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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 15, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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safety of the highest order and over to russia now for emergency services have been working for weeks to contain a surge of flooding in several regions of situation in some cities is on demand. but for the others, the worst is yet to come. by the eastern region of good, again is bracing for the peak of the disaster. water levels are expected to keep rising for the next 3 to 4 days. several districts of only just started evacuating its residents with $15000.00 people already transferred to safe areas. and that's us locals in out in building was to save the life dock as they lead the rise in more does our to produce the med which i of brings us more. she and rush us or, and book region. it can be seen very clearly that sometimes the biggest fortune in man is nature. roughly a week ago, people in the settlements line on your role reba. the found themselves in the middle of
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a greatest flawed since 1942 more than 30000 residential buildings were affected by the floods. the very center of the capital of the region, city or foreign book, was flooded just 2 days ago. level of water in your river has freezing up to 12 for me, just given the normal level of water in the river. these around 3 or 4 meters, it ended up in humanitarian catastrophe. damage cost of the damage here is measured in billions, billions of dollars, no troubles, many people, thousands of lost their homes. ruins, resembled dribbles hospitals had, would come in through the doors instead of patients and sirens wailed that was the reality. people woke up to the mice, deny it, say hi. and you can see what was our stable. we couldn't imagine how great, how big the carolina 2 would be. when would have started flooding the bonds. we
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were already moving the horses to safety. old i had always dreamed of having a hair on stable. so when she eventually had the opportunity, she jumped at the chance and opened the writing club. unfortunately, the delusions almost swept the cream away at the risk. i guess it's a great, great stress for the whole says they can smell a volta and they don't like it. they leave like a try like a family. but now the families being toner pods or they live in different places and that is a great distress for them. they may so try that for the 1st few days here. they've been, may know the time just to stay in touch with the child to, to let the child in there that well together. don't worry. now keeping these animals costs the lower the but it's easy to see why these people are so attached to their animals and want to do everything to help them. and these crisis, they seek and find solas for them. the have an emotional connection and the horses clearly just as happy to be with the humans, just checking my book, it's look, look, look, well, there, there are good news also,
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they can be good news. but 1st cool, cool governor told us that region can reach be over the flood today or tomorrow as of morning these days, the level of what a new role reba, almost stabilized 11 to meet us and 70 send to meet us. it is still rising, but not that fast. and well, property can be repaired and seat is restored. my just take longer for the mental scars to heal my command, which i have all the or in the region or about see up is our have see it again in about 30 minutes. thanks for watching the the entire body of rick sanchez, been reporting news now. most of my life worked at fox cnn,
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nbc, one to peabody awards interviewed for presidents. i only say that because after all this stuff, you know that i've done and work and all these networks and stuff, you know, you got a pretty good idea of what news should be. i think it should be honest. i think it should be direct. and i think it should be impactful. on this show. we're going to tackle julian massage and do it. and lastly, the trial, i'd sure. what is it with the here it berrera's was ties to terrorism. and the generals take on donald trump. this is direct impact. the kind of how are we going to do any of those stories? first, i want to introduce you to our steam, the panel 2 gentlemen who are, i think of a lot smarter than i am. they will carry the show, not me,
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political scientist and co host the critical hour on radio spot, like dr. wilmer leon and political commentator, jamal thomas, he is the also a co host on fort lines for radio. sputnik. all right, let's get started gentlemen. and of course, the big story this week just happens to be almost on the day that we happen to be broadcasting this australia says, we wanna back, we walk, julian assigned back. now we've never said that before, but they're saying and now enough is enough. actually the words that the prime minister use, it's time to let julian sons' go. so, president biden is asked about this after he had a meeting with the japanese prime minister. here's our president of the, the we're considering it. that's actually how you set and i'm, i'm, i'm, i'm not in so much making fun of them. i'm the marketing. i'm just saying that. so
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he said it's which makes me think, i wonder if you really heard the question. you say what i say, this is the case a couple of things. one is, it was donald trump, president trump, that initiated this after president obama decided to let julian massage. be julian assigned to joe biden, double down on the trump policy. it's a, this is a perfect opportunity for president buying to do right by julian is she has an out and we were told a couple of weeks ago that there was a negotiation and they would offer him a plea. yeah, i thought maybe he might take an alford play and, and say ok, you got me. i don't. uh uh huh. i didn't do it, but let me out of prison. so he's had, he's had some opportunities here to do the right thing. and he still seems to be stuck on stupid. well, um i think julia saw and is
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a cool issue. people and, and i use that word for purpose. i think people around the world to read core knowledgeable relate to julia massage and what he's gone through. yeah. i don't think americans in general are cool people in this particular time in history because of what our media feeds us. i also don't think we have a president who's a cool guy. so i started looking around, for example, why is the world so enamored by julia massage. and i looked at australia. do you know how many people in australia are in. busy they did a poll. mm hm. so the results of the poll, they asked a, do you think, joining us on should be free? 80 percent, 79 point something, right? almost 80 percent of the people in australia which reflects most of the global sell the rest of the world except for us is big. i'm letting this guy out of prison. yeah. the only ones who don't believe that is us. yeah, probably the deal is that. personally, i think it's a big deal. i mean, the ministration reason that obama didn't do it is because of the bond was point of
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view was this damage was press freedom entry that it's like simply going after a journalist. well, what does it mean for the journalist in the country itself? the rest of the world kind of feasible what it is. i mean, julian, a sergeant bears the state department most thought it was that right? any that america he's, he's not american really these hell, better walls. that's the other part. so he doesn't get to the sense of the 1st women, but by the same token we still go after him or prosecute them under lots of super weird. um yeah, i would imagine australia looks like some, some not to mention they've gotten their pound of flesh. i mean, they've tortured oh yeah. oh yeah. people over decade at this point, if i remember correctly what 5 years and bill marsh, not to mention it, that'd be spending to ecuador and embassy 7. yeah, i mean just punishing tucker so now i would imagine russell were looked at, is that your torturing this guy? because this guy was able to expose stuff that you guys would you like to use it? so do you guys both think that this things could really happen to be wouldn't junk or yeah. was needs when this cool, you know, the guys that the 2 things one i wanna push back just a little bit more. i don't know that obama was concerned about press freedom as
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much as he was concerned about. press indictment and calling it the new york times . conundrum. yeah. what, what do you mean? what, what's the new york times and the washington post and other mainstream papers used to sanchez information. so if you persecute him while i'm sorry, prosecute him. yeah. then you're going to drag paper, you're going to drag the other papers into the case. and so what you're saying is obama, who was supposed to be based on president obama, respectfully, president obama, who was supposed to be mr. wonderful. mr. hoping change was to actually play yes, except when you're setting not so much. oh, not at all. again, i don't think he was concerned about the about present brought the 1st amendment as much as he was about protecting the new york times. and i'll say this to joe biden does not want julian massage to set foot on american soil. i would really little
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for the 5th of november. it's our case would be very loud and very ugly, and i think it will pay. it'll put particular attention on our very militaristic ways, especially what's going on right now and gaza and your brain. and then you have this crime where they're going to be showing video tape. it looks bad. yeah, it looks horrible. meant to mention what happens if they lose. there's that part. i mean we're, they're acting is a thing for me is what do you think? i don't know. right. i mean, john kerry, who made the point of saying that they were talking behind the scenes, the family members saying basically offering that they look isn't enough for free. i don't think a phone is going to do that. the, i mean, this initial principal, right. all right, what is the name for journalism? and he's what all of us do you? well, immediately get out of prison. i don't blame there's, there's a heck of a lot of encouragement right now. i've never seen that sense of optimism that i've seen right now with this particular action. so we'll, we'll let it play out and we'll cover it for you right here, as i'm sure you guys will, on your shows, and absolutely spokesperson for the police of moscow investigating the terrorist
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attack on the chromecast. music call has made a startling announcement, according to records, phone calls and other evidence that appears berrera's ma. yeah, that was my, that ukrainian energy company has been funding terrorism, including attacks against russia, a companion to, i've been using what needs to be just a brushing him group. would you put the was doomed in the slits slips. i'm committed to what i see was, was the little go on zillow, a sion on 0. when you throw these one was done over then that's the thing is when the city is flip a football shoot, you just got new skilled when use lots of checklist. if you have 2 guys that will combine your body, some holes in the solution, not sitting through grain, not participating. you possibly. if he, if you supposedly, lia associates, the leading instead of just the just get block. the what i ceased case you get upset. that was as a you'll be dealing with or tomorrow. i'm sorry. i know the media hasn't play this here in the, in our country very much. this is a very, very big deal. yeah. uh,
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for an energy company, any company involved that has direct ties to a country like ukraine, if they can link them to the actual crocus attack. we've got a problem that is big especially considering, you know, 100 bytes weeks. yeah. the reason why i by the way, to be safe to be safe and to be fair and to be you know, accurate. they have not. busy linked them to the corpus attack, correct? there. blinked them to terrorism in general. right. basically money is going from this energy company with various people who are in the energy company in order to find these various events. and i'm right. yep, that's a big deal. i mean there's, we're talking about energy company that is known to be very corrupt. mm hm. right off the bat that the plumber, i mean, that's an understatement. right? the former president's i worked for it was making all of his money for it, which seems to be an influence peddling operation in regards to getting close to the dad with just lapse of b. b p at the time. um yeah, that look that, that that's an indictment of our interaction with a country. well,
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exactly. i notice the way we present the way i presented this story. i haven't even gone into the bide mego yet, because right now there isn't any other than the fact that we know that he got his son, his idiots on of course your job with for as much. we know that there's been ties to bite and ukrainian corrupt official. busy for well, ever since 2014, when he 1st went there, he used to visit there like 10 times a year. uh, it does a smell good for bite and if this company is tied to this thing, it doesn't, it doesn't look good. it doesn't smell good. and, and it will, it just is another data point. yeah. that connects to all of this entry. again, hunter by 10 percent for the big guy. all of the head does just does not bode well. not only for the by the administration, but if you keep peeling back this on you it's, it's,
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it's not gonna stop at hunter. it's not gonna stop it. joe. it's, there are a number of members, a number of members of not only the biden entourage, but other onto very powerful entourages as well. yeah. that are tied to bear with this whole thing is just amazing to think. i mean, this is arnold big push for so long. if you live in the united states, you heard people in our government conflicts like terrorism, war on terrorism, terrorism those terrace. it's a company that essentially is almost that american company is tied to this type of terrorism. we're just, that's so incredibly hypocritical. so the last is john toby did want to refer to the to the crocus as a terrorist attack. yeah, with a very long way to avoid using that term. yeah, yeah it's, it's almost shameful. all right, let's move to china. janet jaelyn goes, there, goes to china and what does she do? she lectures the chinese premier on free market principles and on how to properly
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run their economy. premier fires back that are telling or wait a minute. you guys are the ones who need to get a lesson on the free market principles, but here's yellen version. what we intend to underscore is indeed for a shift in policy by china. during these talks, building on the po for 2 hours, i spent on this topic with the vice premier last week. this is part of our efforts to advocate for american industries and prevent the significant economic disruptions we've seen in the past. they call our misses excitement. um yeah, very excited. right. so, but here's the big point. we have seen as americans and have journalists who study this stuff over the last. however many years that the subsidies in the united states are to the tune of sometimes tens of billions of dollars that companies in the united states get from us. yup. with tax payers. we see banks that are bailed
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out. in other words, they screw up. don't worry, you don't have to pay for it, the tax payers will take care of you. you'll stay in business. the c o is of. busy those companies walk away with some times what and mary barger get $22000000.00 to fail. yeah, so to make the argument that the chinese, which by the way, i'm not arguing that the chinese economy is not a communist or socialist or whatever word we want to use. yeah. but i think we've got a bunch of that in our own system gentlemen. depends on the language is always very important. yeah. and the ability to define is the ability to control. so that's yeah. you, we call them subsidies. so when, when we build out the base and the banks did not let me take that money and lend it back to the american people, president obama said, well, i didn't expect them to do that, right. what do they do with the money they bought back there? started in order for me artificially inflate. is that socialism is that communism?
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i think it is. i sounds like it to me. that's what you what, but for, for, for sort of the treasury secretary to argue about whatever happened to the free market system. i thought the visible head was supposed to determine winners and losers in this week. i mean, that's what we argue all the time. and she goes to china the same way, tony blinking went, it went through the chinese of eric regional and tried to lecture them only. but i have them say we are china, we are considered tony, right. listen to you. we're going to have to be for china does support some of its big companies that do well. so they also it's a little bit don't to welfare. so the way we're going sac, the industry for example, the bill of the general general motors. yeah, almost. all right, if i spend 100000000 for general motors, if you remember, you'll buy it. and when he was wondering when obama was run for, for electronics, that we build out the auto market or something to that effect. but they can use it as a campaign slogan. in order to show look outbreak, we did that you like,
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if i can pick whatever he says that we gotta like china. so we're gonna invest all of this money into the shipping you factory like so wasn't real. but the thing, the republicans always complain about your so right. i mean like, yeah, we don't, we also have argument but we're good, very bad. our system is perfect. there is a communist, but we're free market. no, actually looking to live is more like yes. and i are economy is growing in almost 7 percent. yeah. and we had 2.5, and most of that, 2.5 and i had had to do with subsidies. it just didn't go, let's take a break. we've got to take a break. we're going to come back, we're gonna hit a couple of other topics which is interest thing, including the way out of life once in a while. so i'm gonna show you see it in the coverage of the eclipse this week. yeah, it's good it's, it's got to by the way, we're bringing the cost is out. so stay right there to the
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the welcome back on board sanchez as promised. i wanted to show you something which i think is going to elicit a laugh or to me that we talk a lot about some of the things that we were just discussing, the implications of our relationship economically with china and what's going on with ukraine and russia and certainly these are all very important stories. uh, you know, what happened with the president's announcement about somebody who has been in prison for way too long. as we like to say, most of those stories don't even get coverage by the people that we're about to show you. but boy, this week, the anchors of cnn and the cnn team,
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they're news team. they've got so jacked up about covering the kind of story that they really loved to sink their teeth and to really sink their teeth into. in fact, i'm going to show you to see how that goes this week covering the eclipse. here they are. take a look at to this. this is, this is, this is sienna. i don't watch these folks because you was, i want to ask because of what of a terrorist attack would have happened in that moment with their in costume. and they have to actually go on the or, and say, vote we've just learned moments ago that there's been a terrorist attack and you know, wherever you start like this, if you draw is going air. what the hell i don't see it in. right. yeah. oh, sorry. yeah, you're right, you know, the incur we just, oh yeah, cool. yeah. what do want me to well,
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i mean. 7 0, i'm not wearing this, but to me very, it's a weather man right now. the news. my bad. the 5 bad the. all right. ready, tyler? we're going to show them now. he said whether man, we got that to. here's a whether man crying. when he sues the eclipse on the air, go to the to tier believe a baby the previous to i think about does is it would be but because you get actually moved up and see where is the kind of a time and date. but we could see that, hey, when you there is a war and ukraine. there are probably 10000 dead children in gaza. there are really important things, some of which i cry about young times when i get thinking about them. but this guy cries about,
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looking at an eclipse on the air. i don't want to hit that guy. i respect this notion selective agree in looking more dr. quite a bit and indefensible. what if somebody was like, you know, who could be a dick on a lot of the stuff. i don't want to hit a spend a little into, it's fair enough. i'll say a doctor i'll say, to get a life to, to show you for the brilliant african american philosopher flavorful. i don't believe the hi. this is this, this thing was hyped this the story. we covered it, but the car is a boy, but i think he got over well with the build up and the height and he was just trying to he use that emotion to, to facilitate all of that. this is not my 1st eclipse. i don't think is yours.
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yeah. well, might be yours because i'm on the over the years over the mere i of i, i have, i have i but i haven't been on the year to cover a story braided as i never, i mean, i cried someone, infamously, or famously hurricane andrew, many years ago in south florida, i devastated the region. i saw i saw people dying, i saw people, it was horrible. i didn't think any less of you and i cried, but i was crying about bed people, right? and i'm sorry, i probably need to be fair that nothing really matters sort of what we did know the matters. so that guy, that eclipse was one of the most prolific things in history of things. okay. and human returning bang, look at it. it was curious on the air then the rest of us are my are you, are you for the it's a profound say to you, the copy. all right. i want to show you a man ready. this is uh the know it. so you guys are very familiar with the not
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said yes, 6 countries have gotten together. there. britain, denmark, belgium, the data lens, germany a norway. and they have created this uh, this a consortium of security and security alliance to make sure nobody goes in there and explodes their pipeline was because they, because after what happens north street, they want to make sure that nobody does to them what they did to the russians now the russians are not included in this consortium. they weren't even advised, they weren't even called. and i don't know your notice. i'll give you that list again. but to those countries, i don't know if you caught it. i said, i said, i'm really fast. i said, i'll just tell you the ones that are, i think, important germany in norway. why are those 2 countries so important point is the drum and pipeline. now, but they were involved right on the right. right? yeah, exactly right. along with the united states, of course, right. i mean the question is the shop to know it's a vision, know everything about how to blow up a pipeline that they, they should. it also important here i think is to remember as president clinton
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said in his interview with um, what's his name? i forget his name that the weather map, the that, that north stream that there is one active right. well shoals, there, there is one active, but they didn't destroy the total pipe, a north same exact one place. so there is one. so he said, turn it up, let's get the gas flowing. but the united states is making too much money selling l . n g to europe. that's right in europe is paying too much money for m a n g. which is why there did you see my interview with seymour hersh? i? yes, the one i, i think she more basically says the bottom administration set down and by the, by the ministration i met, basically they had a c, i a, they had of the state department of victoria newland. and they came up with a plan where they would have these guys in panama city who are divers rain. so down there bull this thing up, they needed help from the norwegians to be able to clear the area to norway within on it. according to seymour hersh,
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who told me that and that the germans knew about it as well, although they weren't a part of the operation. so, but think of the hit park or see that these 2 countries who are now trying to create a security shield. so nobody does to their pipelines, what's, what they did right? didn't want stream, and both of them have come out. in fact, all 6 of these countries have come out and say, the north stream explosion is quote, unquote, a mystery. that is one song, right? yes. which is why they have to make the security arrangement because you never know when another random road actor will blow up the good luck. i mean the conversation where you had jo, bye and you had shots, they were having that meeting spend to be yeah. and provide so if they go in we will stop the pipeline. yeah. and they were like server that is not your pipeline. how do you plan to do that? he said we will don't trust me. yeah, trust me. what we do now, unless you bite us a psychic electrical bite, had a remote viewer on his staff that could look into the future as late as simple as possible. how would you like that for know that the pipeline was going to blow? yeah, it's, it just,
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it just looks it's the optics are hold that. dave is country so you know of them that were possibly, according to seymour hersh, involved in the blowing up of a pipeline are now saying they're gonna create a security a security alliance to make sure pipelines are blown up. you can't make a stop to it, but what that means is they're going to ask the united states not to blame the long list of a former us generals and admirals have come together. they said to them, because wait till the supreme court warning the supreme court not to all for general immunity to the former president of the united states. here's what they say . giving trump sweeping immunity would bring chaos. farmer us generals admirals and military service leaders say that's according to the business insider. um i have, i'm of 2 minds on this, but i'll let you guys go 1st. who wants to go 1st? go go to 51 intelligence officials. so basically said that laptop was sick, it's, it seems like there are certain people who are, let's say, politically connected in a way that is, do you think this is political?
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that's the point that you're making the out for her generals. and i really generals like about like the, i agree, but what about the notion that what they're saying, look, nobody's about. busy the community there are correct. they shouldn't give it correct . all right, so yeah, i agree with you. yes. both things can be true. both things can be true. i don't trust these guys. i don't trust anybody who comes out of the military and i know what they do after they come out of the mcdonald from his medicaid. they get bought and sold. go ahead. i. i agree with that a 1000 percent that we, we have to question their motives. mm hm. but it, with their motives being what they are, they are a broken clock is right twice a day. and so based their motives are suspect to your point. yeah. they also many of these same people were the ones assigned the letter. yeah. about the, about the, the lab and job which is because tony blanking before he became secretary of state . organize them to do so. yeah. so this seems like a similar tactic in that i wish we could keep going because this is really fun. but
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i'm being told by painting that i have to close that. sorry. uh, we're out of time and let's do it again next week. yeah. let's have these conversations and these quick getting conversations and i'll try and bring you another whether man doesn't cry for you guys. it's been great. thanks for j. u, i think for we go and provide you of our mission. what we try to do here on a daily basis is kind of de, silo the world. too many of us tend to live in these little boxes where we think only our troops matter or our neighbors. troop troops don't live in boxes. we don't live in boxes, this is direct impact and i haven't accepted the
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the, the, this is like a reading wall. and i mean, this is a declaration of war. a spiral of retaliation. a huge role contemplates a response to your rods weekend attacks which to ron conducted as revenge for a deadly as well as flags cottage calculates in syria for ron didn't not respond to it would increase the possibility of war because they would make israel more aggressive of the latest escalation between a rod and the ease roll brings com to guys i smoke holes experience the most peaceful moments since the war began more than a year ago. this is the 1st, and only call night in casa, in the past 7 months. there were no aircraft or drones.


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