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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  April 21, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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will go on all our parties. consider rush out a friend, a partner ended close associate. today we are asking rush out to help us in our struggle for survival. i am grateful to russia for giving us the opportunity to meet here. it is important. it's worth a lot because a friend in need is a friend indeed. okay, to a developing story. now in the middle east, this our at least 5 rockets. how being fired from northern iraq at a u. s. military base spelled illegally stationed in neighboring syria. that is, according to our rocky security sources, cited by the media. just some details on this. they said that the rockets were launched from a lower rate that later it burst into flames. apparently, a retaliatory strike by american war plains are rocky. security forces are reportedly trying to hunt on the perpetrators of the messiah attack, and it comes just in terms of timing a day after the iraqi prime minister return from talks with us president biden in
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washington. it is the 1st attack we must point out on the american military positions in the region since february. not shocking under reverence. that's just the host. you never quite know what an episode of ortiz explosive new show must go. mules will entail. but we don't have to wait too long to find our chaise up next. take on the i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence. the point obviously, is to create a trust rather than fit the various jobs. i mean with the
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artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme in the a robot must protect this phone existence was alexis the russian states. never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best in most all sense and up the must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin, the machine, the state on process coding and supports the r t spoke neck. even our video agency,
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roughly all the band on youtube, the services for the question, did you say they replaced the the portraits of the month? it is that i will talk to you soon. so the media meeting. so essentially i'm gonna send you settings from way simulations. i'm really familiar with the norm. yes. it for essentially the to the
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sale be the name is e at the wish. the, the notion who to be that you'd like to, to should get us the book, which is such a sending. i don't, i thought a soup inducing that to, to see that purpose pass through. so the in welcome dispatch stuff for this year. we discussed some really yeah, was name categories that asked me to invest each investor to, you know, she said, hey buddy, how much are you with that gives you that. yeah. it's just our stuff for us to do it over. so that's the way to get it done. your just interest and worst isn't just because what i no longer wish to live for production for
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a minute. and it was just the mattress and box, or the, or just in the ton of money on the phone with the police. i'm a part of full of clothes or anything like that. for us, there's over 40 minutes for us government, much less for the 1st day of missed opinion noise. yeah. i mean the only, so i can spend, if i need to. okay. and so especially with the combustion, i'm assigning pretty style interest. there's a couple of thoughts or choice because i choose to mclean. i'm almost finished satisfied them. so i'm assuming graphics, the really so by the
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the hey everybody. welcome back to the most cool news on shay bows. and as usual, we're going to be lifting the lid on some of the stories that the main stream media would rather were left exactly where they are in the dark and talking to the darkness, the big apple, that central beautiful multiculturalism isn't a bit of trouble. it's actually the rotten apple and the mirror of new york has decided much like sleepy jody last week that the new york is the center of every
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city in the world. but it's a dirty, dangerous place. much like in the 19 seventies and in the 1980s. it's not a place you want to hang around in a nice crime is often to be 33 percent in certain areas, and it's doubled in almost a year. look at the subway. it's incomplete. now even the poor, old uh, good samaritan, that tried to make an effort to help a poor dude on the street. he got what was coming to him, not a reward. another little meddle, not a slap on the back. you got a slap in the face, run it, they're both. so this do comes up and he puts his coat over this homeless guy. he tries to give him a bit of assistance. guy gets up to think of a hold on the a tank of them. he's given him a new york case, and that's a punch in the face. check this out. all boom. so knock some out. it takes his coat and probably takes his wallet to. it's like something out of
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a larry david. you know, we should like to be to in the music here. boom, boom, boom, done. a lot of data is just awful. look at this. so even the good guys are getting robbed for trying to help. the bad guys are turn out to be the really bad guys. new york's in a hell of a deep trouble right now. so as you can see, it's pretty dangerous in the old rotten apple. other, the big apple lift this into the mirror, actually telling us that all is well in a, by the nomic li, kind of way that's room to be one knows that new york city is the app is of america is the symbol of america. she is the case of america, the soul of america. we are the color of america tele v. what are you killing everybody in the massachusetts? what do you mean to tell of the we all the lima of america, new york city is most mexico city of america. this is the w of america. what uh, what is the job or what is that doing where it was like a straight jacket? maybe you should be in
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a straight jacket. and of course when you see it is per dude on the street getting up in time for me to go to try to help them and such a kind of and homely way. it's not surprising. new york is now absolutely flooded with illegal migrants. immigrants it's, it's a real crisis for the city. but guess what new york has decided to do? yeah, they decided to give a contract to some of the pushes hotels in town for $77000000.00. come on in the doors open. so while that's happening, you have to ask yourself a good a will even help now this famous wall that we think of the building in the south. because uh, it seems that uh, the 2nd edition of shaving ryan's private. so it's not a porn is happening over on the other side of the states in california. run the video, check this out. this is absolutely insane. so the immigrants have no sort of adapted the game. and they're doing uh full on beach landings. check this out. look at this,
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this is california in the united states that city in st. live in 70 and interestingly at the ever enterprising american spirit, you know, the, with the american dreams disappeared, working in the car to pick them up. and when they get to new york, $77000000.00 worth a nice cozy hotel rooms. now talking about california and people getting an easy run of it when they arrive in your country, back home in ireland. as you can see over my shoulder, we're spending a $1000000.00 a month to look after tar us and mister chefs yolks. kittens, cats, dogs and ponies. check it out a $1000000.00 a month, and you never had a so good. i'm me while over a washington, while the beach is a being stormed on this americans in new york are getting the crap kicked out of the guest. who's doing a little task? little g, a good bit of a booby, r o paul, a slide show bob's these. the one of the thanks joe biden is an absolutely stellar, sharp minded man who can run marathons. yep. our old friend. and she's dancing.
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she's dancing with joy. oh, sleepy joe is probably lost out in the garden trying to find his way in. oh, go. but she's getting down to the beat. the booby is on. check this. the per dude in the middle. he sold backers, but it'll look like when you're at a wedding and you're may dance, look, it's use of nobody's watching, check and look. good. not a good look. she's such a freak show. i mean, this woman is the most diluted creature i've ever come across a whole life. so she's in the right job. um, well, jean pierre gets down to the rhythm of a crazy b, a in the white house press room. other people are getting down for different ways and, and the reality on the streets of the united states is completely different and the light and the live and dad, it ain't the,
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the police on the apocalypse. people are getting down to a different beat. i remember a 108000 people last year died in the united states for drug overdose. us check this free try. i mean this is like something out of the exorcist. right? i mean this is just freaking. i mean, these are these new synthetic drugs that are floating into the united states, you know, so they kind of keep the immigration out and they can keep the drugs out on the streets or the americans mind they're paying with allies own believable it's scary, isn't it? you expect somebody coming on with a crucifix and just go it's just it's like, oh i got holy water like you know? oh oh it's not good. so what are the down to the fruitcakes continues in the white house press room, the dance of the zombie apocalypse gets down to the rhythm out on the streets. you
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go remind yourself that in film and back in 2020, they also had some ideas about done some kind of freaky ideas a bit ago. but that's, that's, that's our interpretive dance. could actually protect you from being raped by the immigrants. is ridiculous. you know, a guess how much that costs? yes. you know, what would you say a couple of 100 books, a video camera, a throwaway phone, no cost to a half 1000000 euros to produce the video. so as you can imagine, rapes collapsed in finland. this interpretive dance protected women from those horrible immigrants who are attacking the wrong rapes actually increase the following year by 29 percent. and that includes the $416.00 child rapes, but maybe a protected people, just like those dancing doctors and nurses. and for him and did during colbert and stain on the theme of the dance of the crazies over in poland and europe. the
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premiums have decided that they're going to also emphasize their anger and english about the ongoing war against the evil russians by dosing themselves in poster paint and throwing means around a square impala. as you can see in this video, when we run it, there's also a do tract in a cage. what's he doing there? that's all of the reward is the do it in the cages. this, the cracking in a recruitment policy say, look, the blogs, they love the goods. they loved the old, the dosing. the flag in the l at cream is in the old clara. and of course, the per do trapped in the cage in poland is probably safer than most men of military service agent and ukraine, who are getting a different type of interpretive dance performed on them by the commissars driving them off to the front. check it out. all done thing with joy. look there, so delighted that they're heading off to die for sleeping joe. the natural,
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if you're on 1st live on to life, check it. look, even laurie's the vines ice cream phillips, you name it, we can get you to the front, left for drivers, challenger drivers. now, if 16 pilots. oh, the joys. meanwhile, the european union is giving refuge to probably a 1000000 men of military service age who are in your, of completely legally because it is a legal for amount of military service aged to leave ukraine. and it looks like it's going to be a lot more and ukraine with even the little kids, the hit, the you can or the, sorry, the younger ukrainian generation already beginning to play as a drag me off to the front. it's a version of hide and seek, where you eventually get found and sent out of the of the ship. so. so this is your training kids. it's very sad, really. they actually imitating what they see their superiors doing it in the
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states. we're just pulling the forward dude off to the front in an imaginary way. and of course while the you. so if you cry and play at the drag me off the phone to die, the knock off your presidency. lensky is also giving out a bit. he's not happy, you're not happy that the americans saved israel when you should have saved me. it's also unfair if you can shoot down all the hanging besides, why don't you shut down all the russian lines run it. this is a demonstration of allies not on paper, but in the air, not on paper, but on the ground or in action. yes. and this is an important signal to every one of those ice cream is a totally normal. i mean ukraine defense that sky by itself. yes. so you definitely we have allies who supply us with this or that equipment. and we do have a deficit and not the most important thing is that israel was not defending by itself. so meanwhile, while the knack of yours giving out about not getting helped his powers on twitter, not for know actual friends,
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a organization also how to complete meltdown. check it out. they were freaked out that the americans and the brits were shooting down a rainy and missed so i was like, it was a torque issue. and meanwhile, they're letting a lot of ukrainian cities get turned into a school. so as an awful boys have a meltdown about this and never to book collab to ukraine, which is a slow motion car garage, it seems to everybody to can read something interesting for each has a merge to. it's allegedly created by artificial intelligence. but sometimes the stuff the boys create is pretty cool. check it out where to familiar faces. practice their old see kyle room. the video to me. great. so this is all off shots are all pol from deutschland of yellow t shirts is built out of it. maybe more crumbs and given this lesson from the old tooth is ankle, i think that's our old pal. to knock of your this is the landscape. of course,
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what, what a visit to the must go muse be without visiting and chatting to our old pop. all the men and dresses. one in particular has decided that he would like to pee in the ladies bathroom and watch the sausage and vegetables between friends. while it can be quite a lot, actually, that's on the on the, on the so he's a transgender, but he's a transgender woman. dressed up as an ordinary guy who's decided as he wants to add, let's say, drained a snake in a lady's toilet. welcome to the world. of course are all friends, sleepy joe, who knows exactly where he's from 17 different countries and culture and it doesn't know where he is. he also proclaimed easter a transgender day, i think, as well recently, but someone very innovative online has created
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a wonderful little sketch of our policy page. oh, i see property, which is you could be as a transgender lady. let's welcome the video, right one. so i agree getting ready to house. i'm few home like this where you are gone. this is this entire week. reading is with pulled light, of course. and i oh uh my wife's set. oh felicia. happy friday. it's terrifying. that's what even more scary than the excess of stuff on the street and sticking with, oh, go sleepy joe. have you got a bit of breaking news? apparently, a israel is about to bomb itself and attack one of its biggest cities, its 3rd largest city, president biden. has announced and pleaded with tel aviv do not attack haifa. no, don't do it. check the video. i made it clear to is really don't move on high for me. it's just not. i mean,
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i made it clear it was really just don't tell us how you don't go are really good. when was the, have made it clear to it's very important to take most go don't do it. how do we get to the place where, you know, to decide cheeseburger just invade russian? nothing like is it happens is one or 2. i mean, this guy is in charge of the nuclear code. you've got the briefcase. i mean a jesus. he gets the right city. wrong on that day, it's going to be blog and i have completed joe. some was sleeping. joe decides that he's urging these really is not the bomb themselves in haifa. you might remember this, do the good old jake sullivan, the same guy who told us that i'll kind of was on our side the syria a just last year. he told us that the middle east was quieter and more peaceful than it. it'd be in 20 years in 2 decades. check this stuff in the middle east region is quieter today. then it has been in 2 decades quieter today than it has
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been in 2 decades. 16 countries involved in the conflict, a rain irradiance of farming israel, and the brits are shooting down a rainy and drones. the americans are launching their defense missiles. everyone's freaking out over there. nothing to do with the fact that the c i a, the brits overturn the only the democratic government in the middle east of the assignment around and 1954. nothing to do with the the stuff there. i mean, well jake was telling us all is well in the me least while the whole place goes to his boss seems to be taking the long way around in the garden chick about all sleepy joe is kind of phone forward there. look it up. wow. he looks like some sort of robotic figure at the moment of what's, what's propeller on them for the self compelled round that he looks like some sort of robotic figure. i'm actually a boston dynamics. the a very famous robot maker have just released images of the bite and bodies, basically jo without a skin on before he goes to bed. having
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a stretch check and we'll hope he's holmes. this is joe minus, just you know, the living thing is a party the 1st of all, but i can stand up after falls over. so maybe it's not killed by the and of course we have to visit our all pals and deutschland, and some of the customers are very unhappy and ukraine. portal almost doub overall is most upset because he invested a ton of money into pricing on a ton of money. go rob from pearl on of rooms, one of the biggest gambling companies in ukraine. he's quite a guy. and unfortunately, he is alleged this week in the financial times of all places that the presidential
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office of ukraine, that's our boyfriend. the knock of york to choose so happens to legalize ukraine's very strict gambling laws in 2021. and suddenly on, off comes in and he gets pick pocketing to the tune of about $10000000.00 to g. so that's the end of the tonight show. it's all been a bit music. the rhythm as people dance their way to the lunatic asylum. and we'll be here next week, but my mind is gone blank. to my mind going out my mind going out to my mind going back now, but you know start going
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on. yes. my my grandmother. what the hell of i do here? 100 and age defying product purpose is a guest to blanket variable the the world's largest democracy votes, the rest of the planet watchers in an emerging multi polar world india as voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches,
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almost 1000000000 people decide. and billions more, react, the dns of the new choose goes as been, choose for many centuries. the way that they made best acute did once bullshit games oppressed, and nobody can know, it seems that the bodies spoke you by the same with the known in vietnam as the american war, the vietnam war lost it for almost 2 decades and dragged in numerous countries not any time between now and then you don't see it now. why did all i'm empty? hundreds of thousands of american troops was sent to the country to bank the south
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vietnamese on me and the american soldiers murdered resistors. most of us like the down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals. and li bye. all right. did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive? yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a way to go. yeah. the yeah, it goes by the way to let you on the symmetric plus the up or the shuttle i didn't
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stop for the problem for liam will cover with former signing them with alex to look at each toward item that he appears to the prostate. and you'll click on this to lead to oh my god, i see him, you'll, it's up a screen in your to then this kind of a slow, ok. i'm work on the kind of this. so at least what does land store do is kind of that your opinion might be the, the kind of a for someone a lovely or that's a feel wish that it's sleep on the light. it's thoughts or maybe i don't know with some projects assignment list, cuz then your portion of the the what is part of the, the employee would posted isn't the
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defense you of us entered in the word? or is it something deeper, more complex? might the present good? let's stop without collision. let's go products. as the on march the 22nd 1943. during the great petri, i'll take off the shirts and a bunch of fatality and 118. run down the belly, mercy and village of cutting ship of the university located in the fitness center. yes. so this one, most of the stuff for them to pony you to you. $149.00 people died, including $75.00 children of age was practically wiped off the face of the la new
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blue loves of the orchard and couldn't charlie was noisy and will you put it as follows? oh, shoot. was a hot really. i really usually its own you feeling? yes, so the infamous battalion responsible for the atrocity included over $100.00 ukranian nationalists from west to new. right. because of the picture. talk with them with them. see what you guys for as the new e phone the so long as you guys, but i assume you're up. assume i'm with them. you as customers declassified criminal cases from the central archive of the k g b, a better rules. shut the light on the atrocity and on so numerous questions that have remained an onset for many years. watch on c the,
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the us house of representatives approve the total of $95000000000.00 in aid to israel, taiwan, and ukraine. although most republicans in the congress vote oppose giving key of more money. seeing america account afford it all to a head on the program. the at least 20 civilians are alleged to have been killed by an idea of strike on our residential area in southern guns that coming just hours after american lawmakers passed a multi $1000000000.00, a package for israel. the long range in the country. and it reports that washington is preparing to sanction an idea of unit the 1st time over at hume.


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