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tv   News  RT  April 19, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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the, the pool will lead to india, the most populous country, the offices going economy. for the next 5 years. we bring you a special election coverage over the next 6 weeks as the premium people will also ahead this, our rushes, foreign minister and pushes back against the western narratives on ukraine. must go promotes peace talks instead of continued find taken while the us and allies sleep to the feet. russia on the top of this reflects not so much of religion to attitude as agony and history. they're not hiding it anymore to go to johnson for sensitive blood pressure. when would be the end of our condo ram called it's retaliatory strike on israel last weekend,
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a necessary show of force coming as the as nomic republic. braces for a large scale id f response. we report from the to run where locals are rallying and supports on their govern. staples site as well as it was supposed to pull the trigger by targeting their warranty and military figures. so the current situation based on a lies as the from must go to the world. this is our t international. hello and welcome to then use our people in the world's most populous nation. are taking to the polls in this general election is being held in 7 stages over the next 6 weeks, with stations now close following the 1st day on voting on our teeth. when i'm sure you don't miss any of the moments stuff, not her as we bring you special coverage of the major event or
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the or close to 1000000000 eligible voters can how they're say that is over 10 percent of the planet. the election wraps up on june 1st with the results to be a nice 3 days after that. now on friday, voting took place across 21 indian states, and the big numbers keep coming. the large scale electra requires more than a 1000000 and pulling boots on an excess of about $15000000.00 workers to oversee it's all, let's have a look over here because the ball it is taking place and many at remote terry is. so some pulling machines must be carried there in horses and even elephants talk about pulling out all the stops at voters by the way,
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have indelible ink apply to their index fingers. a method used to avoid fraud while the world's most elevated pulling booth is also being used, located as far up as 4650 meters in the himalayan mountains, while around 18000000 people are voting for the 1st time. here's what some of them told us about their expectations as the 1st name or the receiver. obviously i vote for the one who is a can guide in the me that if i'm working for them, whatever they're seeing before getting elected to david obviously promised to abide by the item davis pursued or those demands. my suspicions on the main body would read that to make and the more the manufacturing sector basically. secondly, i do my job opportunities to be created for the new york who they can and don't see pro force. and because there's a lot of intelligence that are pretty much scammed, so that's right, i guess, you know, i think they're good, wonderful job,
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but i want them to focus more on the health care sector. otherwise, typing everything they are actually doing fine. i believe to be involved in education must be and so but uh, overall development well, 2 main coalitions are competing for control of the country's parliament and post of prime minister. the national democratic alliance, comprising of 38 parties, led by the ruling bgp unencumbered premier no rend moody. on the other side is the indian national developmental inclusive alliance, consisting of 26 opposition party. south block is led by the i n. c. with the parties spearheaded by another famous indian named ro, done the saw on a former pm rajiv gandhi. while the opposition accuses the incumbent government,
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all violating democratic principles, including media and really just freedom. that is a charge. new delhi categorically denies what ortiz written to ensure on that has been covering the 1st day for us of the nation's elect. the big is democratic, gets the size in the wall. it is on the way he already india, as a 1000000000 people were world. oh, well, the next 6 weeks, the 1st phase of the election started today. around $102.00 constituencies will bolting oliver, the full $543.00 total fall and $1.00 fee constituencies that the number again will be played on. now for us, it's not just the world's biggest elections, but it's also one of the most expensive elections in the wall. some estimates say that around $14000000000.00 will be spent 5 political sol keys to
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water is really most as in india of thought. i'm the know who they want to go to. i don't think of what is going to be moved by what is happening in the that's the world in terms of geo politics or conflict a whole lot on this or that. some people, what exposure they've asked who have interest in the business or otherwise. and therefore, they are sensitive to these trends. bodies have very, very, very small minority in the heartland of india, where the voting is there. not even aware of these things. are you using the u. k. in conflict or what is happening with the one who is alive or in the south china sea. this and that know they will vote on hardcore bread and butter issues. uh, development issues. but let me tell you something as well. so the 17 also dick and
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dice, political parties in india, how many of the engine i just didn't just do the was forwarded that's been marked as a result of wants with these democracy to the rest of the world. citizens don't have a choice, is either republicans or democrats, that's it. and even the most of that, if you read what is the state will be in dental view, us no more because it, it all depends on 7 states. the rest of those days is given the read democrats and republicans now compared to that, look at the look at of a democracy, the extremely sensitive about any individuals in the election process, but to the best to even official statements. like in the case of germany and the united states, picking up the cause of opposition, politicians and defending another elections. so i don't, i find it very disappointing that the washington voted new york times of the economy is to financial times the whole targeting in indian democracy instead of looking at the positives already. the fact that if engine democracy successful,
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then democracy in the world is successful. when we talk on monday for that at the what we're saying is that the ships and follow back up. because since 1945 should be reflected in good global governance in the united nations with financial and political institutions, that it should be most base for a country like india. we had an older, civilized, isn't 16 of them entity, a timing democracy. like, why can't we have create a say in how the words are govern itself and the principal going to be shouldn't be govern because we see a lot of double stand a lot of double standards and off frustrating of all kinds. where closely watching the votes in india, where hundreds of millions of citizens will have their democratic say over the next month and a half r t dot com has the full schedule for you all the election as well as plenty of details have analysis of the ongoing violence and here all there throughout the
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day i'm in the coming weeks. we'll continue to bring you special coverage off in the as parliamentary elections, which are run until the 1st day of june. the foreign minister, a circle of rough uh, shared his view on the stand off between moscow. i'm the west in an interview to a select few prominent russian journalists ortiz, editor in chief, mark leader simonian was among a gosh, busy solution adds up the every day we have from the west is that they will not come down until russia is particularly defeated. and every day, more and more just the front end become as it was mundane, more and more terrible to every one tells us johnson and the others. that if we don't wait on the battlefield on waste, any call, this will put an end to the hedge and many of the west,
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which means and never use the west. some general as it is to under most it will smells like a big pool. i do not know what nuclear weapons and people who smell like god forbid i find out. what do you think about it is there is such a prospect of where you will get those right is doing good. this reflects not so much of religion to attitude as agony and history, and they're not hiding it anymore. they quoted johnson cassette that you will let rush when would be the end of our head generally used as well. but this is justin that to you and seen an international court of justice goodness, guilty of violating the main principal of the un charter on the sovereign equality of stabilizing. and i think the international court of justice should pay attention to this for a lot of states and seeing the same thing. we lose our influence and russia will work with china, north korea, and syria to make this world. this does not reflect or something else with quite the contrary, reflects to our understanding of what is going on. they call it a battle to preserve their jammy, no longer shining away from them. but this is simply the formation of a new multiple order and the quote with with justin democratic world, or the 1st thing is that the journalist asked him of that, of course,
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was ukraine. and one of the central points they wanted to know more about was why did piece talks breakdown in ukraine very soon after the start of the military operation of a 2 to 3 weeks afterwards. at peace thoughts around the table, there was folks in bella rush, there was talked in istanbul now at the depaula were progressing. and he was asked if it was a rushes priorities were on the talks. and he mentioned that, you know, discriminatory laws against russians in eastern ukraine and dumbass on that fine me, it would be removed. and he also is categorical in suggesting that it was the youth case and united states to a range you plane. and if you like, 1st of all, as the present constantly reminds us, we always prefer negotiations to fights and wars. and yes, we had experience, we mediately agreed when ukrainians realizing that they were playing with the bombing of don boss and with the promotion of direct methods of genocide against russians on their own territory. and they offered negotiations $2.00 to $3.00 weeks after the start of the special military operations to which we agree. it's just the
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day before yesterday for the 1st publish such memoirs. but they are very, very clearly aimed to just to find themselves. i'll explain why. now for the 1st world that the united states and britain details the landscape, not to sign but allegedly not because they wanted to continue to work with the hands of the ukrainians and exhaustive brush me federation and disorder russian civilians. but because they saw the proposal contained the formation of the group of guarantors of ukraine security with the participation of russia and china. but also with the participation of the west, it became wary. and there was an amazing reason why the beginning where yes, well, they will sign it now, but suddenly disagreements will not be fulfilled again. and someone will attack you crank suddenly and frustrated. self will attack your crank, and then we'll have to fight with russia as the guarantors of ukraine security. we don't want that. it doesn't make you think that doesn't it, it how many times in the suffering they could have been saved. if those pay stubs how that works out for them anyway to a positive note. now, because the problem was, i spoke about the, the pond as the buses park, those people countries that they do have
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a good relationship with. one of those key partners, of course, is china, china as the back to back. but russia since for the young, it's refused to implement sanctions. it's refused to play the game that the west has demanded to do so. and interesting, the associate level of also mentions china is a suggestion around a piece plan for ukraine just around the the chinese position, which we respect back in february, last year, the formulated there 12 points and now schultz went to caesar in pain and not very decent police deposition pin supports the peace conference in switzerland. the chinese post fishing is that we must 1st understand the root causes of the crisis is necessary to abandon the mentality of the cold war when we considered each other opponents. enemies is necessary to clear the subscribe to the need to look for solutions that will take into account the balance of interest in the field of security and ensure the indivisibility of security. this is a completely different approach while russia is portrayed as somebody that those of one piece, i mean, even on the global stage it's,
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it's russia that's looking for the escalation in the middle east. the escalation when it comes to buy one and actually the escalation and ukraine, as you can see, they were willing to attend the talks, but it was the west to pulled your brain away from those thoughts. he described the western leaders as in some ways, you know, absolutely obsessed with this conflict. this idea that they can inflict a strategic defeat on russia desperately need to get money out of their parliaments to continue the war. in united states, you can see how they have already cooled down. i don't know how the world will and now the drama this weekend on the consideration of 3 different bills, including on ukraine. but now the most cells, ones who advocate the continuation of pumping new cream with money and weapons, are the europeans. they're already so unequivocally route. and in general, having already cut off a path declares atrocities anatomy that it must be destroyed. not allow twins to save. you crank, they'll just finish this politicians if they change this rhetoric. secondly, they need to get money to explain why they've already deprived your population of cheap gas to pipelines, oil white price of jump y d industrialization is taking place as
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a result of sanctions. and even from their point of view of the conference, the conflict, they all have a choice in a month to 3 for their national elections to the european parliament and in a huge number of e u countries. but i think the opposition will not miss the chance in any case, to show what their policy has led to in terms of social economic consequences. so again, fascinating language, interesting language. and you can see the exasperation that you know, the west is essentially decided that russia is the enemy, rocher can only say in the attempt a can never be sent against in ukraine or anywhere else for that matter, but also a sense that rush it as pragmatic that the door is open for peace negotiation, but those no ghost negotiations have to except and realize russia's legitimate security concerns. and the re runs president has defended last weekend strike, bounty ordered against israel in retaliation for the deadly bombing. they'll be a reunion consulate in damascus. and put him right as
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a say is his country's response was a vital show of force. now maybe your visa duration became a sign of the problem of the slug, republican and pete's armed forces of all these move was necessary probably between the fun and the souls of tribes and pop of our great country. very well, let's go through it because that statement comes and made reports silver that a legend is really a talking around spokesman for the uranium civil space program. phase 3 proteins were shocked. our number is for home city, which is known for hosting nuclear research sites around this being bracing for a large scale response from west jerusalem. one week ago was the stomach for a public launched hundreds of drones and missiles of israel, which itself claims to have shot most of them done earlier in april. first, the nurse try killed 16 people up uranium consulate in the syrian capital. israel initially denied responsibility, but later in directly admitted it had targeted the building,
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claiming it served as an military base for coordinating how must operations following its retaliation to the truck or run said it's ready to hit bock with much greater force if any of its nuclear facilities are attacked by the adf. israel's may not like the us planes, it wants to see things come down. we're committed to israel security. we're also committed to de escalate to trying to bring this tension to a to a close. well, in um dissipation, all this really military action cries of a really ins helping voicing their full throated support for the islamic nations. government ortiz use of july, they can take us through as the capital of the country have changed. riley's after the weekly friday for you to show support for the recent d. c on this real estate and retaliation. process serious on april.
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what maybe you funds for as well. the one with the mouse good. part of the people who are holding far is expressing gratitude for home furnishings, as well as all of these days to supply the act of self. it has to do to future actually goes to the wrong division. i mean, reveals the reasons for our ballistic missiles cannot be intercepted by the higher the western world was. nuclear activities, this part of the destruction confirm
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a whole nature of the country using a comic program after one has never any prospect confusing a nuclear weapon. but it seems that is well to resort to some people say, well water who is as well as it was the 1st just pulled the trigger by targeting their warranty and military figures. so the current situation based on a nice as is where the officials waiting there are next exchanges between the 2 sides. once vision and course change reflects that could potentially regional call ford essentially is continued to wise on track or something else to tell you it by today, chad has become the latest nation to show washington the door in jemina is told the us to withdraw its troops for roman army base and the central african country,
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the statement came from the dean or force chief who said the american presence is no longer legal, regional journalist him and feel base or can tell us more. a hi there of diplomatic and sovereignty surrounds the relations between the united states and lashondra and military authorities. also asked you, general interest on an honest issue to notice the v. you as the french calling of the united states military activities in the air based object closer, according to the statements in our lives, official letterhead, america failed to provide the documents of bilateral agreements just defined the state of the face onto a pile. notice to do so just a force has ask them advocates to provide the documents or but that's what agreements just to find the presence at a g co say advice in response to 2 agreements screwing on logistical support and the personnel between our 2 states. but chats air force did not receive
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justification of the us presence, charged air force of the defense at the shape to immediately stop the basic services at the a g cause a add base. big salt non growth in us choose in the country is on the class for toggle parties. early readiness to terminate the status of forces agreement, which allows the us military to operate in the country. washington is yet to respond to the new director, but an intelligent source for support to cnn said the notice was not sent through official diplomatic channels, describing it as add ports on. it was a way to convey such a significant message, but noticed also do not directly order of the us troops to withdrawal from charge. but washington risk losing its military presence in the opposite can come to me last month. new jerry and authorities asking us to recall its troops following the crew last july. that was to president mohammed by zoom before then about $1100.00
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us troops of trade in out of babies are sprinkled in a $100000000.00, long bass rear of a state of oregon is essentially sir. news in the fight against has groups across the whole region. lot is us, i mean it goes to the american presence and the temperature of the republic of news here is a legal violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the silver and people, notably, so its elected officials to be consulted on the installation of a for an army in its territory, the government of new year taking into account the aspirations and interest of its people besides was full responsibility to denounce was immediate. the fact, the agreement relating to the status of military person, all the united states and civilian employees of the american department of defense and the territory of the republic of new here chart has struggled with that serial rate in military and political conditions since 2021 disputes over electoral transparency, everything sorts of waiting tensions between the us and todd. what the timing of
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the directory, ocean lasers questions about? notice the decision comes in terms of political context. i had a push on the 6th presidential contest where chops transitional president mohammed is debbie and his prime minister, a success mass right. or a long notable content as well. sounds like it could be a way for the military to negotiate a more beneficial agreement with washington to us, established diplomatic relations with chalk in 1960 following its independence from france and by lateral corporation between both nations includes a security packed on counterterrorism. what was the current trend? it is not glass how much longer for us can hold it. sport in africa, tennessee, or peasy. archie, a full job like syria, united for peace. those were the words a former us president bill clinton. that's mark the beginning of nato's bombing
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campaign in the former yugoslavia. 25 years ago. the alliance rained on tens of thousands of bombs and missiles getting hundreds of civilians. this was terry dodds until the yugoslav army withdrew from costs of what follows. is there a special coverage of those events on the mark they left on history on, on the lives of look up the way i can protect thousands of innocent people in the, to the fuse of powder, to get the heart of bureau to stand united with our allies for faith. my generation never to see those in europe again, the
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latest building wasn't only limited to military targets on april 19th, 1999 large explosions were heard at dawn in belgrade. as our strikes had petroleum refineries and chemical plants, government buildings and other civilian infrastructure across the country were also attacked. nato officials subsequently defended the blocks devastating assault, and also blame the done fault of europe and security on russia, with more than the legacy left behind. here's our t charlotte to been ski in belgrade of nature's aggression against what was then you could solve the a more significant turning point in world history. the so called rules space international owed was smashed with the alliance, engaging in military force with that the approval of the un security council. now that action still has run this occasions to this very day. this was the 1st
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time they to completely violate its own 3 to that 3 to is a copy of the un charter adage point 5. so you can find that each one of the members are attacked. the other screen it has nothing to do in yugoslavia. it has nothing to do in ukraine. it has nothing to do in your rack or anywhere else. an organization that for 25 years oper, right? expect gains h phone 32 should be investigated. what happened in the lead to 1999 has many power allows with the crating conflict now and while the west states russia is attacking the coal principles of the you and show it to us war, the president put and ultimately declared from the outset is named at erasing ukraine from the map as a sovereign country, the way ignores the fact that as part of nature it has with pieces we've done this
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itself. the best example of what is, of course ukraine. because when one nato tells the world, oh, we're just helping ukraine defend itself and show them the nato secretary general has admitted that nato has been in ukraine actively involved in ukraine bombing training, ukrainian forces since 2014 nathan knew exactly what he was doing. this was an academic rush of hey, in the full money you could slow up here, need to is accused of committing crimes. you're going to be so this. yeah. maybe mold and pre. yes. yes. they keep telling us that it was justified that they had to bomb us for us like but then in the next sentence says they tell us that they sorry for some bland as mary's as sign. yes. and other children killed in may type bombing in 1999. the one they tried to tell us is no, we not sorry, because we've done our job ripping apart. so the nato has consistently rejected
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those claims and rushing into office necessary. oh collateral damage yet at the same time, it accuses russia with talented preston tooth and is failing in ukraine. and he just responding with more brutality waves of deliberate me sort of attacks on see this on the civilian infrastructure. there are other power levels to the intervention of nature and you could solve it resulted in a demand for parts of the country costa, but to be recognized as a sold for an state lands asinique albanians and to this day. so it'd be, has refused to pay even recognize the break away region, despite the constant pressure from nato allies. at the same time, these allies consistently have denied cools by asking the questions and don't boss and quite me to determine that own feature. you know, it's essentially when you use something helps creating
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a bunch of independent states that are likely to be in nato allies. nato is suddenly in favor of succession is a tax. um, so it'd be a bunch of the prize kosovo way through terrorism coercion, bombing us. they essentially to give up a piece of territory, then it recognizes it. and then they turn around to the, the, the, the use of the, the, the residence of the dumbass. you our way much you've, you've already express your will through a referendum. you have to stay in the states that you don't want to be a fall. so need to claim victory intervention in serbia and the full docking bose there will need to keep peace, such fractions of resulting in decades of tensions in the balkans. the
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what this point this nature allies have accused russia of shattering the peace in europe. it is clear that nato has not done enough and what russia has done, the shots is the security architecture of europe. it's a great to pill to swallow, to recognize your working falls into. oh no, she's in a quarter of a century on need to is still refusing to do all of the not just in relation to it's illegal campaign and you can slow up here. but in a rock, i've got a song, libya, how it enables the purpose of islamic state. and now how it piles ukraine high with arms. that is something seen by many, including the global side as being the problem solar david's.


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