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tv   Documentary  RT  April 11, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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i oh, so this is the best of interest, but send another just in the interest of the participating countries which led to the interest of all the countries which want to be a part that was a big sum, woburn we present, c, c, c. i will show up into the software from certain principals respecting each other 2 ends, being committed to finding selective solutions to all the issues were face. in today's world, it would not be an exaggeration for say, to use valves to days up a break, so expressive interest of the inside of a non western world. that decision to suspend for us from the brakes and visions, your headings vertically, simon, last year. but now leaders agreed, beautiful unified, new members and effective january 1st 20 points. even more of these countries have started working within regular set up. and so is your, your on you
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a e. so the raven a feel free to, to join the break. so these little countries have a lot of potential use and they play an important role in their region as well as on the international stage. but and most important increase the share of basically the values, including solid data, reality, mutual respect, concerns, inclusiveness and consensus, which is and the effort to do harmoniously, integrate these new participants into the breakfast, which is one of the key priorities for the rest of the chairmanship implemented, going to forever doing everything you to, to go further this, the agenda you should source of the fundamental we will have a lot of events as the various levels at the level of share present to share based look, see, and then you know, participants how already making a meaningful contribution on all the key areas off of work we're building is that
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they will become even more active use down the road as they will come up with new practical initiatives. you should solve the issue that we can develop it to the brick settled machine. you another decision taking in your heading to the, to the was to no reply to the picture. would it be sylvester advise that new criteria for the designating part of the country or is that and that share presenting sharper so we're working on this matter and they are expected to present and deal with. it also comes on this the 1st in june at the foreign ministers meeting. it is the military where we will lead sort of present our recommendations for our leaders. who will a meeting has done. we have no doubt that by but it's working with a wide range of countries with some breaks will become even more consolidated. and it will, well, she sort of help with the global majority to come together. so in the common
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interest, 7 folks, you know, that she knew the russian chairmanship has another priority is to have more organizations within briggs and with like minded countries should to it was primarily within the united nations and the group of 20. we believe that it was very important that the brakes came up with a joining statement using the concept 6, you an assembly on the environment in the role being products in february and march of 2024. and we believe that we need to continue impacting this way e a. so with human yet as soon as we prepare for that because on assignment is just to leave you leave the counter and terrorist incarceration is very important. we use, we have a bricks working group for one counter terrorism was 5 sub through some critical say, with the tragic events and your mosque. it's a truck, the city,
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whole city which shows that we need to couple of step up our joint efforts and to have this is specialist and the legislators are going to work together. and of course, part of them is having an instrumental of the whole play in the buzzer up in there to improving was for them that's norms. so that although unfortunately the agencies can be effective in the account that the data is effort. so we're also committed to visor chuck traffic inc. chicope cheese and we also have like a share that was suggested the move in our done to corruption efforts and staging money laundering over the funds, the thing of terrorism and also is account think sidebar seats of threats and cyber security. just thought i'd say in fact, this is a major prioritization. another goal is to view creates a favorable environment before enabling the countries within bridge to do to
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grow and to expand those that are human and technological potential, we'll do everything between naval rigs, countries play amount from central animal international financial system to improve the banking system and to find sharing the international system of the settlement so that we can use our national currencies in our mutual settlements. the large extent, the only recently in washington for representatives within the world to include saying this, i loading the speech to the senior officials of the advisors. she had the meeting, as we choose all of the countries present here, where represent that meeting in washington state and the issue of free forming things of the national financial system along the coverage. you look at the subjective symmetric and loving financial data, the tour,
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a pretty busy share of the 5 year breaks countries. the original 5 go a members just a little before the salon. so he's in international financial institutions. i should have given you that it's, it's, it's just much bigger than it is today by the united states should have had a good movie, smaller voting, our smaller working powers, some of this as well, because each calling me tell us, tells us that's the i m f and the world bank has doing everything with the gloves through delays, their view of quotas separate voting for this and they want to preserve was that are quote with us so that they can blog most of the decisions, of course, with each. this is unfair and undemocratic, but there is no justice in it so, so them and we will of work on these matters and global issues, the proactive they've been doing so well. and this matters x ray deal as for our
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banking called duration. i have to mention that briggs and some new development, lang treasures future. it is a very special institutions that i'm gonna go to if we can accept this whole shareholders, not only bricks countries, but other countries as well. the where attempts by less than representatives do there's no influence of a new development bank pro, which should yes, it would be and to make sure that somebody knew that could you put them in the procedures and the agenda. that's good friends, account that are to be charged throws as bang for you with that today. i think that everyone understands a little bit about them that we need to defend and cut short all these attempts and to, to proceed to the problem is the charter of this new institution, cultural and for me is here in conflict with also have a very important role here, i'm not sure because this enables us, the promos,
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diesels to people ties with and through naval risk. i'm going to promote ties, but along our civil societies and other grass roots size, we're preparing a number of events that will be the brakes. games are going to be c, we also have an antenna, national song on best use instead of even yet. and it will be open to bricks, countries in all other countries who are interested in promoting the national are and cultures you go to. they will also be events, uh, a few bugs in the envelope. crazy and just send them back academy next year. so that's what kind of were the brakes the film avoid just starting next year. so should be the brakes. countries and like mind, different countries, that is and if we're talking about the cultural educational, advise people to people, ties that why do we attach to that paschal image?
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ford is through inter parliamentary population. the inter parliamentary dialect has long commerce, as one would think. what might see the effect of our diplomacy? and of course this association is not an exception. and we need to really sure that the ship it in the ship in mind that the idea of having independent, major corporations, we didn't break page breakfast, 2013. and the 1st part of the interior for them took place in front of 15 in mosque . so, so next year we will be marketing both at the festival, 10 years of cost of much to our independent, mature card preparation. i think we're going to make that up to. yeah. so there are regular in the problem and shame meeting. there was a memorandum of mutual understanding good as, as the briggs parliamentary, it was for him that the same as your findings work is that those in the august 2023
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. and so this was another milestone living in our parents all independently ventured called go ration. critics of would you like the southern, the submit a pre, a to and the course of multiple thoughts are that shuttle and the best such as much fall an extra assembly in geneva due to the institution, gloves on promotion so much that was amazing. all kinds of delegation subsidies. so just let's say, well, sort of season breaks countries and this makes thing pops up and told sleep up to and then what about them? a lot of somebody else would be living in the line positions. so many issues discuss corporation for the future. i think such coordination some of our actions, i believe this month. i never saw a lot of men trip. forms is very useful for you. and then you should be able to use the state of the statute. properties during your car is that you will have to go
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for them to be exclusive. discuss lots of documents, including the use of spread gratian with the brakes. and that's, that's just with us to take him on the 11th and 12th of july and see if it is part capital subscript order number, which is a national golf course. suspicion you come for what we'll do our best until the insurance that suits your comfortable state. and work within hours of this call for responsibility. so i wish you the best of luck. so, let's say you have 3 business units of live and 04. so let's go to use the pass on time for an instructional conversation. thank you. the russian foreign minister there, sir. good love afresh off a visit to, to china, meeting with officials from breakfast problems right here in moscow. walking them welcoming them to rush. i had a multi lateral tots. we heard them talk about quite
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a lot there, but i'm pre fleece them up some of what he said. he talked about the multi pully fuller world. the importance of the global south is saying that the world is at a turning point in the global majority. is it promoting reform? he said the west is seeking to exploit interstate conflicts, and the selfish policy of containing and change is doomed to failure. we've talked about the balance of power saying that it is shifting, and that breaks expansion brings new opportunities for the common interest of all members to foreign minister. so great lot prov, speaking in moscow there just few moments ago, but that's what time is the call for desperate measures. the us is allegedly considering sending drug dealers to help you print in forces on the battlefield, the russian for an intelligent services, the f. b. i and the drug enforcement administration want to recruit prisoners from mexican and the columbia and the cartels of the prospect of an influx. so for his
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soul, just a full sun from among serial killers through all good x and right per cent of the long suffering line. so there was some world is alarming. however, american plans to gain a tactical advantage on the bottle fields in this way are due to failure. the by the administration is actually i'd mentioned it's impotence. and once again demonstrating the inconsistency of the key phrase you mid feats. moscow, so several 100 criminals could apparently, based on from the us to crane. as soon as the summer, the terms of budget lay include a promise of a complete amnesty for the convicts. but on the condition, they never return to america. a crane could apparently hire them as mercenaries and pay them a wage most likely with american funds. if the program proves a success, the russian intelligent service says it may be expanded to include inmates from other countries. we discussed this with business and international lawyer. kline preston. he says, sending criminals to find any crane would mean the us has exhausted all other
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options. it is a sign of desperation. i mean, you know, early on this conflict, there were volunteers from united states. i haven't heard of any of those in a long time. there was a group of uh, american mercenaries, i guess you'd call them called mozart. they were supposed to be an answer to wagner and they, displaying it is i think, pretty quickly. after that, i saw the realities of what the, the concept was here and after sustaining a lot of casualties. so the reality of what's happening in the brain is, doesn't bode well for nato forces or any of their mercenary to say, i send. so you crying. i mean, it box moved and the update could, you know, these are make runners that have, you know, liquidity, a lot of ukrainian boys, so as well as mercenaries from west 3rd,
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just essentially criminals and those criminal mostly around discipline people. and so i would, i would say their prospects of survive and a uh, exotic tour to ukraine will be pretty low. and so i don't think the, i don't think wash numbers thought beyond that, frankly for thought about them coming back to us. and so, you know, i think it's going to be a one way trip. the new crane is literally hunting journalists. that is the chilling warning from the russian foreign ministry. it comes as a reporting for from the guns for public was hit by ukrainian showing, then chased down by a drone representatives of russian media a being targeted in violation of international humanitarian norms. what did we, johan, on the way, just an old possible means of attack terrace methods of being employed to get our disagreement plans with asylum, consent of western supervisors of ukraine and engaged human rights organizations.
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local media, foot. it shows the moments of impact of the striked on the journal as a correspondent and the camera man were wounded, but the injuries are said not to be life threatening. the director of the guns, good news outlet that came under fire says it's not the 1st time the training military has attacked, working reporters duty bits. and this is our guys have shown themselves worthy. they continued working even when shells were flying in. all the scenes were filmed both the moment of impact and the moment of injury. the camera man didn't abandon the film equipment, and the correspondence also covered him after the opponent fired artillery shells and evacuation vehicle was chased by an f b b drone. fortunately, it felt nearby and didn't see the vehicle itself. the explosion occurred on the side, roughly speaking. italian war correspondent, andrea la judy, who is in the guns, says, key of considers any journalist not reporting on behalf of ukraine, a propagandist. in this case, i remember always, so what's a, what a substitute
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a low, the excess because of the 3rd part of the fence. so ukraine said she or he and depend on which gender or she assumed to be in this moment. let's say that to uh, for jordan, eli's not only are, are from journalist about or journalist at this side are, can be, can see there as a target for ukrainian forces. and it's important that she don't, she don't say the only journalist about the uh for the ukrainian side or people that are involved. but in, in the media award in this side, we are like propagandist or the ukrainians. so they, you can't, in our may, in fact, the can see their ev, every journalist that it see or as are,
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are some prof i got on this. and of course, it's impossible for them to determinate the nationality of the journalist the end for this reason. or people that are uh, working are reporting from the front line or nearby. the front line is a possible target for that. you can, i mean, the washington has sent thousands of weapons that stays from around between 202120232 crane. here's how us central command has justified the actions. these weapons will help you grain defend against rushes and leaving us send comb is committed to working with our allies and partners to go into the flow for any and legal aid in the region. by all 4 means including us and you and sanctions, and throughout interdictions. we will continue to do whatever we can to shed light on and stop who runs disability and activities. the us says the weapons were
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apparently seized well on their way to who the rebels in the admin sent con reports . kids forces received enough material to equip quotes or ukrainian brigade. well, that's as abide and administration. has struggled with finding alternative ways to arm its ally in the face of congressional red lock is also not washington's 1st transfer of ukrainian arms due crane. having sent over a 1000000 rounds of seized ammunition last october, randi and the political analyst for does audi says the fact that washington has resorted to sending seized weapons to praying shows how the conflict is going. you find is losing the hard. i think that's what's happening and the by the administration doesn't have the courage to admit that you're creating for this policy. it was a major fan. yeah. and uh, by engaging in this type of gimmicks. basically what, what they have done is a, it's nothing serious in terms of the military effects. uh, they're just highlighting, it is the same policy, you know,
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they support the saudis and then the tax pm and more than 8 years ago. so if i touching enable, it is bad under international law, then what they did that they've got to the salad these and you haven't is obvious the, i guess international law. and that this is what we have to expect from washington . and one reason the ukraine is losing the law is because of the corruption of the canadian read you this, they get the past from united states, european countries, other places and the senate in the black market. and this is one concern that many times have, you know, you have had many reports from american news outlets. the us government officials worry about the american, both hands actually reach teaching you done it on has been able to the best engineer a lot of the pens and you don't have the capability of doing that. and this is what
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this worrying, you know, you guys should not have access to our medicine, but that was, but they do, based on these american news outlets reports because of the corruption of ukrainian leaders and the fact that they get both hands and then they sell it to enrich themselves or republican senator says, the us has already spend too much on new crane and should quote to stop wasting money while the american economy itself teeters on the verge of recession. my staff looked into it. it's about 300 millions of their best guesstimate. so right now we're, we're printing our bar and $80000.00 per 2nd. 4.6000000 a minute. we can't sustain that much longer. we gotta find best way to spend our money. kramer, us lawmakers from both big parties. i've also demanded that the by the administrator can disclose how much it's already allocated and is still planning to give. yes and divisions are merging, not only across the political divide,
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republican congressman marjorie taylor. greene has taken aim, a fellow party member and us house speaker mike johnson. today, in the letter to my colleagues, i clearly laid out how mike johnson has violated every promise he made. once you run for speaker, the american people who elected a g o b majority deserve a speaker who is in serving democrats. we also got the thoughts of veteran war journalist and the political analyst, elijah magneer on the bi partisan war of words in washington. he says, the white house is misleading, the american people about where their money is going. they are printing money. the americans i'd be financing was and this is indeed the cheapest for the americans has conducted. and the last 40 years, because the americans spend a lot of money, but that also they use man for them to measure age and we know losing their this is the way the americans and the british off trying to convince the american
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population saying with the all new bad black bags returning home with our man because we know losing anyone. we just bumping in dollars and the, the only thing we do at the end of the day we can print the money we want. and the cause of inflation is not the will. and you credit exactly the same rhetoric in your, in europe, there is no one in the day of his coming down from the saying, the region health in creation. and the devaluation of the you is our decision, as you are being leaders towards russia, where we buy the guys much more expensive, full time move from america and no way where we are. and we are getting our status on all the goods and the role materials that we import from russia. and we have isolated our side of the store, all the rest of the what that is of the driving that from the fall. how live, uh,
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there is nothing in the european mainstream media that's been the case to the reality of what's happening on the ground. all right, i'll just stay with us here right here on our tea international. we're expecting the launch of the younger i a 5 rocket from the recession. they paused with them coming up in less than that 6 minutes time. so are we bringing that to you live as it happens by the . the magenta itself to gaining independence and from the form of the ivory coast remained under the strong influence of its foam and metropolitan pro french president, phoenix, who said one yet ruled the country for 33 years, ensuring the interest to from the city got on feeding isn't it in the trunk?
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then there's no single new foster. larry shifted upwards was done those who saw him and the more appropriate after the death of, of a one year, a new lead to long come back ball came to power. and i'm ready to double for example, actually, why do you know if we're picking up from the was it isn't good enough for tiffany to one is for the one, the bronze demetrius, the dean. good luck. boeing. enemy, a deep political crisis ensued. the walk a, the country 2nd largest city, turned into a theater of last year from 130 to the other 2 on the road as of no mortgage. how did the dramatic events unfold and how is walk a recovering from? he is a bloody conflict. watch on see the
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the scenes the beginning of its history. the united states of america has officially declared this driving for freedom and people's rights to happiness. however, in reality, having won independence, american colonists headed for the total extermination of the indigenous population of the continent. american indians were deprived of their land. local residents were driven into reservations and given the worst agricultural territories, while the best land was appropriated by white colonizers,
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the strongest blow to american indian tribes was the extermination of by some native americans lived by hunting these wild animals, colonists slaughtered the bison, and in fact, made them nearly extinct. every buffalo did is in india and gone, said colonel richard dogs, a veteran of the bloody and vicious indian wars cynically. the indigenous population was simply exterminated us army generals philip sheridan express the evidence of this policy in the infamous words. the only good india is a dead indian, the genocide of native americans of north america lead to a demographic catastrophe. the exact number of deaths is still a no, but the number of victims is in millions. having been a majority on the continent before the indigenous people make up less than 3 percent of the us population. today
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the russian states never as tight as i told them, you know, sense community best ingles, all sense and up on the in the 65 with the keys 195 and speed. what else? suppose question about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin, the machine, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz food, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center for question. did you say even closer to the
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the what is part of the employee would post good. isn't the defense you of us entered in the word or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? let's stop without collision. let's go part of or the, this is rachel ruble and moscow. you're looking at live right now. add pictures from the specially cosmo durham in russia's far east where we are hoping that the 3rd time will be the charm as we await the launch of a russian or a 5 unmanned super heavy class rocket,
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which is due to blast off to the final frontier about 30 seconds left before we're expecting this blast off to take place. this will be the 3rd attempt this week of the launch of this vessel, previous attempts on tuesday and wednesday, just 24 hours ago were cancelled at the last minute for technical reasons. this is the 4th launch of the longer a 5 in history, but it's actually the 1st sense launch from the bus stops me as both the customer jerome and the rocket itself are fully designed and built here it is flossing, off the opposite.


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