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tv   News  RT  April 12, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the ukraine tough it is, it's conscription laws reports a key f as losing hundreds of troops on a daily basis despite its western support at washington awards. but any territorial games made by russia lane going china as well. and that's as joe biden, hosts the leaders of japan and the philippines to ripening bay. jean with maneuvers in the region. canada removed thousands of advocacy staff from india. a method
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rolling rift in relation justin for it, or blames, need galleys for his own political challenges. and hundreds of medical workers in k. yeah. and fired because the went on slides and that leads to significant disruption in local hospitals the public considering a coverage of the latest trends shape in the world right now. this is our team to national i a michael plus the russian authorities are the done by say that the you create is using hundreds of troops on the daily basis on the and finding an ass fighting intensifies for it strategically important town in the next region. the bottles are also raging in the nearby. is that photos?
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yeah. region. have this footage shows russian that hillary and drones strides hammer in ukrainian positions. soldiers on the front lines of reporting that keeps troops simply do not have enough immunization to push back the coming russian forces. are the senior correspondent, broad guys, do you have sent us this report about how the trade in government is attempting to stay afloat despite the mountain losses on the front lines? ukraine has had enough and not forgetting everything. it once made. it is done asking nicely nice and quiet diplomacy didn't work. yes, people may hate me and i'm my ruin relationship. the other part of me saying diplomacy is all about private relations. but then i told that part to shut up and the part of me wanted to speak out, started speaking up. we've tried everything and nothing seems to work. i always use logic in my steps, in my words and conclusions. and i just don't understand the logic behind it when, for example,
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one of our partners has weapons that ukraine needs to date in order to survive. and i don't understand why they won't provide it to us. money, guns, rockets, jets, lots of money, lots of guns. the problem for the west is that you've called say new off to 2 years of relentless, yet entirely vague proclamations about democracy and freedom, sovereignty and victory. less than politicians find themselves in the same home. they dug for ukraine. but there is a way out just waste time until it is too late. the issue, ease, ukraine is running out of the one thing the west con, give its move debated soldiers the hundreds of thousands of ukrainians who wanted to fight russia. i'm now mostly dead crippled,
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burned out ukraine has an onset. it is an hon, sir, but no one wants to hear an answer. it says plainly, just how bad things on our constitution states that it is the duty of every ukrainian to protect the homeland. so it is only right, the women suff. 2, all know the name, but is it simply going to disappear for hundreds of years. they have repeatedly attacked us like israel. we have to be prepared for this. and that means training of both men and women to be ready for plato's reluctance to continue flooding. crane with weapons is understandable. they will change the outcome while ukraine was send is now self, admittedly demanding a bit of everything from assault rifles, the fights of jets. what is once in particular, the patriots and see the said systems which cost upwards of a $1000000000.00 each. and the discussion behind closed doors in europe and the
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united states is, is it worth it? how much use is you can going to guess as a v systems before they are destroyed or damaged in boston, strikes every need to come on to understand which way the wind is blowing. every new weapon system that the west has sent. russia has led to counter every operation they organize. now, when inflame and is the information provided to us by the british intelligence services was irrelevant or we were misled in advance in this nation, often nation news is it's enthusiasm for more britain remains the cheerleader try again. that again to drum up and fuse, you ask them for killing freedom and democracy failing. why not just do it for the money? they say, if you're worried about democracy around the world,
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if you're worried about security, then investing in the security of you crate is the most cost efficient. thing you could possibly do america is currently investing in a visa boarding ukrainians of either a 5 percent or less of that annual defense spending. it is a fantastically efficient way of supporting freedom if you want to send a signal to china and make show that ukraine wins the tide, his tongue, the writing is on the move painted in the blood of ukrainian conscripts. and the even key of understands that the world is growing. todd, the problem is that people just got used to the war happening somewhere out there, the feeling that extraordinary decisions are needed on a regular basis to end this world with a victory for ukraine is gone, essentially zaleski,
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and his regime and t as is clearly unmistakably positioning itself to harm murder and destroy the average young men and women in all of ukraine. as a state runs out of money, it's like an engine that runs out of oil. so you're going to hear the state of ukraine, the machine becoming grinding and piercing. is the metal rubs against each other as the citizens rise up. and this is precisely the moment when russia can step in and define itself as a defender of the ukrainian people, while zalinski and his regime, or corrupt exploiters, and carpet baggers who are killing the ukrainian people for russia is saving you crane from falling into that death trap, so the more of that sort, tick elated, the more the, the majority of the ukrainian people will ship their loyalties. and it's not because they love russia, but because they loved their lives more than they loved. at of the un security council has convinced the disgusting ukraine conflict as russia's troops had been
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advancing on multiple friends, moscow's ambassador to the un. if uh that ukraine will inevitably be forced to surrender wayne and used to numbers mailed to reactions or taking a radical turn before our eyes. and you just to convince new western 8 packages or so called me grind the results and come from the text by the key if resume will not be able to change this trend. the situation is extremely worrying for the western sponsors of the ukrainian leader who have already set themselves and you go, instead of helping keep defeat russia. their goal is to not let russia we ukraine today is nothing more than a private military company fighting for the west and with western weapons to the last ukranian. all that remains for the key of reason in these circumstances, is to act in impotent anger. in the worst terrace traditions purposefully showing peaceful neighborhoods in russian cities and committing to acts of terror. soon,
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the only topic for any international meetings on the claim will be the unconditional surrender of the key freezing. i advised all of your to prepare for this in advance services. now, washington has decided to put all its advisories in one basket at the us deputy secretary of state is one that washington will blame china and north korea for any russian ministry successes in the ukraine conflict. if russia's often says, continue in the game territory, new crane that will alter the balance of power in europe and ways that are frankly unacceptable from our perspective. and we will see this not as a, just a russian unique set of activities, but it can joined, set it back to tiffany's, backed by china, but also north korea. this is antithetical to our interest and we've been clear and transparent with them about this man. while he was president joe biden hosted
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leaders of the philippines and japan for a special white house summit, he said the tire launch ro towards embody the new air of partnership. as a you, as reasserted its commitments to the defense of those pacific island nations. i made rising territorial disputes with china. bided infested by the us. support for its defense treaty with the philippines is quote, i am proud. i want to be clear. the united states, united states defense commitments to japan and to the philippines are iron clad or iron clad. as i said before, any attack on filipino aircraft specials are armed forces. and so i was trying to see what invoke our mutual defense treaty define is from minnesota, has one of the western world about the supposedly russia nuclear threat. he made
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those comments during his speech to the us congress in washington. russia continues to threaten the use of nuclear weapons which has continued to add 2 world wide concern. that's yet another catastrophe. but i knew 3 away from use is a real possibility. let's trust live to consult on hey, in a time going in hong kong at night is good to have you join me now, but japan was the only country struck by nuclear bombs, the american ones. and now the leader of japan is wanting about us. suppose it russian, you'd have to read. i wonder what you interpret from that. first, just want to correct you. i'm in beijing and i'm a senior fellow at the tire institute. you know, what i might have it is, it's uh ironic america's quote, indispensable role in the world as familiar because she turned it the reality is
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the us interference is shaped japan since 1853 when it forced the open of japan using gun boat diplomacy, leading to major g restoration the return of the empire, the rapid adoption of western industrialization, emperial, empire, domination invasions aping the west, which led to world war 2. then here, sheer amount, nagasaki, occupation by the us, the plaza cords that which japan today is worth less than real dollar terms and it did when it signed those universal lateral sanctions under trump. and now i radically tokyo who's undertaking historic military upgrades to support it's quote, ally that what they hear, the thing the us they've got to do about to counter that. suppose the russian u. p. s. right. well, i mean there's, there's no counter to a nuclear threat. if there is a nuclear war, the human human race doesn't have to worry about climate change. it can simply
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throw in the towel, the us continues to want to have this keep the pot boiling without having it boil over. but as we have seen in world war one in world war 2, keeping the pot boiling does not work. you always, it leads to tragedy and more us keeps putting these narratives as your accommodate were saying earlier about ukraine, north korea and china being linked with and they have in common these are all entities that the us does not get along with. they keep saying that's all about a piece of the security concerns, but it's the u. s. who is flying into these areas. so why is cuz she does cabinet doing this? i mean, why is because she to doing this because as cabinet support gets 16.6 percent, 16.6 percent lowest point since taking over in october of 2021 is amazing. approval rating fell $1.00 percentage points for the previous month.
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well, disapproval ratings find 2 percent to 59.4 percent. you know, if he talks about principles and us, while his cabinet and party is embroiled at a slush run scandal, he is simply trying to save himself country reduced to pound, to following populace whose dreams don't include their people. if good to break it down that way for a better understanding is really nice. now, the japanese prime minister says a new pair of war wouldn't be a global catastrophe. what are the things really moving in that direction anyway as well? let's hope not. i mean, the, you know, it is very scary when you have the united states president talking about iron cloud and attacks on the edge of filipino vessels. it sounds like they're preparing for another proxy war involving the south china seas as it simply the way that they have engineered others issues like this and ukraine,
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etc. so if they follow this pattern at some point, yes, you could have it, there could be a number of escalations, that's on both sides. all of a sudden you have general saying that we need battlefield nukes to deterrence. that the starts hitting cities, the response could be detrimental to the whole human race. now the japanese rita said that if the indo pacific region didn't have us ministry support, it could be and now the ukraine. i wonder what, what do you think about that to? well, this is a common tactic. you always accuse others of doing exactly what you're doing. it's the u. s. who's trying to engineer or another ukraine, a proxy baffle involving the lives of others, which they can use to try to contain those that they see as threats. we saw this with japan in the seventy's, and this is the irony over that they did, or the us said everything about your pound that they're now saying about china and
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they force it as i said it into 29086 to sign the plaza records and that has side line japan's economy. it's just, i roddic that you have the leader of that country going to the us and saying, oh you're ally, we want to help you. cuz we're concerned about russia using nukes, when, in fact, the only nukes that have ever been used were against japan complex challenges. now the us is trying to bring japan into the so called the on coast defense block with australia and the u. k. why is this important for washington at n y spoke to a sofa shy away from this proposal of late. they don't necessarily want to become an automatic switch in case there is in fact a war. uh there is some weak. if you can see that it does not have a complete blank check in this regard. there are tremendous numbers of people, 100 pound who feel that this is a mistake. he has to be tried very, very carefully,
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but the u. s. is doing exactly repeating the mistakes of world war one that thinks that it can create a huge numbers of defensive alliances aimed at a particular countries. and that somehow this will prevent more or prevent them from coming uh, economically viable. well, the fact is, you know, look at the statistics. china produces more and manufacturing terms and the next 9 countries combined the us, the only similar examples they spend more on military than the next 9 countries combined. you figure it out on terms of which model is going to work in the end. now the type of control talks in washington k, my mid territorial disputes affecting japan and the philippines and the south china sea. why have the americans whose countries thousands of kill them if there's a way becoming involved in this situation here? oh thats simple its uh, this is
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a containment strategy. i mean uh the u. s. has not tried that has poured out its defense white papers saying that we need 515 island chains surrounding china. but you know that unfortunately, like many things um, reality has passed. washington, by the fact is, china and russia together have both the resources, manufacturing, markets, access to other countries and the sympathies from other countries throughout the southeast asia, the china is regarded much, much higher esteem than the us. and that continues to shift. so as, as that happens, um, you know, the us is in essence making itself, the price is the one that is isolating itself. and you know, there is no way that the us can interfere beach in trade between russia and china and the stands and that route because it's not controlled, it's not in the seas, they can't do anything about it. so this, these attempts are really, really, as i said, to keep the pot boiling to keep beijing preoccupied with the defense matters
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instead of continue on. it's packing amik development, which is really what the united states is afraid of. and now the u. s. claim that it's defense commitments to japan and the philippines on what the president called . i implied a do you think there is a need to write, but those asian countries need to defend themselves against? i guess what i and asians, i mean, this is ridiculous. we've heard this same kind of talk coming out of him about ukraine, also about guys in israel and all of these things. he likes to repeat the same things. i don't know if he realizes he does it and then he has to is forced to back down on it. this is like i said, it just simply encouraging. now remember, this 2nd thomas show is about a, it's not a piece of land. it's just the sho underwater what the philippines did is a rammed and old world war 2 destroyer onto it. now that show is disputed by 4
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countries, including taiwan. so, you know, by simply making a land grab it, was this philippines that enacted this kind of, you know, embarcadero, they're, they're the ones who are at fault here. there's no international defense for ramming old ships on to shoals and claiming that you are somehow in control of that . if that's the case, we're going to have complete chaos throughout the world. so at this point, the u. s. is just simply encouraging, not because it's the law, not because it encourages international standards. rule of law, anything like this, simply because it is convenient in its desire to contain china. all right, we have to leave you here now. has single father how they tie, hey institute a not a to again live from badging. thank you so much for your time. thank you. my candidate has removed thousands of local workers from its embassy in india. had made a growing rift and relations between the 2 countries. been wild canada from minnesota,
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dustin, true to it, has accused both india and china, of seeking to into ferrying its own national elections. all the critics down to the velocity of these planes are to contribute to rachel mazda in half the story. a so canadian, from mr. justin to there was a testifying this week at the country's public inquiry, looking at the allegations of foreign interference in the 20192021 federal elections. and well, maybe we'll shut it all down right now and go home because to go is already identified the guys responsible within the 1st few seconds of his testimony. and it turns out that they just happen to be his own political opponents. the conservative party of canada that the previous conservative government was known for its very close relationship with the current indian government. worse, our government has always stood up to defend the minorities in canada and the rights of minorities. just because even if it's earth days, their home countries overseas. so apparently through those acres, the opening up top secret intelligence filed politicians is a way to keep these honest,
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the as politicians are totally never use or access for partisan political purpose is kind of like what your dad was doing during his own testimony right now by making this about the conservative so called failure to set up this committee, which sounds a lot like the us houses permanent select committee on intelligence oversight function has been described by washington's brookings institution. that's so compromised by par, subject to the quote for an incentive eyes, as parties to run interference and investigations gets their party for political purposes. and present committee reports that are used primarily as campaign messaging tools. yesterday i was giving everyone a little taste of how that works at this inquiry right now to, to spend some time answering questions about how exactly he dealt with information given to him by the canadian security and intelligence service. so she says the documents in question related to allegations of what can, despite agency qualifies as political influence, sigway of china, specifically with allegations of the chinese consulate in toronto. busing, international students to a nomination meeting for one of 2,
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those liberal party candidates in the province of ontario, who now sits as an independent member of parliament as a result of the stench generated by this whole fiasco. now it's important underscore it. we're talking there about that liberal party, internal lamination meeting and not a general election race. and someone who has run canadian federal campaigns, this kind of grassroots mobilization in heavily ethnic areas is really usually seen as a feature historically by the entire canadian political establishment. and not as a bug, which is why politicians like to go dress up the national guard to attend ethnic celebrations. they choose up like there's no tomorrow to these well organized body bucks. so the spike agency gave trudeau documentation dealing with what they consider to be regularities and to run up to the 2019 federal election. and he got them before the vote. but, you know, told the hearing that he really couldn't be bothered to read them. and that he
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really just likes 5 chief david's, you know, to call them up and read in bed type stories like a toddler. the best way to convey information to me is to receive a direct briefing from my national security advisor and intelligence advisor. the only way to guarantee to make sure that i received the necessary information is to give me in, in person briefing or secure line if necessary on any issue or priority issue. yeah, the only way to make sure i get something is to personally then mo, it straight into my brain and well, no one did that. so back to you, problem. look to those statement actually contradicts what his assistant katy telford said on the record of parliamentary inquiry a year ago, the trio res, absolutely everything and would have specifically read those particular intel metals, both to go and public safety, administer dominic, the blog administer responsible for despite agency isis a lot to say right now, but stuff that they may or may not have actually read their expressing skepticism
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over this by agencies, reports and allegations. now specifically about the credibility of intelligence. renee, the chinese, this information campaign is targeting conservatives. and also about the agencies account, the particular intercepted conversation between that same level a party nomination candidate who benefited from the ethnic busing and the chinese consul general. in toronto. ceaseless alleged that the candidate was doing some diplomatic freelancing and pleading for the release of a couple of canadians in prison and china on spying charges. too though, also brought up in his testimony, the murder of the tell us down a separate test who was working from home actually not too far from where i'm seated right now against the current indian government. but here's how to dove, spun it. one of the things that we had growing concerned about as a party when we were in opposition before the 2015 election was the lack of
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oversight by parliamentarians into what was going on in our national security universe in this country. india has already said that all of that has a total interference bible, right? yeah. for india, it is not the government of india is policy to interfere in the democratic processes of other countries. in fact, quite the opposite. it is canada, which has been interfering in our internal affairs. anyway, kiddos and down the line, the notion of any chinese for him, natalie at the series saying that the results of neither of the 2 elections in question which he happen to when were impacted. and that it was, quote, improbable that didn't fall favorites as of one political party over the other. your thought china has reacted to this whole circus. china has repeatedly emphasize that china has always adhered to the principal of non interference and its internal affairs and has never interfered and has no interest in interfering. and canada's internal affairs to those said that the 2 elections in question were, quote, free and fair. sounds like the inquiry might be turning over the wrong rocks then.
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and that maybe they just start with a government's big ticket for and spending items like for ukraine in israel, or even the u. s. military industrial complex and then work backwards from there in search of meddler compromise and canadian addresses. right. going to offer canal in can yeah. public hospitals i'm opting to hire for inductive, instead of meeting demand from local staff for higher pay, hundreds of canyon medical work as have been fired for participating in strikes, which the east african nations government has bad gatherings processed or whatever the other action since the seat of grievances outside the law and then breach of called directives undermines the constitutional order of the country and of the for nothing. this simple 10 years interior administer claim that the demonstrators were creating issues for hardworking medical staff that remained on the job in law
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enforcement officers. to keep the peace and safeguard the public, as well as the physicians who have stayed committed to the work a big while. a public hospital in the capital narrow bee has laid off 100 medical workers who are taking part in a nationwide strike. that has been ongoing for almost a month. those was demanding better pay by the president, william who to said this simply our intent now funds available. we've heard from 2 social justice work as in kenya, while the both agreed that the national health care system is probably be federalized. they have different ideas about who's to blame. it's very unfortunate that the doctors have to go to tonight. so me and they look, that's what i do and we'll get full bit, we just did uh salaries without internet issue a sound, a bit talking conditions. they saw that it is already 30 over 30 days,
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and the government does not allowed the, you know, the, the government as much that anything to make sure of this strike has ended. it shows that they don't care about what's going on or the kids are doing to because them they can afford to, to go to international us because whenever they for seek. so it's very unfortunately investigated outside of the one building that branch of the stuff and e c notes that leaves us downstairs. so somebody being in a serious medical conditions are very, very small of these big, i mean, does not address these issues this week from next week this i shouldn't move and obviously was doing the during the don't test right. that i purchased on the search these posters and already it's not guaranteed, but of course too soon. you know, as much as the doctors are, you know, at the minding for, based on what people do shows and are the mississippi. we can also reach out to be
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said that whatever does thing that does not justify the lives the many lives. ok, now we are losing their lives in the hospital. so we are kindly doing uh the doctor will. it adds the entire ups consistent for this type of week. now, to go back to your what, what concessions do sunbridge delightful minutes goodness reach us at putting in in so many hospitals in the entire country. so we don't support i because that they do dislikes, as you know, announced by did the kind of medical dentist you know, and the 3 weeks ago why that's the update this hour. i'll see you again in about 30 minutes from now the the,


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