tv News RT April 26, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT
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the the, the, we've already impose sanctions on more than a 100 chinese entities, export controls, etc. and we're fully prepared to, to act take additional measures the watson to the attempts to block mailed by gene claiming it's ready to wield its sanction sold. if china doesn't, and it's the latch, the board for russia over the water, a new crate. naturally faces criticism for the pushing show. the fact davis formulas in developing nations while offering and how the versions go west the market. we hear from those behind the research. all the green, the fields sold by in this thing sits in on our without any added to your while in when needed income countries, you find 2 grounds on average and the product, it's
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a clear those funds on the sugar here, no sugar. there are the us as it's withdrawing, and the majority of it special forces from chad as a central off. again, nation questions washington is rolled in tackling terrorism the by the 6 pm in moscow. welcome to our international reaching you from our new center. i have michael question now, washington's turning up the feed on china help of the war and you trade and the us secretary of state, onto the blinking has an openly threatening badging with new sanctions. if it doesn't cause it to the leg, support for the russia vision cannot achieve better relations with your i was supporting the greatest threat to european security since the end of the cold war. as we told china for some time, assuring transatlantic security is a for us interest in our discussions today. i made clear that china does not
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address this problem. we will, or we've already impose sanctions on more than a 100 chinese entities export controls, etc. and we're fully prepared to, to act take additional measures. and i made that very clear in my meetings today, that was essentially a direct right to trying to do what we want you to do. or we're going to impose even more functions on your country. not really giving china much of an option. and what's also quite interesting that is on to the blinking, talked about the relationship between just being us in china, but you're in china onto the blinking the us secretary state, apparently also the secretary of state full. the 27 you are paying nations up actually. well, he said he's very much installed. contrast to what we've heard from you. nations themselves. just a week ago, the german chunks that all of schultz was in beijing and he was advocating new
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trade with china. is it, is that seem like she is too concerned about these issues? and we've also had brussels recently stating that it wants to have even more access to china's public market. so very interesting that on to me blinking instead of you know, well wielding a, sold around that, not just for the us, but apparently on behalf of the you too. and i'm sure different might send you to be necessarily so happy about that. now china is upset with blinking landing in china and then telling them what to do, aren't they? yeah, and i think those people would feel that way. the statements months need blinker, new incredibly strong, annoying that has the essentially cooled up the us for its own hypocrisy. and that's because it said, you know, the us has just passed this massive up for an age bill with $61000000000.00 us dollars being sent to ukraine, which is 5 thousands upon thousands of miles away. and yet, at the same time,
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the us criticising china for having a trade relation with one of its neighboring countries, that is russia, that's happened listening to what the chinese foreign ministry have to say about that. it may fall, you get tired talking while you're on the one hand, the u. s. has launched a large scale built a new crane. and on the other hand, it has made endless accusations against the normal economic and trade relations between china and russia. this is extremely hypocritical and irresponsible nato bears any reparable responsibility for the crisis. the alliance must reflect on its role, stop shifting, blame, and effectively take practical actions to resolve the crisis. politically. that's relatively strong statement by showing that in regards to what's happening in ukraine. it is been a country that has been incredibly neutral about the conflict until now, but it really seems that lincoln landing beijing and making this sort of common see has, and those threats of sanctions of really while the chinese up. what isn't that?
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what russia has been saying all along, but need to getting involved in a conflict. yeah, that's why we've heard a lot about the instability that need to creates wherever it is in the world. let's not forget the, the us as no just part of nature. but it's also the biggest funder of a nato intends of the money that it puts in a we've just heard from the russian defense minister, this aesthetic issue who is at another meeting. he's been meeting actually with his chinese counterpart in catholic stone. and he has said, yes, again, it is instability, the russia we're seeing on its food is on the west, not just in ukraine, but also with the boy to offend, and the huge pool to that. and the baltic nations, as a result of natives presence that's happened less than 20 have side picture. particularly i want to emphasize that that was not us, but the day who came to us came to our borders. this once again shows that westerners cannot be trusted. now we're being told that
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a pressure is not stopped in ukraine, then we will supposedly attack the countries of the lights. the russian federation has never threatened naples, who have neither jo, political, more military interest to attack the states of that block. we're simply protecting our peoples, you know, historical territories. we have always made every effort to maintain strategic stability and the balance of power in the world. the united states on the country 1st created and is now deliberately prolonging the concepts in ukraine. brendan, this is a past and not just real sure same, but other countries in the global stuff. and it's easy to pinpoint other examples of where this has happened with nature as an weapons or used its military expertise in certain areas. and we've seen tensions. i could name 3 straight off. i've got this done. libya and iraq. exactly. the world hasn't forgotten that a tool. now when it comes to asia, the west city to use exactly the same playbook,
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doesn't it? yeah, but that's why it's, i mean, we've got issues at the moment in terms of the tensions rushing up between china and the us. i don't specifically look at the reasons behind those. it's dealt with take talk massively popular social app, but kids all over the us are all and that's why all the celebrities, all it was made by the chinese. now the us is threatening, that they going to completely bind it within the united states. if china doesn't sell, take talk to an approved weston supply. we've also got the issue with taiwan. taiwan . it's an island that is part of china overall. it's just to the south of mainland china has this one china policy. i'm not something that the us says acknowledges, but at the same time when it passed 4 days, bill we sold that money going to ukraine. it was a $1000000000.00 worth of money that's been allocated for taiwan and not is for a to taiwan, including military $8.00. and that is,
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or was the really something that china was very unhappy about because it sees the issues in taiwan as being domestic. and the chinese foreign ministers essentially told us both out about domestic issues. as long as each china's concerns are consistent, we always call for respect to each other's court interest and urged the united states not to interfere in china's internal affairs. not to hold china's development back and not to step on china's red lines on china, sovereignty security and development interest. and then there are the tensions generally in the south china seas, the u. s. which has no territory right close to the chinese mainland has decided that it is going to hold joint maneuvers with the japanese and the philippines towards the end of 2024. as you can imagine, china is pretty unhappy about us warships potentially being that close to it's
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territory and just keep you an example. if the chinese had a worship that close to hawaii, i think we'd see some reactions from the white house of. all right, let's turn to our to contribute to college. who believes us something, sanctions on china, what all is speed up a seed change in the global economy? blinking is basically threatened me to expand sanction some china. i mean you, us have currently maintaining somebody comes after sanctions by us have breton to use financial sanctions on chinese companies and chinese banks that do business with russia and others quite serious threats. china will not be intimidated by the threat of additional sanctions that i mean china have phase us sanctions before the china will find a way and us sanctions on russia has already cost of russia to move
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off to dollars. that kicked off the trend of the dollar i've ation now. you, us is going to move on the financial sanctions on china. you're going to see the world's largest economies moving off dollars. i mean, this is gonna co have huge consequences in the world financial market. china will find out sir, it is, i mean, now the brakes is already talking about a common bricks courtesy us policy. it's been a just give an additional push away from china. now, for many new boards, it's a vital, a product that helps with the development. but claims that for giant, nestle is offering a less healthy version of its baby formula. developing nation is proven hard to swallow. for many mothers with her from long give it out from the teams you've been carrying out. this research, the full, the green that the sold by in his name,
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switzerland are without any edits, sugar while in low and moderate income countries, you find 2 grounds on average in that product. and the situation is to be 9 key or the markets. we've also had to look at germany phones and the u. k, which all but the main markets for misleading europe. and the situation is to say no, uh most baby cereals been growing up, you know, uh, products sold by next the whole. so without any edits you, there is quite ironic because the world health organization and and basically there is a consensus at the global level that the sugar added sugar is the key public enemy when it comes to nutrition house. but on the other hand, you don't find information about the amount of audit sugar on the picky package of the product. now, the report compact, they show the content of to nestle best selling bbc brands and low and middle income countries in file. and if the opium and india there was up to 6 grams of
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sugar past subbing surprisingly, the same brands in europe contains no sugar at all. are tease rebecca and that be to food who has been looking at the situation in indonesia. my name's astrogation by zurich, base watched off public eye and international b. b for action network has their field set, nestle, the global food and beverage dry and f. x pressure and honey to him from milk em. serial. product sold in developing countries compared to the same product sold, market indonesia, as mentioned report. so we decided to see for ourselves i went through 4 different supermarkets in the capital jakarta, to look forward to sarah like instance serial and need to a powder mill squared. naturally, a renamed the product to demko in indonesia. i found that sir elect is not a common product to find in supermarkets compared to other local options. but we
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managed to find the instant cereal in the last or i fits it. based on the information on the packaging, sir elect, instance serial has 5 to 15 grams of sugar for serving. this particular flavor at the milk and honey has 15 grams of sugar per serving. while den comb meals contains 10 to 15 grams of sugar for serving. this one has 15, it is not always easy for our consumers to tell whether upon contains added sugar and how much is present only based on personal information that's being printed on the package to the public. i reported that this particular flavor sam call one and then called one plus formula one seal in indonesia has 0.8 grams of edit sugar per serving in the form of money. however, none of this information is printed on the packaging. this has proved negative reactions from worried families around the country. in response,
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the government is trying to keep down the storm of anger by ensuring that the products in circulation has met all the nutritional requirements, including sugar, salt, and even fat. the nation food and drug monitoring agency created be held to your choice logo to help people choose how to your package products. one of their requirements is that sugar content must be below 6 drams per a $100000000.00 leaders for each bar fridge package. nestle uses this loophole to give producing the baby formula in indonesia, something that naturally chose not to do in the european market. while it's claim that it hasn't broken any of the countries guidelines all day as well. the world health organization recommends that added sugar should be completely avoided in the 1st year of life of the the ledges that we apply double standards between countries and our baby food portfolio and the some of our baby food brands contain excessive
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adding sugar. to report a ledges that nested these practices ignore w h o guidelines that is simply not true. the public does not take this matter lightly. many customers feel disappointed that they are risk their children's health, while trying to give the best option further development. what us nestle only do that in indonesia, why isn't sugar added in products around your being countries? there should be accountability from nesta. to clarify this, why pay attention to the ingredients? ingredients are not clear. i hesitate to choose it. it must be done spotted about sucrose consumption. how much lock those does the number one thing i have to pay attention to that i just found out about this information. why? of the different ingredients for nestle, they should be able to maintain old products in all countries with the same standards. if it's depending she ate it. what is the basis for that action? because a company as big as nest, they should be able to equalize old's products with a house, then whether it's an agent unit or anywhere else, it should be the same,
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modest bond to the consumer. i think this can be considered as public deception because every product must be accountable for what itself, when they don't provide what's really in the products that can harm the consumers. what is this led to that in indonesia? why isn't sugar edit in products around europe in countries? they should be accountability from this led to clarify this, the ingredients is the number. one thing i have to pay attention to. this finding is concerning. looking at the increased rate of ability in low and middle income countries including indonesia, indonesia are recorded the number of abuse children h 5 to 19 years has increased 10 fold. and the last 4 decades. a matter that many families around the nation are keenly aware off, while the government is working to advocate millions of families. an additional sugar that might lead to obesity is the last thing that the country meets actually doing in takes a few. okay. not only for children for, for instance, um,
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also for dogs exceed consuming sugar. it can be a problem. one of it is obviously doing the sugar scandal, something bigger young children who get used to sweet flavors start to seek sweeter foods. this starts a negative feedback cycle that increases the risk of nutritional disorders in adulthood, including obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. global foot conglomerates such as nestle should really take responsibility for their actions, is their true aim is to contribute to creating a good, healthy life. of the us as to withdrawal doesn't it's a fit special forces and trips from the central off. can nation of chad have of the pentagon planes that the master is only temporary? it is talks continue with chatty and officials, us after com is currently planning to re position some u. s. military forces from chad,
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a portion of which were already scheduled to the park. this is a temporary step, this part of the ongoing review of our security cooperation, which will resume after chads may 6th presidential elections. these developments are a black eye for the american foreign policy, especially considering how hard the bided administration attempted to avert to this outcome. but essentially, off the chad cold on the united states, withdrew its troops from an army base in the country. the united states finally gave in and decided that it will be towards me as early as next week, despite some uncertainty about with the washington state. as a forces agreement to with chad can continue, will be negotiated. the initiate of came straight from chad, even though many reports make it seem like washington is the drawing at its own liking. and this does come off to the u. s. agree to, to withdrawal. it's more than $1000.00 service members covering fees. i'm deployed
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in the z, the u. s. has tried to call to vate, it's itself raw, the, with the military regime, in both chad and new. ze, i'm hoping to preserve long standing counter terrorism ties and to, to maintain village she assets including the $100000000.00 joint base, situated in the newspaper. and so 2 of august is that acted as the have before the veiling, much of the entire as to how region. and during the cruise a, when some of these african countries kicked out the french military and as a wisdom back security pockets, the us government to misread the signals and come to us for the moves and the action as a win for them. and this will what to put when the news every indeed a ship over and dictates the terms even with the lights of just but then also when it comes to chad, the situation is a bit of a different dynamic because jazz, who was not to overturn the system but to preserve the system. we've also seen
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report stating that the u. s. and chad have agreed that to the period following the upcoming tab in presidential election is an appropriate time to review, secure your to corporation. 1 may read into that and seeing that there will be a view configuration of the relationship between side and the united states after the election. and i think this goes back to watch. a lot of people are saying that the most significant aspects of these coming elections in chat is not the final results, but was off the extent to which the ellipse should lead a ship and will be able to navigate the complex political issues and continue with the transition towards a more inclusive and democratic system. what do we all get you on the ground as well as that to advertise never been a top priority for the united states. oh, you is need is most impactful. initiates of the but the administration devoted only limited episode,
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attention to the continent. and russia is offering governments in africa, a survival package, a received something that the united states has never been able to. and that's why african viewed as an o oscar and russia to train due to this at this moment. i think one of the american generals will visit the country this week to determine a withdrawal. but we would like russia to join our troops. that includes the conduct of battle and the use of weapons. we're interested in buying weapons. it says city african nations are increasingly standing up to wisdom. paul was rejecting their continued termination then turning to the latest from gaza. now and yeah, move bodies have been discovered at the naso hospital in the southern city o'con units following the withdrawal of these ready forces from the area around 400 bodies have now been found in the mass grave on the grounds of the complex b u. as describe the discovery as horrifying, although ease roll denies any involvement,
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a lot of the us has students protest in support of palestine continue to grip universities around the country. the police have been sent into some campuses and an attempt to break up the demonstration. students have been calling out washington's unequivocal support for equal and demanding an immediate cease fire at emory university in atlanta. one professor was recently to detain the this video shows when the woman was taco to the ground by police. 6 and he's ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his like into the street and protest move been to the support for nazi germany
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before the 2nd world war. what's happening in americans college campuses is a risk that you submitted mazda of taken over leading universities. they call for the installation of visual that talk to students that talk jewish faculty. this is reminiscent of what happened in german universities and then 1930. it's unconscionable. it has to be stopped. it has to be condemned and condemned unequivocally our to is caleb up and visit a one of the protest camps. the universities and student organizing has been the backbone of every single move in every single movement for progress. and so i, i know that the efforts that we have going on here today are, are going to make an impact when media chooses to center the encampments and, and kind of just lose sight a little bit of the fact that this is all centered around the gods and the genocide that's happening that's murdered over 40000 people and there's a 200 and and 3 days now. maybe 202. i think that's,
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that's where we kinda lose some of that. meaning i think, but i think that there is still ways to hold onto that. we are had as jews, as you, as people say the, the, the, for the world that design is people the so called state of free israel. they don't represent jewish people as no way before the. the upcoming design is, was the, the jewish people and the, and the post and, you know, leaving piece with them, no problems or they may come. i'm another all the cost of, of the, of the, of the posting and now speaker of the house. mike johnson recently went to columbia university to give a press conference condemning the student protesters. needless to say, he was not well received by those in attendance. the
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bear, the start date of the enjoy your free speech. i have found that a lot of people are coming into these spaces to get clout and to kind of capitalize off of what's happening there is a lot of attention and momentum being built on our campuses. and i think i've seen very clearly that a lot of people are choosing to, to try to profit off of it, whether it be to villain as us or to quote unquote support us. i think that there is a time in place and room for politicians. but i think when it comes to our talks of revolution, our thoughts of, of dismantling systems of oppression. people who are within the united states, legal and governmental systems are not, are not necessarily there in our best interests. and so i think it is important to, to be cautious of who are letting into our spaces and the time and place for the
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now the us, besides, the secretary has confirmed you, ukraine will shortly start receiving the much anticipated f. 16 font, a judge, stewards, austin, all would have been frequently hide as a game changer. we provided more than 3000 armored vehicles, including more than 800 main battle tanks. we've given ukraine tens of thousands of anti tank missiles of this year. more than a squadron of donated f sixteens will start to arrive and ukraine, along with pilots and maintainers trained by members of this contact group. and this contact group continues to step up to meet ukraine's most urgent needs. certainly the united states, they all hi ping up the shipment and the so supply all the up 16 fighter jets. and they are in the just sending it as a game changer, you know, piece of equipment that will help the ukrainians on the battlefield. the key of and
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to, and presidents the landscape. they have been doing the same on the pods but well, the role and this has been moved to kind of well the united states. they had been training ukrainian pilots for quite a while now. apparently they now the see of those recruits ready to take up in the on them selves and carry out live missions again when the deliberations were going on. and one whole, the discussions on the supply of the $165.00 digits we're going on. the russian president vladimir, he showed his, uh, basically how he sees the situation on how much of 16 will be able to change on the battlefield in his opinion, not the condition of january. so right, no, no, canadian nato has been thrown into the water in ukraine. they supply heavy vehicles . the option of supplying aircraft is currently being considered their thing so burning, including the leopards they are burning, and the f sixteens will also burn as well. there is no doubt,
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but if they are located at bases abroad and used in hostilities, we will have to look at how to hit the city. there is a serious danger of drawing natal further into this conflict in russia has been wanting time and time again that well, any escalation will be met accordingly, appropriately and proportionately. now the united states and sending these up 16 fodder just clearly an escalation. now the tricky part and the very, very dangerous fuss about this is to of russia has been trying to take out the landing strips of ukrainian military airports. uh base. is that what we fits into? so ukraine was re fixing its uh, military facilities. its uh uh, it's airports so that they are able to launch these f sixteens into, into, into the yeah, because ukraine previously it had no such infrastructure as it was in the process of re purposing and just re refurbishing the infrastructure. russia has been
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targeting these airports and so just so to, to prevent the ukraine from using it. and if it, of course, we'll see how successful russian was doing so. but if it was, then ukraine might have no other option, but to fly on to launch these f sixteens from the facilities that abroad and say in poland, for example. and russia has been very clear what comes next, if you crane decides to do so. the comments already being heard that the conditions of significant destruction, of few grains feel to infrastructure. the transfer of 16 tactical fight to solve the armed forces of ukraine can carry out sol teeth from a basis in poland, romania and so the last year we found the use of those fights is from the territory of the months of may to him on the states will be viewed by most coast day involvements and the conflicts in ukraine, and will force ross so to take retaliate to re masses. so again,
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ukraine hasn't had much time to refurbish, and to prepare it's fields for the f sixteens. russia has been hampering those efforts extensively, and russia had the means to do so with the ukrainian, the defensive, depleted and not living up to the expectations. so again, it's a very, very concerning development. and uh, well, one can only hope that this does not escalates into a direct confrontation between russia, nato, and the united states by proxy, which could lead to, well a nuclear confrontation. but you can check archie does come for more updates. how see you again in about 30 minutes from now. thanks warranty. the .
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