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tv   News  RT  April 27, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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of the headline story today, russia strikes back at western attempts to seize its upsets due to the spring conflict with us in petersburg court ruling that america's biggest bank must pay at most schools in personal south africa, celebration 30 years of freedom from the apartheid regime on it's persons democratic elections. the nations deputy foreign minister spoke exclusively to r t as quite a way what it means to your office, what it means to be able to add to paul to pay you a space and attended out a tour of your own country. on 2 children are killed and is really strikes on the
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city of ruffled overnight. the death told and complex stricken gases surpasses. 34000 according to look look for the from must go to the world. this is our t hello and welcome to then use are the spikes western attempts to cripple the russian economy. not them are putting saves a positive economic forecasts is expected this year for the country with this state budget increasing and inflation going the other way. what the letter said, progressive development of our economy is positively reflective in the federal budget. on the whole, the federal budget revenues for the 3 months have increased more than one and a half times compared to last year. we need to master and occupy our own market to displace him for it's not through administrative actions and resources and fair
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market competitions. meanwhile, a st. petersburg cortez sided with a russian bank and its efforts to recoup $414000000.00 from jp morgan chase. it's money the america's largest bank froze in u ethic times in response to the ukraine conflict. jp morgan chase sales responded by culture assuming in a us court to block b t b banks attempts. now the american lender also states it tons return assets to v t p. do apparently, to us sanctions. earlier at my colleague and nikki, or in spoken about with our to contribute or presents a v t b, which is a very large russian bank is the 2nd largest bank in russia. was, you know, as a lot of bank, steve holding assets in the us, which then effectively stolen from them. but if you steal someone's money, you can expect for a quote in russian not to rule in favor of that bank to recover those stolen funds
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. there isn't really any reason for that. none of the funds from what we on this done for the information had been used for anything but to invest in very a vanilla investments in the united states. there wasn't an issue with that. it wasn't funds that made it to industrial complex or anything like that. and. and so going to see, i don't think jp morgan all going to be able to react in any significant way unless they want to challenge it. and the russian quote, which i think they know they're going to lose because they really don't have a leg to stand on half the lights as you create. and as well as age legislation allows the us to seize russian state. as do you expect a 2 percent response for most good, we just have to day a speech from president pacing when he explained that the russian economy is doing very, very well indeed a g d p drive, he's saying could be up to 3 percent. let's compare that to the west, but we're looking at negative g to be guides to very municipal ged pink. right. so i think most people look as they always do, they never yet. i've been nights. they don't suddenly, you know, when, when most gets punched, it waits before it punches back. but i think we'll see probably
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a level of different measures that come in that really, really hit them hitting them where it hurts rather than just do it for the sake of doing it. this story. as an example, could we say that the us sanctions are about to be damaging the wrong box? oh yeah, absolutely. we thing that, i mean at the end of the day. a money has to flow as a major banking institution like jp morgan. you have to have money deployed in different markets around the world. and that's, that's really the case of the united states. the united states has always use the dollar. it's used his own capital markets in order to exec influence and controlled around the world. the minute the this, the other countries tied around the go hang on a minute. you're making us do the things. so, you know, that's responding. let's take back what saws i think it could really have a huge detrimental effect. not just so the us going to be with the economy. economies of the west in general. now, a full face is potential legal action in africa. the democratic republic of congo
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has accused the tech trying of using mineral smuggle from the countries conflict when regions into neighboring rolanda journalist timothy a base who can tell us more so nice, 3 minerals that includes 10 ton tell them thompson and goals are found in commercial quantities, east of the democratic republic of congo. however, for more than 2 decades, the region has essentially turned into a battle field. as rab, i'll see, control the cost to see that power has been paid by millions who have lost their lives in one of the confidence longest running conflict this week. but the received documents through it's lawyer of accused tech giant apple of use in our change by the blog of the congo. these people, n quotes in the, our products, the message was where the tech giants has read. the benefits from products, including labs and i phones that are made with minerals extracted illegally from
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the was own as legal action is on the way if they don't cease and desist. apple has sold technology made with mineral source from a region whose population is being devastated. by grave human rights violations, the responsibility of apple and other major tech manufacturers when they use blood minerals has for too long remained the black box set so balanced on the tops and widespread corruption of sides providing minerals, apple, or just some of the allegations leveled in the letter the region has been robbed by violent since the ninety's, but tensions escalated in late 2021. when em 23 rebels began. we got to rinse, was up territory. the g r. c, office at apple minerals, small boot out of the country into neighboring rundown, where the age of weight it into the global supply chain. apple has consistently relied on a range of suppliers that by minerals from rwanda,
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a mineral poor country that has preyed upon the d, r c and plundered its natural resources for nearly 3 decades. it's not the 1st time but or a blame on the use of what the point that adds to jolly un and western countries. how about use one of supporting the m. 23 rebels in a beach to take control of the regents of mineral resources. but he got a, has denied the claims as apple straws, of all the allegations it pointed to statements embedded in its 2023 on more reports. based on our due diligence efforts, we found no reasonable basis for concluding that any of the smelters are refiners of 3 d, g, 1010 to them, tungsten and gold. determined to be in our supply chain as of december 31st, 2023 directly or indirectly financed or benefited armed groups in the d. r. c. or in the adjoining country. the company seems to rely mainly on the due diligence of
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its suppliers to actually source it's raw materials. but the are seen. dodie says the suppliers rely on a floor certification from a supply chain initiative known as the i t a c i. that was settled over 10 years ago when solve a supply of conflict, free minerals from the g r c. however, apple is not the only major corporation that relies on the system to as lot info and samsung or among some of the other companies that depend on the i to be a see i. but the devil isn't the details, according to record by global witness. 90 percent of the minerals from specific mining sites reviewed by the program did not come from accredited mines. while the g r c has demanded that apple response to each notice. within 3 weeks. it's not a wait and see game as to web are global tech science will put people's lives or profits 1st. it's going to be a b z
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r t just thing with this story. we spoke with african, the 1st analyst nixon campbell, who said the extraction of natural resources, benefits western companies, but prolongs the suffering of african people as a dozen and was namely called by 10 to enter, leads to i'm being exploited in the data. see, there is no uh, per package and the ability in which, uh, the local community benefits uh from uh, the extraction of doesn't mean that as such as he can stay to what we see is a continuous was a and, and while the, the west is a preaching green any g, a revolution in the x direction of governmental resources, the i'm on the do, the final product, it doesn't know to benefit to the local community. and to seeing apple has a,
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has been someone did in this case. it shows clearly that the good local extraction of the resources by western companies, in some part of some of the economic imperialism against the african countries. and therefore, continuing the south side and going to of the people the caught them in a while they, they, they, they, west countries are benefiting from the extraction of the citizenry resources. under the pretext that to do that going economy. whereas it actually says atv causing much of the conflict and the suffering on the continent. south africa is celebrating one of its most important national holidays freedom day, commemorating the 1st post apartheid elections held back in 1994. it's president saves the country's achievement in building, and a quality based nation is
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a great fate. in modern history, in the country where the human
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several rum opposed that was south africa's block population, had been segregated from the white minority for centuries and passage all the apartheid back. then 1948. a system built on white dominance made the situation worse. following years of bloody struggle for freedom, the 1st multi racial democratic elections were health 30 years ago, bringing the country's 1st black president to power on the apartheid liter, nelson mandela. r t correspondence in the email as shar spoke with south africa's deputy foreign minister. we should have, you know, how the nation's experience could help other states. and that's happening from above. the dates will have been liberated from this and other countries of help us to get to this new version that we have. we have free time to note instead of free time because of been had by the international community, some of the countries that they have contributed their thoughts, contribute touch,
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documented chat in and all of that. so now as sort africa, we've quite aware what it means to be authorized. what it means to be in the, at 2 o 2 patio space and pretended out of your own country. we have an experience, is that africa, our land has been taken by the whites inside africa. so. so now we, we've got a demo across the web bringing land, but we know fi, but it would be live that negotiated and sitting around and discussing and agreeing on such image as an or that it wouldn't have when we talked about international relations. especially now the whole situation goes as we see it. we know that south africa filed an urgent request for additional provisional measures and the modification of the international court of justice in term ruling in the genocide case against israel. is there any chance that any of these measures will be
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implemented and what can be done some how to improve the actions and reactions of the rest of the international community where the i c j is as far as how within the united nation. so any country, if you have a group or something or anything, you can challenge it's to that particular set, you will have done that. and there's an outcome. there's a holding of the court. and the name of the court is up to the united mission, whether they're going to implement it or not to implemented for us. we're happy that we'll move with use this such as that a meant really to come members of such issues. so we're waiting for the united nation to look at it will lessen the turn 2 developments in the gas or war where palestinians have gathered to more than relative killed. and this really strikes overnight on the inside of southern most city. rough uh,
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8 people were reportedly killed and, and this really are attacked on a residential building. our 2 children age 6 and 8 or among the dead, according to gas and health officials, who say some 14 and a half size and all of these young casualties of occurred in the 6 months of war on the besieged territory. the death toll in this trip exceeds $34000.00 since israel begun it's military offensive. in october, last year was human rights organizations have once again son did the alarm over the she monetary and catastrophe on folding. in the end tape doctors and volunteers have been desperately attempting to save lives in the region, putting their own safety at risk and the process. in fact, close to 700 health workers have reportedly being killed in the conflict. ortiz, special coverage of the conflict, continues now with testimony from those, the mothers to escape, the deadly attacks the
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we are calling is civilians to leave guys, it goes out. some us wants to keep them there as a human shield. this is innocent. civilians are going to be hard i to sign on i see all the civilians. i'm one of the the
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be working at all next some markers most people in darrow ballade since last year. this hospital has approximately 230 pads and there was a shortage of places even before being in charge of the emergency departments who struggled saving. we've never before kept the numbers, patients being so high and can see these as right now. our friends were busy working when suddenly there was an explosion behind us. not far from where we are. it was really loud, the phrase to good after 34 hours of no internet connection and phone signal. i'm now back in la. i am in good time. this morning we continue the distribution process of 1000 packages of prepared friends. you see that there is no gas for kids, so we rely on what is it that is important given was older limitations. we must
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people who show our enemies that even though the code of the guests of white doesn't mean that we stop offering our fest for the posting of some costs, the to be honest. it is very difficult to cool because the patients with care don't just kept simple leg fractures for abdominal distension. we receive patients with a wide variety of injury. these are food from chests inside injuries, as for example, in the case of police child, and that one patient may have multiple injuries. one's the huge influx of victims which has become a similar thing. we're used serious difficulties and it's not easy for us to have
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the whole things are very bad the to looking to those, not just one of the people in the, in the meetings i told you i was one of the supervisors, discussed this in 2011 to 2014 or 2015, who were on the grounds at the side of this hospital from the beginning, sylvia. and just searching so no tunnel. so for systems now for most tunnels, no tunnels whatsoever. these are the ease, rarely, applications and old method to justify their vitality to 1st hospitals in the middle of the summer for once, at the end of work from the 1st day it could have. but unfortunately, america,
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especially the thing to, is watching these genocide instead of saving lives. some guys are from the start of the war, worship the military equipment, even american children, and their number is not the channel communicated with the wash and be too many entities at the highest levels. after a month of waiting, we were informed by our team that we could go to refund and then set to russia is we have russian. honestly, i might have spoken only 2 sentences channel made, but it was a tremendous effort at every stage. it never stops support in the well,
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the situation in gals is shifting off is really society. does the government protest rip tel aviv again? demonstrators are also demanding the release of hostages still held back on us in the enclave since the october 7th terrorist attack. fully controls live now to ortiz, middle east bureau chief maria phenomena evening. maria, you're in tel aviv not. we're a familiar sight. we can see as being seen on heard behind you of the yes and then this became a typical self again here in tell of even the last month's thousands have gathered on democracy square behind me for a weekly. and so you've got the time the rally calls for me to meet your elections to be held now for testers, are 10 grand for raising with how is really to protect the country back
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to her when you remember more than 3000 military isn't it? is road from god like feeling more than 1200 is really is military and civilian and taking 100 and the patient with me. a number of israel's military offensive. the return of all hostages home hasn't been a chief in almost 7 months now. and over a week, the day of freedom that celebrates the exalt as of jews from slavery in biblical age of protest, or say they come to be celebrations as $133.00 captive men and women, old and sick children among them still being held somewhere deep in her masses tunnels and gaza,
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probably with no free them and know how the isn't. yeah. nothing really just trying to create and as they say, he acts in his own interest in the interests of the nation. no, we haven't been able to speak to. * the earlier, let's say to listen to what people have but i was in mind there's like a like the last, the so the months the brand back downstairs, which is very important. and uh to replace this uh, the replacement is a government that are doing very bad thing for us. it's a typical baby uh, a way of uh, off for that behaving like not putting anything for for the people and they will live and we will pay our bills to send them away. i carry the us flag because over the last, the 15 months this country has been graded and i am
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a little concerned about the police. this american flag is an insurance policy for me because i'm concerned that they will take excessive violence with a regular protesters. we came here to call on the government to resign. this is the worst government that was in use though, since its inception. earlier on monday, the idea of military intelligence. 7 she became the 1st high profile, the official to resign because of the military sailor to present took the tax and protectors here relieved that many and foreign minister before anybody else. sure to follow his example. israel has launched an investigation into the negligence of the military with administrator. we are safe from ministers to step down regardless of the prob, we'll find out and before or even at an added to the massive discontent. global concerns. miles over israel's warren gaza. last week is really media reported that
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international criminal court may be consider an issue, an international around the relatively near future. again, prime minister and others home is really officials for alleged war cry. the yahoo doesn't seem to care. this is how he commented on these reports. under my leadership, israel will never accept any attempt by the i to see to on demand it's inherent rights of self defense. israel will continue to which i would just want to victory against genocidal terrorist and it will never stop defending no celts while the sea will not affect these rows. actions. it would set a dangerous precedent that threatens the soldiers and the officials of all democracies fight and savage terrorism and want to progress. meanwhile, israel in her mass, i'm back to negotiations over an exchange deal with active pulls from into playing the role of a mediator. the injections are concerned about for the operation in the southern
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gaza city of rough or near the egyptian mode, are working very hard to help the sides reach an agreement, but paved the way to the fire. and the same vision of israel has been saying for weeks it within days, russell were good and 1000000 displays. and i was sheltering. i mean, and i'm going human is terry and crisis agency or, but the need for tens of thousands of palestinians reaching the building and entered into territory that will of course, endangered. egypt will secure a team on thursday. the idea of people hold off and the head of israel security service, travel to cairo, and also that the location of interest to intelligence officials or businesses, as well as the about some whole brands and sons. optimistic messages to the media now have my examines the jail. one us official earlier is that he's familiar with negotiations that the current bill meets almost all the masses demands in both the
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return the ways route. so there's really officials sold there and different kinds of cars, and that was the message for israel gives hostage negotiations one last chance. if the reason all the time they move forward with the operation back to bringing this to the end of this new law, fly from tel aviv ortiz, middle east bureau chief reef and our stuff now, are we sleeping on the dangers of artificial intelligence or will, will we learn to adopt control the rapid rise of the machine snaps done for discussion. next, that's a big topic. allison going underground 6th. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the car executive. and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different little opinions that he
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won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do the have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not. we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the wayne say the actual time. see, welcome back to going underground pool costs to go around the world. really, you a, what do you think is most likely to destroy humanity? elite power? yes, but through nato expansionism, nuclear war, pandemic, climate change, or something else. for years futurist scientists will make as a novelist, have warned how
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a super intelligent say i could become the biggest threat to humanity. and now just a narrow it lead to controls accelerating a race. how long before the robots take over the earth? and does anyone even comprehend what they'll be capable of? is it tell us why the advancement of a i is risky of in russian relapse is professor roman young pulse keys, associate professor of computer science and director of the cyber security laundry at the university of louisville. kentucky where he joins me from and he's the author of the new book. hey, i, i'm explainable, unpredictable, uncontrollable, thank you so much a professor rambles, keep for coming on. i'm going to say this, the intro. i just did way more dangerous than any i presenter of going underground where dangerous program. but we've had this talk to all, given the book clearly defined so many different concepts with the most basic definition i guess what, what is a i, what's a g i o a


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