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tv   Documentary  RT  April 16, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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little email to avoid transparency. he did not want conversations about the possible origin of the virus to end up in the hands of the public. during this investigation, to select subcommittee discovery to dr. david morton's potentially used a personal email account to avoid transparency. and that he may have deleted the federal records. the select subcommittees now aware of potential further attempts by dr. martin's this of public to inspire and see dr. moran's email as a public official would have been subject to the freedom of information act. so he use g mail to avoid it. this is interesting in light of the new revelations from senator rams call. us senator rand paul has put forward documents showing that 15 different us federal agencies were aware that the will on institute of verola g was engaging and research trying to develop a virus like cobit 9, c, c. u. s. government even funded this research and it appears they tried to cover it up. yeah, we found out about this 1st from
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a brave marine who reported that this research was a grant proposal back in 2018 would have allowed woo on institute to create a virus. very similar to what coven 19 turned out to be a ranking member of the senate homeland security and governmental affairs committee has put forward information, showing that 15 different federal agencies were aware that the do go health alliance. and the institute of morality had applied for funding to carry out research, to develop a virus much like coven, 19 in 2018. now at this point, ran paul has put forward a letter asking why this information was not presented to the public. for years, i have been fighting to obtain records from dozens of federal agencies relating to the origins of cove and 19 and the diffused project. under duress, the administration finally released documents the show that the diffused project was pitched to at least 15 agencies in january 2018. it means that at least 15
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federal agencies knew from the beginning of the pen demik with equal health alliance, and the woo hon instituted by raleigh, the worst eating federal funding in 2018 to create a virus genetically very similar, if not identical. dakota 19, disturbingly, not one of these 15 agencies spoke up to warn is that the woo hon institute of bi rawlins you had been pitching this research? not one of these agencies weren't anyone that this chinese lab had already put together plans to create such a virus. the lot downs had a devastating effect on the american economy. many people in the united states feel that the pan demik ruined their lives. so now new information showing that the government may have hidden, the truth is unlikely to improve the matter salem off. and archie, new york. well, that's all for me for today as it was. it's great to have your company, mike calling mike, a quick chat will be with each other. somebody out of the
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when i was here position i was suggesting we bomb bell. great. i was suggesting that we send american pilots in an blow up the bridges on the drain. i would suggest things we take out as oral supply. i was suggesting very specific the we are suggesting we take out his oral supply. the each of the
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leading deja is $64.00. he was with the with prove that clear the day off to the city over i knew it was bombed in 1999. it wasn't an ordinary strike. definitely. cynthia williams. cells we use his workmates old, died later of cancer. the is the of the survivor symbol is some of them old. you have them with this question, patel him a 200, not foreclosure and the queer fitness risk, the lack of being in there. so set him dollar for that, some coke park. there was a 4 day phase idea to me a plus. so look that in some more committed to for this some 4th period to 4th grade said not to miss mole what we're going to do. only the squids
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thought bill bombard going all the cars. your mother serial doesn't go to school. know billy dale, it a fuck. as honest i said below the so yes, i'm good. i the me, you're on issue uh let's and you cause some more delay on what i knew. this comes around, you know, just give it. so that's gonna be so that said to david though, do what i knew you today. i didn't know the effective or still will not fit appropriate. so instead of meeting you so now let's see
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a way of all the cool. all that funny and i saw the tool that that brought me in a year or $2000.00 a while ago by snow storm gradually, or even would it be or even see them all over it out of all they oh, only some of those really assorted some, some of the, you know, with others. so you all and then i went to but always, you know, some oil and sent over to the home. i'm glad to navigate you, but i will mentally or the can. so, you know, i'm a little bit of a william delgado here to put any dollars dollars or so you that the see now until you're going by the good and all day you on this so you wouldn't mess with and he's when he's out of your sandwich. course the national and apple you will call you will do so much on this one 1st is so little of us will guys to go with our focus to somebody. uh bro, you know, some of the most give you a position as a desk to pull stuff. nice stuff. also midwest of all stuff. that's it for the best that this little boy did. he said as well, you know, well the youth,
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i typed it and so it was a son. so nice survey died. yeah, but on your bill is us you bundle bundle mode. move donnie and holly now and they'll lock the stone little wanted see it all the on use with dynamic. it will surely fullness to class isn't in the middle for the so what i know most of them, i feel the glass one. this is optimal. all the done now? yes it over to say to them. and really so i'll meet, i die. oh, book, or the course of these out to all the me cause the gravity is now the, is that all my which of that i do? i have to read that godaddy, and i told them godaddy. nothing more than that though. you have any cotton see. so easy. let's see. again, let's see the eco seeds not going good. i don't. you know, the museum old. the depleted uranium is a toxic heavy metal ton domain by products of uranium in which month because of its high density about twice that of lead. depleted uranium was used and i'm a passing munitions for you in office for this element of as
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the the subscribe i know, but i can feel associated with it anymore. i view on thermal e might the portion of the out. what's the thought of the out? see a name majority dollars the the feeling. yeah. not just eats that. was that almost what on your course of all of these, what you'll still the alpha trust it we have the mothers are through the ball for trusted to ease. love the east to trust it. so what are the, what the local pro is, the number on which on the, on the number of the project popular. i think most of the project and around which elliott e, honora, committed ship process, modeling the data almost not modeling mailed that out to you in order mileage elliot. gosh, you want to see some new york one but you don't you don't nickel dollars on a wheel drive? i know molly res jelia victoria on. was that the or tell me going? the not just, it tells you it almost on the board on your what is a z o u e date it to appear to be on the sub will see people about the product
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cannot stuff it is optimal. that's the cohort that western science is still still debasing. exactly how dangerous depleted uranium weapons of my dad don't. claiming that depleted uranium is homeless, there's not any scientific or anything accurate, isn't dangerously. negligence is usage and weapon, the spice talk some project goals that can be inhaled or ingested. losing savannah rece, the human health and the environment to hysteria is unwarranted. dr. lucas, the reality is that the risks of depleted uranium are grossly exaggerated and when handled properly. the rest are minimal. minimal. tell that to the civilians living in conflict and suffering from increased cancer rates. the
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media, it's a score seen yours to watch more with the you know, don't get out the rest later boy name and while up as well. think of the property mean if boyd you account a terrorist operation carried out by the silvia anomaly and special forces on the comfortable village of rustic against the housing, the an extremist turned out to be the excuse they were looking for lots of that. so my name's a good do not just the legend research to i knew what the question whether you've option sweetie, potentially for squared suggest ensure wasn't missing anything else. and the search to get to where they don't agree for someone to to you. when he got nato countries fled by the united states immediately declared that the killing of the albanian majority in kosovo was genocide and decided to bump. the former yugoslavia depleted uranium shells were included russia vehemently opposed to that decision.
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to see the thing was that the boy i'm not sure you use it, but i see he's got them some more than come with the store to abuse needed because it still wasn't abuto is coupled with. there's another little pro coupling. there's not a problem with the you know, the . 6 alex in infinity and they probably, they've had a lot about bosh product electronics without the federal out of life. this order, monica, sonya saw a lot of the play button because at the center i just want to show our gratitude, basically a lot like a front of the comments marks i thought we had to have them look at the color. lot 5 is moving to solution for the study of the kind of shot i wait there are the other alarm saw here so so i saw the fire as look i work,
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i did that. so i with the for the bottom, say i have to cite them out at the dap, our boss, whoever they can't really have to come out of the month. like i don't need that lower section on how big a foot caught instead of with them. but it just doesn't know how the more general is to come. a ya, she found that of the rocky cities for louisville was the one that self with the most from depleted uranium weapons. it's in 1st place, 13 percent of the total population at that time up using sales went totally used against the military hardware, the residential buildings, to the little, the finding way them, how much are the, what the should i did as order of way shape doesn't come with either on the on us most of the each on higher end and will not be on the i'm just me,
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a lot of really old body and one of them of the truck. the new puzzle. funny. there are a lot of money on the account of oil for they've been to hawaii, i'm lot of the husband alone. i've been working in the account. i'm long show them. how do i video jack inside of the house or? yeah, or side of here just has this movie or the show i the law. how do i tell you? yeah. hi john, but i'm, i'll go ahead i won't be at all, but the logs for each are long. definitely. yeah. well i'm in the i were yeah, sure. yeah, of it. yeah. how much god i need to have done. i won't all but i'm not set for them through the wash. it does say i was looking at
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the what have you told me they offered a sale in the road. the bus in oh oh, what, how did you see cool, and what was the show? oh and hodge, the boy, of course the scene is a 150. that's great. then that's the still you, the in detail decided to one of the memory of his comrades. and for the very 1st time in 25 years, climb the mountain to the very place when the depleted uranium bomb fell
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the severed kush. this is the correct and this is totally a bonus. this it doesn't need done a simple game like colleague. so put them in a really small you know, to get all pay or is our 3rd sister in law in the method on the day. not plenty on the bus the most well past coast and this was all it does the bill house that are what they were just by the food or the the name a program color easier the easiest. i trusted that i the
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the symbol with are trish nation, i mean this one is not the guy you know so, so a set of emotional around noon was less most sizable. that costs know that some yeah, probably be on the let's in yeah. what's the cool, a good, the push to those to the, to, to, to some of those tabio call, i guess, is basically the more than 3 decades. the us army has use depleted uranium sales in various conflicts. they have also been adopted by great britain, but neither country officially admits the depleted uranium alone is deadly. you're
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just over simple fires complex, fisher disturb fear, dr. lucas. yes, there are risk, but they're minimal compared to the strategic advantages they provide. it's about leveraging technology responsibly. not a bad thing. yeah, the rational fear, irrational, ignoring the long term environmental catastrophe and the moral implications of voice and exams, but generation is that is what is a rational circle of strategic advantages or a parent and victory at best. it's easy to throw around accusations when you're not the one making the top decisions. military strategy isn't about choosing the perfect option. it's about choosing the least worst words. and currently that involves depleted uranium. and we should strive for the best of all settled with at least was we have to deal with the world as it is. question yes. but outright fairmont green helps know what the,
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the reason the reason they don't want this known or out in the public is, is they don't want, it's not a good advertiser. hey, we have your kids join. the military, they'll be, they'll be exposed to radiation and toxins. from the depleted uranium, it's not a good advertisement for the military. that's why they never met it. we have mission 1st. so a mission 1st to is destroy your enemy. joseph hickman is a former us military officer who after retiring became involved in investigating the dangers of munitions used by the us. and the only reason you would use a depleted uranium and munitions would be for armor piercing. i would think, i don't see where it's effective and anything else. the radioactive, they may not be. it may be, you know, a lot less radioactive than that something is actually of uranium, but still it's radioactive and it has toxins that they can kill you as
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a military. we never really know that no one ever really talked about it. it just likes to burn pets that i cover. so we didn't, they, they kept saying everything's good. it's, you know, not, it's not unhealthy for you. it's not, not a bad thing. in joseph pigments, books done pits. the poisoning of american soldiers, he revealed another big mystery. how depleted uranium munitions were disposed of the without to play rainy and being burned into burned pits, it would set up. i mean, then, then it actually is that only had to get terminated area, but it was a domino effect to start finding hundreds of soldiers. i ended up interviewing 1400 soldiers from my book. there were sick and dying from the birth it's it became a big story. and the book was very successful. president biden spoke about the book often because i mentioned this son, boeing there,
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who got sick from the burn pits and died enjoying lovick of some. so i'll give them patients a boss so quick a quick trip was so talk to them. patients say that that the toilet ago a new morning, c on a cousin, a the city of the forest set, the model available for brother in law to the bottom. so for interest of the what was some issue that i didn't quote, this is the 1st to $100.00. it's a shot to immigrate 3 method to to that's us. and the more the said this is to blow . this is a little bit by the name of the mess, so this will be in the,
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the test sent by more formal kind of a really quick question for the mess of this one. but no, it seems like the, the amount is kill them at the solution 1st, but the other anybody is doing the exam as of yet or the next to anybody that can provide you. if it's, i know what i see in which i'm sorry to bug and you know, it just says that even is not on the organ for 32 months. so i see the reinforcing institution page. you include those that are starting to run for a reason for, for with the language to talk with like a is
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a scheduled in the nation is not going to move me just differently, of course. so it gets it. and i'm wondering if i'm going to be ready for them to be doing that. i forgot to believe that he has an i redid category really time at the garden scene for supposed to do a series and explain why i asked them to be minus mean was present to that grade that put them good from cushion. they did the new days, got 3000000 hygienist, them the bridge it with the expression to allow us to inc. or for your study. ask yourselves that's the way that this is a protest rally held in run by the relatives of soldiers who suffered from depleted
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uranium, italy, until the end for the 1st time, the dust from depleted uranium shells can cause fatal diseases when the soldiers began to return from comfortable and metal here, where they carried out nato so called peacekeeping mission viejo, g and alexandra for nancy, for gentlest, with a to these biggest independent used photo come it done, kashodi. they're investigating how depleted uranium affected to tell you. and so just health. no of them will shift catch equipment them or the media diety a or told me that she had come a lot to when they'll say, i want to do proport. sony in order me, neal football and kid. the list will fit and said they should really make a delicious one, a party going immediate diety, but the st. instead of danielle tunnel sorting media, daddy can also factor my funny best story. identical morning when i get a hold on when they come. because i know more and there were any for the dom, well you're not for me. so that is one of the center. so that'd be the only magic
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the holes in the search for evidence. now here, act on the me today. you all or no, nothing. the b 2 over here, you know, the, she, i need a new showing the doctor the perform did at a level that any guy because the guy, the little mike turned it on to the and you got it a good the lead yet. it was on the update on your off. you may kindly design the answer. no, it will. do you think? i know they have to be dying july the katie that doesn't mean not in the mean. cause i know only a few months ago on a call, anita a dock studio and chain the a show larry gene in the previous what i need to be i'm ok if you much and i call any guy it was a different go to the building on the, the new book, the january, i know gosti gets the angelo to tell you is the 1st
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and only western european lawyer who tries to take every depleted uranium contamination case the court. and he's been successful so far. he's one on more than 250 occasions. if they don't that they didn't get that back out. the answer the question, i'm about the surely the 30 this on. i mean demo, the initial it, what are the only sound? what when they sound, when they mission was what i had to begin my laptop, most of the provider can little g or gain so it will down start out. so the, the see in god the 5 still a little the independent. i mean, did i receive at the beast wish and i'm going to, i'm going to do it all by not so do you need that? yeah. if i will show the game labriola, i'm game data. mean each of the dates that go many purchase will be $91.00. i really needs yeah. yeah. so cost way, not doing a bit of math to i will make equals 3, show my guy. he's running a list of 8. i'm gonna have to achieve what
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he took our course at ocean you already know. use a subject is dustin what good is i see it co punch. i don't get only shuttle or will it says because i said already is out. if the person i'm up to lucky warning both to ski corporate shift, i square details such as us that everything's out to start to so that you not always the concert or we need our stuff in it tonight. the something, the boy again, i'll go to the shuffling on a trip to the pendulum and throw for any auto mist that as soon as something that loves him worked on before you, mcdonald did x know point a to point us at the end of the afternoon what our new in particular was the last that got that, brushing us this late in the settle total as it was understood, the less you know. no, no, it couldn't be like a wonderful garden by dr. correspond nicky shuttles. just leave off with the for me, isn't there yet on a do you have no groceries of this again,
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it's he called on monday of course to see how that a good 0 thing of the 3 bible pedagogy. no, not going going, but a going of issue there so that it is out there was help them connect me though it yet, cuz they are watching the video at the subject. we want to save the issue that they are going to miss or to my, to february must forego a $50.00 a month. the bill, the the price i seen in the read this here by a bunch wiley's get that place by high this
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i really kind of those to the normal portal really cut out as the pos of the bus. so this, this stuff, this will probably a real a, the sick, the deal us intelligence cool. samuel, the bill allows us to some tool. they would have to sell it them and they have a problem, a fortune to over i or to the face to face of the on that other sounds. good us, one of us with the
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the you, ron ones that were cut off the hands of its enemy, see if they conducted another attack against it as the rights of revenge intensified between 2, ron and keller, v. ukraine backs the u. s. defend of ross in the strikes the same way you did for easel, with washington, refuse it different conflicts, different complex, different interface, different, different picture. 2024. there are 968000000 people eligible to 3 in the india. that's smaller than the entire population of your.


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