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tv   News  RT  April 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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because it might just change and the way the teachers found all the data centers making occupations the western come through should appreciate these, allow me to bother the conference or strain and responsible actions towards disability and safety, 3 treatments as concerns amount of and even broad a war rough thing in the mid least, iran says the west should be praising, is measured response to israel and not condemning it in the program. we also hear the thoughts of a jewish iranian, and t renews . it strikes on the 9th of relative con, displaced palestinians, trying to return to what's left of that homes in the north. all of a sudden find themselves directly in the firing line. a civil war ensued on hits.
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it's for a ton of us or a 1000000 to being left homeless. i'm hungry, but it's a crisis to come ons and very little global attention. and that the conflicts and ukraine in the middle. i guess we suffer from many things, including the lack of medication and chronic diseases with what we worry about the most is the children that one suffering. they need milk diapers, shoulda, and will also in the program footing the bill as you cranes told me, different about the moms, the west coast up at defense systems or cash to persuade key of to stop attacking russian oil for find the car, live and allow for must go with the world still watching them at least to leave the latest back and forth between israel, iran and the global can meet the
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. so despite the following, an a monitor of miss house and drove into that as well. on saturday nights a ron says it should be praised by the west rather than condemned for giving such a measured response. you just run all the data centers, making accusations the west and come through, shoot, appreciate these, let me republic a forensic strain and responsible actions towards disability and safety in the region where some country should blame themselves. announced that the public opinion for the measures they have taken against the 7 months a war crimes committed by israel. well, while for her on sundays attack was nothing but legitimate act of self defense following what a wrong. so, as it is rarely strike on the radio and consulate in the mask of syria that killed several or run in generals west, some countries consider run an aggressor and can damage for escalating the situation at the time of mounting fears of another big war. a rough thing in the
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region, israel has received lots of supportive messages following and ready to attack from the u. s. u. k. canada of france, germany, g 7 issued a statement, promising sanctions against iran, even the most sanctions, you know, it's the 2nd most sanctioned country in the world here as well. and some of the leaders of these countries have to say, the uranium regimes latest actions will further the stabilize the region and make lasting peace more difficult. these attacks demonstrate yet again, the rainy and regimes disregard for peace and stability in the region for by or we should not respond by escalating, but rather isolated iran succeed in convincing the countries of the region that iran is a danger increase sanctions increase pressure on nuclear activities and then find the path of peace in the region around has threatened k 12 try again and with greater force is relo any other nation response to the running attack?
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and i see any other nation as ease, row, active and close cooperation with the us. of course the you k and also original powers including jordan is shooting down their rent in aerial garage is israel says 99 percent of the air runs over $315.00. nissans and drones hired at israel were intercepted some of the vows to retaliate with far rights. politicians pushing for striking iran back. israel's president, inside the country, is considering all the options as we were attacked last night from 4 corners of the mid lease with proxies shooting at us, firing mid size and ballistic may sizes, drones and the and crews. and this is, this is like a reading wall, and it's, i mean, this is a declaration of whether or not, not because we are a strain and we cause we know there if the questions and the clause, we have deliberations without positives. we are considering all options and i'm
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quite confident that we wouldn't take the necessary steps that's all necessary to protect and defend on people. ty would say of cross that the last thing that is around is seeking in this region. since its creation is to go to war, we are seeking peace without the stickers. but the strike is unlikely to happen due to lack of international support for the move, and primarily from washington is really prime minister and had a phone conversation with american presidential see off to the reading a tags it last is around 25 minutes and reports say that by didn't told nathan yahoo but the us will not participate in any town to strike against iran, suggesting that for these really response would be a necessary. so we have to wait and see what these really answer will be if any. indeed guys are. so perhaps the quietest couple of days and nights since the last of these really offensive last october because of the wrong and quiet time seems to
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be over. now displace palestinians say they were matched with allegedly rarely fire . and as they tried to return to their homes in the north field in place that they had slab before running away from facilities, people started coming back thousands of palestinians after room or is emerged over reopen, does rarely check coins on the coastal road voltage shows, allegedly it's rarely forces shooting at civilians. with some reports saying a child was killed and, and a know number of people were wounded. as a result, israel has refuted the claims of the road reopened and emphasized that the area is still wars on. at least 68 people were killed over the past 24 hours. 12 guys are closing to the local house ministry in 6 months. so these really offensive more than 35000 palestinians, lost their lives in the palace stated in place. the 3 south also came on the fire
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with footage coming out all on eunice show and wounded people being rushed to hospital. so seems that yes, realtor activities re activated in guys. well, the target practice certainly didn't come cheap. media reporting so addressing a cost of a $1000000000.00 to shoot down and runs drones on this islands. a political analyst site will have him, but on the he calls the attack, quotes a strategic victory for iran. as to what did the winds do? first they play the mind game with is ran these for 10 days. and then they carried out the very interesting attack. they informed it'll be one that the attack is going to take place. then they send lots of drones, very cheap and inexpensive drugs. a, you ronnie, and technology, none of the new drugs. so these drones went and then is rarely used. americans use all of their, uh, empty air crap miss house and their missile defense system to knock down these
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grow these drones. and then the run sent also some older missiles alongside the drones and then the americans and it's riley's, they all mobilize it, bring these down. so you might have spent a few $1000000.00, whereas the west and israel spend at least $1300000000.00. and you run didn't use any of this new technology, so the west didn't learn anything about you runs new miss house or drones. whereas the ronnie has gained a huge amount of information by seeing how these different layers of air defense work. so it was a, it was a very major success, and the very fact that the west is so out there trying to frame it in a different way, i think itself shows how effective it was. pretty intriguing comments. try that for mr. moran. the meantime, the british foreign secretary has been among the western voices of condemnation of
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iran before admitting the u. k. would have done the same a while. i would argue there is a massive degree of difference between what israel did in damascus. but what britain to the hostile nation flattened one of outcomes. so that's what we would take. we would take the very strong action underground would say that that's what that is. but what late it, as i said, was a massive attack. so the right to respond, but the reaction is what we have. so what i'm saying that the, how does the attack, the attacks they carried, i was on a very large scale, much bigger than the people side to respond to the stand. and then he policy is widely used by the west is or is indeed part of the west, and that would then definitely stand there with that hypotheses with everything that is allowed to these really as the west. but there's not the others. so and again, we go back to the memo that record state or send receive as a for,
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i'm secretary in 2018, stating that everything the americans and the allies do is a lot. but we use you menu, jerry and ization, and a violation of human wiles only against our enemies, like russia, china, iran, and north korea. this is it clear that we stand, that the way i'd be using whatever on does maintain that it's a topic, was a justifiable response to the deadly strike one. it's constituted in syria, a jewish iranian, and pay. you said if tyrone had no to take an action, it would only have in bold and israel and have a blessed a as zoom saw here in recent months, the zine is raising directly attacked in dress overall, both inside iran and outside it. by fascinating, a radian ministry officials, all important people, they wanted to send a message to around the round does not have the power and capability of responding
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. but fortunately, the eye on g c has showed that it has the ability to respond around defending against national interest, an attack on the rating and come slips on any soil as an attack on a rainy. and so, and of course iran was allowed to respond, in my opinion, if a wrong did not respond to it would increase the possibility of more because it would make israel more aggressive and under any use in the world or against is ready crimes, unoccupied palestine. don't any and ron, but in european and american countries, even in asian countries, many jews opposing brutal aggression, all of these honest regime. we are rainy and we live in the islamic republic overall and follow the laws of the islamic republic overrun. maybe some jews and run have relatives. it is ro, but this doesn't mean we should be a gaze, the rating government shortly. what the government dorothy is. lemme republic decides as the backing of the jewish community in around 12, it was a bit of a developing situation right now. coming out of san francisco,
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it's about 11 am the local time. the city is iconic golden gate. that's what you're seeing right now. the bridge has been brought to a grinding standstill. is right, there was a group of mt is really demonstrate this book in the crossing. you can see the diner right. this stopped the world. the gods are there demanding peace in the middle east. around this time it's a pretty massive gridlock that with the traffic jams, it's not yet clear when the bridge will reopen. we'll go a $100.00 out to be a jewish around in m p. again, who outlined what he said was the position of many towards israel's actions to say the peace has many jews in the world are against these rating crimes in occupied palestine, not only in a rom, in european and american countries, even in asian countries. many jews oppose the brutal aggressions of these are in his regime anyway, we explained while the government and the establishment, suppose the jury is community 100 percent. we will not bite the hand that feeds us and we support these, let me republic establishment and follow these things are believed to israel had planned the attack on cause that way before october,
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the 7th. and it was looking for an excuse to attack gauze and destroyed this territory shortly. they've been several blows from gaza to the side by side, the surplus in my opinions as long ago israel had prepared a plan to attack gauze and october. the 7th became an excuse for the regime to invade garza under this pretext. ensure therefore, the is ready reaction was beyond the expectation and unfortunately, global powers and international organizations delayed condemning this issue. my thoughts, in my opinion, i repeat said the plan to attack gauze, that is why i would rather not the type of the 7 more firmly go. we've got people position going across the middle east region for all the very latest updates, both on air and online. the will, uh, one person and watching the events of saturday night, perhaps through envious eyes with the ukrainian presidents automated landscape.
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he's complained that the way weston countries left to the direct defensive is around is what they should be doing, which is next by defending as well. the free world has shown that such unity is not only possible, but also entirely effective. the decisive actions of allies prevented the success of terror avoided infrastructure losses and force the aggressor to retreat. similar outcomes are to be built in ukraine's defense against terrorism account, real like israel, that is not a need to member x rays. an article 5 is a necessary political will alone is sufficient. what was the last, these are comments are related to the fact that the us on british eiffel, which is both scrambled 5 hundreds to intercept the rockets and drones 5 by iran. however, the u. k. is far and secretary said, doing the same thing against russian weapons. fighter ukraine risks escalating the conflict the need of the brands that they are asking, shooting down for items and miss solves a rock and syria. why can't they do it of ukraine?
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what's a very good question, what we've done more than any of the country i think individually to help ukrainians? i've said both here in the u. k, but more important to or allies around the world is do everything you can to support you. great in terms of money in terms of diplomacy, increase it in terms of weapons, giving them weapons to defend themselves, training the troops. those are absolutely the right things to do. and we've done more of that than anyone for that actually pushing nato forces directly in conflict with russian forces. i think that would be a dangerous escalation. yeah, maybe all the u. k has already been the biggest belligerent in the contact with ukraine to date, less course live now independent journalist areas liquified. joining us here on the program a variable. welcome look, always good to get you one. what do you think you do? you think i'm savanski has a right to be, i don't know, upset even. i don't know, jealous why, why western states are happy to come so quickly. the israel is defense, but suddenly cautious when it comes to ukraine. i mean, lose. i don't know to a,
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some friendship is worth more than others. it was to be expected and understands savanski the way you know, had it sort of jealousy, but for one. so i would agree with cameron saying, we have died already. we have given a loss of weapons, all our weapons actually should he should say to, to you. and they're all normal patriot batteries in the united states to deliver out too well to ukraine. we don't have to shows that the crane requires, you know, the kind of shelves of europe next year might produce 1000000 shelves while russia now produces 3 or 4000000 americans comp deliver either. so that is that issue. sorry, i missed this last key, but we have already made that happen and we cannot pursue it. it's not the same as the funding is row, which is very small. and when actually the only ones involved in the latest events was through us. it's only the us with their 3 brand carriers in the region,
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and the plans that help the young is riley stopped the most of the size sentenced by iran. so, and then, you know, it's completely different. also, when he says the west, know the west doesn't support as well as he used to. not even in america have just seen the pictures all the demonstrations, you know, against this route. it was impossible just a few years ago. long in america, people say that as well. what's the 51st state? all right, union. right. oh, so anyway. yeah, yeah. i think it makes a great companies that lo, coming to i get what you're saying that you agree with david cameron, the u. k. and i guess is out there on everything they can for ukraine, but at the end of the day, as i mentioned earlier, the u. k. has been the biggest belligerent and there's even even more solid than the united states. i mean, sending the storm shadow ms solves that. have categorically killed civilians and
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civilian areas and not military targets. a right and ukrainian soldiers going back to 2016 for goodness sake. i mean, do you guys been deeply entrenched in this? and yet camera now says, well, we will be afraid of exacerbating the conflict with russia even for do by those comments at face value. well, are there any other reasons i don't only meant we have already given or we could. that's the important part of all common speech, but for the rest of the costs, what he says is, right. it's the breakfast, the british from it is but his successor, who came to ukraine to stop a negotiation with russia when it happened to him in turkey, out just to, to, to go to more. that's what the west wanted. that is what need to wanted, and of course they, they need to extricate themselves out to me. and what, that's what they will do in america is what a practical look at it. now look at a gun this time because the right one day to start to go,
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they simply go on to yeah. yeah. so yeah, marketing so very quickly in your crime. yeah. there's a really, really good point. look, i mean the, i, it's funny because a lot of politicians and analysts have set out that there are certain players in the western hemisphere who are desperately trying to back pedal out of the kona. they've got themselves into with ukraine. i mean, how many wisdom politicians have said we're going to be with you to the very end. we're going to keep supporting you with this and this and this, and this, it's all gone wrong for the western players and the american native proxy war against russia. they've clearly been losing, at least since the failed counter offensive of more than a, you know, roughly a year or so ago. i mean, you know, the west judges. you've tried to continue fighting. we've got coo labels who just came out saying, send us messiahs or send us cash or otherwise why we even talking to each other. were you surprised at all by the, i guess the directness of collab as ultimatum. of course, the western people have sold their heads, this thing can you call say anything,
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but somehow many of the e from the supports is that the grain oh, very happy that the grid and sorry, that's fine. getting on from a big dog or bottom say well, they think deep inside is stop. this must stop at all. oh, and our support for your brain. i know makes us simple for you. crime must stop. now of course they leave it to victoria about to say it in, not so many words, but they think the same more and more. yeah, exactly, maybe the autumn and one of the only guys out there with a backbone who's willing to say it, how it is i'm. it is west and politicians. lucas, no surprise and we all know the politicians. they have to lie to get into office and then they have to lie to stay in office. a little bit of a, as an independent journalist, always a pleasure to get you on the program. thank you. my friend. thank you. well, as we were talking just i was luke, i basically, it's a case of hand over the patriots all pony up. that's the message, by the way, from ukraine is. it tries to trade the safety of russia's oil fields for us ad
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defend systems and all cash. if you didn't know this already, you must have the washington has been previously telling keith to stop attacking russia's oil refineries because it's the stable as, as the world markets. and what a jack supple the price is. well, talk different about the meet you tonight, but he's the one who issued this ultimate to leave. so that's all but let's say we're given you 7 fetch a batch race to model. what do we ask you not to do this or that? then there is a subject for conversation, but if not, and they also ask you not to do something, then what is there to discuss with them? the credit of 4 minutes are, seems to be implying that unless washington costs up, he has what weapons wish list. and it doesn't really care. washington face of how it behaves, even as a means doing things that while she says explicitly says it does like, it's like too bad for you guys and if you don't like it, well then maybe she just buy me some stuff or given me some stuff. good, i made these. com. is it a local interview? and he was asked about us officials like decided secretary lloyd austin and
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secretary of state and the blinking st earlier this month. that they didn't want to up to straight things deep inside russian territory with austin, saying that hitting russian refineries with drones as cube has been doing lately. could jack up and global oil prices or mass with the markets and collab. i was like, hey, not a problem if a russian refinery quote is loads. so the crate and for mr. also seems to be saying that this bright behavior of doing things, uncle sam, doesn't like hitting things in russia, that risk provoking an escalation is just a tactic to get what they want. that's what he's apply. just give me the choice i want and i'll stop. yeah, so when steve, you got tired of trying to use actual words and arguments to get washington to cause a lot more weapons and cash that's been blocked in congress. belittle brain, i gave you a shout when you craned, tells its allies that unity means providing better protection. they themselves already know this very well. they know it and they are trying to provide it sort of
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. when you frame says its allies cannot turn a blind dying to russian missiles and drones, it means they need to act and act confidently. the sky is not defended by rhetoric, and the production of missiles and drones for terror is not contained by contemplation. beloved washington drives its feet on unblocked king bite. is you creating a package? the more we're seeing some interesting details emerge like center tommy, to marvel, mentioned earlier this month of the senate armed services committee. hearing that, depending on the inspector general now has 50 open criminal cases related to potential misuse of ukraine funding from this my understanding the work that we've done, my staff, we have spent $300000000000.00 since 2014 in ukraine. right now we're, we're printing our bar and $80000.00 per 2nd. 4.6000000 a minute. we can't sustain that much longer. we gotta find the best way to spend our money. the d o d inspector general,
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i said as that there are safety criminal investigations going on right now for money sent to ukraine by one of the most corrupt countries in the world. collect us specifically as mentioned the patriot missile systems and they seem to be the very top of his weapons wish list. whole is present on very due to said recently that he just can't give colin's patriot missile systems to care because only needs them over there. and they're owned and operated in poland by the pentagon. so you kind of kicked the can down the road to the us and said, you know, maybe just go talk to washington about that. and washington probably does not have that discussion. so i guess is the fact that he's even bringing this art music. he has been hitting a hole in or it's patriot stash, and poland does not seem to want to hand over. it's good stuff. it's best stuff just to get blown up. just to have me down junk that the you is giving its members
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dates, light, pole, and free money to replace with shiny new weapons exchange for russia. i guess you say taken care of the need. any need to recycle it in a climate friendly manner. so exactly, yeah. now since the outbreak of the civil war and through done the anniversary, seeing your officials gathering and powers to try and find some sort of a solution to the actually mandatory and political crisis. but it is a conflict that a gun has many, any global attention compared to that of the middle east or ukraine. you go to ask yourself why, perhaps there are no western interest in that region. well, that's handed over now to walk correspondent, the sedan and the remains and boiled in the conflict to you on one which has been overshadowed by the war between as well. and from us in the gaza strip. with many seeing that to the international community as page very little attention. but today as the conflict deluxe one. yeah. paris. so it's very fitting to host the
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international community and conference for sudan in. i'm on the same day to the conference a to achieve a few goals. um securing commitment to, to find is the international response to the community needs of the dad is storing full and saves you many tavian access and parts of the country. and in as much as the reports have suggested that to the conference of was a range without consultation with the student needs government and officials. the, even before my prime minister officer dad said that this conference is a career. so it's a listen to that document how the word and his dad in the country but has completed its 1st year. 12 months of devastation, death, and every day the suffering of his sons and daughters of all people increases. all participation about his confidence comes to draw the world's attention to the tragic condition. either adult people are experiencing and we call them to hold their responsibilities towards hell country and it will be below,
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shall be known as the open seniors, unabated in sedan, humanitarian organizations working in sedan and its neighboring countries. the all astounding the alarm at this point to saying that's done is on the verge of 5 minutes. um, but you all active, shoot immediate. can you scale up if it's to avoid that the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives. in fact, to the you in the office off the coordination of the community to interface is about 25000000 people, of whom, over 14000000 absolute need to many children assistive and support. alarmingly, 17700000 people, which is more than one 3rd of the countries population, a facing a tube tvs food and security, and the a warning of potential assignment as well. and off of these 4900000 people on the break assignments totaled, one of the most vulnerable contact, 3 of those impacted by this crisis. so let's have a listen to this,
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but i don't know how that fits here. we suffer from many things, including the lack of mitigation and chronic diseases. with what we worry about the most is the children. they're the ones suffering, they need milk and diapers from the shelter and won't think that i'm just going to see. will have a problem when it comes to the children while thrown up with an attrition issues because they're not meeting the right food. most of their died is made up of lentils rise porch and at times we make lentils with all across the scene in a savvy, low cost. in the previous years, we had many cases of mount nutrition, but the situation changed after the warranty arrival of the displaced. we noticed a significant increase in the number of mile north patients. and this is a logical result of the war on the economic situation of the country where the on it i was dealing with children come to child with complications generally tied to acute mal nutrition home and every complications or digestive and other basic illnesses that patients come in when we try to stabilize them here,
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it was good news for sylvia that in addition to that, to more than 8000000 people, which is about 16 percent off the total population of the country as fled to their homes. and since the conflict started in a sedan, they have 4 to refuse with and so that on, in neighboring countries with making sit on the largest displacement crisis in the world. when civil war broke out last year, it's a fission of efforts to bring the will. the warning part is to be an appreciation table, failed to united states is solved, it talks and data and it's, it's and egyptian. i'm going to say to had repeated efforts as well. now the united states, i states up long side to impose its own vision of democracy in sudan, but failed as it does not have sufficient influence to change. so dense political to victory on its own is reportedly planning an additional $100000000.00 in a to, to address the ongoing concept to sedan, but then currency and into could diplomatic gases,
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underweighed evolving. you will indeed, as well as united states needed. but the question is, with the sudan, has the tons to be saved from being on the bring cost a catastrophic? yeah, it's being reported right. the bio correspondent, as you are the latest, meet to discuss, to dance crisis. i'm show their intentions are good. nothing to do with su dan's boss, mineral resources or the type of student, and it's not producing more gold than ever before. and it's history. i'm sure you question more with us. this is the the .


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