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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 23, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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cargo, for example, are developing links between the 4th of july in southern india in something i do and that he was struck in the far east of russia. we can also have cooperation with regard to see favors training people to operate in the arctic. india would benefit from russia as experience and a mobile. i think it's very important for india in russia to continue to cooperate with regard to hydrocarbons. with regard to, for example, oil and gas in india is very committed to working with russia in the field, hydrocarbons. we have a large investments made in cycling and other places in the russian far east. and it's a very important to launch this agenda. of course, india and russia, a key members of the strategic law and start of the breaks. finally, a grouping of countries that some people like to call the, the donor as ation co. in the meantime,
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this is all to international from all of us here. thanks for joining the the hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle . the mass of aide bill for ukraine passed by the us congress ensures the conflict will continue. countless lives will continue the loss. but will this aid all
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through the events being played out on the ground? there is no reason to believe so the prospect in ukraine i'm joined by my guess time long ago in north florida. he is publisher of gold goats in guns, blog, and newsletter in miami. we have andrea wong, she is a journalist and co host of the final count down on scrutiny international. and in prichard, we crossed through derrick evans. he is a candidate for congress, as well as biden's political prisoner. alright, across black roles and the fact that means you can jump anytime you want. and i always appreciated derek. since you're running for the us congress, i would like your reaction to the flurry of ukrainian flags being waived in the house of representatives after that. massive bill was passed. i, i, i was wondering if it was just a i trying to fool me. your thoughts? well, was it was a, i just trying to pull, you know, no uh,
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flags to be waived uh inside of the, the us house chambers and some people's house. uh, so it's not the that it was the ukrainian flag necessarily said there was any 4 in flag that none of them should be waived inside the people's house inside of the american. okay, well, but the press book, it very differently that this was, i think there was a congressman said, ukraine's border is our border. derek, would you like to continue with that is, is that an american border as well? if it was the american border that they wouldn't care about securing it because they don't care about securing your own board or they're leaving a wide open right now for people just invade our country. so i wish that they put that much effort into securing the american border as we're currently being invaded . 1 by the millions right now, every single month on the southern border and as well as the northern border of our own country. so they're a bunch of hypocrites. they say whatever they want in order to laundering pockets. and we know that there's money laundering going on from this money. it's going to ukraine, supposedly, and then coming back to these corrupt politicians inside america. yeah. well,
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they're, they're paid in bought. that's for sure. you know, tom, immediately after the bill was past, the president biden had a conversation with his counterparts in ukraine's zalinski and zelinski me in that it was the read out ukraine can win this war. what is he smoking or he does? he have another preference. go ahead tom. um, he is clear that they are running a they, they're using ukraine's of, alas, ukrainian, right? they're gonna fight this word. it'll ask you currently. and then once we get to that, that state, that's when they, those gonna come in. it's kind of similar to, you know, how they fought, bid of the germans to the last, nearly the last bread during the season one didn't in world war 2. if this is a very similar strategy and they just feel that the longer they, they draw this out and then get this point to get it to a point of desperation on the part of the frame. that's when they can justify everything else. so what we should expect maxed if this is the, the same script is some kind of false flag or american composite operation against
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america in order to justify why we need to go in and fight the evil poodle or who is not hitler. and he's not stupid and because he's not stupid, he's not fighting the war the way they want him to fight it and it's in fremont. we're few. he refuses to take their private cases. he continues to just rind out. small victory after small victory after small victory ended on bass is mastery and car, cough and getting ready to, to, to, to, to moves there. and possibly so me. and i find that fascinating because ultimately he's just going to continue to find out growing down nato, knowing full well that he can bite them on their terms until they finally commit. and then he can raise the pain threshold. not just kind of politically at the patrician wise, but now really up the anti financially militarily and then clearly politically after that. so i think that's just right it, yeah, andrea, but i, it wasn't the conflict started, i asked my dest repeatedly, who's got the time, and who's got the clocks?
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and always the answer is, russia has a both. and you, i have a bit of a different take on this here with the $61000000000.00 and it's all about the election cycle. unfortunately, it's not about lives because americans aren't losing their lives in ukraine, so ukrainians are uh, yeah, you can, you can, you don't have to spare their lives there. you can. they don't mean anything to american voters, particularly not to be a members of congress. but i think there's one way you can look at this is one big wet kiss, one last crunch before the elections. and then it's like, well, we did what we did. i. nato is a spend for us. it's not going to up the ante, at least militarily in ukraine. this is the last shot, angie, absolutely like this. the property you create in congress has dwindled over the months. in fact, the house freedom caucus didn't want to hear about it. it was really strange. one, the house speaker of mike johnson did a 180 when he was just the congressman. he voted no for any additional aid to
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ukraine. and also when he becomes house speaker, he's got to push the money through. we got to get that and, and you know, why? because we have to fund the military complex, right? we have to find them so that they can fund congress and they can pad their super packs because had their congressional funds, etc. and that's why all the democrats were waving their little, you know, blue and yellow flags in on the floor of congress. i couldn't believe that. i mean, if i wear an american flag on my lapel people, look at me funny. now that is the big difference that we are facing today. now, no one can talk about it. now you the large retail degree who was basically told just do it, don't talk about it will fund your, you will fund you or whatever deal they made. but that's what happens. everyone got a little bit of grease on their hands. they got a little bit of cash going into their campaigns. so they're happy. do we care about what happens in ukraine and russo war? i'm not so sure that support is still there amongst the americans. well, it's everywhere and they're certainly not their public opinion. polls say very
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clearly, it's not derrick and it's, it's very interesting. the new york times says the democracy dies in the dark. well, i'd say democracy dies in congress. okay. i mean, the, the, the republican base is adamant that they know you that want money and an anti, it brings up the question that maybe we'll have an answer to what the hell happened to mike johnson. go ahead. the oh, 1st of all democracy, when you hear that term in america, you might as well just struck that out and say communism because that's what they're really meeting at the end of the day. we're a constitutional republic and they keep using that word democracy when they really just made communism. speaker johnston has really just been um, a complete uh sorry, a failure. he should have been vacated a long time ago. i wonder what kind of chaos that would it would have cause it really speaks volumes to the old saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely. because to our point he is done on $0.18 is time as a congress meant to be coming. speaker, i wonder who has been in his ear. i wonder what kind of promises he's been given.
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it's very unfortunate right now because while congress continues to grease their pockets to line their pockets with all this money that's going to the military industrial complex, it's the, it's the average people all across the world. not just in america. it's the average people who are losing right now. we have our own people who are struggling here in america. we're sitting billions of dollars. other countries, actually we're borrowing money from china to send to other countries because we're $34.00 trillion dollars in debt. and then at the same time, you have every day, average citizens in ukraine and russia who are dying and a war right now that quite frankly, these people in congress don't care anything about. yeah, and tom, it, it just came out today that the, the, the, the russian defense ministry is estimates that the cravings of loss a half a 1000000 men in this conflict that i assume that that is debts and, and severe injuries here. um and so the plan is to get the next $500000.00. i mean is really amazing. um, with the aim to damage rush or they're destroying an entire demographic and ukraine
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. what will you crane have to rebuild after a hold of this? go ahead. tom won't, but well clearly, i mean, i don't want to go, you know, too far afield into the population of gender or anything along those lines. but you know, the tape of cameron and all the british and big jeremy hot and all the partition of, uh, uh, you know, highlights, megabytes also at the same thing, isn't this great. you guys are spending, you americans are spending all this money and not one american live is being killed here. this is great. you're just fuses wasting basically 5, because in like it's, it's disgusting. just how much they hate. everybody who's not down like the mask has come off so completely about this agenda and i find it just, you know, to pay for it. right. but what's interesting looking at what's going on in congress, is this a type of go back to a couple of points of derek and the, as you may i it looks to me like this, the situation for ukraine is even worse than we thought it was because it's very
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possible because i've seen some reports of this that we've already stripped patriot missile systems from nato allies in places like greece and spain and other in other areas and sent them to ukraine and they've already been blown up. and that the 6th that a lot of this money that was your mark through this bill was literally to put those replaced those systems in places where they're already supposed to be. in fact, almost none of this money is going to go to ukraine at all. and it's not going to change well what but, but that's, but that's and, and when john's and the dispute just stood like gross on the display of change and narrative, a little bit for people to think about this one day. cuz right now, mike johnson is the most hated man in america. the 2nd only sex, so he can turn around said he deserves that it was us. and so because so the goal here because but, but it remembered the dark night folks, you know, you're either die here or you live just long enough to see yourself become the villain. they make people in the villains by putting them in impossible situation.
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oh, i have no, i don't, no, no, no, no, no, no, you know, i'm not good. i, i don't agree with that that he did this willingly what the payoff is. that's what i want to know. that's what that's really what about and a go ahead and jump in. but he's down to one house majority. he, there's only one of these. u. p is barely hanging on. he needs that brand the crowd support in order to get any bills pass otherwise than you're a do nothing congress, which is what a line that they're going to use over and over again. is that better to be as do nothing congress than to be a poodle? of, of joe biden, of all people. yes, it's less than i don't, it's a rock and a hard place. and, you know, one thing to add about the $61000000000.00 that goes are ukraine, which again, goes to american manufacturers. is that the delivery of a lot of these military weapons is not going to be produced until 2029. you guys, this is not for the current, or is that you should look at it again. the nonsense that we hurts there immediately within a week. and now this is not so hot through whatsoever. derek,
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it is really one of the interesting things. i don't remember the exact number. it's between $8.00 and $10000000000.00. they'll be going to pay for salaries and health care and everything else given the history of corruption and new credit and i witnessed it myself many, many times before. 2014, before 2022 is that that money is just going to literally disappear into pockets and you know what, they the, they the, the people in power in washington and brussels. they know that's going to happen. it's a huge, broad, 40 seconds before we go to the right. go ahead there. yeah. first i want to make sure everyone is aware of that. not to judge american citizens based on our, our government. absolutely, absolutely. no, we do not feel this way of talking about if it's not a popular thing here in our country or minds, the citizenry. so i want to make that very weird really. oh, yeah. so, so uh, the thing is in west virginia, specifically where i live in a lot of other parts of this country. we have our own issues right now. there's an e m s. crosses in southern west virginia where people are literally dying, waiting on an ambulance. it's not going to show up because they don't have the
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funding to pay for that. but yet we're sending money to other countries. specifically, some of the money that was was sent to ukraine was the pay the salaries, pensions, and insurance for 1st responders and ukraine. so are we're, we're literally paying for those services in your credit, right? yeah, and i have to jump in here. we have to go to a hard break. and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion on you're going to stay with the the, what is a part of the blog post that isn't the deep su, wasn't that in the word part? is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without glitches. let's go part of
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as since world war 2, united states has fostered extremist and to russian prejudices and hatreds among the ukrainian, the asked for, and at least in canada, united states and countries in eastern europe, probably everywhere in the world. it doesn't matter what these groups say or do it will support them if it is the groups are causing hatred and chaos within the target country. joe again might done choose the country, joe, or sort of you will as well as one of the middle. i know myself, it just means the printer was using just $50.00 and that's the way of reaching the get the ca uses anyone at anything if there's a religion the
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the welcome back across. ok, we're all things are considered non peter live, else remind you we're discussing ukraine. the is go back the time in north florida. you know, part of this was a part of the debate over the funding. well, there was no debate whatsoever. there was, it wasn't allowed, there wasn't a public debate even within congress itself. and if there had been a debate, maybe we would have understood what the strategy is. what does winning mean? because essentially what it's gotten down to is it just don't lose right now. right? now don't lose, that's this thing, it says would love it tom, you know,
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i agree with that tier and i also agree that go with that back to what's happening . congress like i just stood. i mean, it's, you're, you're all right about how johnson has been a failure as a speaker and all the rest of it. but i want to remind everybody that why did a hold off this bill for 4 months. and then all of a sudden the last moment to a weighty, and he wasn't the only one on the d o p side of the ticket. there were at least i think, 27 other congressmen who get what their vote at the last moment. now we can say it's middle on bullets, hit their desktop, you know, with whatever the threats were behind the scenes. i can, i can believe that and i can also believe that there were something else, possibly sincere, nothing is ever as simple as it looks on paper. you know, when we say it in the papers in washington dc. so i'm not, i'm not absolving johnson here. i'm saying is, keep an open mind that there may be multiple reasons why this had to happen now. and at the very least, we'll see what we'll see. well, well,
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one settled by tom seizure, russian foreign exchange assets. we're name about the 61000000000 to you, right? we, we, we know tom that, um, that he was given a, a c i a briefing right before, right. he flipped his uh, his position here. now i can just imagine the threat porn that they showed him. i mean these are the same people, you know, they don't know who blow up the north stream. they can. these are the same people that are arrested. um, 80 year old women with walkers, with within 10 miles of the d. c. on january 6th. i mean they, they know a lot of things. okay. and they, and, and they do a lot of colbert things here. and do you, it seems to me that you know, he just, they, he's just out of his way. they intimidated him in a breath. inflation is what they, that's their currency. yeah. and don't go to those winter retreats. i there are, those are in so you retreats. yeah. like, don't, don't take a free ride. we know there, those hotel rooms are,
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but they sign every which way to entrap, especially the freshman congress, members, and it happens every time. and everywhere. oliver washington, he should have known better. it was a rookie mistake, whatever he saw in the, in the shift. it doesn't matter. he's still sort of like stead ground and work for his congress, but he did. and now he's down to one member. and he has to go to democrats and the by the white house for support just to remain speaker of the house. now, is that going to be pretty until november? no it's, it's just going to be a disaster. but meanwhile, the map is not there for the g o p conference. that's the sad part. and the best thing to do right now, maybe nothing because, you know, if you need democrats and pork or anything, well do you want that? because that well, you know, and a nightmare very, but technically technically the g o. p does have the numbers, they do have the majority. the problem of the problem is with a g o. p is they're not like democrats, democrats,
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or like bolsheviks. they will always vote in unison. that's the republican party is greatest weakness here, derek f. how does the trump play into all of this here? i mean, the photo op and mara, largo, you know, i back gum. speaker johnson's positions, i mean this turned into a complete fiasco trunk full of all the politicians and i'm not, i'm not boosting for him here. but you know, he said i will solve this when i'm president. he had the best line because it leaves everybody questioning, but now he seemingly is backing johnson. i. it seems to me, he's given away a lot. you know, he has no leverage. he's given away a lot for nothing. go ahead, derek. why didn't see where he necessarily supported johnson on the train thing out of all he did in morrow largo he did. he gave him a pat on the back. i know that that was for something else that already had that scheduled leading up to that. but also right now the biggest issue is we have a unit party in this country. we don't have necessarily,
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republicans and democrats of we have a unit party and there's a civil war that's literally taking place within the republican party. right now you have the america 1st freedom caucus of trump republicans door attempting to take over the party from the global war. mongering, neo cons and uh, the freedom caucus america 1st members are starting all across the country. this isn't just in congress. i mean this is that your local city and county g o p 's as well. uh, the american 1st patriots are winning that battle and you're starting to see that that's why a lot of these things are being revealed right now. and the national level is every day americans are taking over the republican party from within. and so that's leading them to fall at, you know, to just kind of chasing them into the arms of the unit party. and that's what we're seeing right now in the national stages. it's the unit party that are doing this. that's why the republicans and the 10 the, the, the trip to traditional republicans, the mitt romney republicans and the democrats are walking in unison. they are one of the same to, you know, that they're the exact same people,
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the exact same party. yeah, but, but tom, uh, i don't want to get into inside baseball too much, but that works for the left. it doesn't work for the right. okay. i mean, it's a, it's the most pathetic thing you can imagine. is that a republican speaker, he has to rely on the opposition to keep him in power. i mean, it's absurd opposition. it's not all the nominally speaking party while i, i get your point there. i got you, i got your point, i've use a term, are you in a party, a lot on this program, but tom, you get my point. you know, i absolutely get your point, peter. and this is the, the thing is that it was the same problem that, that kind of mccarthy phase. and he was the same for him, but it was the same criticism he use the democrats to get stuff past and that's what caused the motion to make it. so here's the thing with johnson. since the moment that kevin mccarthy, speaker, a flight, the gap we have pressure placed on what she republicans to get rid of them into a road. the majority, to be honest with you. if you really parse that headlines,
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clearly here in the united states, from the moment it was decided that there were going to be a 4 seat majority in the house. they started working to get rid of that. so that 4 seat majority are forcing resignations and everything else. so but johnson down dante's point is perfect. that johnson's down to a one seat majority. he was tr, i think he was trying to run out the clock. and then they got to it and they're like, no, no, no, we have to run out. you can't wait. and you can't go to the, to the, to the break. when everybody goes home in august to go campaign, because conversion, the congress has done it all at the congress and we have to do is get through the next 3 or 4 months. and this one. and so the, the question now is, is peter said about the, the, the war and the, the time is on rush. decide the war. well, it was, it was on it, it's, it's not a, on their side to get everything pass through the us congress. they need to get done because they need to get passed between now and november because they've already conceded effectively that tom's going to wit. and then the cause of that they're
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trying to do their relief while i reside manual and trying to run the table. i. so that is what i say. i think it's already been mentioned, the program that everybody got paid to the and everybody's happy about it and she, i never would have thought we'd missed george santos. do we have this? i have some stuff rolling me right now. what is the weather there? oh, good. please. trying to get onto my camp is that columbia university to walk jewish students into their classrooms right now. classes out at columbia a week before finals by the way, and as well. see this, this is summer of love. 2 point oh you have it for them in algebra and i never really got it without. i never really got it straight. is he jewish or as a jewish? he said to herself, oh, how do you say anything? you want me to be these val, columbia students and he said he was a varsity volleyball. apparently when he was in college as well. he thinks he it was bar. so yeah, but the reason why i brought this up angie is because he says the character of all
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of congress, in my opinion, is a fraud. and the congress is a fraud. it's a unit party fraud. dre or derek, real about running for a fraudulent a, against conglomerate out the he just got caught. okay. he just got caught. derick is we go into the election cycle now? i mean, this betrayal, i mean, particularly of the, the g o p base. okay. i mean, you can say a lot of things about donald trump and i've said good and bad on this program, but he didn't get us into a war and i credit him a lot for that bite and has more awards. now that we can count isn't it hasn't what the dean p o p u a b is a betrayal of his candidacy. it was the 1st of all want to say that the everything that the left wing media in america said donald trump was going to do is what barton is currently doing. i mean, that's literally what the, what the, what he's doing rather getting us in all these wars of all this, this chaos. and as far as george stands, as i wanted to quickly say, i do,
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this is conservative votes, you as a conservative vote in congress. so you would not have it, he would dotted voted for these things. you can say whatever else you want to about him, you would not have voted for these things in the air. and derrick, you didn't break any laws while he was in congress that we know of. okay. i think that the voters should have decided his fate. okay. that's what democracy is. yeah . throw the bottom out. if you don't like him, ok again. is matt with tom's app. absolutely. right. is machinations to whittle down the majority to go and derrick, sorry to interrupt. no, you're, you're absolutely correct. uh, it should have been a decision by the people in been theory. even those republicans who go to the house to him really voted to overturn an election matches follicle at the end of the day when you really think about everything that the republican party standing for right now in terms of election integrity, they turn around and voted to strip the voice away of the whatever, half a 1700000 people who he represented in his congressional district. and it's, it's sad that happened congress's as roger. but that's what we need every day.
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americans every day, people to step up and start running for office all across this country. we're yeah, we have too many politicians and politics. i think we're getting to a point right now in america where everything americans are feeling the effects of this. they're frustrated and they're throwing their hands up and they're starting to get involved in politics. and i hope that we can uh get it can really get so many people liked it. everything and city council all the way up through congress. that's what we're gonna have to do. we want to make some changes in this country. tom, the last question, one minute left is ukraine on the ballot this year. and i, i don't know, i have, i don't have a, i'll be, i don't have the answer to my own question. go ahead. no, it does funny. oh i you, you asked me that question and i'm like, there's so much time between now and then there's so many things that can happen between now and then. i just, i'd like cuz i'm i don't know that we make it to november after break that well, you know, you know, but yeah, if we play far, we started our recording. we were talking about a different idea of we're going to end this program with a completely other other idea. i've heard many people that i actually bought
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a trust and believe it tended out there will be an election that i don't know, but that is in the air. who no go ahead. 20 seconds time. go ahead. yeah, no i, i, if it is, it will be an election like we had in 2020 a, b i a fraudulent one, and then that will cause we're being set up for this. i think the united states is being set up for a break up, and i think it has. well, i don't, and i'll tell you as long as we're not as well by an angel purpose, i will give you a prediction. if they've taught trumpet is elected. he will be in peach before he's inaugurated. that's all. and on that note here, oh, what i think my guess and north of florida, miami and prichard and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our d. c. a next time. remember prospect rules the, [000:00:00;00]
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the part of the video, so it's not someone from 01 them good, that sounds good. yeah. we use them for them with the lots of up to just get all kinds of them document that initiate and look at the results of those. this reasoning why the, the or the sleeping is a boy, the news, the movie and once or so. so we took the chance portion of
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the in total seems to start with the special military operation. ukrainian law states have reached almost half a 1000000 troops. catastrophic numbers are key of that as more weapons are set to be sent to new brain. moscow site is the country is paying the price in human life . the person is putting the country's defense industry on a war footing, adding 75000000000 pounds to the budget to ensure its weapons stockpiles, and often leave the police at the milestone for gaza while as riley volumes reign down on the inc. life to choose a mocking $200.00 days instead of a you've responded to the october at the time as long as disability comes to


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