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tv   News  RT  April 12, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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samples or millions of the press on the planet, the breaking news this hour of car belonging to a former ukrainian intelligence officer defected to russia, exploded in moscow. and that's according to an audience. often authority sold the that center watches are among the city on the goal, was nice evacuation that made and rising went to levels after a major down breed. russia continues to threaten the use of nuclear weapons adopted these bond, managed to find the speculations involved in the ledge ross and media threats all while failing to name those who knew this country less than this century ago.
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the world celebrates the 3 of the 1st non space slides carried out by so good customer not to you. you got to read who kick spotted non kind space era. stay tuned for us special coverage on this the, this is our international reaching you from the russian and capital. welcome to the latest updates. i a michael, quick check. now we start with breaking news. this our a car has exploded in moscow leaving one passing engine. and our d source has reveals that the vehicle belongs to a former ukrainian security. the officer by city improves are off to cooperated with moscow after the night and coolly in 2014. now a r t correspondent, to charlotte the best key joins now from the scene. charlotte is good to have you
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join me now. what do we know so far above a car explosion of the will? as you mentioned, we understand that a called just behind me. it's a toyota s t v exploded a little earlier today in the north of most go. we understand that this vehicle belongs to a full my s b, you officer. this is up a city pro. is that all for you mentioned that who defected to russia? back in 2019. now we have been told this is unconfirmed. the all she has been told that she was the person in the vehicle when an all u. d exploded when he was in that he since being taken to hospital with injury, said to be to his head, his arms and his legs, you can see that the toys seen here in the north of most go is colton dolph. as a criminal case has no be no infringement. investigators are trying to determine exactly what that all you d was and how we manage to find its way to his vehicle here. no,
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it's not the 1st time that they have been in the tubs only his life. um, as i mentioned the i, he's a full my s. b u officer. he defected the to russia back in 2019 though he was involved back in 2014 in may, he did. and as a result of that previously worked ukrainian special services. now he defected to russia and his being a strong proponent of russia's military action in ukraine. he's also being there, not spoken court, take over the regime in key f as well. and he's also more recently spoken, asked about incident such as the tara attack in most schools, just in the last few months, at croaker city hall, we're moving a $140.00 people were killed saying that events had the hallmarks the fingerprints only of ukrainian sap. and 2 groups contradicting. of course,
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what we've heard from western source is to say that this was an assist style attacks or he's a fairly controversial fig, sadly outspoken. i know we understand that she got into his vehicle today on friday . and that vehicle blew up with him inside that he is alive. but as i mentioned, she sustained apparently uh, injuries to his head, his um and also uh to his likes. this was not the 1st attempt on missed the prisoner olives live. are these cases similar to any of the recent attacks in russia? i know you have mentioned the cro who's console the whole attack, but besides that, the other ones the similar to this yes, that's right. so there was an attempt to impose the slide just in december of last year, so in the last few months. so there's obviously being an active target on him. but this really does, by the whole months that we've seen in other attempts that have been successful
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since rush just off of its military operation in ukraine in 2022. just want to talk you through some of those including the death of life in petoskey. this was a russian military blogger. he was killed in a cafe last year. this was in st. petersburg, where he was apparently handed a device, but then exploded, killing him, and injuring some 42 other individuals. then of course there was a high profile killing of daria do can this is a russian jew unless we understand that was a she was in a call that exploded. c the understanding is that actually that, that improvise device that exploded on who call was back to talk. it's her fault who is a political philosopher, who we said to be very close to vladimir putin is also being an outspoken critic of the government in ukraine. vs for you, this is the queen of intelligent services, have hinted that they have been behind some of these attacks in the past,
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including that of the former ukraine and m p a m e a t, but who was shot dead just in moscow and blast uh, this was in december of last year. so yes, we're seeing a whole lot say, oh, but several similar cases where individuals have been targeted because they've defected for russia. a previously having worked for you quite will be members of the ukrainian services, whether that's a political or the secret services who have been outspoken critics of ukraine and have supported rushes, military operation in the country. all right, we'll keep a tab on this as the stories unfold on this developing story are to correspond to charlotte the bass key. thank you for bringing us up to speed on this. now let's cross live 2 yellows. what could an editor in chief of the finish m p let's you news website?
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yeah, this is good to have you join me now. we've been following this breaking news. what was your initial reaction to the news? another bureau for its version high oh, well known a feedback or at least i followed his information in that around mean daily basis. so he is a very respected source of information and of course market as and in and meet both do granny and regime. and so i see that the, the middle of the board, it says being activated. and of course, this goes through the long along the line of o. s. as a nation or us as a nation. attempts here in dumas region. and donors come across people to bottlenecks where we have lost our color. it's good to be bought so many times to get in. and again, fortunately, he's alive and most probably he can continue using palding's work. but yeah, the just shopping news and uh and who i see that, that it's
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a continuation from what just happened already for soul, i'm time for 10 years. ok. all right, now we still don't know who is responsible for the assassination attempt has been investigation is currently be ongoing, but other public figures have recently become pockets for the key. every gene resolve was previously threatened by ukraine and security services. the are things that could be any links here we are all. i am also in the middle towards the end of many of my colleagues and friends who are seeking the truth about their junior in general to create and go on like, we are all targeted. uh, we just heard a very, very while and speech seen the you are paul and went from your moral who on the line to the importance of silencing and attacking uh, sol, garage and dc information. and uh, i was shocked when i was creating
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a news article above the boils page because he was sole decorative. oh, of course we cannot point of the europe and a european union under getting diligence agencies in the west or behind this a particular attack. but the political conferences seems to be in a very low against all russian information sources, all the people who want to do so, reports and material. and so i link these to dc political tendency that the west is really aggressively oh, willing to support these kind of attacks. and of course they are totally silent from, from the all calm they don't care about each is just a gramling propagandist for them. and they don't, they lift these front the silence and front to be opened and they supported. they want interviewing in the, the internal politics,
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both rush. now what i hear the thing could be the mots of 185 to 4 on a top like this. the 1st, the full uh they are afraid of the truth and these kind of people who are closely known from their job to find their position from their inside information from what's really going on in dumas. and in crane and, and then the whole agenda, all of these on the russian agenda. i think that the, the, the don't have arguments or the western narrative has totally collapsed over the past 2 years from why everything should be done for refrain. and in order to, to get some kind of an upper hand, they just use force they, they, they probably use each of force even inside the rush and regions against the syrians. and, and of course, the,
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all the journalist or everybody researches who are working for the truth, they are planned as very aggressively way as an inmate of do with me. all right, we have to leave you here. now you had those with can in the editor in chief of the finish mc, let see, and they use website. thank you for your insight. move while civilians in the central russian city of auto bug have been forced to leave their homes in droves. and that's, that's the threat, the fresh flooding after a down breach looms over the city. the so that firings are sounding across the city and about 20000 people have already been in the bucket rated from the flood zone. and that's, that's the water levels. and they would all and eva have exceeded their critical
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marks, affecting some streets and buildings are to produce a document which i have reports on the scene. we are in the region of, or in books in the capital. the region in the ceo for rainbow distribution is supposed to be called critical. i'm in the crisis is widening the level of what the in your role reba is their own 11 meet us and the 15 send to me just in time. will it just read the side communities and even district schools, or in book see to under which i'm in the went under? what did they want to just affected by the slots? tens of thousands of residential buildings were affected by the slots we were on board with the american crew. they were conducting recreation mission where we can just a civilian on his board. try not to drift away. he cried for help seem to come to us, caring him out onto the river itself. we told his boy charles and found out that he was trying to see if you dozens chickens from his home. thousands of people were
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evacuated and more ought to be evacuated. location is being conducted by russian m a form russian minister of emergency situations. they have seen that situation is really hot and the, the problem is that the water is coming in. the peak will be in 3 days, only political money relations. and that's how begging the site to a try, logical summit between the us, japan and the philippines are the 3 states this possibly have tons for the in the pacific, which watches china is chinese shores, as well. in china certainly opposes the relevant countries manipulating block politics as well as any behavior that provides all these plans for opposition and huts of the country, strategic security and interests job. i didn't host that leaders of the philippines and japan for a special whitehouse summit. he said that the tide launch will trucks and body to new year old partnership as the us reasserted its commitments to the defendants of
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those pacific island nations. i made rising territorial disputes with china bite and infested by the. busy support for its defense treaty with philippines is quote, iron clad depends upon minutes that has won the western world about the suppose that russian nuclear threats and he made those comments during his speech, the us congress in washington. russia continues to threaten the use of nuclear weapons which has continued to add to world wide concern. that's yet another catastrophe by nuclear weapons use is a real positive, very t hey that tongue goodness they knew a feather. i've been, ty, hey, institutes as a big japanese prime minister, trying to save face by 11 best the best thing russia, as is populi. richard randall's tobacco. i make of it is,
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it's ironic america's quote, indispensable role in the world as for me or because she turned it the reality is the us interference is shape japan since 1853. when it force the open of japan using gun boat diploma city leading the may g restoration the return of the empire, the rapid adoption of western industrialization, imperial empire domination invasions aping the west which led to world war 2. then here, sheer amount, nagasaki, occupation by the us, the plaza cords that which japan today is worth less than real dollar terms and it did when it signed those, you know, a lot whole sanctions under trump. and now i honestly tokyo who's undertaking historic military upgrades to support it's quote, ally, why is because she does cabinet doing this? i mean, why is the sheet of doing this? because as cabinet support gets 16.6 percent, 16.6 percent lowest point since taking over in october of 2021
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is amazing. approving reading fell $1.00 percentage points for the previous month. well, disapproval ratings find 2 percent to 59.4 percent. you know, if he talks about principles us while his cabinet party is embroiled at a slush one scandal, he is simply trying to save himself the country reduced japan to following populous streams. don't include their people that's good to offer canals got a set to welcome back 30 to stolen royal all the facts from the u. k. but the reunion is temporary. 15 of them are on unloaded from the british museum, while another 17 being had land out by the victoria and albert museum. about most of the ash on to all the facts of the u. k. were obtained throughout the anglo ashanti was nearly 2 centuries ago. so a deal was broken back in january by 2 british museums and the mon here palace
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museum in ghana. ashanti is current router, was heavily involved in the negotiations. they returned after facts will only be available on loan for a 3 year period, which could later be extended. british law prohibits a permanent return of artifacts to the country of origin of the gunny and cultural minister of special adviser has expressed outrage over the conditional return of the app to fax to their country up all region. we know the optics with stolen involved in circumstances whenever the items belong to the sante people. if somebody came into the house and run selected, install objects and then kept them in the house. and then the few years later said you. 2 what i land you, your objects back. how would you feel about that? let's cross live to a former research director. nigeria is national commission for museums and
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monuments. if you, if you, those were more by travelers, it's good to have you join me now by the british museum has returned $32.00 artifacts to data on a 3 year loan. why do you think of a u. k is decision to return the still live at the facts in this way. uh, thank you very much. uh uh, the issue of uh, returning up just for loan. a dispatcher only one of the practices of results across different nations or misguided outs, blue when the shows have to take place. you know, is that the countries are the 2 parties come together? i mean, they will shape as easy wherever you fix edition or you know, some of decibels i use for these exit bishop. so i thought the exit is on the loan of just out of the menu as a given that so i'm take with you some of the folks in the past on the very terms based on setting the standards. so what we're talking about the the example
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uh i will feel that the so give you them or loads you paid for that. ready because you have just belong to the app edition. so that's my direct, i'm such a that's all right, we're on the believe bronze on e set, bronzes in the nigeria and situation. can you walk us through some of the civil cases of returning after facts to get countries of all region with the nigerian perspective. okay, thank you. like you're doing it to make this over. the british game, call it not that does or that it is, it does, but it gave with the ships that go with that kind of them. so they do with the mother. and they the, the, the, the, because it pulls up and they call it it printed davis. betty jump deflect in the city. before doing that they, they took away, they took over 5 pounds of do 5 or 10000 in us. that was it,
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a 1097 working to several years later. now you guys the, you know, good after these up just wanted to get them back. i was amazed or about to read the gym, the as the default friends for the public. there's a 3rd of these are just speak, the gems returns, but the 2 websites are just in the course study. so as you know, when they say about 2022 and it'd be definitely have to be circle reserves are more limits as well. i sought out public reserves in jim, in the science on the side, the for the more objects. the idea is to see how some of these objects because we didn't cover before to, to resolve this time. i think i'm doing some of that back to, to talk to us to do that. yeah. i was the ones with data to use as
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a traveling is to be something because they've been with the way that we're trying to apply. so do a purchase of a be done, but it would be those are the 2 about each to see i will try to get the help desk bag they belong to us. yeah, the, the as to the usual mood, you know, to go bit live is a lot really acceptable, but i did get to a level where they can be used for individuals. yes. work. i've talked about, look at those why with the dialogue group people to get it to be that little group is a collaborative, a bunch, a lot of back when i brought it to the 0 school it does the u. k. are they the lads jagow, the swede did a so what. busy purchase, is he available that julia? that's about the list of what was up something with the bids that it was a disease. the digits of the i just did go bit the video from
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credited and i thought because we had a to see house of justice type box. but because we're all creators discussing these issues. we've talked about these load the like that this of the get up to date. that was what was looked at that. so that was who beat their feet while we are the or that way you'd be so. sorry, the book will see that was part of the saw do whatever they push the jump on the bids gabe about and said, yeah, public was the ups to find the standard rate. you're going to see i this of this kind of go by this little piece of the process of shock. i've got to put it to the fact that the guys are be with them for a long time. they, well, what did that through years? we appreciate you that you did my best feel say about the retard bitch. i'm not so serious. that's what i just do. just stuff to the bottom below and i look probably to actually talk by the gym. the problem that you don't need to for. yeah,
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very does this be so. yeah, that's what i'm losing coverage. are thoughts i was brought to the kitchen. i loved it's the dog case. removed, looked at delta, which that we just talked about without it came back to must be so good. be heavy collaborative. you know, programs with the, as the ever all a low so it was easy for them to do so. so we're ready to go. full got to with is press box. so that's probably about for the subject of the sofa. we say 5 correct. because that we're thinking that we have all the coaches we did to each of talking about probably definitely called a search of jets. we've got an institution rather than a load. all right, we have to leave you here. now if you, if you those small by for my research director at nigeria is national commission for museums and monuments. thank you so much for your insight. thank you. today the well celebrates the international day of human space. flight of the un
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established holiday commemorates the journey of a 1st man into space, so the cost will not yearly geiger in. in 1961. let's take a look at how we tools started. the the the
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parson space. find all travellers space associates a trio all the russian comfortable not sent a message to the world in honor of the holiday from the international space station . let them go, don't mind me, jim given us that to you this year we celebrate 90 years since the birth of your guitar and the man who offered in the space age for humanity. the name of the world's 1st cosmonaut is eternally engraved in global history. when we take great pride and continuing the legacy of our predecessors by advancing our domestic space exploration endeavors, when he is a boy and yeah, the teacher could have wouldn't go pretty, pretty good. while we paid tribute to those who led the advancement of the rocket and space industry, we also remember that thousands of employees was every day did. the cation has
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brought to life. the visions of our is team designers. now, hundreds of kilometers above the yard. we express our gratitude for their work speed, you will not have logan lloyd introduce the both with a wealth of intriguing new ventures ahead of us and its only through rattling around the noble objective of space exploration that we will be able to accomplish the extent are good wishes for robust health prosperity and continued trying to all our compatriots and colleagues in the industry because one i have to do is kind of sort of interview our to your recently spoke with india is only comfortable, not rock has sharma who flew into space on this for the admission in the mid 19 eighties. the plan to be compared with you to go about it. oh my god. that's quite unbelievable.
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and uh, because uh, i was in school when, when beauty goes out and worked up in space. and uh, of course, uh, not only and yeah, it was a created a tremendous impact rollins ago, but the time. and of course, anybody wanted to fly into space and somehow i didn't want to be in this based research organization. did not have a man space program, then we're not planning on one. it's so do you know that we are, we are getting on to that kind of an activity? the some i have the most positive impressions of the space mission. we knew these cosmonaut swell and we were waiting for them with great anticipation. ra cache was
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a very positive person. i think you remain so even now. i remember how we came into the station with a smile after they had docked. he smiled most of the time. always had a positive attitude towards any kind of activity, even when something went wrong. when something broke or didn't work, we tried to help him and he was very grateful and tried his best to make everything good. the good news is, by the way, i want to tell you a story that almost no one knows about when were attached came to us. he was starting to get a cold and he told me about it. i had a vietnamese appointments and also acupressure skills. i pressed him on the certain points to stop the process of developing a cold. afterwards we jumped about the situation. there was a russian doctor using to begin the vehicles and these bomb found in india and the
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customer doctor search costs were not one sligo originally. and i thought that that was already symbolic snapshot of how space should really be used. villas, multi codes or an interaction multinational interaction. and that was for piece the practice. i would like to say you some words from us, cool wiggs from moscow a long time and we didn't have a chance to see each other. and it's a p p. it's 1st, 2nd time to see each other. and so i'm still a life items to vertical. and i hope you have a also good, the physical and mental condition. let's try and find
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a place for the next meeting. i wish to all the best in your professional career in your life and all the best to your family. like well, i got the quote from us. cool. we'd love the my space dock. uh and that's go. it was so so nice to receive that 1st through message from you while we do. and so nice to see that, you know your around your looking very busy, your looking very fun food. and as i'm so happy that you are still contributing, just as you did at that time, and when we were together in space with the notice busy man in the north. yeah. and as i, i really missed those times. i hope to catch up with you some time somewhere sooner .


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