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tv   News  RT  April 15, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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the, the, the, the, the standards making accusations to the west and come through shooting, appreciate these lovely republic of forensic strain and responsible actions towards disability and safety in the region. iran says the west should, the appraising it's restrained and leaving its own inaction as concerns and mounting of unable to vote a war. he rubs thing in the middle east also ahead. the idea of renewed strikes on the guys of the following. one might have relative. com firing it displays of policy is returning to the holds of the end. please note the positive student needs warheads. it's one year mark. the price is
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still combined far less global attention than the ukraine in the middle east and complex. despite leaving millions of people displaced and hungry. however, we suffer from many things, including the lack of medication and chronic diseases. i'm totally worried about the most is the children. they're the ones suffering, the milk diapers, shoulda. and won't. the picture of the pool keeps comfortable, much different demands, the west supply it with expensive defense system exchange or stable road energy market. the colors welcome to our to international i a michael quail with the latest on the
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now at least 9 iranian vessels. reports of the overcame these roles had defied system and reached the targets during this saturday night, the attack, while the west hills, its condemnation that you run, the country says it shall be praised forwards, restraint. yours found all the, instead of making accusations the western country, surely appreciate these lovers republic of forensic strain and responsible actions towards disability and safety in the region where some country should leave themselves, announced that the public opinion from the measures they have taken against the 7 months a war crimes committed by israel. but let's take a look at to ron sleeping drone and cruise missile attack on the easel or the us the u. k. in other regional powers or played the roles in defending israel, reportedly disrupting 9 to 9 percent of the rides launches from what the said. the top comes i made concerns if i'm able to broad a war erupting in the middle east as ease roles. presidents as of the countries
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considering or off it's options as we were attacked last night from fall corners of the mid lease with proxies shooting at us, firing mid size and ballistic may size the drones and the and crews may size. this is like a reading wall, and i mean this is a declaration of whether or not, not because we are a strain and we cause we know the river cushions and because we have the operations without thoughts, as we are considering all options and i'm quite confident that we wouldn't take the necessary steps that's all necessary to protect and defend on people to i would say i've crossed that the last thing that is around is seeking in this region. since its creation is to go to war, we are seeking peace without the sick or now while the easel, waves seeking peace through violent your rotten maintains its attack, was
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a justifiable response to a deadly eas. really strike on his concentrating syria, enjoys representative a new rods upon him and said, but an auction on the part of your officer, ron would have only emboldened these rules aggression. the human side here in recent months season is regime directly attacked in dress overall, both inside iran and outside it by fascinating and radiant ministry officials, all important people. they wanted to send a message to around. the ron does not have the power and capability of responding, but fortunately the eye on g c has showed that it has the ability to respond around differentiates national interests, an attack on the rating and come slips on any soil as an attack on arabian. so, and of course iran was allowed to respond, in my opinion, if a wrong did not respond to it would increase the possibility of both because it would make israel more aggressive and under any use in the world or against is ready crime scene occupied palestine. don't any and ron,
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but in european and american countries, even in asian countries, many jews oppose the brutal aggression of these honest regime. but we are rainy and we live in the islamic republic overrun, and follow the laws all the is lemay republic overrun. maybe some jews, and ron have relatives, it is ro, but this doesn't mean we should be a gaze, the rating government shortly. what the government dorothy islamic republic decides has the backing of the jewish community in around 12 is our day is mid least bureau chief tomorrow for doctor that has provided the latest updates from jerusalem, of the ideas presented, updated numbers on the run and attack, claim a nearly 350 rockets, a nice house of different types, including ballistic ones, were fired as a israel on sunday. the honest folks 1st and last night said the attack carried 60 tons of explosives is ro praised operation with its allies, including the u. s. a forest u. k. jordan friends in shooting down
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a ron's aerial garages for that purpose. these were reportedly took out port of 1300000000 worth of intercept themselves and other materials we hear, that's the us central command forces supported by us. european command destroyer is successfully engaged and destroyed more than a to drones and at least 6 ballistics me solves intended to strike israel from iran and gammon. israel vows to react to the attacks. but the scope and the timing of these from tele agent is still on known. what's complicates dissertation for israel here. lack of support from washington's really prime minister, had a phone conversation with the american president. shortly after the reading a tag. it was to the wrong 25 minutes on record say that's bite and told me to yahoo that the us will not to participate in any town to strike against the wrong with a suggestion that further is really response was unnecessary. and i have to say that's prime minister's office does not confirmed these reports,
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but the fact is that despite promises the attack has not happened yet. meanwhile, we hear that the idea has already presented to the range of options for responding to the rent in attack, including those that do not involve strikes on the run in territory. so we have to wait and see what was what the decision by these really authorities will be for a ron. it was crystal clear, the attack on its console it in damascus, syria that killed several top prevent in general's earlier this month was the same thing as an attack on their soil, sunday's retaliation to her, and called it's the operations. honest promise was an act of self defense for iran that brought optical $51.00 of the un charter to prove that legitimacy, oldest military actions against each ro, adding and stressing that they only target the military infrastructure of israel and not civilian objects. and do not seek any escalation. moran has exclusively
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taken necessary punitive measures against the occupation regime by attacking the regions, air, intelligence, and military bases, and avoiding attacks on critical infrastructure facilities and currently has no plans to carry out new military actions. if the zionist regime wants to continue its evil actions against iran, by any means, and at any level, you will receive a response that is at least 10 times greater reports suggests that's, that's the focus has shifted from the lumen, rough or alteration to iran. and the dates of the offensive and densely populated gases south has been moved. but these reports were denied by prime minister's office, especially the last couple of days and nights for the quietest 4 guys and was leaving on days, rarely bombardment for more than 6 months. now this is what they have to say. a lot of this is the 1st and only call night and cause in the past 7 months. there were no aircraft or drones. we slept well, but we wanted the attack on israel to be even harsher out of the reading and
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response should have happened a long time ago. it was good for them to retaliate. the must keep them that's i can use real to mitigate the pressure is really is putting on us israel has violated all international norms. guns. interesting. that's the idea for at least a statesman saying that to a reserve is brigade's will be drafted in the coming days. now it's clear for which purpose or where with alice say it might be in preparations for rough uh, offensive for i'm going to send and send you a whole repeatedly bout to in said rough uh we're up to 1500000 guys and as a shelter now, in dire conditions, including those internally displaced from the north, wilton play despite global disapproval and concerns and unclear how iran can change these plans. or if i'll be ronnie and attack granted guys an unexpected night of com. that's until the idea of renewed it strike in the morning,
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but displaced policy needs and the know for be in place said that the with met with open these ready fire at this slide to return to their homes. and that's as rumors of the reopening is really checkpoint on the coastal road from the south to the north of gather cities and thousands of palestinians on the move foot. it shows he's ready for his shooting at civilians leading to reports of a job being keel. and then on. ready a number of people being winded israel has repeated the claims of a safe passage being opened and the size that the area is still a was over. at least 68 people were killed in recent is really flights through guys . and according to the local health ministry of the enclave, south also came on the fire with footage coming out of town units showing when did people being rushed to hospital?
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the step back from the break that's spelled un secretary general calling on countries in the middle east to avoid stopping and even big a war. speaking of the un security council, these rules envoy compared to iran, to the nazi said like, and that's not the 1st time he has used this kind of analogy. the stomach regime of 2 days, no different than the 3rd drive. and that's all coming days. no different than i don't fits or the u. n. is considering to force the establishment of a palestinian terrorist state. this won't be a regular states. it will be a palace, the nazi state. it is the law abiding democracy or is run against modern day not sees. it says sold to intimidation, that is the one that we are getting persecuted by our enemies. exactly like the
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nazi persecuted they do. so it is just to bring the image in the hands of the people. look we office and cute to again of to more than 75 years. and then we are subject to and not see like the game and death behavior. and on the other day that want to alienate us when they all the 180 meeting the others. and they all the one using the start. it's a way to do the countries and people and they go, they even call the united nation and this emetic. and they stated that the united nation and they don't want to leave. so all district, tory is becoming a demo they already. and the why there is in a when is around the world to understand the narrative of these reviews that doesn't work anymore. people have increased the understanding of what's happening
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in them, and they need the behavior of these really what, what they used to intimidate others. and he's not working anymore because of the fact of these readings that even was that did not see against it for the students. that watched them lead as a followed suit pending the blames quietly on a ron while overlooking use of the initial strike into ron's consulate in syria, the uranian regina's latest actions will further destabilize the region and make lasting peace more difficult. these attacks demonstrate yet again the arabian regimes disregard for peace and stability in the region for by or we should not respond by escalating, but rather isolated iran succeed in convincing the countries of the region that iran is a danger increase sanctions increase pressure on nuclear activities and then find the path of peace in the region. not in one such display of double standards, the british for the secretary, you criticize your rinds,
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retaliatory strike before the admitting that the u. k. would have taken some other options. i would argue there is a massive degree of difference between what israel did in damascus, but what britain to the hostile nation flattened one of our constituents? well, we would take, we would take the very strong action and dig around would say that that's what that is. but what made it, as i said, was a massive attack. so the right to respond, what the reaction is, what we have. so what i'm saying now the, how does it to the attacks they carried, i was on a very large scale, much bigger than the people side to respond to the stand. and he policy is widely used by the west is your is indeed part of the west and glover would then definitely stand there with that he receives with everything that is allowed to be . he's really as the wife, but there's not the others. so again, we go back to the memo that i registered or send receive as
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a for i'm secretary. ready in 2018, stating that everything the americans and the allies do is a lot. but we use you menu, jerry and ization and a violation of human wild only against our enemies, united, russia, china, iran, and north korea. this is it clear the stand that the way i'd be using russia as you and envoy key is the security council weston's member stage of engaging in the quote parade of hyper garcia and double standards when it comes to the middle east. a sweep across those lines are still if i didn't you know, you know very well and an attack on a different matic mission is it costs us by lie on dates, national low, and if west emissions? well under attack, you would not hesitate to reach savvy. i can prove your case in this old because for you everything that concerns western representatives and western citizens is
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sacred and must be protected. but when it comes to other states that rights including the rights self defense is a different thing as you like to say. today and the security council, there's such a parade of bulk receive. i'm double standards, which is somehow even uncomfortable to watch. what happened during the night of april. the 14th did not happen in a vacuum. the wrong steps were a response to the shameful inaction of the un security council. the response to is rose blaine's attack on damascus, which was filed from the 1st one. syria has been continually bombed by israel. many of you today have not have to carry through direct the point out. the current escalation, the middle east is unfolding against the backdrop of b as radio. peroration a garza on the west bank which has been going on for more than 6 months. unprecedented in terms of casualties. but we're now joined live by political. i'm listening to ron university. professor said mohammed mariah and the professor is good to have you join me now,
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and that's why i'm coming to pages. i'm calling you runs a type, a show of weakness, while others say that the damage to be to ease row was only minimal because to rob decided, so what side are you more inclined to the damage was extensive . then what do you run actually did was very smart. iran has for years showed strategic patients. this riley's of murder. the ronnie ends in syria before killing officers murdering officers who were fighting isis now chi to because israel and nato and some of the regional partners who are working with our guy then isis. and right now we don't see it is rarely use or the americans bombing them and it live in northern syria or, and you're out of town square heis is, is in eastern is here because they are allies of the west. so tools of the west. but and more recently, during the genocide in gaza, we also saw
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a number of the writing officers murdered in syria. iran showed restraint because they wanted to keep the focus on the genocide. but here this way, these bomb, the embassy and iranians had to italy. so what did the ryans do? first, they played the mind game with his release for 10 days. and then they carried out the very interesting attack. they informed everyone that the attack is going to take place. then they sent lots of drones, very cheap and expensive drugs. iranian technology, none of the new drugs. so these drones went and then is rarely used. americans use all of their, uh, anti air crap, ms house and their missile defense system to knock down these grow. these drones and then the run sent also some older missiles alongside the drones and then the americans and it's riley's, they all mobilize it, bring these down. so you might have spent a few $1000000.00,
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whereas the rest and is well spent at least $1300000000.00. and you, ron, didn't use any of this new technology. so the west it and learn anything about you runs new missiles or drones. whereas the iranians gave a huge amount of information of biasing how these different layers of air defense works. so they depleted their stocks of a surface to air missiles. they use, the money is learned about their capabilities. they learned nothing about the ron. ron didn't spend much money and they spent huge amounts of money. and finally, the running have sent a number of more ed bad strong ms files. not their most advanced massage, but more advanced themselves. and those struck the 2 targets. in other words, they went right through the different layers of air defense. so it was a, it was a very major success. and the very fact that the west is so out of there trying to frame it in a different way. i think itself shows how effective it was. yeah,
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in fact is situated properly, it was reported that it took an upwards of $1300000000.00 worth of defends weaponry to shut down and runs drones and sells. and that's quite the price tag for a saturday night at most sites. but how long do you think you 0 will be able to keep up with these costs to? well they want they can say that they shot down 99 percent of everything and that's exactly what the ukrainians keep saying. but we see that they lose all the infrastructure and their electricity. so the, this rise can pretend whatever the light can. western media can repeat with is ready to say, but uh they are depleting the stocks. those stocks are very expensive. the iranians have learned everything they need to know about the defensive. it does really, really makes the stupid move. uh, makes a stupid move an attack. so you're on for now on the run, even the runners will hit them my charter and with more advanced technology and
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these ranges will really then suffer the consequences. but i should also point out that yvonne is also change the equation, and this is another big mistake that this way these made the iranians have said that for now on, if this ray of these attack, you robinson's not just an embassy anywhere in syria or elsewhere the iranians will strike back very hard from iran. so now because of the stupidity of net and yahoo, the room for maneuver for this right of these has been limited and very good excuse has been given to the iranians to carry out massive attacks. and this attack was basically unintelligence gathering operation. uh and uh, a, a test for some of the, for the israeli defense which was very costly to the, to the west and the tax payers and very inexpensive for you. i mean, all right,
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thank you for giving us insight into all of as professor and political analyst. ha, said mohammed mirandi would really appreciate you. thank you. thank you. now for all the latest world news, particularly the breaking stories right now in the middle east states. you into our broad costs here on our team to national or check our website, r t that com the this monday mocks one. yes, it is the start of the suit in the civil war. you officials have gathered in paris to discuss the looming, humanitarian and political crisis and the african nation, the commands far less global attention than those in the middle east or you train our days? no. the we oakland gate takes us through the details. sedan and the remains and broiled in the conflict to you on one which has been overshadowed by the war
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between you as well and from us in the gaza strip, with many seeing that the international community as page a very little attention. but today as the conflict deluxe one, yeah, paris, so it's very fitting to host the international community. and conference for sedan is i'm on the same day to the conference am to achieve a few goals. the securing commitment to, to find is the international response to the community needs of the dad is storing full and saves you many tavian access and parts of the country. and in as much as the reports of suggested that to the conference of was a range was off coastal jason with the sudanese government and the facilities that even the former prime minister of the dad says this conference is a career. so it's of a listen to that document how the word and his dad in the country it but has completed its 1st year. 12 months of devastation desk. and every day,
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the suffering of his sons and daughters of all people increases. all participation to pat his confidence comes to draw the world's attention to the tragic condition our adult people are experiencing. and we call them to hold their responsibilities towards hel country. and i'll be below shopping as the open sea is on a basis in sedan, humanitarian organizations working in sedan and its neighboring countries, the on a sounding the alarm at this point to say that's done is on the verge of 5 minute or 2 o active shoot. immediate, can you scale up efforts to avoid the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives in fact to the you in the office off the coordination of the media to interface is about 25000000 people. of whom, over 14000000 absolutes need to many children, assistance and support alarmingly, 17700000 people, which is more than one 3rd of the country's population, a facing acute food in security, and
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a warning of potential assignment as well. and off of these 4900000 people on the break assignments totaled, one of the most vulnerable contact every of those impacted by this crisis. so let's have a listen to this when i don't have that, cuz here we suffer from many things, including the lack of mitigation and chronic diseases. with what we worry about the most is the children. they're the ones suffering, they need milk and diapers and the shelter and won't even let me just get if he will have a problem when it comes to the children who are grown up with nutrition issues because they're not eating the right food. most of their died is made up of lentils, rice, porch, and at times we make lentils with old chris, the savvy though caustic. in the previous years, we had many cases of mind nutrition. but the situation changed after the warranty arrival of the displaced. we noticed a significant increase in the number of mount doors patients, and this is a logical result of the war on the economic situation of the country. the on it i
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was dealing with children come to todd was complications generally tied to acute malnutrition, pulmonary complications, or digestive and other basic illnesses that patients come in when we try to stabilize them. here was good news for sylvia. in addition to that, to more than $8000000.00 people, which is about 16 percent off, the total population of the country as flayed to their homes. and since the conflict started in a sedan, they have sort of a fuse with in, so that on or in neighboring countries, the making. saddam the largest displacement crisis in the world. the civil war broke out last year. it's a fission of efforts to bring the will. the warning part is to be an appreciation table. a failed. united states is solved, it talks in gender and it's, it's, and egyptian, i'm going to say to had repeated efforts as well. now the united states, i states that the long side to impose its own vision of democracy in sedan,
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but failed as it does not have sufficient influence to change. so dense political trajectory on its own is reportedly planning an additional $100000000.00 in a to, to address the ongoing concepts is done, but then currency and into could to pro magic gases underweight evolving. you will indeed, as well as united states meat of what the question is with the sudan has the times to be saved from being on the bring cost a cat to stuffy. had over the patriots all pony up. that's the message from ukraine as it tries to tray the safety of rushes, oil fields for the pricey us air defense system. and this will comes, as washington says, would be a tax on the russian facilities, destabilize, weld energy prices, k of stuff diploma. dimitry could i by issued the ultimatum you so that's all part of the say we're giving you 7 pension batteries to model. what do we ask you not to do face or that then there is a subject for conversation, but if not,
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and they also ask you not to do something, then what is there to discuss with them the credit of 4 minutes or it seems to be implying that unless washington costs up, he has what weapons wish list and it doesn't really care what washington face of how it behaves, even as a means doing things that washington explicitly says. it doesn't like. it's like too bad for you guys. and if you don't like it, well then maybe should just buy me some stuff or give me some stuff. good. i made these comments at a local interview and he was asked about us officials like defense secretary and lloyd austin and secretary of state. and he blinking st earlier this month that they didn't want to have to straight things deep inside russian territory with austin saying the heading russian refineries with drones as campus been doing lately. could jack up and global oil prices or mess with the markets and collab. i was like, hey, not a problem if i'm rushing refinery, quote, explodes. so the trade in for mr. also seems to be saying that this bright behavior of doing things that uncle sam doesn't like hitting things in russia,
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that risk provoking an escalation is just a tactic to get what they want. that's what he's apply. just give me the choice i want and i'll stop. yeah. so when steve, it got tired of trying to use actual words and arguments to get washington to cause a lot more weapons and cash that's been blocked in congress. you're going to bring in a government show when you crane tells its allies, the unity means providing better protection. they themselves already know this very well. they know it and they are trying to provide it. when you frame says it's allies cannot turn a blind dying to russian missiles and drones, it means they need to act and act confidently. the sky is not defended by rhetoric, and the production of missiles and drones for terror is not contained by contemplation. the lot of washington drives its feet on unblock tina bite. is you creating a package? the more we're seeing some interesting details emerge like center tommy, to marvel, mentioned earlier this month at
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a senate armed services committee. hearing that the pentagon inspector general now has 50 open and criminal cases related to potential misuse of ukraine funding. for me, it's my understanding the work that we've done. my staff, we have spent $300000000000.00 since 2014 in ukraine. right now we're, we're printing our borrowing, $80000.00 per 2nd, 4600000 a minute. we can't sustain that much longer. we gotta find best way to spend our money. the d o d inspector general, i said that there's 50 criminal investigations going on right now for money sent to ukraine by way. one of the most corrupt countries in the world collect us specifically as mentioned in patriot missile systems. and they seem to be the very top of his weapons wish list whole as president. i'm very due to said recently that he just can't give pollings.


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