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tv   The 360 View  RT  April 23, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT

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for example, are developing links between the 4th of july in southern india. and i mean i do and that it was stuck in the far east of russia. we can also have cooperation with regard to c fairs, training people to operate in the arctic. india would benefit from russia as experience and above all, i think it's very important for india in russia to continue to cooperate with regard to hydrocarbons. with regard to, for example, oil and gas in india is very committed to working with russia in the field, hydrocarbons. we have a large investments made in cycling and other places in the russian far east. and it's a very important to launch this agenda. of course, india and russia, a key members of the strategic hello and start of the breaks. finally, a grouping of countries that some people like the cold of the donor as ation co. in
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the meantime, this is all the international from one of us here. thanks for joining the benefits on such a way to let you know that special must do up already set up. all i didn't stuff for the probably focus liam will cover with former signing them with alex to look at each toward item that he appears to the prostate. and you'll click on this to lead to oh my god, i see him you'll. it's up a screen door to the in this kind of a slow ok from work on the kind of this. so at least what does land store do is kind of that your opinion might be the best for someone, a lovely or that's a feel wish that it's 12 publish mode or not. but it's thoughts maybe i don't know with some projects assignment list cause any problems short
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the federal agents with us homeland security rated to the famed rubber, sean at puppy dek homes, houses in l. a and miami. as he faces a string of accusations of rape abuse and sex trafficking, expanding several decades of sky. now he is on this edition of $360.00 view. we're going to discuss whether p diddy is the epstein of the music industry and whether this could lead to more rest. let's get started. the dramatic pictures from the home of sean a positive account on the afternoon of march 25th, leaving many questioning not only the current charges being brought against the
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award winning wrapper and business man, but also all of his past interactions and dealings with younger artist. now command trucks and officers wearing protective gear and weapons were used in the rage at both houses are now the most recent loss. it was filed on february, february 26 by his producer little rod at jones elijah's. he was subjected to on wanted advances by associates of duty at his direction. and that he was forced to, to engage in relations with the sex workers. comp's had hired in a 14th month period beginning in september of 2022. now the producer claims that combs drug threatened and sexually harassed him during the time he was employed. you said he actually has video and audio evidence of combs his staff and others engaging in serious illegal activity. now the lawsuit identified rapper $0.50 a former girlfriend, and the mother of one of his children definitely enjoy as well as
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a named multiple other celebrities in the filings and quite a well known pastor, tv jakes, a rap artist, a young miami, and even british royal prince harry the last it also alleges it comes regularly hosted sex trafficking parties with under age women and illegal drugs and implies a record label executives who look to the other way financially benefited from access to celebrities and dignitaries. now, oh, this seems very familiar and it's almost impossible to ignore the similarities between the multiple cases involving late jeffrey epstein and p. diddy, involuntary sex young girls drugs, alcohol, lavish party money and of course, rush celebrities now is expected. combs has denied all of the allegations saying we have over whelming, we indisputable proof that the claims are complete. lice, now hand kept during the raid at tons. los angeles home was called son justin and
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christian king counts were fire arms and phones or ceased comes himself while he's yet to be arrested or physically charged with any crimes. even though legal experts are saying the charges are building. but if this has been going on for decades, why are these arrest just being made now? and considering all the coverage of sex trafficking around geoffrey editing ignorance or just narcissism for any celebrity to feel like they can get away with a similar operation. let's discuss with our panel today. oh, i know lawyer and media analyst audrey j pruitt, chairman of the new a journey pack and tomorrow, thomas journalist and radio hubs. thank you so much for joining me. honest, audrey, i'm gonna start with you. were you shocked when you actually heard the news about the rate on p d these homes and what did you think it initially involved? i wasn't shocked and that's because the federal government is always responding to
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the false accusations. i have no reason to believe these women. i don't believe women by default. if anything, the more accusations are the less likely i am to believe it. but number 2, what does that take was about? i thought it was about this because if you paid attention to particularly underground hip hop media, low key, a influence, there's micro influencers. they had been talking about possible things going on with the for a long time. so when i 1st heard it, i thought immediately of this probably isn't a nother false accusations, extra ask, how's your opinion changed as the weeks have gone on since the initial rate on his home? you know, okay, this is america. you are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. okay. and isn't a proven guilty tomorrow? do you have that same feeling? did you think? okay, i think he's worked in a court of law if a key point, right, right. i mean, the street has their own point of view in regards to the things that basically take place. but i gotta be honest. i mean, when casting came up with her accusations,
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it followed suit with a lot of other people who are coming up with accusation will probably be seen to just have fallen lot and yet to, to be fair to the gets pumping will show in a portable and that's assuming they charge been everything else. i mean, that's the rubber, the story. like the feds really the so like it was a couple by the same token, they have been all that open about why it's just and sexual trafficking stuff that has been dogging puffy and again, a lot of stuff came off with mcafee allegations because she's like no sex traffic. there's a canadian woman who came out good. she's anonymous, parent. lisa was also sex traffic. is producer fluoride. fluoride wasn't room for fluoride is girl man, but it's like to get even he is saying some of the stuff to it would all be flushed out in regards to court. but it's like until again the fits what kind of 99 percent conviction. right. and if they are coming for you, most likely, i don't think that comes with a risk. well, that's the question line. oh, because how credible do you believe is this case against pre duty? how much actually has to be concrete before feds can actually raid?
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not one of them, but also to houses where you use the probable cause. but i, i, i would be remiss if i did not mention the 1st gentleman who said by default you don't believe women. and number 2, did i hear you say, the more accusations there are, the less likely there is of guilt? did i hear that? outrage correct? okay, i didn't stutter when i said it. okay, so explain yourself why. first of all, do you not believe women initially? because i, any time i've seen these accusations occurs post probably 2015. it is always the most shaky as in flimsy of circumstances. always. right? you have drug fuel parties grown folks. people that are grown that make a decision. no one bamboozled them into the decision. no one said, oh, you have to. it's the same thing with the one who's the white gentleman harvey?
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wise. like? no one bamboozled, you know, one flimsy due. it was it a magic trick? you made a decision to take drugs, you made a decision to drink. you made a decision. we are a world that's the void of accountability. and the facts are if you are a growing person, now if you're below the age of 18 is different. but if you're a grown person and you make a decision to engage a sexual act with anybody that is your decision, it's not so advocate. so you're saying got bamboozled here, say your to say so you're saying, well, bamboozling is a, is a, is a pedestrian term. so you're saying that a woman who drinks cannot be rate is what you're saying. no to hardy can help you with. no, that's not what i think. i don't believe that at all. you don't believe women. you don't believe women by default it's. it's twice i you're right. you're going bullying. proud. generally don't mainly but so you are that the role for your you? what with what i'm talking about, the accusers. now let me explain something to you. and i've been doing this for
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a long time. or if you want to make your name in terms of this, by starting off with the absurd premises, my friend you were on your way. but you're going to find out later on this, somebody is going to say you're going to meet a number of people who are going to come forward and they're going to be victims of this traffic in because i don't know you, i'm sure you are fine person and this is a great way to start your show, but if you have to put a number of value on how absurd and how speech is what you're saying is if i could somehow explicate or limb or describe to you how absolutely off the charge. in saying this is, i don't have enough time, but i will solve this. and you mentioned harvey winds. first of all, you don't know anything about the harvey orange being case. you know nothing about our re, the actual you don't owe my 100 percent. right? so good. okay, so,
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so you make sure they don't. so you think the wind stain audrey just so we can set the foundation of where we all stand. you think the weinstein was wrongly convicted? but he's innocent. a lot from what? i have read. yes. wow. maybe you are the decision of it. if you are i how, from what i okay from what little i the it for us. it. oh, this is a grown person. how did you make a decision going to you may have, there was a lot. now i'm legend, by the way, both of you 2 gentlemen. when you have a woman or a boy or somebody come out and accuse you of something, i'm the one you're gonna want to call. okay, so let's pause on tomorrow. i'd have to look for the, you know, 5 like tomorrow, giving people i could be a week 2 weeks of the rehabilitation, probably why status? the estimated to be so many people it depends. if you've got to get them to do that, you got some heard. yes. so the, um, the reason i say some of the, okay, well,
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if you are a person who's trying to do a job and your employer says, well, usually full will believe that your job is contingent upon some kind of sexual act or anything like that. that is illegal, you can do that and, and you know, this idea that, well those, when they made a choice, they made a choice. anyway, was the 4th choice site. you want to get this job. you want this contract, you want to have a career in the field film industry. okay, well, i mean to, to let me masturbate affordable plan and i need you to stand there and do it. that is not, can fit in the way that we understand consent of you have an equal choice to make a choice or decision or not. right, let's go for it. i, i disagree with that. i, i'm on the screen in the car and i'm a lawyer. i'm a former prosecutor, i'm telling you that as there is nothing wrong, there is nothing in fact it against the law with you agreeing to adults to letting me do something strange or whatever in front of you, if it's out against your will. but the point, the harvey weinstein,
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the part that people mention about harvey weinstein. well, i would defend him, is the prior, similar fact evidence that really convicted him, that is the high, the, of, of the lack of due process. but let me explain something to you. here's what we're going to do to watch. they're not going to charge you with anything. okay, why do you say that? don't charge me because they're sending the word out that he's a rack and that he's, he's cooperate and they're going to do this, showing the. and there's also the suspicion by a lot of folks that the reasons why and this is a good conspiracy theory. and i know we all love that, but some people are suggesting that he is one of the chosen words. and that the fetch went in, not to seize evidence to charge, but to seize evidence so that they could have it. because remember, the one piece of evidence or the one factor by the epstein case that we don't know are the new, the hours and hours of evidence that could incriminate some very powerful people. this is a very complicated case, but to start off with this spacious premise,
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that by default, i don't believe women because they make choices. i would love to have you spend just 5 minutes and write any kind of a natural battery division of the police department and you would crush. you wouldn't be able to sleep at night and we're not talking about children. and it's that kind of attitude that kind of stick in deprived, added to that actually permits and formats this kind of behavior in the 1st place. because you're treating women like chattel. you're saying that by virtue of their being there, they should have know they ask for. they knew what this is all about. i don't know they there. well, the on tv rather practicing law because you're throwing. oh, okay. hold on. andre. left and right for audrey, but you did the get on your shows body in call me caprice it. i think it's it's a preference that we've got. well here's the thing we've got winds thing we can
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bring in epstein. now we're bringing another one. i have something to say about my black ass, that's fine. okay, here's the x ray swing royce and do let's the jamal. here's an i'm, we're going to answer it. no, i'm gonna take your you easy, give you the black braces, just introduced that does this have anything to do with race? start off saying i don't believe what and so now and sex isn't that we're going to racism. so i don't think the floor. i don't think goes ration of um, component to that. i mean at the point where you start a thing, i don't believe women by default. i think there's a problem with the premise. i mean there's some people who bring up a good. i'll give you one example, donald trump and the destination. so with the agent co, no evidence, nothing to back it up and hit them with $93000000.00. now i don't care what truck says in response to that, not even read dollars isn't sorry. and there's nothing to back that up. okay, fair enough. i get it real metrics,
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random potential extra travel traffic. i x where multiple people have come for saying, hey, i have a problem with so in. so that's a little bit different, not to mention affairs reading. the house is a bit different. like right, so, so let me bring that to audrey in the fact that let's look at it right now. you do have, do you think this is you have more and more people are starting top, come out, you're seeing videos. justin bieber how to be video came out of him being under the people are now questioning your seeing a domino effect here of others in the past that were just kind of waiting for them to break before they started to actually disclose their own potential abuse. that might happen, does that give this more credibility in your mind that there was something going wrong with p. diddy? that there is no credibility unless true evidence is produced because before the system was reversed before, oh, we just believed all women before. if a man was accused, you just believe them and now you to one of the 2 men, by the way, it would applaud for you for sucking up to everybody for being sit beta males,
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sucking up to everybody. so applause of both of you. you too. now when a tasha gave me because i reversed it and said no, just because you come out and say so. and so, so and so and so and so, and you've got 18 friends behind you with 1000000000 there that are attacking a billionaire. all of a sudden i'm saying no by products. i'm not believing you by default. we have heard, we have the been out all 3. this is not just women, this is man. you now have males that are coming out and accusing p. diddy of an effect, and i don't believe them. i do not believe any one by default until evidence is produced. what does that mean, excuse me, or what does that mean by default? what does that mean? why don't understand that? because you know what, i would imagine you don't know the words he bought on police. i have no idea about it all on the line. one of the primary line. oh, line of do what it, what have it in me. okay. well, what i'm saying is, so when you read anything or hear of anything, any accusation about anybody,
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whether it's about you name a term for b, daddy or, or i just zalinski or boatman. because you don't have evidence of it. you consequently form no opinion about anything, because how could you have evidence of it by default. now, she is. he hasn't even been charge of any right. what, let's be fair. mister ditty has not been charged any or disney he hasn't been charged anything. he has had something sees we don't even know from the inventory of the items. and by the way, i love what people say. can you believe? oh, my god, look at how they ready to ask roger stone about how the rate is home at 4 o'clock in the morning. we've cnn handy. and by the way, gmc was down here. and then they also say you talk about rates. well, let me say something, god bless america for p, daddy to be a putative billionaire in this horrible world that we live. that does not allow a black man. he did terrific and he probably, by the way, this is
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a problem. his problem, his, his problem with his problems were with business relationship with years of the p. d. p. did he is just the tip of the iceberg. it's part of the sick head sorted world of entertainment, the 1st place. well, he's mad virus. let me, he's not what, let me put your paws on that aren't you? i know you've got to go. i'm gonna give you the last 40. got one minute. no, i know it is. yeah. you had a heart out even the show before the show started. are the last for about a minute to because i'd like you, i've got a real job. oh, we are. okay. we'll do that 1st. so we want to do the personal tax audrey last your personal. he started off probably nice guy. you don't play with me. i like, i say, you know what? i liked the line of audrey. well, actually line on jermel. thank you for your insight. stay right there. the 2 of them, at least because i want to take a break. i definitely want to take a break because when we come back, i will look at what happens next and it seems it just like the victims,
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as we talked about, of jeffrey epstein are slow to receive any justice. will this be the same for potential victims of combs if he is found guilty the a video of alleged abuse by an officer today, the sheriff's deputy in columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed his student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talking to her was printing her and initially, you know, i didn't think is a problem because i knew that she was just is quite a student in the class. someone likes the police officer and says, here is law enforcement that is worse. clearly attacking,
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abusing power and other than others besides, this is what's wrong with those poorly behaved on discipline black children. he was there enforcing a lot to meet in the crime, to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes and school is huge and forces never predict for necessary. a tops people never gonna change them out. and so people will never change their minds about video. they think i was wrong, and that's it. welcome back. i'm going to use and you are watching the 360 view. as i stated, my opening, i think there's still a plethora of information. the public deserves to know regarding jeffrey epstein. it just shocks me that someone's post of seeing the rest would potentially mimic the same set up and think they could get away with it. so i want to continue our discussion with our panel light. oh, lawyer and media analyst and jamal thomas,
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journalist and radio. so i know both of you are very sad that we, we lost our, our 1st guess, but let's actually out of pocket and i figured you, why do you like conversation? i, you know, he definitely was, he stayed with that. he did not waver on his position. so let me start with you on this online. oh, should the public be surprised? there potentially could be a sex trafficking ring, an industry which has a lot of focus on sex and drugs. oh for 1st of all, you know, i mean, i don't think it's listen since the days of clara bow. you can go back to charlie chaplin and farm fatty arbuckle. no, no, that's not it. and that's all. so remember that of course he has not been charged with anything. i want to say one thing very quickly. do you imagine epstein? the question of questions of questions and by the way, remember this is a country, this is a world that doesn't follow up. we don't even know where it came. middleton is, and we just forget about or is that, oh, well whatever. oh yeah, i've seen, they killed epstein in prison in jail and the federal, joe, they killed him. this was there was evidence of, of strangulation, highly boned,
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fresher, sideboard, cartridge fracture, particular hemorrhaging. i mean it with this right there. they could have off them somewhere. nobody would have known, but they wanted you to know it. we've got them and he's gone. the next thing was all of the hours, remember a lady and sent home and that his entire world was one big recording studio. his home is blaine and everything. do you know what i could do if i had a box of hard drives, advice said name the biggest names in big tech or industry, and i've got them right now doing something that could give them 50 years to life and federal prison. do you think that gives me a unique bargaining position? this is a honey, but this has extortion, and nobody follows up on this to this day, and the only will charge is going maxwell. so what think they made her a deal going to you a couple of years. if it is okay and you are cold and just take the fall and all of
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the women, all of the women, not one person ever was connected. she's the only person ever arrested. they don't know one man other, the poor prince andrew nod schmock who doesn't what? oh, okay, so jamal, you know, i'm going to bring this up because like i said, we've done everything we can attend you. but do you think he did, his network would have even been allow if there would have been more of a swift harsh, open a prosecution of the i've seen and he didn't get murdered in presence. yep. do you think that we've actually deterred future rings like this? if this is what, what's been going on? i mean, i don't think so. i mean, in the, in home he's right. completely. right. i mean, like i always us, of course, would have seen where the jobs, like meeting miscast, will be approval if apex x partner. and he's supposed to have all these people, all of these people to be videotape recorded. all of these people want politics and media and industry and everything else. and then i've seen awesome self quote
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unquote. and those like goes away. everything is eliminated. but the thing is, i don't think it would make a difference. i mean, the reality of it is when epstein was doing all the stuff according to let's say, the street and the way the talking about puffy. the stuff is going up we use, i mean the stuff, the casting is talking about. the cats is what $37.00 now to right teen which you 1st started with plus me. so that's a 10 year spread that we're talking about the stuff the took place. right. while you think of a very and an excellent point here up for 1st and foremost let's, let's keep track of a couple of things here. if i could do a grand have a grand jury, and i'm sure sir, you would agree with me. here are the people i would love to investigate if i was in charge of the d. o. j. o correct? tyler perry. steve harvey, i would have is my lead prosecutor kat williams. the kat williams video or his, his a club shows a performance, followed by monique, shook the world. i don't know if you a, by the way, have you noticed how catch kind of like, who be careful get,
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be careful if the green, the green gwinnett, is there was something. and by the way, it's not just there. it's not just in that particular world but, but we have the, remember with bright board said that politics is down stream from entertainment. these are very, very powerful people. but here's the thing. is it really busy on his own who has been targeted, or did he make some, some bad decisions regarding his liquor, brand, other people? and who do you think has the worried look? do you think the j z right now? is that good? because let me tell you something and also did you notice the r kelly is waiting in your office? are what are totally is, is coming to your defense and ship, but here's the thing vertically. you don't need, you need to a to of, to, of the, to come in here this but, but you've got to ask yourself. i know this may not make any sense, but women in particular, not my children,
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have to understand that when you are entering this world, you know when other women talk. if you enter, there's knowing all these people are and knowing what is expected of you and knowing that you can contend consent to orgies and the host of tawdry, couldn't cupids, into behavior, you know, caviar them door. there's a lot of the terminal and yeah, but it's around what's your son did that? but is it a conspiracy theory with vinyl saying that these tapes are now at their potential blackmail to be happening? is that, should that not be a concern? i mean, it is the government who has that split up, put it this way. if i am to jakes, if i'm jay zee, if i'm anybody that was that those parties, if yeah, it's a related a once it's, it may be legal in the. yeah, i don't think i mean, so, yeah, i would imagine any of these people are concerned every bit as much as anybody who's on up see it with what's concert, automatic, present within what the list come out. they say it was limitless. um and it losing the ability to sweat to work. um yeah, i would imagine all of them are concerned. i guess the thing i disagree with is if
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i am registering for a job and in pursuit of that job, i am just doing. maybe i'm a way to make them do something else, and my boss is preying upon me. that is not the job that you signed up for. it is fair to say that if you're going into the entertainment industry, you should be aware of this, but shouldn't be allowed to do that mainly because of the application cuz i was thinking about absolutely right. i think it's a, that's the um, when, when he came in they knew they were getting the $40000000.00 contract for sexual favors. right. why space? okay, what else could i get? the contract without the side of sexual favors? the wednesday? the question, well, well, well, actually watched the final real quick cuz we got to go and what items were sees, where's the inventory? what was taken? that's what i want to know as a $1000000.00. why since then we have to enter it. thank you so much. for joining lionel and audrey, it's been absolutely or vinyl and jamal. you've been absolutely a pleasure to speak with a definitely more likely the excuse me you know, sounds like we've learned anything from jeffrey. i'm saying we know it takes years
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to try to get any information and the chance we will ever know all the details regarding either case is swift. but in america we do still have innocent until proven guilty. and while there are wild rumors regarding multiple celebrities, we must not be hasty to judge until there is viable evidence presented to the public. now this can be difficult for most, as with every day, there are more more videos and stories emerging which support the claims of, of abuse. and it's funny you don't have very many friends or former employees, vouching and undeniably denying combs could be involved in something. so in the various, so in this case, the silence is almost just as damaging of a conviction the sky. now here's and this has been your 360 view. thanks for watching the the,
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the, i'm frequently invited to dinner around washington hosted by academics, journalists, sometimes even political figures. they're more like salons really, where intellectuals are people who consider themselves to be an election was, can speak freely with their friends about the issues of the day. i went to one of those dinners recently and it was heavy on university professors. i happened to lecture at the university of southern mancha, in spain, and at the university of southern california. i mentioned at this dinner that i was impressed by how active my students were in protesting the warren guys that a colleague said that that was also true with his university. and that students also were out in the streets over issues like gender and police violence. but a 3rd professor said that he was disappoint.


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