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tv   News  RT  April 14, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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the size of that stuff without collision is best of product the we started this now with the breaking news you ron says the here's lowest the ritathui, a tory attack against diesel by firing drones, a mess of the targets in the country. the people on the street, so these are all i've seen, desperately running in such a shelter as to be attacked on folded israel claims, the intercept and most of it myself, ron says all targets with strictly mandatory an old way ahead. the
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pen, while people and these were running from the drones, people on the streets of to ron with celebrating during the night, the hello the welcome to our team to national, reaching you from a new center in moscow. i a michael question with the updates the now many is rodney spencer denied, hiding from verizon attacks from ron to ron says it retaliated in response to when he is ready, strike on. it's diplomatic. compounding syria by firing drones and myself as he is ready target. this is the 1st ever direct made a tree attack launched by iran against diesel. despite the decades of hostilities
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between both nations, the, the easy all says mold in $200.00 projectiles were launched from the drive, including thousands of ballistic missiles. these images you are currently seeing all the sky over the august the mosque in jerusalem overnight at the videos where taking my eye witnesses, are these ready? all me says the most to be around in missile square intercepted amount of fossil. this campaign is not over yet. we need to remain prepared and attentive to the idea of sin, home front demands instructions and to prepare for any scenario. at the same time, we blocked the 1st wave of attacks and we did it with great success, multi bill through. let's take a closer look at what exactly happened. iran has conducted the messen drone and cruise missile attack on these ready territory. and according to test,
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ron only targeting military bases and governmental buildings, the united states claims that at least 3 of the middle eastern nations joined to ride in launching projectiles, a gas diesel. shortly after the incident is there any forces bombed has belie facilities in 11 on, and that wasn't, responds to a volley of rockets from lebanese territory that engaged israel's air defense system. the air raid sirens wailed across the city of jerusalem as crowds of people was seen, desperately running in search of shelter, of the according to an idea of slopes busing. a young girl was injured as a result of a mess. all heading is ready territory. so far there's been no other confirmed casualties as a result of the slides are to use mid least bureau chief, mary,
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i for, nor should i with this be attack on the ground in jerusalem. now this guy is clear, but earlier here in west, in jerusalem, we were walking out around 145 and by loud boons. i heard at least 4 of them, followed by air raid sirens, rockets, alerts, phone application showed that the holy city as well as vast areas and israel center and south and also northern regions that the border was lab and on housing target to like if you look at the map with threats of marks, it was all read and the sounds of explosions we heard and i heard were, is really air defense, system heating and i mean me solves. shortly after warnings were spread about parts of rockets falling from the skies. people were called to stay near bomb shelters, or inside se from the seas rarely emergency service reports. now that a total of $31.00 people have been treated as a result, including those likely injures and psychologically stressed. the army confers one
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child was wounded. the idea of spokesperson later said that iran launched dozens of the surface, the surface of me solves towards israel, as well as about $200.00 drones and more than 10 cruise me 1000. the vast majority of them, the army says, were intercepted outside the countries for this was just a few following within, as rarely territory there were on earlier announced that is rarely military infrastructure would be targeted the army confirmed later and that the country's air base in the negative desert had in the south of israel was adding a caused only mine of damage to infrastructure. no casualties have been reported sofa also he run back to lebanon based his bulk and claimed responsibility for a number of attacks on these really northern communities. the army. now says they continue to intercept threads on their way to israel, and that's they are still fully deployed with dozens of
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a croft in the or 4 defense. they were also unconfirmed reports about another and bunch of drones fired from iran. but this information is hard to be verified right now. and the reason days folding around in fred's base room has made in close coordination with washington, with the chief of american central command traveling here to make sure the 2 countries are on the same page. and washington also st and reinforcements to the region to support israel to help in case of iran's attack show they often sundays attacks prime minister benjamin antonia who had a phone conversation with president biden. that last at around 25 minutes. we did not know the details of this conversation, but we know that the present bite in praise, the 2 states cooperation. let's take a listen at my direction to support the defense of israel. the us military moved across and ballistic missile defense destroyers to the region, over the course of the past week. thanks to these deployments and the extraordinary
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skill of our service members, we've helped ease, real take down nearly all the incoming drones and missiles. well, i have to say that's sunday's attack was not to surprise earlier in such a days. really, officials confirmed that more than 50 drones had been sent from iran towards a 0. it takes from 3 to 6 hours for them to cover a distance of more than 1500 kilometers between the run and as well. well, it's really good to have information about the launch almost immediately after. so the army was aware and prepared well in advance. the country was on high alert, fighter jets were deployed dps service. was jad hayes well made the changes to his home from command as well? banning schools and any activities and gatherings of more than 1000 people were also prohibited all flies to and from is rarely nature. apple has been going on, were cancelled as well as well. have those as well as some neighboring countries
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like like jordan and egypt as well as iran, by the way, closed their aerospace on saturday. so before the ran in attack. and by the way, remains closed here in israel to further notice, even before it running drones and me sounds which days round prime minister and it 10. yeah. vows to respond for a defense systems are deployed. we're prepared for any scenario, both defensively and offensively. this database really strongly id is strong, the public is strong. i established a clear principle, the way the huts as we are at him. we will defend ourselves from any traits, and we will do so with coolness and determination. i know that you citizens of israel also keeping your cool. i owed you to listen to the directives of the home front. come on together, we will stand. i'm with god's help together. we will overcome a while. the attack has sparked mass celebrations in some parts of lebanon. and ron, and even in the palestinian territories in guys of people have reported it was the
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quietest night since the beginning of the war last october. and what will happen next, wild trophy off to be attacked runs un mission statement. that's these attack was terrans response to israel's murder of a number of high ranking ready generals in their run and consult in damascus. syria, by the way, israel never took responsibility for the killing while tyron was very quick to blame israel. this issue can be considered resolved. now, the mission concluded, in addition, the iranians threatened that if israel makes another mistake, the response would be hot or warning. the united states to stay away from conflict in the middle is but this card can hardly be the end because israel said many times before and after the attack that whoever hates as will be heats back and present bite and promised at northern clad support for israel in case of the running attack, so we might see further escalation tend at retaliation to at retaliation.
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or are we talked to political analysts? you only banned men, not ham, and co director of beach, an option of action center, soft lounge as who share the thoughts on this latest escalation in the middle east . around has every right to defend itself. there was an absolute unprovoked, illegal by all international law, unequivocally an act of war against iran, which is we'll strike on a, ronnie and console in syria. israel has failed, failed, failed in their efforts in gaza. and now they are seeking to widen the war and full of this. we have to say again and again is with us imperialist backing. this could not have taken place. israel's attack on him run on a run called consular territory could not have taken place without blacking of the
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us. at the same time, the support and defense of the palestinians must continue. this is at this very moment. there was some discussions going forward on what sort of the shall cease flyer deal could there be? and it's an agreement that frankly, is real design is can't accept because it, it to be only their failure, the funding fee is that the, the right hand it back, you only find the now the position over. but then, you know, and by then despite the a big dispute between them about the war and guys, uh so we're eh, this is a gun to prove that the bid for you. rodney, i think that the and that then, you know, now what this band is inches. so these are these, do they have to call the nation with united states? and i think that they wouldn't try to be more. it was the rate then my more acceptable, acceptable for the buy the engines, nothing. nothing was eating
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a. he's oil as a maybe a only a small pot over a very it be spent the air field on the basis of these are the army, but the, this was something that is small and no, it is only once a visual in the girl is 9 years old is to be in egypt and the rest goes nothing. so i think a, if you judge a, the, a reading i think by its result. so it's a complete failure to iran says he has completed its mission, having had all of its designated military target, other countries, presidents trust. but the further actions against the nation will be met with the heavier response on to ron. adding the piece for the entire middle east and region, is it ron stop power d v as lumnick republic of a ron considers the peace and stability of the surrounding region necessary for its
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national security and is not spared any efforts to restore and maintain peace and stability today, it is completely clear to any fair observer that the actions of the zionist regime as an occupying terrorist and racist entity which does not consider itself bound by any legal, moral, or humanitarian rules and norms. and during the last 6 months, has advanced the campaign of genocide against palestinians, and further didn't security in the region and the world with the complicit support of the us and some other western countries is an immediate and continuing threat to regional peace and security audio. ronnie and parliament celebrated the strides on these ready territories while and peace science. these on the revolutionary god corps, a large group of parliamentarians, westfield, and the chanting depths, to ease all of the i'm
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excited locals. lot of the streets of to ron in there do delays and humorous videos, circulating online, show a large crowd, celebrating the retaliation to these various flights on the vines calculating syria . iran stop. many tree bronze has ones that the other option would be taking if ease will continues to supply divine in territories to india. as a key, i know time we still do not have complete information about all of the targets hence. but regarding the part of the strikes that we have precise and documented and on the ground reports about the indicate, this operation has been more successful than we expected. is really settlers and is really officials. and the terrorist occupying army of design is regime and america have better than us so far understood the impacts of the strikes to design his resume takes action against this logic. republic of the wrong is there
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on all a soul or in our facilities in syria or elsewhere. our next operation will be much bigger than this. there was retaliatory strike on his rail, unfolded over the course of several intense hours would be gone. our dc claiming that many of their drones and missiles successfully reached the iron dome defenses them to strike their intended targets. one of course, among vit. significant locations erewhon claims to have pitts inflicted a heavy damage on was the never team air base, which is the largest is really air base one hails the targeting of this base as a major victoria because it says it was the place from which israel conducted its air strike against the iranian consulate building in syria on april 1st, which killed 7, senior i r g c, military figures. the operation code named troop from is involved the coordinated use of dozens of iranian drones and missiles fired from the country soil as well as
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from yemen and also from lebanon against israel. of course, of the attack marked it was 1st direct military assault on the as well and over for decades of ongoing hostility between the 2 arch foes. shortly after the strikes, it was for him initially released the statement saying, ah, the revenge mission was, quote, an exercise of evidence in here and twice of self defense. i'm as recognized by the you. why the announcement also read that these on the public would not hesitate to take further unnecessary defensive measures to protect its legitimate interests against any act of military aggression or unlawful use of force. and always ro has vowed unprecedented response to these womic republic. the united states also said that it will provide, quote, iron cloud support to as well. this as the r g c here has said an issue to stern
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warning that any aggression against it was territory will be match with even a more robust response. it also said that washington is responsible for, as well as the actions while strongly warning the american government against involving itself and supporting israel in a potential attack on iran. for now, the ball isn't as well as court as the world watches with bated breath to see how they will respond. of course, the one security council is now set to hold an emergency meeting about the development after israel requested the council to condemn jet wrong. so things are, are really developing so fast and it remains to be seen how this dangerous game of, from brinkman ship put on fold in the days and weeks ahead. what professor of political communication now the university of dare, ron for these are the sides of the runs, responds,
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was in line with international you know, under international law, if they've country is that tax, that country has the right to respond. and this is what i see it on is doing is following international law is attached to it as embassy. that's part of it instead of authority, you runs under the vienna convention, the embassies concepts of countries or products of those. so basically you don't have to respond that there was an order of choice. there is a, these have been attacking who died in the 1st and then instead of smith for quite some time and public opinion need on wanted to see the country defending as, as i said, essentially has, which is defending itself and people are tired of is there any aggressions, we have 5 minutes of your offices to a gentleman scale, and this could not be tolerated any longer. so you don said,
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god has said this before that if you attack you guardian territory even was response to be at the end. you. i mean, you know, it's kind of so let's just consider you, i mean 3030 and that's what, so that's what happened to them. just by declaring its full support for ease all the us has infested, that it is not anything to directv, engage in a conflict with iraq. we do not see conflict with iran, but we will not hesitate to act to protect our forces and support the defense of israel from a parent gone and security policy analyst, micah malo status of the ronnie and strikes could lead to a rapid escalation in the region it was a signal i thought to that it was going to be a limited type of thing, but now that they're going to be sending ballistic missiles and cruise missiles plus we see a concerted effort out of human and a um, an out of, uh, hospitalized out of the north of, um, uh,
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from the north of the israel. that suggests that there's a coordinated effort here. and that it's more serious and i 1st thought i thought it was going to be limited, but to this appears to be an escalation. and it's going to be ratcheted up very rapidly. and if you get the amenities m, m m hospitalized engaged at the same time, that that reflects put, potentially coordination and, and that could escalate the things dramatically on, on, on a number of fronts. not just the iran and, and this was, this was the concern, sending them in swarms up to 4050 that could possibly potentially overwhelmed their defense systems. if they're not all shot down. and that then you followed up with a cruise missiles and then with ballistic missiles, that could be that you can see where the escalation is going to be going into effect. so this is a potentially, we're down to going down a slippery slope here. but what's the impalas, including the united states,
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the u. k, as well as the e. you reacted in lock step with condemnation of your rod and pledges to support weasel. but meanwhile, india, china and russia cold on both sides to show restraint. we are seriously concerned to the escalation of hostilities between israel and iran, which threatens the peace and security in the region. we call for immediate the escalation exercise of restraint. stepping back from violence and return to the path of diplomacy. china expresses deep concern over the current escalation and calls on relevant parties to exercise calm and restrain to prevent further escalations. china calls on the international community, especially countries with influence to play a constructive role for the peace and stability of the region. we repeatedly warn the multiple unresolved crises in the middle east, 1st and foremost, and israel palestine conflict. so that have often worse, and because of you are responsible, provocative actions will lead to rising tensions. we call on all the involve sides
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to restraint. we count on the countries of the region to resolve their problems by political and diplomatic means. we believe it is important for constructively minded international actors to assist in that right. let's cross to live to india based. jo political analysts go red shade grass. it's good to have you join me now . now india has called for an immediate vs connection between these are the new ron, why do you think new data is being so vocal about the spiraling situation in the middle east and the bike uh this as being the end of the global assault. and we are also a part of the global talk, very much part of global. and so, and then there could be there shortly, could be another, could be india, or it could be other countries you want, including bradley, you receive all the see, all these countries would be asking for. but i mean of the insurance, but it is the rest of it to come. you and you said one country of who want to ignite the war and the on, but the condition of war. uh, but uh what i,
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what has happened a, it is a book because it didn't shed, does it didn't fit in the president did. president did it. ringback because it is a totally dead diploma mission. also you done in depth and that was even worse or you know, when people situations but it is also not present that good because you do the 1st day. but you don't have a tech on the sort of is it is so good. it is a later applied being the girl. so escalation ended did, did he used to be a determined and determined as the austin and the word is watching the on the un security on c meeting. taking this evening last day on a 1st of the headboard, the you will see it in front of the did most of them the extra most used today. now let's see what happens to this and it is not. and if you did not, we do not condone dykes and so if you don't, then we see
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a very fractured word on global salt, which is global not lines. now do you see this conflicts that it's pending over into a why that context across the middle east for us? yes, it has got to for pain shields. uh add. and then right now the only thing is really cool or a good day. they may not strike back any of that going to strike back. i don't think that split shouldn't really be there because it's the but i'm on into the present. do also is you done in the united nation, the desert bed from the outside of school to get it? and they also groping up on our to confirm the one of you and confusion. so the as put them, they have said that it's all what, but if you're available to delete it, then it will be obviously the circles and the should up to the leadership. but let me do one more thing. my good. it was also of very deliberate arctic's will be done
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because uh, i think it was day before yesterday, but if i mention time, so it was saying that that you done using box with united states, i think, well, well, month. so what they'll be able to do might be doing, they might be talking about via the receipt. once we do the quantity and quality of that. so that is that you've been also be prepared for that us and these are the very powerful so big ones. so sure, one thing that you can not, i think of as to what would it be done has feel that you got that going forward, but did not send to dad the level of escalation. so it is a, we'll see. but it is possible that things are things will become com, you went totally, but everything's fine to be. it depends on the insights and you didn't get on to the new to all of this law or other groups that know better deal for you know, you will, you know, that is the 2 things will dispute over. so this is also seen as strategic
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risk trains by you run not what diplomatic means could be used to resolve this conflict if any, as well as diploma diploma means the best diplomacy can be done by the united states of america deacon and the war in does uh, they can make peace between the parties, but unfortunately, right now the by the white house looks very, very big of and this see to is it a gold is like board ben? this is going to either you don't do it. so the book has become thoughtful. you look at this difficult medic, i look for the soul. the missile by those white house is the bill says behind all the to going on in the word a you, when they get drunk, pull up the order. even bush was the last that things were not terrible. this fox you're seeing there for board is on fire. and we had a putting
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a part of the because of this man by this week of the president, the district right. what have seen the ray of responses from international community? the g several, like you mentioned, have openly condemned the ron strikes while countries like india. fine are russia, are calling a forest drains from both parties, a bit conflict. how do you interpret the drastic difference in responses? let's see this be a decent one way to do whatever you'd like to stick with. see. so that could be due 7 let it be nickel. all it could be you to be in the union. big lots, 3 bodies, the they don't have any, so we're going to be off the bill on all these countries are behind the united states of america. so what, what line us were didn't even on the phone lot, you mean like david, i'm calling the united states of america. but all blue book told me to, lot of the situation of global sold is basically included in that foot. us very
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much. so we're just going to comes to foreign policy or the domestic policy. uh, but they to like, uh, do you said one fire and they're also talking about meeting the bigger section. support section dick david, what's the most? i'm just only them, but they're in careful for us here we have the bill mixed people moment extension that does not work because on those days when the entire global economy will be putting on the rest of the day, even more full for the movie cuz he's been that the sure have sort of are you done this sort of by other parties on which that thing comes bit later on based on what you, what are the most things simple you have? what most in sure they really they've already done. let's do the can do so. i think they're really good. they're able to give it now in iran as well. no. and far as extensive, austin, all of you waves,
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i'm myself making it one of the most significant powers in the middle east. mid wiley, as well, on the other hand, has received significant military assistance from the west for decades on the sides, easily matched. if you have to put them side by side, it could be very clear. if the little slip blown hot water between you darling, easily, you don't become or you don't have to be looked at in to see the uh, what sort of b b is it a. busy busy because going to go to fort that does not unfortunately for them, they do not have a sticker. it's a very small country and set on data by. you done all of your support, brooke seats. so you can tell why it and do more of the systems, but the, the most system in the world, this is right. it does not have expected depth. and another thing is that house slot you see if she had what was supposed to be done because we saw one thing
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that building the ukranian conflict, the it will be done with support. whether you believe that she are by arms and then you need to turn in the rules not to maybe died. so the big or this you look at the, the next this measurement security also into a score for us. here it is who do weapons putting you on at this point of time. so if you look in 3rd instant teams will be coming book. let's see what the new proxy works. one sided, we'd be best, which we'd be given, some room to username and other side. it will be this year or, and other parties. and so it could be a very libby brooks, the board. but i think that was what was said is we sort of god because they are already full. what is the result? and what is a good thing in russia and china and india have calling for us trades at this point .


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