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tv   News  RT  April 21, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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the the headline stories, the us house of representatives approves a total of $95000000000.00 in aid to israel, taiwan, and view crane. although most republicans oppose giving t of more money. seeing american males afford it, also ahead on the program, the police 20 civilians are alleged to be killed by an idea of strike on our residential area in southern gal said coming just hours after the us congress passed the $17000000000.00 a package for each mail on the russian m. o. d u confirms its troops sub secured yet another supplement that then he had screwed up like pushing back,
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deep cleaning and forces retreating from the across the world around the clock. this is our see, welcome to the global user and up to our top story. the us house of representatives this weekend granted key of an additional 61000000000 dollar war chest following a vote in congress. notably, however, most republican congress members officially opposed the bill which could have implications for ukraine. should donald trump with november's presidential election, rushes foreign ministry spokesman also slammed the motion, saying it on the other pass billed with only few or more on necessary violence or on the word in the us allocation of no to a to ukraine. these drill and tie one will aggravate global crisis mailed to 8 to the key of regime is a direct sponsorship of terrorist activities. males for
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a to tie one is ending to sealants in china's into and the list says those are a to israel is a direct pass to an unprecedented escalation in the region. the us house of representatives after months of gridlock has finally passed the a deal to ukraine, $61000000000.00. now all amendments and there were some rather creative amendments that were proposed. all the amendments to the bill were rejected and the bill passed. now it's been passed with the intent to rebuild arsenals. there was 95000000000 in total that was given for 4 and 8 as they separated. the ukraine aid, the taiwan aid and the aid israel. mike johnson, who became the republican speaker of the house of representatives, had pledged, unlike his predecessor that he would not bring this bill up. you would not bring it to about. but he changed his mind. and i guess on the terms that this was alone, he was okay to go along with it not. busy democrats voted against the bill,
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but the majority of republican congress members did. that's quite the divide when it came to grant. and there was a lot of outrage from, from republican members of congress. they felt that this was not in the united states. andrew is now leading the charge was marjorie taylor green, the representative of georgia, and she was seconded by many members of her party. rather intense speeches were given prior to the voting. you see the united states tax payers already sent $113000000000.00 to ukraine. and a lot of that money is on, accounted for you. claim is not a member of nato, but the most important thing due here in washington dc is though we have to spend americans hard earned tax dollars over t crane a. keep the money going to continue to murder ukrainians. wipe out an entire generation of ukrainian man, 2 and a half years end of this war. we still don't know what success looks like. is it
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cry me a, is it all of the don't boss is a hold what you got? we don't know. we just can't afford it. this new spending. $60000000000.00 is designated as emergency spending. mean it go, meaning it goes straight to our national debt. a national debt that grows every single 2nd to the tune of $8000000000.00 every single day. and by the way, while i was speaking, we have added another $5500000.00 to the national debt. now the previous speaker of the house kevin mccarthy was ousted when he made what man described as a secret or backroom deal to try and go forward with funding for ukraine. and now thomas massey and marjorie taylor green to outspoken republicans, what powers they do? grand say they want the same thing to happen to mike john said they, they say he was replaced that he replaced kevin mccarthy and was brought into office to oppose this kind of deal. he made this kind of deal and they want him
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alice did. so we shall see what happens next. i'm concerned that the speakers gotta deal with the democrats of fun for mores rather than to secure a border. how did a bill that was intended for veterans that came out of the house become a bill that may bring us to the brink of war, at least 3 places on the globe by sending a 100000000000 dollars to military contractors. how if you creating officials reacted to the bill being passed, the ukrainian president has already responded in kind with, great, thanks. he personally bank speaker of the house mike johnson for making the deal that he promised not to make. we add a message from zelinski that might have online, but let's also recall a statement made by the ukranian president a few days prior to what i but we suggest that this is not a secure leticia. then this is politics. and to be honest, it is a shameful, the world is just a shameful democracy for everyone who owns it,
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talks about democracy. well, if congress takes and divides the sites of tool that has happened into his rod and you credit and parts, that means this is an election issue in the united states. now 23200000000 of the a will be used to restock ukrainian weaponry. 11.3000000000 of the aid will be provided for the training of ukrainian troops by the united states. and $61000000000.00 in total has been allocated by the us congress to provide to ukraine to continue the conflicts. at this point. there's a lot of anger on the republican side. there's a lot of anger on the democratic side that it took so long and it appears american politics is much more polarized than it has been in quite some time. very big disagreements about u. s. foreign policy and how american taxpayer money ought to be spent or us corresponding. caleb martin speaking to me earlier know senate candidate for new
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york state diane sar tool and r t that instead of using the cash for developing the u. s. washington prefer suspended on global complex. i think there's probably more going ons and needs to be, i don't know if it's related to the lumen blow out of the trans atlantic financial system. i find it frankly embarrassing that the congress would spend so much time and effort, debating policies which are going to inflame the world, which don't help the united states and have consequences which i would find horrific. i would not want on my conscience if i were a member of the elected body, so i'm not sure it probably has to do with election cycles and to ah, primaries and all kinds of factors that are not obvious. it's not going to change the situation. now you might ask, how could
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a $174000000000.00 affect the lives of the american people? could we not repair our railroads? uh, could we not do something about water management power management there it would have some real used or if we wanted to do real reconstruction, that would raise the standard of living. but that's not the game when you fall in into the mindset of m. fire, everything has to be looted, it said devolving spiraling collapse and where ultimately the, the empire economy begins to cannibalize itself. and i think that's really where we are. and it's, it's a terrible tragedy because that's not the purpose of the united states. i don't think anything we've done with visa be ukraine has been about ukraine. i mean, they've only suffered from this so weird spent sending money to american military contractors in order to for the torture, the nation and people of ukraine. i think americans perhaps aren't that aware of
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that, although many of them have a sense of it, it would be one thing. you know, i make the argument that we should spend money going to the moon. we don't spend the money on the moon, we spend it here, and it does boost our spin off technologies and the american workforce. this is like some kind of sick per version of that to get the full half the figures kept on coming. us congress members also improved $8000000000.00 to quote countries. china, a large part of that, some will go directly into a tree a to tie one, which beijing still considers its own territory. chinese officials last i'm forcing 10 ahead of the vote on capitol hill. the united states is good at using 8 as a bargaining chip and using care and stick to force developing countries to do what they say, which results in a serious lack of coherence and it's a policy and undermines the sustainable development of recipient countries. we
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heard reactions of this from canadian political list and comment theater. alex reporter, fee, who said he's paging should consider quite an idea should consider sending weapons to some american island to give washington a taste of what it's doing with taiwan. once again, wake up america. i mean, the tax peers of america must be furious today. i guess there's jubilation and celebration in the streets of israel in the streets of kia, of, and well, also in china's promise to tie one. now, if we look at this from, you know, a practical point. why would america, who has uh, you know, is 12240, not a, compiles on, paid from time one. feel that it is necessary to come over with representatives to aggravate, poke fun at the, you know, the chinese government and say, hey, well, we're at it. let's raise a $8000000000.00 of our us taxpayers, money to arm your island against yourself. it's. it's absolutely crazy. we have to,
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you know, hold the american government accountable here wouldn't be americans accept chinese representatives to fly into i don't know, new york manhattan and meet with local government officials there and say, hey, you know, we're in the mood to bring a $1000000000.00. a chinese artillery and arms and put them on your island. eric as well. maybe we think washington is a threat to you. and us congress also passed a $17000000000.00 aid package for israel come us was quick to strongly condemn the move coming image. the devastating war in gal so just hours after the us how i signed off on the bill. israel bolton, the southern most, gaston city over rough or killing at least $22.00 civilians. according to local officials, the, the, the
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18 children are reportedly among the victims. the gals and health ministry said the idea of has killed more than 50 people just this weekend. the latest strikes slots in several residential buildings and the death toll is expected to rise as the local sift through the ruins in search of all these israelites gearing off for a full scale round invasion offered office wherever on one and a half 1000000 published indians are sheltering shocking discovery as reported, leaping, made in the neighboring cousins, city of con eunice. some 200 bodies humping on there in a mass grave on the side of a hospital there. according to local media, these really military, we simply withdrew from the medical facility after occupying it for months. palestinians are not flocking to the scene in hope of finding the remains of their missing relative. we heard from some of the 3 bun highly, and we've been here for 5 days. i've been trying to find my brother's christmas and
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we've been exposed to things that will be in our memories forever with how much more can you tell me right now is a full, what did they do to suffer through a little bit this morning about okay, that's the last week i came to our house model need to see it destroyed in if my friend told me they're a mass graves at nasa hospital. so i've been coming there for 5 days to find my son to see him, but i don't see me and he hasn't been identified. yeah. one of the bodies are all piled up. there was just like the book the bottom says that the full piece was great. some of these with gardens in greenland. that's just how people were forced to dig grace here to bury the dead them because these really all me have come up with the coffee. the now i'm, well, every human being should have their own great, you can go by party. on the 3rd straight day of classes has occurred in the west bank as follows, the killing of more than a dozen people in um there's really rate on the north shelves. refugee camp on saturday, according to the power of sending red crescent grouping among the dead was a part of magic who was shot while trying to help the wounded. the idea reportedly
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use drones, an armored vehicles to clear the account. here's what local said about the situation. the way i know this is the 1st time in our history that we've seen such destruction, such devastation, such criminality. we've never seen or heard of anything like this. i've only heard of gaza, and this is the 2nd goal. so this has become gods, and number 2 was triple destruction of homes and people have of the ball. we haven't had electricity a waters since the campus stormed. the electricity has been passed off. we have children, they need to move, they need to eat. we have run out of the bread and milk. i read this on 5 of my children live in these house, and each of them has a floor, the army demolish them. old i was visiting my son's house in and out of the area of the camp on thursday nights when these happened. and people told me it has been demolished and well, we heard from palestine red crescent society spokesperson the ball as far as uh, cruise based in the west bank. she confirmed the death of a volunteer from the
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a group on the queues. the idea of denying part of medics access to the besieged area. the 101, b r. c s. and one and 2 years was the shop with like a musician. what he was conducting is a miniature in the room inside the account. and that we got thousands of pools present as is safe people in addition to others were injured. and we asked for a couple of hours we were completely denied to reach them because of the complaint. is there any seat on the cam on an even is there any forces is top arrow detains a once over here, rough teams for more than half an hour before these things are on the, on the, on, on them to transport the wounded, the bill. since the beginning of the world, that one's on the is right. you have been systematically tracking the health care system. i'm sure there's some in despite the fact that you minutes already is and
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health care workers shouldn't be respected, add ons and protected 17 p r c. s numbers. how big jewels since the beginning of the water out one box. so the kind of standard dress and continued to call on the international community to have an urgent action to put more pressure in order to have occurred when and sees fire. that's with no fees, and we'll stay in the military and access to all areas of casa and what is going on for more than 6 months. and that is on cost. up to that we have senior civilians being taught and targeted. there is no aspect of life involves. uh, we're talking about this significant destruction also begins homes where more than 70 percent of civilians home in casa, i've been destroyed. most of the population i know internally displaced. they are living in tents or a school lacking doctors to pull to water as when i am education a well,
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lots of support for published and even still being shown around the world. thousands of people, in fact, taking to the streets across the globe in supports of people in dallas and beyond. in germany, the counselor left of your screen there were reports of flashes with police and several arrest may also in europe. spanish protesters call for an immediate cease fire encounter, and sort of there in the north african nation. upper uncle. hundreds flocked to the u. s. consulate in casablanca to raleigh against continued on supplies for his real, the not drones, but like toys, children play with not is oliver runs, foreign minister, has done played friday's incident that saw several, you have these intercepted over the city of it's for hum, which is known for its nuclear sites,
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as i say it's what's happened last night who had a strike, but did any other country tell you something was happening and they were going to evade your air space and attack possibly when your basis had it was the test free, you know very is there like more like toys that our children play with not roles if a sudden horse telling us before it happens. well, israel is still expected to respond to a runs retaliatory strike on the state one week ago. now the soul came after the deadly idea foaming of the uranian conflict in the syrian capital on april 1st. however, to run this virtually harmless, misled drone attack on israel was quickly slammed by the west on like the deadly striking damascus which left 16 people that as we have condemned their ons, reckless and dangerous barrel, which is ms solves against is right on site today. and is wrong, absolutely has the right to self defense. but as i said, the problem is that nothing else you want. i spoke to them last week and more
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generally, significant escalation is not in anyone's interest. what we want to see is called a heads profile, across the region spawn with from the previous prime minister when it comes to around with how the 3 strikes, which cause no casualties. but when it comes to is all the attack on the writing and culture in damascus, which 16 were killed, stony silence. turner on 5 hundreds of drugs that can be solved in response to the attack on its diplomatic mission. with many side note on has the right to defend itself, turning the words of the west when it comes to israel, back against them. but just by giving free days notice of the impending attack, which the united states denies the collective west as lined up to condemn or on the attack on these really territory the run launched tonight is um, justifiable and highly irresponsible. canada unequivocally condemns it runs airborne attacks against israel, and the iranian regime is disregard for peace and stability in the region. i condemn in the strongest terms the unprecedented attack launched by
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a round against israel, which threatens to destabilize the region. but the reaction from persons on elective foreign minister, no david cameron, has led to charges of hypocrisy in an exchange with scott and use or pull to kill you poorly. the former prime minister described arrives at the tax. i've reckless. while conceding the britain would respond with strong action, if one of his own contracts was attacked with britain j, the hostile nation flattened one of outcome, students. well, we would take, we would take the survey stroll, actually underground, would say that that's what that is. but what made it, as i said, was a massive attack. so right to respond felt the reaction is what we have. so what i'm saying, how's the attack the attacks they carried i, it was on a very large scale, much bigger than the people to excite, to respond what countries have a right to respond when they feel they've suffered. an aggression of course, they do, but look at the scale that response. have those weapons not been shown on,
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but this one really that could have been sizes of casualties including southern and gosh, he even went to israel to express his sort of diamonds. he with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the situation is very concerning. it's right to show solidarity with israel. it's right to have made of use clear about what should happen next. but it's clear these rate is all may see a decision to act. we hope they do so in a way that does as little to escalate this as possible. and in a way that, as i said yesterday is, is small off is whether it's tough concern. he may be what it says, as well as actions, the escalating tensions in the region, in fact, up until now around his showed great restraint despite it as well as us that you can do clear scientists inside the country, allegedly eating the us and it targets it kidding, which at no cost, i'm sitting them on a routine drunk strikes, some faces in the code this time region of iraq. i'm frequent attacks against
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variety and forces in syria. by contrast, britain himself has responded harshly, often without justification or explanation. the country going strikes gets the who sees in yemen, in response to the goods actions guys ships in the red sea, which they said was because a, b is radio and the salting gauze. the person also bought washington in february, when the $85.00 targets was struck, which the us played when linked to the revolutionary golf, coal designated to the foreign terrorist organization in 2019 the white house claim . it was all sorts to in a tackle to us based on the board would say, reward jordan tending 3 soldiers, which it blamed on their run on prison was happy to agree they you can't. and you as a foster lice, wouldn't comment on that ations. but we support the ride to respond to attacks who have long condemned, who runs destabilizing activities through all the region, including its political, financial, and nature, support a number of notes in groups or some type of procedures. nothing you back in 20 i
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team 8, launch co ordinated s likes to guide syria claiming without the evidence it was necessary to further prevent the use of chemical weapons in the country. so need your response, which is what is the escalated tensions in the region. so then prime minister to reason my foster, just if i have options in the house of commons, deny us pressure. so we have not done this because president trump asked us to do so. we have done it because we believed it was the right thing to do. and we all know, washington has received a pump, it support because the, as well as it filed to speak counts over as well. striking the writing the an embassy in damascus. or taking a very different approach to it could, it was read some action against the mexican embassy. you're pretty quick into, you know, condemning the, you know, invasion the mexican embassy in, in an act. that was a very clear, well established m z. got very uh there was a really what this is something that is taking
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a little bit more time when you guys are in that incident. a desktop, a question for britain. i'm washington. i able to strike it will without any consequences. well as well. has the right to defend itself as any cost. but for a rob, it's a case of do as i say, not as i do. with the latest episode of worlds at part to excel, that speaks to offer a captive is really part of the member for the left wing, had dashed. tell our party about israel's strategy in this bundle with a run. you can watch the full interview on r t throughout the day. you're so quick. pre i was against the violation of the side is limited by you. i'm just like i was against the violation of celia liberties and you know, so really you might use a and the but i think the on. so i think the only way to stop the blog ship is by recognizing and respecting this over any deal organizations about this fascist or
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fledged proxies. governmental connect on the aus is not following or does not care . and he's not acting up on, in the interest of date it the police, but the bottom of the interesting middle interest, often with them. yeah. the world's attention was on what's going on and guys and, but with this latest farmers between israel and iran, that no longer seems like like a number one priority, intuition or community, especially the united states and the were being you and you were really interested in the well, being with the palestinians in the very lives of the but as soon as you've got that, that's terrible assault was over out. months ago, does no dogs did the money police and the government's anthony. i would say the government wants to bill. so he's, by that you felt inc, yep, tension, even if it was in my know what form the ongoing,
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a tear the distraction and masika gods up to the situation a we do the right to the conflict in ukraine and don't boss. now russian forces have taken that village above down off costs in the done yet script public. the russian defense ministry sees the site was secured by units of its southern combat group. retreating, ukrainian troops tried the country, attacked twice, but were repelled. according to moscow, it hunts key every last at least 440 soldiers in just the past. they are fighting in the area or senior correspondent broadcast the of can tell us more from the ground. the collapse among you credit defenders began on the 19th of april where they began to leave the positions which they had defended this the resist the all attacks,
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but they began abandoning that and so just to heavy egypt. so just those who put these uh will gals will lead by themselves and mobilize many of see now take it as prisoners of war, but by russian forces. they all being all being treated for the news in bucks out of gold, which is just outside the box. just to the north of it. the russian forces of the rest of the russian flags, 4th of the russian flag above the ruins of bugs out of bases. especially bad news. the great, because this means a pull out the sold for 3 directions on the charts of yacht, which is the last strong for the last major. you paid and strong put outside of box, which is where you cause the value gradient defensive operation for box. what happened again, this is going to be a difficult baffled because it is elevated charts of yacht itself as well as
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easy to fig. settlement for the pre will population of 12 and a half 1000 people. but again, this, this was a slew of losses territorial concessions by you fred. since the full of, of dave and finally this news, our moscow has hosted a meeting of 5 political groups from molto, but who the breed to team up against their countries? pro you government? the opposition functions have created a joint block that's being backed by russia. while the groupings leaders say they are aiming to on state income, but my son do in october's presidential election, sitting there on helping with her push to slush ties with most of you in favor of brussels. both of us top court recently green lights, a propos referendum on the country's bid to join me. we heard from el hun, sure, the most open opposition figured spearheading the new call issue in the back door.
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she wasn't was available. we have created a block. so when the presidential election and the referendum on the look session west tries to turn moldova in to a testing ground for military operations and saturate our citizens with weapons. without asking the west does all it can to fill our country with migrants. freedom of speech is completely absent in moldova, 13 opposition channels had been closed. this year, all opposition leaders are under arrest, the west ex, aggressively and harshly. those opposition to forces and to parties that are ready to fight for mold know low to the end, haven't gathered here and i'm sure that we will succeed. we see our future on a common platform of social and economic cooperation like the commonwealth of independent states. i am sure that more than 60 percent of molto was population supports us and i am sure that the referendum on my bill was membership and that you will be in our favor in favor of common sense. we have already seen criminal
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cases, arrests and many other things, and i'm sure that this will go on all our parties. consider rush out a friend, a partner ended close associate. today we are asking rush out to help us in our struggle for survival. i am grateful to russia for giving us the opportunity to meet here. it is important, it's worth a lot because a friend in need is a friend. indeed that is a rop for an hour. i will say good bye, but our programs they are just guessing going see what showing in your part of the world next. this is the the.


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