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tv   News  RT  April 12, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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with this approach is secretary defense lloyd austin claims. there's no evidence of genocide in gaza. what is the administration policy? the breaking news, this our car belonging to a former and you trade and intelligence office, a defective to ross, you explodes in moscow and that's according to an ard t, russian authorities sold the, essentially, the roches are involved, the city. and the goal is nice if i q racing i made the rising water level after a major down breach. russia continues to threaten to use the nuclear weapons companies from minnesota funds speculations about on the ledge of rocks and new kids to read or live or failing to name those who knew his country less manufacturer we ago
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the kind of the welcome to on to international i a michael caught you up with the latest updates. now we start with the breaking news. this our car has exploded in moscow leaving one passing injured. and our diesel says reveals that the vehicle belongs to a familiar train and a security officer by city prisoner off to co operated with moscow after the might into in $2014.00 a. correspond to charlotte, the bass gate report from the see national. does it good to have you join me? what do we know right now so far above the car? explosion of the yes. that's why we understand the this was the vehicle that was owned by silly pro. is that all? who is a former s p u, this is it ukranian intelligence officer,
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and the date was him who is in the vehicle when an improvise. all you do, you vice exploded. now we'd be not the scene for just over now. now we've been watching the investigation take places they come through the vehicle, trying to get evidence as to what that device was, perhaps how it was put back, and whether there's any evidence left behind by those who placed the device inside the call. we understand the pro sort of it, she has survived this attempt at what seems to be an attempt on his life. it wouldn't be the 1st time if it is definitely one, but he's in the hospital receiving treatment for his injuries, which are apparently injuries to his head, his arms and his legs. now he moved to russia in 2019, and his being a huge critic, an outspoken critic of the government in kiev, alleging many things about the wench can talk you through some of the things he
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said about ukraine, it's government and what's happening. and ukraine, since she has moved to russia in the last few years. and he has said that there was that ukraine was holding a alleging that the us was using ukraine for the creation and testing of west buttons, including biological weapons. he's also talked about a sequence prison in marion full, and he's just generally being an outspoken critic of the government. this have a listening to what he has said previously. you knew, i strongly believe that in february 2014 ukraine was taken over by a bunch of villains, who in order to hold you all were and chris is their wealth, not spell the life of the citizen son, in fact, started a civil war created his was revised the practice of concentration camps and secret services. there's a press freedom of the press to conduct the genocide against their own people,
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the killing some by artillery innovation and don't bottle of product and killing all this through excessive prices and the destruction of health services. this means it's not my government. when i understood the facts of the nationalistic, or even the gnostic, cooling kia, just as i decided to 5 this government by any means in my disposal. he's also more recently talked about the terror attack in most go the crew. chris city, who, which kills moving $140.00 individuals, saying the best for him have the hallmarks the fingerprints of ukrainian sabotages the overhead enrolled, but then the whole month 7, i 6 of killing this, of course, is reflecting what we've heard from the crime in, in regards to that attack and he also has been hosting telecom trouble when he put sport his points to be, you know, let's be clear. he's a former intelligent service consultants for the mt terrace unit for the s p u. the
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s p u is confirmed that and he works with the s p u for several years. so he use a month with in site knowledge, and this is not the 1st time that there has been an attempt on his life. but for the image, we understand that the pros of vote of has survived this attempt to these life and he is receiving a cat in the hospital for his injuries to ahead, his arm and his legs wide hard to curse. but any salad the best keep bringing us up to speed on this developing story. all right, to discuss this further, hard to smart costs are going to be right here in this to do martin i this is, it's nice to have you joined me right here. now this is not the 1st, the time on the attack, my business taking place. can you walk us through similar is that since this has happened? absolutely, this is exactly how to have likes to punish those who don't agree with their
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actions or their thought process. and we've seen this before, even with people who have absolutely nothing to do with the conflict in ukraine, people who are simply speaking their minds. but what they're saying does not coincide with what they believe. so let's remind our viewers of what they've been doing over the last couple of years of the
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. so that's how to find spec with targeted killings of russian journalist civilians and even it seems right now their own. and even though our lives are aware of at washington in particular, for example, because let's not forget that the new york times article which expose the fact that us intelligence agencies are aware that supports of the crate in government authorized at least one of those, the types the one for example, that killed the idea of doing that. so they know that this is happening,
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right. what has the reaction of russia and ukraine being to this to write tax? well, of course, the premiums are loving that they can officially admit to the fact that they are the ones behind that for obvious reasons. but they're so route that they can seem to help themselves even if it is to their own detriment. for example, tell you some of the reactions was seen so far. doing a yahoo news interview. we had ukraine spy chief who was asked to comment on this. and he said, well, no comments, especially about what i can say is that we've been king and russians. and we will continue to the russians on the face of this world until we see ukraine's victory. so that was one of them. then we had that you printed them, bass flow to tasks dogs who also suggested that killing as many russians as possible will be great for the next generations of ukraine that will make their job easier for the next generation of ukrainians. and then of course, the head of the s, b u, he's going to multiple interviews. and and one case again, he says, well, as an intelligence officer,
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i cannot confirm nor deny our involvements in this, of course. but he says that we've already closed and you know, a lot of p for the flight of media and public cases. and he is of course load into the murders that we've seen so far. but the daria do thing as a harper less than the bridge and crimea. and then he goes to say that, that some of these publications have become public. so the, you know, that they're behind that. and also the ones who are that were of course aware of their what was the even the head out on arts. he's very own editor in chief margarete to someone. yeah. and, but thankfully, those plans were foiled. now i want you to listen to another interview again by the head of the as view who just can't seem to help himself. this is what shows just that they're proud of this. take a listen, a slab. this was, was it true that the security service of ukraine was involved in the elimination of such persons as kiva cyrus and guitar ski? can you give any details if this is the case?
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it's been yeah. the question is right on the money to officially looking not to recognize the scene anyway, but at the same time, if i'm ready to disclose these details to you, for example, this for the who did you start with kayla kiva. this boy a good librium and 90 and kind of a weapon. cut a short rifle. that is one shot to the jazz. well then a cruise around to the has the task that task a, do you remember that the cafeteria in st. petersburg, which was run by walk not much and that's, that's you. it's which was presented to him in the form of these goals and boss with the kids. okay, so that was 400 grams of time. a battery substance inside the slicing opposite, like a razor. so this is exactly what i'm talking a lot of details for people who seem to be completely unaware. they want people to know that they were behind it. they just can't seem to say it. of course, like i said, for obvious reasons, not naturally russia ones just this for the families of the people that they have killed so far. and to prevent this from happening again. and this is what russia is,
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demanding time. again, i should repeat time and time again. the russian foreign ministry has put forward the demand for the printing of fluoride tasted immediately a rest extradite every pass. some implicates attendance. our respects, besides against international terrorism, is the responsibility of every state. the russian side demands that the key of regime immediately sees any support for terrorist activities. extradited the path of traitors and compensate for the damage cost to the victims. ukraine's violation of its obligations under the onset terrace conventions will entail international legal liability. and that is why ross has been so vocal about the west supports of ukraine because this is how their money, their weapons are being used to target on innocent civilians in a different country. even. it's not even in ukraine this time. right. we see certainly uh, thank you by that concern for bringing us up to speed on this. and this is mr. will
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give the following is absolutely, thank you right now. i know we spoke to we had tati and walk through a split in andrea lucida case as of as the naples that are on the revelations and by the trade in security services may have triggered his assassination attempt. i'm strong about it because uh, you know, i'm like, it's $30.00 a slip, a little uh try the she was not only a former office so as the sheet to an extra he was, it was leading sleeping media from you please. where, where he in the heat try to, to expose the glass to the west was a new make of the train in the last 10 years. in my photo in the boss. generally, you are also a move model to the for example, the crime sofa 0. and what's to come to the this era doc?
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again, same, it's very much for me mostly for a little was like, uh, if i can make a compression while i can julian aside because a little tied to it. expose us the truth about the work up as well in the us. and maybe i think the premium government is rising my the the, to the power of the, to, to the little side to expose the wall civilians. and they essential ross in the city of automotive have being forced to leave the homes in drove and that's, that's the threat to fresh flooding after a down breach looms over the city, the, the sirens is sounding across the city. about 20000 people have already been evacuated from the flood zone
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and that's, that's the water levels in the overall. and we have exceeded the critical mock, affecting some streets and buildings. august 5th is may, i has flows up the roads that lead to the flood zone until the end of the month. ology produced by the med which i ever for it's from the sea. we are in the region of or in book in the capital. the region in the ceo for rainbow distribution is close to be called critical. i'm in the crisis is widening the level of water in the drawer. reba is their own 11, meet us and the 15 send to me just in time. will it just read the side communities and even districts of or in book c t under which i'm in the went under. what did they want to just affected by the slot? tens of thousands of residential buildings were affected by the lot. we were on board with the crew. they were conducting certification mission when we witnessed a civilian on his board trying not to drift away. he cried for help. seeing the
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current was caring him out. one to 3 by itself adults, his board called and found out he was trying to see if you dozens chickens from his home. thousands of people were evacuated and more odd to be evacuated. vacation has been conducted by russian. i'm a former russian minister of emergency situations. they have seen that solution is really hot and the, the problem is that the water is coming in. the peak will be in 3 days only. now we've heard from those who are dealing with the aftermath of the flooding, the i've been living in cars, national town since to 1010. that's when i build this red house. when you this was the flood zone, we just didn't expect such catastrophic flooding. we'll figure out the extent of the damage here. i tried to raise the 2nd plot of land, but i couldn't do it. but i'm afraid all of that, all you've all q agents ongoing with patrol. the area will help those who need it. if we see a band and dogs, those who need help,
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we get them out at the moment. that's why we're working on a request. so if we need to, we'll be on the cold. we'll move out. we'll go with the rescue. people. also, elderly women come to work for them with the medicine and the food. everything to the den, just because we can see these den deluxe under the water. it's the gas bites polls and system like this one because i see them that dangerous political money relation. that's how vague are referred to a try, logical summit between the us, japan and the philippines. the 3 states discussed the plans for the in the pacific, which i want you to sign those tools as well. in china certainly opposes the relevant countries, manipulating blog politics as well as any behavior and the provides ollie's plans for opposition on 100 on the countries are
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t took security and interests dual bought in the hosted leaders of the philippines and japan for a special white house summit he said that to try lots of tools embodied in new era partnership, as you, as we, as such as commitments to the defense of those pacific islands nations. i'm advising territorial disputes with china. might in insisted that the us supports for its defense treaty with philippines is quote, iron clad. i want to be clear, the united states, united states defense commitments to japan and to the philippines, our iron clad or iron clad. as i said before, any attack on filipino aircraft specials are armed forces and south china sea would invoke our mutual defense treaty. first, the terms in the pacific has been normalized in recent years by countries with hostile agendas against china. we should have knowledge that its ideological value
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is to lake the pacific, and it'd be notions which together constitute by far the largest area of the world as a contested space. one in which china is to be constrained as much as possible. this is how the trim has become popularized and given these are teacher games from washington. second, uh, vitamins and bastard are to japan rahm emanuel, who previously was a congressman who supported america's illegal warner rack. has long been an apologist of this really oppression against palestine who was a bomb as chief of staff people before becoming a marriage, chicago and overseeing a local administration with secret police interrogation size, the one the hatred of black americans. he was on bloomberg television a couple of days ago to comment on biden's meetings with casino and marcos saying to us objectively, holler, why select china in agents and this is what washington has accomplished. now i'm not sure that anyone else in asia would agree with that assessment, but we can think of manual here for his candor. us has built
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a nato light block with office and ames to link it with data and expand both against china. simultaneously, us is trying to undermine chinese be tanami can take a logical development. well also trying to push china into the middle income trip as it did to japan in the 1980s. and now the us is doing this with marco support recalling his father conspired for decades with washington. at the philippines expense depends prime minister. it has won the western world about us. suppose the russian nuclear threats. he made those comments during the speech to the us congress in washington. russia continues to threaten the use of nuclear weapons, which has continued to a 2 world wide concern. that's yet another catastrophe by nuclear weapons use is a real possibility. a not time getting a senior fellow at the ty, hey,
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institute says that they, depending upon minister is trying to save face by lung boston. russia as his popularity doing those by co i make of it is this, it's ironic america's quote, indispensable role in the world as familiar because she turned it the reality is the us interference is shape japan since 1853. when it force the open of japan using gun both to belong as the leading the may g restoration, the return of the empire, the rapids, adoption of western industrialization, imperial empire domination invasions aping the west, which led to world war 2. then here shim hours, nagasaki, occupation by the us, the positive chords that which japan today is worth less than real dollar terms. and it did when it signed those, you know, a lot of sanctions under trump. and now i honestly took care is undertaking historic military upgrades to support it's quote, ally, why is because she does cabinet doing this? i mean, why is the sheet of doing this?
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because as cabinet support gets 16.6 percent, 16.6 percent lowest point since taking over in october of 2021 is amazing approval rating fell $1.00 percentage points for the previous month. well, disapproval ratings find 2 percent to 59.4 percent. you know, for it, if he talks a 5 principles of us, while his cabinet party is employed at a slush funded scandal, he is simply trying to save himself your country, reduced our japans to following populace strings don't include their people. you know, most of the breaks group of countries have send parliamentary delegations to moscow to discuss strengthening the ties on the side lines of the event. we spoke with the c o, b and then bassett. a. he said that the organizations power is on the rise, and as much to expect from russia as chapman said, this year of the 3 pos,
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salsa ritz is investment in the economy. yes. and another aspect of it is people and culture and security to decide the means to those of ricks a to ship economy color. yeah, these countries have to work together the you know, to find the alternative. yeah. i'm not sure what it is right for now. there is a new development one and the difference, right? i think we have 2 distinct in this same problem. so that can contribute to the number of state of the transmission. so i think this wouldn't be really detailed, would be what tentative didn't you know? like that i'm if, and what about an groups or something so, so far what, what is, what is the, you know, we told it is if i let you know relation before. so we,
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we out of know, working on that and increasing our relations because it's a platform is a very good putting in a lot of experiences. so it's a bit of shedding by itself is good. what to, to make it sure. yes, we have have, by that time edition, before with that i shall we work on many different issues. but now is this, is it the plus for us? there are lots of engagement. there are lots of meetings and that i show they put to, you know, what then went on with the 258 admin building that i mentioned, the chemistry. so and not tough thing is due to a lot of things to do. so we are expecting a lot during the summer because i mean in autism how by breaking news this news now the united nations security capital has convened on ross, has request to address west and on supplies. the key of best listening,
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a team of western weapons from the west. previously, this had been done covertly under the cover of the men's agreements. and the relevant activity is something which the west did not to advertise. it even denied this. and now indeed, this has all come to the surface and this is no longer being concealed. and so thanks to the high profile investigative investigations by journalists, we learned that the c i a immediately after the cancer constitutional cooling cube in 2014. and we use to a broad range of investigative centers, the new crane, which are located directly on the border with russia after the beginning of the s o . all of this. so provocative activity to pull it to its mildly, to the against a basic logic began to be portrayed as a noble deed. indeed, what is so bad for many years, so to arm a state against its neighbor and to encourage an openly hostile policy against it. this is the general customary practice of colonizers who decades to have
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a pitted neighbors against neighbors in africa, asia, and latin america. they have a weaponized, them provided them with weapons, and profited office divorce. and they did not invent anything new for the 21st century. today, the victim is ukraine and the object is russia and there and lies the real subtext of the ukranian crisis which reached the hot phase in february of 2022. many times we explained why we were compelled to begin the s. m. o special military operation, and those who wish to hear us will hear us and those who do not wish to listen, they will never hear us. and to day, however, even wisdom colleagues are using the words unprovoked. increasingly rarely when it comes to our actions in light of what we learned and saw over the past 2 plus years about the roles, the west and the rest and tragedy. this kind of a allegations no longer withstand any criticism. today the collective west has other concerns,
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the main concern or is to keep us low to the so landscape policy which has a is been losing power in the country at a quick pace and has clearly facing a military defeat and the ukrainian marshals weapons, energy equipment, and munitions have long been squandered. and also the of the western sponsors are finding it increasingly difficult to turn a blind eye to what has he has wrought the influx and the deliveries of these weapons are going are ongoing. at the same time, it is increasingly difficult for western ways to pass over in silence information about skyrocketing levels of corruption and ukraine. the absence of oversight and accounting for the equipment to munitions that are being provided. and consequently, the grave risks of these weapons of munitions falling into the hands of terrorists . all of this on say very truth is something which we are true. they are trying to drown out with the argument that allegedly weapons deliveries are helping ukraine
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to uphold its independence. in the face of russian aggression, is this a truce? what is the present that you can trying to achieve? now, the presence of ukraine, which for 10 years the west tried to shape into into an anti roster. we all remember exactly 2 years ago, having a brought it in humane and mendacious provocation in a boot shop. it under pressure of its western sponsors the day a vague squandered. it's only opportunity for peace at a time when savanski trampled upon them in school agreements. western sponsors of a kia version and assured him that with assistance from the west in terms of weapons and support, he would be able to vanquish russia. and this was an illusion that the t of a leader held onto for and clung to for a long time. and even he recently changed his rhetoric announcing that ukraine would lose without western weapons and without more meaningful intervention.
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subsequently after him in the west. these goals were also risk free, formatted by the west. their goals were reformed. magic, and now they sound as this like this to prevent russia from when they were winning . i'm talking about this in detail in order to illustrate the conclusion of many experts the to specifically western weapons deliveries are preventing the cream concepts from ending in peace. and this is something which are briefer, current kept kosky just talked about. if you crane had wanted peace, they would have long achieved peace. they are our justified to and to well grounded demands to our neighbor, which lied. the heart of the assembled are well known and ukraine can achieve this and meet these demands without the detriment to and to if sovereignty and statehood . germany was able to end naziism and japan was able to end militarism. this did not result in the disappearance of the states. so why cannot ukraine do this?
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why can it stop discriminating against the russian language and russian speakers and clearly in bind with european values? the response to this question is very simple. this is because the ukraine, that would be friendly with russia, is not needed for washington london and brussels. and this is not why they invested in the country for 10 years, ultimately losing on the battlefield. ukraine is transforming it into an open we terrorist state. and this is something which i wish to dwell on in detail, the ukrainian armed forces thing, so 2 deliveries of artillery, munitions, and long rage and uh, western made me so missiles is carrying out the tax on civilian objects within russia. this is something which we talked about on a number of occasions in the 1st quarter of this year along the way of specifically launched 22000 munitions claiming lives of 201 civilians. but this is something that is now not included in,
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for information from western media outlets. there has been no condemnation from our western colleagues about this in this chamber. suffice it to recall the new year's eve, targeted showing of populated areas in belgrade with the use of a check m o r s. is which resulted in no criticism whatsoever from the west. however, this is not enough for ukraine, and ukraine has long transfer position to, to the tactic of terrorist attacks. in this way, the key of leadership is trying to divert the attention of its populace from the catastrophic state of the way up on the front. and it is trying to demonstrate its ability to do damage to the russian federation and the trying to demonstrate this to its western sponsors. if these are clear of crimes by the key of leadership and everybody knows about them, including the murder of the journalist started to kind of looked into tar, skipped the blowing up of the krinski, the crim try me a bridge.


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