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tv   News  RT  April 17, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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the, the us lawmakers pitch a separate $16000000000.00 for an a bill for ukraine, with the proposed money though, going back to you as loans instead of $2.00 nations. warning, disturbing image is at least 11 people, including children are killed in this really are striking a refugee camp in central jobs as death to embarrass since october. 7th, reportedly near is $34.00 and also coming off in the program, the georgia and prime minister of pushes for the adoption of a foreign agents. more of the countries president dollars to be to it. we discussed the bill with our correspondent who's just returned to law school after being deported from typically
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the from us go to the world. this is your r t international. let's get into a mid week top story. in the latest attempt to get to a comforter virtual foreign aid package, past us, lawmakers have decided to break it all down into several separate bills, including a $60000000000.00 deal for ukraine. congress members who are expected to vote on the proposal on saturday. want to loan the money though, instead of doing only the hit to have less profit live now to our new york correspond to kill up my pen. hi there, caleb. what are the chances in of seeing the package past in washington for ukraine? after months of deadlock, take us through as well after months of the house of representatives, delaying and debating the nature of upcoming aid from the united states to ukraine
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. we now have a new set of bills that have been put forward in the lower house of the us congress . now they have divided funding for ukraine funding for israel and funding for the government on taiwan from each other into 3 separate bills. the bill for ukraine provides ukraine with attack them's missiles, as well as $61000000000.00. however, it's not simply a gift, it'll be a loan which ukraine will be required to reimburse the united states for the president of the united states will be authorized under the bill to negotiate the terms of ukraine reimbursing the united states for this $61000000000.00 and the president will have the authority to wave or, you know, a disavow or make clear is no longer have to be paid up to 50 percent up to half of the money. and the negotiation will be carried out by the president of the united states. now, the important to note the 61000000000 dollars,
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but not all just be directly given to you. crane a 3rd of it will be given to us weapons manufacturers who will use it to manufacture weapons, which they will then provide to ukraine. and this is the terms of the new bill in which it looks like there's potential for the house of representatives to pass aid to ukraine after months of delay. now it's important to note that there are many republicans who oppose it among the marjorie taylor green and outspoken mazda support or mazda republican. here's what she said. 7, the names are 11. as you speak at johnston, a voted against $300000000.00 for your grade. before we gave you the gavel alone, the majority of republicans, no one understands why it is now, your top priority to give you credit. $60000000000.00 more dollars you see was the out of step with the republicans by continuing to pass bills, dependent on democrats. everyone sees through this now. voting is expected to take
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place on saturday. a worth pointing, i think, killed as well that an increasing number of western politicians are speaking out against a to crane in the us itself. republican frontrunner donald trump has pledged in the war in 24 hours. if he returns to the white house yet, still, the political establishment is trying to parse through, as you say, another $60000000000.00 in tax period dollars for k of coming off for a course. all the previous aid failed to help the pressure on the buffalo. well, sure, and we have us present, joe biden, who seems to be getting a little desperate in his rhetoric, saying that this $61000000000.00 is necessary because without it, russia will be then storming into europe and invading european union countries. this is jo biden's latest compelling or not so compelling case for funding the ukranian war. for us it's, i'm smith's,
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the boot is false. as we move closer than ever tell, need to allies dismissed the boot and they say you need to ally, we will come to its aid as our and these are allies did for us of the september 11th attacks. we should say supports the grading now just up, missed a booting from encroaching. no, no nato allies and show that he doesn't draw us too into a future war. and you rip, now at this point, people are looking at the new mobilization law in ukraine and wondering if the fact that this will be a debt that ukraine has to pay, it'll be a loan. and the terms of the loans re payment will be negotiated by the president. people wonder if that is all ready being leverage to control ukraine and it's government policies. this new mobilization in ukraine is certainly not popular and it's certainly unpleasant for many men in the country. so voting on this bill in
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the house of representatives is expected to take place on saturday. is certainly a new development in the congressional battles surrounding us involvement in the ukrainian conflict and the supplier of the american taxpayer money to the government and keeps breaking down that from new york city ortiz caleb life. and well, let's discuss all this further with american political i list research or christopher . hello. joining us from at vermont today. chris. good to see you. yeah, quite that half the some being pitched on capitol hill in low and that's the key of however, as mentioned there by 11. so met $23000000000.00 of that package is going to be used to replenish america's own military stock. piled high likely is about to get more lawmakers on board with the proposal as well. i think that's uh the, the credit like them as they say, of this entire package. without that, there's really no support for this at all. just giving money to
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a to another country, especially one that's currently losing the war one that has now really turned a lot of americans off to supporting it, given the rampant corruption, giving them more information, the more availability of the real situation on the ground with such interviews like that type of cross and did with president who in has really changed a lot of americans opinions and positions on, on, on what's going on over there. and so of course, you have to, you know, put into effect as they say. and what they did, of course, is put in tens of billions of dollars to weapons manufacturers, to ensure a constant production and loved these weapons. not only the package to uh, to ukraine, also in the package to the endo pacific, of course, as caleb mentioned, to the government of tie one over $2000000000.00 for a new submarine class. the columbia class of the summary is, as well as the virginia class, which are nuclear capable. and this is, of course,
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in violation of the united states constantly saying that they are not advancing and enhancing their nuclear stockpile. and always criticizing other countries like russia in china, of doing the same gear you have in the pack, the additional $2000000000.00 for that. first, can i just touching another point raised there as well with all that money ukraine is spending on its military plus all the territory. it no longer controls the economic losses that entails. how can key of be expected to repay the us and such a must have low? of course they can repay the have to be honest with you. this is simply a way to get this through the congress at this point. i believe the day after once it's signed the deluxe, they'll say okay, all of it's forgiven. if they can only go 50 percent, they'll figure out another way to start to, to solve the other 50 percent. they'll use emergency methods, whatever they need to do. he ever will not pay back a dime at this point. it kids, it can't, i mean it's a, it's a, it's a failed and corrupt the government. there's so much going on with the economy. the
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economy is basically supported by the west. it's the only reason that the kids there is she has less that this love is because of all of the money and $8.00 porting in from nato countries. so of course there's no, there's, i think a lot of the republicans realize that this is just a, you know, a total bill and concealment of what's really behind this bill, which is another donation to cab without any payback coming to the united states was very interesting because the bill also saves me us president can write off half of ukraine's debt after november 15th, as you know, a significant date just happens to be right after the presidential election. your take on not timing. of course, the timing is amazing at a given the fact that it, whether bite in wins or loses, it will still be able to make the executive decision to wipe out the debt. and then either way, help put uh, you know, if president for president trump is re elected,
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you'll put a to binds on him to enforce the other 50 percent and ensure that the united states is paid back. you have to imagine that there are a lot of machinations going on behind the scenes to ensure that you have get this money and the key of doesn't have to pay. and so, of course, that data is very, very humorous for us to recognize that given the fact that now biting is losing so badly in the pools and that his approval rating is take. that they realize that even if he kept less than till, you know, uh another time at least give him on november 15th or so the right off of that, that 50 percent of the debt for kids on the interesting issues. keep on coming, chris, because just this week you're creating president flooding. there's a lend space signed on you mobilize ation law wide reaching one at today we have the unveiling of a new us a bill. it's hard not to look upon, not as a coincidence, isn't or is it not? i know this is important in an effort. i mean, we have to understand that all right,
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now kia and united states and all of the nato allies are coordinating behind the scenes tremendously. i mean, the one has to realize that this issue now is it is a make a brake issue for president biden. and his administration, and of course the fact that this has stalled, this aid package has stalled since february in the house after passing the senate is indicative of the of the grinding political gears that are churning washington right now. and so you have to realize that ukraine and the, and the by the ministration are working in tend to ensure that this happens. then you have all of the media talking heads on the, on the circuit going and say how important this is, how critical the 8 is. but of course. speaker johnson's position is on the line. because there's a lot of republicans, not a sizable mind outside of quite sizable minority that are now advocating and things if this goes through. we're going to push johnson out of the position at johnston. it has to rely on the democrats to keep his job and given the election year. i
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don't think that he can rely on the democratic vote to keep that job. yeah, big divisions in the g o. p. thank you so much for your tech american political analyst. on research for christopher, how lovely. thank you. all rights and other offer headlined stories today, at least 11 people, including children helping kills. and then there's really restaurant on the gallons a refugee camp in central gas, a warning, disturbing images, ad bodies were brought to the hospital or destroy, wants relatives bid farewell to their loved ones. prayers were held outside the building over the bodies of the victims before they were taken away for burial. while another is really strike is a refugee camp in southern the rough uh, near the egyptian for their children. also, i'm on the mic that there too. so far, the number of palestinians killed in 6 months of war has reached over 33800 people . children make up more than 40 percent of that figure. according to the enclaves health ministry. they add some $76.00 in gal. since i've been going to,
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the turkish president has again strongly criticized the kenning of children in the conflict with red chip or the one comparing israel's actions with that of nazi germany. of the children they killed 14000 children, 14000 children, their actions had already surpassed. people are really going to, despite those who did not see the death of 14000 innocent children, and try to curry favor with these well by claiming that some us is a terrorist organization. we will courageously defense, health science, struggle for independence under all circumstances. courses. meanwhile, let me show you this to google's headquarters in the us. i've been gripped by pro palestinian pro test on both sides of the coast. california new york. the tech joins employees along with the best gather to condemn what they call the corporation. supportive as really actions in gaza. protestors stage demonstrations under the slogan, no tech for apartheid. they called on google chips to drop project number's not
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a cloud computing project off the idea less than in and most of them employees also claim their faces harassment and bullying which the company has failed to address. some employees were reportedly arrested after a sit in protest plus the the which is room were filing pushes broke out. so after students took it to the streets, the monday to en vitality and capital ends and universities, cooperation with israel will not get them and projects. protestors reportedly tried to break into a meeting of the ecologist academic sense the, the prime minister of georgia saves the government, will not screw up. it's for an agents bill. despite the criticism coming from certain countries, that sounds protesters gathered outside the parliament building in the capital to police see for a 3rd day running demonstrators way, georgia and u. p. u flags,
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as they condemned the legislation, which is aimed at providing more transparency about the foreign funding of n g o. and media outlets in the country on tuesday, protest turn violent as demonstrators flushed with police. the also on tuesday, our correspondent donal quarter. it was detained by george and authorities upon arrival in sibley, see to cover the ongoing process. he was eventually deported back here to russia. after being held out the report for hours, dawn broke,
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telling the story to my colleague nikki, or in, in the studio. shortly after his return to the school. i have dual citizenship, a russian passport, an american passport. i gave them my russian passport as so i entered as a russian citizen and and there was quite a bit of time that went by a for just kind of sitting there. and i was like, is there a problem? and she said that there was a that the system that they were using didn't want to accept my documents. i thought that was kind of strange, nothing like that. it never happen to me before. but she just asked me to wait for a little while one hour went by 2 hours ago by nobody's explaining why i have why i'm still waiting. obviously, a program doesn't take that long to load up, but no information has been given to me and by 3 hours i'm, i'm starting to already message our producer in moscow saying, you know, i think it's time to get in touch with the russian foreign ministry with the embassy in group in georgia because something isn't right here. this is never happened to me before. and it's a good thing we did that because just about an hour after we decided that for 4
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hours total me waiting for this a suppose a glitch in the system. they come up to me with a piece of paper, half georgia and half english. and it's a list of reasons why someone might be refused from the country and a little check mark next to other on the paper they said i'm, i'm not being allowed into the country. i'm like, uh, you know, what, what is this other reason? can you explain in detail what, what the problem is? and they said no and the so after that they were like, okay, well, we're supporting you and they brought me to a separate room and they took away my phone without any explanation as to why or if i would get it back. and then i waited it out there essentially until 11 pm. no information, not knowing what's going on. i mean, you know, especially since they didn't give me an actual concrete reason. but luckily they actually let me go at the 11 p. m. when they said they would, they brought me to the plane, didn't my passport back and my phone. and then i was able to make it back to rush
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at like 4 in the morning and i'm very happy to be back in fresh answer. all the it's good to have you back done. so you're doing no official reason why you needed to be just the put the posted from georgia. but what possible reasons could that be? do you think? well, i think in hindsight, look and everything. the main reason was probably because i was going there while this on rest, connected to this for an agencies bill that the trip that they're passing through parliament was going on. i was there last year when the parliament tried and ultimately failed to pass a very similar law. and there were riots on the streets protest. apparently, i'm my guess is that the authorities didn't want me to cover that for some reason. maybe they thought the, my coverage made the georgia government look bad or something. i'm not sure. so the reason we wanted to send you to was that to cover the protest, we wanted to know exactly what was going on. but now as you come guys, okay, do we have any idea of what the situation is right now on the ground? well, protests are continuing. of course we have seen some reports of uh, you know, violence. we've been a lot of official reactions as well. for example,
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the president of georgia who was very western oriented, she said that after she was asked by a journalist, if she would veto this bill, when it goes through parliament, she said, she absolutely will do all you going to veto the little. because if it does indeed powerful the stages of parliament as president of the nation, you do have the right to usual because to, i mean these are going to be, so i this week, the only other low that's not to i don't think it's triple strategy. that's cool, in case recommendations of the european union. now it is pretty obvious though, uh with the georgian present deciding that she's going to veto this legislation that she's really just putting on a show. because even she herself said earlier that if she would go through with a veto of this bill, it's very likely that because of the massive support that it has from george and parliament, it would just get over written by the georgian parliament. and this legislation would go through anyway, so i guess we have to ask the question, who is she putting on a show for me?
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i would say her western patrons where the loudest, the voices, outside of georgia, calling this for an agency legislations, some sort of pro russian legislation. or in the, in contradiction with western values. the same countries that are funding and sponsoring these not n g o is non governmental organizations in georgia that are basically manipulating public opinion against russia and china. the most recent comment we have is from the use policy cheap, a foreign policy chief brother joseph perone. we transparency of for nathan slow is not in line with e. you norms and values. if adult that it will limit csl and media way, get freedom of expression. we urge leaders to refrain from adults and legislation that can compromise judges. a bath. the main thrust behind this legislation with just means that organizations would have to register in a government database that they received over 20 percent of their income from foreign sources. and this is not something that's specific to georgia. i mean,
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the european union itself has similar for an agency legislation. it's just they call it a defensive democracy package, not an actual for an agencies law. and if we look at the united states, there's been a for an agencies log there as well. since the mid 20th century, actually. so there's plenty of western countries that have legislation like this that are aimed at controlling for an info ones in the country itself. despite all these, you know, georgian liberals and western politicians and figures saying that this has something to do with russia. it looks far from it. the serbs are pushing back against the draft. you in general assembly resolution that would label the 1995 sharper need, some must occur of the genocide. the motion has been slum by president alexander, of which as well as the leader of the serve and to be of boston in herzegovina. loaded onto the daughter who's called it, a one sided, the trail of tragic events in the former yugoslavia. but also to set evidence or
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better according to the lady's decision of the hague tribunal. 4100 muslims would kills instead of being from 1992 to 1995. yes, there is no mention of the 25023500 subs who were also killed the they were excluded from that story. genocide therefore, had no prerequisites. genocide is a fabrication that will tell us apart. they are trying to force us to stay despite the fact that they slander us, they want to make some evidence, a synonymous with genocide. you have the exact number of victims remains unknown. so i'm gonna sort of showing in 2004 a western buck tribunal off the hague brand to the tragedy of genocide. that ruling was upheld by the international court of justice. 3 years after about whoever served se just simply failed to take their side of the story into account us, thousands of people were massacred on both sides of the bosnian war. in the 1990s or documentary journal has been deeper into the grim legacy in the film. about
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republic test strips got which you can watch in full on r t d delta r t dot com. you're some pretty the brutality of the 92 to 95 was done. the weld neither side span at the end of the the with sided with a bunch of the x and provides on demonize the service the events in state, but it needs so would declare it to be genocide value. these kind of use a lot of it is repulsive to that you'll be striving people, disobedience, corporations, with the donations. albanians from gary ends in boston, was lives so the whole world finds it repulsive because of college. they will not be able to deal with the 7 days. it will be at least may choose to have the machine to the your assumption of the most kind. it's east. so guys will be focusing subsidy. these numbers below now is that for portion and the balls now 28th
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division killed hundreds of subs. so it's safe havens in the un security zone, and he has strep bonita. in july 1995, it was rad comb, luggage, politically withdrawal of most of the refugees from strep and need so the west coast and my war criminal, the bosnian serbs, consider the general a national hero. performed in 1992 republic gets served. scott was allowed to remain as part of bosnia and herzegovina after the war ended with the dates and the agreement. however, the serb into the house now threatened to initiate a session if the you and adults the controversial resolution on shred, predicts, as prost live now to serbian american journalist and the voice and mileage. joining us from bell, a great good to see and a voice. what's your take then on this proposed draft resolution of the timing of
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it all, i think is the 1st thing that people will realize why know 30 years old as well. it's the timing really reveals how cynical it is because you would think that the sponsors were at least try to wait until july because of the anniversary of the events or even wait for a route number like next year to make it an anniversary. no, they're doing it now because the who's, who's the 1st sponsor of this germany, germany is being sued before the international court of justice as a contributor to what you're always doing in gaza. which south africa has accused israel, of, of, of essentially perpetrating a genocide. now regardless of the merits of that case or not, this really looks like an attempt to virtue signal on behalf of germany and divert attention from gaza by bringing absorber needs. now, there's many american and western politicians on record over the past 30 years, basically saying that the western support for body muslims was intended to sort of
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engender gratitude in the muslim world. and dulls the blade of criticism that some people, including some of in loudon, among them, former american assets. enough to understand turned blood in any of that. you know, the u. s. has killed the stations, troops in saudi arabia during the rock war, and then tolerated the genocide of muslims in bosnia, which was a major propaganda for your steam in the ninety's. ironically, the whole, the whole western plan, the, the angle american plan to sort of present the events of balls me as a genocide which then the virtuous westwood right to the rescue and be the knight in shining armor. ended up backfiring because that sort of rhetoric only radicalized and inflamed. do you hottest globally, who ended up turning that rage onto the west? a while not really accomplishing the necessary required gratitude goals that they set themselves. and so what they're doing now is stretching that up and if you
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letting it again, show that a, the west would appear virtuous and be the service cool. i've been designated the bad guy in europe has sort of a proxy russians that the west can get at. could be additionally humiliated because they can't actually do anything more to russia. you've answered my next point essentially because i wanted to talk and why you think the box crews of this resolution, what they're seeking to achieve. but there's in the side to that as well. the people wouldn't really bring anything beneficial to the citizens of the balkans themselves. of absolutely not, i mean is as a present daughter said if, if you do this, then you're basically tearing down the dayton agreement, which had for its many flaws, has guaranteed there at the end of kinetic warfare in bosnia and has kept somehow, miraculously kept a piece for all these years, but i was born and raised the boston. i survived 3 or 4. i know how brutal it was.
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but again, the deacon agreement, even though it was the cynical power play by the u. s. government at the time actually manage to ended that war 2 medically, politically did it and is the fact that the americans have been fuel link uh ethnic tensions involved me ever since for their own purposes. but the actual war that killed a 100000 people stopped. and this is the achievement that this kind of policy should basically seeking to one level. because the moment this resolution passes the blogs, the most ones are gonna say, well, it's time to abolish republican service. busy sort of a genocidal entity and create a unified volume which is precisely the issue for which to, for broke out in the 1st place on in terms of all of the push back to this. what come the serbs do negotiate because there's no veto power. for instance, up to you and at general assembly, although of course it's resolutions are not legally binding. how does this play out
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as well? there's not a whole lot that the serbian government can do, aside from reminding pretty much everybody in the world that if the general assembly can declare with the majority of votes that uh, you know, the, the depths of several 1000 combatants in a single town can be declared to genocide, then this can happen to anybody else. anywhere else on the planet, you just need to get enough votes in the general assembly. if i were is route, for example, i would actually be appalled by this because what's prevents a group of nations tomorrow from submitting a resolution that what's happening and gaza is a genocide. what supports preventing people from, from accusing. i don't know china of genocide, india, of genocide, olivia, of genocide, any country and, or the americans for that matter. i mean this could, this could be, this type of law. fear could be turned on americans just as easily of the people behind this resolution and making a mistake, even though it's the germans and several other countries that are sort of the front
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men for this. this was concocted as the state department. they're playing with fire because this is the kind of weapon that should never be used. and it's ultimately degrading the un general assembly and making it a bonus points list as the league of nations. and just the final point briefly, if we can negotiate, because i did want to just point this site directly, the nato bombing of serbia, back in 19900, some civilian scale. do you think that the un general assembly would put that to a vote at perhaps is not any less of a tragedy or maybe less or numbers but of what happened then sharpened dates? well, i mean, as you said, it's a simple majority vote. if the, if say the serbian government puts that up as a resolution and enough people vote for it to attend that, have a, some kind of unresolved hostility towards the west. it could just as easily be declared genocide as well. i mean, at this point everything anything can be declared to genocide, which is precisely the peril of this resolution. yeah, thanks so much for your take on this. it's something we'll be watching very.


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