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tv   News  RT  May 1, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the benjamin netanyahu announces a ground, the invasion into round file will go ahead with or without pay. still with him, a sausage for, and don't to share stories of children and gone to being targeted by is wally snipers. we have c, p, childrens, who had a direct injury to the or brain disciple shots and they had brain damage to do that. the deals and these 3 to columbia university building. we've pro palestine protest as barricaded inside a scuffles,
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and the rest take place near the ivy league institution of libya and on t may so on to this plan to bring denmark the cold, or the civilian casualties caused by the 2011 bombing comp paid and allowing small legal case, the line from moscow. this is almost the international with the latest wells news update is good to have you with this, this out that we thought to in southern garza, with 2 children, house being killed and an overnight is radio. so i can run into the enclaves. health industry has reported the desk of 33 people and 57 injured in the past 24 hours for and doctors. he works in gauze and say is wally slices of deliberately targeting children. we have seen the children's, who had
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a direct injury to the or the brain, this sniper shots, and they had brain damage to do that. and we saw the entry and exit road. we truly believe. and the team believed that it was that intentional. the sniper shots, i've seen countless children, homeless people and then petitions with the injuries we have seen. child who has it is free, one of the school, insular bandage can you imagine? so we had gotten, i think i'm a teacher in that day with little bit to the heads and then on the on the to his leg, you know, trying to do cpr end which i did not survive. and then there was another one that didn't notify him because i had the ability to the head. you know,
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you have to understand what everyone comes of is complete to us. and why are we doing cpr around this other channels? so this other building that doing that, and i could see that she had a good entry to a full head because a lot of times you would see a lot of blast injuries. but this particular day they was going to mean while the is why the prime minister announced the id will invade rafa with or without a pay still with him us the idea that we will hold the war before achieving all of its goals is out of the question, we will enter rafa and we will eliminate the mosque battalions there with or without a deal in order to achieve the total victory. so the deal was for 14 day truce a ceasefire, so arrive 6 weeks and also for return of global hostages that they've been taken on october. the 7th in is well. and now as a result of that, how much were in cairo dealing with the officials trying to do the always cross the
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t's because they have been form is just the easy code for these waiting for minutes . the city, the sewing this deal, but that would still an incursion into rush. but now we've got these comments from as a minute to know who's saying the exact opposite. regardless of that, we'll go ahead. we've had politicians from david cameron, the u. k. fonseca treated sector state in the us and to me blinking really pushing her must assign the same and let's be clear, this was not a deal for a poem, and it's just by which many actors, particularly countries in the middle east, have been cooling for over and over this is just for safety or for 40 days, despite that. these weston politicians have described this as being very generous. it does seem to me, there is no, you know, let's be frank, a pretty generous offer of a sustained 40 days the spot. i hope i'm asked do take this deal and frankly, all the pressure in the world and all the eyes of the world should be on them today
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saying take that deal pulse has before the proposal. that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of gaza at a cease fire is the most holdings. 34000 individuals killed in garza since october of last year, moving 13000 to 30 seen in children. i know we've got the allegation states as well could be carrying out genocide and also the coming from uh, you know, potential top cool. it's an act as well around the world and we've even not gotten lawyers in the us. i believe more than 90 of them who assigned to last to but seem to be sent to the fight and it's ministration. and this includes the secretary of state lawyers who is saying that fine the us continuing to all may as well. it's actually in violation of its own rules. and yet,
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despite all of this mounting evidence we're hearing from the white tassel, they will support nothing yahoo into the better end of a city, an american joining his ramsey, but where it saves motions of his trying to distract the public attention from the lumen gives way the ground operation and rough uh by pointing the finger at him a let's be very clear this american foreign policy regarding gauze that as well from the very beginning of this war has been a policy of distraction. we're on the one hand, they get as well. everything that is once and a little bit more on the overhead. you keep playing this game with the palestinians where leads to local, keep resurfacing in the washington post and in the new york times, sometimes political sometimes acts use where they would reveal things like the bottom of the binding is very angry at the as well. so there was a very angry conversation between that then. yeah, when the president, american officials are saying, you know, is enough and we are reaching the breaking point, the warning and the give us hope would be
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a lot of distractions to give us material to cover in the media. but also give us hope that maybe maybe it's over. maybe the american is really a honeymoon is over. maybe by dint is going to put his foot down. and every single time we end up being disappointed. so there are playing a game and a very clever one, but i really don't think that at this point near the palestinians, nor the americans, nor the rest of the world, is buying this kind of shenanigans coming from the democratic administration of biden and his government and his spokesperson, i wouldn't washington, the us defense committee budget hearing was disrupted by a pro palestine prose as to who accused the country of supposing genocide in does i coding on officials to step in jam inside the committee will come to order. i like to pull request those and the audit
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is causing disruption to cease their actions immediately. security, i'm going to ask you to remove the disruptive person. it was probably the palestine valleys, a sweet b u. s. new a police swooned into a columbia university campus building through a windows or ridge protest is barricaded inside offices, then said off to the school administration to authorize the access following unsuccessful negotiations. as cost is took place outside. the law enforcement also blocked one approaches to the university and reportedly made thousands of arrests to the c, columbia university of those that was police to maintain a presence on campus. and so that least of may 17th to gas was also used to click round to the university of california in los angeles student protest. this was seen bullying and assessing a barricade. this all comes off the house of representatives. speaker,
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mike johnson accused the university administration of failing to counter the actions of those. he called terrorist sympathizes. what's happening on the campuses though, especially these private and the i believe universities that are not allowing law enforcement to come in, they're not inviting them to do their job and bring orders, the chaos. those are the policy changes that were demanding. and if they don't, don't correct this quickly, you will see congress respond in time. what are university officials waiting on? what do they need to see before they stand up to these terrorist sympathizers? and that is exactly what they are. all say correspondents caleb mobility of visited the scene of the protests and they columbia university and spoke with some of the pro testers, the track the board, the palace and has now gone national university soon to set up, examines and are holding co chests around the clock and the arrest numbers are now in the 1000
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the now we've been covering the situation here at columbia from the beginning, but recently got much more intense at this point. padlocks have been placed and all the campus doors. and we have students that are still inside who not only have their encampment, but they've taken over a campus building called hamilton hall. now they are anticipating a pending arrest at the hands of the new york city police department. and a number of students have already been suspended us lawmakers now say they want anti semitism monitors dispatched the universities around the country. they perceive the protesters as somehow menacing us students. campus anti semitism is at
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an all time high. and american universities are not capable of handling it when left to their own devices. this past week's crisis at columbia is not an isolated incident. it is the straw that has broken the camel's back, and i am prepared to do something about it. now we have the opportunity to speak with some of the students and other community members who gathered year outside of the locked down university in anticipation of the big arrest. at the end of the day, social media is expressing reality. politicians can get on camera, they can get on tv and they can speak to us and they can try to lie to our faces about certain things. we don't live in the 90s in the eighty's anymore. it's not 1948. you can't sit there and lied to us and tell us everything is brand new, everything side. and i sit there a lot of our face and we believe you, that's ridiculous is a violation america. american 1st amendment, right. it's a violation of the constitution. it's one thing that makes america a unique and a role nowadays, but special is one of our founding principals, i think is fascist, totally fashion is. um,
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i think this um the student protests just bringing out what america was is underneath and yeah, and i'm horrified. i'm horrified, many voices in mainstream media simply do not view these protests as legitimate. they say this is not what freedom of speech in the american constitution is intended to protect. college students incumbents of spreading and serve as a blatant illustration of the maturity of this entitled generation of college students now support for the students. the mid the crackdown has been wide spread with religious groups, community organizations, and civil liberties. watch dogs all say these students have the right to continue their protest. we commend the students who are exercising their right to protest peacefully despite an overwhelming that's most fear of pressure, intimidation, and retaliation. to raise awareness about israel so solved on gaza with the u. s. weapons and funding, it's not just the united states,
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the trend of protest is going global. canada and even european countries are now seeing encampments set up on university campuses to support gaza. one has to wonder if this will have any impact on us officials and their continued policy of what appears to be unconditional backing of the use rail. caleb mauppin, artsy, new york, despite the public outrage at home motion to interface the international criminal quotes kind of legally issue arrest warrants. the games top is way the officials boss has prime minister benjamin netanyahu cooled the very possibility of threats to, as well as rights to self defense. we do not believe that the icpc has jurisdiction over this issue. that being said, we work closely with the i c and a number of key areas. we think that they do important work, important work as it relates to ukraine, therefore, sudan. but again, on this particular incidents instance in this particular instance, i'm sorry,
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they just do not have jurisdiction. clearly this drug by the i c c is not an attempt to enforce the law. israel is not even subject to the courts do a section and it has an independent legal system that rigorously investigates all violations of the law. rather decisive c attempt is an attempt to paralyze is very ability to defend itself. well, that comes and maybe to uphold the top is really officials say the hague base tribunal could soon issue arrest warrants. interesting, lee, the white house supported a similar ethics against un as not to be posted in last year, stating that the i c. c has the rights to condemn, posted and over the ukraine, conflicts. that's the across live to mostly rounds, palma, kinetic member in the reds policy. now, many thanks for joining us. it's good to see you. so i'm just picking up on one point i just made last year the white house said that the ice easy had been dismissed the to condemn the russian presidents over the ukraine. cons today's,
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but now washington times the i c. c doesn't have a jurisdiction to investigate as well as conduct in gaza. why do you think we're seeing this different treatments of the i c. c. 's will foresee from the us uh no to both of the reasons, but they think a test is on these the fact that the a while in the conflict to and easily cause all eh, it was a kind of launch of this conflict to do a conflict on the bill says advice, a mazda is what it was, a fox, in the case, a law shaw eh, talk to the end result. so it was ultimately some, and you know, even if they had the is, and supposedly they, uh, they had a to, was there a dock so um, so there is a real difference to uh, and that may be the other cases uh,
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a quote that i see has moved towards discipline on the, on some of the states, the still states that the, the opposed is a, a, the, the conviction of the call to is unable to make it so it needs multiple of these codes. but it doesn't say that these land can, the does what the, the, the, the government, the once it is possible that the quote to decide to try to address apartment is still with chief of stuff or what the hell and then uh these people, uh, it depends on the states that they are going to be uh, uh to, to, to go to. so where plus and some of the state of the this to the board for example, us, we're not, we're not, as is probably mean is still officially. but the other states who might do that so
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well, the fact that nathan, you all save sense of it, decide that these land is no fault of the girl, is likes, but it is only when you stay here in easley. when you leave, you all depends on the state that you live. you left to the us house space also said that arrests were and some against as well with directly undermine us national security because it leaves the door. he puts the issue in words for us. politicians considering rusher is also nelson and the of the eyes that you see what would be the concerns of the case against a lot of it puts in last year. okay. and of course the, the, the defense, the, they did this contract consumed was not existing because, and very simple reason. and you know, it's a full cost shaw. no to send the weapon to wash off. so if for these as all shop, if i like to beat the mission and all your sides,
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the nothing to do with the, the manager was not part of the. it's usually case a u. s. a supportive insight in front. that's one way, more way and uh, in the immediate w way, the so if, again i see easily and find and i to the international low. then americans are part of the exactly like i must pay ethics, pay you easily inviolate to the international. know i both of the thing, i'm not both of the violation of the know done by your gosh. and do you expect a motion to take steps to prevent the i c c from thing is so what could be us actually to i'm not sure if they can do it in the sink at the fest. i am not sure that the icbc wants to do anything right now. so and i know too that the
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investigation is the, is it this page we have to remember, but we talk only about tone bills. we haven't the any 6 on the icpc. so i know to the down in this a spare hold of late, and we have to take into consideration that they are investigating this a, this conflict and the probably going to a all the 12 this is some of the products didn't get and or some of the some us lead bills and then they might shrink to make a kind of a okay, or storage place, say 5 foot must live bill. so maybe we should our store has to easily be though, so i'm not sure, but you're not there yet. we haven't build anything from the icpc and i guess it's only, i guess, i don't know if the obvious all deals it to be for both sides. no, for once, like looking at the the big picture. you know, any reason yes,
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the un system seems to have been quite effective in tackling well crises. what's your take on that trend and do you think there's room for improvement? the a deal and it was a lot. the 62 percent the wall climbs. so the road, fairfield, i'm not sure, but this is the one of the your and, but if, if it is before it, it was leveled on. the fuel case is very, very few cases before the kind book for international conviction. but they will very few. it most of the was a 3. so the last, the 7th, the, all the molded 77 deals eh, since the creation of the, of the, your, a, we, so again, not the game, but the account is eh, eh, ot,
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we saw what can i book a, we'll call i'm, it may be places and may be we off to say, i'm not the one more fee does to when, when people for the both of the knows the to the soldier, new thing is a med mental example. what all the notes that of the world they felt about the state fighting against. i'm not that's to say for example is live and see. yeah. it was last shot. and because i, i don't know they've been think about the situation. i to the state the feel going to zation fighting each other at the end of calls. eh, why hold up i, i, i saw a little bit of supposedly, well kind, so we're committed by these are in the side. but by the, by the some us side, they will cries of a d,
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r a may be able to adopt effective. maybe maybe they don't give so much people because they don't have the power to do that. but all the dual comes out of the policy. so this isn't big plant then um, what's the fault, the police, the best of both states that they want to go. i called into the intermission. i know, but sometimes it doesn't stop it. thanks for showing a visa this day. i appreciate your time. i'll see rossville not been a member of the connected to merits political policy. thank you. thank you very much. live. yeah. once denmark, to be held accountable for his participation in nato, as slides on the north african nation which killed 14 civilians in 2011. most of i also turi is needed turning in the case, challenging denmark for commuting bull crimes in libya and say that will be a huge victory if the fight actually makes it to quotes a while i, you know,
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i had the pleasure of being part of being for the show them the list to can for us, the casing. if you like, the click to descend commission, what happened was the, i think the, you know, i link them with, with the website. cool it worse as well as a couple of uh the sure. and what was tv germans? where actually do we get documentary on the civilian victims? olivia? because of the idea to find out what g. d. daniels forces air force as the delivery at back in 2011. so the 1st it came about by accident time, when the permission got out to parents, that was one of the stuff around the world. the ministry defends the danish, me see, defense could not find it anymore. and they were forced by more of the, uh, the freedom of information inside their mark. so to as low as 2 brothers actually
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what was uh, i defy and did all kinds of uh, we're making some slow progress. but the step, the one in the market self and taking the ministry's sell it to cost. and so i did a mark on that would be if we managed to get the case before a judge that we'd be using, the trick to re for us and others as well. simply because that will lead you to match the key to other countries. often the boom, the bachman diflucan in 2011, being named that the deck we had a bus carry on with the g this here, gross is and holding old was about to split the countries to call. earlier this year, the danish defense industry launched an investigation into the nato, the danish uh, force as strikes on libya more than a decade ago, according to release documents. so yeah, also the slides deadlock realize that this military could have been involved in
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civilian casualties. this is the 1st time in the country participating in the nato town painter. ouse formally be in need of a lot of good benefits, as admitted as possible involvement in civilian deaths. a reminder for you 10 countries, including 6 from you, are up to pause in nato operation unified protective, which last it's 6 months in 2011. a warning you might find the following: images disturbing account pay lead to the collapse of big adolphe raising the revolutionary data was captured by militants of the national transitional town. so lost, and as far as on the colonel's con, voice, the operation, let's see. more than a decade of instability in libya, which remains divided to this. a list of i of a tory also say is a nato has never acknowledge the consequences of it says strikes on libyan civilians. a new never admitted any single case, eh, well i, it said replace, you know,
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to the civilian assembled civilians, homes of city of libyan people. mostly were sleeping in their homes when they were tenants. never admitted that except for one case, no the bottom into flaw. one house in and somebody in june 20, 2011. and even in this case the, when i say the nature of my vision did not totally accept the responsibility and impress to get the situation. it said, you know, it was the kind of what they call quota, what collateral damage, it was, i know of a mean the weapons that destroyed the house. and that's it. so the 1st is the challenge for us and has always be careful who machine and which country did what
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when the other thing is that most of these got crazy, even when we broached them outside the issue, processed i couldn't formally talking do, and this is the i'd say it's this is you of the okay and so on. and so they just say ok, this is, this has to do with nate to go today to when we went back. nathan, why i did summer times hundreds of times over the last 15 years. you know, the 1st to 1st rejected to meet me in person nature organization process as well as then that executives, any questions that i was to about about the delivery end, the civilians get police have the rest of the 140 people in is done bull according to to cation media with union members trying to reach the city center to stay to protest despite the find on may the demonstrations, please use. take us to discuss the crowd. i own
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the the response came off, it demonstrates is begun beating law enforcement offices within provides dice and announces thousands gathered in one of the city's parks trying to reach the blocks of text in square. the area was assigned to of a massive protest against the employment as the one in 2030 representatives from all physician policies on trade union, se they intend to reach the main square. despite government restrictions and, and the indonesian capital a peaceful and a raleigh has got the thousands work as a demand thing to repair 11 on the bus and the on job creation on the admission of low wages. several demonstrates has came out to express. that's full of directly with palestine. aussies rebecca and poorly felt this report from casa, believe our party,
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the configuration of eastern trade unions and several labor union gathered as many as $6000.00 or more in yours uh, 10 troll off the capital. one card out to celebrate may be 2020 port and they wish to be able to convey their masters in front of the presidential palace. however, roles have been belong, heading through the palace or bright. now, they are marching to the other side of the town. the south of jakarta to later on gathered together at the bottom panel a cd of the purpose of this reality was to convey to maine demands, read it, and also as pioneered by the workers. the 1st one is urging the government to repeal the job creation law or known as on the pl slow which by the workers claim to be criticized for the ring. employers over work curse bit
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controversial school, also made a b work curse claim that their rights as workers has been reduced. and also their ability as workers has been shaken by this law. they also wish that the president, a lot of trouble, so beyond so will be able to hear their voices as the workers, and also to hear another demand as they are reject the practice of outsourcing, which in the country known as costs to remove, outsource a retract cheap waitress city, thanks for joining us at all. no. see international if you'd like to find out more about any of our stories then do head to all t dot com we have you covered right. that we're back in 30 minutes with plenty of the latest. see then the


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