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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 29, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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longer, more people are going to die, probably in areas far removed from the from flight. because i did ask you will buy some, so we'll just get full freed. long range, nice sipes. uh the american taxpayer will know it get keys or her money back. and again, uh to be go sided, don't let you so it would be food. not of this is going to be paid for. i'm going to print these dollars, but we're going to borrow it from china. well, americans are concerned about their dependence on china. it's going to increase. yeah, will deem a and in this i'll throw it over to gilbert. i mean, if you read the fine print of the bill, it's a sweetheart loan and you don't have to pay it back. it's in the bill itself. it was, it was marketed in a very different way, but in the, if you look at the, the black and white it is an absolute giveaway. gilbert. i mean, it, it seems to me, and all of us have been watching this very closely. not since 2022, but since 2024. 14. at the very least, much longer actually in many ways,
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this is just as a to starve off to feet. they don't, they're thinking maybe they don't have a plan to when they just want to avoid losing, i guess because it's an election year gilbert. i agree completely with this. and maybe there's a substantial consensus among the experts. but i wouldn't necessarily say just opposition. people opposition to the, the washington narrative, but even in the mainstream, there is a consensus of this is not going to say, who give you claim the possibility of recovering his territory. that is a lost cause. i think a consensus of experts and even moving into mainstream is coming close to us. jack mode was saying about 4 months ago that this war has nothing to do with ukraine. is everything you do with the west and russia and ukraine has been used and abused by the west care, callously viciously actually said to, to the next. so it could extend to cause time direction. i think what is more
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trouble? some more worries, some for us all isn't of the 61000000000 that's been appropriated or military, and find attendance and budgetary assistance to ukraine. it is supposed going on just under the radar and not very, not very far below it because it is being picked up by some stupid people about that. i mean, the, the dispatch to ukraine of advisors advisors to assist with the most advanced equipment is now, is scheduled to be delivered to ukraine. this takes us back to where we, wherever 19 sixty's, with the american advisors in the us now. and that was a time when it was still an understanding of red lines to prevent a direct military clash between the super powers that has gone. wait. there is no recognition of red lines, as mister cronin said in a very provocative way, but an accurate way. and um,
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the possibility of this escalating further incrementally is really there. we have more and more nato advisors coming in. we have more and more targeting of those negative handled advisors by the russian minister defense. and sooner or later, this becomes explosive, as well, even a demo. of course, i mean, many souls will say that this is going up, the escalation lighter. for the very reason the gilbert just mentioned is a new going to bridge see more and more nato troops going into ukraine. but it belies the fact that no matter what the west does. visa, the ukraine, the russians though it's directed against them. and it's a lot changing the, the, moving the needle as it were on the battlefield. i mean, there are a number of experts that you and i am gilbert of our audience follow. is it being a brittany in lines or will be coming weaker and weaker? and there could be some kind of break down. what does nato do then?
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well, nature will say that just, you know, the dictator correct up to be strong, but then we expect the, the democracy is on the way around. the world. autocrats are on the rise. but going to care order with that. the protocol is the united states and the, your being union kind of become ideological states, idaho, logical entities. and they have a control where they media is up. so do you know, look, one of the main categories sticks of authoritarian view, is that you mix, cohen, morals and politics. so during the last 3 months, the message that had from them very can get great from the european correspondence . it was, you're creating a sub dying rush. she's advancing. and your mike joso is to blame for that. you didn't give them much, so you are a bad man, you know, good, personally responsible for something. for everything that's happened, this is bad,
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that happens. great. so there is the mix up of morals and 46, you know, the same way in the soviet union. if you were a gain spot. and if you said something bad about started, you just know you can just make a mistake. you're a very bad person. you had to be a she and so, so we see this used to you and it's just a stone you how the media in the west changes it's dudes all of these few months before it was, you know, you create armies starting uh there are no munitions all these people have why don't some, in fact, it was not true because of the, the munitions deliver thing, profiles and think the 2023. you know, most of this money is going to be just compensating, you know, attempted one of the american media to industrial focus for that. but they wanted to create that asp last year and saw them the after the money was the one actually
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physically, it's not you there and the nations on the outside of the, the don't change. you know, some of the, we don't have all of these sent to mental articles about the sole journals and softly office says that. and so we've been savanski and just the story that was just the style again for me was how was the last he said, how come when the israel, i'm sure you know when he's real, was it then? but you're right. you ranging roles. everyone rushed to the help we drew. why are we not israel and the team a but for the very reasons a gilbert just said it's not about ukraine. that's what's really tragic about that . it's very, you know, you know, gilbert's, this, you know, who we do as we are on this program. counter intuitive here. that the 61000000000 it. and it doesn't really matter the amount i the, you know, people, um, uh, make the amount that the center of the story doesn't really matter. because all
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this does is that it speeds up the demise of what we know of ukraine. this is going to speed it up. now it's, it's slow it down for the very reason that there is no strategic plan back we backing with. there's no strategic plan that this money is going to forward and that's the m. s, the tragedy of it all. we're going to see math, substantial tease, and it's, it does say it's equipment um is as the, as the most pointed out, is that a lot of it, that probably hasn't even been made yet. so i mean, this is really kind of a unicorn stuff, gilbert on both sides, both um the russian side and um, the american side and allied side of the there is a ceiling and the coming months will be decisive. this act of congress, which binding successfully remarkably got screwed over the opposition of trump. um that is a wow that, that so that's a little unclear gilbert. i mean, he was, you know, yeah, mike johnson, when tomorrow largo they got,
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they did the photo op. i mean, i think trump totally totally um um um um, fumbled this one and for a public relations point of view. go ahead. yeah. well, i think that's um the uh, the, the, the coming months are decisive for bite and his re election campaign. and this is a holding action, well, it will hold or not loosely remains to be seen. it is understood the same way by the russians, that they have a period before them of several months to conclusively knock out the crane before this thing really goes off in a while direction. so i think we have to sit back, watch this closely, and see where is going. it could go to into world war 3 very easily. they could also, and in a, in a capitulation by ukraine very easily. so all the reasons that have been discussed, they're out of minutes, not just out of munitions,
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and to speak about russians. advantage of 5 to one or 7 to one in, in the artillery shells. there's thinking about that as, as if it were a new development coming from the, the failure of the allies to deliver munitions to create that's rubbish. it's been 7 to 10 to one since since february of 2022. yep. um. so for the reading public, who is who has been to sleep for the last 2 years, this has noticed that the rest of us is not news at all. and you have to look for what spells the difference. the difference is the right of man. not out of munitions and late the members the throwing in are unprepared. every thing, virtually every seem to be a great insight. the russian army is simply a reversal effects. they're describing themselves. it's right and the say they're putting up all the trains man and the rest of the mobilization office. and so these lines are description of their own situation. all right, gilbert i have to jump in here. we're going to go to
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a short break gentlemen. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on some real new stay with r t, the or the in the 1870s. the colonial expansion of the british empire and the nile valley increased. the british decided to get complete control over sudan. however, the deeply religious people of that country did not want to obey 4 laws. the unceremonious intervention of british officials led to people's discontent. it spokesman was the theologian mohammed of thought. the frog blamed himself the mahdi, the amazon. he began to gather an army against the invaders. by 1884, most of the sudanese cities were in the hands of the modern great britain decided
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to intervene directly. but the troops of ahmad gave the invaders a drubbing in $1885.00. the rebels, the capital car to the feet of britain was totaled only by the very end of the 19th century. after the death of ahmad, the british were able to regain their control of sudan. unable to defeat the living body, the british took revenge on the dead. what his remains were drawn out of the mazda liam, and thrown away into the nile. ahmad said, was brought to england as a trophy. however, the victory of the modest revolt became the 1st successful action of the peoples of africa against the colonial afresh, and remained at dark stain on the reputation of the british empire. the only one main thing is important for not as an internationally speaking is that is that nations perhaps
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are allowed to do anything, all the mazda races, and then you have the mind to nathan, so are the slaves. americans rock, obama and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism. the international law exists as long as it serves american interest. if it doesn't, that doesn't exist by turning those russians. and so it is dangerous boy, a man that wants to take over the world. that was the culture strategy. since i'm the new one, i exist v i v, i not foolish. truth often zuba and tablet block. nato said it's ours. we move east . the reason us, hey jim, it is dangerous, is it the by the sovereignty of the countries, the exceptionalism that america uses and its international war planning is one of the greatest threats to the populations of different nations of nature. what is
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founded shareholders in the united states and elsewhere in large arms companies would lose millions and millions or is business businesses good. and that is the reality of what, what we're facing, which is fashion, the welcome back. across that bullhorn design, peter roosevelt. to mind you were discussing some real names, demo deal, most the going back with them about the appropriation of the 61000000000 dollars, which of course, depending on how you count it, i mean, it, some, some people pointed out a 1000000000 of it will be in cash, which i guess we all know what will happen to that very quickly. ok,
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corruption and you claim is only gotten worse. it's not gotten better unfortunately for the people of ukraine, for the people that actually want their pension and all that. i don't see why the united states the taxpayer should pay in other countries, pensions, maybe a topic of another program. but one could be much more cynical. this is one big one at chase. good by their washing their hands of it because they that's going to need that 61000000000 will go up and smoke quite literally, depending on how you want to interpret it. it's not good. it's not going to make a difference on the battlefield as we've already discussed in this program. so this was just kind of a feel good vote a remarkably and may be one of your both of you want to address is why give bite and a when in an election year like this i, i'm simply mystified by the me. well, let's look at the fever for to you what you 6 being you all that them all $61.00 is going to be spent on the remaining. uh, i guess. uh,
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15000000000 is going to be spent on ukraine and astro. right. it is that part of it will be in cash, and uh, it is supposed to bulk and save the pension as well. it's very easy for the ukrainian government to steal that point. and during the debates of the senate, if you will send it, but somebody gave you ran some dollars. they raised it, they said, well, you said it was one of the most corrupt, aren't you seem to, well, how come west changing them all money? you know, i asked for the battle, growled the, this, the golds the ain sped zelan, scanned his mazda a sake of themselves. i just know 3, at least, you know, pay back right here. there are 2700000 people leaving the same year. you know, it has been a part of rationing by a seen 1783. the huge majority of the people that do not want to under any circumstance, you will back to great. you know, when american media was a little bit more on this, you know, the 9th,
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it's look at the article by side is to own an entry. know times by steve wrote with just the oil roll, the russians make up with huge majority in britain yet that okay, be we think great don't that they will not, no say even more i'm happy because they get combined at that so. so what do you, what kind of, on, realistic goals, yukon, we, you know, and what's, what's going on smacks, or what need to do, you know, the congress, you know, the big bonus boss. this bill while i'm off the is really i'm still allows the only be always ation 250000 ma'am. we'll have to go to the army. that means to the front and, and uh, you know, the, the stables think that you bring them down and there's no required and ukrainians leaving the girl to come to the cultural office and sign up. uh, you know, clear out their situation. uh, their relationship with the army, otherwise they will not send you their prospects and all of these media. so then
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we'll, we'll become illegals. info on it is, i'm usually maybe gilbert knows this, but that's in contravention to e u laws. okay, mean these people are conscientious of a country actually opposing this company, but that's neither here nor there would would gilbert with bothers me and is what we've seen over the last few months. um, particularly if we want to consider the, the implications of the attack on the concert hall in st. petersburg, it seems the us because they are the ones that are calling the shots here. they want to rely more and more on terrorism, which of course, is something that the russians will react to very, very strongly, obviously. so the, the, the, the a symmetrical, this of it is becoming more and more obvious. are you worried about that? um, escalating, the guys thinks this is difficult to contain entirely a state sponsored terrorism. so the possibility of some sort of tragedy
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a head cannot be excluded entirely. that none the less what the result of this appropriation and the continuation of the work and particularly result of the ukrainian anticipated use of the of the longer range missiles do attack civilian targets in russia will be of further aggravation. and i further intensification of what is being seen for the last 2 months when russia finally uh us. it has been staging it to attacks on the, on the generating plants done on substations to destroy the, the right infrastructure of electricity and ukraine. and to target, particularly the areas from which the most of the most of the vicious attacks on civilians in building to be able to guard the region of russia having stage name and, and that is and to the,
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to take over. but uh, so essentially the ukraine, 2nd largest city, a truck truck is then that's the, the lag, the exits from car competitors can show in on television is going to continue, was going to come still greater. so what i can see is one of the, as one of the not expected results that was going on is a further extension of bruce key me or an investor near. i live in brussels, i can tell you right now, sometimes i wonder if i'm in moscow 6. all i hear around me is a russian speech. and this is from the so called ukrainians were now among us. and that is a fact of life that i see. and i don't see, i don't believe that there will be any return to a to ukraine of those whom i now see around me and then you go and brussel. but i'm sure you also see embarrassment. and burden and other sl gilbert. i mean, if you're, if you're a young, you paid in woman and you have a child and that child is already speaking or learning german or learning poll
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assure you know french that the likelihood of returning home to a devastated country is bubble close to 0. um, you know, a demon in a very shortly. um, president lot of, uh, what about the americas as zalinski will no longer be the legal president of ukraine. but i thought it was quite interesting listening to the floor speeches about democracy versus authoritarianism. but zalinski will be an unelected. um, uh, why. so i don't know whatever term you want to, viceroy dictate or strong man. i wish we will be no legal legitimacy behind him maintaining power low. i think that brings us back to these a desperate question question from did ask you, why am i not israel? why? why did you bring the big israel? because your on, on the left to me the 3 big teacher and your draft feel secure. just service,
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you know, started the car, some just visited your grant and when he came back to the states, you said, you heard the what s b you around to. so all the time has to be your use of that. uh, great and security service. uh we, which people really feel, i mean, they see, or it's a lot more than soviet cage. you be, you know, and certainly more than f as b c. so of the fact that he is not the left, that is just the smallest of it. since in reality, of course, people did not support his excellence, which led because that's right. indeed, the 1st place it could be a warning to a bunch 100 times before it started on february 24th of 2022. you know, gilbert looking at some of the western media coverage um, most of it is quite laughable. and obviously tragic because so many young men, particularly ukranian men continue to die. but there's the new mantra. i mean it's
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being introduced. is that um uh, who wants the results by victory day by, by may 99. i, i just kind of just roll my eyes. i mean, if um there's been any, if there's this pump, this military campaign, the special military operation as it was initially called, called has no timelines at all. i haven't, they learned that by now that uh and into that maybe the tail end of that is that the, the big russian defense of that is coming. i, i don't see that either. i think that they see what they're doing is working. maybe not as fast as any of us would like, but it is working. that's why they needed the $61000000000.00 gilbert. here all of our risk kids who are in washington, 900 in berlin and in london have the same failure to think outside the box. they project on to russia was their own military campaign, but it looked like and then they'd draw conclusions that rush of fails here and there because it hasn't done much say that expect pending like the shopping. i was
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not going to say they this, they would. why is that russia using shocking off? yeah, so best really began in february 2022 and that's where we are today. they simply refused to learn that there are other ways to h, a war and there are other concepts of we're making their own. and the russian concept goes, it goes back, that was invented year, it goes back to the close of it's where, where military action is a projection. it's a continuation and handmade and then of diplomacy. so the, this is not appreciated. diplomacy has gone up by the boards in united states and west of year and they just cannot see that. so really and it's just an intellectual, conceptual failure on staff that people can do things differently and have a different set of objectives. and that's where we are today, you know, deem it eventually it'll all complex come to an end and all complex. there is an element of diplomacy at the very end. when, when initiative,
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it has the west given russia to engage in diplomacy. but since the west is rejected, it completely. well, i will look at the now by the frame uh, what, hopefully kind of the united states on your end that uh seems to be up to you in his presence for sprint off in 1992, both a single what they trading gilbert didnt work. uh, all the other morris were made by them. you know, uh they, they, uh, why don't small conflicting to bank loans like the protest in syria. thanks to them go into a single well, uh, we have many examples, but i would like to quote saying that the soul must jubilee and cheer. speaking against this bill, uh at the center to say, we need to work with the green n russia to m all this and then she had a but that is called the poll sheet. that's not going to come from us. unfortunately, i am afraid he was right because working with you great and rough,
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she was telling me when it was the last time when the states in the you would walk with both sides of the boat. they was just support a bond site in syria. you can leave it every as well. you know, gilbert were rapidly running out of time, but the secretary blinked and went to china and scolded them for backing and russia and whatever form that he claims. there's not a lot of evidence, but it is what i find really interesting when you see the secretaries a lecturing another country about helping another country. and it comes like, well, what is the west doing with you crate? i mean they, they, they don't see the symmetry. they did, they don't, they, these people have no sense of, of, of self and it, they can't see it. see how the other side would see the same problem. gilbert. well, the other side simply cannot be right. there there's one way to do it and that's
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our way. that's right. the way we have allies, but you don't have any. yeah. why did you cannot that always by definition, you are an axis of evil or whatever. and so there is this a mental failure not to put things together? yeah. oh, well, mental. okay. yeah. well, i mean, i think the great, the steven cohen would probably the one of the greatest rushing us there ever was. we said, during the cold war you, we could, we needed to be in the other guy shoes to be able to see what's going on, that, that there is an inability of doing that. and i think that deem is ultimately right . it's a very ideological, we have in all around the world that with the west that is ideological, that most of the world once practical results. and that usually happens in history when you're a practical or a gentleman that's all the time we have one. i think my guess in saint petersburg and here in moscow in and of course i want to think of yours for watching us here are the see you next time. and remember, cross stop rules. the
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russian states never as tired as i'm sort of the most sense community this the sauce on some of the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the russians per day and split the r t spoke neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center. for what question did you say a request to check the
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the see the silver? so the move up to somebody how can it be that um the ship to the middle east from a country whose top officials constantly complain about shortages of munitions and military equipments destroyed locating the booth but of boston. no, great. and maybe a little in your system, a little came along the nominal facility or some of those other slash we, i'm about to the easiest and they also want to know we have more of an easy somebody mobile bubble, a sort of wellness center to kind of get the stuff going on. now, why are weapons from ukraine spreading over the world? to turn this country into a major arms hub, will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them occasionally use that they need to defend their country. the everyone knows very well that we don't sell
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been known as pineapples or any kind of children's toys. we sell women. yes, we're also known in the world as items dealers that we must not be ashamed of that the to hi, i'm executive and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show . seriously. why watch something that's so different. little opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do. don't marshall state main street because i'm probably going to make you, i'm comfortable. my show is called directory. but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way
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the story is this, how you crating and troops continue that retreat? 12 washington's fresh, a package, the kids they saw from the reality of what the billions of dollars are intended for . and i say that has no major issues of to considering the, as well as most research proposal for a long awaited piece still and hostage. where do you think we mentioned garza is the group's delegation of vines in egypt, and so it has the flow. taylor has been delayed by a number of weeks at this point. they are hoping to ensure that the ships leave as quickly as possible pro testers and took care of raleigh to support the international aid. so til i think goes up the c smile, pull the.


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