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tv   News  RT  April 8, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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parties, virtual death sentence. are we going to let that stay? the nick or i do, i takes germany tech courts out the hey, got choosing berlin off, encouraging genocide in gals and by farming israel. it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the best hit. a senior children booming a man and goes on to provide somebody terry an age including to ad drops on the one hand to furnish the veterans and committee terry equipment for the use to code. and then the 8th them and another of our stories this our, the pbc transfers its indian broadcasting license to a private entity and that a legit tax violations of controversies, oakridge coverage plus also a head i want to show you place shape one of the 3 it says baffled, browse power d,
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across the front blogs we could have gone to so, but the risk was, is ex, potentially, we may not over tubs, no man's land of scorched earth. we report from the front line near that done yet for the public city of our team, where you read the operators, exchange press sized spikes in a conflict increasingly dominated by drawing a tax the just after midnights. and you come paulette in cyprus and here in law school. welcome to the our team. these are the you in international court of justice has begun hearing a lawsuit brought by nick argue against germany. berlin is accused of facilitating the quotes commission of genocide. india has that by supplying weapons to israel, while pumping the country with arms. germany also claims to be providing plenty of q monitoring a to 1000 monega. so it's, that's
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a hypocritical position. it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the past seeing in children and women and men and goss onto provides for many terry and 8, including to add drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill. and then the 8th them and to kill also for many to have in a true across as most recently evidenced by the missile i tech against vehicles and through the build central kitchen. on the other head, germany is supporting a genocide that is the old and shell claim being made right now at the international court of justice by the central american country of nicaragua. how you may be wondering, well by supplying is well, with weapons use to a know i late palestinians in gaza goodman, you can not be aware that the munitions, the military equipment in the war weapons that is applying is being used by israel
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in these attacks. it doesn't matter whether i need to least show is deliberate, straight from germany to any speedy tank. shelby in the hospital or university, or whether that artillery show for us to replenish israel stockpile for use at some later date. it doesn't matter whether the playing shoes didn't come back and to drop one ton buttons on the population were made entirely in germany, which disparate parts maintenance were supplied. the fact is that the assurance of supplies in replacement for arguments is crucial to issue us pursuit of the attacks, i'm guessing nicaragua says, as well as being committing serious branches of international law since october. and we always see j is already ruled. those violations may amount to an active genocide. germany is fully aware of what's happening and therefore, also culpable. it's an accusation, different billions history and 8 to being the reason the geneva convention was
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created is likely to move, been staying. this is the bottom line. and what are the basis for initially natural cool, right of self defense isn't vote. it can never serve to justify violation. so don't room for the genocide convention or i didn't know i'm talking to national good night, debbie. a little surprising to the german that seems to have to be able to differentiate between self defense genocide for the more driven to can not involve this really isn't some state of necessity subsistence for his defense into a bible. the, despite of the size and populations, this ro is on the top 10 percent, or the most minute to really powerful countries in the world is put copy test prints is more than 4 times larger than that of germany. you seeking higher than that of the united states. nick, like you was says despite clear evidence of genocide against palestinians in garza to many continues to supply weapons as israel's 2nd largest supply. it has
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a responsibility, morley, as well as legally, to ensure that those items are not used in violation of international rule. in the 10 years to 20, to 20000000000 supplied almost a quarter of its arms. but this is where it gets really interesting by 2023. so this is just last year. it's on sales that as well. so an increase of 10 fold. the case buying the correct q a raises questions or countries who profit from selling weapons to as well. and the tide is turning kinda to the netherlands, japan, spain, and belgium of all suspended the sale of weapons to, as well as even prussia, mounting in the us for the bite and administration to take a similar stops in light of the recent strike against aid workers. and the other worse and in humanitarian prices, we believe it's an justifiable to approve this weapons transfers the as the largest
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supplier for weapons that is well in washington. don't really got some $4000000000.00 in middle tree 8 annually. it's hard to imagine it would change course. now, pressure is also the month thing in the u. k. not only of politicians guessing in on the at so to all the legal eagles, 3 form a supreme court justices of joins moving. $600.00 law is legal. academics on retired senior judges calling for those on sales to be quoted. the provision of military assistance and material to israel may render the you take implicit in genocide, as well as serious breaches of international humanitarian law. berlin will defend itself on the or c j on tuesday, but it's already issued a denial to school charges germany reject the allegations made by nicaragua. today, germany does not and never did violate the genocide convention nor international
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humanitarian law that directly not in directly on the country. germany is committed to be a pull of international law and this is what we work for internationally. nicaragua was germany to hold its weapons so urgently and to not wait for decision by the court which could take weeks if not months to be delivered. and with each day that passes, the death toll grows in nicaragua believes that berlin has blood on its hands. well, just staying with this story we spoke with. so if african geo political specialist, jo, milan, go who thinks berlin isn't going to stop sending weapons to israel because the german government has lost control of its decision making. a 7. this is folks all the time leaves and really excited, and that's how comes it's entirely independent dental. what to do by the americans,
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the highest i'm agents are the biggest news, the news in german. so not in charge of taking in dealing to you one day of left, but there is nothing here. so i, i know what the americans are in charge of decision making. that may be independent of what did you say this whole close to the americans a long time? you know, i made looming tax issues and full large over controversial stories. the bbc is restructuring its assets in india, the british corporation has transferred its indian broadcasting license to a private entity funded by former bbc employees who is pledge to maintain strict
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standards. it's unprecedented for the bbc to grant their license to publish to another entity. we will not compromise our journalism and the bbc is solidly behind us. considering that the bbc didn't want to lose its presence in india or cut jobs and they didn't want to become financially and viable. this forced us to think out of the box based on the legal advice the bbc was receiving. everyone was viewing towards this as the viable option. ok, some details on this, the bbc has applied to the indian government for around a quarter, a stake in the private limited company to shake off follow searches of the bbc offices related to local tax issues. digital news entities are allowed direct foreign investment of up to 26 percent if government approve. so the ownership struggle comes and made the bbc's waning popularity in the country. viewers, in fact, are done 7 percent a year on year, and also a number of controversy surrounding the broadcast or the news organization last
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year or the phil discrediting indian prime minister and the rent remotely accusing him of having a direct role in the 2002 sector in riots, we deli accuse the channel of pursuing and not the government, the agenda of housing. i quoted colonial mindset. their job where to go. yeah. well indian arthur, i'm calling this to archie. i'm more well save the bbc's. declining viewership in the region stands from it's biased coverage. i need this thing as actively as what they do financial thought they did not save taxes, which they were suppose to pay. so, you know, that was obviously something know and to pick and be allowed to continue with. so this, you know, do our certification you could say, or this formation of a new company is just a way for them to actually comply with been doing the conditions. this is sort of like a really good thing. i would want saying that there's a change in that approach or the static strategy which has been very uh,
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indoor phobic and can do the full big if you, if i have the patio and just to give you a basic idea of you don't need to see us how it has gotten into this starting from the several countries severe title b r y? no, i mean, you know, there are so many countries like me onboard with. they have openly defied the government regulations and the laws. so it's not about propagating. freedom of speech, i mean you can mean that goes to your opinion, but negative opinions cannot be against the very people, you know who you are broadcasting it to. so they spend a life about indians doing news, and that is not something they shouldn't be ok with. as indians must go say he's there is quote, significant evidence that the ukrainian intelligent services are connected to the terrorist who pre though it the focus city hall. i talked last month, a mastercard, which so at least $145.00 people killed here in the capital. that's one of the
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findings rushes investigative committee partially unveiled on monday. at the moment, 11 people involved and in particularly serious crime have been identified. in the case all of them have been charged and proved. 9 to be detained, the investigation has already obtained significant information about the circumstances of the terrace preparations for the crime which might indicate the connection with the ukrainian special services. well, after carrying the atrocity on the concert doors out, the arena, including children, the 4 suspected terrorist headed towards the printing border. they were detained in the pre owned region, around a 100 kilometers away from the frontier. the russian presidents later announced it'd be discovered that an escape route was prepared for them on the cleaning side . barely speaking a word of russian when detained at 1st. the suspects during questioning confirmed that was the case. what were your groups plans off to the terrorist attacks the key to move towards key if we wanted to leave the territory of russia,
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we goes into the car and hit the road. and so i realized that it would be difficult to cross the border. safe low said that there would be guys waiting for us at the border with ukraine who would help us cross it and get the kids so so long story for low told us to drive towards ukraine at the border, we had to make a phone call to get helped across the board to this further, just being published for the 1st time suspect since the coca city whole terrorist attack outside moscow who had claimed they couldn't communicate without a translator. now seemed eager to talk on camera a confession, a motive, a plan as they spill out, the details of the failed get away plan which was meant to lead them to the ukrainian capital side full a told us to drive towards key if and when we get to the border, not far from the border to button in the car and call him he would help us. sigh
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full said, when you get to the border call me and i will tell you what to do next. understand no more on the latest investigation. findings on the west shooting in moscow and many decades can be funds on r t dot com, the rushes defense ministry stays. it has completely destroyed a warehouse and production facility for heavy payload drones in the city of this oper, rogia. this footage shows precision and targeting and what appears to be the total destruction of the premium electric side cube has been using you avi's to strike at brushing infrastructure, such as oral gas and other energy facilities, including some the so tank. i'm this operator, was you a nuclear power plant to get some more updates on the conflict in ukraine? the russian defense ministry has stated its forces have repelled dozens of
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frontline attacks over the past 24 hours. the m o. d also say's russian troops have been funds in the done yet republican over the past states getting a tactical advantage near the in buffalo city of the art shambles. scouts and on this back moved. additionally, the ministry states, the ukrainian military, suffered around $900.00 fatalities, as well as the tide artillery losses in the contra time. while a key advantage on the bottom feed has appointments. the thing the deployment of brushes, spike drones, which are t senior correspondent, broadcast, you can tell us more about in the ruins of last. most speed is a bible. there is always an enemy drew watching. we are with a scouts squad. regiments 10 awaits once, entirely made up of mobilized troops. now, the battle hardened veterans, scott, and confident they being assigned to retake a village,
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the name of which it's become synonymous with slow stuff. we venture that towards the south of buck, most of all die here is watching the sky. it's a cut because it was which about it, but i wanted to show you the shape of one of the fits as baffled, growled cowardly, across the front bloods. we could have gone close, but the risk rises ex, potentially we may not overdone, it is barely 2 kilometers behind me cuz the shape go which ukraine expended thousands of soldiers a bacon is now half controlled by russian forces to shift is surrounded on noon sides by higher ground, it is there that the battle is waged. some of their presence is
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relative. 2 or 3 people per position. their just fodder left behind. you see a few of them. when they die, it means there isn't a salt under way, which means the rest have to defend, which means entire fleets come because the prunes rising up to hunt for targets on both sides. the drone had moved on. the sky of a baffled, however, never stays empty foot long. they're all big and dead. leah, things about the effects of dreams and not just the physical cannot be overstated
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psychologically without a doubt. yes, tv drew suicide. drones are the most terrifying weapons used in these conflicts large because of how wide spread they all thousands and thousands used every week. this particular specimen, valium, is put together in the field and that's p o explosives to kilograms of explosives used to below, but you paid in full to vacations to get the troops insides. this video is from a lead testing puts exclusive power matches for nothing without skill amongst thousands of drew and pilots to lead, thousands will become aces, the 10 awaits is full and one of them i want to introduce you to my colleague and
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battle brother. this is master, is my entire company has filled up a graveyard of ukrainians and master here has filled up another graveyard all by himself, somewhere near oval for another region, most of began flying tunes. the full months ago, he quickly excelled the mazda has more than 140 confirm the hits. 140 ukrainian soldiers killed or injured by one. russian drew an operator with nothing more than a remote control in his hands. and that's an aspect, almost at the task of one at the beginning when i hit the target, i was trembling, but eventually it became a piece of cake. when i'm given a task,
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a will complete it. i don't feel any pleasure. i'm just doing my duty by eliminating one target, i may have saved the lives of our soldiers and demoralize the enemy. mike refused to follow orders. mazda is well protected. we will not allow to film him as well. it wouldn't be any of the regiments positions. mazda is base of operations is seek with and changes regularly keys to valuable to race. especially now if it's ukraine's forces, showing cracks, the yellow is going to, the situation has changed radically. they have an evidence shortage of manpower and artillery shells. women at the do they mean they are dying in entire units and sending fresh ones in without any training? they don't know what to do. they keep making the same mistakes, which i can capitalize on. ukraine is in a difficult position. it is losing so as far as that it can replace them. never
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mind. train them and, and train soldiers do. not last long. mazda and others like him. do not let them. the more, i guess, the archie from bach most than the people's republic. yeah. one of the insight that was another story to bring you by the way, the so rory are a democratic republic, has firmly the nonce, frances, intention to finance projects in the territories of western sahara saying the plan is a provocative step. the republic considers the region occupied by morocco. the governmental, this robert republic strongly denounces. this move which constitutes explicit support for the legal moroccan occupation of certain parts of the solve and national territory. and the flag runs, violation of international law phone systems, and also a big day since as
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a permanent member of the security council. and the ideals on which the french republic was founded on, while morocco considers the western sahara part of its territory on independence movement, supported by algae erie and says, the loved is a sophomore instinct. a guerrilla war with the summer already peoples poll assario from started when morocco took over most of western sahara in 1975 from colonial spain. the front plains, the desert territory in north west africa, was its own. the united nations broker to cease fire in 1991 and attempted to help organize a referendum on the territories future. but the side substance being debt. we discussed frances presence on the continent with mohammed bessie out and busted or all of this are already republic to south african listed this is not a simple. ready investment that these are needed in any country. this is
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a politically motivated, colonial, motivated policy over for as to how does morocco do give model a hand to legitimize model going to probation problem. they ask, begin about some infrastructure that to a model who is planning to be doing out. i'll go by and go to the they mention it one that a to a thing, but even base 3. 0, the finance investment and i'm pretty good. it was more blunder over the resources, then a genuine, a investment, because the investment shouldn't be deb, it's the zillow for us. this it is, but they're rolling over the just a score of your values. the title in, in, in the beginning, in which, how many times that is in the business. and what's the most uh,
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without the approval of this i always for us is a very the magic deeply in the, in the culture. these county was behind the was, it was in the country in west babbage and assign him in, in, in, in, in the one that was, was designed behind the genocide in of jenny. because what happens is the 1st of june, the sides, it was designed to genocide that happened in my that's kind of, i'm many, many of the african countries. france is the, was colonial power. that do you mind me the, have ever gone fast? is now once again that i mean to had a model the only going on in that one of those that these over by another company that i am to add them to the investment.
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this is the 2nd ways of off it. can you imagine what happened in the sixty's was merely opponent to collaboration? so here's your money and the franz nomination still continues the now through the fall through the military bases. but it just didn't need to be reminded . we say what i said outside as the last comment issue about snow all the finish, the majority of the page, but it was gone. the going on is really do we do go to nice, send them they do we do for the nice mondays and the way of people are nice. they should be judged either way or the for the nicest guy will be some of you name in the 1st column is the need, the just of the, the 2nd step, the 2nd, the age of the is ation of africa. but then this is because of fun plans. no,
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but don't you think of no, no, put them in the policy mean good to the one to 30 policies and to the military bases and the modeling. you know, if they can, they're part of the condition. you see the politics of each of them is finishing. and i've seen the mice. ok, just before we go, take you to the clock is this nation of georgia with a ruling party there is preparing to re introduce a so called foreign agent law. much to the consternation of western partners, the prime minister has insisted that legislation is necessary and will prevent outside forces from interfering in the countries policies. as they proved to, as the transparency something russian know past, what is your pin last year they managed to mislead part of society. they turned values upside down, but i'm sure they will not be able to do this again. we believe that transparency and freedom of speech are defining values in a democracy. so let's protect both principles,
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both values as much as possible. well, this proposed legislation is aimed at making george and society just more transparent. because for years, thousands of western funded n g o's had been working hard in the country to manipulate public opinion against russia and china. and this law actually isn't even attacking them. it would just require organizations in the country that get over 20 percent of their income from foreign sources to register in a government database. nonetheless, these western funded and backed organizations in the country are already on the attack against this proposed legislation. criticizing it for being a so called russian style law and parliament is set to discuss it later this evening. and what is the western reaction being to george's discussions about the little while the european union has already openly criticized this proposal, saying that the apparently transparency and democracy are mutually exclusive. transparency should not be used as an instrument to limit civil society is capacity
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to operate freely. we encourage the political leaders in georgia to adults and implemented force that i in line with the stated objects. if of joining the european union as supported by a large majority of georgia and citizens, the u, causing georgia to uphold, is commitment to the promotion of democracy, the rule of law and human rights. on top of that, germany's foreign ministry spokesman has already hinted that the prospect of the e u. membership for georgia could be taken off the table if this for an agency loss, it for an agencies law goes into effect. and we've also got nato's leadership coming out publicly against the law as well. i oppose any of town by the georgia government to reintroduce the dropped law on for nations or for an influence as business actually. and that 1st day strengthening democratic institutions in georgia, georgia, and used to work and reforms to get close to tomato and the repeating union. the george and people made it clear that they wanted democratic prosperous feud showing
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the repeal, erode lactic family. i'm afraid that any law that introduces this idea of 4 and the agents will have an impact on media outlets that also operates in georgia, undermining the better idea of macon, georgia, a stronger and more democratic society. now, despite all these claims from these georgian liberals in the west that this has some sort of proposed russian style law. i mean, we also have to understand that the united states has had a for an agencies law since the mid 20th century. and the european union also recently enact that its own a similar law though the europeans say it's not a for an agency law. it's a defense of democracy package. this is the 1st time such and always been out for the discussion in georgia last year. it was also discussed but why wasn't that adopted? that's right. actually last year i myself was in georgia when parliament decided that it was going to try and pass a very similar to this one just about over
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a year ago. and it immediately basically became clear to me how just, how entrenched these western ngos are in georgia and society. i mean, thousands of protesters came into the streets and started writing over what they were calling a russian style law. people are throwing molotov cocktails. people are throwing rocks, the police responded with water cannon. so it was just an apps. let me tell you arctic situation just because the government there was trying to get a hold on for an meddling in the country. well, elections are coming up on october 26th in georgia, and it's very likely that the west, along with its proxy organizations in georgia, are basically trying to thwart the ruling euro skeptic, georgia dream party, in whatever it's trying to do in an attempt to basically cartel its political power and hopefully i mean in the, in their hopes obviously trim down the political power the georgia dream will have in parliament after these next elections.


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