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tv   The Modus Operandi  RT  April 15, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EDT

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the west had its agenda, which i say course quite stupid. then the agenda was to create the big and they me the big new and they me that may to have to face. and that's why they didn't do anything. they didn't condemned what was happening in the done most area. we have seen in the media both thing the rest, the media as spend as same brushing media and awesome dispatch the media, big guy and off to family deals, which has taken place in the tim your brain. you know and have been kind of general side which has taken place there. so something which no human being can appreciate that i can get this by the way. the highest author i'm the guy somebody is just in a russian ad defenses. have interest to the you create a missile outside on the cry mean bridge. it will say some of the incoming, in spite of a sudden down over the nearby has on region and the back see that about.
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so this new, the joining the men in a china on modus operandi on banks and will be back in about 30 minutes with the latest news updates. the hello, i'm manila chan you are tuned into modus operandi. as the saying goes, he who controls the money controls the world. nobody really knows who said it, but it's generally accepted as fact. and when it comes to money in banking, there is no family more famous than the rocks childs. so in february of 2024, when lord jacob ross child a 4th generation banking psy on died, world leaders lined up to pay their respects this week. well dig into not only his passing, but how this family has shaped the world as we know it. all right, let's get into the m o. the
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they've been lionized. they've been demonized. the rocks, child's name, synonymous with the banking and finance industry, recently suffered a loss in the family. jacob ross child, a 4th generation baron and banking sy on europe passed away of natural causes in his hometown of london at age 87. in late february of 2024. his families, wealth and prestige, often overshadowed by a conspiracy theories surrounding the families empire, which began in the 18th century at one point they were the world's richest family. so today is global leads, all queued up to pay their respects. former u. k. prime minister, tony blair described the late lord jacob as quote, a towering figure in britain's jewish community and the president of israel,
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isaac hertzog said this quote, with his passing. we bid farewell to a great man who carried the historic legacy of his family with pride and humility, working always for the well being of britain, israel, and jewish communities all over the world. and so from the napoleonic wars to the suez canal, ross child's name forever etched into a world history books. for more on this will turn to a friend of the show. shawn stone. he is a filmmaker historian and author, his book called new world order. a strategy of imperialism is available now. shawn, thank you for making some time for us. so 1st option, jacob rothschild, as i mentioned, he's a 4th generation baron. in the u. k, he carried the title lord, so lord jacob is how one might formally address him. why to the main stream media
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referred to him in such a way? i mean, what's the difference between lord or barron and the term oligarch? i mean, i feel like the latter is used as a majority of and the other 2 are like somehow good or, or noble. what's your take on that? it might take is that's the essence of the british empire, right there in these titles, it's something that i think a lot of people sort of, there's a cognitive dissonance around, you could call it. and then the ability to, to face the fact that the british have this aristocracy of titles and the, you know, a king. right? things like this, that in most of the world, we think we find a noxious if not obscene. or as you mention, we might say, well, that's just an oligarchy. it's just an older one. you know, basically you went from the modern, in the modern, an invitation of oligarchs. we think often times of, you know, russians that have made a fortune in the like oil or, or raw materials or things like this in the 90. so they're new money. right. and
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that's kind of the way that the imperialist would look at it. well, the new money or the oligarchs they just needed if they can hold that money and they can basically sustain it for a couple generations. and they get to become titled aristocrats and that it's just almost so that the old, the old money is respected while the new money is kind of looked down upon. right. so here's the passing of jacob. he is regarded as a sort of the last of that breed or of that generation. the old guard, if you will. but is that necessarily true given that the rocks child's have legitimately kept banking as the family business? i mean, they're now some 7 generations deep. what does the rocks child's name represent in the world of finance? i'm not going to go to the extreme that some concern. ready see if there is say, when they think of the nature of thinking itself and they say, well it's,
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it's the rock child's behind everything. and you know, there's not an expert in the right child history. there's a, there's a lot of books on the subjects, as i say, some are more conspiratorial than others. but the truth is that yes, the rothschilds by nature and have been a sense, you could say, a conspiratorial conspiring that once they left, you know, their home, their homeland, to germany, and basically started to send the family. it was the, the original design. i think it was a meyer who sent his sons off to the 5 capitals and in europe, and basically had them see to set up major banks and ultimately in some places like in france and, and ending with it seems that they sustained, obviously to the present day road and maybe in germany and other places they didn't sustain is as well. the point is that the intention was always to create this sort of thinking empire and become major finance years of, uh,
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w. name it of a vampire, of, of, you know, and pop both positive and negative senses. so, the rothschilds are intermittently and intimately entwined with the financial system that we know in, in america, in england because of their relationship with. for example, of, you know, the bank of england and becoming a part of the establishment you could saving, getting, getting loyalty, titles, things like this. and, you know, huge financial, a part of the created. they're not the only banking family. the not even necessarily the oldest banking family, but certainly you can say, you know, for, very, for reasons, for example, going back to how they set up in england. part of the great, in this ology that they created was during the napoleonic wars. i believe it was nathan ranch out the time who was heading up the child bag. he basically had an amazing network of intelligence and they found out through their network of intelligence that the point had lost the bottle of water loop. so they actually
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started to they using their intelligence as a say they made it a killing on the stock market. basically by doing all kinds of tricks, you know, pretending like they thought, you know, they basically initially made it seem like the british had lost. so people started selling their stock, then they brought tubs came in through their agents and bought it up and bought up the stocks cheap, and they made of killing. so, again, the rothschilds have been involved in shady dealings over the years. and i'm that who knows how deep that they know the dark side of banking goes. but you can't say uh, going to that question that this is the, and of the rothschilds, financial and part, i mean, this is an empire that has been entwined with the federal reserve system, the central banks of the world for centuries. now i don't think that they're going anywhere and in the immediate future, let's say. okay, so they may have pioneered the so called art of hedging stocks. then on wall street, i don't know if the necessarily pioneered it, but certainly the, you know, they,
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they look if you, the more you look into like the history of banking and often times it was talking, twined with intelligence or religion. you know, you look at the nature of going back to the times of the greeks for example, and how the coins was held in the temples of the gods. and so you can say that, and obviously the romans were involved this kind of thing of creating religions. and this essentially making people, you know, pay the coin to the, the temple. that's why to the present day, right? these, these religions have a religious exemptions. so the idea of manipulating the masses when it comes to finance this, this is kind of goes back to the origin. i would say of, of, of banking itself. and that this proceeds the right child. they think they're just in a new actually be actually at one point where the new money or how about some of the more todd re business connections with family. i would say would rather we all
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forget given that the rocks child's planted roots in the u. k. more than 200 years ago, and at one point they were among the world's richest families, especially there in london. they were quite tightly net among london's leads, like with b maxwell family. as in go in maxwell's and now convicted british socialite sex trafficker, i mean her dad, robert maxwell, was allegedly really good friends with the late baron. according to depositions from one of the lanes personal assistance. miss maxwell used to brag about growing up rubbing elbows with the rocks, child, and a director at, at one of the rocks. child's banks called robert maxwell's 65th birthday bash. he called it the party of the decade. yet the main stream media went on this sort of defensive spree upon lord jacob's death, citing all the silly conspiracy series. and, but when you really look at the family and how closely tied they were with going
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maxwell's family and her ties with jeffrey epstein. i don't know, isn't there kind of some cause to talk? well, i think it's deeper than that. i mean, to me, the most clear personality that was close to jeffrey epstein in some ways his benefactor and she introduced him to many people and potentially even the clinton's and maybe even prince andrew. i mean it's, we're not entirely clear, but we know that she was very close to jeffrey epstein. and that's when forester, who became rothschild in the year, i believe 2000 when she married into the family. so she basically was, uh, came from, you know, a good, wealthy background and obviously very connected, you know, sort of, uh, you could call the american, um, a good intel it, you know, it intelligentsia or you know, what, what would you say about the oligarchs of america but yeah, most you could say the oligarchs of america. and so that's why she was able to box
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it up to, to buy into, to marry into the right child family. um, but yeah, when for us to to write child was intimately connected to epstein and frankly someone that someone should have had taken a deposition from her, you know, and then put her under oath on things as to uh you know what she was involved in. what she knew about his his trafficking operations, especially because her brother actually owned a private terminal in a jersey airport. that jeffrey, i've seen use for some of his sex trafficking operations and coming up next, europe's defining wars shaped by the rocks child family. find out how we'll discuss it when we return with shawn stone. so type m o will be right back the i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a
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robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so charters at conflict with the 1st law should we live in justification. we should be very careful about official intelligence at the point, obviously is to place a trust rather than fit the various jobs. i mean with the artificial intelligence we have so many with him in the a robot must protect his phone, existence was only exists. the what is a part of the employee would post that isn't the defense you of us and that in the word part,
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is it something deeper, more complex. might the present good. let's stop without cases. let's go out of a hi. i'm rick sanchez, and i'm here to plan with you whatever you can do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different by little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please do the have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you comfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside
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the welcome back to the m. o. i'm a no a chance. sean stone, filmmaker and author is back with us. thanks for sticking around, shawn. so let's get into the, the history of this 300 year old banking family and, and why they're still even relevant today given, reportedly they're not even among the wealthiest families of the world anymore. why do today is bankers like jamie diamond at jp morgan chase, for example, still turning to this, the spanking family me from my understanding america's jp morgan began as a subsidiary of the rocks child bank in europe. right. so i don't know, has this sort of family legacy then just shaped modern banking. she oh, you mean huge? i mean, this is what, this is what i say. you know, when it comes to the american history, um, there's other historians that are much more expert in terms of the amount of
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influence the, the rothschilds had in terms of american finance. it's clear that the america, that the rothschilds had agents in america. um, so that was new j. p. morgan, an agent of the rothschilds in particular, i don't know that i know that as you say he's his original partner p body was a, was in england, and morgan was trained in england. so essentially he was, you know, he respond by the, the, you could say like the bank of english or the private a private. but the central bank very much. what the federal reserve in america has, which again was probably established by morgan. and it was, it did, i think it was morgan junior at that point. but the point is that the, at the morgan bank was very integral in establishing the federal reserve system. so, yes, these, you know, these banks learned, you know, these bankers learn from each other. they, they operate, they work together, they, they have to, they, you know, they transact. and when it comes to, you know, establishment, the rout childs were essentially the one of the most established,
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not the only again, does not the only major banking family of england or of europe. but that they, you know, they became notorious for, for, for various reasons. and partly you can say partly it was, you know, anti semitism. i suppose. i mean, there is, there is something to be taught. be careful about when we look at because the morgan empire is, is probably as, as dark in its own way. and you know, and, and so we can't just say it's, it's, it's only jewish thing. it's basically, um, but the rothschilds were very much the banking establishment of, of england in particular. and they had, as i mentioned, agents in america. i think august belmont comes to mind as a very famous, a guy who was sort of instrumental in the various loans and things during the civil war time period in particular. also in terms of it was a bit of a king maker. i believe when it came to us presidents so you have to kind of look at this whole network. that is, you know, the roger all network and again,
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very much better historians. and i will tell you, you know, the need, the intricacy of these things. i'm looking at belmont was the chair of the democratic national committee. right from 1860. so there you go. talk about the democratic party of that time, which was essentially the party of, of, you know, secession, or you could say, you know, of the, the, the confederacy. so that was a rothschild agent. so again, there's, there is reason to suspect rothschilds conspiracies. there is some, you know, there is evidence that effect, but you have to kind of really research carefully because there are times things that are alleged to be said by rothschilds, for example. um, there's a famous quote, you know, i care not who gives me control the nation's money and i cannot who makes the laws that was apparently the founder of the rothschild dynasty. that said it. but if you look, if you really look into it, you can't find any evidence that he did say that there's been to describe them. that's why i say sometimes is be careful when it comes to the history about things
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that are kind of, you know, accepted as truth when in fact, they're just mythology belmont. okay. i don't know that name, so i'm gonna have to look into that. thank you. so much for that. so they have also funded they being the rocks childs, they have funded some of the world's biggest projects and wars. i mean quite literally, back in the early 18, hundreds the rocks child's funded, the british troops to fight against napoleon by smuggling gold across the english channel, financing the duke of wellington's troops. and in the 20th century, the rocks trials were one of the finance years of the suez canal. why and how did one family get so entrenched in foreign affairs? you know, generation after generation after generation. you know, it's, i don't think it's a surprise. what a surprise us me think about the nature of what the british empire, what it was, it controlled about a quarter of the world's land land mass had at as high as peak. right. that
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included in the, the commonwealth countries, canada, australia mean these obviously major land masses, but that's if you're, if you're in twined with the bank of england. if you're one of the major banking houses of england at that time, of course, you're going to get access to all the empire. and that's actually where the relationship seems to have started with this. a rhodes, who was one of the great impaired british imperialists of the late 19th century when he went to south africa, a few people sort of to be yours. for example. that's basically use us as a rhodes creation. he was, you know, it was the total races to look down at the local africans and, and use them for slave labor. basically in the mines, in diamond mining and gold. and i think it was that anglo american gold i think was essentially a is. but the point is that he was this massive imperialist who was a racist who believed the british empire had to control and rule the world that he wanted the british empire to control of africa. he actually talked about beginning
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the holy lands. he wanted to between corporate america and to the british empire. that was, and he decreased in a basically his executor, the executor of his estate was, who was, it was a lord, i think a was a baron. nathaniel rothschild, i believe, was the new, it was one of the rothschilds there in rochester, was the executor of rhodes, of state. and so the point is that he was very much the, i'd say the financing of the rothschilds seems, have been intertwined with roads as endeavors and in his will. and in his, in his, in his decreasing of monies, he basically established what the route the wrote scholarship. and they basically promoted what, you know, the round table groups that were all about sort of strategizing to perpetuate the british empire. as i said, to re and corporate america to get the holy lands. so it's so it's not a surprise to see the rothschilds entwined with the british empire and its endeavours to control the planet as much as they could. now circling back to lord
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jacob and his legacy, he apparently took great pride in his philanthropic work in his latter years, specifically in israel. and you know, as a jew himself, where he was chairman of the yacht, had a deep foundation. it provided funding for the construction of the connect it the supreme court and in just the last year, the new national library given his british jewish identity, the lead generational boatloads of money given to politicians in britain and the amount of money the family has given to israel, is it a stretch to say that this is part of why u. k. officials via mentally back israel in this brutal campaign and gaza? so it may look, you can't, you can't disentangle british policy from the creation of israel, as i just mentioned with several roads in is in as well. and it is vision. and it
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was to re incorporate toilets and the british were the ones with the ball for declaration to tell who to tell the child it was. it was one of the is one of the right child, i can't remember which, which was it was barren line over on the child that bell for rights. the next that same as declaration based expressing that the british government supports the, the creation of a jewish homeland. and that is what becomes israel. right? and that's during the 1st world war and you can, some people argue that it was, it was designed, the british calculated that decision during the 1st world war because they wanted to try to get america more basically more fully in involved in the, in the 1st world war and that there was basically, it was, it was committing also at the same time, don't forget that the british and french were carving up the middle east already during with the sikes. the co plan. so essentially they were read, read,
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finding the lines to make sure that they continued their imperial, their imperialist designs in the middle east. so the idea of having a is real basically there is a potential, the stabilizer of air power, air, nationalist power, let's say, right? as they were carving up the size because carving up what it was carving up, saudi arabia separating that, you know, the, what the separate and jordan from, from the saudi can kingdom and ravia creating syria, creating live in all these different countries that weren't necessarily that wasn't necessarily, as we saw in lots of radio, that wasn't necessarily what the odds wanted, right? it was imposed upon the bodies colonial. so the british had a strategy. they seem to my mind, you know, to a very lately, even though they recognize in the white papers during your occupation, in the twenties and thirties, they knew the essentially, that the idea of bringing in a massive population of, of, and immigrants, right. jewish immigrants to that, what became what was in palestine, it became his real was the stabilizing,
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the understood that but something about simultaneously, as you mentioned, the rothschilds about jobs were buying a plant in palestine. and they have the money to do it. so often times when it's argued that well, you know, the, the, the args that we're living in palestine didn't own the land. well, that's a lot of the rock, how the money came to buy up those, those properties, those lands and. and so by the time that you know, you have the, the end of the 2nd world war and the mass migration coming of, of, of jews to the, you know, to palestine, even though they were still the minority. they obviously had a lot of financial benefactors to be able to, to fight and to feed the local era population there. so again, you can't disentangle israel's existence from the british decision to basically create a jewish homeland and to support its creation throughout its its entire endeavor as a, as a, as a colonial power there. all right, last sean, your final thoughts on,
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on this family and, and i don't know, maybe lord jacob himself, i mean honestly, lord jacob, i don't know enough about i think one thing that has come to mind that people really should be kind of in, you know, head, he's a curious about is uh, is the relationship with marina brockovich, the very famous sort of almost self proclaimed which the, you know, the artist who's all about spirit cooking. and there is a famous photo of a bit of a jacob brought child with marina brockovich standing in front of the satan, summoning his legions. had photo alone is very indicative of it's, it's, it tells you a lot there. yes, i remember that picture. unfortunately, i gotta leave it right there. there ross. child's fascinating family. love them or hate them. johnstone, thank you so much and be sure to check out his book called new world order. thank you so much for this conversation, shawn. thanks for having me. no, that's good. to see you, all right,
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that is going to do it for today's episode of modus operandi. the show that dig deep into foreign policy and current affairs on your house, me know a chance. thank you so much for turning in. we'll see you again next time to figure out the m. o, the . to take a fresh look around as a life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures, design to simplify will confuse who really wants a better world. and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented to this,
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but can you see through their illusions, going underground can the this didn't door to those or to, to just don't want that. he said i was missing. so media meetings, officials are for new settings from really similar vehicles. i'm waiting for it on the computer. no, yes it perfectly so the to the sale be the name is he at the was the east you permission to complete that you think you should get us the book switches switches to another one. i thought a soup. inducing that to,
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to see the purpose passed the valley or my little sister store because the model grew. i got you. no problem seeing it on the out of the things. arguments us out in the drive i showed my brother through he was sudden to help people for a lo so now i never look at searches as being saved. well, i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of chicago police. it'd be gang in chicago is what i can give you a photo of that police. you lose the, there's another crime, same another. this could have been a doctor,
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or nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here. the, the, this is like a reading wall, and i mean, this is a declaration of war. a spiral of it's highly ation is what i'll call them. things are as follows, wrong. we trend this time 6 times longer than that because as revenge put, disney is very s like when it comes to syria for ron did not respond to it would increase the possibility of both because it would make israel more aggressive. life is escalation between enroll online as well, brings com to go those locals experience the most peaceful moments has been will be gunned all the off the year. this is the 1st and only call night and cause the in the past 7 months.


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