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tv   News  RT  April 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the, the, the breaking news this, our russian investigation said of obtained evidence that the croakers hold terrorist links to ukrainian intelligence. nicaragua takes germany, took hold of the hate, accusing to live in publishing a genocide in dogs, the font, all named israel. it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the pests senior and children from and planted and gone to provide too many tavian aids. including to add troops on the one hand to furnish the veterans and committed to re equipment the use to kill. and then the 8th them paging say is no external actors. the choices coin it's relations with most of the
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us treasury secretary john as he lives directions to sanction china, allegedly helping russia ukraine conflict. also this out. i wanted to show you the shape. got one of the fits as baffled, browse kindly across the front clouds. we could have gone to so, but the risk rises ex potentially we may not overdone, no man's land of scorched us. we were cold from the front line near the don't. yes . with public city of altima where driving operators, exchange precise strikes. it could be that last the a very welcome to you. this is all the international with the latest world news on the date is great to have a company as always. we start this out with breaking news, ukrainian intelligent services all connected to the terrace,
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carried out the most constant hold attack last month. as, according to the russian and investigative committee, and the moments 11 people involved and in particularly serious crime had been identified in the case, all of them have been charged and preventively detained. the investigation has already obtained significant information about the circumstances of the terrace preparations for the crime which might indicate the connection with the ukrainian special services. when this comes, as the suspects were supposed simple for killing 145 people in the march 22nd terror attack have confessed and admitted they were told to flee to ukraine. what were your groups plans off to the terrorist attacks to key to move towards key if we wanted to lead to territory of russia, we go into the car and hit the road. so i realized that it would be difficult to cross the border. safe low said that there would be guys waiting for us at the
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border with ukraine who would help us cross it and get the kids so so sorry for lo . told us to drive towards ukraine at the boulder. we had to make a phone call to get helped across the board. this further just being published for the 1st time suspects and the crooked city, whole terrorist attack outside moscow who had claimed they couldn't communicate without a translator. now seemed eager to talk on camera a confession, a motive, a plan as they spill out, the details of the failed get away plan which was meant to lead them to the ukrainian capital side full of told us to drive toward ski if and when we get to the border, not far from the border to button in the car and call him he would help us sigh full set. when you get to the border call me and i will tell you what to do next. to investigate this idea, to establish who this mysterious se floor is,
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and if he could be the ring, lead to the most in mind of the terrorist operation. one thing seems clear though russian authorities have one most string, in this case, connecting the attack to ukraine. the link to the us has been trying to dismantle, since the very 1st hours in the off to most of the attack, there's no indication at this time that ukraine or ukrainians were involved in the shooting. but again, this just broke, we're taking a look at it, but i would disabuse you with this early hour of any connection to you. there is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because you credit was not involved in this. there is no, whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that isis k is actually on, by all accounts responsible for what happens that talking about ukrainian involvement. how much should we believe them? but i think we have very little confidence in,
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and the thing the russian government says there is absolutely no evidence that the government of ukraine had anything to do with this attack. russia's being skeptical of these claims, exploring its own primary version, adding up to most cool suspicion, a search and terrorist attack warnings all across russia, which proved to be false, but looked like a coordinated scam on green campaign, playing very much and keeps favor. now tara has been one of ukraine's tactics of choice, as it's being trying to bring the fi to russia's homefront. now this map shows every region where most co security services have been able to afford to tax buy keeps pulling, as you can see from coming in grad to rushes far raised. the number of uncovered plots seems to be only growing each year. in fact, the cranium, intelligence increased. its terry's depends last year, almost 5 full compared to 2022, then that's according to the official statistics. and that appeared to be no stops
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on this train. this year alone has already seen its fair share of attempts a terrorist attacks up to boston and sabotage, act. more than 500 people have been detained since 2022 over that ties to ukraine's intelligence of some of the attack supported by russia. security services in the past couple years is a hit on 1000000000, the media mogul consistency. and well, let's see if he, an agent of key of intelligence is seen planting a boom on the his car sees editor in chief was also a targets over here. craig, getting the applause brushes. energy sector has been singled out to hear a man, so recruited by cuba, is sneaking a boom into a gas hub and his taking them to custody moments later, russian security services. i've had a crazy busy to he is catching people right handed in the homes in the street on
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the run. not all agreed to be taken in quietly. for one of the most brazen floats involved in military grade, us made none of agent. another, a shipment of explosives stashed in church icons and it's not like all of caves, attempts have been futile. will correspondence loveland petoskey was murdered in a bomb attack. as was daddy, a duke and daughter of a russian philosopher, this isn't a ukrainian politician. and yet kiva was gone down in broad daylight assassinations that ukrainian intelligence pretty much took responsibility for the web to the fluids. and they've always been you, it was a complete at 330 in up same to come through with the trades ukraine, if i'm not mistaken. up to 14 years, some presentment and 9 by 9 seems sort barreled weapon went off in the chest area followed by a control show to the head and here mind forever near his place of residence in the
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most co suburbs, woodridge. all i will comment on is that we've been killing russians, and we will keep killing russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of ukraine. but the terrorist attack on croak a city who has seen 145 innocent people killed, would be by saul keeps bloodiest and divine list act. if this version is confirmed, of course, which russian authorities seem confident will happen. but you, when the international court of justice has begun, harring nicaragua, as a lawsuit against germany managua to this building of facilitating the quotes, the commission of genocide and goss him by supplying weapons too, as well as well pumping the country with western spell. it also tends to be providing plenty of humanitarian aid to goss nicaragua has cooled, that hypocritical position. it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the best fit palestinian children women and men and goss onto
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provides for many tabby and 8. including 2 ad drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill. and then the 8th them and to kill also for many to be an age. because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen. on the other hand, as well as the noise that is military town painting does amounts to a breach of the genocide convention. ecolog law has all c i. c j. so hung down provisional measures including ordering gemini to suspend its military supplies to israel. earlier this year, south africa broke the little series at the same time, at the same quote rather against is as well accused in the country of terry and now some genocide to ox in garza, the i c j instructed as well to do everything to prevent subject falsities from taking place. it's been revealed that last year, gemini supplied us 30 percent,
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says as wells total military inputs, as a 10 fold increase compared to the previous year. and so sold over the past 2 decades to many expos over $3500000000.00 worth of items of the equipment. so the idea ecolog law says those weapons have been used to commit crimes against the people of garza. government is taking to on the way, showing up legation to prevention, the side, or to issue respect of international humanitarian law. the export of german weapons and committee to equipment to israel likely to be used for committing these grey formulations of international law is continuing. germany must immediately make every effort to ensure that weapons already delivered to israel or not used to commit genocide. that's now close to south africa into a political analyst. joy milan got many thanks for joining us on the program. i'd like to ask you for your assessments. so authentic rockland lawsuit against germany,
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so saw um, i see we did the the 100 percent. correct. they austin's phone, so you got, this is my picture. it'll be on the, on the level of the page of the tv is age. on the other hand that's off putting the same or something. the children probably still needs to come to dc, but i do not understand what kind of see something it least of the past. so the home was now this morning to come see if the fax has been done. i gave the what's the cost of say you are the bees on the the something has got to pay the bill is due to happen on the,
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on the left hand side. i mean, the last one was suspended from sports. this organization abusing their actions simply because of the whole probably she being new. but when you look at what the, these are the st. just easy child to suck up there to the americans, 5 points of the to themselves. you need to be on the highway to tone around the issues of just took the ones that you cannot be displayed on the other side on the other side too. so people are posting and so the, the content and strategic often generates on how the business. but of course, the 151st. most of the americans do i think you, i think you're right. it's what depends on the gemini, almost seems to be excusing itself by saying not only all we supplying weapons, but also have plenty of humanitarian aid to goes. i mean, is, are really good at,
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excuse, it's a this, like i've said to, that's the gentleman's was seen as the people that do the design. these people inspect legs that it's vocal type now. so what they're trying to do with that kind of like crazy. another, so whatever that, that the stuff stocks definitely slip i would say, but wanted see, what does that mean? it's because it's done by the what the countries are fine. that's what you typically don't, don't know about anything. if i just support that kind of stupid because that's one of them agreed at this point in time, so they don't need it. and that's not what he's doing. so i needed to check what kind of the g one pay that they give you. i just want to give you the names put back as long expired. we don't know that there's somebody giving the funds. we
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don't know that that's what we're giving things that they've done. this is probably the work. now the warranty soon acknowledge that it's something that it's now they do is say not find the item intended. on the other hand, this is with the company supervision people. so basically you to give them the have a nice, that's not sage, it's all just altering and you can enjoy it. that's what the germans are doing. so it's completely up to for. meanwhile, people within germany a are expressing that they're not happy with the situation. is that being inquiry put to them and civil servants that have code on the government to cease military aids to as well, and a lot of durham and citizens also, it doesn't support these supplies either, but does it look like building is worried about that? about what the gym and people think of um some, some ducks you must also take the false delete this, that uh,
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installed. finally, found any further or disabled is fine at this time, at the same people that you see this is listing separately. the population of each of these with thing comes, i'm not, is pretty, but what that does, it comes up generally. generally indeed, it's not going to the actual people just speak to the okay. do understand what is happening. you probably start this, you know, the government is sort of just saying yes, you know, people do us, do you see to be doing something else? but what's the government, i mean one corporation invested in
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. yes, it seems that the details of doing the best coverage of things it's it's, it's something that we never even experienced this time. i mean victims doesn't be to imply that it's it's just to keep me in the appraisal for 6 months. yeah. that, that was the was calling to. but no, yeah, definitely. it's back up to the whole team. it's in all the just the basics with some of the many thanks for speaking to us today. so i really appreciate your insight into it and your opinion on the mass of south africa, into a political unless to him along the thank you, are going to southern gauze and now where the idea is left, where rings it is way cost of putting out. so the city of kong unit is following months of siege locals and now were turned into the area to find the houses reduced
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to rubble, soaking. so to each from the city shows that not a single residential building has been left untouched by the war. magical facilities of all, so being ravaged with the alpha alum hospital being among them. some full 100000 people lifting, calling units before october, the 7th. but now most of them have no homes to go back to the last minute of the all the homes have been destroyed. the area has been leveled, and everything that was not attracted by the strikes has been subjected to artillery. selling. this is 63 really terrible. well, hold on for the support. we went to check our home, but we couldn't even find it. we expected to see our house, but unfortunately we came and didn't find anything at all. i discovered that my house basically no longer exists. there were no stairs for me to go up to the 3rd floor. so my brother climbed up, got me some things and came back down and brought some somewhere close for my children. this comes with, as well as defense witness to say,
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says troops actually preparing for renew defense. if that will target the southern most fishy, of rough uh, where most of the display scans and population some 2000000 people have been sheltering. the i'm think i thought of how moss has ceased to function as a military organization throughout and gaza is really troops are going out of hon. eunice to prepare for their follow up conditions in the rough area. we saw examples of central missions at el cheapo hospital. when we, while we just have spokes person, james elder has visited an intensive tell unit and a gauze in hospital where children are being treated. he says he's utterly shocked by the situation. the a general fancy how the children what's happening to children being more twenties with us for us, for myself, job as
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a job. our story for children and i re selma and so i need a new story to manage most fraud, a different chapter for these children and the energy or save the children, say that i have a 2 percent or 26000 children and again, safe have either been killed or injured, at least the thousands have survived terrible injuries that have led to the amputation of one or both legs. we heard from a palestine pediatrics society man, but adults that i'm in a psychology who says violence and if it gets finance with the surgeons and see what happens at the at houses this, these to the hospital has to their universe. it is, do they have sent me an email from us? you can imagine how they would react once they go. oh, that actually is
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a lot with wow, it's army has done that slightly in wind is more and more violent as in the future, secondary issues, we're not really sit and just watch and wait for another strike ads who, who is the more violence, the student that was brought up to becoming more violence to do either this or do they act like they have see, the toner says no external actors should try to spoil is bilateral relations with russia. that's not the us treasury secretary john is yelling, who's touring the country? so i said it's chinese companies with repercussions for working with mosca. we continue to be concerned about the rules with any firms, including those in the p. r. c. are playing and rushes, military procurement. i stress the companies including those in the p,
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r. c must not provide material support for roaches more and that they will face significant consequences if they do. and i reinforce it, any banks that facilitate significant transactions to channel military or do use goods to russia's defense, industrial base, expose themselves to the risk of us sanctions when he would issue a relevant countries should not attack the normal relations between china and other countries or the legitimate, twice an interest between china and other countries, companies general take measures to safeguard this. the ju them is interest and vice to. well, i think this whole episode is very, it characteristic, all the communication and diplomatic style that the united states for some reason chooses to practice our visits to our chime. i came officer along the way to cole,
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with the chinese leaders. should you be the 2 invited american presence managed to secure a he needs it more than half the chinese side. and the 2 leaders agreed that madame yellen would travel to china to strengthen the dialogue. and for some reason, americans believe the tale of attention is what to do and telling you being in a very room, diplomatically route manner, is going to strengthen these dialogue is not just, not them yelling. but for example, secretary of state anthony blinking, who behaves in pretty much the same man trying to uh get into some sort of bad communication with the chinese. um yeah. assuming we uh not being able to help himself to. um, you know, make some pull arriving statements. i believe the china is host no other way. no other reason, no other space than you know to appear cold on the no develop ties anymore. the
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russian foreign minister survey law prop is also in the jang for talks right now. what are the expectations for his visit? well, i think this visit provides a very interesting alternative diplomatic style to what we discussed earlier in the one practiced by american officials. because so gayla growth has very frequent sky communications and you know, meetings, but these chinese officials are russia and china are celebrating the, someone to just, i never eyes. and if you look at the trade speakers, they demonstrate that, you know, the relationship is indeed stronger than ever. the 2 countries are coordinating not only the bilateral relations, but also working together within the framework of a number of international organizations, including the brakes. and by the way, within the bricks framework, it's not just rushing china, but the number of countries are now developing. um, you know,
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sort of just system is west of more international transactions. i think that goes back to the yellow comment about, you know, possible sanctions for bags that are supposedly facilitating any military training . but when it comes to the issue of your grade, i think it's important to stress that russia has enough capacity to uh, provide whatever it needs uh for itself. and this has been the most of the position from the very beginning. i'm the same by the way, for china on its own difficulties with the west in taiwan, both russian and china. ultimately note about ideology is there about making sure that you know, that authorities, that governments working in the service of the people and that, that this work. and this corporation leads to practical improvement in the living standards um logistical framework. so within both countries,
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they chose and routing policy is preparing to re introduce the quote for an agent. lo, with the prime minister insisting the legislation will succeed this time and will prevent outside forces from hen during the countries process. as they prove to as the transparency something russian know past, what is your pin. last year they managed to mislead part of society. they turned values upside down, but i'm sure they will not be able to do this again. we believe that transparency and freedom of speech are defining values in a democracy. so let's protect both principles, both values as much as possible. but let's find out more now from our correspond the don't quote the joint to be in the studio. and thanks for coming in. tell us more about this far, an agent. no. well, this proposed law is all about making georgian society more transparent. i mean, for years, western funded engineers have been working to manipulate public opinion in the
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country to make, bring people against basically russia and china and this proposed laws, not even attacking them. it would just require organizations within the country that get over 20 percent of their funding from abroad to register in a government database. it is, however, clear that these, the influence of these western funded n g o's is very entrenched in georgia and society. because just about a year ago, when the parliament tried to pass a very similar law, people started writing thousands of people in the streets of publicity. against what they called a supposedly russian style law. i was there myself, i reported on those events. i saw how people were throwing rocks and molotov cocktails. the police were responding with water cannons. it was absolute chaos. just because the government they're wanting to get a hold on for and meddling in the country. and after just 2 days, i mean the parliament had to back down and these protesters got exactly what they want. and i remember those process. well, i remember you being that so now the children is we knew discussions about below
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what was the reaction from the west being like? well, last year the, the, the us actually threatened the sanction georgia if they went through with this long this time the european union is already openly criticizing it, saying that transparency and democracy are apparently mutually exclusive. the transparency should not be used as an instrument to limit civil societies capacity to operate freely. we encourage the political leaders in georgia to adopt and implemented force that i in line with the state of the objective of joining the european union. supported by a large majority of georgian citizens, the e u, causing georgia to uphold his commitment to the promotion of democracy, the rule of law and human rights. on top of that, germany's foreign ministry spokesman has already hinted that the european union may decide to take off your membership or take your membership off off the table for georgia. if it goes through with this for an agency's law. and we also heard from
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nato as well. nato's leadership is completely against it was to go as high opposing a town by the georgia government to reintroduce the dropped law on for nations or for an influence as business actually. and that foot against strengthening democratic institutions in georgia, georgia needs to work and reforms to get close to tomato and the repeating union that georgia and people made it clear that they wanted democratic prosper us feud, showing the repeal, erode logic, family. i'm afraid that any law that introduces this idea of 4 and the agents will have an impact on media outlets that also provides in georgia on demand in the better idea of macon, georgia. a stronger and more democratic society. satisfied all these claims by george and liberals in the west that this law is somehow connected to russia. i mean, it's important, understands that the united states has had its own for an agency law since the mid 20th century. and the european union itself also passed its own for an agencies law,
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although the europeans say it's not a, for an agency's law, it's a defensive democracy package. okay. so what, because of all the tails that talks about this little creates it's a year ago, why now are they choosing to renew these discussions? well, george and elections are coming up on october 26th. and it's very likely that the west is trying to afford any action taken by the ruling euro sceptic georgian dream party and the run up to that. and then the attempts probably to shrink their representation in parliament because of course, um, you know, the driving force behind these efforts and george and society to control the influence of these western backed and joe's are mainly coming from the georgia dream party on monday. thanks for tell me with the details, appreciate it. no se on course is well has less. they try to destruction in neighboring level,
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often months across the board of strikes between the ideas and hezbollah and the latest development. this monday is well says it has a saw some days of the senior field come on the of the militant inquiry, wasting the tax of devastated several towns on the 11 east side also, but with the footage for the same. so it was positive. russell, where residential buildings when stood at least 340 people, have reportedly been killed by the adf, inside lebanon since october, as well as slaves. it has been hasting back. it is well in response to the assault on gaza to well, that's always in the early times with this mean bones by as well since the gospel begun, the idea is carried as a series of unannounced attacks on syria killing a number of civilians as well as a rainy and military advise of stations that the most recent is ready strike the storage and a rainy and close to the building and damascus. leaving 13 people dead. all my a danger and a list of all x college essays. hezbollah will react to any attacks on level so i guess it is, oh, this is a story that must begin and on.


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