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tv   News  RT  April 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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so i, i took it including by advocating for an immediate on time and, and cease fire to the role in gaza, facilitating the majors on conditional release of all hostages, and ensuring the delivery of sustains and monitoring a throughout the gaza. odo, with missing us steps in the opposite direction. around this direct targeting of the space of his risk regional catastrophe. with innocent lives bearing the brunt of all searches, we stress that international, including international humanitarian law, must be respected as always times. once again, we retrace our call on all parties to exercise maximum restraints, including the messaging to deescalate opposed to peaceful diploma essex solutions to old disputes. this has be clear, the region finds, it says some time on and sam's on the precipice of unimaginable hostilities and
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suffering as the secretary general, the outlines and i quotes neither the region, no, there was kind of fluid another will. and i resume my functions as president of the counselor, and i'll give the flues as a representative of israel. thank you, my them president. my then president, yesterday, the total regime in blatant violation of the un charter and into an international law. a tech to attacked the state of israel and launched 170 you avi's, 120 ballistic missiles and 30 cruise me size. carrying 60 tons of explosive materials is read visit that was launched from iranian story, as well as from level non human, syria, and iraq. colleagues, from the moment i began my tenure here in every speech and in countless letters. i
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rang the warning bell regarding you ran, i called on this concept to take concrete action against the i as total resume. i made it clear that the run and it had your monique ambitions of global dummy nation must be stopped before he drives the world to a point of no return to a region of war that can escalate to a world war. sadly no action was taken, and last night the world witnessed an unprecedented escalation that serves as the clearest proof for what happens when warnings are in tea. that is, there it is not the boy who cried wolf. we have been screaming from the rooftops for years, trying to wake up the international community, but to no avail. if only this counseling would the intern internalized my words, it would not have need the bone wrestling explosions of last night's attack to wake
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up. colleagues, last night's iran proved again that he cares nothing, nothing for islam or muslims the around you and attack seriously injured. i mean, i'm assuming a 7 year old bed doing girl and is read. but look at this video that shows how is read intercepts. iranian drones above the temple mount and then some of the you can look at it because they're not so much the or do you run is there as an i lation and ignite thing. the region is more important than it
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allow me wholly sites. the thought of resuming its flux to impose the global she, i touch them only throw out its proxies through its proxies as even a tech, saudi arabia. as we all remember, i'm calling the field united, their family rugs, and anyone, anyone else they view as an obstacle. i asked the old jerry on the representative here. how this makes you feel is this a price you support attempting to blow up marks and murdering muslims? yes, well, this directly run an attack on these 2. it was the 1st of its kind. it is just the most recent chapter in the blood soaked saga that started from the moment the stomach revolution reared its head. the total resume is a clear plan. its goal has been and continues to be world domination by its sport. think it's right because she i revolution across the globe. i assume you will know
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what the stomach regime of 2 days, no different than the 3rd rise in the coming days. no different than i don't fits are hitler. 3rd, dr. was in the vision to be a 1000 year empires stretching across continents, just as coming a and vision. here's rad, because she, i had your monique, to stretch across the region and beyond. this is why you run arms themselves with intercontinental ballistic missiles. icbm you run and these val are on the same continent. your next, the, the re, james x like the nazi regime. and their army includes him, us, but his team and his stomach jihad, peace, butler, who is the revolutionary guard, and others savage geologists instead of shouting seeing high and these rather cannot cease, allow me stream death to israel, death to america,
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death to england. just that the nazi regime, the total regime, saw as death and destruction everywhere it touches. for the past few years, ukrainian civilians have been killed from disguise. we'd be run in weapon. every president zelinski in condemnation of your runs the tac last night said. and i quote, the sound of rodney and shy head drones, a tool of terror is the same in the skies over the middle east and europe. this sounds must serve as a wake up call to the free world. listen to president lensky and wake up. just like the ever reaching hand of the velma iran struck albania with cyber attacks and launches, strikes the guest cards in iraq. we'll remember the 2021 attack on the oil tanker mercer street in which british and romania and crew members were killed. and just
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yesterday iran seized the port to gave cargo sheep the crew beat being held right now while you run includes in then filippino lucky, stanley, and the russian nationals you're on the threatened global maritime trade. iran is not the only a terrorist states. iran is a pirate states, a colleagues just this week. the court in argentina held the run directly responsible for the 1994 there. with that in buenos iris on the jewish community center which killed 85 people and one to 300. and just like the 3rd rice and their brutal s s officers, the run the under regime not only spreads even abroad, but also to immense and mergers their own citizens. in 2023 alone, the i a told every game execute the 834 iranians. the regime of
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press is women while murdering them for not wearing their job properly. when do you run young people peacefully processed this brutality. they are suppressed by live the munition hundreds of protest to avoid killed and thousands have been arrested. this is a regime that allows its own people to die of thirst, any fun while it funds terror around the world with billions of dollars. what have you done to defend the world from you run seriously. the entire globe is suffering from your run, including the wrong young people. please defend them. for years the world has watches, watch the rise of a she i think somebody's right. yeah. just like during the rise of not season, the world has been silent. definitely silent. mr. secretary general,
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you run has been violating security council resolutions and the un charter for years. they supply his buffalo with weapons in violation of resolutions, 1559, and 171. the advanced weapons proliferation in violation of resolution 2231. they violated resolutions 15402216. i and why have you not used all possible means to condemn me, run into the men's compliance? why have you instead rolled out the red carpet for these gentle cybill jihadist, why do you treat them as if they are interested in de escalation? when you know that the opposite is true, colleagues, you rhonda strategy has been crystal clear on funds and trained care proxies across the globe to carry out the runs murderous scheme of domination. but to day the mask of the rotten young deniability has been removed. no more hiding and no more
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bluffing. no more shirking of responsibility. iran has attacked is read from its own sovereign territory publicly and proudly. the mass is off. you run the number one global sponsor of terror has exposed its true face as the these, the stabilizer of the region and the world. and now right now is when the world must stop ignoring you, runs crimes and take action as he runs mess, cuz full in the world's come complacency must also for the mask comes off and the gloves must come on. this news button is no longer an option. the only option is to condemn iran and utilize every means necessary to make them pay a heavy price for their horrible crimes you run and its axis of supporters must be shown that the civilized world will no longer stave spend idle. while many
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countries immediately condemned the attack, those who did not must ask themselves. how do you want history to remember you? council members last night's attack was a blatant violation of international law and the un charter. it was an act of author escalation that can drag the entire region and world into war. so what can you imagine if the attack was carried out under, under any runyan nuclear umbrella? or if, or if some of the runs of the runs missiles had nuclear warheads, the regime that launched an unprecedented strike on israel. a fellow member state of the u. n. is very lean towards nuclear capabilities. this is a terrace stage, responsible for global destruction, and soon they will have nuclear capabilities. you'll know that the around the
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systematically violating the jcp away and has and rates uranium up to 60 percent purity and even more. you run the breakout time to produce an arsenal of new korea . nuclear weapons is now weeks mere weeks. no concrete action has been taken and the i a e, a inspectors have been kept in the dark. iran is on the verge of becoming a nuclear power. it should terrify every member of the discounts to take a moment to think what would happen the via toller. i mean, i could have launched a nuclear bomb last night. is this the world's we want to living? so to the jcp, a way signatories i say, initiate the snap beck mechanism today initiate to impose all possible sanctions on the wrong before it's too late. we need the world led by churches
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not chamberlain's. callings on october 7th from us with you rodney on funding with a run in weapon every, we've trained carried out the most brutal messic or of jews since the holocaust. they slaughtered our children, they burned entire communities. they raped our women. so they took families hostage and are abusing $133.00 hostages. these but uh we to run the on arms and sponsorship, have fired thousands of rockets into israel since october 7th. that's amazing towns the hoodies we be run in weapons and instructions and intelligence are firing, get every merchant vessel that is suspected of having ties to israel. and then you run who directs and pays for all of this violence carried out in attack of epic
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proportions on these red colleagues, we are being fired upon from all fronts, from every border. we are surrounded by you runs terror prophecies worrying guys extend far rather than is read and come us. all of the tara groups attacking is read are 10 to go 10 because of the same. she either octopus, the run your own off the post. so i ask you and be honest with yourself, what would you do? what would you do if you were in this rose shoes? how would you react if your existence was threatened every single day? well, i'd be able to tell you it's all redeemed things. they only think that is rarely the frog, you know, boiling water, that we are becoming a custom to the threats on our survival and what was noticed until it's too late.
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they are wrong, you're wrong. they said that the crust every red line is red reserves. the legal right to retaliate? well, not the frog in boiling water. we are a nation of lions. following such a massive and direct attack on these read the entire world, let alone is read, cannot set them for an action. we will defend our future. the colleagues, despite the magnitude of the attack, 99 percent of the rise, u a v as in mid size, were intercepted by its red and our allies. i wish to take this opportunity to thank the united states and our partners for standing with us in defending is ready to get the total regime in discriminates attacks. yet the fact that is where as air defense proved to be superior, does not change the brutality of the iranian attack. iran can no longer hide behind
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its prophecies. it does not expose itself as the terror export. the exporting variety of states that it is. and it must from not want to be treated as such. it started enough to remove the around from the un commission on the status of women. iran is the world's worst human rights violator, and such a regime cannot hold any you on position. no more red carpet treatment here at the un. no more appeasement. to day, the council must take action, condemn around for their chair, triggered the snap of mechanism and reimpose crippling sanction. designated the rodney and revolutionary guard corps is a terror organization. action must be taken now. not for is rise, say not for the regions sake, but for the world's sake. stop. you run today. thank you,
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my them president. i think the representative of is read, i'm positive. so this is a representative of the islamic republic cover. thank you. and the name of quote, the compulsion at the mostly phone numbers good or has been informed in all the let's and last night and this was 2 days. why divisions? the cutting was you to the aggression particularly it's on attack on 1st april 2024 against you know, i'm gonna get somebody put in this is the defense of all because the 2nd of the charter of the united nations, the armed forces of space comics repub because you don't carry out a series of community is to write on is divided into the 2 objectives with thousands of me saying and drones it was i'll put a show was entirely index of size of it was in here on the right to self defense was offline and altogether 51 of the trial to of the united nations. and because
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nice by international law, these conclude that action was necessity and proportion. 8. it was precise and only targeted media to the objectives and carried all carefully to minimize the potential to for the escalation and prevent syria and harlem by them. but his he then returned those members of the call and said, who condemned? that is why the attack against a diplomatic premises in syria is attempted in this chamber. so time member of the call saying, including the u. s. u account finance has chosen once again to town belong i to the all the to on over low the root causes contributing to the current situation in political behavior. these to the concierge fall asleep, but and accused, you know, when we talk considering data on freighters to uphold the international commitment
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to peace and security in the region they made on such successful attempts to use lies money today, then that a to spread this information and engage in a destructive blame game all the while they did the very to disregard that utilized and hold on slides to respond to the violation of a fundamental principle of international law. the info, labor unity of diploma to the present day to on premises more although they ignored the underlying root causes of the current situation in the region for over 6 months. now these countries, especially the united states of sheila, these are the, from any responsibility for the get the most, i can why they have denied you. don't hold on, try to self defense against these are the take on all of the,
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some of the premises at the same time, they shamefully justified. these are the most accurate and genocide that goes to defense less palistine young people on the food takes of self defense. stay made, senior attempt to justify on color of the 1st disease of the is why division it goes to people put a stain, but a bit study and misleading interpretation of self defense. but i'm president following days, are you losing coverage of the total is an armed attack against or did somebody put them? it says in damascus, the seed in republic, on the 1st will appear to be notified the you and secure to call and see the success to the general of such international long for the act as well as of you all's input on the right on the international low to respond to such total res on attack. also in a phone conversation with the us, it's
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a to the general or secondary. if you're on 40 minutes to discuss the situation uncalled for taking appropriate action. a strong condemnation from the international community for this policy crime, because of the security call and see if it was too long. really the nose, this unjustified because they may not until the least ext taking decisive an appropriate measure to beating the paternity test with justice swiftly and prevent the requirements of the such honey. but crime against a diplomacy. put him, he says, of any member of the state. so just simply the security policy, it has failed and it's due to you to maintain international peace and security. especially. i propose that perhaps a statement would you noticed? is that surface officious act which was backed by china or julia and many members. what was blocked by the u. s. u. k. and france. faced with such, says comes,
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stone, says they stomachs. republicans, you don't have no choice, but to exist. size is in head on the right to self defense on the international law is what i'm president the root cause of the current situation of clear to all from this stuff. these are the want against palestinian people in does a more than 34000 civilians, 2 thirds of them to learn. and the men have been killed. all the syria and the for a sub chose, have been taught to get it and destroyed by easily even human. he told me and walk, here's how not to be immune from the media to the attacks of these off vision up says of accountability and policies in action face with the is why the genocide on what can i and it goes to by the senior people has only involved in decision to continue is validation on check the us and its allies,
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her block. this includes the call su 4 of a 6 months. so texting is ride from a compatibility to you for this gets the most i case they not only avoid come gaining is lied for these atrocities, but also activity try to cover up them stairs. soul parity is supporting and defending is like the gods. this of the consequences, an at all costs, despite international petition, annual security policy. this illusion calling for the ceasefire is valued. it has defied this resolution. rather, it focused remains on committing more astray, shift crime, showing no regard for international legal obligation. when i'm president, the slowness collision has committed many officious crimes against our people. decision, but it painfully a pony at me to its responsibility for the total is on this talk to
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a patient committed against union officials, scientists and see videos and some of the touch, a gas of a peaceful look through an infrastructure in this sense. here is why division even may experience it for us to use no clear repose against the submarine member states of the united nation. this tories version because of this policy, the, for all could let me know until he's committed against you on and must be, are the consequences. they stomachs, republic, copied on has one time. and again, about the precautions often margins just activities of division or regional, an international piece of security you on has exist size magazine members think. no, it is time for the occupying vision to be a full responsibility for its consequences. decision cannot wait a compatibility, but i'm president,
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he's right on going just supplies and this policy but action atrocities against the nation in the region of we have tended to original international peace and security . these are the prime ministers policy 6 to expend an escalate to config in division estate in public as the member of the secuity calls, it must not allow such an august body. the security calling seems to be held hostage to the m b shows of such a vision and vision. it is time for the sick who to call and see if we show that is responsibility. and this that we have to that to international peace and security. the security policy that must perhaps the full fitness duty on the chapter 7 of the childhood in this post, which is why the zip list defines it must take ocean and punitive measures to compel decision to stop genocide unless i get against the people because the uphold
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is obligation to special you 40 and you meant the us that go to call and see the solution. a legally binding orders of the international court of justice, the main and longest standing to the, to the peace and security of a legion is well known to all attempts to conceal it to this information, a smear campaign or base space accusation against others or points list an unfunded you're on is never sticking to contribute to the speed all the of the confidence in the region, nor does it to a skate, or is it the attention to the entire region continually on phone that claims you don't, has no proxy in the lesion? no individual will do or come to the x at the eat on because the us on is why division attempt to neighbor the resistance cool in the region of the proxies or penalties. this is the,
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is all the to justify legalize the my dishes. and this applies activities in the region is the resistance group on the proxies or to these they are the teammate on, on only fighting against occupation, an aggression of israel. i didn't get an occupied for this team to the thirties and of the us in division international law, the cold nice such there's you to make twice a guess, annual corporation and the aggression in this the, the us and the you are fully responsible for all is the cage long aggravation and other crimes on low food majors in over vision for the more they all of this policy. but for our clients of the easy way, decision as it come up, come meet any of such salvage crimes. and guess the re told the consent all of the,
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all the old political and financial immunity stuff, both of the collaboration with the united states and the u. k. with the just allegation made by dais like division at this meeting. such falls an on the phone, the claims thoughts married to dispose of them president as a responsible member of the united nation, the stomach people because you don't, is committed to the per person implants, people's insurance in the 12th of the united nation, the offensive on small and it's commitment to the maintains of international peace and security. they stomachs, you part because you don't need space is consistent position that it does not seek escalation or one in division. one wandering about any further than you to be for a location by the easily division. they stomachs, people because eat on the films. it's on the way, watering determination to defense is people national security. i mean to this
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sovereignty and to totally unintentionally against any to that or to add stuff aggravation and to respond to any such to that or activation, resist split and in a cool down sweet international low, based on the to pop because you would not hesitate to exist size, the slides when required. when i'm president x analysis, you don't, has no intention of engaging in conflict with the us in the vision as we demonstrated our commitment to peace. but exhibit sizing of, of this thing, both involving the us army in intercepting one young loans. and he says, boned for me to, to, to get him to occupied palestinian territories. these under the scores of the dictation to the escalating pension and avoiding the expansion of conflict. however, if the us initiate some of you to outpatient against you on citizen or is
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security, i mean test it on with the user is input on flight to respond. proportion a p, i thank you by trying to represent so this is not mixed with public other rod and positive fluids with the syrian republic to crime scene. thank you. right. and presidents rhetoric presidente, what are reason with this yesterday? is a natural, an ever to the outcome of repeated aggressions and the great violations of international law. and the united nations charter perpetrated by the is really occupation authorities. he doesn't, on the territories of my country, syria and other countries, daughter emily, and that these authorities were taking advantage of the support a offered by the us administration, general counsel and elsewhere. and the key. i'm a while i'm doing this american to support this, the headlines, unlimited american support and.


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