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tv   Documentary  RT  April 14, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

10:30 pm
so get a simple less which and such as to not only thought a soup inducing that she to see vegetables passed through. so the beauty of some children that attends them to do it the way to go with that the pretty much the people that they will just you know, with the way to when they will, low upset almost all diploma. we often see cause mendoza is strong and successful. people realize their dreams, but it won't cost. but how long must they wait before the 1st blast of the ocean perusal to to ship just result which is not spent most increase. the option
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to police is this is about as an office executive and his spontaneous decision to quit and try to become a customer knows what's most turn up was was just like it's almost swipe as it was . just that only means the when you more than i could. so when we 1st met constantine and a feeling about free diving and when we heard of his desire to be a customer, old, we just had to fill them again. and we followed his journey for 7 years. it's a good look senior, but he needs to go in general because she was last but not least, mission specialist konstantin, for us off. this will be his 1st trip. the space of the years of preparing something could go wrong at any time, and the launch would be cancelled. list your video on board any of this, this adjusts and skill as to base with someone else. you need to do more of the little misconduct in
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the the cell phones of it, which is just to ensure your connection with what was just a good one there. cool use that they will have to live with more just like so i just all of the corner shrinks almost to one of the there is just the gym, the photos that we'll skip. each of those lists from jenny pronounce to mental vision of that. i've looked at the idea of dylan
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today. constantine body self is practicing for a space walk. he'll spend several hours in a space suit that's the closest they can get to simulating weightlessness on us. lots of the stuff on the racial question. the fisher is. there was this still more comfortable left of the boat up was all i have the ability to just take a look at some 2 trips with them. i could, i have some core at the just so i'm, i don't even know if it's the ship, the shut off the deal is with the good mr. shooting and you're gonna have nicole. difficulties just of the speaker charge both, but the ticket was quite familiar with actually a lot thing. it's the
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the when you ask them is your goal is to most coolest initiated so you can almost look into it for these things to any of the, the general books and in the assignments. lot of my supplied someone sing the song, save yourself sunset, the the car with which is done then you can you be thought it was up on himself. understandable? the success them? that's a beautiful for us to do since it's rather simple and go to that. the funds, so you show it to me and you don't say that you're going, you're gonna use it and show any things do it the if i can sheets and the set up, which i still want them, could i be unlimited? there's not sort of course, that i was in the portage, the the,
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the feeling of inches, the symbols with a duplex went up to me. well, you'll need it. yeah. pretty much the, the thing you thought would you feel the most or see i don't start to do that, just give me one of them. or i'd like set it up for a minute. all this was just lunar, looking at them going up to you. not sure which is which bethany, the civil smith coupled. i mean, i could run it up and hold on his yelp, really that strings. but that's in the media. you can often the controls. cool. you look at the old stuff. it's oh wow, you know,
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traditional typically what it was. yeah. it's because the store fulfills the store it see what you're familiar with, what the problem was put on. you put a lot of new could assume and incredible, depending on credit when the trouble use it. that's the, the portal for the new patrol about the show before which it was coming. violets which are much keys, a cheap the cheapest, to pick them up a full store. them kind of want me to start on the business and store them or what's computing the motion of them. at which point you'll start off with almost demand upload to move it produced up loudly from a little to the with the little things to go along with them and dive. and then what we need to shut bethany, go to not to come to the building. you're more to give us, which is but the way to look at the name of additional you little small thoughts, comments? different because me tradition. konstantin, ethan became an international judge in free diving. he took his students,
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the only thing and a pool with dealing smoke up. it made him feel closer to space in the just because we had actually been on the, at so he to, he'd become head of business intelligence for a large company. but the childhood dream was still alive, so he spent his evening studying integration institute. that degree gave him a chance to become a customer note. so he waited for applications to be invited, more stuck outputs adults, but wasn't sure that we were the phonics enough to me to pay to avoid relation with respect to that with the, with the insurance covers the move. so the, so the system may have a use of them on a bit spell, which so the absolute perception we started
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filming constantino's, cosmos. applications were open and we learned by accident that he wanted to give it a try. this is today, he submitted his papers, the the most of the constitution started jumping, jogging, doing pull ups and swimming so well that he even swim the general just straight. can you predict the lift gates especially close to the snow in the evenings he studied with his wife and took dictation tests to be chosen that you would support us the south. exhausting exams locked in several months for sponsoring customer notes with tested by coaches,
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doctors and psychologist next to both of the things that were not receiving was the one that we did on the semester. chest got the motor of difference between the different disabilities to produce and the warranty function you sent me a speech for the other one. you're welcome. please go to 20 points for joseph, but let's do. the work was quickly and so the important one which i think was stuck much the thing was just as quickly as much as i should have most of essentially just want to look into this one of the bows of 420 cause many of the candidates are being selected, so they'll say it's 2 years of training and only then will they officially become customer notes and fly the
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engine ignition problems coming up to flight speed and the lift gates the . 6 the the cam before
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moving a little slow to come. so hold on. sure. see if looks like it to stay i go to see me even maybe a mini again. yeah. go to most out of a new credit when you do florida. oh, we think about 20 till probably when it gives the store, you presume that it is up to use the nipple of a torch keep it has a 1000000 fuck on noise. that's him got given him, but got annoyed. it's a nice and easy being a student to gain off to working as an executive for so long. you'll always learning new skills. this is one of constant teams, 1st parachute jump, but it's not going well. that's the only different goal is to know lots of the, of today's perseverance across for zillow. there's a look at the deal to shatoya,
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which i mentioned. it shows that you have with almost all the stuff that you like before the, to the pretty much the little bit. and yep, there's nothing to deal with for the assertion you use, no, just don't search. dish color with words developer will though is to is which to me up is most of the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters, but who will be the power behind watches? almost $1000000000.00 people decide and billions more, react, the more expensive, and i'm going to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new shelves. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department c,
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i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the wayne state the out probably her my little story. okay. the model girl that i got you. no problem. seeing that on the out of the thing documents the side of the drive i showed my brother through he was trying to sell people for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being saved. well i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of chicago police. it'd be gang in chicago is like, you get a photo of that police,
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you lose the there's another crime. say another this could have been a doctor. a nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here the, it's not just about learning to lend property, but also developing stressed resistance and the ability to make quick decisions in life threatening conditions from the 1st jump. so you're expected to result your actions, describe what you're doing and assess wind speed and your altitude. submit a 0 sustained use of the way me and was always authority across the cool. cool, like a built in little chip or each pencil that should have the date and probably it would pull in and show it completely, which was supposed to be published in more. no, that's good. so the whole thing, you flow and go into the shading of about sticking with them, what you might say, just going to give it to interest in a quick luggage. the,
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the, the, the, the
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east almost the course the. so i think i'm sorry to hear was no good. that's com. yes. dollars which must be it, but the most of them, yes, i'm what i'm going to show you the rest of your printer. so those are not a small percentage for you to receive just sort of forced you. when you started this, it was really nice. the question for you is just better. so if you're gonna have more than the cushion which are
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the pretty much the next one up. if there's a point in time, you know what, you know the pieces of define the 6 months ago, the way you put the introduce myself just i'm going to be a 3. i'm going to invite f with us the 1st the the band to be able to send the open, but pretty easy with your name. so
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this is your video on board and you still come on, you know, because i have this in front of you across a new provider. constantine lands extreme survival skills, not just in the forest, but out in the step 2. and it was in an emergency as sonya ship could end up anywhere. and he has to be prepared for renaissance in the centrifuge, while under extreme g forces, he has to sold various problems. that of course you have to learn about the us is as soon as we had the shots, we asked about the most important of daily tasks. the single thoughts in today's
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the facilities have a dentist for the moment 0 ever since storing it. so what are you able to see? you know, we just saw it split system that a lot of them come and tell us to listen to that, to get for the most efficient as the system can show us of consider one, they also consider one of the also. but what do you not blog and city it only that you want to level hold, that's when you're in the room for the e mail. but also in the let us know what you know, what the hold of into the program was through this through a little bit of how they used to be set up in the after chung i just clicked on this the window origin systems association. it just came with the boy. she wasn't above us of wasting up a flight. it's the so the, the guy with the triple play on that, the 1st thing that i filled up for the 2001 girlfriend loves me. so if you, if you pull up the children, put your time on the most expensive, so you have appreciative internet that at the same time as long as the phone know
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it's almost full for the official for them. they have a nice look at it. i'm gonna try a couple other things. one of the most part of the course, declared announcer with studios. and i just thought this was this touch key finch the nurse and see if they're going on this pistol. dicola what's in this video? it's spelled initial do. now wasn't sure, so i'm going to move on to the what's the look at what's virtual storage slipping into kimball to raise up like what's going on with all of my system, which is quite close to the scriptures controls and stuff like that. almost until a little bit for parts and about to go up and down the woods and somebody at the nearest nicole. i just chose to assure you. but that was about to move to me, i missed the tooth brush, the pairs of the walls pushing wellness the with me more live site you difficult. it's a little for the based on the constraints. like if the windows decides, what can we see them, but sold one that of thursday, which is the most important thing. and we'll send them over the people, the company, the mental strain
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a lot in many cities across russia. constantine is wife on a visit. same as an upside training session to the family. welcome to the member from the for you from the tribute system we bought across the, with the, with the bulk of the browsers, the comfort of glass mortars, no. okay, ocean, that obviously through the streets all for you, but also the usual visual control is up pretty good the most to show him what you had on the pin number of the british. what on the on you put the she was little over here for the summer boy for the google, for with them posted to give you more vision or a portion of the,
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the costs we will send you the option to book. i mean, that's kind of, i don't know cuz i only got to believe because like the 3 most to us constantino data lived above and when it go to honda, they sold the flat and bought a house near the city. the most puppy show was born. you additional so some of these are still there, little answer, then what do you mean you, i was looking at those are the name of my what the history of what you're doing. because what are usually the behaviors who are not, you know, over she's the point you to the official de moines. that's commercial truck
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location on the webpage. so something a little bit of reading has been pretty, has come down to the postal code of pete. nothing. nothing it, assuming the dyslexia unfortunately was, i mean, if they're digital ones the most and actually to stop shooting, let's bring up your thoughts, a payment touch screen, which i'm gonna send you stuff to the soonest. the spanish on the tomatoes uncle instead of close them both at the buck over them. and we sent him here of course, closing his with obstruction. faith, but it was the best of him. oh, it's a good thing, is the oldest of us procedure on both sides of the fortunate x, which i think that which will cover the post to promote that has an interest on the side of our specialist special i ever saw somebody on the lucas, my appointment is from the one which most of the things that's typical, the hub english choice being listed. good. i'm not finished. nice. google strategic
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jeopardy. you're hold on seeing that for you. and of course to be hosting done. of course, often devin good session dosma to eliminate those additional to simply minutes how long if without us kind of wish the level of misdemeanor one of which was changing, what would be the new york? what i should get, this was there's some way you're shipping them belonged to a mutual little table restriction with taking me go to the interview or session. you're going to move, which through the course the which no. go ahead. what i'm planning on, instead of what's your number place you go to scope to for you, we're going to junior, she says we're doing the meal for the senior course manual to pull that up for you. mentioned coverage is what is your level know stuff? sure. now, for those of a male chosen, continue pretty good, right?
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categories, you, somebody, mcdonald's, getting its actual things with this investigation, plumbing and mutual tickets and saying what's disagreements? what are the, the, the, the, the path to this dream is a hard one. in the 1st 2 years, you have to pass more than 80 exams and only then is there a chance of becoming a real customer or the old block wall going into the fortunately, the more show how to load them, i had said you would switch up and go to do without bring the door up on. little approach wondering is it looks like the can you bring in my shift to the things i'm giving you? i'm just different company epa flow from the flow of most smoothly. just let me know if any of those to publish table photos talk of multiple in
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a little slow when he's just putting it on my god, i think that that will continue to those in the future. the hold up important. just a book. you mean you conflict the front of the company, just slice point? is there some tech from others? and if i go out of use and you just go shopping your wife and it wasn't listed on the left and what was what they said you would go over 3 pathologist, but no one's got in his life. but almost that to me, those goals and what, which i'm going to propose to show you is not on the key with the initial price quoted please. i'm with the new master david uses to which is this your senior store can with english syllable back to us, which he can get hold of somebody else and not let them proceed. if these are both instructions as to what they want us to click on just be sure, you know the book,
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you know what the focus group installed at the most. just so in west junction, if it's, you know, pretty much the political organization crews up to the 5th. yep. i just need your help, which is this is as humans, as most the double check was not spelled, but must, must increase the option to grab a string on the. so he's up to something like open, you must have a set to go to just kind of short. you just been able to totally be where you're getting. you're still in my 2nd. what's your self interest? what's avoid easiest or supposed the she's the the
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take a fresh look around there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground can known in vietnam the american war, the vietnam war lost its almost 2 decades and dragged in numerous countries.
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nor does he have written down that you don't see it now. why it's all i'm empty. hundreds of thousands of american troops was sent to the country to back the south vietnamese on me. and the american soldiers murdered resistors mercilessly down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals and lee by all right, did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did and on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive? yes, yes, that's the way it's too late. to
11:00 pm
the barber buddy, i'm rick sanchez, been reporting news now. most of my life worked at fox cnn, nbc, one to peabody awards interviewed for presidents. i only say that because after all this stuff, you know that i've done and work and all these networks and stuff, you know, you got a pretty good idea of what news should be. i think it should be honest. i think it should be direct. and i think it should be impactful. on this show. we're going to tackle julian massage and do it lastly the trial, i'd sure. what is it with the here it berrera's was ties to terrorism. and the generals take on donald trump. this is direct impact. the.


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