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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 18, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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let's go to china now where the president adrian paint has propose for principles for regulating the conflicts in ukraine and restoring peace as soon as possible. his proposals were made at a meeting with german chancellor was off shelves during time, the tops of his 1st visit to paging since berlin adult to the foreign strategy of time literary criticism from the asian power. first, we should prioritize the upholding of peace and stability and refrain from seeking selfish gains. second, we should cool down the situation and not add fuel to the fire. 3rd, we need to create conditions for the restoration of peace and refrain from further exacerbating tensions forth. we should reduce the negative impact on the world economy and refrain from undermining the stability of global industrial and supply chains to jim and john. so those visits came despite several moves by germany's western partners to tub. the country's trade with paging, while the us is probing national security risk switch, it came to post by china. meanwhile, earlier on monday, schoultz told reporters in shanghai that he would china to stop supplies so cool
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deal use products to russia. also, he called on all nations, but not to circumvent the sentence imposed by the international community and to refrain from providing the kremlin with weapons were back in july, had germany introduced a son that's of funds. the need to reduce is risk and they cannot make dependency on china. and a policy emphasized bolan's interest in trade with taiwan, something badging as a piece of the designates as a red line issue. germany's foreign policy strategy mazda described as a systemic, viable where you find china. meanwhile, the shelves was greeted by the vice matter of the chinese. dizzy he arrives in, however, despised nothing has well to him for his interest agent paying his but feed you, i'm in need of a toke sense. negotiate sions was successful. this isn't the 1st time a talk to him. official has received the cold salt will do on chips to the global south. last november, jim and president frank walton stein maya was left wasting alone on his plate
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infinity. 13 minutes off to hear arrived in casa, because no one had showed up to greet him, a total of the blogger, and basically likes alex report to face face. germany is not in a position to, to dictate to china who they should trade with a team arriving here and looking at china is an ally to the manufacturing sector in germany. the americans will be nervous about it. germany, a seeing through this though, they have seen this conflict in the ukraine cause, you know, severe damage to their economy and they need a restart to their economy. and i think, you know, everyone knows that china is a country that has 1500000000 people. and if you're in good standing relationships with china, you will eventually when, if you're not already winning, i don't think germany is in the position to dictate to china who they should trade
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with. china hasn't been in conflict with anyone since i've been on this earth. so, i mean, that's a while. so i don't think um, you know, germany in has any ability or power to tell china to who and how and when to dictate to their business. none, so ever let me, thanks for joining us. hey on on say international coming your way next week. sanchez. how's the next step instead of direct impact so that, that was more news about 30 minutes to then the everybody for a daily show we have no punches. so continue to look for truth bomb number one. the us media is fascinated with russian turned the rests. groupon number to the us media doesn't cover those same stories when they occur here. truth bomb
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number 3, britney griner is not a victim who deserves to be celebrated for her marijuana arrest. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact the, the, this is really unimportant story and here's why there is, it seems a wild and crazy fascination in the us media with drug cases in russia. it's weird, it's almost nonsensical as, as we go i'm going to show you just town credibly, dom, i mean, incredibly hypocritical. busy so our coverage is in this country of those types of stories. so okay, let's start with this. and this is the reason i'm doing the story. cuz yesterday i
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turned on the news here in the good old usa, and this is what i saw a us citizen living in russia appeared in court today. robert with lin robin off is facing charges of trafficking large amounts of illegal drugs as part of an organized group. stuff off. the offense is punishable by 20 years in prison. rowing off has been in a rushing custody since the beginning of the year. his trial began in march in january, the us state department said it was aware of romanovs detainment and has no greater priority than the safety and security of us citizens. okay, i saw that, so i looked it up and then i found that story with just about everywhere. so now i have to ask you a question after you watch that story after i watch that story. and the question is, who cares? of some guy was arrested in russia for drug charges. i mean, it's interesting perhaps to maybe him. it certainly is interesting to his family.
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maybe he's guilty. maybe he's not guilty who the hell knows. and it may be important in, in the community where he lives, or perhaps where he comes from. but other than that, why are we talking about it? why is that story making headlines in west or newspapers and television newscasts all over the united states? by the way, if we're going to do a story, every time a foreigner is arrested for drug violations, then here in the us, there would be no room for any other stories so far, just as years. i looked it up, you know, the number of people that have been arrested, not prosecuted in the united states so far this year. $807.00 prosecutions for drug charges by us or by a non us citizens. keyword prosecutions. $807.00 just this year. that means that were double or triple the number of actual arrests. how many
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among those thousands made national news? i can't name any, can you of foreigners who were arrested united states cuz they apparently, you know, were arrested for some kind of drug charge. but boy, i'll tell you what. one westerner is arrested and drunk to charges in russia. and it's time for alarm bells and breaking news and others go off everywhere. it's like you can almost set your watch to it, arrest the arrest, somebody in russia. ready to go? look, here's another. the russian media reporting at american has been arrested in russia and drug trafficking charges. watching tv showing images of michael travis league in court. his mother confirming he's also seen on video watching media posted on line of league refusing to admit and deals on america arrested in russia. yeah, thank story. that's a national news that's abc national news. i just, i, i, it's just, it's kind of shocking to me. oh,
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and he refused to admit guilt right and says he refused to admit go well that that's it must be a legitimate story. he says he didn't do it and i don't know much about that case either. and with all due respect to him and his family, i don't really care. then there's the case of brittany griner for months. this thing was, i mean, you guessed it, breaking news, breaking news out of russia as well. a court there has up held the 9 year prison sentence for us basketball star, brittany greiner, that decision. just a few minutes ago, griner was arrested back in february out of moscow airport. she had vip cartridges containing cannabis oil, which is banned in russia. now now grant this case is a little different. the case against grodner is newsworthy because after all, she was a celebrity basketball player who got caught in rush or getting off a plan with marijuana in the form of an oil that she was going to use for the baby
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. right. so in her case, i can see where it's a story, it's a legitimate story. the other ones know. however, the way it was played, making her out to be the poor victim, taking advantage of by big bad russia was kind of ludicrous. don't you think? i mean, if she'd been arrested in alabama or if she'd been arrested in france for the same exact thing, that story would've been covered completely differently. and by the way, that could have happened because a lot of and alabama are pretty much the same as they are in russia. and by the way, i don't agree with washer as law. okay, i'm not trying to say, oh yeah, rush has got this figured out when it comes to that. i'm not saying that at all or the decision to arrest someone for marijuana. oil. but you know what? it's very country and therefore it's very laws. and if you're going to get on a plane and go to another country, yeah, may want to know what and what we go and what is not legal there before you get on the plane. right? and if you don't know, and you break their law, they,
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i guess no matter what that law happens to be. shame on you. shame on you for being either they knew it or to self important to care about what another country's law is before you get on a plane and go there. i mean, talk about the ugly american syndrome. i don't care what your laws are. i only go by my laws that stupid. okay. so i'm not defending either side here. why don't to why, why do western national media companies like the one you're just all that i showed you constantly harp on every single drug arrest in russia? first of all, it's because they have an obvious bias against russia, right? i mean, you know, that i know that the, they're always going to do negative stories coming out of russia and rarely do any positive stories that come out of rush fine. but, but let me get my colleagues in the media, the benefit of the doubt and suppose that the reason they're doing the story is because they want to criticize unfair or draconian laws that should have been
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changed, especially when it comes to some drug violations. not all, i'm talking about heroin. we're selling stuff here. well, let's give them the benefit of them. suppose that's what they're doing, right. if that's the case, then what we need is a very large mirror. so that we can take a really good look at ourselves. because nowhere in the world are probably in the history of a world or more people are arrested for drugs. most of the time on fairly then right here in the google usa marijuana, one of the most dangerous drugs known to mankind, responsible for almost as many as for years asteroids are shark attacks. it can cause and otherwise healthy adult to giggle or get a bit hungry. thankfully the brave men and women from numerous agencies have been waiting a tireless and expensive war against this dangerous plan. for decades,
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the store on drugs or other people, it's a wolf to fight for the pharmaceutical industry. so they could sell this like a tropic drugs. i mean cheese, how many people that i hear horace stories and the children wacked out on fica. oh, that's a beaut. yeah. have a little oxy cotton, you know, make you happy? feel some pain this will get rid of it. that's from a documentary. it's called the illusion of democracy. you should watch it. it's pretty good. think about that. the 440000 people die from cigarette smoking. a 106000 people die from pharmaceutical drugs. 41000 people die every year from alcohol. and you know, how many died for marijuana? 0. by the way, look, i'm not here, thump, thump, thump, thump, think of that. i'm sitting here advocating for marijuana. i'm not. but these
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numbers, when you look at them, it makes you wonder what the hell is going on. right? there are $800000.00 people a year arrested in the united states on marijuana charges, 90 percent for possession only. so over a 40 year period. now that's roughly 27000000 people have been arrested on marijuana charges. did you hear what he said? 27000000 people arrested in the united states of america on marijuana charges. 27000000. where is that story? some don't and washer it gets arrested and it's breaking news everywhere. 27000000 . 0 wait. we don't have time for that. information about 27000000 people being arrested and how many people die from other things, including pharmaceuticals. because we have to make room for more stories about brittany griner because she was arrested in russia.
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by the way, i checked, i, i did a google search at the time to find out about brittany grinders arrest in, in russia. in fact, i here, what i'm going to do it for you right now. i'm going to do the same thing that i did a little while ago. and i'm going to do a google search going to it here. let's put the brittany greiner arrest russia of brittany greiner arrest. 299000 stories have been done to cool. yeah. i'm reading this right. 299000 stories about brittany, brittany greiner. somebody i've never heard of before. by the way. 299000 stories about brittany grinders arrest in russia. or what does that tell you?
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joining us now seem kill, he's a lawyer or radios to political commentator and, and a friend of the show. steve, thank you so much for taking time to talk to us. you know, i saw this to day and that's the reason i decided to put this together. so obviously i started digging into it and putting some research together and i thought to myself, so some dude was arrested in russia, and it's a breaking news story on national newscast all over the united states. at some point, it may turn out to be a fascinating story, but i don't see a reason there to make that a national new story in the united states. am i missing something? well 1st of all, if you go to a foreign country, know what their laws are. and i would advise people if you go to a single floor, don't throw your gum out on the street because they will k u shop lift in most little eastern freeze. they will type for and off. so before you go to these places, you might need to know that they don't have this sort of tolerance approach
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describes that we generally have in the united states. by the way, i love your idea of the giant mirrors as, as people can check themselves. half the people that go to walmart dressed as they are my dress different if they look in their mirror before they left the house. but my point is that actually russia is not dread. coney and we're drunk coney and we have really ridiculous drug laws. we all know that in the united states, if you're a poor, young, white dude or a poor african american, or a poor hispanic guy and cops, pull you over and you're smoking a marijuana cigarette. you're probably going to go to jail. but if you're a rich white kid, they're going to call your parents. we also know that there's a drug that we call cocaine, and there's another one we call crack through the same exact drug, but black people tend to do crack white people tend to go, okay? so the people who do go pain don't get the same amount of punishment that the people who do crap, there's all kinds of stories. i can tell you about how ridiculous have draconian,
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how unfair are drug laws are. where is that story? who the hell or who the hell are we in the media to be going to russia to criticize them? which is really what we're doing because they are arrested some dude for who knows what having to do with drugs. that's my point. but we just talked about it talking about the progress the we have states that are embracing legal ization of marijuana . it is still a federal crime. so if you go to buy a gun and, and say in that are buying their quantity in, in colorado, you're still violating the law for having use marijuana. when you go to fill, i forgot the form that lied by saying that you're not using any illegal drugs. because under federal law, you still are in your track to point out that you get correct. okay. and it is different treated differently than the top and because of the users all are, but you increasingly the suburban kids that are also getting a felony because they deserve a little more marijuana or
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a little more whatever the drug of choice is at a particular time and that is enough to classify as resale, and you've got a lot of prosecutors who are wanting to make their chops or give you as many felony convictions as they can. so they put the pressure on these arrestees, where if you plead guilty to this felony, we won't make you do any jail time. but did you've got a felony on your career record for the rest of your life? maybe design you the ability to purchase a gun, a to 9, you know, right? to vote because the prosecutors are trying to get their own check mark of how good they've been in literally extorting people to get a, a, an easy plea that they're not thinking about the long term. and the process here gets the easy settlement to somebody's going. i can't risk going to jail for 5 years and they get no jail time. but the price you're going to get to selling. colorado is dealing with this interesting. they have something called wipers that they put into place. so that if you get convicted on a non violent drug charge, you can have it wobble down from a cell or the to
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a list of leisure. after you've completed your introduction without jail time, you can walk on it down to a misdemeanor. so we don't have tens of thousands of felons around the country losing the ability to get work losing the ability to go losing the ability to own a god. because prosecutors are getting their chief an easy uh, prosecute. yeah, no, there's no i've, i've read and seen stories about young people who maybe when they just turned 18, they did something they wish they hadn't done and regret it. but nonetheless, it's on the record. and as a result of that, for the rest of their lives, they for, for example, can't sign forms to get themselves an apartment. they can't sign or do certain things. this is something that of next them for the rest of their life. and the point that i'm making is here we are looking at russia and trying to make a big story out of one drug the rest when we just saw 27000000 marijuana rifts in the united states. but we're focusing on
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one because it happened in russia. at what point do, do we just wait? and i'm not here to defend russia or their policies, nor am i saying their system is perfect or i'm just saying, where is the context? where is the nuance, where is the explanation to people as well? if we're going to criticize that, we better take a good look at this to. we don't do that, rick, we have 5 tons, 5 times fentanyl coming across our border. every month. we're having over 3000 federal desks every month, a 911, literally every month from the sentinel, this point across our border. and yet they are very few stories about that. when we do get the drug moved in from mexico with this. so, you know, they'll show the drugs they caught, but we don't stop it. and again, it's doing a victims like another 911 every couple of weeks. all right, let's do this. we're going to come back. we're going to wrap up this discussion. i
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think it's really important. i think some of the points you made about, or maybe i'd hate them as well. i don't know if we agree on this. i'm gonna ask you about this case about brittany griner. i found fascinating the way she was almost hero worship. i want to know what you think about that, and then we're going to talk about a certain man named bolton and who he wants to be the next president of the united states. we may have mentioned this earlier, but i want you to hear it from the horse's mouth. a horse with a very big odd way. moustache will be right back. the russian states never as tired as i'm one of the most sense community best. in most all sense and up the, in the 65 to 5 must be the one else holes. question about this,
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even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin. yep. mission, the state on rush coding and split the r t spoke neck. even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you say you requested a the, the, when the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world, india as voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react the
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public, sanchez, this is direct impact. talking to steve, go talking about how the media in this country and in most western countries make a huge deal out of every arrest that occurs. of a foreigner, especially a westerner, inside russia for some reason. and maybe i would, we should ask this question. i guarantee you that today someone was arrested who is american in germany, probably in france, probably in great britain, probably in almost every big country in the world, certainly. and countries like latin america, because people are arrested all the time and they may be perfectly innocent. but their charge could be a misdemeanor, could be nothing. why is it that we never hear of those are? but if any american is arrested in russia, it becomes front page knows why as well. i think a lot of this is,
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as you mentioned earlier, it's a demon ization of russia, among other things, you've got every nurse in the wall street journal reporter who is jail for allegedly spying in russia. you had a to lan, american blogger, who was jail, and died in prison. and you pray. yeah, we never heard anything about that. that is fair to that freedom is also free for you just written the dryer. if she'd get a $53.00 blog point start playing for residency, we never would have heard much about this. griner is about 66 african american part of the l g, b, g, g community. she was a cause to celebrate for the by the phrases because of all those factors, not because of her guilt or innocence, but because she said the profile they were wanting to, to kind of cater to in, in a political sense. i don't care, she has 5 arms and is my and, and likes to have sex with whatever she likes to have sex with. i don't care. i don't, i don't care weren't central or didn't is i don't care how policies. i don't care
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what colors you. i don't care about any of those things. what i do know is there is a law in russia that says, you can't fly on a plane and enter into our country with marijuana and we are going to punish you for that law. that's all i care about. seems to me. i haven't heard her say, i didn't have it. she did break the law. am i wrong? a good professional basketball, though she didn't just drive through the country and did it virtually. i realize she's in rush that she had been working and playing in russia, knew the laws. and yeah, i don't think she ever denied that she did it and you're right. it shouldn't matter to you or, or anybody for dollar to raise for sexual preferences. but it mattered to divide it . yeah. tracy, which is why they lose half an hour to get personally. yeah. yeah. they did. they did at uh they did that more in her case that i think they would have in most cases . and frankly, i don't understand why they went that far in this case when she was plainly
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guilty. now, i don't think she was treated and i don't think as you get 9 years in jail for marijuana. oil that seems silly. it's silly here and it's silly in russia as well, but you're right if you're going to go to another country, my god, respect their laws, no matter what the hell they may be. as you said, what did you tell us about earlier, or what does it in single board tell us again, if you saw a piece of dog from your mouth onto the sidewalk, they literally take your shirt off and beat you with a k. a again, most of them literally 2 chocolate they talk your handle. yeah. at least you might do it again. but trying to use that man. yeah. okay. well i got another one for you . so this is the, this is the thing that also happened this week that i thought, or at least caught my eye. and i want to see what you think about it. as you know, there's no greater hawk in america then john bolton. and because of that, u. s. media outlets love him because they loved wars, he loves wars,
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they love words, so therefore they love him, right? it's like an enter mine. he is there, go true expert on all things related to military foreign policy politics. despite the fact that he, john bolton, never thought, nor does he seem to know. squat about geo politics is a man who, at one point or another has suggested that we go to war with russia. china then as well, iran too, but just to name a few. so in case you didn't know that with that said, watch this breaking news on c m m. when i ask him who he would vote for for president. and you've said you're going to write someone in, in november. that's what i did in 2020 and i'll do it again. this november. who did you write in? in 2020. you've never revealed that before. well, i'm, i might as well say it now i voted for dick training. wow. and i'll vote for dick cheney again, this november. perfect. exactly,
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because that's what we need. the guy who took us to war and iraq, one of the biggest disasters in the history of our country, we need that guy back in the white house. maybe we can get another more going. let's go to, let's, let's go to work with russia. no, let's let's, let's fight with a ron. i don't know, steve, i'm being silly, but what do you think i a book with, with some of these guys that want to go to work with everybody of the small 2 or 3 of the nations. i'm wondering if they get in power because, hey, let's pick a war with somebody close for changes. you know, maybe if you're a rumor or jamaica, you all the looking over your shoulder both and gets that gets back near the white house. and i'm not sure where his phone will actually have an impact on me. i don't know what state he's voting in, but i don't think it's gonna swing a single state electronically with who john holmes decide to vote for. by the way, you're talking to a guy who was one of the 1st correspondence on the ground in grenada when we invaded grenada because we needed to move 5000 shape off of one village or
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something. it was one of the most ridiculous things i've ever seen. but yes, there are these bar, henry cheaper they are. yeah, they have a spare shoot in after it was secure so they can get their tom back junk rivers. i mean, the depart was making sure kind of the, everybody gets a trophy. everybody got rid of it even after the, the combat resting place. i also was in prison with manuel noriega. i said i was sent there to interview him by nbc, and i asked him to do work for the c. i a and he looked at me and then he winked that. i said for hulu, and he said, bush a there forget that the steve go good. stuff, thank you so much for joining us. thank you for the discussion. appreciate it. before we go, i want to remind you of our mission here. really, it's simple. the silo, the world. we gotta stop living in these little boxes truths. don't live in boxes are everywhere. that's what we try to do. i'm rick sanchez. will be looking for you again. right here. i'm director of the
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a report says lights on the id. yes. allegedly using drones saying, just pressing sounds to go around to billy it's in dollars, but during the night to shoot as with the state sick, 2 projects that power across southeast asia pacific states remain committed to paying sounds to ability in the region. stating foreign minister visits to cost the cost of a multi states. and as indians take to the polls with the media trying to overshadow the process by costing thousands on the countries to move to and from the rest of the blocks.


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