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tv   News  RT  May 2, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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the the, the army of police officers decides on a pro policy in protest at the university of california in los angeles. as you, as a thought of these crime down on a freedom of assembly, the lead minutes arrived. also saw us directed to impress misleading commentary and report caused by the way media has classes on. so you guys who are access to the call, think reading tash may read and then call some polyps in india is general alex. so this chart skeleton is in fact a massive p r disaster for the inside, and they to pull from data to ukraine and all the way to most good times captured
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from the field for the display is trophies in the russian capital. but the storm of the gainesville georgia is national. paul amended like, is give vishal approval, controversial for an agency, the live full lot internationally news center in moscow. this is see welcome to the global news out numerous police officers a right to get, have descended upon a pro policy and robbie of the university of california in los angeles, the that i've been brought to in classes between the fuzzies, i am protest is on the campus police used starting renee's a to,
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to disperse the clouds of insides, processes the site is many of them students are the of us, the have been calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza that have been the allegations that the united states close ally is, has been to missing date aside against a policy and people in gaza. the president you see, are they reported that some codes, this is what engine pro class the everybody's either upset either with its own of costs. the us with a major local put being new york city dinosaur, a former professor of the university of new york, was arrested during one of those protests. and he spoke about how he was detained and how the mass of media and the goal. that's fine to stigmatize the process. now these live images the coming to you here on your screen, son with taking that just to give you a round up of what's been going on. how does of,
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how much is please to send it onto the campus of the university of california at los angeles. that is off, the doctors fell on wednesday. so if i were to fill out a pro, policy and protests come, how the demo is many way the traditional pasting stubs also its on to disclose diverse, we will not stop, we will not rest and free free power. so i'm, you may be able to hear those talks now in the background of these demos sizes and happened, of course, not in the u. s. u c, l, a, but also new york city. these are the stations happening all across the country. really, the young people of the united states are not happy with what's going on in as well, and uh, making of the stones the coolest, giving you any updates throughout the day. if things do get worse to
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the right is police from the n y p. along with n y pd helicopters and drones. just saying that upon us at columbia university in that city college of new york, hundreds and hundreds of riot police surrounding us professors and students in cross for around 5 hours. we were held overnight at one of these applies of many sustains differing injuries just in this year. for believing that palestinians have a right to the life and self determination. i received many, many death threats and been dogs has been censored by social media has been shut down. i've been fired now arrested. so this is the quote unquote
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democratic west where they can revise incense or is because uh we believe that all human beings are we, we say we're against the genocide. they say we're anti jewish. we say that we want peace, we want house the indians to have the right to exist to, to build their own nation. a. m s n b c, cnn. and fox said they were anti semitic. is no hatred of jewish people, this hatred of genocide, this history of colonized, asia, is hatred of any quality this hatred of a part time. this he should have asked me close. everything that is real stands for design is me, is trying to establish a monopoly, a dictatorship over what it means to be jewish. and that's why they're webinar miss using this is totally bogus. missed definition of
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anti semitism. that's the true intended effect is a general election is ongoing and our special public, though the decisive voting in elizabeth pub to this country. so it's about the, the, the general election is the 1st full, the dispute in tash may or region, since it special all told me, at least i just was arrested in it in 20. 19. catherine is a disputed area paid by india as well as neighboring pockets on, on china. they mean government decided through the special states is off the trash is loop. progress on a fault has resulted in dozens of middle military casualties on both sides. the
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problem is, was also shaken by side with this protest, but what we're ended by in the law enforcement and more recent news caching has become increasingly stable with local residents, starting to balance instead of bottles. of course. so the rooms in the shop looks at the car voting in the region of the gosh, mute haven't or no, gosh me also, what is the most militarized zooms in the gold? have lumina focal point, due to political tensions? you know this 2019 the marine, the more the government stick, a boat decision that drivel very did across the nation and the world obligation of all to go 370 and for the 1st time since john, one gosh mute is 14 pop. how about a job? we people want the elections both at central and local levels. we want to vote,
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we want to express ourselves through voting log on to the next sensor. if all the wills with this election, we will see a changing customer here. that's what we want. that's what we expect. does a 1000000 region has been a flash point between india? i'm focused on since 1947. gosh me was enjoy the special stages of independence in most areas, accept defense, external affairs and communications. 5 years ago, during the multi built 70 years of history and took direct control of the state, official ment of his elect, donald trump is most during his trauma and images nationally. but the valley is not to be to be strong cold. there contesting only 3 of the 5 of them and receipts hills came to the beach if he has no ground in cost me a. they have not filed candidates because they know they will get nothing to go by jump on to go 370 was our identity. they took it away, they betrayed us. the contests here is essentially a month, 3 regional bodies, b,
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b, j, k, a, b, and c. i speak with the national conference looks about by a run candidate from so you know, they're going to do in c elections of taking place in the 1st time. because human, this is happening of the 2019 and the decisions that were taken on august 2005, 2019 august i 2019 the anti f shape of doing crush me most politically. and constitutionally, that will change on august size has deep effects, not in the only into functioning of the state. looking at the psyche of the people of doing crush me. we have the sentiment that this is not. we use this no to why we actually due to the union of the year. we exceeded the on certain principals and we excited for it. don't know if certain constitution getting things and democratic
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rights and all those principles will open on that day. the dignity that the people have to move quickly to the constitution of india that enjoy was smashed the democratic rights of the people because we will smash the status of the state of georgia wide. and all this happened to be dealt with and visual difficulty because we and the process was completed on democratic unconstitutional. so this is the 1st opportunity for the people of human human crush me to express to the means of democracy. that opinion about those visions. and i believe that people are doing cuz we do not subscribe to that. those decisions, this historical elect door landscape in india's only muslim majority and state. is it going dest not to marry a valid spot of identity of years of conflict? and overall to go 370 in the last few years,
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millions of to was have look back into the valley, making the livelihoods of the local visa and their wallet stack to wood. with this one neil sound again, there's also a lingering sense of loss bought. it's a waiting game loss versus gain data suggests the low down stone felting. a few steps of incidence have gone down last degree since up to do $317.00 going to your son in law. jordan christian need also listed on some 50 films, was shot in the body, they'll steal. why should my people on my youngsters know type the same privileges as they get to another 5. so the country said what was one of them, haven't they want to send them on the property of thompson, that they did not have the luxury of what you your 71. thank you and i did sitting in jail more cost me. why? oh, i need minutes. arrived also saw us directed to impress misleading commentary and
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report to us by the way the media has classes that she was also about v r and cultural hub for him. the crash during his 1st visit to the region in march this year, the officer imposing direct, soon, leaving the muddy announced projects, split $774000000.00 to support the locals. he also bought a ham. splunk bush mino shone from a local office and literally just shaw. but one of the hopes of the industry that's been heard. but you also have militancy and honesty below and although well invested in each level of support from m and the goal and majority come. i know and the support should have gone in the properties to proper people, so that this over to engine on really sort of why in the land of leaks. no.
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capt beaks and south and for you the promise of democracy collides with the specter of conflict. as gives me what's the eyes of the world are on this trouble to barrow dies? ridge and sharma. audi srinagar 6. the several more. when said, go in, the was law just election douglas of special coverage here on the international the so what was good out? nato kinds have been a role the most go, but not in the way that perhaps the west. i thought some, i'd say conduit of the book game to ukraine is now on display in the russian capital also being captured on the by so field obviously is equal to shut off as the details. so this stage i'm standing on top of is actually the best
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in the world for uh, the united states wanted everybody to believe that well, they wanted to believe that the abrams tanks, the hard stuff. well that was until the 1st machines, the like this $1.00 to pay a just outside the town of, of dave come for many, sadly for this one that became the final voyage. and now the united states, apparently they're pulling these tanks away from the front line or rather they have the ukranian come on. do just that because they couldn't face the challenge of a simple come because the drone, some trophies here, mangled, others carry marius scratch. but every one of them carries the flag the come see that manufactured them. in the bold statements, nature was selling the equipment as an absolute game changer for ukraine. the united states will be sending $31.00 a room tax to ukraine. the equivalent of one you currently battalion savings tanks
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are the most capable tanks in the world. look, when it comes to the abrams tank, and we've said we're going to continue to talk to the cranes about their needs and we're going to wear and continue to meet them as best we can. and we'll do that. the abrams is a, a powerful system. there's no doubt about it, but this charge skeleton is in fact a massive part as us to for the inside and they to block. because as i'm standing amid this graveyard of game changes, it's easy to see why the alliance was so reluctant to provide its equipment to ukraine. because, well, this is actually yet another pinnacle of nato military engineering. this is a, a german made lip, a tank, and one of its new a modifications. the 2, a $61.00. the ad, it is here, a reminder that all these tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, um and personnel carriers. they did not live up to the expectation before the
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conflict in ukraine broke out. russia knows what it's doing here. a bold message in the heart of the exhibits office, the invoice of the us, britain, germany, france, and the poland. a v i. p pos, to skip the line, and visit the exhibition. so as an interesting fact, some nato equipment that was provided to ukraine is not here. no, because it is so invincible. but rather because it was simply an cord literally on fits for the ukrainian battle field. the challenge it to prioritize is the gun protection, so it's not with foss, this tank out there, but it is one of the most powerful claims to have the record for the longest range of killing destroying another time. just this challenge is full admittedly precise. actually, they've had real problems with it, and you crane because of its lability as though this world with 2 era mazda onto
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tank, gun sub nazi germany, and his infantry fighting vehicle, mazda service, ukraine, whatever you give key of will burn is not the only message of russia, he's sending him makers done a reporting for most cool, odd c. maywell. poland has been shaken wide protests of probably the people gathered in the national capital to speak out against countries. lindsay support the place, the demo also the rectory good on the condition or assistance the key. they said the great need to add those, all the real enemies protest as much. most of the old time cooling for peace carrying out of the said quote, this is not our own warm showed up to believe. see now that the site is have sold, the gate to georgia is national parliament. the protest ruptured as the sold for
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the agent still receive additional approval. lawmakers the, the legislation practically mirrors a us. no, it would require india and media outlets to register if they receive income from abroad. but unlike the american policy and georgia inversion does not stipulate in jail inside for infractions earlier this week, a radi supporting the bill was held in the capital to busy top. georgia and politicians said the measures were needed to prevent western powers. looked into the country a little bit of game or time,
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or there has been several political minority protest actions in recent weeks. those rallies in our meetings today differ in one main principle. those rallies were held in a spirit of slavery. those rallies were held under the slogan, we will become a member of the european union at the expense of sovereignty, independence, and traditional values. these people did not understand one thing. if the plague i e radical opposition, n g o's and their patrons take away sovereignty, independence and values. then in this case, both the european union and the entire country will be left behind for the west, georgia and ukraine, or like cannon fodder. the push georgia against russia back in 2008, and in 20142022. they put in ukraine and even worse situation. the main reason for the aggression of the global war party against georgia is that despite
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great efforts, they failed to turn it into a 2nd front which could have been achieved if their agency had been in the georgia government. that's why it was so was from politicians protest, been ranging with practice in devon sizes and police, local journalist, victoria mac. so you have a sense of this people from about the the, the. 7 the, [000:00:00;00]
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the using
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the, the process is this month old security versus i'm attempting to break into jordan paul and then build it to $63.00. and people were detained on tuesday nights. that's taxes clashed with today's we've got whole, literally just costs more updates. opinions and analysis of the websites pod seems stuck on the so many times as well as a border crossing. all of the nolan aids of the gauze of civil wednesday trucks with a supplies were allowed to pass through the check, but the move came off to the us, the money, the israel do more to address the lessening humanitarian crisis to us live. now to tease middle east and bureau chief, maria for not to just come now these were a border with because i've already that to see maria,
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what more can you tell us about the boat across the and how vive to be there. yeah. hello to you. we're a did on the roads to the air is crossing a vital link between israel and the northern part of gaza after 7 months. it is finally re open. now that's after the us secretary of state. so that's what is rarely liter shape rates or anything that's human. terry and assistance to guidance must be increased. lincoln isn't as well for the 7th time since the worrying guys are started last october. and this current reason can just about to months off the american president joe biden issued a blatant warning to prime minister netanyahu say washington's policy could shift. if israel fails to take steps to avoid civilian deaths and address humanitarians suffering. it is expected that some such a trucks will be able to and to gaza through this crossing,
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carrying medical supplies from jordan, how, wherever it's, i'm certain how much this will alleviate the doris situation in the gaza. where the un reports widespread food and water shortages affecting everyone in the population of over 2000000. while this age may help those in guys a c t, we hear that it is estimated at around 200000 people are currently there. the raw of course, logistical challenges in reaching remote areas where most of guys is stay. so thinking about all land roads, despite the recent increase, it is still way below the pre war level of $500.00 trucks. daily needed to meet guys as demands. safe concerns arise as well, and it has been less than 24 hours. says air is reopening and we already hear from blinking. and it really officials that they can know its guarantees,
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saves distribution of aid, say how mosque may blockades. oh hi jack. could we hear different concerns from jordanians? they are saying that they say through air is the country's foreign ministry. he complains that to be a human is hearing vehicles were attacked by is really activists opposing human who's here in a to be sent to guys. and before him, us release is 133 hostages, held in captivity industry for 7 months. the jordanian government condemns the incident saying is really, authorities are fully responsible for ensuring the protection of a convoys and international organizations as well. so again, it remains unclear unfortunately how these developments will impact the situation on the ground. and guys are we have to wait and see back to you. yeah, maria, you mentioned the us side of the state as even in canada. he also said what it was a, until it was about the moving is ready. grandma peroration and rafa. what more can you tell us about the,
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the following day blooming rustling invasion has been another burning issue on the agenda during the lincoln's visit to raise ro, washington has repeatedly made it clear. it will not support these rails large scale operation in a densely populated southern city of gaza while on his middle listing for the us secretary of state. we're in the game again, let's say commission on roof itself. looks our position is, is clear, it hasn't changed. it won't change, we cannot, will not support a major military operation and rough absence. an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harmed and know we have not seen such a plan. and at the same time, there are other ways and in our judgment, better ways of dealing with the re, the, the real ongoing challenges from us fair there are that in washington will not stop
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this room that has been saying for weeks that's rough or operation is eminence the idea of has completed preparations, we here and is now waiting for the decision of the government earlier and that then . yeah, who said israel will answer rough, but regardless of whether the reason exchange deal with him us or not to eliminate the last battalions of the militant group and to destroy the tunnel system that is real believes enables militants to replenish their supplies. un has already warned, it would be a catastrophe. locals and guys, i'm fearful. let's take a listen. the people who are looking for places to seek refuge away from these really invasion, but the real fear for the displaced is that there is no safe place in the gaza strip north, south, east and west, unless the war stops permanently above on the coast, we were afraid but god winning, that will be a solution before the invasion begins. gotten in the upper level,
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the people go off. everyone is in rough. uh, and roughly is full and you can see the overpopulation from the people displaced from the north. the bottom. where did they go to them and a lot of that noise soon as we are very scared, that the amy moment there will be an invasion of for alpha. and even if the invasion happens, we do not know where to go. there is no safe space left. i have a child and i don't know where to take him. because i know the voice is that's and it's, and the whole listens to. these really prime minister now finds himself between a rock and a hard place without that. there is pressure from within is row with the reeds families as well as hawkish is really politicians like bend. we're on small threats origin. the government's to invade draw for from the other hand, the res, washington and international community, of course, warning against the invasion. the next few days i have to say will be crucial and the funds will update us all to them at least bureau if you read the national
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thanks again. here's the example. what unless in yahoo, our neighbors, i'm back and gaza. i've seen a bus that attended easier totalsource the thank you so much for your time, mister ambassador, for russia to day, for us to be able to talk about not only the relationship between indonesia and palestine, but also to talk about the global community. i'm, it's the ongoing conflict right now. but let's begin with how do you describe the relationship between indonesia and palestine?
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relationship between but aside and indonesia is not from today of all since october, 7th, october, as long cost to me from the beginning. and we know that the sedation, it's deb id is developed one and keesing from feed to feed. because indonesia, if they believe in new material and you know, as well as they believe how the piece should be implemented. if the way this is likely out of message from all patients in this country where i met with already, i wish to discuss with them. this is


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