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tv   The 360 View  RT  April 9, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT

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thing now isn't it because you'd expect the plaintiff as a defendant to be a little bit heads with each other at least in some way. here they are very civil about isn't the point that they are the peak rogatories making here. is it basically so all right, we have this international like judicial system. yeah. we have a system in place. so we, so we can sort things out. it was put there for a reason. so we can sort things out as civilized people using the, again, the, the system that is already been in place, and kudos to germany for actually showing up in the courts and making that case. i'm basically being very civil about what they did have to say about the us and israel is that, well, it's absolutely use uses in the case of those countries that it's an absolute waste of time. i mean, they do have a points here because back in january, in a separate case, the very same for the world court ordered the israel to take every possible measure to basically avoid genocidal acts in this, in the one operation in gaza. so what did this will do with just killed thousands
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of people, thousands and thousands of people since january, so in, in a myself, just in a few months. so they can just continue to disregard it. and it really shows the disrespect to the international, political and traditional system that is in place. well r t also spoke to senior on boy with the policy and in foreign ministry or more, i would dial a who shared his take on why he believes nickel around you is accusations against germany are legitimate, a germany song stops and then go friends because you cannot send emails from one on and sending things to that is because the see me understand the other. so we believe that germany, as they said to be a to, to go to justice the low on, they are not thinking clearly think that there was a no show that so they should stop sending funds to this one is going to send out
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any type of assistance to design by committing this kind of try and we'll do this. i think the people all day will be pointless. is that a key? and because i will do this, i think the senior people then the assistance will be a was nobody left. i see just because the polls know and that can be of them in terms of that can be the direction of the to the we the at the quote to involve 20. we believe that the truck can bring fluids to this to this case. we believe that there you go, it's a, that was all these kind of sort of identity, this kind of sort of the action from south africa, i'm from any kind of, well, i'm going, we have a buzz that will be and we have, we have more than $55.00 countries or also submitted the proceedings,
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a kind of devising the design of the team as hundreds. you get coupons, how did you get a few pieces of do? do you repeat? the whole community part is going to collapse the end of the facilities then to there's a few patients using very good. so i mean even that we think this is a piece for that we can use. and this can be this, actually, to the know i'm to the results of the, of the, since i, the omar i went down. okay, putting the proposed us bill to the tech talk on trial itself. next, it's got a now shoes on her panel in the latest $360.00 views that goes for the politicians from both sides of the aisle have finally found legislation. they can agree on. there's it really
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a good thing if they are unified and taking away or limiting americans access to information on sky. now he is, and on this edition of 360 view, we're going to look at house resolution 75 to one. and if it is really a trojan horse being used by congress to destroy the right to freedom of speech, let's get started. the in the spring of 2019. so the republicans like senator ted cruz, hosted several hearings that claiming a social media platforms like facebook, twitter, and even search engine google or purposefully centering conservatives and conservative media outlets. is that in fact, what google is doing, which is censoring, and moderating speech on his platform. so i would not say that we are censoring speech, our platform. there were rounds of hearings, questions,
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and appearances by elected republicans reinstated these charges saying not only did a big tech have the power to silence voices they disagreed with. but they also had the power to call it a person's feed. strongly news, which was aligned with their own political agendas, you know, democrats sharply repeat, discharge, and said, republicans were just continuing their history of bashing what they consider to be the liberal, mainstream media and big tech. well, ignoring the real dangers, which was the rise of hate speech and this information online. but in the eyes of the majority of americans, this made republicans, the party fighting to protect freedom of speech. so as best for to 2024 and 2 things have changed. first, one of the largest, the social media platforms, twitter was sold to libertarian tech giant lawn mosque, through almost immediately change the name to x and promise to fight for free
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speech and oppose the woke mind virus. now the 2nd change came into development and almost instantly popular online social media outlet originating from china, called tick tock and is continuing to dominate the sector. which of course does not make some of its american competitors. very happy to. these competitors happen to have very generous lobbyist in washington dc. let's look at this meta, which is the owner of the popular platforms, facebook and instagram, and in the 1st half of 2023, spend about $9000000.00 on lobby activities. now the previous year, the company's lobby effort, total approximately $21000000.00. initially thought the calling for this banning of tick tock, which has taken a very large amount of traffic away from the meta platforms, was mainly about an american company using the government to eliminate a for a competitor. and it still could be the case as chip talkers ultimately owned
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through a very complex, multi layered corporate structure by dance. who was a privately own technology giant. have a former congressman, ron paul, has correctly stated the us house vote to force the self tick, tock or band. the platform entirely from us is the most dangerous and anti american actions the passage of the patriot act. why is all this? well, because the law will give the us president whomever that is so authority to determine which businesses can and cannot operate in the united states. this is a full government takeover of basic liberties and was being done under the umbrella of protecting american security. is accomplishing the exact opposite to even more alarm alarming. the same republican party, which championed free speech just a few short years ago, is largely the one pushing for this band. the majority of democrats have either
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been supportive of the band or basically stay quiet. however, there were a few voices on both sides of the aisle, who found themselves vocalizing their disagreement of this brand. new or democrat representative alexandria across your cortez voted against the band, saying there are serious anti trust and privacy questions here. and any national security concerns should be laid out to the public prior to a vote, almost voicing the same opposition to the band. was there public and representatives at marjorie taylor, greene from georgia, and representative thomas massy from kentucky. even the republican candidate for president donald trump publicly stated his disagreement with a band saying there are a lot of people on tick tock that love it. there are a lot of young kids on tick tock, who will go crazy without it all present. joe biden himself has not said anything, the bite in harris headquarters on tick tock has more of the tourist, 65000 followers, and is very active. so what is the real reasoning behind this 5 person support of
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house resolution 75 to one? let's discuss with our guest angela mccardle, chair of the libertarian national committee. larry ward, president political media inc, and jims red walled, political commentator and a comedian. thanks for joining me. well, let's start with you, james. do you believe that those and congress who support this bill are really doing so out of concern for american say, security and safety? and i know the short answer is no. i mean, it's kind of a silly notion to think that the us government's actually interested in data privacy concerns. i mean, just look at the tech industry based on the us from google to meta twitter slash x . you know, these are very integrated with the national security state. they sell technology
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and our use for surveillance purposes. and so the idea that you know, the us government is actually concerned about any sort of national security threats that tick tock poses. i mean, they could levy those criticisms towards us base companies, but you know, they don't really, um, you know, part for maybe like some republicans back in the day under the trump administration . but you know, is for different reasons. right. right. so yeah, it's, it's and, and, and other are criticisms that make about tick tock, but it's a bit of a witch on, well, it is a website even though you have every congressman out there screaming or not every but most of them say there's about security. so larry, i have to ask you, what do you feel like is a real reason that the us congress is taking all this type of position on the tick tock platform the right after we've gone through a couple of years, the censorship. that's exactly the reason they are not concerned at all with um,
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you know, with like you said with security, this is not about china. this is about getting control of a kind of a company that you know, quite frankly, uh they deem it appropriate, but it was just like operation shop point. what operation jump point during the obama nutrition came out. they said we're gonna target unsavory business and the bank so that was pretty much the whole idea of operation so forth. and it was, it was uh, guns, it was poor and, and it was uh, you know, drugs and, you know, really all they focused on were guns and it kept getting slipped more slippery and more slippery, more slippery. so that's, that's essentially what's happening now. if you look at who is advocating for this bill, it's ben crenshaw, it's a security and security republicans or democrats. it's a neil cause a and on the other side you have ron paul, a ripple, i will align my uh, my, my light house with rand paul and ron paul. any day. and, and, and uh, you know, those,
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those kind of guides rather than the dang credits. also the world was interesting that you're bringing that up because that brings in the libertarian point of view. so i've got to ask you, angela. normally, libertarians pretty much side with republicans on issues except in this case. why do you see the republicans in congress are so supportive of this bill? do you think it has anything to do with the billions being poured in by the outside part of their social media platforms? i think normally, libertarians was um we side with a few republicans like like rand paul and thomas massey. i'm not sure if this hasn't. i'm not sure how much this has to do with with billions being poured in, but i think it's interesting that this would come after you on musk rights, the ship at twitter, s. this is our, our government was that concerned with chinese influence? when may be march and may be looking at people in china who purchase massive amounts of land of farming, the farming industry,
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things of that nature. the whole thing just seems kind of like a 1st. well, the other thing you mentioned, the 1st let me go back to you james, because i'm just gonna point out. you look a little bit young and i think this is something that a lot of have like a lot of younger voters kind of scratching her head. don't have all the things right now that you could be targeting congress that you could be working on. you're going after the, one of the most popular social media platforms with our age group. so do you think right now that cars is just basically once again, showing their out of touch with who their constituency is or their future constituency? yeah, i mean, uh, any time uh, you know, they got some tech seos. uh, doing some sort of hearing. i mean they, they, congress really shows how little they know and how loop they are with how these things work. i mean, the ridiculous question asking when they could actually, you know, have a good opportunity the grill, these guys are legitimate questions. i ask them about like if it connects to the wi fi and you know,
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insisting that the seo tick tock is chinese asking how like the ad revenue models are like how they turn revenue um to soccer bird when he is on the stand. um, so yeah, i mean it's, it's especially ridiculous when you look at the deteriorating material conditions of americans. i mean, we got like, you know, grocery is food spikes, price spikes that are, you know, hitting a 30 year high. but for some reason uh, tick tock seems to be the thing that has bipartisan support. banning it. that is. so yeah, it's a little ridiculous. well that's the thing. and what? because they did say that if tick tock was to sell everything and become a 100 percent american, that congress will allow it to continue. do you actually believe that or do you think the damage is already done to take talk? i well, i don't know how much damage has already been done, but i'm sure that there's going to be if, if they want to force all the attorney shareholders to sell and have it purchased by american interest. i imagine that what they want is for that to be purchased by,
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by the government. they would love a new propaganda out, i'm sure. and so they're like, oh, is there chinese propaganda on here? well, it should be american propaganda. it's, it's totally alignment with what they do through the 3, and i say what we know that they did through twitter with the twitter files and what we're all pretty sure they do in facebook. what's interesting is, angela, you did bring up the idea of you on mosque and that kind of brought another probably conversation, even though it was never kind of like the elephant in the room amongst the congressional hearings that was going on. larry are used to suspect that this is actually more about not to sell even getting the chinese out because they're not getting rid of the chinese in any other parts of american life. but more of a target to eat on most something that someone who has made a quite obvious you can't be controlled by the government. 100 percent. that is exactly what it's about. and and look, i actually think that there's some problems with, with tick tock. it social media i, i am of the opinion that, you know,
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social media does pose real health and mental health and, and, and, you know, in the big, inhibits learning from here, from kids that are just tacitly flicking on through these, through these reels and their attention spans are getting less and less and quite frankly, the government really concerned about the content and the, and the medium, these reels and these, and these tech talking to you to shorts and all these things. they're really concerned about abuse treatment like you did the eighty's with adapt program. you know, so you start putting out commercial. i remember of what i was in the eighty's or was commercial i read every day. it's 10 pm. do you know where your kids are? you know, it just kind of all areas, but at the same time, you know, the, the, why are we running those kind of as like, look, there's some danger to social media. do you know what your kids are posting? do you know what your kids are reading or what they're absorbing on the contents or for media if they were concerned which i'm concerned, that's the kind of thing they should be communicating. the parent does, hey look, there might be some dangerous stuff on these, on these programs. you know, make sure you're, you're educating aware and keep these kids safe, you know,
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same thing, and we're going to get this conversation to angel larry james, stay right there. because after the break, we're going to continue this discussion and why there is alarm regarding the future of freedom of speech. here in america will be right back the the, what is part of it that the employee would post good isn't the deepest you of us and that in the word part,
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is it something deeper, more complex might be present. let's stop without pages. that's going part of the welcome back, i'm scrolling now. hughes, and you're watching the 360 view now allies of eli and mosque believe if the government succeeds in shutting down to talk. the next move will be to shut down x after designating a long musk, an anti government terrorist saying that if the government can't control it, they kill it. so is there any validity to this claim, or is it just another conspiracy theory? let's bring back in our panel. angel mccardle, chair of the libertarian national committee. larry ward present political media inc and james, right? well the political commentator and comedian, thanks for staying with me through the break. i'm gonna start with you on this angela. why does the american government seem to be really preoccupied with keeping
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information out of foreign governments? however, the idea of actually protecting privacy in america from the us government, is considered a joke to them as well. they're not interested in protecting our privacy. they're interested in controlling our lives and controlling social media. and the free flow of information is really imperative to that. and certainly they want to see what we're discussing and what were they want to know what we're thinking about, right? and it social media is as close as they can get to that. and it's their prerogative to just maintain control and prevent people from sharing dissident views. and i think that we really saw that during the pandemic. you know, there was particular narrative, they want it out there and they crushed any, and all the same things on social media. what's interesting until you bring up the pandemic because i think that was where take talk platform became popular because of the pandemic because we were at home and everybody was promoting it. do you know? i've gotta ask you, larry,
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if this was to go after it on most likely previously discussed, do you think that he would continue to advance this in court all the way up to the supreme court? you know, i do. i think he, i think he would absolutely be like he's, he's invested in and he bought you put a fortune into it, to protecting a free speech and it took and took x private, you know, so it, i think he would fight and take it to the supreme court and, but the question is, is that you see what happened in the supreme court? well, you have to tiny jackson brown chain saying that, you know, free speech is really not free speech because the government has as a need to, if a government has a need to kind of slash speech, it should be able to squash speech. so we have a very scary element that we do have some members of, of the spring quarter white, big wood. right. but it's not a guarantee you not, not, not in today's world that. and if you looked at, um, you know, like like you said, if you look at why this is happening, it's because the main stream media is so distrusted and it's, and, and they,
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the viewership is down so much probably because of the parent demick. and because of the 2020 election and be a lab and all of all of those false barriers ever propagated, they don't have a control over the information anymore. the only, and the information that the only true information is being spread on social media . so, you know, they ask that they have to shut it down. but james, here's what i'm a little confused about because i remember this thing and american civics called separation, a branches we have the additional we have legislative, we have the executive, this is a bill that is, it does the law being drawn up by the legislative if this goes to, if this isn't, has to be appealed all the way up to the judicial branch is not pity these additional branch and i guess it's checks and balances versus the legislative. but that means that the justice is an additional branch as the ones making the laws in america, which is something republicans have been crying about saying shouldn't be happening for decades down. yeah, i mean,
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i'd probably have to disagree with like the, the reasons that republicans, i've in the past raised it. i think that, you know, what's happening right now, i'd be remiss not to mention the else in the room. you know. yeah, both parties in full support of israel's, you know, matthews of palestinians and gaza and they're trying to do damage control. i mean it's, it's the timings a little little sauce you got um, you know, full material support and diplomatic cover from the, by the administration. and you have, i mean, literally like idea of troops with no discipline, just showcasing their own crime scene. no ransacking houses, mutilated bodies, terrifying people. it's horrible. and i mean, even, you know, don't take it from me. even the ceo of the audio, which is openly zionist organization has, you know, there's a leak audio call saying like we have a take talk problem. we have
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a generational problem, you know, they're, they're trying to stem the flow of information, of course, calls the band tick, tock, pre date this. and, you know, it's part of the larger conversation. i'm just controlling this imperialist narrative. um and just you know, making sure that us foreign policy looks good. and of course this is extra scary now that uh, you know, instagram recently quietly roll down a new feature that actually limits political content. and the blower, you know, i don't know if you've seen people sharing the post saying like, hey, you gotta re enable this, you're automatically opted out. um, you know, it's a little scary that now tick tock potentially could disappear. and you know, they're essentially trying to censor uh, genocide that's, you know, backed by our tax dollars. and um, you know, this is also coupled with the fact that us, mainstream media is all towing the imperious line there are just, you know, saying like, hey, this is, is, you know,
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a very watered down whitewashed version at best. and at where it's just like full support for, you know, us foreign policy decisions. and of course, is during an election year where again, both parties are in support of this. so. right. yeah it's, it's a lot going on. it's interesting, james, because you do bring up one side of that issue, which is why a lot of people say we should have a diversity with what's going on now, please, but i've gotta ask you angela. donald trump originally was for banning tick tock. now he's reversed on it, is that, do you think because he sees that this could be, he was the, there are these laws we have in america that protect from media monopolies. and if they go through with this, do your store setting it up that certain monopolies will exist and they'll be legislated by the government a yeah, i think you've seen right through it. i think he's mindful of what happened was parlor. and, you know, it seems like donald trump sometimes, like he tends to shoot from the help with his, with his policy decisions and, and his ideas. and he probably thought, you know, take talk is terrible. he,
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he doesn't like china, i have let's go ahead and get rid of it. and once he realized what was going on, he reversed course, which is great. you know, i will see critical thinking coming out of people in washington. we don't have nearly enough of that and you know, if he gets elected, hopefully we're going to see a little bit more, you know, pro, freedom of speech stuff coming out of out of dc, but we'll see what happens to and that's the thing larry, you know, how is this going to have an effect? i mentioned earlier to james, talk about how the younger generations go on once again. why is congress going after? one thing that i actually use to get my information from, are you not? will this actually have an impact, especially those younger groups? now let me point out the bottom instruction does have, they're very popular topic how that they've started back up, trump has his, i find it very funny right now that the same, you know, this is obviously a by parson attack on a platform, but not by the 2 guys that are leading to be leader of the free world. what's your take on it? right, you're exactly right. look, the, the,
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the whole idea that the big take talk is, is the threat that we have to be looking at is, is absurd. it is, you know, like i said, i do have a problem with the content. i do have a problem with the, with the, you know, what it's doing to our young people. but there are other ways to handle that other than taking a business from somebody a donald trump, of course, just launch truth social and, and he is, he is acutely aware more than anybody in the world of, of weaponized government because of what, what, what they've done to him personally. so you know, i think i think he, that's the reason why he changed this is to uh, you know, i will take a little little umbrage with uh, you know, with james on, on the, on the use real thing. um yeah i, i above of the belief that, you know, israel can do it. israel wants to do, palestinians did what they wanted to do on october 7th. we should stay out of it and let israel defend itself. and if it, quite frankly,
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it's their public relations nightmare, not ours. but that's, that's my personal opinion. and whether it's a public relations nightmare, or it turns out to be a public relations victory at the at all said, all said that it is there. but we should be able to have this conversation. we should be able to have this conversation on every platform possible, like your show, you know, you, you have obviously a bit on your show many times and you don't, you never afraid to have the top conversation desktop questions and have people talk. you're not trying to talk over us or anything. busy like that, and that's, that's the most important thing. we have to have these conversations and there we don't call the 360, for nothing you just completed. what i said about change. there's 2 points of view to every situation. and that's why we need the very social media platforms. angela on this case, do they not know that a tick tock was do away that something else would just come in its place? is that not getting more close to the idea that this is more about taking down a very powerful platform that already exists like twitter or ex as well? sure. social media is a hydra, you know, you, you cut off one has another one's for all sides,
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but our government is very depressed and they think, you know, we, they can manage it, they'll control it, they'll make sure that they get ahead of it. next time they'll pass this legislation to scare people from investing too much in creating the same kind of platforms. and that's why we need to oppose this legislation. they're trying to get out ahead of it, and we need to do the same thing well, and that's why we're having the show right here. and uh, larry james, thank you so much for joining me on this conversation. we'll see where this bill goes. with the unlimited of boundaries presented by the information superhighway. any government can regulate a platform out of existence, but very few things can be done to stop the creation of a new one. assertion media platforms adapt and change for relevancy and if alternately strangled by regulations just like the actual till the starfish or the octopus. it will grow the appendage back in an even more resilient form. this is the same with regulating freedom. if you do something so obvious which limits
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freedom, the backlash, whether it be in the streets or at the ballot box, will be strong enough to stop. well, at least in the short term, sky, nose use, thank you for watching the 360 you the same. just don't have to shape out the application and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support we choose to look so common ground the the,
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the bottom shell revelations, from russia's investigative committee who claim a hunter replied linked ukrainian company sponsored terror attacks in russia and criminal probe against u. s. a. nature officials has not been opened, the case has been launched of the russian states do not officially calls for an investigation into a long list of terrorist attacks carried i'd probably ukraine was the outbreak of the company and for the in denies allegations are facilitating a genocide and does that by arming israel. it's what nicaragua is accusing germany all about the international court of justice for the 2nd day of your readings taskbar, the.


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