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tv   News  RT  April 23, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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to the types of things to stop the special military operation. ukrainian law states have reached almost half a 1000000 troops catastrophic numbers for key f as more weapons a sent to ukraine. moscow says the country is paying the prices human life. it's a grim milestone for guys or is, is there any bombs rained down on the inc place now? ma think $200.00 days at china is likely to carry a movie can, will make a trade exchanges with all countries in the world, including russia on devices and started quality. and mutual benefit allows about destruction or sabotage, as strong was as vague. mason stein, it's sort of made room. washington could be prepared to wield it sanctioned sticks
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over paging because of china's clothes and cosy ties with russia, the china, ukraine, india, nigeria. we are live on world wide at 9 pm locally here in the last 24 hours a load ukraine has loss. now. busy in 1000 troops, that is according to rupture as the ministry of defense of 2 years into the caustic, apparently key of loss is now about to half a 1000000. this is something ukraine's weston. sponsors will never tell. it was important to prevent the collapse of the ukrainian on full season at washington intends to send almost $61000000.00 to the key. every board. sure, most of that will be yours to find that we do us the federal ministry, progressive american authorities cynically say that ukrainians are the ones who will die for the interest is in fighting and russian see in total since the stock
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or the special military operation with the ukrainian law states have reached almost half a 1000000 troops the kid regime for if not the chief, the goals that account are initially to upset and find nato instructor. now, troops have dispelled the mist about the superiority of west and weapon rate, or there's most of this stuff, but it's just all familiar. because at the onset of this conflict, the credit ministry was largely made up of volunteers, ideologically driven. 5 has many nationalist troops in peak, physical form, one to 5. it'd be now replaced with troops. large the drop the can scripted troops who would bother be elsewhere and do on whom it is difficult to rely on the incredibly complex and difficult psychological and physical and physically conditions on the battlefield. this will be very difficult for you. great to recall the 6, you know, i mean with any semblance of what it was. furthermore, so you said that you credited defenses of cracking this is being demonstrated since
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the full of updates with russia, caesar about the school of settlement russian troops just over the past several days of seas to move settlements in the or well along the battlefield. and now that you've created and used as in top brigade, has a bad in their positions, just west of the west of up to pacific actually go also said that it is being demonstrated that there is a very little advantage to, to west of all of these these means that they're the best and the world is being shot. russian of production is zip the times of old time. how is that the most in dom on piece of military hardware that is ad defends as $500.00 publishers, for example, pods and ad defend systems that they have production which is where the beginning police increased. many phones will continue to be increased as for this new $60000000000.00 package,
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that is incoming 4. you can take it so it says the bus and strikes from strikes. rockets guides on warehouses all the bases process by which these weapons are making the way up to the battlefield that they will be increasingly targeted in order to make sure the moves weapons with the majority of those weapons. never reach the front lot, washington dispatching a not the back shelf cache on the west, and just to see if there are warnings that the interest payments to sub its, its own debt. so now heading towards critical levels will bring up some really disturbing numbers for you and that will be just a bit later on in this problem. but for now, 200 days and counting gaza marking a kind of milestone in this tuesday. noting the time that the enclave has been under attack by id of force is of course, following the hum us attacks of october, the 7th, the city of the aisle ballade. now, one of the very latest, talking footage capturing the moment open his release trying
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the most of all, there's been no official comment from israel regarding that big loss right there. and this while level leader report side of central amazon in place of come under intense types of adjust the past 48 hours, including attacks on crowded refugees for the numbers. a very disturbing, a total desco since october, the 7th to a policy and at least $34000.00 people 90 percent civilians. but when it comes to accountability, some have been accused of turning a blind. i take, for example, kind of this finance minister, mr. freeman, you condemn is just killing a 40000 children. stop. you condemned israel's killing of 14000 children in mentioned in front of it. why walking away? well, strangely enough, a new us state department report on human rights violations around the wells makes absolutely 0 condemnation of israel is options and gone. so of course that's
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prompted claims of double standards. something the secretary of state quickly stood up and decided to address. do we have a double standard? the answer is no. as this report makes clear, in general, as we're looking at the human rights and the condition of human rights around the world, we apply the same standard to everyone. and that doesn't change whether the country in question is an adversary, a competitor, a friend, or an ally. well, let's take a bit of a bit of a closer look at that report. how about a, we show you a few contrasts as, as israel exercises its right to self defense, we have made clear that it must conduct military operations in accordance with international law and take every feasible precaution to protect civilians, the criminals, these regard and consent for human rights, our full display in its war against ukraine. russian forces employed violence
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against civilians as a deliberate to a 4 affair. the report highlights documentation of human rights violations and abuses, some amounting to crimes against humanity throughout the 2nd year of russia's brutal full scale invasion of ukraine. so while the gaza complicated it resulted in the killing of well over $30000.00 civilians in 6 months. the cranium company is claimed about a 3rd of that in more than 2 years, and that's the by the administration has refrained from accusing israel, of breaching international law. its approach is a $180.00 degrees with russia reform, eco box, diplomat and international affairs. i list a hot room, a lot of counties said, while washington may take note of the offences committee by its allies. nothing will be done until they hum america's interests. once upon a while, you see i'm from the secretary of states to the defense secretary and the rest of them in their coming administers on acknowledging that something is
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happening that is not acceptable to america. but the question is, do they really believe in these october answers? i think that's the key question. they may have for the purposes of clemency. the authorizes idea that the nations and the rest of them but follow up to deck action that the appropriate that i think is very soft from what i mean because comes from america's national interest at all times since very preponderance such as that, nothing else is of course impressive. wherever it is waiting to take place. what do you have? i does not. i swear to the feelings of america to you. that is not, and i think we do my, i'm the more here minded to from america. i knew something. we have about america, i shouldn't look at some of this is differently well the west african instead of nigeria also found itself for focus of this report. washington has level charges
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about widespread civilian desks and inhumane treatment of the country even delayed, the sales of westland as the am ok for improving security, the former eco, what's different the county again, he says, according to him, he says it may be a good time for certain players to look in the mirror and recognize that run history. well, is glad that i met a guy, has noise come, does it when you talk about doubles time, that's news that must be, is timed up some where the shipping of one time will be given before. then the history of america is replete with abuse or human rights and of all sorts of rights problems. the slippery to discriminate shall numberless of them. so up to the more than the you can see america is it does to toby i democracy. let's put through that to me because it says i'm doesn't watch the ones another one of the believe should be done. there's nothing like equity,
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justice or sadness in the sense of is diplomacy, whatever been of his america, it does. okay. you've come and visit the country and say, that's why you've gotten him in the loop. i've sent you to the right. this is kind of fun. any categories, good. as soon find it right now for it is better the because when you have such a head you money paula in the was the good thing. how things should be done. any law that will make it comfortable for and the options out on the was that i'm, that has become very, very clear. well, pineapple farms on sun kissed is states that image. now whether and truly shocked by a case playing out and according can. yeah. so with claims god set aside, run by the global john delmonte abused and even killed workers that now new evidence has been submitted and the court of nairobi, delmonte, and even the country's interior administrator have been given 10 days to respond.
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the cases sent it on the death of at least the full man that a farm in december and an advocate of a high court of k u. a took us through the case of the latest aspects just a short time ago. how long time, you know, as soon as i find that for human rights and civil law of the state of american companies about anything outside the medical field, that guess i'll get them off to you. so i need to buy a lot on a 2400 piece the sofa. the victims started putting the various abuses including ready to do bad thoughts. i think you're doing model uh, beating the beating. so the local community and the buyer doesn't want it. and it's very shocking, but to do is i'm getting 60 as low as i can ask. you do your boss, i'm doing what is being brought the goals they brought to account for the
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atrocities hold that said, now the highest level before the call can be seen. so be able to get these sorry, the sure thing is here on r t, i made the, the world's largest have a democratic election as things are being held in india. bollywood act. so file police complaints off the following victim to artificial intelligence, creations putting words in their mouth, i think fake. so them criticizing the union telemundo and endorsing the opposition . suddenly, about the only line, the pair of actors said the posted videos were forgeries, while the eclipse altering has been confirmed by numerous fact checkers. the fact videos used in a generated voice, featured poor quality and let movements one entirely in sync with the speakers movements. we spoke with indian at the daily past field who says the development is not just deeply concerning its people embarrassing how much you may find later to begin with. i mean, this of deep concern that somebody uses you'll,
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you'll face and your voice does run to split. it was a new mouth that, that, you know, i'm not, i'm not yours. so it's a deep concern and it's a, it's a complete violation and it infiltration into your, into your lives. so nobody, nobody likes to start seeing stuff to happen to me. i would, i would be very upset and i would most definitely uh take it to the police and of course the government extremely concerned because it could be just normally about actors. it's about prominent politicians, celebrities, people, why in, in the government services? why? my profile. i mean, everyone is under attack. i mean, is there any way that if the out in the public domain, so what type of profession they're in? so it's an ongoing one. i know the governance of india is extremely sensitive and as a lot of vigilance is, particularly the situation as we have now in a general election or from india to china. web aging says it wasn't tolerate any
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interference in his relations in trade with other countries. that is the clear statement from the chinese foreign ministry of the kingdom. 42 to shop sean, his rights to carry abnormal economic and trade exchanges with all countries in the world. including russia on the basis of equality and marshal of benefits, allows no destruction or sabotage and trying his legitimate rights and interests. totally right. no infringement tell. yes. so there's a tough woods coming as the american secretary state anthony, blinking, he's getting ready to embark on a state visit to china. according to the west impress fee is going to be threatening sung sions against china. if it doesn't show out with this cozy relationship with the rough shape, well, that's a sentiment that isn't caught going down to well invasion shown to it apples and for the united states and several so called allies cannot represent the international community. in fact, the vast majority of countries in the world should do not recognize the us laws as
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the world opinion, not shooting though with us in the united states. there's not a party to south china sea issue and has no right to change the fee. and the see really is a few between china and disability is production from one of them, a 100. it should noisily undetected known probably sions, between china and russia, as long as you know to undermine the price of china and chinese companies. and should, what should i bring to china when totally unprovoked come from the stage having to change you to tell them the future they asked move, exacerbation mentions, i region increases the risk of misjudgments and miscalculations on which i do. you asked the ernest through space all the content security good sense may stop smoking, middle tree confrontations and stuff on the money discussed ability in the region and say, color reductions to reduce decreased flu like will trouble you to call the entire the pacific island countries will tolerate no external interference, they have the right to carry out frenzy cooperation with all development partners
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between china and pacific and in countries to help each other and deep and cooperation is simply natural for 40 justified and always done above. the old united states is availed to nod sco in building a crate while also making grammar stations again. so normal traits between china and russia, staples kind of approach is extremely hypocritical, possibly irresponsible. the china is firmly opposed with yeah, tough for car there from the ministry of foreign affairs. while we spoke to a chat professor of suits you all universe that he missed a victor cow. he so it is pretty clear that badging is not in any mood to be lectured to these days. in the united states, declare that russia gained small ground in ukraine. they will hold, try and are responsible once the populace that it is. this is completely unrelated and china is not a potty to the great one child that urges old pod is to achieve ceasefire. and to go back to the negotiation table to find a solution to diplomacy and peas. therefore,
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i seem to stick with dell state blinking has to be warmed just before he arrived. impeaching alice way to see how china and these other states will engage with each other, all is very important issue of the won't be your brain and no one should expect that china will much under pressure from the united states. try that basically will need to spend some on this methods of principle and deal with russia and all the other countries in the normal, mutually beneficial way rather than be dictated by washington, the parliamentary elections and them all these look to have had of the president's political party, a landslide victory mohammed whizzer, was probably people was the national congress party is see, it is a female, favorable towards china. wel distancing itself from in the early results, showing us one, at least $66.00 of the $93.00 seats of the grass. and the main opposition party,
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which previously dominated with chambers, projects of the wind, just a dozen seats, very spending official results a bit later this week. while i went up present whizzer with the power, he quickly fulfilled one of his main campaign pleasures by ordering in the military personnel to leave the island nation repeatedly said, he won't allow any foreign power to undermine his country's sovereignty. and according to the full of about 4 minutes to automotives or doing you a ma moon on the territorial front, it's more about the issue of self preservation. i've seen some for the whole region in terms of do apologize. the countries in the region is not being influenced by india in china, and we have unfortunately seen the pendulum being shifting from side to side. those different documents and this reflects power and present noises. government is very pro chinese, his own um the one to be that he is promoted and he loves obviously for more details directory. that may well be the case, but in actual fact,
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we know that there is a gauge and the specialist if you will, because these countries are trying to control their regions for strategic reasons. so if i'm moving in a position in terms of the defense military or the policies countries in these waters and i'm elections are very much into those unfortunately. and often i think really, really the will of the people, the money comes in, but other countries and that actually affecting outcomes. and it is really undermining the farm policy of the country. and so, and in terms of getting ahead of something that i did want to see, i see the challenge is it is becoming a system with the routing corruption and huge amounts of money to see the vote on what's happening. even individuals and companies
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see some of the countries are not seen benefits. this is not ripe. and we do need to us us, anyone with the voice of including our young people who do want to see a change. we do want to see things a group. we want our members to be a comfortable government to be a comfortable the taking a step back. let's have a quick look now at some of the stories making headlines all around the world. some pictures to show you to with the passenger planes getting off the runaway lago sample nigeria. apparently it came off the runway is coming into line to the cities maintenance national apple, which we'll see. we'll see you. the crops. nose wheel collapsed, goes with the ground. 8 to 3 people on board. safely evacuated. investigation is under one of these pictures here with us of a flooding in china is gwen don't preferences. let the huge power outages, communications of down local authorities say
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a big damage has been caused the local housing, infrastructure, and businesses. a lot of people evacuated to safety. now as we understand, the peak of the floods is sent to a past. wolf is a slowly receding. this is a huge sand storm, costing an airy hue of a pots of grease. what is that? what is off the southerly winds carried dust all the way from the so hard? does it in northern africa or the greek government, or recommending people to avoid non essential travel? stay indoors. they say that dust particles may carry bacteria. sign cloud is expected to disperse by the end of the week. it's the same time and time again. great empires basically stretch themselves to stay in one way or another. and that is the assessments right now. if one prominent british scholar and economist, when it comes to the world's current superpower, any great power that spends more on debt service interest payments on the national
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debt, then on defense, will not stay great for very long true of haps, for spain, truth on c, and regime france, true of the ottoman empire, true of the british empire to this law is about to be put to the test by the us beginning this very year. the us fiscal policy is on a completely unsustainable path. or as we're going to show you on the screen here in relation to g, d, p, the us that interest are shown in the brown columns here is basically always rising, perhaps most significantly outpacing defense spending shown in red. now the difference will quite get this to half a trillion dollars in 10 years. well, it's not all international monetary fund, publishing a big numbers die economic predictions as well. the countries budget deficit predicted to exceed 7 percent next year. that's about into about a trillion dollars short full every year. i'm saying this is bad news for the global economy. and the 2nd figure basically showing us its death is
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a 35 percent bigger than his total annual gross domestic product. so the longer time predictions are even more wiring. and we spoke to this on the list, mr. eddie smith, of the weapons industry and the weapons lobby is making tons of money from ukraine . so it's in their interests for the government to basically give them another stipend of money um by, by purchasing more weapons for ukraine. um and it's in the interest of the neo cons in the neo liberals in the us state department who have been behind this ukraine policy from the beginning. um its been something that the democrats and folks like victoria newland have been been pushing for a long time. people have been predicting the collapse of the west and the western empire for a long time. and i mean, it is inevitable throughout history. empires rise and fall in the us is no different and you see the signs of an empire in decay. you know,
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80 percent of our people living paycheck to paycheck. well, the entire country is drowning and that the richest people in society are the big banks and the multinational corporations that and all of the working people over their debt to and, and the government doesn't seem interested in doing anything about it. they only seem interested in pumping more money into the military industrial complex and in more foreign wars. so i mean, side of the multi part of wells continues ago from strength to strength. you know, there are for the lead, i'm old and those countries looking to join bricks, a strategic family, grouping some coal. the dean dollarization coverage, the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the after the nazis bower in italy, states foreign policy became extremely aggressive. benito mussolini needed glorious victories. he decided to achieve his ambitions in africa, despite the fact that formally libya had become an italian colony back in 1912. the vast territories of this country were not actually controlled by rome. the nazis decided to put an end to this. but as soon as the religious order of the senate side stood in their way, the arabs did not want to submit to for and power and put up fears, resistance,
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dividers against colonialism were led by the seats of the senate side order. omar l move star, who was nicknamed the lion of the desert for his incredible courage. despite the violent, bombardments and voice and gas usage, mass deportations, and the imprisonment of the local population in concentration camps, the invaders could not cope with the arrow patriots for a decade. in 1931, omar l move star was captured and sentenced. hanging at the trial, the hero of the libyan people behaved very bravely and rejected. pardon? pursuing a policy of genocide, italy was only able to temporarily suppress libya, 18th of the entire population. more than 100000 people fell victim to their. however, just a few years later, the entail you enroll, collapsed in 1951,
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libya became one of the 1st countries in africa to gain independence the 1st time in history. and meantime, countries culture has b can so does that mean lot in west town? so culture do need to ask the associated model. i sold all the products yet just setting the money to put the clue. the phrase now particularly refers to canceling russian culture. and yet the worst it creates a few orders to that i get 20 miles folks to pittsville renewal. that is charlotte phillips that go with it because i'm most of the subject to the one of them in the morning. what russia is created, the pos 1500 years. there's no question actually condemned, reviled and reject it to sit alone and use that to put somebody at the middle of the panel. there's a lot, i don't know because i don't know she does it. i guess it a little,
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some of the list joining total condemnation, gross daily and now includes the staff skate to ca skate shostakovich that the i need to. yeah. of course to invest the sheet of those things that would just be the w w dot. now
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the template front attempt usually usually when you get to choose to says k, i does, that's just sort of some of the letter of us and let me look for that more stuff you did. of course they also could, i ask you, i sca green the push to update on your system is to, to convict this and you will no longer with us because and this will be, so it is an issue and you get a sense condition in them . so it's collusion is this is can do to move for fish, get the know, lots of a slope in the on finally transcribing which was sort of close the image. yeah. cache. and you visual has a with a video systems. so for looks february
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the the envelope case, but if i'm gonna try to just go through just a little, you know, the, the motion from the most and grammar school and the dish has middle one of your stores here to junior. how can i tell him that permission understands shooting numbers, communication conditions for vicious? yeah. of course, which is yes. priscilla pursued him. you have with him. he's quite from julia on sunday for sending him the which and then you know for the look for the. yeah, to doing them though for sure the guess it's


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