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tv   Documentary  RT  April 16, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EDT

2:30 am
let's face it back. so i think people i'm preparing to come through and the combination sense is that we've heard from people who are helping those less homeless because of this stuff. so what do you, most of a one to what opinion line our volunteers are receiving humanitarian aid in the form of 10 tons of baby food for families with children under 3 years old. this is the 1st shipments specifically for the people of war and board. previously, several shipments with water, food, and hygiene products were delivered to the people of horoscopes. and then, and bring in some us to the both. it's come on this pretty good play a team of 5 see colleges working temper recommendation centers to help people effective by the floods the working to reduce the level of stress. so we can say that the people are becoming most stable in coma, but there is still a demand for our services. and it gives conformation chest as well. that wraps up this and these are the, it was great to have your company with us here on our teams. and i so do check out all to the com. the lot of interesting so is that i will see you at that spot. both
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the the office of civil can i give you of most of that since you do you do you need some do you know,
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just before the judge course scalar just stalling me the lead you people. luckily for you. said the the the union, you know what the deal which is which is really the then you must me so on. yes.
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the the uh to, to generalize the color. who is it the uh, was it the one in the bedroom with us or you could go below the other homes. those codes
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the they looked at or teach the summer special. thank you. jeez, uh, memory storage, you know, someone must have lifted off bullshit. the car uh, just wants to thank you to the boys and they've just been a pleasure to move on to the screen, use the values, and when you see a particular slice of nicolas misty. so i mean, it's got to be on the, the national public. should you go to monitor, i'll be able to you option that. and then without
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the stroke aside, some say they don't know it shut off the pressure on my solutions expert at the i see it stuff it says done. yeah, she thought see jim, what are these that see what she has to be in at uh since then you still have to cross. it says any of the stephen with the uh, a brand new shift, maybe 2 options to splits. he was you option properties, you must either or somebody is just in the incentive list to was it kept dory d, eugene, you sweet sweet? the study of some was done. you with the jim up so you know, input you up. so you from this, so you should when you yeah. oh, i was gonna choose the initial interest with the such who stood cities are why it the customer with bush children with it,
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with him somewhere around me. it's similar to the i gave the the functions of the job to know them know that i live in concert from the concept. and so i know so hopefully talk to judy, if me, interesting was the thing historians and i remember that this isn't regarding this matter. gosh, unfurnished, yes,
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yes. to be sure. it's the full. yes. her girl. she's with it. i it is. i shift me 14 of the 1st name on the move it. sure, thank you up it for my girlfriend, which is the last i the story. so it's easier for you. you come sound to find each you might use. are you with the when i remember with them which h you just side there only me as a or did you all the way these really at the, the scene yet in yet the tiny sold out with the moon. now, it is said since the start of reception here, just don't do the any dip into it. does this outstanding here when you spill in that price of doctors your own words? what each purely which would corrupt you wish to do much. and these measures come
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from levels are actually to get an impression in your mystical perio, weird like a nation, looking into them and do rives. and they do range that got suited to where i'm going, what's look across with, with each of these families that will stick with just of course quickly on the come on what the, what we do, they are not just the cool about don't comes up on the phone for a few be really close to share and even by the should as to a new creature for us to do while we're back as early as the pregnancy it the, uh, it's in westport is there it is. uh, you have to consider a list of you mentioned starting off with after, really with, with, with, with getting the credit of 60, with the nation. uh no, the only thing i'm, i'm just doing some standard items, look with k e up in you much to, to, to cut or to. but as i do not signing those are clearly can you trust to hm. conditions should block from criminal cause. google cryptograms 1st need to show
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you what the code that you it was showing that the covers image and them can look up on the yeah. i purchased through the ocean city named toy streaming. you said i was using so be the different shipment news. hold on. okay. the was the, the portraits of the month that we should live as yours consisted of all the way in those over point. oh good. well, i'm good to go. sit in to you by then just to keep the keep a couple of green single pole in the media, yoko on this beautiful. i'll just get you a policy to, to conduct those 2 good to look at the study. and the good definitely did good
2:40 am
because the couple of good they did that was to me when i get a list of study, if i decided basically for the within the really does, elizabeth shit through is that it was somebody young in this case they didn't know good, but it was the what the said pulled up at the visit with you to day and we, we visited the good that the be the disobedient. the dimly, the default. there's a look the adults with the state of the, from here, from audrey to arrive, supposed be, or i would prefer to do football. so i'm, i want to reduce and there was a beautiful, she stepped on the
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kitchen watching to store. uh, google in you, uh you will, to its, uh, the 2 categories. uh, you mean just, you know, put the category. uh, yeah, but that to me, the name you mentioned your name and send this to me. absolutely. and i'm going to go to the categories bus so you sort them, you know, shift, sawgrass, them, and you should the, at the putting them at the wash, any money in the dose, dose with you to is to it. i don't stuff show that to you, but it was never a tongue store and ask a question, what? because you can use it on. we can use that to be, it's to it, the nation, send this to me, y'all them. it assumes absolutely nissan pits the industry to industry movies and that's quicker. she asked me you funny. additionally, after this search and each category monthly discharge bureau can do that, you have to be use anything. yeah, you only have to them social is 2. and you're pretty much the price for institutional. i'm quite sure that's open for them, but i sure it says process to completely agree and use my from your point,
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there was a step on moving a sofa show was still a, he's a thoughtful and you so sure. so close to the machine infinity the, the bush loving me up in front of me, but i think with 0, but is there any input? it is a kind of video. so video mobility, a company that is simple was uh, go on. the news item has spoken, i posted it just to charlotte for the purpose of to go see. yes, it's in the funding to come for them to go cool. between of them are going to contain the rise photography for the edge, the boost or something almost. uh no, i'm gonna switch to what just to use this close to for the me just just a mm hm. strongly scripts and mt leaching, you know, the level of trust, but also we go to the data for this or show the status only simply because i'm waiting for that on those new figured i just, i guess on my left on below it should already be on the ship,
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i pretty much all of the stuff that you agree just to begin to leslie because of the simple easy, this does seem done. you like me. so there's this whole bus leading him, some of the stables. nice to see any going yes. so the just a little project folder and the folder for the release opened you posted on what? so let me pull that up in the same show for the vehicle, the process and you see stop in today or stay on the shift for the, the sales and sales to sort of set the documents out for you do not look both about to boost homeless canada, all those things mentioned using a couple of pictures just with the list of dates, just a few minutes to get to it. show the it, this load you got daughter shelby didn't get is got the rest of the group among
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rarely gospel what it does pretty closely with what is the, the you with the, with move, you know, send those to me on even it's a new i need the solution solution for the muscular this is a good loose mission for the muscles that didn't mature. so frustrating almost because all gives you electric. now that's a do 100 domination in so you buy sure where the listen smoke posley supposedly we will certainly be do much better to step setting gets to the sooner we will look. can you wish to do to be latasha? so i didn't know of you too, but didn't use the does show up, but i get the whole dump. resurrection is decor. nichols is that i should put a c t t for smart the what the values. usually what i need to do is i'm going to do it. the wheels are for us to clothing clear through my stomach.
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know what you to but it will show us the cook with the mother to audrey next to the new after listen my and that was done. the visual is because old will feed zillow zone. we'll assume that the mean at the same specialist will know stuff with it, kills 1st, the computer of course is disable. we should network is a global employer because of some of the some of the who is just the same way. you just shut the door when you are the one, it's a, it's always a digital, isn't you a visually meant the it's a bit. don't know if i'm wrong, you can do it. so we know when it's folds this on the nose. oh, you will see you then come, we will, you will with the close of business, but i she comes help me. less comes on what the schedule is. i would lose the shift . so i'm sure if it does come with the form which
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the, when i do so if i to move the date with almost the book, the data that can go do what. so just do it. and i show up just a button and we'll see about sure. budworth creek. so didn't what was the new really? what is the street now? what should the communion move show on the glove you the somebody who don't dish alone did as well. that will still be doing well. you'll see sort of considered the same rom, just don't have to shape house and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will to part,
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we choose to look so common ground. the you said you want to consider the reasonable and us to put in full coordinate notes on my reference and your state for state. yeah. first of all, it is all a 10 story system of funding killing you. additional money for finished in the new most. definitely the liquidity if i don't say a $1000.00 more for safari. yeah. and you know, but i'm the low level because i cannot fit you on a budget. so choose them from the renewal and i to into the only thing is i don't think dish and funding all kinds of other things. i may ask as well as a full or some fun. you can a solution for solution and i so i don't know the longest sit, professionally able to mind. it's a,
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it's an answer for phones along the list of the invoice shows that no credibility says that my son today fella. so that's a problem with the wellness community events and looked at them with a vendor. so almost 2 or leftist come with them around the pages that come with it . the front door is always the to hold up. i can use, i make it a sending in a question. so my question a formulation in us, china just on the cushion. i didn't find any of it all or you skipped the there's been some motion on the some of us to assume that on some of the fortunately i to finish can discussion for going to be very after each one of the. yeah, that's all planner store. ok. 0 those 3, but we're going to need me here a little bit of now we have so these are on the, on the if you set,
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go from the other for the stand. yeah. i what, what's the biggest, what's the video store draws, the very, very easy to use the for the city is really still directly a little strong insurance by the way. yeah. he will stuff me though is definitely for the fishing shop. 3 thing or the sheriff's quotation on there, but i think on the, on the earlier i didn't you mean the style up on the upper split the media glass, me know, but i just mean you have to do with the she for you and all that that i see the level of naming, you know, watson that and then watching the business and the center. a lot of the, the dish bare with my surface, the bridgestone, your cells and photos for another year that i bought slope over the blood of them and you perform the stimulus measured. if i take it says the,
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the police and you fat are the worst. so that's because there's something sent from the printer so they can get us to the bus. stop is does a means of can percent off the vehicle, we can do it else. i mean, if there's some and that's the, that's the wish. suggestive explaining that, i mean, if you have any other somebody to roll a industrials or by actually have the in house or where ships to do it by school diploma. sure. on the bus to fill out the digital photo. so there's a thumbs that are starting over the years of the 1000000000. so this should have the square footage if i did so sort of contract for it's the parameters consignment or so i say that facility man. and the reason that the bush address might be more than the support you can easily bear with. there's somebody bear with me. i am bullet most fitness for the report. no 2nd year because even version of the solar others, me even though says menu with this logo, magine isn't like us to so that a separate entity is carlos placements, but quite a bit them. so let's go to a former student that i'm present. the problem is folks that are my list, think up of those, the ones that have some was not on with the but i yeah,
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but i need assistance with my sister it with the of the sun salesforce, but for us to continue for much longer as newton or get better, some of our separate and invest a lot of associated with this that goes all over the events. this is not the the dc of gauge. that's diana motion and chance. go to the company of motion and i've not one motion of blessing to describe it and see the little plus dealer that's when you will be linked to the dental. and that will take on those to construct your stuff via the can you all still up ship what he's going it? yes, so previous but, and it's a bit of the southern income, but it's
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a clutch of 150. and then the does. she gave you the most uh, the plugs you gave, the more the total cost for us completely. what i cheap. yeah. what do you use for that in the process? i mean it's so cool, so, so yeah, and yeah, we're going to give us a quote that the board started did with it and she won't, and we'll get started so much the know and it's been a what else to will. but sleep doing much to trace decent chill out of you with the concepts themselves. you use to nation at pressure and you get these started used and why is not only a katana, most of the natalie with them till up to 90? and you know, is, let's see, and you know, each, each of them actually studied. so, and yet the noise thoughts i'm doing there. cuz each toyota, we run your sna at the story of cut the end of the sca custom reaches and actually
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starting to frontier always for us to block the percentage block c. there's seduce porch for it. they pretty much the standard. a couple of them went in session, disney and nickelodeon and talked about bushing meals, of song script that any cause. then if i choose to do the task, those have some additional distorted catholicism. it isn't that i gave it to pretty much store there. so don't look just too bad just to not all the church place, but on the it, the throttle venetian us. the we did it to school shirts, but i mean the less than a 6 bullet say, especially with me, my voice, you know, the g, i know what else i chose to send you the measurements or minus a quote that those know which just blew latonya. searching for the level of the car store. so if you leave your trip,
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my little little sneak of 90 to a live intellectual. erica naturalism. yeah. and that was nice dealing with the liberty mutual air conditioner that she was difficult or knock. i'm on. yeah, i'm both a live, i need a machine. yes click. it's open. you took the name of the folks in the city bus on my mobile side. the city thing is that we're moving. let me showing you are usually in the no, but i think it personally smuggling, read it sort of thing. yeah. or what with them is that why that we live for she but she comes don't say i meant that leach escape. he was more of a senior voice throughout the lease is not working at the be several weeks after the senior level of the week. and i'm with them from not from a shop, a new which you know,
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the new platform, which is when your category is uh good. i need to let you go on the last available on the number of ship of us doable. and i've seen the minimum point ready for you to do it. i'm booked up on the 8th, i'm all calls the one. the step with a booth for splitting is up what you believe that there are no dilemma by different uh, volunteer of the moment. no issue, i just received the but ive, which is it, then you put the dining more and you at the in the courtroom. i'm going to do it because also the last one i most let them find because the initial stuff them again, are still nice to use the most by single story with exhibits as i'm eventually bring his luck. i'll pull him that him watched the movement as the little surface will stay on that because you lose use pressure with the boat to but i want you to notice it utilizes bed crushed. the blogging is mobile that online with enough bunk symmetrical order. it's almost just the which is or do but strongly to move out by shy, which is, but there's one and this one i'm going if it's the,
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the whole mess with nothing. eventually, despite strongly not old stuff samples to the yesterday the but they're still on us with a solution them to fail, sale as ancient as the manage me on before i leave them say seemly. it's funny. there's me because links going to stay at the spanish feed each side of the chest or to try to push the business amount of this business and it goes with reasonable at this to us and that's for us now as wars i don't have to push for the most of those me but on the edits check
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the nature of your search. just each piece. yes, thank you so much for the last couple of defaults. also, mr. carlos, not that cbs. not for me to get the dispute. not be just one of the i see 2 leaves me. it is like 0 option and we'll just redo the house, then that'll we've seen these are why dishes for going us. the stuff with the gym. tell me how much stucco of humans. a couple of kids i need for me additional know, shes set told me to go to that portage of which is kindly its gosh, the was that the social cost because there's much that the storage shed. what is
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the what's your date of things available, please? it was fun in the property, it's a big washer and it's not a valid considered, but all of the chairs for to so if the plasma from which to them does that, you know, i'm not sure what the state and you're going to be possibly, you know, show up nice of do not just as much the, the, the, me only a federal service for me, for my whole name, for the store and what size fits into the solution with more data to michigan, which was such as to me and i thought i thought i have to be loosing that she to submit for pals class. he pretty much the time i looked at his, i just needed to see what it was. thank goodness. so there was he,
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i'm out. i've eaten and ms. kim would still be doing is he had too much the he used to be an option to put it if a kid to should philip get us the bush the, the guy just met him, your voice, cheese and you sleep. i didn't suggest initially who came to do before the device across the street, but it's your kind of reason a copy you across from doc for us to be on the corner of the case. things that you guys pension as a need is convincing. you said that your thought was that he would finish with him the cost cause either the
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the it's also or is this how it ronald's ends will cross off the hands of his enemies if they conduct another attack against it as a band intensified between on, on to the ukraine bags to the us to offend off. russian strives the same way that as well, but washington refuses to different conflicts, different conflicts, different interface, different threat picture. because of the images from gaza, where a mass grave is discovered as a means of possible. those who say is very full has killed the loved ones and dumps


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