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tv   News  RT  April 14, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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the, the, the, this is like a reading wall, and i mean this is a declaration of israel says it's being false down a pop up after the file to respond to stuff it in i. so if in fact, by a wrong, the israel lift up by no mater of drones and missiles find via ron and what is called a re kelly, i'm sorry, where's the latest or quick? the launch their own to solve all of criticism. it's around russia, around the country is called the escalation and the tip club methics solution, the right in the wake of it runs struggling is real 24 hours ago. and the meeting of the un security council, the just wrapped up in new york. we've got
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a lot to talk about during this live program from the it is uh, just over 24 hours now since iran launched is 1st of a direct attack. going israel firing hundreds of drones and miss aisles. it said it was the retaliation of had been promising ever since it's constituted in syria. we've destroyed and asked dr to just about everybody blamed on it. now the, the kind of leaves that was made and $200.00 projectiles were launched from iran, including thousands of ballistics. now these images are currently seeing what was the night sky over jerusalem. is video's taking my eye witnesses. these really on the says most of the massages well intercepted with local media reported mine and
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damage was close to at least one military base is ready, president, mind you, such as country is being forced down a will pass. this is like a reading wall, and i mean this is a declaration of whether or not, not because we are a strain and we cause we know there if the questions and the clause, we have deliberations with all positives. we are considering all options and i'm quite confident that we will take the necessary steps that's all necessary to protect and defend on people. we are not to all see cuz i think i would leave it that that's just a great look at how the events unfold. and they'll have a look at your map because basically iran launched hundreds of drones and cruise missiles of israel saying it is only targeting military base is government buildings. washington said 3 other middle eastern nations join the attack shortly after the incident is ready for his bottom. has block in lebanon, was in response to
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a volley of rockets from lebanese territory that engaged israel's ad defenses. outside of a you've has released video showing missiles and drones being intercepted of the idea said it's advanced at defense is along withheld from its allies. but almost all of the incoming targets was taken out. yes. and off the iran head israel. the idea posted this video right here on social media, which is a fake that's from 2017, which has to be showing a russian grad rocket system. and even the logo of another channel that even be blowed out in the footage. and he is ready, will compet administer benny guns praise the is ready all mean for the repelling via tax, but he won't, the incident is far from over it. so you left me yesterday around launched an attack on is rarely met the string to the is ready security system. rome is a global problem. it is a regional challenge, and it is also a danger to israel. and yesterday, the world clay, they stood together with israel in the face of the danger israel against the wrong
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or the well, the gays to rom, this is the result. this is a strategic achievement, which we must leverage by israel security. this incident is most over the strategic alliance and regional cooperation system that we built on, which we stood this significant task needs to be strengthened right now, is ro prove yesterday the data is an increase of military and technological power and an anchor of security in the middle east air raid sirens ranking out and ringing out across the city of jerusalem over an ice, crowds of people was seen running for shelter the according to an idea of smoke person, a young girl was injured off being hit by struck no from an intercepted miss. all no casualties have been reported as a direct result of his drivers or even though fatalities either or is what locals. you can say. we heard about those missiles that came to us for
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a form it on a we don't know exactly what's going on. i think i think you're on is a big problem. yeah. and nothing is land. every few minutes we wake up because we have a warrant in the side. it was very scary. i think it's going to be a, or a big war, but is, or at least very strong with enough force to pull them out and put it this way. as long as the air force is able to stop all the missiles, they're not going to do a ground invasion. i was talking out here to is right, a little maker. and the connect said also to cast c f. and he says, the only way to de escalate the situation is to prevent any further violations of state sovereignty. but that goes for both israel and arab countries. a user and you're solving and state any sort of entity should not be undermined, let alone a duct
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a bind to any other state so that they can not be accepted. but a, let's not forget that these are in the governments and not, don't need to come into on the con employees, but the world has been add this, violate the time and time again, the severity of the neighboring countries like land on celia. and you don't need to sit in that that doesn't justify the attack on user it. yesterday i was like, it was sent very clearly a true not be accepted, but we must be rational now and nothing. most of that, the only adoption of way to escalate the situation is to keep the silver anything of our states in the region 6. that means that you should not do mind if violate disability of celia live. and when you got in, there is the same time, those gone 3, so not violate the so we're going to do is the way. so i hope i hope that the
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government in which j, unfortunate people moved in the last year in more depth day. it's not exactly a same job in advance, a i hope the end of day it would not a do anything against the von, but it would not let you between not lounge any effect on you. i'm because the a den joe afraid, serious escalation was that age limit will and be on is a, is giving you and we have to do whatever possible to prevent up, but hopefully of emptied for the benefit of all nations. it won't. well, within hours of launching the attack, iran said it all of a sudden because it'll be in time, not who to be closed. however, it won't, it would take most of the action if it felt that it's happened in the future. it was being forced of the as lumnick republic of a run, considers the peace and stability of the surrounding region necessary for its national security and has not spared any efforts to restore and maintain peace and stability. today,
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it is completely clear to any fair observer that the actions of the zionist regime as an occupying terrorist and racist entity which does not consider itself bound by any legal, moral, or humanitarian rules and norms. and during the last 6 months, has advanced the campaign of genocide against palestinians, and further in security in the region and the world with the complicit support of the us and some other western countries is an immediate and continuing threat to regional peace and security. iranian parliament and celebrated the strikes. i'm peace with film chomping death to israel. the iranian foreign minister told his tucker's counterpart, there are no plans for any further strikes. he also said the attacks were only aimed against quote, is ready regime and not civilians have that same law. i will go and these legitimate active defense is simply punishing these rather, redeem reynolds often american individuals basis in the region early sunday,
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in the message to the white house. where knows that all operation with the limited and minimalistic and aimed at legitimate defense and punish, and these rather machine, no response. we defined no response against civilian targets. all armed forces targeted no economic well populated areas by has that the locals are flooding the street. that's around right, that he's a big scenes of celebration and jubilation. numerous videos going online, showing large crowds welcoming. be around in strike model. we have the capability to wipers, right off the us. we see this capability and now, so since we experience this during the years of the hardly defense will, the horrible, i think it was a good thing. i don't think that countries like the u. s. u. k. israel or any country, despite being and fonts can help us in any field. i think this is those countries
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into the country. they will do nothing but live salon was autopsy, has how we're not afraid of israel's attack tools. and these riley's not in a position to respond to iran. i mean, this matter, we must consider that the israel has always been defeated by muslims, a retaliatory strike back on a rod which reportedly cooled off following a phone cold between preventive and nothing. you know, and the us president joe biden, same time the us national security council spoke. suppose i'm joining cub. you said israel's interception of the drones on miss oswell as well. a great success where things stand this morning is just an incredible military treatment by israel and quite frankly, united states and other partners that help this real defend itself against more than 300 drones and missiles mean. it's just an extraordinary example of military superiority. that is real demonstrated to the whole world last night and i think is we also demonstrated that it has front that it's not standing alone. that is not
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isolated on the world stage. well, if i'm a republican of virginia, senator richard block, you join me out here. he said, the running attack was aimed at showing force, but doing as little damage as possible. i. the 1st thing that was very interesting is that the rad disclose the fact that the drones were being fired long before they ever hit israel. this immediately showed that their intention was to make a show for but to do as little damage as possible. so you have these slow moving drones and they're going for hours across the ground. it was a, it was a turkey shoot. i mean, i have lost to the one of the pilots up there is like a big video game. is your big, big, big, you know, you're knocking them out of the sky. it was, there was a game, and the, the raining is knew they'd all be shot down. they had anticipated that. and that is
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what they wanted to have happen. they wanted to the, the drones and the missiles to be knocked out before they could do any damage. if you go back a little bit, you realize that uh, when, when the baby netanyahu ordered the attacks on the it raining an embassy in damascus. he was trying to do the most out radius thing that he could think of in order to provoke an emotional response from the uranium leadership. and that in turn, word would cause them to do something. and then somehow, i get the united states drawn into the war, the drone of retaliation by it ran was designed to satisfy some of the hard liners unit ram. at the same time, they didn't want to add to tagging eyes. anyone else,
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they didn't want the united states to be antagonized. so they said clear signals, diplomatic way that this was simply being done for domestic consumption within around one of course the reaction came fast with western leaders very quick to condemn the iranian strikes. this was a dangerous and unnecessary escalation which was condemned in the strongest terms i condemned in the strongest terms the unprecedented attack, lawrence to bite you around against israel, which fretting students of allies to region. i strongly condemn the runs blatant and unjustifiable attack on israel and i call on iran, and it's proxies to media, at least these attacks. some nato members, as well as other western states, were very quick to come to as well as rescue and condemn iran attacks. i mean, they all had the same message and comment, which is essentially we stand by israel and iran was wrong. for example,
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the canadian prime minister said that the attacks demonstrate, quote, iran disregard for peace and stability in the region as a similar belief that was shared by germany the was the u. k. and france. but where were these type of statements from these western nations? when iran said that it was israel, behind the attack on the iranian coastal, it's in damascus in syria that attacked killed 7 iranian military officers, including a top general that was an attack on a diplomatic facility. but israel neither confirmed nor denied its involvement in the attack. yet the pencil gone did hinted that it was israel behind that attack a. but later on the, there were reports that came out stating that it was that, do you, do us essentially assess that it was israel to indeed, behind the the air strikes. yes it was, it's interesting because the was
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a find trouble to directly condemn israel for those attacks. for instance. i mean, they've only said that they're just against any attacks on diplomatic facilities. but in between those statements by the west, essentially putting the blame on a one party alone, all those days came forward with their own statements. and they've called for the escalation from both sides. we are seriously concerned at the escalation of hostilities between israel and iran, which threatens the peace and security in the region. we call for immediate the escalation exercise of restraint. stepping back from violence and return to the path of diplomacy. recall on all the involved sides to restraint. we count on the countries of the region to resolve their problems by political and diplomatic means . china expresses deep concern over the current escalation and calls on relevant parties to exercise calm and restrain to prevent further escalations. china calls on the international community, especially countries with influence to play
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a constructive role for the peace and stability of the region. i mean, here you have a, china, russia, india, brazil, columbia, and many other states that came out calling for a de escalation and a returned to diplomacy. because as we know, of course, it's quite counter productive to just put the blame on one party alone and happily ignore the trigger behind what happened. we know that weston lead is had initially warranty ron not to attack usual, but i deal with that. that's a warning was ignored, right? yeah. i suppose that they were trying to scare to ron in a way. i'm in the french president. the money on my call said that while he was talking to uh to said the speaker, he mentioned that his country did one around not to attack israel. now mind you, that's also the same president who's been having these absurd comments lately, especially about the cleaning of conflict, but the us president joe biden, as well as older natal leaders that jumped on the bandwagon as well with essentially the same message. what is your, what is your message to a ron?
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what is your message to around right now? don't? earlier, the netherlands and other countries told the wrong loud and clear to refrain from attacking israel. now those warnings seem to not have worked the way they've been hoping for because now, well, they're just putting the blame on or on, right. but let's remember that is really spacing, genocide, accusations, and it's operation and gaza. that's the operation that has built over 30000 people so far on top of that. those very same countries that were quick to blame and put the blame on iran and condemn its retaliation and tags as somehow find that, that israel's acts and gaza or acts of self defense. they've turned a blind eye when it comes to israel's deadly attacks on drum unless they've turned a blind eye when it comes to israel, essentially attacking hospitals or residential areas in gaza. they've also ignored, went around, said that it was these rel, behind the attack in the arabian console,
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it's in syria. so we heard nothing but silence from the was then it seems like a to them. israel does no wrong. we see that the ukrainian media has responded to this with key of calling on the west to focus on kids. and where does this live needs the western support for ukraine? now of course ukraine is making sure that he says is a top agenda for it's all i, as i mean they're asking them not to forget about kids needs here. but be a task that happened last night has made the west, which is priority is a little, i mean, we still have kids begging washington former health plus we also have the $60000000000.00 in aid that's been uh you know, being put on hold for months and still not sent to kids. now us lawmakers are rescheduling their priorities to focus on israel and after the attack presidential by then i got his we can trip for to meet with the national security team. and with
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that media. and the conclusion was that the us commitment to israel remains on breakable. now, on top of that is riley invested there to moscow. see more not how barry has pulled on multiple to condemn it. runs a test. of course, that didn't sit well with moscow because as we remember is israel has never once been dempsey of attacks on russia's region. and that was a statement that was again highlighted by the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman murray is the heart of a simona remind me of when he's real condemned. when once tried, where the key regime and rushes regions don't remember, neither do i. but i do remember regular statements and support of the lens because actions, bodies, rather officials, the very criminal terrorist sections of the buses and bunker by which he, after yeah, have resulted in the depths of civilians and the destruction of civilian infrastructure . now the russian foreign minister, sir gala abroad have, has discussed the situation in the middle east with the head of the arabian foreign
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ministry. and i, you know, mr. love said that and trust the additional escalation of the situation in the middle eas could just increase, need to increase tensions in the region. of course, this is a lot to digest, but it does give a quite a good picture of western hypocrisy here. i mean, when it's, when they're allies doing wrong, suddenly it's crickets and you know, it's just silas. but when another, the other side retaliate or, you know, defense defense themselves, suddenly it's contamination and there's some sort of, uh, you know, way of who's to blame. what i saw that i forgot, meanwhile, has said that the legality of using military force does not outweigh its human cons . or in this context south africa emphasizes the old policies, must exercise the a plus restrain, and avoid any ad that would escalate tungsten in a particularly fragile region. south africa has continues to stress that irrespective of whether states believes that their use of force is low for it is
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never wise to result to war is inevitably, it is only people who bear the brunt of conflict for troy. a has expressed concerns regarding the situation between israel and iran in the middle east saying that it is. i'm seriously concerned as to the escalation of a split of cheese between the 2 states, which now is of course the threatening the peace and security within that region. pretoria is also calling for immediate de escalation exercise of restraint. stepping back from vitamin sandra 10 to the pulse off of diplomacy, even stating that to well everyone is current returning the attention to these developments that we're seeing between e running is well latin. not to be forgotten that the war in gaza continues with devastating humanitarian consequences. for its people via full and immediate ceasefire at an urgent to me to an access is required in palestine. and you would
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also very much remember that. so that's the kind of has been very supportive of that side even taken as well to the international court of justice austin, the court at the hague, to who on with that as well as ongoing military, you can pay in gaza, amounted to genocide as well responded to those accusations, i have twos in the country, all functioning as the diesel off of her mazda but so that's we can support for the police to union, is not a new phenomenon for years. it's 7 mentioned civil society as shown on waiver and support for the position you enclose, despite considerable geographical add account real differences. so that's because we didn't party also has even compared to these walls policies in gaza and the west bank tooth own history. under the a potted regime of whites minority was until 9 tonight to pay for the black. so the
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africans to live in, especially designated homeless and this is why 2 days of africa joins the world and expressing har, right as the war, crimes being committed in palestine the through the target to of civilians. the infrastructure as a talk is that we've seen in a guides and even on the continents menu, say that to these actions, reminds them of their own experiences as black africans, blacks of africans living. and the potted. and i'm the colonialism. and i guess that's why to me is that has also been one of the african countries to read it to rates. it's the need for the international community to, to assume its responsibility in preserving the security and stability of the countries involved. add to the people off of the region by also urgency, imposing an immediate solution between the conflicting states and lots of africa to these is also asking for a permanent association of aggression, a gaze, palestine. it is a bit early to generalize a policy african public opinion at this point. but for now so that we can add media
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demonte an immediate and add into vincent to the rest of the gaze pedestal on. and of course, a discoloration of the situation between as well as the wrong or the un security council has just wrapped up a meeting of us after tonight's escalation it wrong, told the chamber it was simply insuring it secure. he, israel demanded sanctions for the authorities and to around to be declared as tears, figuratively, the security policy it has failed in it's due to, to maintain international peace and security phase which such says comes down, says they stomachs. republic up. you don't have no choice, but to exist. size is in head on the right to self defense. on the international law, the loan has no intention of engaging in conflict with the us in the region. no more appeasement. to day the council must take action, condemn around for their tear triggered the snapping mechanism,
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and the reimpose quibbling sanction designated the rodney and revolutionary guard corps is a tear organization. action must be taken now, not for is rise, say not for the regions sake. but for the world's sake, a quoted parade of hypocrisy and double style that's, that's how it rushes on, bass there to the un label. the approach of western members of the security council to the escalation in between israel and their brown saying they condemned to arouse actions, but stay silent on the consulate strike sweeping across those lines are still doing . and the people you know very well and, and that's how can i, diplomatic mission isn't costs as i lie, updates national low and if west emissions well under attack, you would not hesitate to reach savvy. i can prove your case in this old because for you everything that concerns weston representatives and western citizens is sacred and must be protected. but when it comes to other states that rights, including the rights of defense, is
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a different thing as you like to say. today and the security council, there's such a parade of bulk receipts and double standards, which is somehow even uncomfortable to watch. what happened during the night of april. the 14th did not happen in a vacuum. ron steps were a response to the shameful inaction of the un security council. a response to is rose blake, the tack on damascus, which was filed from the 1st one. syria has been continually bombed by israel. many of you today have not have the courage to direct the points out that the current escalation in the middle east is unfolding against the backdrop of this radio operation. in garza, i'm the westbank which has been going on for more than 6 months, unprecedented in terms of casualties. i was discussing that un meeting with for my us air force lieutenant colonel karen decrypt cowski. she says that un security council is broken it no longer at he is even to its own principal, a given the rarity of an attack on a, you know, southern embassy news. this is
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a violation of the rules based order, as we call it. so it should have been some reaction, some condemnation, and there wasn't enough pock received was mentioned by several of the speakers, a permanent membership of the security and un security council is a, is a really, really of world war 2, which is so far, long ago. you know, it is really not rational and yet we have that. and so those countries, um, particularly united states in the u. k. and france use their power that they've been granted not even them. it was granted to their grandparents and they continue to use our and it's uh, it is corrupted. the un process because i think if you had a democratic process at the u. n, we would see a very different well in a you and we would see one that actually adhered to its uh its ideals, every thing that israel's foreign policy has has done with many of their past leaders all the way to the present and then young is to eliminate the practical
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possibility of a 2 state solution for more details on the past 24 hours on the iranian strikes on israel, we've got a ton of new details going up right now. one line at options on tom was a reaction from around the world continues to 4, and we've got that covered for you as well. the a very rough office hours program here in the us international, but old eyes to remain fixed on the middle east with discussions that have been happening as well in new york across the united nations. the world is reacting to iran for the meantime. visit saucy international with us the
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the, the 2nd supercedes involve 18 charges which include 17 charges under the espionage act and one charge under the c. s. a leasing dr. relates to the 2010 which he likes publications. so to clear on the publication, the rules of engagement, rock, the diplomatic cables, the royal oaks in respect of iraq and afghanistan and the guantanamo bay files. we filed a legal challenge against that expedition, which was heard over the course of around 18 months. we raise concern about a piece of process related to the spine on us as his legal team, and on julian and his medical professionals. the way in which the united states is described,
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the facts in order to justify his expedition. we also raise concern about the application of the u. k. u. s. treaty. that treaty prohibits x regarding someone for a political offense. the united states has applied for his extradition, but is treated as a criminal. and this clause car to this is, julian is a dangerous terrorist who is going to flip out on a k installed gunning everyone down in the cold. i was sitting up in the gallery watching this astonishing spectacle of injustice and order to talk to his lawyers. he had to kneel down friendship.


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