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tv   News  RT  April 24, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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on the radio and off you international and on covering the horrors of war, holding 300 bodies are found that a mass grave at a hospital like gaza, off your authority, forces withdrew from that area. an independent review says there's no evidence to back up. israel claims that stop from the un relief and walks agency were involved in a mass of types and october another organization. so i just faced similar accusations from experience function education. again, our committee goes top. percentages and ambulances of the issue is not because they're locked in so much because because they think they're also political, clear. yes, front wheel drive,
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they're basically stay out of our election. quit with the meddling headlines from india as far administered to the western media training. it attempting to influence public, the full size of the program is present, advise and signed off on another charge of age. are you afraid? it seems not, or voices with nato are entirely on the brand new east also about the city to very old with me going through some of the backgrounds to you brian. these are the signals of peaceful silver in the nation. and they already know this because they have sort of the, the, the, it is a full set of your top stories are ready to roll your analogy international law from god. so it's when the africa and america a ton to discussed or just life. so it made the continued cottage and god so that has to be in a particularly grim discovery mass graves containing more than $300.00 druid bodies,
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was found outside and i sought a hospital that's a full my lady. one of the largest health centers in the yank waive and it comes to weeks off of the as riley forces withdrew from the city of con eunice, basically leaving it in ruins. now the remains have been exempt them to be id. it's not clear exactly how and when these people died of most of the cold to the 5 is the composes. we understand local media claiming that that all women, children, and young men of the un has raised its own concerns off the many of the dead was set to being found naked and found. we feel the need to raise the alarm because clearly there have been multiple bodies discovered some of them had their hands died, which indicates the serious violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law. and these need to be subject to, to further investigations among the deceased were allegedly older people, women and one did, while others were found tied with their hands tied and stripped of their clothes, the un human rights office. as these recent reports,
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problems concerns about possible war crimes committed by israel in the gaza strip. and we could go just to remind you of palestinians uncovered mass graves at 2 major hospitals in hawthorne and clave. nicer and as chief of hospitals after they were rated by israeli troops. now government officials say they discover its almost 300 bodies from not for hospital in for new and as in southern gaza. some was their hands tied or hadn't coughed. some naked, it is not clear how they died when they were buried earlier, the u. n's, human rights chief said he's all refined by the reports of mass graves calling for an independent entrance, parents investigations into the depths, stressing it needs to be performed by international teams. site and quote, prevailing climates of impunity. you add urges that's credible. investigators must have all access to the size. and i think that's also
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a more jealous need to be able to work safely. and garza to cover the fact that the students suggested that these grades were dogs by these really forces that's wanting to, to get 3 devices as well denied to these allegations, calling this claims of faces and phones. and the idea of says it's conduct a precise and targeted to wake operation against her mouse in the nicer hospital area in the city of new is in february, arresting around $200.00 militants. the army also said that the troops examined bodies buried by palestinians there in a bead to tax the dna of the dead and matches with the dna of these really hostages . just to make sure that they did not meet the captives. several hostages, one now released said that they were held at another hospital for some time to see when they could see what you saw, which makes sense to check some locals. we have spoken to also confirmed that the mass graves appeared as guidelines not having access to the secretary. wanted to
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bury the dead when the idea of launched a soul from the medical complex. it doesn't shed light so on why some of the buddies have signs of tortures as government officials re food. and while it has yet to be investigated, of course, what exactly happened. voice is accusing western countries of being complete, so it's getting louder and louder. it will be, i guess, today in gaza every day we discover must graves, which are a symbol of genocide. hundreds of bodies, sometimes in medical uniforms, sometimes apparently handcuffed, executed. and most we see images of children, tone, this genocide, of other students would have been impossible without the support of european countries. now, one must gray fall through another is being discovered. there are still no sanctions against israel. it is unforgivable complicity. all. what about israel's biggest ally across the ocean? washington?
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the usa, it is hard. we fight with the reports about the mass graves and guys are discovered after that the withdrawal was really army, asking israel to clarify. you must have seen the reports about mass graves containing hundreds of bodies around l chief. you and she said he was horrified by these reports. and wondering if you asked as a comment on us and whether you guys to raise this with these really government. we have seen the, those reports and the reports are incredibly troubling and were inquiring on this with the government of israel. but it didn't stop the us senate from improving $26000000000.00 in more time assistance for the region. most of which will of course go to west indies funding for these really military was just the fraction for committed tearing supplies for guys. and so our friends in is real. america will soon deliberate to help you fight the score jerbill moss and stand up to a ron. and while it is unclear what the investigation into mass graves in gaza
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will find out or will it change? actually, any thing on the ground was more a financial aid, tend political support for israel. now we can send, say one thing for sure that's the idea of us can paying the idea of offensive in the guys as 3 will continue bringing more data from both sides as it was just a couple of weeks ago. the graves were also uncovered to the alice chief hospital in gaza. or facility have been under the ready stage for at least a couple of weeks. i should warn you some still think image is coming you way right now. as the bodies of at least 30 palestinians were recovered from 2 sides, local officials suggesting some of the data been executed later reports claiming survivors of the as rarely as sold in the hospital had confirmed these killings. meanwhile, each amount of the air and organizations continue their risk emissions across the enclave on choose a owner uh, along with a unicef delivered medical supplies and water purification, a to northern garza. people who we chose to remain in places like jamalia,
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set to be barely surviving. meanwhile, the independent review is that help to assess the role of own raw has concluded the importance of its work is without question. and loc plays, an indispensable and 8 replaceable role innovation. and this must be said, clearly that stopped from that is the absence of a political solution. we know it provides live, subbing humanitarian aid and essential services to the population. and of course, as, as we speak in this critical time era as a vital role in the humanity, toyota response inc as well that meanwhile, own ross chief is welcome. of the review is conclusions over as neutrality and at the war. following is rarely accusation to the contrary, which we have found the power thing to like any evidence. on the basis of the march
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2024 list which contain stuff, id numbers is real, made public claims that the significant number of u. n. w. a employees are members of terrorist organizations. however, israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of this. in the absence of a political solution between israel and the palestinians, u. n. w a remains pivotal in providing live saving humanitarian aid and the central social services, the palestinian refugees in gaza. jordan lebanon, syria and the west bank. the author, interviewing a hundreds of people, the pro, cleared the organization of any wrong doing. as you probably remember, israel had to choose the un agency of bias and even claims of stuff are involved in a hamas october attack and following delegations, multiple countries like a america, the u. k. and during the old way to cut off the funding to the agency for the life of the new report by letting the said it will not resume his payments and
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palestinian red crescent spokesperson and about 5 star a strong words. claiming that such accusations really are about enduring humanitarian, what we basically have to kind of find a presence, have experience such allegations against our medical, his past procedures and ambulances. as when this happened is many times during the 7 months, or when there's reverses after both the or cs hospitals and how many people speaking, it's genuine, is a full speaker that he does the city. we have these claims of allegations. these allegations work to try were and just an attempt to give justification for the fax again or what, how these engagements were not to be in danger of the lives before the committee kind of style and the patients as well. so we continue to call on the international
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community to apply it pressure to ensure protection for healthcare workers, medical for swimming, and hospital english for and the international communities to continue funding on other agencies. so we can continue providing our life steven service to the people who are in this prep need for it. it's a good fun watching. india is foreign minister these days now he's targeting the mainstream media, slamming the western press for interfering, and the ongoing elections in the country. he says there are many who have them via the alphabet. elaine said, trying to play political games, have a list. i get a lot of these noises from the restaurant press on the criticize our democracy. it's not because the lack information as it is because they think that all political playoffs are not alex. these are the games which are being played with us . these are politics, these are our domestic politics, which is going global,
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global politics, which feels they must know, intrude in india. you know, how can, how can these jobs decide? who should be doing them without, you know, consulting us, the comments about the work, the media coverage. com as india's memo, general election is now underway. articles have made a host of claims ranging from criticism of the electoral system to alleging the prime minister how to hand and seeing opponents arrested with all of the handles and group that believes foreign influence over the country no longer has the power it once had to so we've seen this for many, many years and this is only growing. you know, the economist, for instance, a big in london always gives elect chosen those the people of india. can you imagine one tiny magazine and one tiny island those and each time the new election comes down to 1400000000 people who will be must vote for this is ridiculous side is, you know, these really lead stages of 0 or long gone by colonialism that's do is in trends
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somewhere in those systems that have independence and not at the ability. that's the point that i really want to put to you. then that's a bit of inconsistency happens. that all the was, whenever an election guns, it's because one set the rest. the next isn't i wouldn't even say it's all the rest of act as one set of people. one to decide you must be follower in such a country, especially be india. and you know, if you don't get to a person to be like this, talk to leave these drum beats about the various things i've done. like i said, people just being, you're busy and just made an investment into washington's own security. that's how the us president has hail the gargantuan aid package really signed off on the deal. ukraine. it will get the lion's share. we're looking at a whopping $61000000000.00 worth of village we 8, although the fact is most of that money. busy actually be staying inside the
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beltway. i just signed into law, the national security package that was passed by the house representatives this weekend and by the senate yesterday. it's going to make america safer, is going to make the world safer. and it continues america's leadership in the world, and everyone knows, gives vital support to america's partners. like so. they can defend themselves against the rest of their sovereignty and the lives and freedom of their citizens. and as an investment, our own security. because when our allies are stronger and i want to make this for and again and again, when our allies are stronger, we are stronger. the united states is going to begin military deliveries to ukraine within the next few hours, according to president biden. and these deliveries will include air defense, ammunition, high mars, cluster shells, radley infantry fighting vehicles, and this is all according to the pentagon. now, in his remarks, us,
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president biden emphasized what he has been saying frequently, which is this claim that somehow nato countries are threatened by russia that potentially if the war a new crane were to come to an end that, that would lead to then russia marching across europe and attacking nato countries . now russia has made clear that they have no such intentions, but this is the fiction upon which nato leaders continue to sell the prolonging of the conflict. now, the ukraine aid also directs the president. the bill directs the president to provide a tack them's missiles. now, $61000000000.00 is provided from american taxpayer money in connection with ukraine under the new defense spending bill $23000000000.00 of that will be replenishing american arsenals that have been depleted by supplying ukraine with weapons. now ukraine is expected to pay back the money that has been provided, that is one stipulation of the bill. the president of the united states has the
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authority to negotiate the terms of the repayment and right off up to 50 percent of the debts. now, at this point, it's important to note this bill has been delayed and bogged down in congress for quite some time. many republicans voted against it. the majority of republicans in the house of representatives opposed. the bill and speaker of the house mike johnson became speaker of the house on platform of saying he would not approve such a bill, but he instead would focus on america's security concerns at its own border and economic concerns. however, speaker of the house mike johnson seemed to have reversed himself, sparking anger for marjorie taylor green and other republicans that are more firmly on the trumpet. margaret camp. um and it appears that this bill that passed the senate passed the house has just been signed by us president joe biden weapons deliveries will begin in the coming hours. the house of represent. so in the wake all of his rosters on boss of the us as last out accusing washington of sacrificing
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the lives of ordinary people for the sake of american admissions happiness. to me because zillow a week, but american made a choice in favor of a more it sided with evil and supported fascism for the sake of its greedy and insatiable military industrial complex. that he had ministration sacrifices the lives of ordinary people with their decisions. the local politicians actually put an end to the fate of the entire state, which is being used as a battering ram against russia. each of the cynicism of the us authorities is amazing. that's true. they talked about the need to pump up the nazi regime ts. we're ready to kill as many ukrainians and russians as possible with american weathers. as a result, they want to see the world was based on the american rules strength and the system of domination of western countries over the world majority. and in essence, the administration violated its responsibility interview and charter to bear on an equal basis with other permanent members of the security council on special
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responsibility for international peace and security of american health will not save. so when we, new weapons will be destroyed and the task is and goals without special military operation, the will be fulfill. most of one of my colleagues, michael, quite chase, spoke to the deputy speaker of the slow backend parliament. now he says, countries who have and he will positions find themselves quickly on the wrong side of washington, a, b, c that the warranty ukraine was cds here because of the expansion of nato, lindo american allies towards the russian borders. and now we can see that i know you cons are very, very more and more media are billions of dollars to helping you pray against the russia and kindly see that the ukrainians are trying to launch the me 30. i types on russian territory together with this uh and then we can hello. so
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the only conclusion is that emily sound is directly involved in this goal. and this is very, very dangerous situation and to be in slovakia and the normal people into europe are reading the freight obviously escalation because it can take us to the new firewall. slovakia and hungry have both to dop, against this dance, as mandated by the use leadership about the ukraine. compet. what has been the use reaction to that? are they treating you like an outside or even a power? yeah, it was a big pressure as you can imagine because of use the robot speed. so the primary, so slow back. yeah. so it's very openly, we are not going to sign the weapons to you brian, we have, i'm going to send the soldiers. we are not going to approve the and try of you find tonight. so we are going to veto it to visa is and this is the signals of peaceful silver in the nation. and they are very narrows because they have a sort of a deep and they hate some of the nation in the selection. while i think that that
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is the interest of the american military complex to launch. it is more tools, brent, these war mongering because they have the profits from this also the accounts that have the benefits from the beginning that you're being, you know, mean, so it's a combination also on trade and economics. and when the, you to be in unity and russians are, you know, in conflict together, it's good for american business. so i think that it's the american interest. i will have these war as long as it's possible. but this is really not the interest of european union getting back to our top story for you right now here at off the international right now 20 minutes past 9 here at most go. the top story is just the discovery of a mass, grave and gaza, containing as we understand more than $340.00, it's found outside the mass of hospital in the southern city of con units. it was found 2 weeks off to the is really ministry,
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withdrew from the area. so just to remind you quickly, it was back in january the international court of justice ordered israel to take all steps necessary to prevent any acts of genocide and gaza with south africa, which filed the case at the hague. and said that those rulings have been violated multiple times, also called for an investigation into the mass graves saying it was a pole. it is discover. the situation in garza has deteriorated significant mates since the cost or the of the 26th of january 2024. as a result of israel's friday and responsibility to comply with the court's rulings. the lack of accountability by israel is increasing the clip. we note that the evidence of mass killings or civilians points to the perpetration of all crimes, crimes against humanity, including mode and extermination, and genocide. i will chat about this now of course and live to a member of the palestine sort of the already campaigns as
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a be the items are joining us here on, on the international a very. busy i'm a welcome to great to have you live in cape town this evening, but what a story this is. it's so good, frankly, to see south africa really starting on the front line. i know it's not alone when it comes to the i. c j. k is an island, some latin american countries as well showing support but, but south africa here, calling for a thorough and impartial investigation into these mass graves being founded to what at least one if not 2 now hospital sites and gaza. is it possible a be to, to even get an investigation underway? the war is still raging. i mean, i think good, absolutely. we'd have to come in there so that we can go to the end of the stuff we can. the international community was supportive south africa, but i mean the site to be as early as been acting with the complete impunity even off that we had lots of case at the i see jerry. and even though to the documentation to the requirements of the i, c, j is acted as a don't like,
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you know, a lot onto themselves and by law justice, because of the support of the wrist. it's america, the u. k. germany until they've just been in bold. and so i mean, i just, so now i'm coming across my time and i didn't have time to read that some of the victims they found with young children that was tied with the hands were on direct . yeah, it's a super complex. i mean i, well i see, you know, i, it's not even a surprise at the level of, i think back, but isn't meant to play with to that. we've seen some specifics of october, so you're not even surprised anymore. avita. sorry for interrupting you, i apologize, but you're actually not surprised at this level of barbarism that we continue to see. and yet, somehow, as you said, it continues on assess it with the usual culprits. the western players, european countries, the u. k. in america, basically giving a israel caught launch to continue doing what has been doing now for more than
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$200.00 days. i mean, i, i was going to ask you, you know, you mentioned some of these bodies are found. the hands or even the hands and legs were bound, they were reportedly stripped of the closing of a we, um, i don't know, are you thinking some sort of mess execution here a be that what, what comes to mind. ringback you know, we are so dependent on the use of the international community and sometimes you know, we don't know what is the effect and what is for it can use what i mean just from what i've seen it just actually it just, i don't think we, we are lost for words because the i've told him of this is that it's being, you know, this is a genius that is with the live stream on all devices. every way we go, we see it on social media, on the news, a whole these programs. and yet the, the international community and international multi lovely institutions as prior to really to trying to keep the pieces are in some lot of them. and i think even
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though it shows that they are rules for rule that we should actually just say it should be know what you be all as even that, i mean like you said so many times that they have been there due to of genocide enough will crimes and, but this we know, stoops, i mean, if you can just consider that also and how the u. s. has been using and abusing the b. b to fall with the huge security council. but in addition to that, i mean the i, c, c is being dragging their feet. nothing has been done. and we know so the difference is what, what is happening in the ukraine and, and the russia come see how quickly the ice, you see, and the office of the prosecutor intervene in the conflict. and yet, you know, the case of israel has been there for years and nothing has been done. i mean, that nothing's been done. i mean, i'm so sorry to jump in, i apologize again, but you're absolutely right. i mean, the case, the un against israel, it goes by decades when it comes to this publish mode of a 2 state solution. and he, as you say, the eyes you see that the un has been proven to be
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a basically inputs. and when it comes to actually getting israel to listen to what the you and the global governing body is recommending a b, the adams. the story will have to continue another time, a palestine or some a diety, campaign member. a great pleasure to have you on a beta, we hope to see you soon. i thank you are shifting to africa. now when each it is essentially said, yankee go home. us troops are being told to pack the bags and then a, a rather curious twist. the countries in 30 minutes to reveal that russia, on the other hand, is a welcome partner. i think one of the american generals will visit the country this week through the terminal withdrawal, but we would like russia to join our troops. that includes the conduct of battle and the use of weapons. we're interested in buying weapons. and as africa are still trying to kick out old ghosts, so giving from the boot from former colonies, it's now america that's really feeling the heat. the jet air is not the only
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country on the continent, the once us boots of the ground, so corresponded. why don't you shout now explained is quite clear for the united states. you either follow its agenda or your a traitor to democracy. however, america is now facing the reality that due to this very approach, its presence in many places in africa is on the want to win. all of these countries kicked out the french and turns dean was with then strides to pay the to become the peacemaker. in the hopes that we could keep all the presence the, all of that is clearly not working well. now out, russia is now in sure, but the reason russia is in might just be because it is not cold in other states on how to govern themselves. for instance, in the past few years, a handful of african states like new their molly worked in up also. and the central african republic were fed up with frances presidents in their countries. so they
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took them out. and the same story is set to repeat itself. the u. s. as in the cross hairs now as it has failed to nurture relations in the continent, and has been asked to pack up and ship out by a number of countries who wish to cut ties in the air force as ask the american defense a to shake, to meet at least stop american activities on the edge. i can say air base and we ask you to intercede with appropriate authorities to inform the americans that we have taken the decision to stop their activity. the american presence in the territory of the republic of news. yeah, or is a legal it why lights all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the silver and people, notably fruits elected officials to be consulted on the installation of for an army on this territory. it was false washington, recently we called over a 1000 of his troops space in news. yes. and sad might be next in line, as it is also pushed in for americans to well get out. it's not surprising that
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some african countries are spending up against the american presence, according to the african center for strategic studies that's from terrorism and i've heard that have sky rocketed with tens of thousands being killed last year alone in the areas america has been stationed during its war on terror in the region. you would think that a power, like the united states would be diplomatically smarter, while most goes relations with the nations on the continent are based on norris and trust between 2 parties. washington's policies on the other hand, are not based on dual interest, but generally on, containing russia and china. in line with spent between 2 to national defense strategy, the department of defense school engaged with african partners to expose and highlight the re so negative people's republic of china and bush and activities in africa. as the russian and chinese presents, there are a headache for the west. washington as need to agree action is just to send task to
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smooth things over. instead of simply working to create sole and diplomatic ties that bring real benefits to both parties. well, advocates i've had enough of the was interfering in their affairs and put in the content as a try for independence in the back seats. as soon as you are in government, regrets, the desire of the american government to deny the silver new gerry and people the right to choose their partners and types of partnership capable of helping them to truly fight against terrorism. we condemn these militia statements as completely uncalled for defamatory provocative and a continuation of wanton hostilities against and bob way by the us government. we demand that the buyer and the ministration provides evidence in support of these gratuitous accusations. failure to which the administration must without any further delay withdraw them unconditionally. so much time.


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