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tv   News  RT  April 25, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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the that goes all the relief against the odds for so many guys that will find the loved ones still alive, build on variable a fall, take off. last for all this it comes after a refugee camp was hitting the latest. these ran the s drive, the less than yours, universities are gripped by a wave of angry pul policy. pete in, protest will look at the attempt to give a voice to the voice. less is having any impact in trading blows. the key is, as israel has a price to pay for it, and that will be
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a massively scaled badge business between the $2.00 countries. we attached no value to it and you also can do the same in the process. a controversial us state department reported human drive validations around the world. we just prompted claims of bias the by the 6 pm in moscow. welcome to our the international reaching you from our new center. i a michael question. now despite the usual, apparently pushing forward with its planned for a ground defensive in the northern guides and city of rafa, the rest of the enclaves still remains in its cross has on a daily basis a wanting that you might find the following images disturbing. the, the, the scene capture has been a rock killers moment a young girl is pulled
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a line from the ruins of a building, had been hedging an idea of a strike and the refugee camp for a while. it's a tale of survival for some elsewhere is the story of tragedy. 2 this father was consumed by grief, although his young daughter was killed in the same uh, strike of the continuing atrocities a come despite the international court of justice back in january ordering e 0 to provide any acts of genocide in gaza. about think of which 5 the, the case of the hague says that those rulings have been validated multiple times. it's also demanded an investigation into the recent discoveries of mass graves at hospitals and the territory up to id of soldiers we through of the situation
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and goals that has deteriorated significant mates since the cost order of the 26th of january 2024. as a result of israel's friday and responsibility to comply with the court rulings, the lack of accountability by israel is increasing the clip. we note that the evidence of mass killings all civilians, points to the perpetration of war crimes, crimes against humanity, including mode and extermination. and genocide, you know, this is a data side that is when live streamed on all devices. every way we go, we see it on social media on the news of these programs. and yet the, the international community and international multilaterally institutions, as prior to really to trying to keep it in some line. i mean, i think it's, even though it shows that they are rules for who we should actually just say it shouldn't be. know what you, we owe and even that, i mean like you said so many times that they have been there due to of genocide
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enough will crimes and but there is be no steps. i mean, if you can just consider that also and how the u. s. has been using and abusing the b, b to power the use a could to counsel. but in addition to that, i mean the i, c, c is being dragging their feet. nothing has been done. so as long as it's got the, you was in the back of the, you as an end of the process of imperialism like the u. k. and germany and a lot of countries in the west is always going to act with impunity. but reminiscent all the nazi germany of the 19 thirty's. that's how these really prime minister has condemned the wave of pro policy and demonstrations that i've been sweeping through universities across the united states. what's happening americans? college campuses is a risk. i had to submit a mazda of taken over leading universities. they call for the installation of israel. this is reminiscent of what happened in german universities and the 1930.
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it's unconscionable, it has to be stopped. it has to be condemned and condemned unequivocally bend while the war and gas ice increasingly being used to score political points in washington . the recent debates have turned the fiery oh, but the university protests and the way the authorities have tried to deal with them. let's take a closer look at the issue as the, [000:00:00;00] the protests are taking place all across. americans, leading academic institutions. this point we've got 24 hour encampments that have been set up there having walk outs,
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and there are protest round the clock. the messages support for palestine and opposition to israel. columbia university just had to cancel in person classes, and at yale, dozens of students were arrested in new york university. just cleared out and, and cabinets. and with all these controversial protest tapping of the americas leading academic institutions. the commander in chief decided to weigh in charge. i don't understand any, with bombs dropping around the clock. the world is filled with outrage, a ghast at the humanitarian crisis in gaza. mainstream u. s. media is also outraged about the protests. critics say these protests are offensive to jewish students grading a hostile environment for their education, and
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a recent incentive hearing. got intense. have you seen on time slim protests on campus? i have the we have had pros, riley demonstrations on canada. no, i wouldn't jot a pull test that we'd all get as little slips. no i have you seen one against our ups? no, i have. no. have you seen one against palestinians? no, i have now. have you seen against one against jewish people? have you seen a pull test saying we are against jewish people? you know i have, i have ok, thanks. thank you for that clarification. now some members of congress are blaming the pro, test on tick tock. they say that the app should be suppressing the pro tests and the hash tags about them. and the fact that they aren't is all the more reason that tick tock, a social media app, most of the bands. but it's more than just check talk. mainstream media is ignoring the dire humanitarian situation and gaza and the rising death tool. instead,
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they are focusing on the protests in the united states and how everyone feels about them. adding to that some of the protesters seem to have gotten involved without considering possible consequences. and the new victim is born. what you have been told why you have been suspended and your reaction to yeah, i guess i was suspended thursday morning at 10 am with 2 other fellow bernard students on the e mail stated that we had engaged in disruptive behavior. talk to us about what the experience you have had, what did the university tell you as to the reason why you were also suspended and whether or not are you being treated differently than your fellow colleagues? so varnerin seems to be a little bit more repressive than columbia. i was notified that i was suspended yesterday, whereas they were notified that specifically on 2 other students were told that they were suspended before we were arrested. now this coverage with some palestinian voices to actually call out the protesters and say they're making it too much about themselves and not about gaza. the protesters told us that they are concerned about the people in gaza and they intend to keep going. despite the
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widespread condemnations they've received. the protesters themselves to have their heart set on the right intentions. they're obviously here, the demand divestment from israel ad columbia university. and i think what the protesters are doing are highlighting their, their actual intentions. so they're doing the right thing, at least they want to the war to stop there. you know, they trying to bring attention because there's government and united states government is funding this war and is not right. i think what the students doing is right, their training at columbia to divest from their funding of israel. they're trying to get them to invest or not, and i agree with that and i agree with the students activism. obviously, i think our focus should be on what's happening in gaza. i think that the media has not done a good enough job exposing the things that have happened to the people of gaza at the hands of the israeli military. so we've got yet another partisan political
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fight in america with lots of finger pointing and name calling america is polarized . nothing new here. but while the american political charade continues, bombs are dropping. and palestinians are dying every single day. caleb mauppin, archie, new york. meanwhile, on the wednesday house speaker, mike johnson visited columbia university of mid ongoing protests and the zip code for its presidents to reside. however, he didn't quite get the reaction. he was perhaps expecting the bear this the day that the enjoy your free speech lawyer and overseer off of stanford university's move institution. john jordan believes that the protests would just be exploited
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for political gay in the head of the presidential election. is the only way that these protests of facts in gaza and the middle east is that the by this ministration sees american foreign policy only through one lens. and that is the november elections. and the bite in ministration knows that they need a huge, big turn out and a lot of support from college towns and college campuses if they're going to carry swing states like pennsylvania, michigan for wisconsin. and so these kids do, in a sense of fact, american foreign policy because the by the administration will feel compelled to move american foreign policy more towards from us or to mitigate is pro is real, stands because of the electoral implications in november. the key says it's significantly scaling back it's level of trade with ease. well say you can keep its eyes close any longer to the suffering and gas that a texas president made the comments during a meeting with his german count upon. i don't think i have to to,
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to get has ended. it's intensive trades relations with israel. that chapter is now closed. israel's cover integration against guys or has resulted in depth of 45000 people. we cannot overload this strategy. additionally, 75000 people have been wounded. many of them severely wounded. that includes women, children, an elderly people who have been brought into key for treatment. this is a serious situation. all german friends need to see the guys in palestine have been completely destroyed. now let's get more details from, are you still based corresponding to yes and that can yes. and it's good to have you join me now, can you walk us through the background of this story and especially how the president intends to follow through with these threats in the statement the church president did quote his for minister as saying essentially as much that's trade with israel will come to an end, but the emphasis by the church present,
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it has been that of the double standards and the hypocrisy of the collective west. but looking at the decision, we understand that the turkish uh, statistical institute has reported a significant decline in trade volume between 2 or 2 and israel. but there is a discrepancy between imports and exports. the imports have risen by roughly 20 percent. where is the exports? have declined significantly by roughly a 3rd just looking at some of the items that were also on the list of band products that turkey will not be exporting to israel includes 50 for products of that is cement, iron and steel. v is real builders. association says that is real, imports roughly 70 percent of expiring construction materials and roughly a 3rd of its cement from churches. so although the 2 countries don't necessarily have a significant trade volume, which currently sits at around give, it takes $7000000000.00 a year. and it is significant for israel, particularly because it is currently going through another issue that is of course of the issue of expelled workers from gaza ever since october. so vince israel
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expelled the palestinians from working in these projects of the conflict between the hezbollah in the north, as also saw a great decline in workers capacity and is putting strain on the is really economy as well as its construction sector in general. so on cut, his approach here is not necessarily a unilateral or single faceted diplomatic attempt, but it's a multi faceted, multi dimensional approach to ensure that the pressure is applied against israel. but that's just scratching the surface because then the meeting between the german and circus present as are the one essentially did suggest that the position of the west should be in line with side of humanitarian standards for managerial law as well. and in that meeting president, are the one emphasized what needs to be done and what the general issue here is the thing you need on the hood to use this acute as you'll fall into the region and the wellbeing of his own people as a means to extend his political career. that is where the government's attempt to
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conceal the atrocities and massacres currently taking place in gaza must not be notes in guns. and another matter of great concern is of course of the position in which turkey it takes and that of germany, for example, during the visit of the german presidents. there were a great deal of protest pro palestinian protests, but also protest against israel stance and position. and their supporters and in this case that was the stance of germany. and during the meeting between the 2 leaders, there was a discrepancy in how they approached the matter as well. while the german president made mention that hundreds of israelis were killed as a result of the october 7 attacks, the turkish president emphasized that tens of thousands of palestinians have to have been killed as a result of this conflict. and even more have been injured as a result essentially highlighting the level of destruction that is released have solved against the palestinian people and the attempt. dist, essential, diminishing trade ties with is we'll, we'll apply applied pressure against israel. and it will essentially ensure that
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israel needs to find all turn out of means. we understand that the sectors and the economy is struggling at this very moment. and this means that is, it will have to look forward to finding alternative means for getting its construction supplies, particularly at a time that it is currently drawing up plans and blueprints to establish new settlements in the gaza strip. and this is something that uncle a has been adam, it's been quite vocal about, and it is just unacceptable, according to on kind of standards in d, as in assessed as a new us state department report on human rights abuses around the world. and that's up to new delhi found itself featuring in the document this report as to what understanding is biased and reflects a very poor understanding of india. we attached no value to it, and argue also to do the same. now washington's human rights report a kansas new delhi of various abuses, allegations range from interference and privacy, media restrictions and and forth censorship. however,
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no evidence has been presented to back 80 of those claims before india and invested at hotmail juvenile. the says that the u. s. is in no position to preach, it is basically the board con, calling the kettle black and the united states, and some of the rest of the country trying to assume the role of the super polis man. that's what of the human rights and democracy and all those things are cancer is you know, the india is conducting the law, just democratic societies and the what were the young people costing the world and everybody's bottles of democracy, festivals that are not acceptable to them. i think they do like a strong india. they don't like a strong government in india. they don't like out a strategy called to know me, but i told her to get for do you have one or 2 good reasons? that's it. they would prefer a, we'd be probably government in, in the that is all over the have. so they're trying to, just to these are the boards doing ideas just trying to partner in the image is not
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there unsuccessful to me. and the just usually lateralism in action. india is far from being the only country to express its dissatisfaction with the report. both china and to key a set of us should start looking a little close to home, is unable to attend the fun. yeah, this phone calls human advice report from the side jobs vegas out on spots of the human voice situation in nearly 200 countries and regents around the world except for itself. this once again exposes the selfish nature of the ascii gemini, and bowling, and it's hypocritical, double standards, feature range sections that don't match its woods. if us really cast about human rights, it should face up to and reflect on the human vice dishonest caused by us for an intervention and the provision of on some adding fuel to conflict various. the 2023 human rights reports published by the us department of state. there's no duty
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reflect the ongoing names human attacks in gaza. this clearly indicates that it concern report was prepared with political motives fall from impartiality and objectivity. we reiterate our goal for the united states to focus on its own human rights records. i think that the problem with the list is that they believe and double standards for james are they believe? and i bought this to be over a little bit and talk about via the i that as being the standard practice. so what they're trying to do is they're trying to push, right, is the government which i have so doing kind of a started coughing on me or the don't to the line will do it. that's. that's the thing is it's a tool box. i'm doing good. and which days i do have the sales or zoom time already know better, which is not sustainable either by evidence as far as their own behavior was concerned. or in the countries where they are going to go to do the research or these kinds of reports, or just pick up some reports, unsubstantiated,
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new evidence. and they just combine it and try to discover just because it's coming from the usa or anywhere else. it doesn't mean that it are going to have any impact on the thing that we need to discard. center goal is to have no meaning. and then i have to do the show. really serious that's about europe needs to spread its wings and embrace other parts of the well to prove it's not just a pop out of the united states, at least that's according to the french president emanuel my home. and we see that, you know, we need to build a, you're capable of showing the data is never the vassal of the united states of america. and that it also knows how to speak to old regions of the world to emerging markets, to africa, to left in america. no, said be true trade agreements, but with real strategies of balance them reciprocal partnerships. this is what we wanted to build from the european union africa summit in the 1st half of 2022 to the european in the pacific strategy. right,
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let's get the take on all of us now from argy contribute to rachel mazda rate. it is good to have. he told me. so president microns got some pre, a thoughts about your own place in the world, hasn't he? yeah, nicole says that europe has never been a vassal of washington. yeah, sure. body which must be why we are so live under line. european commission president basically acts like america's viceroy in europe at this point, and nicole himself, tennessee, to mass chicago, a physician's independence of the us. that last longer than the time it takes for uncle sam to reach over a mr. a trans atlantics banking. that delusion right there, set the tone for this whole speech that he gave. the french president returned to the stop button university in paris on thursday to give this address on the theme of europe. take a stock of where you're at, as if anyone in charge actually he knows where they're at. and even if they did, they wouldn't really want to admit it because it's probably not going to be too popular right now. not home have a similar speech of the 2nd button in september of 2017,
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which no one seems to remember except for some members of the french price. it was so memorable. um, why this of button? well, because as nicole said last time, the 2017 photo living collectively was the ideal of a whole bath the syllables. so that's the a large and who founded the university and well circling the drain collectively is what europe is really all about right now. thanks to the special brand of iron fisted incompetence of those and charts. and there's a european election coming up and the populace are surging in the polls right now. so i guess my call feels the need to address your up here in front of mr. victor urban recently just called for a bowl. those a of the whole mess a little bit silly, but obviously like progressive, liberal world spirit as it is, has failed. it has brought wars, chaos and unrest, collapsing economies and confusion into the world. they say that there needs to be a heads up on an ideological control under whom and under which everyone must
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settle. and if that happens, they say then peace will come back home and then peace will come to the world as well. i want to say, my dear friends, here's the un returnable opportunity to replace the decaying progressive liberal world spirit with another world spirit, a sovereign world order. now the 1st step to recovery is generally emitting that there's a problem in the 1st place, but not call apparently feels compelled to do the exact opposite of that and talk about all of europe failures as though they're really success is life. for example, in the field of counter terrorism, which has made such a great progress. that frances back on the highest alert level and barely seems to have moved away from it with the care of warning signs. turning yellow on bill days that they've been up so long. you talked about europe looking towards africa. well, i guess it certainly turn has and made france look when french troops are being dropped, kicked back across the mediterranean by african countries after frank stability emissions result in a cruise which are kind of the opposite of stability. the head of new jazz transition,
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government sounds like he's actually going to leave nicole of google or yelp review of the whole experience the services. do you know what the background reply to the authority of this country? new jersey does not belong to you. then he cher belongs to france, and it's not up to you to suggest any solution. it's, i'm a chrome, the economics of history, because he didn't know that while they were having their revolution, we had already circumnavigated the world. clearly not deterred by discrepancies between reality and fantasy macro and speech. also celebrated europe addressing the migration challenge, which they basically paid to outsource. the countries like turkey, denise mauritania, and egypt, which last i checked weren't actually in europe, but they've outsourced everything else by this point. so why not that too? right? michael talked about europe reading the ecological transition. ask the farmers in europe,
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street jacketed by european climate change dick tasks with the farmland be spied on by european satellites to ensure compliance. how great that is brought up. europe's energy sovereignty and re industrialization. not so called germany in particular, is still busy. the industrialized thing, so they're not quite on the other side of that. yeah. all the yeah, has become more dependent on price here. american liquefied natural gas. oh. and francis own ellen, g imports from russia are now up 75 percent in the 1st few months of this year compared to a year ago. so guess my call figures that people are so stupid that if he just says something enough times like in the speech, they'll just simply accept it all as objective reality. right, uh, mazda and thank you so much for your insight. there. now ross, it has vetoed a un resolution drafted by the united states in japan, but aim to prevent on arms raised in space. while china i abstain from voting,
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both beg and moscow have said, that's washington c. space as another area of webinar ization. to do it a good seems to be the photos of my choosing web of mazda destruction. from all weapon types, washington talk you and their allies tried to conceal their lack of interest in ensuring that no weapons of whatever kind be placed in space which russia and china had been insistent on since at least 2008. this is like trying to install the roof on a house before the walls are built and the overall design is endorsed were not opposed to discuss on the roof, but only after 1st the green on all the other elements of this construct, which is exactly what the western delegations refused to do. the us should stop its development and deployment of offensive weapons in outer space change its negative attitude towards the negotiation of a legally binding instrument on arms control and outer space. outer space is not the private property of a few countries, but the common asset of all human kind. it is not an arena for countries to fight
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each other but a new frontier for mutually beneficial cooperation. the process of a dropped resolution locks the inclusion of conventional weapons as well, which the us in japan did not include in the document. not moscow. his problem is to submit its own draft on the issue to the security council. however, the us and basset to the un has seen some alter of motives in rejecting the draft. washington has accused moscow of developing nuclear weapons for space with could be used to get a softer lives by ross. it denies such claims. i think he was didn't know what he meant. recently there had been more and more unsubstantiated accusations against russia, for example, that we are supposedly going to build nuclear weapons in space. such allegations, which are nothing but allegations are just deployed to drag us into negotiations on their own terms of each are favorable only to the usa at the same time they block our proposal that has been on the table for more than 15 years,
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meaning the draft treaty on preventing the deployment of weapons and space, which we prepared back in 2008 not for more on this less cross live to the vice chub, and now they sunk high center for written pack and it's nice and the studies now soon one is nice to have you join me, write down 1000. now why do you think the dropped the resolution from the us in japan, old and madison's weapons of mass destruction as opposed to also including conventional arms as well. i think the russian representative a cost the veto to the proposed resolution uh at the u. n. a. and i think the argument that uh, as we have read in the news that the argument was quite clear and loud, that it should not only include nuclear weapons but also conventional weapons as
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well. so. ready so uh, well, it's quite obvious that something is going on there. and uh, but let's, let's look at this from another. i can go, i mean having discussion, having told, having arguments or even come from pages at the us is better than having nothing like this for countries going ahead. ignoring the us, because after all, this is what the u. n. is all about is to provide an, a for a re, a platform for old countries to talk about the important matters and governing the world or concerning the world. so uh, but i think for the us accusing russia and that russia, you know, pointing it's thing that you add the u. s. a. so let's see. i mean, what's that to because neither side seems to be able to convince the other and
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trying to is taking the statement about china, the savings to, to spend quite, you know, from a on the side of russia, in that respect. so i think that the, the us also need to explain why they don't want to include the conventional what this. so something is going on there. so let's polk, let them pull could because the molding told, the more we know everything will be uncovered eventually. all right, you mentioned rightly bye china epstein from voted why the here thing china abstained from voting as well. i think trying to make the decision to abstain from the voting because apparently china is not in agreement with what the, the proposed resolution is all about. but to china wants to, uh,


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