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tv   News  RT  April 14, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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the, the, we start out with the breaking news, you ronstadt the, his lowest, the retaliates every attack, again feasible by firing drones, a mess, all of our targets in the country. the people on the streets of these roll. i've seen a desperate running in search of shell to be attacked on folded. you all tied into the step in most of the muscles. ok, ron's as old pockets with strictly penetrating handle, where the
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wild people, the negro, were running from the drones of the people on the streets of their rod with kind of raging during the night. the night is 6 pm in moscow. welcome to art international, reaching you for my new center. i am michael porch in the now many ease really spend the night hiding from garage of attacks from you, ron. and to arrive, says the retaliated, responds to, in use really strike on its diplomatic compound in syria, by firing thousands of drones and myself like these ready targets. this is the 1st time ever a direct military attack, lowest by iran against israel, despite decades of hostility between both nations. the
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the easiest says new. busy to $200.00 project tiles with loans from you, ron, including thousands of ballistic missiles. these images you are currently seeing are off the sky over juice and then move a night of the videos with taken by eye. witnesses are these ready ami says, and most of the ronnie and myself were intercepted, but local media reporting now dislikes 4th slide, damage to an id f military base. amount of fossil. this campaign is not over yet. we need to remain prepared and attentive to the idea of sin, home front demands instructions and to prepare for any scenario at the same time cause we locked the 1st wave of attack and we did it with great success, most multi bill through all the. so i'd like to take a close look at what exactly happened the ryan has conducted the massive drone and cruise missile attack on these really territory. and according to turbine only
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targeting military bases and governmental buildings. of the united states claims that at least 3 of a middle eastern nations joined the ride in launching projectiles, the gas diesel shortly after the incident is ready for his bomb to has beloved facilities in lebanon. and now as in response to a volley of rockets from lebanese territory that engaged these rails or defense system, error rates hiring as well across the city of jerusalem as crowds of people were seen, desperately running in search of shelter, of the according to an idea of quotes busing, a young girl was injured as a result of a mess. all he had been use ready territory. so far there's been no other confirmed the casualty. as a result of this point to ron says he has completed its mission. having had
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all of its designated military targets of the country as president is trusted, that the further actions against the nation will be met with the heavier response on to ron, i think the piece for the entire bid list and region is he rides the top priority of the, as lubbock republic of a ron considers the peace and stability of the surrounding region necessary for its national security and has not spared any efforts to restore and maintain peace and stability. today, it is completely clear to any fair observer that the actions of the zionist regime as an occupying terrorist and racist entity which does not consider itself bound by any legal, moral, or humanitarian rules and norms. and during the last 6 months, has advanced the campaign of genocide against palestinians and further in security in the region and the world with the complicit support of the us and some other western countries is an immediate and continuing threat to regional peace and
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security of a ronnie and parliament celebrated the strikes on these ready territories, while em piece fence these law make revolutionary god, cool. a large group of followed by terry ends were filmed, attempting dest weasel. iranian 4 administered, told his check your counterpart that to ron doesn't plan any news flags on these will only until it will be forced to respond to with the aggression from keller. v for the excited locals for a lot of the streets of to ron in the nation euros. gd is speculation online, showed large crowds, celebrating the retaliation to these various black on the vaughn conservation, syria, toronto, stop. many tree bronze is ones that other option will be taken if easel continues just like iranian territories.
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now let's cross live to solve the foreign policy of research up. the last ease of caution ability is good to have you told me right now. now we just heard that you run. it said if other options are taken, it would respond more severely. what do you make up the tactics we've seen so far, this is the 1st time to run has conducted. do read strike against israel to this be on escalation, a well versed. i thank you very much for having me, mike. uh, i do think there could be an escalation, but i, i believe that the military operation that iran conducted was measured in a way that would throw the ball of escalation in the court of israel. it made it very telegraphed made the military operation very to telegraphic, we did not keep it a secret,
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which is an indication that it did not mean to do much harm. rather, this could be seen as a, a very politicized operation. it even disclosed when once it actually fired the missiles. so it, to me, it shows that there was a lot, there were a lot of political messages behind this and not much of a really in an intention of trying to destroy israel courses. real. has an incredibly sophisticated iron don't system, an anti aircraft kind of system, which what it does is that it, it lowers the cost, the political costs, a fire and weapons at israel because they know it will be intercepted, most likely the not. so i think this is considered to be
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a very political measured and therefore they actually conclude the operations and they've, they've made that statement. so it's very interesting to see that. now do you see this conflict spilling over into a why that conflict in the context across the middle east, especially when you hear from the idea of all you saying that they will retaliate? well, well there's, let me just say there's, there's certainly no appetite in the region for any more escalation or, or spilling over of this conflict. it will then depend on what is real does and how israel will retaliate. of course, you know, as you mentioned in your purpose, very rightly that this is the 1st thing that is, that you ran fired anything from the uranium territory on his route. and this is significant because this is considered retaliation to the targeting of
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the consulate in damascus. which is considered uranian territory. so i think it would even, even that it was a very measured response. but, you know, i don't see an appetite for regional spilling over. i do see a tit for tat, taking place. again, we have to conceptualize this because this is part of a pro se is not just something that came out of a vacuum. and also that the united states indicated to or by didn't indicated to and it's in yahoo that while he supports in the defense of israel, i don't think he's very keen on being a part of the plans of any retaliation from, from israel. and so they were ready distancing themselves from it, and which makes it more difficult for it to retard a therefore, i don't see us a significant spelling over. but nevertheless, it is still very concerning. and not the idea as it was successful in repelling via
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tact but to ron claims, to achieve its goals a what could those goals be? yeah. can you put this in context as well for us to see? and also this contradiction? you, you didn't hit me? no, i hits you, you know it. exactly, exactly. i think this speaks to the different top the speaks to the little size nature of what is going no. and then when you have 2 sides claiming victory, it just illustrates that this is a very uh, the goals for these operations is not military. the goals in the ends are farmed out the literacy and found more about a pc and addressing audiences. and i think that's what you run did 1st and there, i think you could see the jubilation in the uranium streets. you could also see the, the very front, the sort of problematic statement that came out of the run that,
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you know, set, you know, it doesn't want to see any more regional spillover. it's, it's, uh, it really cherishes regional security. and of course, this is trying to a message for communicate to the region regional partner saturday than the gcc and others, which you round wants to keep a police a cordial relationship with so far. and when it comes to the re, the is really aspect of victory. i think they're saying this victory in order not to force themselves to retaliate. the fact that they are victorious to address that, you know, we don't have to retaliate and we're not obligated to retaliate. and therefore everyone is the winner. and this is not news to, to error to i want to use that conflict regarding israel in the region. historically, egypt used to do that one. it was that more with israel in 1966 that there were all
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victories. 1973, that there were all victories. and so it's a common theme regarding conflict in war with israel that everyone is trying to claim victory. when, when both of them have a bloody noses, me. now, how do you see this escalation effect and these roles, warring guys, that could be a tag be used to justify that then? yeah. who's commitment to the military operations? a. yeah, you know, it's a very, very good, very good question because i think given that need to bite in the further present by the american administration, i called for strength for his regular strength. and given that israel does not feel overly comfortable going it alone and risks runs the risk of even escalating this further. i think they will try to
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instrumental lice this constraint and, and try to gain support to, for the excursion. and also because that's precisely where there is great tension between the us administration and the be the coalition that need to now coalition. and therefore i, i anticipate trying to withdraw probably, or deescalate but de escalate it and frame it in a way that suggests that, okay, i did it for you. therefore, now you're going to have to support me in, in the off or be more lenient when it comes to offer. this is my concern and, and, and you know, i don't see great deal of change in the region. personally, a lot of people are saying, you know, regionals spillover and it's true that the potential is always there. but it seems that there is there going to stick with this tit for tat for now. mm hm. all right,
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thank you so much for your insight abilities. i'll come here out of fashion for a policy of research. i really appreciate your inside. yeah. my pleasure, mike. thank you for having somebody while western leaders have been quick to show the support for as well as showing public condemnation, i'll be right in strikes. this was a dangerous and unnecessary escalation which was condemned in the strongest tons. i come down in the strongest terms, the unprecedented attack, lawrence to bite you around against israel, which fretting students of allies, the region. i strongly condemned the runs blatant and unjustifiable attack on israel and i call on iran and its proxies to media. at least these attacks are typical. my, my h, i is joining me right here in the studio to bring us up to speed to this, or mine's good to have you on. now you ron has been accused of singlehandedly
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escalating the tensions in the middle east. in fact, a just call that this issue, this attack is on, on, justified attack. on the other hand, the ron is saying the, well, this is in response to the west inability to contain ease, well, who, who is to blame? yeah, he's been back and forth. of course, as you've mentioned, the natal members and all the western states were quite quick to come to israel, the help and condemned it runs actions. now they all had the same message, essentially, which is we stand by israel and iran is wrong. so for instance, the canadian prime minister said that the attacks demonstrate what it runs, disregard for peace and stability in the region. there is a similar belief that was shared by germany ross, the west and the u. k. but where were these type of statements when iran said that the israel was the one behind the attack on the raining and causal it in syria, which is an attack that killed 7 iranian officers military officers, as well as
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a top general. that was also an attack on a diplomatic facility. now of course israel neither. 6 nor denied its involvement in this attack, but the pedagogy did hand to that israel was behind it. their reports came out saying that the us the says that it was indeed israel behind the s 5. yet somehow the us found the little trouble to condemn israel directly. i mean, they simply said about the attack. they said that they couldn't them any a task on a diplomatic facility. so it's not really saying much, but in between all these statements from the west where they're essentially demonizing, one side, there were other states that came out and have pulled for the installation from both sides. we are seriously concerned to the escalation of hostilities between israel and iran, which threatens the peace and security in the region. we call for immediate the escalation exercise of restrained stepping back from violence and return to the
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path of diplomacy. we repeatedly warn the multiple unresolved crises in the middle east. first and foremost in israel palestine conflict sounds that have often worse, and because of you are responsible, provocative actions will lead to rising tensions. china expresses deep concern over the current escalation and calls on relevant parties to exercise calm and restrain to prevent further escalations. china calls on the international community, especially countries with influence to play a constructive role for the peace and stability of the region. now here you have china, russia, india, brazil, and columbia, and other states that came forward calling for the installation and a returned to the pharmacy. and as we know, it's quite counter productive to just put the blame on one party. well, ignoring the trigger behind what happened, the 5 more countries are calling on both sides to exercise restraint. now we know that there has been an initial warning that iran should not attack easily,
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but i believe that was ignored, right? so the warranty and i suppose the not really work as they've been hoping for because uh it basically, it was a way to scare to run right. but on wednesday, the french president of audio and my call said that he told the message speaker that his country did warranty or wrong not to attack israel. now, mind you, the social, the same president who has been, uh, has become quite known to have these absurd comments, especially when it comes to the point and conflict and the us president joe biden, as well as older leaders of nato countries. a came out with essentially the same message that they've been a warning error on the 2nd listen. what is your, what is your message to ron? what is your message to around right now? don't? earlier the netherlands and other countries told the wrong loud and clear to refrain from attacking israel. now, those warnings seem to not really have worked as they've been hope. and so what's left to do. let's condemn iran for what happened. but let's remember that to israel
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now is facing genocide, accusations for its opperation and gaza, which has killed way over 30000 people. i get those very same countries that have not to condemn israel for that. i mean, they call it the israel's advice for self defense, whereas they were really quick to condemn israel, the ron's a retaliation attack. now those same countries, i've also been turned quite a blind di when it comes to the deadly attacks on german. let's play as well, or what israel was targeting the hospitals in the zone residential areas and gaza able so even though the facts, when iran said that it was israel, behind the attack on the range in cost was in damascus. so we heard nothing but silence from the west when it comes to this, so it seems like for them, israel can do no wrong. almost. now we have seen also the new cray, and the great media has responded to this. they don't ever say that the welch's
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focus on the key and then you know, on the fight against the roster. no. where does this leave the west support for kids? so your queen was quite quick to uh, you know, come out and try to stay as a top agenda for its allies, asking them not to forget about kids needs. this is also something that we saw during the start of this guy's operation on october 7th, right? i mean, you play this place to come out and say, do not forget about ukraine, but said, be attached to this attack has made the, the us kind of tweet is priority is a little, you still have kids begging for washington, former health. you still have the $60000000000.00 in a that's been that you know, put on hold for months that was supposed to be sent to your claim. but now you was lawmakers are changing and their priorities to support israel, full on you know, after the attack, president biden, uh, you know, head such as we can from 4th to meet with the national security of his national security team. and the conclusion from that,
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he says that the west has commitment to israel will say, on breakable. and so that shows that you play now is really not a top priority for them. so on top of that is rarely ambassador to rush, austin will know how perry has called on multiple to condemn the attacks from iraq . that of course, didn't sit well in with moscow because the israel never once condemned the key of the tax on russian regents. and that is exactly what the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman murray is. a har, about highlighted in a statement. simona remind me of when these will come down to an once tried with a key regina and rushes regions. don't remember, neither do i. but i do remember regular statements and supportive savanski is actions, bodies, rather officials. the very criminal teller is sections of the buses and bunker by which he, after yeah, have resulted in the depths of civilians and the destruction of civilian
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infrastructure. so this is a lot to digest, but he does paint a picture of western hypocrisy because when they're allies do wrong, it's pretty, it's silence. they don't come out to condemn that. but when the other side retaliates or defend themselves or whatever it is, it's quick contamination and the start of some sort of blame game double standards as it is cool. sometimes our teachers put it into my my each i thank you so much for your insight. great, now, so the figure that has come out with its own response emphasizing that the legalities of use a military force does not outweigh its human cost. in this context, south africa emphasizes the old policies must exercise they all plus restrain, and avoid any ad that would escalate. tungsten in a particularly fragile region in south africa, has continues to stress that irrespective of what a states believes that their use of force is low, for it is never wise,
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the result of war is inevitably, it is only people who by the brunt of conflict across the line to johanna is beg for more from our correspondent. no, we'll come get. no, no, it's good to have you join me now. what else can you tell us about said isaac as reaction to the incident ongoing as well. pretoria has expressed concerns regarding the situation between easel and iran in the middle east saying that it is, i'm seriously concerned as to the escalation of a state of tease between the 2 states, which now is of course, a threatening the peace and security within that region pretoria is also called in for immediate de escalation, it's the size of restraint stepping back from violence and the 10 to the pulse of diplomacy even stating that to well, everyone is currently turning the attention to these developments that we're seeing
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between iran and iraq. let it not to be forgotten that the war in gaza continues with devastating cumulative and consequences for its people via full and immediate ceasefire and an urgent to me to an access is required in palestine. and you would also very much remember that. so that's because it has been very supportive of that side even taken as well to the international court of justice austin, the court at the hague, to who on with that as well as ongoing military, you can pay in gaza, amounted to genocide as well responded to those accusations i have choosing the country all functioning as the needs of all of her mazda but so that's we can support for the police to union is not a new phenomenon for years. it's 7 mentioned civil society as shown on wavering support for the, for the senior, and cause, despite considerable geographical and cultural differences. so that's because
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reading party also has even compared to the, as well as the policies in gaza and the west bank truth own history. and the potted regime of why to my knowledge was until 9 tonight to pay for the black. so the applicants to live in, especially designated homeless. and this is why 2 days of africa joined the world and expressing har, right? as a war, crime is being committed in palestine to through the target to of civilians infrastructure. and as the talk is that we've seen in gaza and even on the continent menu, say that to these actions remind them of their own experiences as black africans. blacks of africans living and the potted and i'm the colonialism. and i guess that's why to me is that has also been one of the african countries to read it to rates. it's the need for the international community to, to assume its responsibility and preserving the security and stability of the country is involved as of the people off of the region by also urgency, imposing an immediate solution between the consisting states and life. so the
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africa to needs is also asking for a permanent association, offered ration, a gaze, palestine, it is a bit early to generalize the policy, african public opinion at this point. but for now, so that's we can add to media, a demonic and immediate in the ad intervention to the rest of the gaze. pedestal on and of course a discoloration of the situation between as well as the wrong or wide r t corresponded. although we'll come get it. thank you for bringing us up to speed on this. but this by declaring its full support for ease while the united states has infested, that it is not seeking to directly engage in the conflict with iraq. we do not see conflict with iran, but we will not hesitate to act to protect our forces and support the defense of israel, former pentagon and security policy analysts, mike, as model says that the radi and strikes could lead to a rock the destination in the region it was
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a signal i thought that it was going to be a limited type of thing, but now that they're going to be sending ballistic missiles and cruise missiles plus we see a concerted effort out of human and a um and out of uh how's the law out of the north of front, from the north of the israel. that suggests that there's a coordinated effort here. and that it's more serious. and i 1st thought i thought it was going to be limited to, this appears to be an escalation, and it's going to be ratcheted up very rapidly. and if you get the amenities m, m m hospitalized engaged at the same time that that reflects put, potentially coordination and, and that could escalate the things dramatically on, on, on a number of fronts, not just the iran. and, and this was, this was the concern, sending them in swarms up to 4050 that could possibly potentially overwhelmed their defense systems. if they're not all shut down and that then you followed up
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with a cruise missiles and then with ballistic missiles, that could be that and you can see where the escalation is going to be going into effect. so this is a potentially, we're down to going down a slippery slope here. all right, you can check, aren't you comfortable or are they just see you again in about 30 minutes? thanks for watching the in the 2nd half of the 1940, the powerful european armies were losing their color. one of the 1st to start collaborating. what's the dutch empire? on august 17. 1945. the declaration of independence of indonesia, a former, its collin english park lane,
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the liberation movements blessed led by the national hero of the entities, people to gardens, however, amsterdam had its own plan, which was to defeat the revolution. moreover, they were supported by great britain. the colonial troops setup control over the main cities in the country, but the countryside remained in the hands of the rebels and the resistance continued growing. in 1946, the british left indonesia, whereas the dutch did not want to lose power. and switch to the tactics of total terror. in december 1947, the royal troops committed a massacre of the inhabitants in the village of robert got a 431 civilians were killed. all in all the lives of 100000 indian agents were on the conscience of the dutch colonialists and their allies, mass executions, and regular bombing did not help the netherlands. their troops got blocked in the cities. the world community demanded to put an end to violence and the empire
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started negotiations. in 1949, the hag round table conference was held and the kingdom of the netherlands was forced to recognize the independence of indonesia. a sovereign muslim state appeared on the world map and became one of the most powerful countries in the islamic world. the, [000:00:00;00] the book, a town in ivory coast is little known outside the region. but for rivalry and the


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