. they need food. where am i supposed to give them food from? i can't afford to buy food, everything is so expensive and i have no money. local kitchen is our safe place. we come here every day. let's see it, we eat whatever we can find. we eat and we think gods. my biggest tree is that when someone leaves the house, they won't come back again. that's all they care about. that they come back safely in. well, we heard from former senior staff for in the us congress and current international institute for a country tarzan research fellow dr. fundy smile, he sees the idea of withdrawal from southern gals as part of the trip reposition as
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well. uh, these randy uh, defense forces have been withdrawing from does all 4 weeks now. this is all the surprises as far to read. positioning. uh see is ready. troops in readiness for some operation in the north and probably the worst thing. what happened on october, the 7th? it left a very strong mark inside the is ready, public is right above it. today is not what it used to be. so, what happened here? well, if i was not going to be minutes on the whole, but the entire screen that surrounds him is it's what way more than hot or where way more than that, because this is a moment that is similar to the 1973 war. so, so those of us were old enough to remember that so no about this. this is a major event and these ready their history major, major us. okay,
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2 more world news. the suspects in last month's terrorist act that killed at least $145.00 people in moscow have admitted during questioning the they were heading to hide in ukraine after committing the deadly months for the each mention. following the instructions of a coordinator, where you'll groups plans off to the terrorist attacks to key to move towards key if we want it to leave the territory of russia. we goes into the car and hit the road. and so i realized that it would be difficult to cross the border safe low said that there would be guys waiting for us at the border with ukraine who would help us cross it and get the key of so so sorry for lo. told us to drive towards ukraine at the boulder we had to make a phone call to get helped across the board. this footage is being published for the 1st time suspects sent across a city whole terrorist attack outside moscow who had claimed they couldn't
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communicate without a translator. now seemed eager to tour on camera a confession, emotive, a plan as they spill out the details of the failed get away plan, which was meant to lead them to the ukrainian capital side full of told us to drive towards key if and when we get to the border, not far from the border to button in the car and call him he would help us sigh full set. when you get to the border call me and i will tell you what to do next. investigators, i have to establish who this mysterious se full is, and if he could be the ring leader and the most in mind of the terrorist alteration . one thing seems clear, the russian authorities have one most string, in this case, connecting the attack to ukraine. the link, the u. s. has been trying to dismantle,
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since the very 1st hours in the off to most of the attack, there's no indication at this time that ukraine or ukrainians were involved in the shooting. but again, this just broke, we're taking a look at it, but i would disabuse you at this early hour of any connection to you print. there is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because you credit was not involved in this. there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that ice k is actually and by all accounts responsible for what happens that talking about ukrainian involvement or how much should we believe them? but i think we have very little confidence in, and the thing the russian government says there is absolutely no evidence that the government of ukraine had anything to do with this attack. russia's being skeptical of these claims, exploring its own primary version, adding up to most coast suspicion, a search and terrorist attack warnings all across russia, which proved to be false,
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but looked like a coordinated scam on green campaign playing very much in keeps favor. now tara has been one of ukraine's tactics of choice, as it's being trying to bring the fi to russia's homefront. now this map shows every region where most co security services have been able to afford to tax buy keeps pulling, as you can see from coming in grad to rush. as far, reese, the number of uncovered plots seems to be only growing each year. in fact, the premium intelligence increased its terrorized attempts last year, almost 5 fold compared to 2022 and that's according to the official statistics. and that appeared to be no stops on this train. this year alone has already seen its fair share of attempts a terrorist attacks up to boston, and sabotage acts more than 500 people have been detained since 2022 over that ties to ukraine's intelligence of some of the attack supported by russia security
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services in the past couple years is a hit on 1000000000, the media mogul consistency. and well, let's see if he an agent of key of intelligence is seen planting. a boom under his car sees editor in chief was also a targets over here. craig, getting much applause, rushes energy sector has been singled out to hear a man also recruited by t if is sneaking a boom into a gas hub. and his take him into custody moments later. russian security services, i've had a crazy busy to he is catching people right handed in the homes in the street on the run. not all agreed to be taken in quietly. but one of the most brazen plots involved in military grade us made nerve agent another, a shipment of explosives stashed in church icons. and it's not like all of cubes.
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attempts have been futile. well, correspondence, loveland petoskey was murdered in a bomb attack. as was done, he had to give that daughter of a russian philosopher. this isn't ukrainian politician india. cuba was gone down in broad daylight assassinations that ukrainian intelligence pretty much took responsibility for the website for food. and they've always been q of was a convicted 330 and up st. here comes real. who betrays ukraine, if i'm not mistaken, up to $140.00 sum prism and the $9.00 seems sort barreled weapon went off in the chest area. and i followed by a control show to the head and here mind forever near his place of residence in the most co suburbs to all i will comment on is that we've been killing russians, and we will keep killing russians anywhere on the face of this world. until the complete victory of ukraine. but the terrorist attack on croak a city who has seen 145 innocent people killed,
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would be by far, keeps bloodiest and violets act. if this version is confirmed, of course, which russian authorities seem confident will happen. okay, let's turn attention to slovakia where you crane skeptic. peter pellegrini has won the presidential election there, beating a pro western opposition candidates. the slow vote president elect has doubled down . all new calls for peace talks to happen in the premium public of the schools below you. i will do everything i can to ensure that slovakia, whether anyone likes it or not, always remains on the side of peace and not on the side of war and less. whoever wants to criticize me for that as much as they want. so of course peter pelligrini has won the reasons for viking presidential elections against a pro western opposition. it's worth noting that the president in slovakia does not really have a lot of executive power,
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but he can veto laws and challenge them in the constitutional court. but in his program, pelligrini chooses to put the internal affairs on the front, so we choose to focus on what's still vacuums are dealing with in the country. but what's interesting, he is one of the very few you leaders that is sending for piece thoughts when it comes to the situation in ukraine. he says that he's not fond of the idea of sending more weapons to ukraine, but we could say that him went in is essentially show in the side that some of our kids are taking when it comes to the cleaning and conflict. okay, so we have a president, the legs in favor of peace. what was the international reaction being to this development? so of course, in the west, if your views don't really align with what they see is morally right, then you are this pro russian entity that is against peace for them being against these equals being against a ukraine. when so for them it's either ukraine wins or nothing at all and what's their media was quite quick to highlight to this specific view in different
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articles. but the prime minister of the voc, you also shares a similar view to the one of the president. now in slovakia i'm like the president, the prime minister, which leads the government holds the most executive power. so the prime minister here, roberts 5th, so says that he promises to and military a to queen, and that he stands for peace talks list like listen, okay, and i, it looks like it has other and bigger problems in ukraine. we don't need re was ami ukraine. if smith forms a coalition, we would do everything also as a part of the e. u as a full every single piece in ukraine and efforts to start peace negotiations on ukraine. now the prime minister of slovakia has previously mentioned that these you sanctions, i guess most people are essentially pointless. he also says that if the ukraine to the joins nato then that the pulls the 3rd world war. but so we do have folder reactions to this presidential election and one of them is they,
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hon. gary and prime minister, who essentially congratulated slovakia on the recent elections. the 2nd, listen, my heartfelt congratulations to people agreeing on his overwhelming victory at the slow but presidential elections. a big win for the people of slovakia and the big win for the advocates of peace, all around europe. now at the end of the day it was the country's choice to make so which this would mean that people in slovakia are essentially tired of seeing their money being spent in a war that they don't want to be part of. so of course, another you member that is also sharing the same sentiments as silva, is hungry and the backlash against slovak is annually elect to president is also something we saw, i guess the hon. gary, a prime minister before or but only because these country also stands for peace talks rather than sending more and more weapons to ukraine. of course, now the west seems to be in fear that some sort of slovak in and hung gary and
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coalition might happen, which could threaten the rest of the, you know, by threatened in here. i mean, that's more and more you citizens might just start electing candidates that are more pro peace talks and negotiations. and, you know, wouldn't economic crisis in the you on top of that internal and domestic issues on the rise. it's very probable that sooner or later that you will have to make a choice. and that choice is either uh, settled in the go see it in table with most call and talk about the conflict, or keep on spending more and more money on your brain and spending more money on your claim that is only showing a war that ukraine is now losing and also award that could potentially escalate into something even worse. now these really defense minister i said the country is ready to respond to any scenario that may on fold with around about those tensions rise between the 2 nations. following an idea of strike only uranium
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consulate in syria in early april, which kills 13 people, including senior military stuff around parliamentary speaker has promised, but it's really a little face harsh retribution. yes, almost all. honda suddenly had such tags, but he's really showed that they have since death and destruction after the tool was 7. top ration following, describing the uranium nation, were plenty of designs to shame. the punishment will be exemplary and harsh, and it will expedited to mice with design extreme. this, of course, comes in the wake of monday, strike on the concert with the rainy and consummate in damascus and syria. and this is a very, very, a momentous event. a single country targeting a, another country in a 3rd country it's, it's a significant breach of diplomatic. no one was if you like. so that's the 1st thing to note that this stuff doesn't usually happen. countries don't usually launch strikes on the diplomatic parity of a 3rd country in
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a 2nd country if you like. so that's a significant thing. the impact of dislike as well is, is interesting to a 7, a senior, a rainy and military officials were killed. and this 2 of them were a brigadier general's, they were part of the codes force, which is the foreign operations. i'm of the islamic revolution. we guards core. so that's an, as each military grouping which works with the rainy and allies and friends. as the chief of staff of the rainy and military has said that a come member ation for one of the of those killed us at the, at this that there would be a response and that would happen at when the time was. right. so this is feeding and fueling sense of imminence of, of an attack. now even i a tele, any how many the supreme lead, if you like in, in ron, has said that that would be swift and deaf and as a response to this, something that's very interesting is that the radiance of actually america is wales
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vegas style. and remember, america, phones and politically supports the way the stays to a huge extent. hundreds of billions of dollars have been pumped into these very state, most of it in military aid. so without the american support, a lot of what is well, doesn't the region on is doing at the moment thing as would be impossible for the radius of i should ask you americans to step aside. and let us deal with the is ladies in relation to this strike in a written message, the as la mic republic of a ron, warn the us leadership not to get dragged into netanyahu's trap. stay away so you won't get hurt. in response, the us asked ron not to target american facilities that the americans have said that they expect and a rainy and response as have these ladies who have suggested in seniors where the american face has suggested that they're working together to try to get ahead of whatever this response may be, now, that means is that the is really the american intelligence services are working.
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phoebe some to find out what exactly the response would be interesting to you as well as the world watches and wait to see what happens as president flight and, and benjamin netanyahu have a phone call this week. the key issue for discussion here has shifted from the, the, the, the solved and gaza, to how to manage this increasingly dangerous situation in the, in the wider middle east. and we'd like to have a listen to watch at bingham in yet. and y'all have said, in the aftermath of that phone call with joe boy, and i think it's quite tele, frustrating. i'm sure you on for the end, for years iran has been acting against us both directly. and it's process that for israel is acting against the wrong and its process defensively and defensively. we will know how to defend ourselves, and it will act according to the simple principle of whoever hums us. plans to harm us. well, little hom, them, there is a sense of expectation, not just from the,
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at the global community that's watching this very nervous and other countries in the region. so you may be a rack all of these countries watching with a bated breath because it doesn't take much to put you off the powder keg. and what really fascinating is that in this instance, is both israel, who is now preoccupied to a huge extent, with it's more as have called it in gaza. it has a huge amount of troops on the lebanese border facing off against hezbollah. he's really military is no exceptionally l u hard stretched to accommodate the pressures on it's a great or conflict with a rom could push as well to drastic action. and remember that we know that as well . those denies it could be in possession of, of significance. the destructive weapon re, let's say, and the world is watching at to see what happens next. because we'll be watching to have time for us, a trickle swipe of anything and everything. next,
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find them on. we just saw their shape boat was on his new show must go mules. it's not for the easily offended and it gets going in all the hello and welcome to the cost of full horses. here we discussed the wheel in the hey, everybody. welcome to double the yellow hometown agency behind me this the government buildings. it's located in probably one of the most privileged parts of the city. the real estate price are huge. actually if you look across the street, there just appear. that's where the ciocca wellington was born. so it's
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a very privileged part of the world grandiose architecture. he was in a british technical institute. it's malware and c r t shock or chief in the arch language has his offices. i've been home in a little. this is just poking around, seen a few of friends seeing the family and it's been a real eye opener to see how the city in the country have been over the last couple years. i was going to something of a political crisis at the moment. so the politicians would tell us that it isn't the crisis for the ruling party from one of them feeding jail a sort of a center royce party, which is traditionally represented welts property somebody's across here. the boys who own these houses is essentially imploding falling apart. i mean, this is this, the center of this is the, the duty officers check the status of international protection.
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the, the, the take your breath away. absolutely. you americans and somebody is responsible for this. the people who come here, they are trying to make a better life. they've got the kids, they want to get out of wherever they are. we do this for, for general patients. it's not about them. this is about our people, the people up the road for minutes, walk around, marian square here and with the most affluent parts of the city. hope the road in the t shirts office and literally you can ship this place with a stone. and a human misery here is absolutely remarkable. and it's their fault. i wonder where they get to talk to you. like to must go from here. see in the studio the
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hey buddy, welcome back to the most. come use me shape, both of my old psychic augi or a producer who's going to be helping us out as well. the boys in kiev at their old tricks. again, it's not as if they haven't got enough money from the west already that they want a little bit more. i'll give we got a video of one of the little scam farms, right. let's check it out. he's going to be something more than a $150.00 pounds. okay,
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so this is inside a huge, so the operation which has been ruined from keith. now long before the conflict began in ukraine. ukraine was known as one of the most corrupt countries in europe . a trends a place for people, trafficking, you know, child trafficking sex traffic. but here we see inside one of these scam operations where the ukrainian always are liberating a bit more money for the cause for the cause of maybe a brand new role. joyce check this, so 1st electric wells voice in your guess you bought a ukrainian and p boom coaching. but these dudes are really, really managing to mean to think stolen high level a lot of money. and it's not just the, the ukrainian nazis is in canada. you know, remember of lot of slab, hunker it seems when you run out of your training and nazis, the boys still want to keep your poke. it's a bit more and they have stolen a whopping amount of money from canadian people. oh yeah. how much are they taking some 400000000. that's $200000000.00. i've been stolen from pearl, vulnerable,
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canadians, the old maple leaf maple syrup on that maple god dentist. yep. do you close have stolen $200000000.00 nowadays. where it is. if things were bad enough in poor old canada now the canadian cups are actually telling the good old canadian taxpayer, let's not make life difficult for the thieves. let's, let's make it a bit more cozy for them. when they break into your house, kick your door down and do a home invasion. don't you confront them at the door with a poker or a hammer? leave your keys on a little dish with a little cake and a little something to drink. remember, these robbers are people to run the video and there's also updated advice for all vehicle loaners. a message echoed by to run a police speaking out of the typical safety meeting last month to prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home. believe your father, that your front door because of breaking into your home to steal your cars or they don't want anything else. so the advice is uh,
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i mean south of the border of course in the states. what would meet you at the door and in a place like texas would probably be an a k 47. but open kinda, i know a thing or 2 about a thing or 2. i'm leaving my car keys out for the boys. i'll make it easy for them, margaret. no. what's also interesting about what's been happening in germany right now is the incredibly interest listing as simply intelligent miss, i know the not bad back and she is most upset. that's the fact that i'm glad to be a poor 10. not present a boat, and i'll tell you on the 2nd. the poor 10 released as a homes on paul fall. more cool. oh god, this was the video desk pushing the mount vista, mid to understand of and spirit and stuff is, glory says i love each these to be how many i need to be to guns 105 and add on much. i'm one self. i'm getting it was but he raised his home for forest mine own legally, so add ons for was busy and i'll say i'll put my be damaged on stem in should be i
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said no and you of course this is complete both know this really ever how did it august, you can see for yourself, i just have a look and see what actually happened when the logic me a potent nor least the homes on all pools for markham lucas's release. that happens if it's at least it doesn't even look like the mirror. i mean if, if you actually push the dog away. so this is typical, this is a western perception of a russian attack, sense of dogs. so also very common vase is complete. joe, of course it looks like the old germans are the gerry's as we call them over the other side of the pond, are running out of ideas. the 4 boys in the boy in a room up and looked off. i hate to ad got sort of called out when the russians had listed them little discussion and they're blowing up the courage bridge. we must do it without being caught. hence what do you think we can travel in cause to portland?
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it turned into a complete jo, it didn't happen, but what is going to happen and how they're actually going to drive device russian army out of ukraine, crushed the russian economy and reduce rushes, global impact. you know how to going to do it. we will stop calling him president porton, we will now call him. vladimir porter. said, don't you see, don't you see you guys stop calling and present them to him? and he will stop being of course, over state side, the frenzy about the russian election is in full flow. well, let's not forget, how are all power hillary clinton viewed elections in the past back in 2006. she had some interesting comments to make about the policy elections. remember, hillary is a woman who's not to really concerned about democracy when it comes to overturning
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entire countries destroying civilizations. like she did. and leave me a rough time when she said, yeah, we came, we saw and he died when you get the popcorn. oh, yeah. what a lovely lady. but she also was recorded on this one this audio. and you can see and listen to what she said about how election should take place in places where there are brown people of a different religion. that's have a list of election that we should have made sure something to these are the democratic values, right? this is how it works. the elections cool. if we know who's going to win, we know that the person that we're behind, it's kind of like my dad, you know, they never choose. uh, the, the candidates, right. like all dick you knew of them said never. it's nothing to do with us. we don't care who's who's in there, but we know something different, right? and of course, staying in the home of the land of the free and the home of the brave. you can
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really get a feeling for how the leads, respect the processes of law. check the so hunter biden was asked to come to a congressional hearing and he looked a little bit on, well, he looked a bit pale. he looks like he's lost this load of waste, so you know, they get it, you know, a 100 decides not to turn up at all. but somebody that did turn up in the halls of power in the united states was r o paul, president. oh, sorry, not president vladimir to check. i'm sure it's checking up a whole so no worries run it there on the committee. maybe like if anybody watching has any remote idea what is going on here? let us know in the comments because we have no idea why this dude was walking
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around in the is the congress or the congress as congress and he's walking around dressing, approved mask, and he goes and so he takes off the mask me a lot of this is a, is this a crown show? oh yeah, i think it is and that's not where the rock stops, of course. but you guys knew that a recent congressional hearing in the states into the bite was grinding the sort of nexus and connections into the ukrainian business community. review that a guy called left, pardon us, who's a ukrainian american businessman. i've been asked to raise money for a congressman. i called jeff sessions, and the money wasn't to have a picnic or, you know, a slab of ukraine he day, you know, honoring a few old ss veterans now was a big more creepy than that. this morning was raised actually will move a boss or all the and he was the investigator to ukraine. money you'll run, and so the raising money to remove the american ambassador to your claim,
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not to see here as per usual stay in states. you might remember last week we had to look out the window of our bowing ad joe arrived yet, and we saw the bits falling off. but this week we can tell you something. i'll give you about some of the people that seem to be dipping in to the part of corporate dysfunction in the states. remember, we told you about this multi $1000000000.00 corporate sort of growing fist, where politicians are lobbied by mass of aeronautics company is in some of the times in some ways to reduce safety. this week i can tell you a certain american politician. his name is william keating, good old william keating and other writers name last week. it was another irish lady who dipped at the old per box of pear trust safety. this week we can say that william keating receive as chunk of money as well by flogging his stocks
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and bowing to us before by complete go is absolutely nothing to do with the mass of scandal. that was about to rule the day before william decided i know, i think i'll get rid of the stocks before they asked for the market. now that's just not an isolated situation. good. all nancy pelosi, you know nancy, she was around with the terra doc. those were fly and the t rex was picking his tooth with a came out as like a nancy also has cashed in and she recently made a gift is a quarter of a $1000000.00 by slugging off stocks just before you throw it into the corner. she rolls into the corner, i asked her to do, it was not to get too excited with this. that's my job. you just get a sense that this whole show in the states, you know, the whole color, the economy is and there's a lot, there's the 40000000 people in the states living in poverty. ordinary americans are really struggling. and, you know,
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inflation is actually quite high on the right. and, you know, we got crime, we got homelessness, we got an awful lot of problems. but meanwhile, the clown, pierre, or paul, here, it looks like slide show, bob's nice, this freak show with the big head in the powder, is actually very intelligent. he's a very smart man. he's, i totally forgot. i saw him last night. i'm running a marathon. no, she didn't, but you know, these cloud shows are often punctuated by the word which really pisses me off on a lot of americans. do you guys are watching by nomics? i'll just run the video which displays to the world. what buys nomics is? here's this. here's the actual scientific formula for bite nomics check it really good check that out. i know some due to the features and of course, one of the most terrible indictments of joe biden, this government on success of american ones,
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is how the homeless on the addicts and some of the most unfortunate people in american society are living. and of course, these are all going to be portrayed as russian propagandists argue on the video. and it is the latest episode and night of the living dead. are some a zombie movie. you know, this is an american city. these are american citizens who are being completely abandoned, to terrible drug addiction crime, absolute poverty, and this is going on in the middle of american streets, all the while, tens of billions of dollars of a card it up shipped out over to good old the . so meanwhile, as the festival woke, this continues, it's arrived at the white house long and good old come. our harris isn't too
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bothered about what has been when it comes to a transsexual performer. she's more interested in what can be. it doesn't really matter that he has been 6 offender and has assaulted other people. it's all about the fact he's in a dress checking out. this is a celebration of who we are eligible to people and allies, everyone around to the all across the country. so many things that's why i'm technically live of course it doesn't in there. this, the mind is completely at being hammered and nail down the throats of the people all around the world in the states, a supreme court justice. this is a very, very senior legal person responsible for defining issue is critical to yours and my,
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and the future of our kids. they can't even seem to define what a woman is. unpacking arlen. recently the government decided that they wanted to change the definition of a woman. they wanted to remove her from the constitution and put in, you know, something like an important person. they want to also change the definition of what a marriage is and put in the people who loved each other and a very carrying towards each other. and of course it was smashed by the arch. people like 78 percent check is video. all you run it, can you provide a definition for the word woman? can i provide a definition though? yeah. i can't. you can't and not your case contact, so you're not in biology. you have the word woman is so unclear and controversial that you can't give me a definition. come on any 16 year old. you point them out of put a picture of a day, could check and you'll show you what the definition of woman is by showing you what
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the definition of a mind is, is quite simple. biology one. 0 one. gimme a break. hey. so we're going to head back towards europe, and we're going to go to the i least say by the us and meet lucas, meaning macro. the little warm longer than mine who's going to save europe from that terrible. we're, that'd be up. your don't to roll a manual who's threatening to send a vast army of 2000 demand from the same french we, you need to, which was a very successful. remember, back in 90 and 12, when the french decided to take a day trip to moscow, at 600000 frenchman, got a one way ticket, and they're currently fertilizing the roses up the road here. so emanuel at has a little bit of an apology and complex and, but napoleon actually won a few bottles parole, emanuel hes, getting a bit of a seat over some photographs of a merge of the media and the podium where he's got these a, you know,
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fox and gloves, armies swimming in there and he's getting stuck into a uh, probably we, we don't know. maybe it's uh, one of the generals from that and they share one of these countries that just threw them out. but in reality, my cron probably a beast out his arms and a very different way pulling his weiss wheelchair up the steps of the se policy. my call met his wife, leaves 15 years old and not in the park walking his poodle. he met or because his her daughter was in his class these days a blue sheet of my chrome who got to know a manual pretty well when he was 15. she was 40 years of age. these days she'd go to that plays all know over in africa where emmanuel has presided over the absolute collapse of frances post colonial invalids . remember, france was an immensely influential and powerful colonial master and african, responsible for an awful lot of brutality. chilion taft. hey, what's a bit of that?
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i'm, i'm friends, that he has presided over the lapse of that influence and these exceptionally unpopular. now some people say that the russians have stepped into issues to offer security and advice on maybe a bit of cash. you know, the chinese are building roads and bridges over there, but check out these for the kids. they've been incredibly resorts for in representing a parole, a manual as, as the vampire duties. the secret object about this is incredible. where did they get this from? how do i usually box box think? well, this is just beautiful tvs on like just do it for some reason for some reason. oh no reason. so it brings us to the end of another wish to stop tour looking into the bonnet and some of the stories the mainstream. mean you would prefer we didn't, i'll be here next time. my so i take all the, we're going to help guide you to the truth. so you,
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so the anyway and i don't want to, i don't want to choose, my worries are just thinking uh the of the
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car. i'm actually, i have to and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show search like why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do you have the state department, the c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you comfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way. instead in the
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headlines stories this, our 3 people are injured during an attack on those up arrows. yeah. nuclear power plant by you freely in drones, just 20 minutes after inspection by a representative. that's also a head to gauge. let me come. we are marketing today, 6 months of war, the shipments of the world. great. we are a step away from victoria. he is really prime minister of both, sup, what he calls the great achievements of the operation and gas. uh, 6 months of devastating war. and the enclave is marked by a desk told that purportedly exceeds 33000 people. hung gary and prime minister welcomes the new president elect of slovakia, saying
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a politician calling for peace in youth crate is a winning for the nation. the, with the recap of the top stories from the 1st 7 days of april. i'm rights out to the moment developments as well. hello, and welcome to the weekly on arch there's been a ukrainian drone that tucked on this. i thought it was a new killer power plant. 3 people have been injured on the sites, infrastructure damaged, rushes, rust awesome corporation who runs the plant, has called on the international community to condemn the assault. most of them categorically condemns the unprecedented attack on the facilities of the nuclear power plant and its infrastructure. and who's on the leadership of the international atomic energy agency, the director, general rafael grossi personally, as well as the governments to immediately respond to the direct threat to the
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safety of these a borrowers your nuclear power plant, and categorically condemn the attempt to escalate the situation around europe largest nuclear power plant. this place is attack to place just before mid day web i free ukrainian f. p. jones, otherwise known as kamikaze. drones are reported to obstruct those. i thought it was you and you'd be a pop blog, which again is the largest in europe, one of the drones hit the port facilities sub and then you can have power plants. and now the drone impacted me of a dining hall, which is again, used by hundreds, thousands of civic ciboney and employees of the nuclear power plant. 3 people, again will civilians, employees could be injured, and the law screwed heat. the 6 reacts to build a v. i a, a, has been one they've said to themselves of this strike. they've been informed that
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it has happened that they both have said this is consistent with their own observations. it's just 20 minutes before this latest strike of the international atomic agency had a team on the ground conducting an inspection, the international atomic energy engines. the experts have been informed by the upper ocean nuclear power plant that a drone designated on site today. such designation is consistent with i, a observations i or still refrain from actions that contradict the 588 principles and jeopardize nuclear safety director general russell groceries set the rules of these reacts the buildings are very, very big. they can, they can with that huge impacts as there is a risk that the drug would have penetrated the nuclear, the building itself before he's however, that it could destroy the bartlett critical and for track infrastructure. subbing
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the reactive building and that is uh the water pumping mechanisms, the cooling systems, the powered systems which code uh by the lead to uh, a critical family within the reaction building itself. the the ukrainian side had previously showed the reactor complex. the nuclear power plant repeatedly, repeatedly the multiple attacks, there's damage at the nuclear power plant. vital systems had been damaged before. nevertheless, the west has refrained from outright criticizing you paid for these tribes. but now we're all sas them is ringing. alarm bell saying that these cannot be allowed to continue, and that this must be condemnation, will be great in government pressure on that you created military to end this some reaction from moscow, russian foreign ministry spokesman marie is the heart of the house, calls in western leaders to finally admit the key of striking grips, largest nuclear power plant is potentially catastrophic. hi,
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john mccomb scholes and other wildlife defenders realized that their words unbundled by street may leave nothing of it. the international community must realize and respond to the act of nuclear terrorism. but the key for shame, how many more times should the armed forces of ukraine show the separate ocean nuclear power plant before the west, and it's not your monster as a landscape. stop repeat in this w as in the blood is show. well, independent dutch journalist sonia funding, and they say, is the west house to admit how crucial the nuclear plants, the safety is. and who's actually attacking when you hit a nuclear facility or a nuclear power plant? well, it's so dangerous. i mean, this is the largest and you can nuclear power plant and you imagine this when something really goes wrong down the whole and maybe the rest of the world. well, we are in a lot of trouble. we can see, and i just looked up at the record,
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the news today in western news, for instance, the duct you determine use and, well they made an item. ok, you know, a restaurant ukraine this day or hips by drills, blackouts and rushes name and it's ease and they know, maybe they, they know that ukraine is doing this. they will not as mrs. and it's, you know, it's, and this is not proof. again, this is no information was, this is a real thing. this can lead to a huge catastrophe. and this is what the roots, you know, at least europe should know that this is real. this is drones, is st drones hips this affility. so, i mean, how far will they go until uh, you get this to fee will go? you know, this is the way that they are reporting and this is the way of their media. but also i'd like to go with dishes because they have also have to take action on this and well the, i a of course also shoot, go and condemn this. and i know they want to stay and youtube,
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but they have to admit that they have to say, you know, this is done by ukraine and this has to stop and they have to attend to the world leaders that this is so dangerous for more on the ukrainian attack on this up at oci a power plant or website has you've covered the latest developments can be found at r t dot com the no, it's been 6 months since the october 7th terrorist attack on israel and subsequent war on gal. so the focus of the idea, so right now is on the sides of the strip. i'm, although buildings in the city of comm, eunice, how large the being left and ruined locals are returning with the hope of finding their homes. it comes as many, in fact, all but one is really units have reportedly being pulled out of the strip. it doesn't seem to be closer to the story. they have been facing such facts to come back to window, hold on one folder on the invoice and come with that. so it does look good. and so
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i'm going to say area. they seems to be now deploying restructuring the doing things for the sake of just making sure they can when. however, america's finish, not giving up exposition or stance, they're asking for a phone withdrawal from the gods, and they're asking from for the subject of the war. they're asking for un, hender access of humanitarian aid and revisiting materials into the god the slip and they are not willing to compromise. any of those for the difference is that it's on my side has been saying that they would not stop the war. i'm just, there are 3 and all i kept him in gaza, so there's still a very long way to go. i said before i need a cease fire. well, benjamin netanyahu has been highlighting the great achievements, all of the is really defense forces, claiming they're just quotes, step away from victory fy 16. so let me come a, we are marketing today,
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6 months of work on the shipments of the world. great. we eliminated 19 out of $24.00 from as battalions, including senior commanders. we are a step away from victory. i'm us as well. he's real, a 3rd war and from us after october 7th since then, more than 33000 gallons have been killed, according to local authorities. international groups are trying file over the humanitarian disaster, their over half of the world health organizations, mission request of apparently being either denied or delayed by israel. the u. n. agency house. however, finally mothers to gain access to the ruins of the enclave. largest hospital. the w h o released footage of water remains of i'll she fell in kansas city after months of adf raids on bombardments. the images show robert just hospital awards with
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bodies strewn across the wreckage. following their visit, the members of the un grouping referred to the facility as an empty shell with graves. well satellite images of our chief about the scale of the destruction into perspective, world health organization spokesperson marg with horace. describe the hospitals. law says someone quotes ripping the heart of the regents health care system, access to life saving aid in gals that is not confined to just the doesn't partially functioning hospitals like the majority of the nose, our ship, a hospital once the largest, the most important referral hospital in gaza is now with them to show off to the late to seek know patients remain at the facility. most of the buildings are extensively damaged or destroyed, and the majority of equipment is on usable or reduced to ashes. the who team said that the scale of devastation has left the facility completely non functional. so the reducing access to live saving health care in gaza will let's speak now to have
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some shipley civil rights attorney on founder of the muslim legal firm you're most welcome. so it's been half a year now since the attack on is real on subsequent invasion of gaza publicly the is really leader is saying that the country is close to victory. but what would such a victory now look like? i mean victory for israel is essentially committing mass genocide and driving the palestinians out of the cause of this has been their goal. they've used october 6th and october 7th. and the events of that week as an excuse to implement long plans that they've always had of driving the palestinians out since october. israel has killed over 85 pallets to mean children at day every day. they butchered $85.00 children a day for 6 months. this is a genocide,
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it is one of the worst finds against humanity that we've witnessed unfold in real time on social media as it is unfolding. and i think what's, what's most troubling for me is an american attorney is seeing the us government. 2 being guilty, uncomfortable in enabling funding and making this genocide possible incomplete contravention to human rights, international law, and even american law and just basic human decency. let me be clear. what is real is doing is absolutely evil. it is at the level of the persecution that the nazis themselves, it against the jews in germany. in fact, they're killing people at a greater rate than in such a small period. and we need the international community to hold as real accountable for its, for other crimes. against humanity but true over $32000.00 civilians in 6 months, including over $85.00 defenseless kids. a date. this isn't a war. it's a genocide. but it's really trips. find one dead body of a mouse held hostage in southern. come at eunice with the city,
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basically ling, and ruins. after the months long id f. operational, any killing is a tragedy. but does the end justify the means in this case? absolutely not. in fact, you see that many of those were killed in october, were killed by these really military, by their helicopters, operating under the hannibal directive where they would rather have their own people be killed, been taken as hostages. now let's not forget that israel for a long time, is had thousands of palestinians, many of them at war children's hospital just there just to point out. in this case, the hostages were taken, of course, unimportant, a tortured you know, i think we need more information on that because from much of the evidence we've seen, many of the hostages have been killed by israel itself, including with the bombing. i don't think made any old cares about the hostages. a mass is offered to release all hostages months and months ago and all the asked for in return was that the stop the genocide, the stop the bombing and but there's
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a permanent ceasefire, as well as the lease will tell us taking hostages if nathan. yeah. when does really government care about the hostages, they could have released them a long time ago. their goal is not the release of hostages and their bombing, and their famine has actually killed more of the hostages. all but one is really army brocade has no apparently withdrawal and it's growing trips from the entire strip. what, what do you start my is by their departure. is it strategic gearing up for an oil live attack on the rough or, or is it possibly fearful of losing more soldiers as they did this week? and we're not hearing the full story publicly as to those losses. you know, i don't think a 0 is honest about it, it's law says that i think the house has been sustain significant losses at the hands of how mass resistance fighters were fighting to defend against the genocide . and the invasion of cause of body is released at the same time, i think is real, is continuously losing international, a support and in fact has become
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a parias state. so i think there's a mix of factors, but at the same time, what scares me the most is israel's gotten away with some of the most worth of crimes you've seen unfolding live on social media. and i, the message that gives me is perhaps, is real, believes it can get away with a continued to do more crimes. i mean, there was, there was a lot more international outreach at the 7 international aid workers that were perfectly killed then the 32000 palestinian civilians that have been killed, i think is your lives losing support. and we need to continue the pressure on them to stop this for rustic genocide against the palestinian people. i think an invasion of russell would be utterly catastrophic. many of the entire a 1000 population now is living in camps and intense in rough. i would really know where to go and, and any further hostilities there is inevitably going to lead to horrific amount of siblings killed. in fact, the look and some of the data that for every armed resistance bite are killed by israel over a 100 civilians have also been killed israel's actually using an a i program that
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has a very high, a false positive rate to determine we kills and a lot of times the killing lists are automated by this guy program, and the ai program actually allows $15.00 to $20.00 civilians to be killed for every low level m. s. fighters live from new york state. so essentially attorney on funder of the muslim legal firm. thank you. thank you, sir. well, published any insurance doctor amin? file g told us the gals that health care situation. it's in a dire state. and the idea of the treatment of mental workers is unacceptable since the war began in uh, early october. uh uh, the situation for his gear. where guys uh, in guess, uh, and also the worst bank has to be. dia is care with cost or do get uh, we need to get the size of a commission,
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the round of the physicians nurses and all of our, his care where it costs. and then be with them in a very said is and on active given to me. uh now i can add it. i got a really a very sad uh, events and one of the ad bad beatrice as she's in the f it online as she actually she was, she passed away. she was came along with the air force, the styles in judy and is try it on their house. they live and not far from. she's awesome because they offer them to do evacuated, at least in the area. they decided that no, they wanted to stay in their homes and then this cry is psych x where the head and
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5 to 5 of them. where the, the suspects in last month's terrorist attack got a concert hole in moscow that killed at least 145 people. admitted during questioning up there were heading to ukraine to hide. after committing the massacre . the each mentioned following the instructions of a coordinator. what were your groups plans off to the terrorist attacks to key to move towards key if we want it to lead to territory of russia? we goes into the car and hit the road. and so i realized that it would be difficult to cross the border. safe low said that there would be guys waiting for us at the border with ukraine who would help us cross it and get the kids so strongly follow . told us to drive towards ukraine at the border, we had to make a phone call to get helped across the board. this footage is being published for
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the 1st time i suspect, sent across a city whole terrorist attack outside moscow who had claimed they couldn't communicate without a translator. now seemed eager to tool one camera a confession motive plan as they spill out. the details of that failed get away plan which was meant to lead them to the ukrainian capital side, full of told us to drive towards key if and when we get to the border, not far from the border tell button in the car and call him he would help us sigh full set when you get to the border call me. and i will tell you what to do next. to investigate this idea to establish who this mysterious se floor is. and if he could be the ring, lead to the most in mind of the terrorist alteration. one thing seems clear though,
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russian authorities have one most string, in this case, connecting the attack to ukraine. link the u. s. has been trying to dismantle, since the very 1st hours in the off to most of the attack, there's no indication at this time that ukraine or ukrainians were involved in the shooting. but again, this just broke, we're taking a look at it, but i would disabuse you at this early hour of any connection to you. there is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because ukraine was not involved in this. there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that ice k is actually and by all accounts responsible for what happens that talking about ukrainian involvement or how much should we believe them? but i think we have very little confidence in, and the thing the russian government says there is absolutely no evidence that the government of ukraine had anything to do with this attack. russia's being skeptical of these claims, exploring its own primary version,
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adding up to most cool suspicion, a search and terrorist attack warnings all across russia, which proved to be false, but looked like a coordinated scam on green campaign playing very much in keeps favor. now tara has been one of ukraine's tactics of choice, as it's being trying to bring the fi to russia's homefront. now this map shows every region where most co security services have been able to afford to tax by keeps poor. as you can see from cooling in grad to rushes far east, the number of uncovered plots seems to be only growing each year. in fact, the cranium intelligence increase. that star is the tense last year, almost 5 fold compared to 2022. and that's according to official statistics, and that appeared to be no stops on this train. this year alone has already seen its fair share of attempts a terrorist attacks up to boston and sabotage,
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act. more than 500 people have been detained since 2022 over that ties to ukraine's intelligence of some of the attack supported by russia. security services in the past couple years is a hit on 1000000000 a media mogul constantine malice. see if he, an agent of key of intelligence is seen planting. a bone under his car chief editor in chief was also a target over here. craig, getting the applause brushes. energy sector has been singled out to hear a man well, so recruited by kids is sneaking a boom into a gas hub and is taking them to custody. moments later, the russian security services have had a crazy, busy to he is catching people right handed in the homes of the street on the run. not all agreed to be taken in quietly. but one
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of the most brazen plots involved in military grade us may know of agent another. a shipment of explosives stashed in church icons. and it's not like all of cubes. attempts have been futile. will correspondence loveland, but that escape was murdered in a bomb attack. as was daddy, a do not daughter of a russian philosopher. this isn't a ukrainian politician india. cuba was gone down in broad daylight assassinations that ukrainian intelligence pretty much took responsibility for the website for food. and there's always something new of was a convicted $313.00 of the same to come through with the trades. you crazy? sure. if i'm not mistaken, up to 14 years imprisonment. learning from a 9.9 seems sort barreled weapons went off in the chest area, and i followed by a control show to the have in here mind forever near his place of residence. we must go suburbans. and while you have what is all i will comment on is that we've been killing russians, and we will keep killing russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of ukraine. but the terrorist attack on croak
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a city who has seen 145 innocent people killed, would be by saw, keeps bloodiest and violets act. if this version is confirmed, of course, which russian authorities seem confident will happen. okay, i'm to the central european nation of slovakia, where ukraine's skeptic peter pellegrini has won the presidential election beating a pro western opposition account of the slovak president elect has doubled down on calls for peace talks to happen in the printing and conflict now are probably sound as low as cold blue, i will do everything i can to ensure that slovakia, whether anyone likes it or not, always remains on the side of peace and not on the side of war and let whoever wants to criticize me for that as much as they want so of course peter pelligrini
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has won the reasons for viking presidential elections against a pro western opposition. it's worth noting that the president in slovakia does not really have a lot of executive power, but he can veto laws and challenge them in the constitutional court. but in his program, pelligrini chooses to put the internal affairs on the front, so we choose to focus on what still vacuums are dealing with in the country. but what's interesting to him, he is one of the very few e leaders that is sending for piece talk when it comes to the situation in ukraine . he says that he's not fond of the idea of sending more weapons to ukraine, but we could say that him went in, is essentially show in the side that slovaks hands are taken when it comes to the cleaning and conflict. okay, so we have a president, the legs in favor of peace. what was the international reaction being to this development? so of course, in the west, if your views don't really align with what they see is morally right, then you are this pro russian entity that is against peace for them being against
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these equals being against a ukraine. when so for them it's either ukraine wins or nothing at all and what's their media was quite quick to highlight to this specific view in different articles. but the prime minister of the voc. yeah. also shares a similar view to the one of the president. now in slovakia, unlike the president, the prime minister which leads the government, holds the most executive power. so the prime minister here, roberts 5th, so says that he promised to and military a to queen and that he stands for peace talks list like listen, okay, and i, it looks like it has other and bigger problems in your brain. we don't re, was ami ukraine. if smartphones a coalition, we would do everything also as a part of the e. u. a support. everything for piecing, you cream and efforts to start peace negotiations on ukraine. now the prime minister slovakia has previously mentioned that these new sanctions, i guess most people are essentially pointless. he also says that if the ukraine to
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the joins nato then that he pulls the 3rd world war. but so we do have older reactions to this presidential election and one of them is they, hon. gary and prime minister, who essentially congratulated slovakia on the recent elections looks like listen, my heartfelt congratulations to people agreeing on his overwhelming victory at the slow but presidential elections. a big win for the people of slovakia and the big win for the advocates of peace. all around europe. now at the end of the day it was the country's choice to make so which this would mean that people in slovakia are essentially tired of seeing their money being spent in a war that they don't want to be part of. so of course, another you member that is also sharing the same sentiments as still vodka is hungry and the backlash against slovak is annually elected president is also something we saw, i guess the home gary environment, a survey to oregon all because these country also stands for peace talks rather
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than sending more and more weapons to ukraine. of course, now the west seems to be in fear that some sort of slovak in and hung gary and coalition might happen, which could threaten the rest of the, you know, by threatened in here. i mean, that's more and more you citizens might just start electing candidates that are more pro peace talks and negotiations. and, you know, with an economic crisis in the u on top of that internal and domestic issues on the rise, it's very probable that sooner or later that you will have to make a choice. and that choice is either a sit down and negotiating table with most call and talk about the conflict, or people spending more and more money on your brain and spending more money on your claim that is only fueling or that ukraine is now losing. and also award that could potentially escalate into something even worse. but european parliament
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member for the alternative for germany party going to rebecca told r t that peter pellegrini victory in slovakia is an indicator of the skepticism spreading across the block when it comes to continued military support for you using place political agreements with the so by government a n t consciously chose to base his election campaign on the issue of ukraine. so his election is basically a referendum on the e. u was a policy these of the ukraine edwards, a see a vote in favor of more, a cautious approach. now is this a trend? it's difficult to say it's one the election. but i think what we can certainly say is, that's presidents the pedigrees election. these as an expression as
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a very wide spread skepticism in most parts of europe, about use sanctions against russia and divides a continuing and great to be the 3 assistance for ukraine them is widespread. c, a of a conflagration of the conflict is now to the split between slovakia and hungry on the one hand and much of the rest of the world. the other uh, there's also splits between a public opinion and national governments. i'm not necessarily saying in every country, but in very many european countries, there is much less a support towards ukraine that is showed by the government take germany, for example. the german government unfortunately, is a whole when it comes to providing assistance to ukraine. but the drum and public
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public is very keen at all uh on intensification of this conference. and others where we leave the and use our if you're in the mood for a deeper dive into any of those stories do that are to don't come through the heavy lifting all those fresh content lively discussions to be fun there. so the, [000:00:00;00] the
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a box on the
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the might have close all the folds involve 4 times a lot of yes. because closer that's what this operation closer shots. so for us you on like operation. those have a special meaning for even 5. yes. those are the let's say that was a tragedy is it was incredible genocide of people because you closer operation german units, exterminated 50000 people among them. 22000 of children. this tell them the concentration camps. so and most of them died. and yes and
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what's consultation kemp? this is liz ami, 1941 arriving in valuable slaves union born to town with austria. look carefully at the image is clearly the gentleman now make conte in any way be seen as occupiers or enemies, but as liberators. that was especially the case with courageous capital city. so good luck people. what happy use these pictures and seems to testify? soon after the breakup of yugoslavia, it was the independent state of croatia, prophet states, a nazi puppet. it remained pitiless ally throughout the war. there was a very different situation in belgrade. the phone that you can swap you as capital the you won't find
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a single person in the main streets of belgrade. instead there was shouting of that to the grey of been a slave. with other anti fascist subs kept more than 50 or paperless divisions busy during world war 2, even operation, but also to attack the soviet union was postponed by him bold in 2 months. so this is the story. you have a creation, columbus, the camera, and the best sherman will report the court. so this is the filament question. the original was to ship independent state of croatia. to film about the visit by independent correlations, head of state and tape of an inch leavings on grid to celebrate a major victory over on arm civilians in operation cause of that
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he's about to leave with signatories and officials. the that's the main railway station in this group, colorado. they arrived in custody to on the 7th of august the he's met personally by major general suite of style. columbus povlovich the now, you'll see the man who so carefully followed and copied all the events. the author of the communique sent to the german press. this coordinator, a man always in the right place at the right time, kathleen loading down all details. so he really can be trusted. the top of that just given a warm welcome in costa mesa,
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the so just a month ago before operation, coastal punches and units conquered the town of pre adore inexcusable independence correlation. and also for the germans again cut and they decided to eliminate all of them. sam civilians from old customer on mountain regions. the just a months of that nature of partisan victory and pre adult. germany's pedal plan was to totally remove everyone from color to the settings that are most battalions supported by 25. used to sit battalions a walk in tuscany to in this totally one sided battle. in fact, it was a massacre. the germans captured 60000 civilians from customer region and sent most
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of them to us end of its concentration camp. this is the original full page report and gentleman by wall correspondent or near published in the gym, a newspaper which is a customer, a mountain lies between the sofa, buena and for the bus with us. and. and no matter what it area more than 45 kilometers long gone by deep, gorgeous, and surrounded by swampy, lowland with wild rivers dance with the 1st people's liberation army. for the federation of no magic bulk enrolled as a motor was allowed itself to be driven in expectation of the attack that would destroy the dental just while bands the well organized groups. they print their in newspapers in the cause of the forest. they have workshops, manufacturing equipment and munition, some hand clearly united these bends. but there was also an awful sense of terror
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under which many thousands of southern slavic peasants had to work on it. that it was they who dug trenches through the woods and roads. and they had to build in numerous tree barriers. they also knew that northern both knew was tailor made so good with the wolf. with its 1st oil and densely overgrown planned to life. the narrow roads and its winding paths. small clusters of may, fee, trees, bushes and grove spread out across the fields and meadows making ideal conditions. but to the fighting. the world going on here, isn't the usual kind to clear from some visible sol, just the enemy is everywhere. several shots are fired, suddenly columns, passing by midway from commanders, search the whole area, but can't find. and i think the guerrillas have disappeared without trace, seemingly vanishing into cnn. for that reason,
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jim and then correlation troops set up a ring of steel around a huge area. and it steadily closing in and from that ring, endless columns of pressed peasants fleet as the 1st sign of the 1st people's liberation army being crushed. the goods that just weeks before said, brag debits. imminent attack on the country's future capital. the black darkness, converse positions, fall below us, a creek and bevels and the forest rustles. sometimes the restless turning of people asleep can be heard fold assignment, remembering of gods in the trenches. it's 2 and the code is biting. as jim and soldiers are working by the chill and talk and whispers, the deep silence rules among the crow, that's they are incredibly rigid. on our right when less than $200.00 steps away, determined, done,
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snorting human bodies are jammed together. 5 meters from up positions. the 1st wave of attack us have reached us through the high growth and which bushes valencia stick to the machine gun barrels before they could fire a single shot. and they've been butchered into less their rates. and by the yapping gun behind a young crow that's driven buttons us to the life and courage. clifton felt safe hand gripping a red hot barrel is old, which remains after the unrestrained desire for self destruction. artillery at the bottom of the hill, which it reaches over the brow sending dust and fragments the on the front of his awakened bandits appear like caps with knives in that he's the most. the most white light of of the medium rockets does nothing to frighten them. they penetrated the right wing. gently some crow, hence with hand grenades and side weapons threw themselves into close the dam with
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their bodies. then something awful happens. it makes the blood run cold. a dead woman. for the 1st time, a woman cries, links in a high, steady tone. others join in men, women, children, charged with animal battle lest head for outlines. dealing with them suddenly, with the 1st rays of a sun, disappears in the distance. only the roar of the cattle being returned to the forest of causal can be heard. the gangs attempts to leave the area as fails of a 100 and 27th. did enemies hang in front of us on bumped while stiff and rigid and outlines? over the following 2 nights surrounded bands advanced towards the titan positions. after that,
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the strength is exhausted. the crush begins. fugitives leave hitting shelters, revealing secret stashes of buried weapons. to save their own lives and 2 bits of prison, yet the german officer steps out in front of some $250.00 partisans and ships. second battalions, those company stepped forward silence. again, the officer repeats the commandant's. that'll be in seconds. go by. the 1st man step forward, hesitantly from the ranks. while vegas, i'm kemp's stop human. the 2nd the company and so in 10 minutes, the entire 1st people's liberation army 2nd battalion is assembled into bits of prison yard. the officer steps forward to begin his interrogation. the provost left
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peasants who escaped to torture feel increasingly free. the candle driven from the woods, can not be counted. lives salvage, didn't abandon flow through the limits of all positions until the narrow waste can barely contain the massive river of refugees. at that time, jim and crow at unit still caused by the groups headquarters which were on the top of the 3 hills. each connected to another 3 strong battery has had been built around the peaks. because every place behind them hidden machine gun nests and rifle trenches in the center of the settlements. it was solid block houses with workshops, hospitals, weapons stalls, and printing houses. they had prepared for a very long time of huge forest kept everything beneath its maternal canopy. so
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it was very hard, even for our avi action to find the groups center where supplies went carefully, bare reasons camouflaged. one captive showed us those hidden places. a customer we survey of one bunker. can you please results? 18 sense of beams. $0.02 of grease. several barrels of combine. $0.30 of cone. $300.00 windows plus numberless pets. super close for around $300.00 people. $0.20 of wheat, and 8 barrels of gasoline. 15 bicycles. one press for a flat printer, a copying machine, writing kids, ink, paper serves, etc. the
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part of our executive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do, do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. listed of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do they have the state department c. i a weapons makers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you, go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching. but again, we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you a funny surprised we understood that afternoon on the foundations in front of a huge block house that was still under construction. with again chief ed obviously, plans to move in. ho, awesome closets, cupboards and chairs was in front of us assignment,
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witness to the great plans of the defiant defendants. i'd want to cli in the middle level, that one big mountain box top stood there in the company of one standing clock. what was the purpose of sofas and beds that lying and piles the mattresses and rem sections beside the patches and propaganda writings and pamphlets? we found one, gem and bulk sheffield. hot gun that was held that reach this wilderness. perhaps it came from some romped german village near bunny a luca, which was a battle without mercy, without pity. because only hotness can bring peace to the country and the cold. how come on and what needs to be commanded to make this island godly god and the bus and the blue mate game for everybody. the most necessary steps have
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already been taken throughout the weeks that have passed since those days. and because of the defense operations have made significant progress. the troops working towards the ultimate final elimination, the partisans are increasingly achieving success. road will result good near the why did gems and crow let's work together on operation causative. and in world war 2, the germans and career let's at a stablished, let's say cold, the association of german correlation society. it was an agreement to wage total war again, just and such. and. and anyone else who might disturb life in croatia as can be seen in this field,
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the, according to the original gem and del coupons recording the 714 seconds century divisions, molded history, news, poetic motor was against fatigue and hope sickness. there was only one medicine to steal. we can understand why major general stall, personally nominated fall time for the correlation government funded near metal. for here really bravery in battle against insurgents. age of the spring and summer of 1942. that was the official quotation. and why both times name was was in to an owner role dependent to the cause of the glory po, him. let's not forget what codes of old time followed by un secretary general, wrote in his 1977 book. the challenge just piece the i read the bank to on page 24. so
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knowledge that i was serving in the gym and ami was to bad deliverance from my bitter situation. finally came when all units moved into active combat on the eastern front. in 1941 was wounded in the leg, medically discharged. by the time i wish we petro ya to vienna, in 1942, it becomes impossible to leave the country. the bonus had been closed. that were being heavily patrolled everywhere. the most important or a movement was restricted. and the also to these deals arbitrarily with anyone who did not come to to the regulations. i was committed to resume my studies towards a doctorate in law, which i obtained some 2 years later. and the quote belie, some would say a perfect one. but as the holy script has promised,
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only it and things will be revealed. let's see what codes fall time wanted to hide in his mind was, let's see exactly why the bill grade military archivist. specifically created a telegram, apparently sent from costs over the summer of 1942. in other words, what happened in color of that summer to cook volt time? that was so important. it had to be covered by a fake telegram the. the gentleman document found in the national archives in washington and headed t dash 311-195-0328. is very particular under the item correlation. the currently so operation, cost of the president ended in great success.
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7947 prisoners sent 1590 to germany. a 2774 to norway, and then an incredible sentence with no explanation of just translating 3000 women and children. then it added communicate in german press. so this gentleman, documents helped a lot by knew how to amends with precise with the military documents. so following the gym and documents that i quoted just now, i succeeded in finding both ends to communicate in the gym and press. and even the author of that report in the original wall film, the of the right off to the customer operation. head of the independent state of croatia, county public was even received by the field of adult hitler himself. both the germans and cro. what's what extremely happy with the successful elimination of bandits that's gotten there,
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said the final liquidation of the one to to mention the fact is the tablet, it's a great website that his great operations saying that he successfully was all the jewish. and this, it'd be an issues of the question in croatia, in this context, it's perfectly clear why could use such a language that's very typical of the signature of ss documents and definitely not to them. and couldn't be seen in the german press. chuck nails, results that are under stated and fall from what really happened and cause of the in that bloody mexico travel time didn't only take part, but he distinguished himself by being decorated good, full time was 24 years old, unambitious young officer who wanted promotion and career progression in original gym and documents the bell and documentation center and the national archive in washington. we can see
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a list of on us from the very 1st page appended to this report is a listing of 34 men, single down the meritorious service. only 74 men out of the 25000 correlation german forces in gaines didn't because our operation lift tenant, comfortable time is number 25 on the list for his extraordinary service of all time received a firewall on from croatia is notorious. not to publish the government. the king is one email metal in silver and gold clips for service under enemy file. the bottom line is it's this, that's kind of metal, somebody's correlation and jim, and also this is only a wanted to someone to really terms and deserves it in closer in june and july 1942. that was code full time. a german secret document from june. the 2nd order is
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to general styles west. both me a combat group from colonel shinkel, the general quote to most of the very most general stuff. come on for some be instructed styles headquarters to quote reach agreement with the croatian government concerning the deportation of prisoners to correlation camps and elsewhere. the until that mated arrival dates and numbers ought to be reported by phone before each transport leaves for the quartermaster branch of the general combined for sub you know, let's see what happened to those 68000 pool people including 20000 children. and this is the arrival of people from color that the us on of it's extermination camps. it's true that over the entrance it red labor camp,
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but it turned out to be the worst and most brutal camp of the mall. east end of its concentration camp covered some 240 square kilometers. the one no gas chambers. the work was for the many people were killed with knives, slate, tennis, or just shot the historical factors that didn't just send events and the independent state of croatia. 90 percent of the jewish population living in the country disappeared on arrival. standard procedures, test required, captives to hand about personal belongings down to the last ring. even the dentist was officially, your sentiments was built to put into effect the independent states of cruel aisha's, official policy. on cleansing the correlation living space on the basis of the race
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. it was about protecting correlation blood and the tarion race. but plundering victims was a no less important objective. boost as a commander of us. and if it's come, your offensive pitch moment filippo, which restorative which think of suckage, distinguished themselves with extreme bloody golden greed the so they were very successful in collecting a lot of gold from subs, choose remedies, famous bushes knew by munition and mux knew by which they supposed they were hungry only so fresh, so it'd be an end to his beloved dice. however, the international ministry call to newton bug stated that in concentration camps and events during world war 2, under the most brutal way, more than 700000 subs dues and roma were killed. on the basis of captain jim and documents,
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we can say with certainty that during the summer of 1942 defendant, them asked officer code low time was the main supply, i guess, and of which dest fields the these capture gym and documents can easily be obtained by any research it today in the bill and documentation center for the national archives in washington. they clearly say that that was the task and the job given to lieutenant code of all time to select capable and healthy captain prisoners to send for forced labor in germany . and those who were most leels coal quality with them straight to your sentiments . that was the last march that you sent of its prisoners the special gift of life. the last moment simple. people were forced to prepare their own mass graves
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the now we know the answer to why cut fall time was decorated during the summer of 1942 in west in boston. and we've also found the answer to what happened to those 3000 men, women and children from cobra. mentioned in the capture, gym and documents that went out stating what the destiny and faith would be the now it seems clear that the apparently faked documents and telegraph were created specially to cover historical truths about them of stuff as a could voltage role in wisdom. both now in operation cause
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a in the summer of 1942 the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to the prospect bullhorn sign peter lavelle. here we discuss some real news, the end of an era and the start of another is there no red line is real world cross and will nato invite ukraine and to be lines this upcoming july,
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or will they just budget? to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess george, send me while we in budapest, he's a pod counselor where the god will, which be found on youtube in locals and in marrow cash we crossed to martin j. he's an award winning journalist and commentator, write gentleman cross type rules and effect, that means he can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate it. or this kicked this off with george in budapest. i suppose it's kind of a moot point or just rhetorical. now is there no red line is real world cross because we had the vitamin ministration come out, feigning for over the killing of the well, the western aid workers rested in the word western, but on the same day shipments continued here. i mean, this has been the game of chicken and george men, yahoo is one or. well, i'm afraid you're absolutely right, pizza. i think that there's any other has one. this has been going on since october,
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where washington same as the outrage over some, the latest is really atrocity, the latest the statistics about the civilian casualties and then nothing changes. so this past week we have the 78, what goes well west and i mean these are, these were west and aid workers where they could what one of them was a us citizen, the 3 british citizen. um, and we had the attack on the uh, the rate in the uh embassy compound in damascus. so these are both uh, fairly outrages, actions. and i see really very much happens. yeah. the same color as well. uh, issue the policy is just a normal aid for um lets in the who are you serious about that? well, no more rate until mid any. i will give them a serious accounting as to what he's doing. it will go write letters and then in the meantime in the u. k. u, but david cameron said he was, is really
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a very bad thing. if you've got 3 british citizens, a dead. and the boy you can do is just simply tucked south and wave your finger. i live in the meantime, you know bars, jones us as we with lots of lift, anything stand in the way of mall of deliveries where as well. so going back to your blood. yeah, this, this can go on for a long time. let's in the i'm just going to continue winning. well martin, the way i read it now in retrospect is this is just a very, very cynical game. i mean, if we do, we go back from october to the present everything george, the catalog did well, is a, you know, this is escalation of outrage and there is no limit to that. this is what has been proven. there is no limit. and we, we know that the, the defense ministry and israel's angling for a possible conflict with that has been a lot of course it ran as always on their radar here. and the administration does seems amazingly discussing lee pathetically impact. did you have anthony,
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a link and the secretary of state? i mean, i much, i'm embarrassed when i see him now. he looks like an undertaker. he's always looking down. he's lying through his teeth, all the other administration spokes people are no different except for the excel in the, in expressing a smirk when their challenge. i mean, i've never seen this kind of book in my life and considering the united states just wants to be a dominate predominant around the world, constantly rules based order. but who comes to this one issue there, impotent mark, and what his thoughts em. i agree, i agree, i didn't, i didn't even know how to start this program. the job's really the, made all the points i wanted to bag. um, but i, i have to take to task both through this idea that necessarily i, it was one i think, i think it's 2 of the say because quite rightly george mentions the tensions between his beloved and i'm on israel. we saw now really at a level that we could've imagined just a few weeks ago. but in addition to that,
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the bombing of the, the, is where the bombing of the reading concepts in damascus. that's going over line. and the situation now the bottom will have is we hope you will ever vices around him. and senior officials and depends are going to advise him that if the radians go ahead with what they threatened to do, which is to strike israel, then wisely. these really they are the americans would, would be, would be very wise, not get involved to take a step back and say, we notify one missile because if you do fly with me, so if you launch one of 35 or one of 68 of those aircraft carriers, then you have a world war scenario and is biting. going to go into his election role with a, what was a run, a world that no us president has ever wanted thumbs as much as of the noise. they've all avoided like the plague and you know, we're all now in a situation. know we are talking about a will on the ranges in the martin this bit. the cynicism is endless here because
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for example, is really media and government officials are not claiming they will for rightly or wrong. wrongly is a, they, they ran, may strike, is real in response, which is exactly what that, you know, who wants to get to that will force the americans in, i mean, this level of citizens keep going. you have the account come in the system possible as an impossible scenario. you know and bite in would be completely off. is truly even to this. i'm sorry martin, but we watched israel with el cheapo hospital. this absolutely decimated, turn it into ashes and the world watch hospital. we're not talking about a military. he can be of george. i'm at the cynicism is so thick it's, it's hard to see through it. and i would contend the, the, the saber rattling with has bull, uh, the attack on the, uh, uh, uranium consulate in damascus. it's, it's
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a diversion because they want to continue resolving or in pursuing their genocidal policies in god. so that's the point. well, i think it may be a diverse or, but a, it's much more likely a way of showing up your on. i mean, i think what is, what it is trying to do is push this to, to show the web page. here on is a paper tiger because he run really does some of the getting involved at the well with this rope. so he doesn't want to get involved in the war in the united 1011 on certainly doesn't want to either. the liberal doesn't want to as so therefore this essentially, you know, then what is what was done. this started down the gold paths around and said, okay, what are you going to do about it? we just hit your, um, uh, an embassy compound. what are you going to do that will use that to get around this thing? we will do this, we will do that and it will do the outlet. but it's quite likely, even though they're to do very much, i mean we've seen in the past where the israel has conducted assassinations, where they, it is assassinated. that sciences. you're are basically set back and watch because again, you run those or they get involved in the war with is,
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or if it goes that goes, that's a, that's a reckless thing. you know, that it brings in the united states. and even when the united states that essentially the general saw them on a, we're going to a national hero. essentially, iran was allowed to perform essentially a pro forma stride. just just the safe face that america said. all right, we'll give you a one shot pitch of barracks. no one gets a allowed. you can feel good about yourself that you of your allowed at least to have it. well, george you mentioned right here in logic is in public impeccable as usual, but martin and i certainly don't think it ran is going to have a direct uh have a direct uh but um, directly target israel, though it has proxies galore. and i think that's what we have seen is it ran, presumably reported lee, is it all it's proxies or throughout the region to hold back? they have no, there's no reason for them to hold back. and that's the, that's the,
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the, the fear of the united states, because you're going to be getting picked off ever all over the place. you know, where, where do you focus your attention? that is one, it's not as dramatic, george, you, right. is it being a council it um, but the impact may be just as meaningful. martin? i think you're absolutely right. yeah. we'll be more pressure on the proxies. it'd be more, more leeway, more flexibility. i think for for hezbollah to even increase the intensity. and i still don't know, show a few weeks ago that i'd say no, be some touch with strikes in the future as to what was done. but i still think that we're waiting for the day where hezbollah strikes in his writing imagery, organization, an institution, and kills a number of the idea of soldiers. that stuff's on the cause i'm says, no thought when, but in the last few days of the last few weeks, we've seen reports now of both sides talking now of a real real full more a not for these riley's but suddenly for the 1st blow up would mean
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a land innovation of a northern strip of as well. and i think that's a reality which is now edging closer and closer and closer. and you're quite right to talk about these, these on the threshold. so we've reached, you know, and how they don't show people and how people are becoming more and more fatigued. so, you know, we, we, we need to be more emotional to even take the date to get our attention form for media every day. the, i was surprised that some the a work cuz the 7th day work has risen. brits till the attention of the dates when you put it into contrast with the thousands of thousands of others thing. and babies, you know, the killed every day in the most good fiscal way, you know, in a way that all generation can only compare to the other cost. you know, those images, you know, they, they don't draining any more. the graphic. they raise a shop, you know, in h t. um, but i, so i think that these thresholds now being reached and international law is becoming really a false move and never it, it could be in an international law. it was something it was really significant for
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american leaders, but not understood by that great to put big obama pulled out soldiers from iraq because of international. he also didn't invite serial an independent big way because of international role. he's citing special roy's advices, told him by international, but i think international lawyers very much all about who's in, well, i would think it's quite selective. i mean, he did the select seems like they got the destruction of libya. okay. and the previous administrations greenlighted the district and encourage at guantanamo site, which is which which, which, which one is which, which is yours actually. did your jeremy, who is been no already mentioned the game of checking here. um, he wants to get rid of bite and does he does um and uh any. yeah, he is. that's a lot of the nits in the apple project that could actually come to fruition by doing this very unpopular. is it a really
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a pretty tough um re election fights on these as no one in the body? like, oh and loves joe biden. okay, so they don't, and he has a good show that you know, if, if trump is in trump, will be much more favorably inclined towards him then by who has been. i mean, it's not a done deal, but this is a reasonable expectation. you have successful reality that israel is a very serious country. yes sir, it is ready to do what it needs to do to pump samuel whatever goals i was a nothing is going to stop that. i mean, i, that's, it is like where with the, you know, americans not going to stop us international lawyers, all the stuff like united nations mobile discovery. we go, we will do whatever we need to do. and that's really pushing that from what you've been with israel is, are there all the restraints? i mean, they, they think was the, the only purpose thing is that we so all, i, we prevail over, you know, interestingly enough, because fine, it's, interestingly enough, yours is the, there's a very perverse logic to this because israel will do whatever it wants. it's
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demonstrated that, but ultimately the blame will fall on the united states. it's in under the current administration because that's how the world is going to look at it. and, and rightfully so, in many ways it's, it's, it's a burden shifting as it were, or a gentleman. i have to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on some real estate with our to the russian states. never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community invest. in most all sense i'm up, the, in the system must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission,
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the state on rochester routing and split the ortiz full neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the tenant services for the question, did you say they replaced the 1941 with the nazis health situation? ultra nationalist, the stashes proclaimed the independent state of croatia. shortly off, the seizing palace. they built the scene of us concentration camp a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during we'll go to the moustache is use the cam system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews, and other non catholic minorities and political opponents of the fascist regime conditions in the san of us come with her renders the gods tortured to arise and
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the prisoners they send them a consultation can and so most of them died 6 was incredible genocide. the welcome back to cross i bullhorn and peter level here were discussing some real news. martin in july of this year. it's a 75th, was already passed, but they're going to have to be de la party of nato's anniversary, 75th. and we have secretary of state lincoln, which i referred to on this program as the undertaker of international law. and he was standing right next to the ukranian for administer and made it very clear. ukraine will be part of nato that we heard this. well, you know, under the george w bush administration, they're still saying it though, a lot of things have happened since they don't want to induct to ukraine in,
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in july, or they just going to fudge it one way or other george. and i have very strong feelings about this. you go for us, martin. i'm from a journalist point of view, i think is going to be a massive media fudge. but i think it's gonna be a little secondary. so they've already prepared, you know, and um, i think we're gonna, we should, we should be prepared for that. yeah, i mean, it's interesting. i went with the conversation with the are you creating information they did this in the they they handed that they've been discussing and how to do this. i suppose it's how to fudge it. that's what they've been discussing . martin. yeah, i know. yeah. i think the ukrainians have been doing very good job of fake news for all for a long time, under the leadership of their american friends in cat, few always, wherever they go in the world, the americans always build this. this sense of this information of she experienced a lot myself my own career. so we wish we should expect a lot of fake news, but you know what we should never forget is that the west is losing. and when you lose and it will, you lose ground, you lose territory, elizabeth, inches and towns almost on a daily basis. and you become more, more desperate to,
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you know, recently in the last we are seeing video footage or of 19 or 20 year olds, toner, boston, ukraine in uniform. looking as though that being driven to that desk. i mean to look at just misery on the faces. now, these company called scripts because they would just, they just change the, lowering your grade. they've reduced the color script age from 27 to 25, which to west hale's grades in a step, a real progress in c. graham, certainly by him. thank you man. it doesn't have any children in mind. it doesn't let me children. and that was really, you know, how the bucket of water between is, is, i mean, is a complete idiot. so, so total idiots, you know, and some of the things that comes out with a just astonishing but you know, i think to answer your question because a lot of fake news going to see a lot of, um, you know, you forget about how well nice it was done and how is keeping the peace and now we're looking around the world for new members, you know, in south america and in asia. but you know, there is an underlying message here, which is that, you know,
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i don't think it'd be it reflect for everybody on trip item. well, we remember to abide in full in years to come ukraine and gaza, you know, and the for risk image is coming from them. because when, when the biden goes pasta, so by date on his thoughts, you know, um, getting these days the week confused, and the city's easy in, in america confused and connie and woke up the stage as almost happening right now . but when we get to the end, when we get it, we, we, we reach november, december, you know, i, i think come many americans will just think that made so on, on the west roll around the world. and it's different structure is a bit fake. it's a bit disingenuous because all the things they build, the good thing for joe biden is a he just probably won't remember it, but we'll have to do it ourselves. you know, george, i mean there's, there's a lot of, um, uh, financing you can do. we can, you know, you, we've talked about this many, many times and enforcing upon russia of frozen conflict with,
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that's problematic in many ways. and you have is a bit to create a new category for, you know, the membership um, um, just about or you know, all kinds of things like that. i think it will be verbal. i think it will be rhetorical, but they're not giving up on this project. i think, you know, we have to make clear to your viewers glasses and giving up on this project. yeah. george, i, i agree with you, but i think you summed it up very well that they might come up with some formula along those lines, which is a frozen config. maybe a kind of a to, to a membership. yeah. yeah. you're in but it's not, you know, those quite have the status of everybody else. um, you know, maybe they'll think of them. well maybe we can create a demilitarize of the, the point is that this some, it is not in 3 months time. so it's, it's, it's coming up a, a shortly. um, and what later was this made clear because made those go to all in made to make that decision. we're going to go in on this,
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this. we cannot afford to lose. there's no way we can lose because if we lose it, then nato is done. so the post cold war world is done, and in fact, the result of the cold will will come. it's cool because into questions of who really wants that. so they kind of do it, and that's why i think that the native files are particularly in other french who are doing the, the, the, the most vehement a shilling for late. so that's why they are they making clear, we're going to move our forces. everybody know, to mean we can like be engaged in combat. they mean that we are actually going to be here and making clear to russia that thus far and no further, you don't get to go any further east then where you are. maybe a little. yeah. but you my, the, they, the, by the state. that's a, yeah, i heard, i know, i know, but this thing, that's the mentality. that's a pretty, that's really dicey because martin it's, there's also, there's been discussion coming up to the drill of july. summit is integrating,
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integrating more of ukraine's military in to nato's structures, which you can no longer say. i mean, we, it's been a far as for 2 years big the, we're not part of the comp, like, well, if you start integrating the military structures and you are part of the complex and of course rush, it would, would not discriminate. mean they would, they would z uniforms, they would see offensive material and they were destroyed. there's mccullin's living in a fantasy world, but i repeat myself, every program martin. i think he is living in a fantasy. well, but i also thing, i don't believe that he will already send the troops. i think i don't either. you know, i see. i think he just brings on this drum because it gives a major attention that puts him into this at the center. it gives him this, the, the, the, the idea that you can play this role temporarily just for a day of being the elected president of the european union, which is what he is fine to say. you know, whenever he makes the issue statements, i was think of us live on the land and brussels and thing, a portal. but you know,
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she didn't get her media spots today. she was out for a ranked by somebody who actually does get the media coverage. but there's only so long, so many so full, didn't carry on with that. with that silly idea of presenting us with french troops in your class. i mean, it's a joke. french troops, you know, can anyone remember the last i'm furniture was actually, what are you seeing on a battlefield? i mean, come on. the purchase is, is also, i think, um, i don't see a picture with hesitate. i think it would shoot him on the 1st day because he knows all you need is a few buddy, buddy bus going back to paris. and the whole things over came over, you know, with this, this is the thing about the, the people who don't understand about ne, so when we do these celebrations, which by the way, already started, which is weird. yeah. yeah. well, i say that, you know, george, what it was, the last few days was the official birthday, right. it was a traditional that the, they all the actual signing of the brussels treated of. so that with that was the, that was the but they, but this is going to be the, with the above they by there. but i think it's
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a government to micro aisles. thing is a, is age um the forces be in, in combat. and now the question is either way, the mother said, well, put him, wouldn't hesitate to show to them in that i don't know. but i, i think the branch one to work something out with the rush so. so if you don't shoot it off, well, so yeah, we're going to be behind the lines. we're going to be doing logistics, administration, training, whatever. but don't shoot or the, i mean this conversation that took place a few days ago between the russian defense with us and the french defense, well as the, what were they talking about? the french say, oh, we were too much areas of why, why, why, why so they thought the ultimate terrorism. so by using like sage walter's to get some kind of guarantees from showing go. that when we deploy forces, you don't shoot at us. i know i do the show you will gave them a guarantee, but i think that's all the so the, the reason why they suddenly had to have this conversation. yeah. but i mean, it, it, it was, there's a lot of wrinkles there, martin, because, i mean, if you're,
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you just mentioned these con, scripts to be in a bus being driven to the meat grinder. and so if i were one of those guys when say, but the french get to stay in the cafe is in the cuban word. yeah. oh, cool. what kind of, well, what, what about us? i mean, i don't think it's a good look. okay, go for the ukraine, 1st and foremost, we just do the, the, the fodder in the, in the french guys can have got but you know, in, in a, in a, a cafe go and we just need, we need to get real, you know, both sides denied these tubes even took place, which i think is quite a there is that shows that neither one really as much confidence in putting off any kind of deal, whether it's even informal him or by channel tools, etc. um, what was the last on metro initially go? do with pitching, was it last time they both sat down to that huge table integrate something never, you know, so my don't think michael is going to do anything about getting a deal which uh, you know, managers to give uh, uh, an exemption on the bustle filled his front shoulders leading up stuffs,
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preposterous. i couldn't imagine. not ever happening. you know, i believe i think a, this, when we talk about the nature of the say, going back to the point to the i think um, what we uh, what the humble american in the blue color wilka in the shopping mountain ohio is gonna sell a journalist with when asked about all this because they don't really understand much suddenly specs to understand really anything of the, the bigger picture is the night. so is this organization that we pump in is those into, you know, we spend so much money on, we own it. so is chase, but we don't have the latest but have the courage to even put one. well, i think also there's no real strategic vision. that's the problem. you, george? if you know way, it'd be with the july summit coming up and you are ask your task, do you know to make a cheer leading brochure for the for the, for them, for the party. what would it say? he was just
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a good question to the cheer leading brochure of if you come up with the usual bundle software that nature has been coming up with and they do is a huge, massive romeo propaganda is also known as the main stream media building. the one who, what a fantastic job of it's doing of m. yeah, i live, i mean the, then the gulf obviously they go to congratulate themselves on all those job done. but i mean, when you talk about the strategic ration there really is no strategic vision. all of them, well let's go and continue to bleed russia. yeah, that's all that is as of the question that that should be on. what, how does that benefit us? how does a benefit anyone in your about, does it benefit anyone in the life of what, what do you gain by bleeding russia? that's like our house it. so it just has been to say, well, we'll continue as before and whatever, whatever else we must prevent. donald trump real coming to power because trump might bring this a, put it in the spigot to an end. and this,
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this is who kind of the episode of that there is no strategic the vision. yeah. other than, well let's keep this going because as long as with this blue double keeps going, then we can go on expanding and go on acquiring more and more funds. yeah, yeah. of the, of being humiliated in ukraine shouldn't stop the alliance is march forward. okay. because that has some kind of world historic value. all right, gentlemen, that's all the time. we have one thing, my guess in america, shannon, budapest. and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us. here are d, c and x. some. remember across the rules, the, the watching. why is the why in control? don't forget about plenty of the store and this should have been
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a short order for now. i'm not going to say lots of green scans when i am touch at your desktop session on the font is no national liam. no. that's just shiny your guess is when you bought a new born you said oh no, it's the the the the
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the oh no the wrong one. i'll just don't have to see the house to come and engagement because the trail when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the the
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the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, or the eu has been following this story. before it really happens to the man, women and children from cousin who was sent to us on if it's fixed, emanation, kept the now thanks to a newly released asset documentation, we will be able to locate and trace what happens to that possessions, to the goals that was taken and use some of its extermination cap the. this is the original o s. s the previous asset to the c i. the documents sent on the 21st of october, 1946 o. s. s agent m. as in bigelow,
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whose task was to locate and trace the gold looted by the nazis in world war 2 identified exactly what happened to the goal of that was taken in yugoslavia. actually in the independent state of croatia, the sentence report to mister harold glass, the director of mandatory was sent out to the us treasury building in washington dc . yeah, it's the full secret content there. harold, the following report has recently been received from a reliable source in italy. it is sent to you in the belief that it may be of interest. vios to show organization crow sions, fascist organization headed by type avalanche. remove funds from yugoslavia. estimated to total $350000000.00 swiss francs.
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the funds were launched in the form of gold coins above the funds rolled from the 4000000 dependent crow at state where jews and serves were plundered to support the post as your organization. in textile, an estimated 150000000 swiss francs were in pounded by british. whatsoever it is that the strows with frontier the balance of approximately 200000000 swiss francs was originally held in the vatican for safe keeping. and according to a ruler, a considerable portion of this later amount has been sent to spain and argentine through the vatican's pipeline. but it is quite possible that this is merely the smoke screen to cover the fact that the treasure remains in its original repository . sincerely yours, emerson, bigelow, famous journalist and research. and that will, could, she was one of these survivor. he was
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a child of closer and home. she is live, keep dedicate to collecting the names of the killed children till the age of 14. so he collected precise names over $19419.00 to establish names or children killed from consider a region killed in just signal that's extermination, cap the. let's see what happens to the children's cause. who was sent to you send the fits, extermination kept the only subject kemp that existed in world war 2 children aged up to 12 who was cents now as a direct result of the decorated veteran mass officer cook involved times successful operations.
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the . 2 the . busy busy the
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the . busy the . busy busy the, the intention was to present to you, some of which is a working environment. the we actually have pictures of a lot of really happened that you sent events. but these are images of $200.00 children that they close to should come under you. but mila chose to showcase his yes, and if it's reality to the international community, however, the truth is very different. being put in control of your son, events,
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extermination kept. jubal milch as a commander in 1942, came up with an incredible monstrous answer tenant guide. his intention was to totally conceal all traces of crimes and suggestions of genocide. so the only nazi country in europe all the well to have just like gemini, so the rice, tru extermination camps, which they prefer to call concentration caps was truly a shift. yes. and what's itself was the largest camp in all of the world war 2? it's the most monstrous in terms of how the people detained. what killed but and yes, and if it's the killing was conducted in the most terrible ways. they used
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a specially designed so called so it'd be a knife. people were killed with sledge hamis, even expectant mothers in late pregnancy. they devised incredible ways to make victims eyes pop out. because the had defeat independent state of croatia, tablets upset by wants to start each day with a fresh plate that's being eyes that jerry phrase was even written in a book titled by the famous italian writer, courtesy on the part to where he describes this hellish, seen on the other hand, the nazis fig creation. most to ship propaganda that he has some of it was a labor camp. now they say stuff every new
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special sensitive operation. how to demonstrate to the international community. little as well and how to hide the heinous crimes and genocide that took place every day in the sound of its desktop. this even involves the famous continental alisha stip unit at that time in 1941. and until the end of the war and 1945 cut in no stip unit held the position of archbishop of sawgrass. but that was his role. and he was the only man responsible for maintaining daily contract with the vatican. he even went as far as sending daily messages and left us to pope pius the 12th. unbelievably alicia step in which made his contribution by inviting one of his closest and best friends at the time,
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months in your message to visit the side of its concentration camp. that visit took place in 1942 the to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real live indians
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fixtures design to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented as fast? can you see through their illusion going underground? can today's off the gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast remained under the strong influence of its foam and metropolitan pro french president, phoenix, who said one year ruled the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the dead. the government isn't in a new house, including new foster. larry says that goods was douglas who saw him a lot more appropriate after the death of, of a one year, a new lead to long come back. the ball came to power. reset the drum right double
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for example. yeah, 2 is why you know, for people across the sample. isn't that a lot for tiffany to one is the one the bronze immediately dean. good luck. boeing . enemy, a deep political crisis ensued and walk a the country 2nd largest city, turned into a theater of last year from 130 to the other. 243. those thoughts about this? how did the dramatic events unfold? and how is walk a recovering from? he is a bloody conflict. watch on see the months and you must searching was meant to be the eyes and ears of the vatican which had spiritual responsibility and was recognised throughout the world as
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a model. los already and great impulse and staff all was attached to watch the fat to consult the highlights responded to the ascent of its desk. that meant that months in new york, my associates report would carry significant weight. so luis, a step in which called his friend, they had studied together bates of together in rome, learning doctrine, under teachings of the catholic faith. so my associate came with what he was shown and presented with was a diametrically opposite picture to watch the camp was in reality. remember the 20000 children who had been taken to death kept combined as to just a few of them. some 200 children who were given the mess of old gift of life. they were presented to months and you are my searching and to other international socrates. even now,
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a check. so any mention of your son of it's in the vatican's archive will reveal nothing. nothing moles, in what months any of us, which he saw happy children singing and playing. you will that there was a lady by camp. now, there is a strong incentive for the pope princess. because cowed and the step in which is on the coming, the process of so called beatification and found, had begun long before even the time of pope john paul. the 2nd, the question of whether the cardinal step or not you should be proclaimed to saint the process makes it very important that we know and confirm what archbishop step enough really did dentist draw. his letters can be found personal messages to the
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pope, claiming to have done a wonderful job relation catholic church, having from early 1944 to this day. more than 200000 converts people who chose to face to change their religion from orthodox and became catholic more than that, the episode was months in new muscle. g is just one example. when it had become undeniably clear, the crow aisha was losing the wall. archbishop stuff and that was invited and received personally by the independent correlation head of state on type of village . here we see the heavy duty that he received his emission to do his best in order to save leading political figures and independent correlations. minutes really a lead to doing the days, months and years of his tenure. and he did do his best. he filled, filled with admission. and that's sense. i run a cli cardinal step and actually might actually be considered
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a saint at least for the correlation states. other people talk political and military officials, he saved from being arrested and brought to justice for their unimaginable crimes. she organized the so called rich channels. the arrange for top military leaders. some would say criminals to visit sicily, number 7, cecilia, and strange to be received as refugees. and even given new documents and passage to a safe haven, mostly in elgin tina, as was even managed for the head of state to publish. but this goes deeper. the question was asked, what days people live? an excellent means was found. the goals taken from the taste of use and of its victims,
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mostly subs and jews. and some from the roma population. judge enormous quantity of gold was sent to domestic and that was another task for continental step in which when it became clear that the world was lost, he organized an annual bishop's conference. and in his address to the bishops, he said, we have a special mission. and we choose the most faithful among the faithful, and that's las colinas of trick on image. another friend from his school days and the vatican with a loud catholic doctrine together trellis now click on it, which is the most faithful and specially chosen to accepted the mission and personally took the goals to the vatican. there are records, we can locate the fate of that gold because bush also already stopped and arrested
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people at the boulder and then took once that such an enormous amount of money was released during the subject. none of which took the balance of those fun is and goes straight to the vatican. now whole this has been discovered and with this gold exiled was to show organization has some website for decades, been financed throughout the postwar. yes. it might seem that the catholic church has always supported these war criminals. the pope himself, john told the 2nd even personally received the president of austria full time when he experienced strong international isolation. and he was recorded a saying that well, time was a good catholic. so his position was restored based on this
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knowledge, clearly cardinal stiff enough to special instructions. one from the savvy and orthodox church. and another from the catholic church in croatia. most offering evidence by order of the vatican to look into unifying the collective possessions. don't weigh the cause and those step enough to shut the college st. this document is a personal letter from extra time. ouch, bishop alisha step and that's it's dated november, the 29th. but this is from 1979. just imagine that's more or less a year before croatia was officially proclaimed and recognized as the newly formed
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independent state of croatia. from this measure it becomes abundantly clear that the knowledge of bishop alicia's step in that's is a committed and notorious mtc much simply what he did just the the saw the breakout of the 2nd world war. let's do a tag in the jewish sylvia and populations. but is it the job of a high priest, even the highest of priests as archbishop of sa grab. so what did happen to your son if it's extermination, kept your son if it's remained active up to the very last day? you'll now see what was left. then but you said if it's looked like on the day,
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you had to liberate us into the x demonstration. come the most to show detaining is being held in the camp. tried to escape, but in the haste they simply wanted to bend and destroy everything they could. but so much evidence remained. removing or destroying it all would have been impossible. it was held on us the deadline on the ground. it was sheila hara, the smell of decaying human flesh hung in the. 2 bodies everywhere. that was the scene that greeted the 1st deliberate us, the people who entered yes and if it's literally shocked with a so called factories that authorize it in a cab. the same as skin factory and another as a produced chains known as lunch at
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the it was impossible to escape the river as death was everywhere. bodies as long been left to rot, the there was a fresh demonstrations inside red. it was the summer of 1945, the people gathered and tested loudly. the crowd was enormous. a group of people, those who had happily greeted the german soldiers with flowers, vendor with those who had lost their father's mother's brothers. all assessed as they chanted. desk to the wall criminals, the victims of your son events, wanted revenge. the people with desperate they couldn't believe what had happened when it was uncovered,
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the full truth system monstrous reality of the ascent of its extermination camps. they set the victims of your sentiments with one, for revenge. it was class at the purchase of the innocent at to pay the desk to wall criminals. these demonstrations have never been shown. it's almost impossible to remember the reality of sacrament just after the war. the especially when we consider another reality that the sub in population at an equal rights under the constitution. after the civil war of $95.00 disappeared,
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they had to lease correlation. and now no more than 2 percent of correlations, population is being the habits of world war 2. and if you send, if it's continued in 1995 with an attack on the serbian
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population and sylvia in croatia across the as a result of why this can be cited by lawrence. these can be expanded by true importance of we can never be of a station. so that transparency is looks for to region listed at trees. then just succeeded in finding documents that exist state and making them available to the world public. i mean,
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what could be more moving box by publishing information and sharing information with the public? he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest and wants to so mom realized tends to me and don't endlessly, to relate continuously. i know why advice may attempt to know who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought the adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the sentence. all we're going to let that stay the what is part of the, the employee would post that isn't the,
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the place you of us and that in the word, or is it something deeper, more complex, might be present? good. let's stop without pages. let's go to the product as the action or can see welcome back to going underground, broadcasting all around the world from the middle east. today the world quote is scheduled to begin a 2 day hearing goal by nicaragua, against germany, of a it's role in the gaza genocide. the central american nation, infamously, destabilized by us death squads, is accusing europe's most popular economy of facilitating the commission of genocide by providing political, financial, and military support to his rail tomorrow. pentagon boss, lloyd austin, will it be able to congress for more weapons after millions of dollars would have


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