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tv   News  RT  April 27, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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is 0, the flush is flowing spock at west to the 10s to seize its alpha its due to the spring conflict of holes in some pages. the rules that america's biggest fun plus pays for most of the last 2 children that killed him, is really strikes on rasa. overnight the desk told him public stricken dollars, i suppose is $34000.00 and you pay is richard enough to host refugee south and that is coming from london. all physician politicians, our age 5 portions, recently adult legislation that enables london to send on world to the legal my boards to the central african country, the
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a very well welcome to 6 pm here in moscow. and this is on the international with the latest world news out state. it's good to have you with us on top story this our, despite west of attempts to cripple the russian economy, flooding our post and saves a positive trend is expected this year with the state budget increasing the inflation slowing down a list of what the letter has been progressive development of our economy is positively reflected in the federal budget. on the home, federal budget revenues for the 3 months have increased more than one and a half times compared to last year. we need to master and occupy our own market, displace imports, not through administrative actions and resources, but through fair market competition. the important levels come with the back to all of us and pieces. the quotes, the visiting the largest us bank of jp morgan chase to pursue litigation against russian. vtc bank outside of the country of moving full $100000000.00 in assets
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belonging to the american bank were seized. the action is policy of a lawsuit filed by the russian bank. the mon thing, the return of its own frozen assets. phones belonging to v td bank had been confiscated, find jp morgan chase, which has responded by town to syria. going to us quote, to block v t. v. 's attends the largest us buying said that congress to an assets to be, to be easier to us sanctions. larry, i spoke with all to contribute for sams. it gave us more detail a v t b, which is a very large russian bank is the 2nd largest bank in russia. was a, you know, as a lot of banks do, holding assets in the us, which then effectively stolen from them. as you steal someone's money, you can't expect for a quote in russian not to rule in favor of that bank to recover those stolen funds . there isn't really any reason for that. none of the funds from what we understand from the information had been used for anything but to invest in very
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a vanilla investments in the united states. there wasn't an issue with that. it wasn't funds that made it to industrial complex or anything like that. and. and so going to see, i don't think jp morgan all going to be able to react in any significant way unless they want to challenge it. and the russian quote, which i think they know they're going to lose because they really don't have a leg to stand on here. the legs as you create and as well as age legislation allows the us to seize russians. they ask is, do you expect a 2 percent response for most good? we just have to day a speech from president pacing where he explained that the russian economy is doing very, very well indeed a j t p drive, he's saying could be up to 3 percent. compare that to the west, but we looked at negatives to be guys to who very minutes go daddy. me guys. so i think most people look cuz they always do. they never reacts. even nights they don't suddenly you know, when, when most gets punched, it waits before it punches back. but i think we'll see probably a level of different measures that come in that really, really hit then hit them where it hurts rather than just do it for the sake of
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doing it. this story. as an example, could we say that us time since i've actually damaging the wrong box? oh, yeah, absolutely. we're seeing that. i mean, at the end of the day, the money has to flow as a major banking institution like jp morgan. you have to have money deployed in different markets around the world. and that's, that's really the case of the united states. the united states is always use the dollar. it's use his own capital market in order to exec influence uncontrolled around the world. the minute the, this, the other countries turn around the go hang on a minute. you're making us do the things. so, you know, let's respond and let's take 5 vote saws. i think it could really have a huge detrimental effect. not just so the us going to be with the economy, the economies of the west, in general to the ongoing role in dallas. so with palestinians have gathered symbol and relatives killed in his way, the strong side of the 9th only enclaves, southern most city of russia. 8 people have been killed and it is really our talk
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on the residential building. 2 children, age 6 and 8, among the dead, according to the local hospital, and more than 14 and a half thousands of these young casualties have occurred. in the 6 months of war and the besieged territory, the official, dest totaling garza now exceeds 34000 since he's well big guy. his military offensive in october of last in human rights organizations have sounded the along the way that they see monetary and catastrophe. and the unsafe doctors and bullets his desperately attempt to save lives in the region, pushing their own safety at risk, at least $685.00 health workers have been killed so far. oh, so it continues its special coverage with stories from those who managed to escape the deadly attacks the we are calling the civilians to leave the guys that goes. some us wants to keep them there as a human shield. this is innocent.
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civilians are going to be i to sign on. i see all the civilians and one of the the has been working at all night some markers hospital in darrow ballade. since last year this hospital has approximately 230 pads. and there was a shortage of places, even before being in charge of the emergency department. we struggled daily with
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the lack of fat. never before kept the numbers of patients being so high and conceding, as right now. our friends were busy working when suddenly there was an explosion behind us. not far from where we are. it was really loud, the praise to god after 34 hours of no internet connection and phone signal i am now back in law. i am in good health this morning and we continue the distribution process of 1000 packages of prepared for friends. you see that there's no gas for kids, so we rely on what is it that he's using or even was older limitations. we must people who show our enemies that even though the color of the guests of white doesn't mean that we stop offering our best for the posting of some costs, the
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to be honest. it is very difficult to cool because the patients with your don't just have simple leg fractures for abdominal distension. we receive patients with a wide variety of injures. these are both factors, chesapeake inside injuries, as for example, in the case of each child, and that one patient may have multiple illnesses and injuries. one's the huge influx of victims, which has become a familiar thing, create serious difficulties daily. and it's not easy for us to have the home. things are very bad, the
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not going to nothing to those, not just one of the people in the, in the meeting hospital. i told you i was one of the supervisors who built this hospital from 2011 to 2014 or 2000 to the people who were on the ground at the side of this hospital from the beginning until the end of the search and saw no tunnel, so for systems now for most tunnels, no tunnels whatsoever. these are, these are at least applications and open efforts to justify their fatalities. of course hospitals in the guns the, the, the, i'm really good. some are could wanted to end the work from the 1st day it could have. but unfortunately, america, especially the 1st thing joined watching this genocide instead of saving lives. some guys are from the start of the war. this and worship some military equipment, even american children and their number is not
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the channel communicated with the washing between medic entities at the highest levels . after a month of waiting, we were informed by arctic arabic that we could go to refer to russia, says we have russian passports. honestly, i might have spoken only 2 sentences about channel maine, but it was a tremendous effort at every stage. they never stopped support and the students into ron raleigh is supposed to probably palestinian protest, selda earlier this week across the us campuses as well as the dozens of american students have been arrested during mass demonstrations against washington's lace is
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$26000000000.00 a package full as well onto correspond to use the finality in toronto springs as well. hundreds of students have gathered outside the university of toronto, denalis us police brutality against american sooner and swerve in rallying against as wells at floss cities and guys. the students here are echoing the sentiments of their fellow students in the west for clashes with police, have been reported at various universities and that you was the demonstrators here demand an end to violence against a peaceful demonstrations. they say the wasn't as well. one of the palestinian cause to be forgotten. now the whole world knows and is protesting about it. even in the weiss where a government has lost a few of the gaza, where with its weapons, stood as protest over these royal how must 4 have been spreading across college campuses? in the west, following a series of arrests of columbia university were students called for the best men
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from weapons manufacturers are linked to as well. once again as a solidarity in camps amount of colombia snowball. there's a clashes between police on our students at universities on campus is nationwide that has now spread to over 20 universities as well as for campuses in other parts of the world beyond rest is inspired by the boy cards, investment and sanctions movement decades old campaign against as well as policies towards the power seniors, and yet instead of addressing the public demand uh the united states president joe biden has signed into law at 9 to 5 $1000000000.00. a package here that includes 26000000000 for as well, to sustain this military campaign and guards on the purchasers and the usa. their government is an accomplice in the killing of over 34000 people in garza and it works and in humanitarian crisis, there are due to the blockade in pose buys route. these students here inter one,
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also c, r i to i would their american counterparts seeing the root cause of all the crisis and the wisest forks for the idea of saying, instead of welling peaceful student, riley's american officials, me to listen to their demands on top of our me as well, this is the appalling images of police brutality that are surfacing from the west are in stark contrast with america's claims of being the flag vero, human rights and free speech while suppressing the voice of its own citizens only for expressing solidarity with power speed, hence, a show host from the us and you founded ukrainian stokes, fake organization with reported ties to nazi activist has been arrested in washington. as off the he a sold to is a grace on contribute to the event hosted by the conservative james town foundation of correspond to the state sweeney has the story police in the us have a rest of the to and this with links to fall. and why do crating organizations,
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i'm the key of government all the of solitude, an independent research a as an i'm t watching confidence in washington dc. marcos upfront notion, extraordinary attack on grades are, can contribute to most rogues. and that's an event hosted by the neo conservative jamestown foundation. on april the 16th malcolm endodontist approved in the x health care minnes selfie claim. one moment health doesn't o u. n. b members, including the leader in ukraine because it's handled last week's posts, foster form in the sea, salt psycho small because of pro, strangled me during the lunch break, sell it to the business, the guy repeatedly, and it came off the rug. so the challenge is to find over, here's the association with the o u n. b, i fall, right, the organization known for collaboration with the nazis during world war 2. so from defended his actions on social media and denounced. roberson, to have full press accreditation for the conference,
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as like russian pro well urging others to remain vigilant. today we had a troll coach mazda of robson who prove out to one of our participants and managed to get some in trouble. so i'm watering everyone be careful, don't get into any arguments with anyone, just walk away. and it was all pressed organizes of the convers quite, but the grades that can contribute to the liberty inside to the physical attack on himself. so try and claims to be independent with his platform stop fight, talk old portrayed is a non governmental organization focused on fact checking. it lists many goals on his websites, including informing the public about the danger of propaganda and dissemination of fake information in the media. stop site can assist it receives no government funds . but is this really the case? a closer look at a website tells a different story stuff. it was also supported by the international renaissance foundation, the foreign ministry. oh,
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the check republic. the embassy of the united kingdom of great britain and know the island in ukraine and the signet froze and trust. it is also received thousands of dollars from the national endowment for democracy. i show you the soft power organization largely funded by congress on the us state department, who's filed a said his role was to do what was done covertly 25 years ago by the c. i a to promote factual reporting on ukraine. the central will maintain and expand the fact checking websites stopped fig dot org, transforming it into an information up for journalists, bloggers, and the general public. in addition to improving the quality and increasing the quantity of original materials in english and russian, the central will improve the site security, increase its outreach on social media and produce video content for traditional and online tv audiences. you find your news outlets. i'm going to publish a note to go,
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so i think for you to go off of a permanent stop fight member meeting with national this figure is including a wind power rock. musician prism lyrics denied the whole the cost soon off to the owner is confined to follow the police complaint of the dress, photos of a home, and the 5 year old son will publish on facebook showing the repetition of the mirror for his co list stops like disputed the claims, dismissing them as russian propaganda. so problem has also exported his position to whitewash notorious neo nazi collaborate to step on by data. as a rubbing resistance fighter who simply refused to cooperate with the germans. a payment. it's a summer time alongside permanently or not seeing musicians who described him as said blood brother is autism. additionally, giving the fact the real brothers at one time, we're at the nice with marco, according to caustic tradition. we've got our skin and hats. this is very symbolic
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. for me, why don't they collab, which they are? they're also nikolai, which should make a wish. somehow it happens symbolically a month or so from the far right connections and you try a pay. it's a paid in comparison to those of his wife form. and you find in health minister or the on the so from who he met a bundle of rights ideological company, new york. that consisted of political workshops with o u m b lead is she has maintain close relations with number of funding. they are not see organizations including c 14, which has been credited with carrying out the wave of bruce warranty, right? in the program's only on a certain problem has also been described as one of the main patrons of the fall rights activist. so that's the unco who lead the right sect is masika of on team odd i'm protest is in odessa in may, 2014 and ultimately helped to ignite the civil war. at least a new crane west. the media has gone to great lengths to down play the o. u and b's continued existence. a new price on the tspra. assume it to be
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a relevant a different. i mean, it seems i have found the perfect outline stops like these main objective in reality sequence would be to store troops. india is a bonding us oil and save of impose from venezuela and just one month from january to february this year. and it imported more than $400000000.00 worth of that. his way in an oil that's according to data from the indian ministry of commerce and industry, analyzed by sputnik following. the relax ation of functions, the guys correct because they know them 2023 new daily resumed oil purchases from venezuela off to a 3 year break. and they are still buying oil. some crock is, at the end of 2020, at the time, venezuela was one of india, is at $1210.00 oil society. it's reports, it's the oil exports from the us to india for the 1st 2 months of this year, decreased more than 8 times. but we discussed this earlier with this moment indeed
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on boss of the to venezuela. he believes weston sanctions are an effective and will not change in the as views or the situation in venezuela. in this new global order in which united states cause the shots and the invoices sanctions that we have a legal sanctions which are not authorized by the united nations. the sanctions on the exporting countries like when is a law it on and russia, of course it's political, it's also a business to because to be the largest producer of all you in the united states. so by suppressing the oil exports of these countries. yeah. give me a chance that'd be american or a companies to make money of countries like india has to that right and abide by them and see how they can manage that we have managed successfully. so it's is, it is not going to be american reading positional sanctions on venezuela. it is not
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going to change the views of india are 2 people because situation in minnesota. so this, these sanctions are useless and that's been ongoing to, to anything except being a nuisance. to everyone at least 44 people are confirmed dead due to severe flooding across kenya, and that's according to the can you red cross the size of the organization with pulls at least 60000 people have been affected by heavy rain so they have cause massive destruction of prophecy. domestic train operations in tenure have been halted on several areas of temporarily being temporarily blocked roadways. the tenure meet your logical department is full cost. continuous rain for the number of nations regions with particularly strong down always expected was always you say, oh, emergency measures all being taken. and the 155 people have been reported killed and
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more than 200 injured as flash floods hit another east african nation of tons of nia. they tell use coals by heavy rains on lot of slides destroyed dozens of homes and cause tons and in 5 minutes to confirm that more than 200000 residents were affected by the natural disaster we had from local associates. that i'm fortunate to experience. but yeah, i mean by all, the flood situation is really bad here in the city, and we're not even doing business since people are going through hard times. if you want to move from one place to another, it takes you a very long time. even the public transport has increased prizes twice and how do the flaws? because i have gone through a great close of to what the fathers, my small shop. i lost almost a full, a 1000000 and investments. all my goods flows of nice oil biscuits and many more have been spoilt. i have nowhere to go. i haven't lost some of my savings which were inside the shop when i couldn't go interest, you must think. many people have lost their property. it has reached
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a point where water is going through the windows and doors. so when people go to work in the morning and it rains in the afternoon, and when they return in the evening, they find all their property has been carried away by the water. in my neighborhood, so far, no one has died from, but many of my people have suffered losses. the outrages pointing life among luanda is opposition policies onto the u. k. finally, posts a controversial bill that would send illegal asylum seekers in person to move on to rich nations like the u. k. should fulfill the responsibility to host refugees and notes. and then to 3rd countries, we have problems with what security malnutrition, poverty, joblessness, lack of housing repression. so what will happen to these refugees? steve, which is paula mentioned, approve to legislation to address the influx of mike gordon's into the country, hoping the measurable bits her refugees from taking small bows across the english
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channel. the tongue proposes to send the legal asylum seekers arriving from safe countries, such as falls to the african nation and to pay compensation, including a fee to every individual below tases. the asylum claims would be processed in rwanda. this approved migrants would remain that as well as the amount the one that officials have set the pleased with below the legislation. raise a wave of control of a c in the you tape holloman's. some british ministers appeared to need lessons on . no, i'm basic geography. i come from a neighboring country, equal condo, if you know geography that is located right next door to orlando and um right now im going with those agendas that going on under such a big conflict, going on with people from your lender. so hard. my family members come from grandma on those on the crossing right now, would they don't be certain parts of the country that they're supposed to be warranty? rewind, no, i think there's an exclusion on people from one to being sent. the one that they're
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from come the supposed to be, and these people from orlando or they've been going to be sent to real wonder if they came to run across it from, from oh, yeah, a would people be sent from folks, writers different countries, all those necessary it's a different the there is, there's a, there's a close minute slice and it says if somebody would sofa getting the phrases to be serious near the simple home by being send somebody, they wouldn't be set. and so there is that there is that safety mechanism built into that like a slicing the decades long cornflakes, in eastern democratic republic of congo has been filled by repeated violent clashes between the d all seize on me. and then $23.00 rebels, which were bound to being accused of supposing to be licensed by the west, including the u. k. bewanda has denied these allegations. companies lawyer and a member of the countries of citizens movement believes the ignorance of what is your officials on geography for votes, the ongoing tensions
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a c global guys still at the nearest delta. this is a publication. this is another insult. on the people have fallen victim to the work that is taking place in eastern congo. this police officer have made inquiries. he has been working in dispute for more than 10 years. and the war and eastern congo has been going on for more than 25 years. he has a state official every time his state wants to take action outside of his country. you must gather sufficient information about the countries where he intends to take action. and also have information about the surroundings of those countries. and that is why we say it's a publication. in fact, this war damages the image of great britain. we are a guest this way of doing business with the okay. they don't come to mitigate the situation. they come to promote, click on the lease population, once again, they want to take us to the extreme so that we react, you know, better by requesting. such things can not mitigate the situation. it only makes it worse. we have no choice but to unite all the con, the least people do. not all the economies use in order to actively,
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violently respond to all these publications that come from outside our country. the . the west is looking for someone small enough to demonstrate its power. both according to the presidents of republic, a c, a sca, one of 2 entities of both nia and hudson covina and an exclusive interview. faulty international. the presidents either to rush to place an important role in maintaining a system based on the role of no, on the international level, a doctrine without a problem with this, it is true, the republican service still finds itself under immense pressure. i think that people in the west have become frenzied and the dates in their powerlessness and rage are looking for someone who is small enough, which we are for sure to demonstrate their power on making life difficult for people to serve. scott doesn't require much skill or force. true, greatness is measured by understanding and helping the weaker and not by impugning them to an extent which threatens to destroy their political and even biological
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existence, republican service, god cannot abandon the concept of its existence. it cannot give up from strengthening its autonomy. republican service guy is committed to the dayton agreement, but to that, which is actually written in its not to what is called the spirit of the date and the agreement as is promoted by the west. in that regard, we find ourselves in a situation where bosnia and herzegovina has its constitution, which is an integral part of the dates and agreements for which was guaranteed by the great forces which is written precisely clearly, functionally translated bly. and yet, there is a completely different reality which came into being by consistent interventions, primarily from the u. s. the u. k. and you countries front of the following lines that are in the russian federation is one of the guarantors of the dates and peace
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agreements. as such, it has undoubtedly been contributing to the agreements implementation. unlike the u . s. u. k. and even you members, such as germany and france as well as the you itself, which model the dates and agreements are bypassing adequate procedures. and on the very fact, you're fighting for rule of law and russian has been doing so all this time absolutely shows you're on the right path to establishing stability city. so it'd be, and others can say the same that they have been pursuing their own rules, which would change virtually every day and demanding the whole system to be bent in order to fit with their requests, which wasn't possible for though this is why russia plays a very important role, which is maintaining a system based on the rule of law on an international level. the role of russia in the u. one security council has proven to be very important from the point of view of understanding the whole situation. however, western propaganda attributed
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a narrative of malign influence to restaurant and which suggests that the very existence of a restaurant which is interested in local affairs is somehow negative. if there's anything malign, then it's the us or british influence, or even the human line influence, which tears down all of its own fundamental rule of law principles. by doing so, the view is also tearing itself down, not just to us, the world of lives which we see in the west, which the which stems from not honoring agreements from dayton, which was thought of as one of the most important examples of conflict solving via an agreement to the minsk agreements, combine of our agreements, many agreements created by those in the west had what miracle and alon said as their true gold. they said we just bought time with it for the.


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