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tv   Documentary  RT  April 16, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT

10:30 am
us to the dispatch follow political promises that he never fulfills. they'll know jobs here. no work on the lice, on the ground while they mean north to be, you know, the jobs. there are handouts teams that seem to be working, especially with the women field. and roger's tongue, the largest stage in india, orlando, relics also a land where women have historically been oppressed. we analyze why women, what else may just close the key to who wins the selection? in what is seen as the closing gender gap and the indian intellect. dora landscape, full 71000000 women are expected to work this time. a remarkable increase from the last elections. but now just like costs and communities in india, women have become a real tranquil thoughts. would put it as bodies willing them with saving skins, financial promises. i'm all the same you behind every successful mom, she does
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a woman, but it looks like it's millions of women in case of needing to move the what did you do it more days? very dear to me. thanks to him. i guess my pension, he's my only support a lot of us to the man i've been mowed. he gives us free grain and know the ration is every month. my boat is for him is to hold off to noon and largest tons choose who. the baby provides a meal for her family using a gas to lend, though she received under the prime ministers, which will last scheme which promotes smoke free, clean cooking for poor andrew households. a switch from the traditional to law that cause a smoke task. a method used for years in the village company, you thought the game would be most of us on the lot for us to introduce those to clean cooking fuel and also built many toilets for people who used to have no choice but to go outside. they must be from building tens of millions of toilets to bite water supplies to opening up women's bank the downs. the b g
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b has made women's issue central to it. so like to role agenda does upstate, roger, it's tom is going to force him to force. i'm the 2nd stage, the election and the elect. total emotions here are wanting high the last 2 times in 20142019 or 25 of the seats and roger's tom was swept away by the beach. it'd be good 2024. see or repeat these women to and do king makers and will the king then treat them like queens, urgent sharma all to you largest con for all you to come this way, you can get details. all right, you can get the details of all the surveys are following on, aren't you to come? i'll see you again at the the
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the job for steve civil. can i give you have most updates as you do, can you do? you need some new to close the loop, just installing the the keyboard. luckily for us to, to install it for you to the
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see the union, you want to know what the deal which is, which is the then you must me so on. yes. reach you the
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the best way to, to generalize the hello. is it the, uh, was it the one with us or does it go below the other ones? are those thoughts the sort of like that or teach, teach the summer special. thank you. jeez, uh, memory storage, you know,
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someone must have lifted off, the boys should be able to uh, be sponsoring. thank you to the boys and they just been us move on to the screen. you somebody isn't when you have seem to potentially sadly missed this one man, it's gotta be yes, but on the, these national should you go to, to monitor. i mean, when the new option that's on the historical sites and say they don't know it shut off the shift on the solution for it the i see it stuff it says done. yeah. so thoughts see jim, what are these that see which has to be in it? ah, so then you still have to cross. it says near the stephen with the
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a brand new shift, maybe some options to split to you. if you options to print, you must either or somebody is just in the and sending this to was it cop dory. d. eugene, you sweet sweet. the study of some was done. you with the jim up so you know import you up. so you from this, so you should when you yeah, full i was gonna choose to initial interest with you such who stood cities or why it because with bush to family with him somewhere around a, it's similar to the, to the the the
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functions of the job to know them know that us with an answer from value comes up to sort of hopefully used on energy as me anything interesting was attending historians. and i remember that this was susan regarding his man. uh, she furnished yes. yes. to be sure. the full yes. her girl, she's with it. the i it is. i shift me for the now the 1st name on the movie. sure. thank you. up it for my girlfriend, which is the last i the story. so ccf concepts, global 64. you need to find each you might use you wisdom, wumer. i'm the i am which h you just sat there only me or did you all the way these really at
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the of the scene. yes. yes, he is signing. sold out with the moon. use an office, it is such a federal deception. you just don't read the virginia get into it. does this up see me here when it was to be on that price of doctors your own words? what each did we did, you would come up to you wish to do much of these measures. i shouldn't get any impression in the rest of the you with a great nation. told me to the entity rooms and then the rain succeeded to where i'm going. what's look across, what's the weather change? what's the spam? of course. that was because just the course curriculum the come on. what the, what we did the, i'd like to stick a little about don't comes up for your phone, for a view is really close to share and even by the should as to a new creature for us to do. while we're back as that is
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the pregnant, the agent was released after consent. i just have you mentioned starting off what i've been dealing with with it within the credit of 60 with the insurance report. no. the only thing i'm, i'm just doing some standard. what comes up with get a new marsh to, to new, to cut or what it is that they're not signing. those are clearly when you 1st to them punishes, should block from criminal car, global credit. trust me to show you what the, what the tool was. joe and the computer covers they may send them to oklahoma. yeah, if i choose to ocean city named boy docs email. he still has a document. so media, extra news. hold on. okay. the was the,
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the portraits of the month. if we should live as yours goes to the new server point and good luck with a good fit into it. but then just to keep the keep a couple of green single fall in the media. you'll fall on this bill, i'll just get you a policy to, to conduct posted to the study. and they'll do is definitely a good cause a lot. they will do a couple of good data that most of when i get a list of study, if i decided to go for the we didn't even look, does elizabeth shit through is that it was, i don't really any of his case. so you're headed. no good girl. so what the says, hold up to visit with you to day and we, we visited the good that the be the disobedience, the dimly the default. there's a look the instead of dumps with the state of the
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from here i'm already registered for the wrong thing to do for transformers, where to reduce beautiful stuff and doing the fishing washing to store google in you, you will to it. so do you to go to the main reason, you know, put the category. uh yeah, but that to me, the name you mentioned you, i didn't even send this to me completely and i'm both the categories plus the sorting you uh, national geographic them you should the at the putting them at the russian, you mean dose dose with you to is to a dumpster of show at the q or the store and ask
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a question to do it because you can use it online. use that to be, it's it, the nation send this to me in the all them, it assumes absolutely yes and piece the disputes and this 2 movies and that's quicker. she asked me, you funny. additionally, f, as other searches, each category monthly besides, people can do that, and you've toby use anything, you know, genuine, you've to them social, they're always to learn. you're pretty much the price for institutional. i'm quite sure that's true for them, but i sure it says pressure still completely agree in his mind. from your point. oh, there was a step on moving especially show was still a, he's a thoughtful and you so sure. so close to the machine infinity the through the bush. lovely. me over the cool me. thanks a good 0, but is there any input it, let's say, could i put a list of videos mobility, a company that is simple, was uh go on. the news item has spoken and flows through just to try to filter, but i will have to go see yes,
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it's in the funding to come for them to go cool. it's one of them are going to contain garage photography for the edge, the most task, something almost uh no, i'm gonna switch thoughts just to introduce this please to for the me just sustain your strongly steps in energy leaching, you know, at that level of pressure. but also regal indicative of the social or the instead of some way, simply because i'm waiting for that on the new figured i was on my left, i'm below which nobody about the ship is mentioned. the last you reach us to begin to lay sleep because of the simple you through this dose of see and he's like me. so there's this whole bus leading him, some of the stables, like the still you any going? yes. so the, just a little part of, for the folder for the, for least open to post on what, so let me pull it up, his name shows, and then he'd be up to the costa industries. told me today,
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or stay on the bus shift for the able to fail to see a full photo of set the document show. well, if you do live close on the phone with some nice colonial go to some using a couple of it should just literally it's just a few minutes to get to it. show that it does load. you got daughter shelby didn't get is got the rest of the gospel is what it does. look pretty cool actually. even when you put us the, the, you with the you would move, you know, since those 2 days don't even need to need the solution solution for the muscular. this is a good loose mission for the muscles that didn't mature. so frustrated almost because all gives electric now that's for $200.00 demolition and so you buy sure where the listen smoke falsely supposedly we will certainly be do much better to
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step setting gets thrust sooner. we will look into this to do to be that tasha. so i didn't know off the tube in union specialist, but i get the whole dump. resurrection is decor. nichols is that i should put a stick to the smart the what the values. and usually what i need to do is i'm going to do the 2 wheels are for us to clothing clear through my stomach. no to it. but it will show us do the cook with the mother to audrey, to the new i still listen my and that was the visual as possible for you 00. and we'll assume let's just use that for me at the same specialist will know stuff. what did it kills 1st, the computer of course, is the issue. well, we should network is a global employer. you schedule and some of the some is just the same way. you just shut the alpha cut through for new or the last one. it's a,
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it's always that the shuttle is on. you are the measurements of the don't know if i'm wrong with you in the loop. now let's pull this on the nose. oh, you will see you then come, we will, you will with the close of business, but i, she comes home. love comes on what the schedule is. i would lose some even the show isn't homeless. i'm sure if it does come with the form which the, when i do like to move the date with almost the book, the data that can, we don't do what switches to, it's not show up just a button and we'll see about sure. but what cri student knew, what was the new, what history now, ocean and communal shakana glove, you the somebody who don't dish alone did as role that will still be doing well. you'll see sort of the fittest you
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said you want to consider the reading level and us to put in plus quoted notes on the reference and your state for 50. yeah. for us to fund it is all attend storage system, the funding killing you and there's no need for 30 in the new most definitely the liquidity by known as the size or as much specify, you know, and you know, but i'm a little is of it all was like, you know enough that you on the a and and find out how to name crystal from the renewal. and i to new into the only thing is i don't think dish of funding for pens. those kinds of ask, as long as a full on fund, you can a solution for solution so long it takes all the money. it's a, it's an answer for the phones along the list for the example shows that no credibility says that most of the day, it's all assume that it's almost there. or this will give me the final
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value. so the most do i left to come with them around the pages that come in? the proposal is the to hold up. i can use i make it a sending in a question. so my question a formulation in us, china just on the cushion who didn't find any of yours all, always get put on your sense of motion on your parents. and i just assumed that on some of the fortunately to finish can discretion are going to be really after each one of the. yeah, that's little planners door. ok? 0 to those 3. but we're going to need me a little bit of now we have so these are on uh on this and you said from the other 4 to stand. yeah. let's watch the video store was
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very, very easy to use the so that's really is really still directly a little strong insurance by the way. yeah. he was still stuff me though is definitely for them to push me. that's stuff to the spring or to change the condition on there, but it's, it's a big deal really am. i am am unable to style it brand new offers with the media gloss lane. now what i showing as they do with the city, we'll handle that. i see them, i haven't been any watson. they have been watching the business and the center a lot of the the dish bare with my surface temperature at all. yes, i was and photos for another year and that i bought slomo visibility of them. can you perform the stimulus measured? if i take it says the to the police and if that are the worst, so that's good. if i do something for set the color so threaten give us a bus stop is the results can percent off the vehicle was in good, it was, i mean you fix the must have the printer to that's the most suggestive considering
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that i mean if you have any other, so i'm going to roll a little industrials or buy a for the in house. i was just to do a possible diploma show on the bus to fill out for the digital fellow. so there's a thumbs or the side of the here's the blue. so the sheet of color, it's good for me. i thought. so to kind of i for i can find the nurse, i see the facility minimal. there isn't. but the most are just moved by the more than the support you can, but it doesn't depend with there's somebody there or 3 or nimble if most fitness of the report know can you because even version of the solar others, legal know, says menu or this logo magine isn't like a system that a separate entity is carlos placements, brooklyn and they don't just go to a former student, but i'm present the program reflects that. only stick up to those selected what that of some was not. i'm at the what i yeah, but i need a self employment left is about the sister fitted with? no, but that's and that's what i see. the
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of the newsletters program sense is 1st, but for us to continue for us from longer as new to forget. there are some of our separated about slow moving still zillow, but there's, there's like a much pull over, even if this is not the dmv gauge fast, diana motion and she is go to the you come your motion and i've not one motion of blessing to describe it and see a little said unit that when you will be linked to the dental and it will take on both the conflict gets the feeling in the loop in your still action, but he's pulling it. yes. so previous button, it's a bit of the come, but it's a patch of one you 0 does she gave you the most? uh yes. so as you do the morning,
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the 1st was completely what i cheated yet. will you please could i in the process. i mean is so cool, so stay in, you know, going into the deepest quote at the board. start there. good. if you need, she won't, and we'll get started so much the and it's been a what else? the will, but i keep getting touched. usually stacey chill out of you with the concept on the side of you and you're used to ration at measuring your cut the started used and why is not for me to cut the best of the down the with them to up to 90 and you know, is, are see, and you know, each, each of them actually studied sense. and yet the noise thoughts i'm doing there because each dose it we can use now at the story of cut, the police sca custom reaches, you know, she's threatening to frontier always for us to block the percentage block. see, there's 2, there's just want to show our porch for it. they pretty much don't ginger to cut
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out at them when their session does have in the computer and you come to the forcing your visit, san scope, the cause of the day. if i choose to do the task of action, no restorative policy as an agent that i gave the man to pretty much to the settlement just to that, just to not all to just place that on. the throttle venetian us, the leaving the little school shirts, but i mean the less than a 6 by let's say, especially with me, my voice, you know, the, the know what else i chose to send it out. nevermind, nevermind. i never got a quote back. those snowbirds, the just blew up on you searching for the level of the car store. so if you're letting your ship became a little little sneak of 90 to a little bit more, shall i vehicle nothing that george amelia is and that was nice dealing with the
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mutual air conditioner that she was difficult or knock. i'm on. yeah, i'm with the let i need a machine. yes. take that sofa. you took the money from give a loss to the bus on my mobile side of the city. thing is our moving. let me show you immediately in the procedure for us new smuggling. read it sort of thing. yeah. what with them is that why that we let fortune by she comes? don't say i meant that leach escape. he was more of a c voice for a well that, you know, what seems to be several weeks after the senior both the week and i'm with them some nice away from will show you what you know, the new platform, which is when your category is that good, i need to let you go on the most available on the number of shippable stable and
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i've seen it on the website. it brings you to a simple to provide me some all calls provided these stop with a booth for splitting it up. what you believe that they're not letting us differ uh, go into it off and on. no issue. i received the but ive, which is good. thank you, cuz i don't want you at this point, you're not going to do it because also the last one i move that i'm fine because the initial stuff them again are still nice. are used by the most by single story with exhibits, as i mentioned have been just like a couple of them that him of wash the movement of the little surface will stay on that because you lose pressure on the boat to but i want you to know what it is that your solutions by cross blogging is mobile at the banks of electrical order. it's almost just the yellow, which is your day, but you don't want to move out by shy, which is, but there's one addition, i'm going to be standing at the, the one us with most political eventually, despite strongly not old stuff samples to the, the, but they're still on us with
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a solution, so i'm just sail sale as ancient as the methods me on before i leave them face symmetry of funding. if there's any, because it's going to going to stay at the study and it should be that you sent everything over the course of the chest or to try to do this. but let's get to the goes with reasonable discussion expression that as low as i thought i have purchased the most of those me. but on the edits check the
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funds to put you need surgery speech please. yeah, it's much to daniels much comment. devolve, also, scholars of that, cbs, not for me to hit the navigation. so in that of the, i see to me it is like 0 option, you know, just the dentist you will receiving these are why dishes for going us though the, for the tmo or much buckle of humans, a couple of q u for me. if there's a mattress that told me to go to that are both of those of which is properly. it's terms of warranty. trash the was that so those are close because there's much that the sword shall go to the orchard. it's out of business. definitely boost please. it was fun. yeah, i knew the property is
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a big washer and it's now that's definitely been set up with all of the cherry, portia. so if the plasma from which you jim does that, you enjoy it. pushing on. but sure. what i'm looking into possibly knew you possibly just don't know. she was nice of doing. that's just as much the only circles i need for me for my whole name for the store and what size fits and in you know, a solution with more new at the michigan which is such as an in that what i thought i have to be loosing that she just said about purpose class. he pretty much that's i'm a little bit as i just needed to see what it was saying to me is the see, i'm out. i did send in the skimming board, they'll be do noonish e. i don't wish to be used to be an option to, to be there. and if i cute to, should philip get us the bush, the,
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the in the bush season you sleep or do you need to the destination of those to do before the device across the street. but it's your car. it's reason a copy you across from doc for us to be on the cart upgrade, things that you guys mentioned as any discipline been senior detroit, the city with the digital versions. of course again, because i see that the the roster has found ukraine to be directly involved in last month's terrorist attack it, but moscow regions which killed a 145 people. moscow security council valves. but all parties involved with.


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