tv News RT April 14, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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we still have some common ground, the the striking around fires on our modern drones unresolved on israel. and what it says was a, with highly latoria test. the and clinic on the street such as writings, run for the coverage, news of the imminent attack. first the most, although the idea upstairs in the end, almost all of the incoming call good for taking up the you said right there is people in israel were running for cover, right. that's a tyrone people getting the streets sold in celebration
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the it's been about 24 hours of breaking news all across the world with all eyes fixed on the middle east. the . so it's almost a day since iran launch is 1st as a direct attack on israel, a firing hundreds of drones and miss aisles. now it said it was the retaliation that had been promising ever since its cost of living, syria, which destroyed and asked dry for the plains. on its right. the. the ease racers made in $200.00 projectiles were launched from iran, including dozens of ballistic missiles. these images of looking at right now the
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night sky over jerusalem as it was, the videos taken by just about, well, everyday people. now the is really on the says most of the missiles were intercepted, the local media reported minus the damage of at least one is randy military base. is there any presidents that his country was being forced down a little past? this is like a reading wall. and i mean, this is a declaration of whether or not to not because we are a strain and we cause we know there if the questions and the clause, we have deliberations without pot those where i'm concerned during all options and i'm quite confident that we wouldn't take the necessary steps that are necessary to protect and defend on people. we all know to all say, cuz i think i would leave it at that. so i just remember, let's look at how it all on folded as a ron loans to hundreds of drones and cruise missiles of israel saying it was only targeting military bases and governmental buildings. washington said 3 of the middle east of nations joined the attack shortly after the incident is ready for
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his bomb, has blah facilities in lebanon. and that was in response to a volley of rockets from lebanese territory that engaged israel at defense system. o, israel has released the video showing this awesome drugs was being intercepted, the master of yeah, yeah. so i didn't put your funds at defensive along with help from its allies, but almost all of the incoming targets were indeed taken out. so officer iran hit his rail at the idea of posted a video on social media, which actually turned out to be a face of what's inside footage from 2017, which shows a russian grad rocket system. the logo of another channel had even been blood and the footage is ready. will cabinet minister, many guns praise these ready on forces for repelling the attack? but he did wrong. the incident is far from over in this morning. i saw you only me yesterday you around launched an attack on is there a limit destroying to be is ready? security system problem is a global problem. it is a regional challenge and it is also a danger to israel. and yesterday,
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the world clay, they stood together with israel in the face of the danger israel against the wrong of the world, against the rom. this is the result. this is a strategic achievement, which we must leverage by israel security. this incident is most over the strategic alliance. i'm regional cooperation system that we built on, which we stood this significant task needs to be strengthened right now. is row prove yesterday the data is an increase of military and technological power and an increase of security in the middle east. a red sirens, a rock house across the city of jerusalem overnight as crowds of people was seen running for shelter. the, according to the idea of passing a young girl was injured as a result of a mis. all strong one is ready territory, but no casualties have been reported as a result of the strikes now. saudi foreign policy research,
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i believe the overnight raid by iran was a measured response response. i should say, which ultimately send a very clear message to his right military operation that iran conducted was measured in the way that would throw the ball of escalation in the court of israel. it made it very telegraphed made the military operation very to telegraphic, we did not keep it a secret, which is an indication that it did not mean to do much harm. there were a lot of political messages behind this and not much of, um, uh, really in, in intention of trying to destroy israel courses real. has an incredibly see this dictated iron. don't system, an anti aircraft kind of system, which what it does is that it, it lowers the cost, the political costs,
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a fire and weapons at israel because they know it will be intercepted, most likely the not. so i think this is considered to be a very political measured and therefore they've actually concluded the operations and they've, they've made that statement. so it's very interesting to see that. yeah, exactly as the guests are just saying, within hours of launching the attack, iran suddenly started to consider the whole matter closed. however, it didn't want, it will take most of the action if it's hand is forced in the future. as the as lumnick republic of a run considers the peace and stability of the surrounding region necessary for its national security and has not spared any efforts to restore and maintain peace and stability. today, it is completely clear to any fair observer that the actions of the zionist regime as an occupying terrorist and racist entity which does not consider itself bound by
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any legal, moral, or humanitarian rules and norms. and during the last 6 months, has advanced the campaign of genocide against palestinians and further in security in the region and the world with the complicit support of the us and some other western countries is an immediate and continuing threat to regional peace and security against autopay as they run and call them and was celebrating the strikes and pays were failing, and chopping desk to israel. the ronnie and foreign minister told his turkish count default, there are no plans for any further strikes. he also said the attend only and begins to quote these ready regime and no civilians have that same law. i will goal and these legitimate active defense is simply punishing these rather regime when not often american individuals basis in the region early sunday, in the message to the white house. where knows that all operation with the limited and the name of the stick and aimed at legitimate defense and punish and these are valid resume. in no response,
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we defined no response against civilian targets. all armed forces targeted no economic well populated areas, but the indeed, overnight pictures from the street of pear wrong celebration. jubilation, numerous video surgery and online lodge crowds welcoming the action must have on the we have the capability to wipers, right off the us. we see this capability and now, so since we experience this during the years of the highly def sense, with the flavor, i think it was a good thing. i don't think that countries like the u. s. u k. israel. well, any country, despite being and fonts can help us in any field. i think that if those countries into the country, they will do nothing but loot, ocelot mazda. i taught to see as how we are not afraid of israel's attack tools. and these riley's notes in a position to respond to iran. i mean, this matter,
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we must consider that these row has always being defeated by muslims, only of all, of course, a number of worth, the latest, very quick to condemn the iranian strikes evidence. this was a dangerous and unnecessary escalation which was condemned in the strongest terms. i come down in the strongest terms, the unprecedented attack lawrence to bite you around against israel, which fretting still the civilized region. i strongly condemned the runs blatant and unjustifiable attack on israel and i call on iran, and it's proxies to media, at least these attacks. some nato members, as well as other western states, were very quick to come to as well as rescue and condemn iran attacks. i mean, they all had the same message and comment, which is essentially we stand by israel and iran was wrong. for example, the canadian prime minister said that the attacks demonstrate, quote, iran disregard for peace and stability in the region as
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a similar belief that was shared by germany the was the u. k. and france. but where were these type of statements from these western nations? when iran said that it was israel, behind the attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. and syria that attacked killed 7 iranian military officers, including a top general that was an attack on a diplomatic facility. but the israel neither confirmed nor denied its involvement in the attack. yet the pencil gone did hinted that it was israel behind that attack a. but later on the, there were reports that came out stating that it was that, do you, do us essentially assessed that it was israel to indeed behind the the air strikes? yes it was, it's interesting because the was of find trouble to directly condemn israel for those attacks. for instance, i mean, they've only said that they're just against any attacks on diplomatic facilities.
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but in between those statements by the west, essentially putting the blame on a one party alone. all other states came forward with their own statements and they've called for the escalation from both sides. we are seriously concerned at the escalation of hostilities between israel and iran, which threatens a peace and security in the region. we call for immediate the escalation exercise of restraint. stepping back from violence and return to the path of diplomacy. we call on all the involve sides to restraint. we count on the countries of the region to resolve their problems by political and diplomatic means. china expresses deep concern over the current escalation and calls on relevant parties to exercise calm and restrained to prevent further escalations. china calls on the international community, especially countries with influence to play a constructive role for the peace and stability of the region. i mean, here you have the china, russia, india, brazil, columbia, and many other states that came out calling for a de escalation and
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a return to diplomacy. because as we know, of course, it's quite counter productive to just put the blame on one party alone and happily ignore the trigger behind what happened. we know that western lead is had initially warranty ron not to attack usual, but i deal with that. that's a warning was ignored, right? yeah. i suppose that they were trying to scare to ron in a way. i'm in the french president of money on my call. said that while he was talking to uh, can i set the speaker? he mentioned that his country did one around not to attack israel. now mind you, that's also the same president who's been having these absurd comments lately, especially about the cleaning of conflict, but the us president joe biden, as well as older natal leaders that jumped on the bandwagon as well with essentially the same message. what is your, what is your message to a ron? what is your message to around right now? don't? earlier, the netherlands and other countries told the wrong loud and clear to refrain from
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attacking israel. now those war names seem to not have worked the way they've been hoping for because now, well, they're just putting the blame on or on, right. but let's remember that is really spacing, genocide, accusations, and it's operation and gaza. that's the operation that has guilt over 30000 people so far on top of that. those very same countries that were quick to blame and put the blame on iran and condemn it's retaliation and tags as somehow find that israel's acts and gaza are acts of self defense. they've turned a blind eye when it comes to israel's deadly attacks on drum unless they've turned a blind eye when it comes to israel, essentially attacking hospitals or residential areas and gaza. they've also ignored, went around, said that it was these rel, behind the attack in the arabian console within syria. so we heard nothing but silence from the was and it seems like a to them. israel does no wrong. we see that the ukrainian media
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has responded to this with key of calling on the west to focus on keith. and where does this live needs the western support for ukraine? now of course ukraine is making sure that he says is a top agenda for its allies. i mean they're asking them not to forget about kids' needs here. but the attack that happened last night has made the west, which is priority is a little, i mean, we still have kids begging washington former health plus we also have the $60000000000.00 in aid that's been uh, you know, being put on hold for months and still not sent to kids. now us lawmakers are rescheduling their priorities to focus on israel and after the attack presidential by then i got his uh, we can trip short to meet with the national security team. and with that meeting and the conclusion was that the us commitment to israel remains on breakable now, on top of that is riley invested there to moscow. see more not how barry has pulled
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on multiple to condemn it. runs a test. of course that didn't sit well with moscow because as we remember is israel has never once been dempsey of attacks on russia's region. and that was a statement that was again highlighted by the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman murray is the heart of a, a small not remind me of when these will come down when once tried by the key regime and rushes regions. don't remember, neither do i. but i do remember regular statements and support of the lens because actions, bodies, rather officials, the very criminal terrorist sections of the buses and bunker by which he, after you have resulted in the depths of civilians and the destruction of civilian infrastructure. now the russian foreign minister, sir gala abroad have, has discussed the situation in the middle east with the head of the arabian foreign ministry. and i, you know, mr. love said that and trust the additional escalation of the situation in the middle is good. just increase. need to increase tensions in the region. of course,
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this is a lot to digest, but it does give a quite a good picture of western hypocrisy here. i mean, when it's, when they're allies doing wrong, suddenly it's crickets and you know it's just silas. but when another, the older side retaliates, or, you know, defense defense themselves, suddenly it's contamination and there's some sort of, uh, you know, way of who's to blame the south african. i mean, while that said, the legality of using military force does not outweigh its human costs. or in this context south africa emphasizes the old policies must exercise they all plus restrain, and avoid any add that would escalate tungsten in a particularly fragile region. south africa has continues to stress that irrespective of whether states believes that their use of force is low for it is never wise to result to war is inevitably, it is only people who bear the brunt of conflict for troy. a has expressed concerns
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regarding the situation between israel and iran in the middle east saying that it is. i'm seriously concerned as to the escalation of a split of cheese between the 2 states, which now is of course the threatening the peace and security within that region. pretoria is also calling for immediate de escalation exercise of restraint. stepping back from vitamin sandra 10 to the pulse off of diplomacy, even stating that to well, everyone is current returning the attention to these developers that we're seeing between e running is well lighted. not to be forgotten that the war in gaza continues with devastating to many children. consequences full, it's people via full and immediate ceasefire and an urgent to me to an access is required in palestine. and you would also very much remember that. so that's the kind of has been very supportive of that side, even taken as well to the international court of justice,
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asking the court at the hague to who on with that as well as ongoing military, you can pay in guys, amounted to genocide is well responded to those accusations i have choosing the country all functioning as the diesel off of her mazda but so that's we can support for the police to union is not a new phenomenon for us. it's 7 mentioned civil society as shown on wavering support for the position you enclose, despite considerable geographical add account real differences. so that's because we didn't party also has even compared to the as well as the policies in gaza and the west, bad tooth own history under the, a potted regime of whites minority. which until 9 tonight to full, full black. so the africans to live in, especially designated homeless and this is why 2 days of africa joins the world and expressing har, right as the war, crimes being committed in palestine the through the target to of civilians. the
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infrastructure as a talk is that we've seen in a guides and even on the continents menu, say that to these actions reminds them of their own experiences as black african blacks of africans living. and the potted and i'm the colonialism. and i guess that's why it to needs that has also been one of the african countries to read it to rates. it's the need for the international community to, to assume its responsibility in preserving the security and stability of the countries involved. add to the people off of the region by also urgency, imposing an immediate solution between the conflicting states and lots of africa to needs is also asking for a permanent association offered ration, a gaze, palestine. it is a bit early to generalize a policy african public opinion at this point. but for now so that we can add media demonte in immediate in the ad intervention to the rest of the gaze pedestal on. and of course, a escalation of the situation between as well as i said,
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this conversation for the right now coursing lives here. it's an easy advice, political, i list that, but she, it, it is a we need without joining us a life in tune instead about $720.00 p. m, locally. appreciate you joining us in sharing you sunday evening with us here in moscow. it's one of the gauge of reaction if i can't initially, as foreign ministry is basically saying that the end of the day, israel has been completely deaf to me. all the warnings is received from both, i guess. and the reason that i used to its actions and guys are in the potential consequences. so, but she had following the iranian attack last night. i mean, do you think television you might be more prepared to listen? now, to flush the, i assume it up to the main domain this, this was sent by yeah. to twins. right? and that's it on is on to to make the response and it made it. she made it. the 2nd point is that also is that i make a mistake, it clearly says do it on to all the vision. let's we, the usa and the u. k. and the other category is riley's you dump of
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22 mates. let's see. she walked in the, you know, the main question is that now we are in that stuff. you may be a new or we don't know when and where we can start to. well i uh, i hope you're wrong. it'll fan us. i hope that's not going to be the case. so a lot of up geostrategic analysts, i've spoken to the telling me that nothing you know will do anything to get into a lodge or war to save himself politically speaking. i mean, look at the end of the day, it's strange that both sides in this seem happy with their own reactions, whether it's these radius side and the iranian side as well. but what reaction right now we seeing in the arab world, to the events that have been playing out in the past 24 hours. what's the average
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reaction i this division is out of work. some people out to study live and, and some other people say it just, it said it's just the something that we can uh try it on. some people are saying, but in the most most case, i think that's a, that he's been using after. uh, what's the, i may and maybe if you know you're not as or as, as i say, but i mean that's what we leave the next day. the next month would be as serious as we need more lease due from both. but the, in the end of the month. yeah, unfortunately, right. we, we, usa, i need to have that account to be as sending. we use the visa, at least so can patients, are they, they are not having the agent to, to have the key of and the key as you know,
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a solution to the 1st thing. i think it's pretty common. i appreciate you're saying that here on the program, a number of analysts i be speaking to in the past 24 hours of said, you know, the iranian strikes on it is rarely really was more of a p r done the optics look really, really good. it sends a very strong message. basically, nobody was killed. hardly any damage resulted. and you had all these jets scrambled in the sky to shoot down these missiles and these drones and as you know, tear on warn jordan, it won't, uh get it sent out a warning hours in advance. and then it said, we've launched these drones that gonna take hours to arrive. it's almost like all parties involved gave every one advanced warning ahead all but you know, is being cool, this enormous iranian strike. the one thing is though, it's fair to say it is the 1st time that tear on has conducted the direct strike against israel. despite of course, many years of hostility between the 2. you said to me a few moments ago that you think we may have crossed
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a new line. now i see this is the vehicle because uh, the less, the decatur, this is the last uh years it i made it some more we, we leave it right. but not bye bye hits. huh. bye bye. you're gonna buy the lot in your mind ensued. yeah. but this is the 1st time that it on it is it, they keep what they come back with. what it is right. uh the question is it would be just that it is close to what you guys made in there because everything that is there. yeah. uh it would be a new base. i assume that we should the same. that's the we have to, to, to be back in to z as in use the next day the next month. and you say, i mean, you say about shared with it, you think we're entering a new phase. meantime, israel is promising to respond with quote,
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significant and powerful move your expectations by shield. how is israel going to respond? this is, this is about the new question into the new page. but the other part is that we have, for example, joe then or it on is, is may be or a good a good if i do have a great job then, and use it as the expected annual thrown in the west bank. and i think the sign is off of uh, the last time of the beat by the indoor, it may be dangerous because if we have chosen in then you look at what expected and you'd be due to be a. so this is for our vision and maybe we get we can steps in any way that we don't know when we can. so yeah, yeah, no, i hear you the, i mean look
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a obviously it runs as a whole. they to retaliate, lori striking it links to the is rarely a talk on the iranian console lifting damascus, syria, but at all. so if fact links to the ongoing war on gaza that's being labeled as genocide by so many external countries. now, do you think the iranian strike over the past 24 hours could have any impact on trying to bring around an end to the war and a start of peace in gaza? i think just is that the what to what that i made stop it is right or 24 was and the mountain, you know, as we just and i'm going to see as use it as much as i can with the bus and the main baking every single and get it into a 2nd. i think that's good. i made what she made just for for a 2nd, but also it gives me some 24 hours to buy this thing and
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but it did not be able to be the solution. the same case. yeah. okay, or either before, before i let you go by here and that's it. so good to have you on the program. i appreciate you sharing. yes, this sunday evening with us here at moscow. do you think? do you think uh when it comes to israel that under raw, do you think that both sides may have loaned a lesson from the past 24? they may just be said, and i think it would be or the end of this call maybe we'd be uh sure, uh in the, in the, in this uh, maybe the week or the the the next week. and it may be the be uh, conflicting date as usually between is right on the 1st. all right, i appreciate you. meaning it's a political analyst joining us for from tune us on this sunday evening. really appreciate your call matri. very intriguing. thank you for your time. a more
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details on this story. i mean, so far it's got to be what the biggest story of the air right now, all the events of the timeline as well. the iranian strikes on israel details on our website, the just approaching a hop past 9 sunday evening here in the russian capital. this is on to you international. really appreciate your sharing inside with us here in the past 24 hours, which is valuable skills wilbert residing a lot of focus on the middle east right now. a lot of reaction over the past 24 hours in iran based on drawing stride. one is writing territory, details to into the,
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[000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to well as a part for years since the beginning of the day is really offensive on god's in the world is still some of the twins out, the range and paralysis. second 5, they unapologetic mass killings and being able to put an end to them. what can possibly pull gaza out of these tickets long data and geo political procrastination? well, to discuss that i'm now joined by sol, took a hash and professor of human rights and peace studies at a soccer and yoga cleaning university in japan. professor took a how sure. thank you very much for your time. thank you. thank you very much for
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having. now in mind deduction, i use this worth procrastination, which in the case of gaza has been the prevailing attitude in denying the palestinians the long promised staying. but over the last 6 months, it's also been the way of stripping them of the most basic human rights of all the the right to leave. and i want to start by asking, what do you think makes it possible for ease are able to carry out his policies and for the rest of us to be sick and alteration, but to live. oh, no avail. well, uh, i mean, the problem of course is the decades and decades of impunity that the state of israel has been enjoyed. i mean from really, from the beginning, the early scientist, they sold a bridge and then later on the united states on the idea of creating a jewish state. um, you know, in the land of palestine basically uh saying that they were going to act as an
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