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tv   News  RT  May 2, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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billions, react the cost me, i mean militarized. connected to impress, misleading, caused by the way the media has r t it gets rare access to the conflict written cast me a region is local track. the pallet to the india is general election also ahead the police detain thousands of public opinion. demonstrate this at the university of california, and that's us, the us house of representatives approve and not to send them a web as built, which will make it harder for protested to pull out these roles to college.
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and remembering the paid a decade ago today, almost 50 people what burned to live, and they solve any credence with you of with best that of the video post, the cooling, kia ross, you about the paper tray just will be to adjust the kind of a welcome to archie to national. i a michael, quite you up with the latest that we start this program with the wells biggest democratic exercise, and our special coverage of india is general election. the or miss general, the last of mazda the 1st for the dispute. it cost me a region sense of special a ton of autonomy. status was rescinded in 2019 trust me i is. the disputed area
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claimed why india as well as neighboring pakistan. and china of the indian got been stripped. the tower threw up a special status after the process with the pakistani forces resulted in thousands of many feet. casualties on both sides of the province was awfully shaken by separate is to protest. but the more recent years locals of tons to ballots, instead of baffled as allergies, rooms and shop are reports the the gosh me, you haven't or no, gosh me old. so what is the most militarized zooms in the world? have lumina focus going, due to political attentions in august 2019 the marine demonte government stick, a board decision that drivel bridge it across the nation, and the world obligation of all to go 370. and for the 1st time since john,
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one gosh, mute is 14. cooperate, how about adult? we people want the elections both at central and local levels. we want to vote, we want to express ourselves through voting next sensor. if all the wills with this election, we will see a changing customer here. that's what we want. not so what we expect, does a 1000000 region has been a flash point? would we need to? i'm focused on since 1947. gosh, me was enjoy the special stages of independence in most areas except defense, external files and communications. 5 years ago, during the more the build 70 years of history and took direct control of the state of flu supplement of his elect, donald traumas, bolstering his strong mind. image nice valley, but the valley is not to be to be strong cord. there contesting only 3 of the 5 bottom and 3 seats hill came to the beach if he has no ground in cost me a. they have not filed candidates because they know he'll get nothing to go by jump
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on to go 370 was our identity. they took that away, they betrayed us. the point us here is essentially among 3 regional bodies, b, b, j, k, a, b, and c. i speak with the national conference looks about by a run candidate from so you know, the constituency elections for style because human. this is happening of 2019 and the decisions that were taken on august 2005, 2090 august side, 2019. the entire shape of doing crush me most politically. and constitutionally, that will change on august size has the prefix norton, the only in the functioning of the state, looked into the psyche of the people, loved him when crush me, we have the sentiment that this is not we. that's not why we actually due to the
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union of the year. we exceeded off on certain principles and we excited for it on of certain constitution guarantees and democratic rights. and all those principles will open on that day, the dignity that the people have to move quickly to the constitution of india that they enjoyed or smashed the democratic rights of the people. because we recognize the status of the state of georgia. she was the very difficult to do, i did. and all this happen without the really and visual difficulty because we and the process was completely on democratic unconstitutional. so this is the 1st opportunity for the people of human human crush me to express to the means of democracy. that opinion about those visions and i believe that people are doing because we do not subscribe to that. those decisions, this historical elect door landscape in india as only muslim majority state, is it going dest not to marry a valid, but of identity of years of conflict,
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and of all to go 370 in the last few years, millions of to was, have look back into the valley, making the livelihoods of the local visa, and there will it start to would with this neil sound again, there's also a lingering sense of loss bought. it's a waiting game loss versus gain. data suggests up low down, stone felting go. a few steps of incidence have gone down last degree since i want to go $370.00 going to do your son in law. jordan christian needles lifted on some 50 films was shot in the body last year. why should my people on my youngsters north have the same privileges as they get to know the 5. so the country said one was one of them having they want to send him on probably a laptop for that they did not have the luxury of what you use and we're like you
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and i did sitting in jail more, it would cost me why? oh i leaving it arrived. also saw us directed to impress misleading commentary and report to us by the way the media has classes that she was also about beauty, art and culture hub for handicrafts during his 1st visit to the region in march this yard off to the imposing direct soon the reading the movie announced projects, split $774000000.00 to support locals. he also bought a ham, splunk brush mino shown from a local office and literally just show, but one the hopes of the industry that's been heard. but you also have militancy on, on stay below and although well invested in each of the level of support from m indigo and majority come, i know and the support should have gone in the property to
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proper people. so that this or the engine or when sort of why in the land of leaks. no. capt beaks and south from fields the promise of democracy collides with the spectre of conflict. as christian meet. what's the eyes of the world are on this trouble to barrow dies? origin sharma, audi srinagar to now with a several more weeks to go with the will as largest selection. don't miss aust special coverage here in our team to national the and head into the united states. now there's been a dramatic turn of events that one of the campus protests in the united states after police moved in to break up the demonstration at the university of california . the
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now dozens of pro palestinian demonstrators were detained while the ports claimed that the professor was also arrested. and the additional police units were dispatched to the sides of the demonstrations overnight. authorities of order the protest as to leave threatening more arrests. if the disobey now office has moved in and into one of the campus buildings after the students, the defied an early order to leave. now this for good shows how the demonstrate does have set of barricades as the prepared to hold the grounds that the students will, will masks to protect themselves from tear gas and pepper spray. people have been the massing on side for days. now the pro palestinian riley's have broken out of several universities across the united states with a major focal point to being in new york city. now the demonstrators have been
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calling for an immediate cease fire in gaza. they also claim usual has been committing genocide against the people that are many, all the standards between police and protest as a board over into violence. wow . the now the protests come as the us house of representatives approved and, and just submitted the awareness acts on wednesday, the law, which would mean any one carrying signs for clean the usual guilty of genocide. and
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so one would amount to, to submit to them. meanwhile, on the east coast that i saw a former professor of the city university of new york was also arrested during a similar demonstration, he spoke out about how he was detained and how the american media and the government. i trying to stigmatize the protest movement of the riot police from the n y p d. along with n y, p, d. helicopters and drones descended upon us a columbia university in that city college of new york. hundreds and hundreds of riot police surrounding us professors and students who were hand costs for around 5 hours. we were held overnight at one police plaza, many sustained different injuries just and this year. for believing that palestinians have
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a right to dig into the life and self determination. i received many, many death threats and been docs has been censored by social media has been shut down. i've been fired and now arrested. so this is the quote unquote democratic west where they can brutalize us incense or us just because we believe that all human beings are we, we say we're against the genocide. they say we're anti jewish. we say that we want peace. we want palestinians to have the right to exist, to, to build their own nation. a. m s. n b c, cnn, fox said they were anti semitic. there's no hatred of jewish people this hatred of genocide, this hatred of colonization, this hatred of any quality is hatred of a part time. these hatred have asked me questions and everything that is real
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stands for design is trying to establish a monopoly, a dictatorship over what it means to be jewish. and that's why they're weaponized miss using this is totally bogus miss definition of anti semitism. that's the true intended effect, a residential biden's as they can a swipe, parts of russia, china, india, and japan say the very economies, a training in the americas wake as the full, the us president. the reason is clear. one of the reasons why our economy is growing is because of you and many others. why? because we welcome immigrants. why is china stolen so badly economically? why is japan having trouble was russia? was india because they're seeing a public, they don't want immigrants, immigrants what makes us strong. while they seem as the us public doesn't quite
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share biden's optimistic outlook. latest po, show americans believe that the presidents done more harm than good for both the economy and immigration. during his tenure in the white house, consumer confidence fell last month to its lowest level in more than one and a half years. a republican congresswoman says that the publics reaching breaking point at over $34.00 trillion dollars in debt with millions and millions of people invading our country and economy that i don't even know how is staying afloat. because every business owner, i know has been suffering americans do that, want to spend their hard earned tax dollars to find the murder in killing in foreign countries or fed up with it and they're screaming it as loud as they possibly can. the president is rose tinted of the company economy contrasts with full costs by the international monitor fund, which predicts a slowing growth rate. while one of the major global ratings agencies of faith has
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caught in assess assessment for the us from the top level of triple a. to double a plus the i m. s again says the us economy will not be able to sustain current levels of production for much longer or warranty cannot make outlook shows the global economy converging back to a rather weak trend rate of growth. yes. do you use e, the us economy still looks like it is firing on all cylinders, but that is likely to last for more on this less press live to our to contribute to college college. good to have you join me now. that barton has closed out the court tail countries and who's combined population is over 3 being young people as being xenophobic and claiming that this, that sentiment is why the a training us to cut on because he, what is your thoughts on that claim?
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well, by the end is a perfect example of us the lead starting to believe their old propaganda. when he said, try to install him so badly economically work. coffee about china that just grew by or into percentage g. d p in 2023 compared to the real g d p growth of 2.5 percent in the united states. so china grows twice as fast as united states in 2023 ad. if china is sol, how do we battery, where is united states any you do not us growth is only half of china's atkins, clearly defined and is speaking either from data or nor from reality and look at the surveys of so inducted of people around the world optimism survey in china in 202376 percent of the chinese people surveys said they,
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they are optimistic about their future compare to fit only 51 percent for the united states. so vast majority of the chinese believes are life are getting better and better. and i guess not many americans today shares the same view. of course not so many people set up here because ross, it has overtaking jet and germany as the biggest academy in europe. india has grown more than about 7 percent, and so i wonder what he's talking about. but previously why didn't said that india is the wells biggest democracy in a grid all why? why do you think he has changed his turn now? well, barton politician. ready which means he was big, we will change is too, depending on the audience he's speaking. right. he is speaking to a us domestic audience who didn't expect to have too many knowledge about the world . and you know, maybe he believes that people actually being full price rhetoric is that the fact
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that is the china united states is not welcoming to immigrants at this point. us actually as the so called china initiative, which prosecute chinese scientists and researchers or across the chinese american universities. this is one of the issue of, you know, many chinese academics they're facing right now in the us. many of their choosing to leave the us and go back to china. so what, what biden is saying is, couldn't be further from the truth. now how, how do you know saying the us citizens view his comments that the great state of the united states economy is due to the influx of migrants considering the open solving border. now they're requiring vast resources to be spend on the housing feeding at the funding, the new commas. i mean forwarding installation that whole as well, at least 50 person at least 5 for the electorate. bali disagree was by
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because you know, the date, those are, they either are related or it will be voting for trauma in the coming election and buying. right now. a lot of is rhetoric is. ready position in the context of the common election binding is desperately trying to win re election, so he has to paint the picture as rosy as possible, even if it's contrary to the wrong reality. now what's your overall allows the con, the current state of american economy and his future taking into account the i am a full cost and the us credit rating. taking a step down to double a pulse from triple a. well, of last year's data, you know, when us economy grow 2.5 percent, everything looks good on paper. but my problem, my personal contact with my friends in us right now. now all of them are fielding,
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the effect of the trickle down economy novel or the feeling they of they're, they're doing better than before. again, you know, a lot of because a lot of the, well, the resulting for the economic growth is pre approved for one percent. in the united states, it's to the people like jeff bays or yellow mice, not the average working class americans. but so, so you know, despite the rosy picture that by right means painting. um, i don't think she can't convince many people, you know you can't fool some people. ready some of the time you're not going to be able to, for all the people all the time, word word them a say we have to leave you here now are to contribute to college. john, thank you for joining us right now. a. thank you. but most coast labs but ukrainian nationalists who carried out a deadly austin attack in odessa,
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exactly 10 years. a good today will be brought to justice. almost 50 people were killed when the trade union building that were dropped inside was set on fire to day remembering the victims of the bloody massacre in augusta. we believe that sooner or later, every perpetrator and mastermind of this barbaric crime which has no statue of limitations will face justice. we believe that it will not be long before just the will cost of the oppression of the present day by the rights and become a truly free city where people of different nationalities will live in peace and harmony of a speaker. all the rocks in the senate has called for a war crime tribunal against the key of a forward a is pledging. it would include the odessa austin, the type are to steve sweeney, has been looking back at the grim events of that day. i maybe 50 people at the end of life by fall while you create new false is immune. so if i do union house massacre, the
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nobody is being held accountable survivors and the families of the victims fight for justice. despite it being like from day one who was responsible wasn't was going to send it to you. once shudders at the memories of the terrible tragedy in odessa, where peaceful protestors were brutally murdered and burned to live in the house of trade unions. the criminals who committed that atrocity have never been punished and no one is even looking for them. but we know their names and we will do everything to punish them, find them and bring them to justice. effect the only people that are being charged so full of those who were attacked. we used the do a good the stairs video footage on the subject available to everyone. we know the names of those who shot at people jumping from the burning building. the grant and
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the soldiers have opened the criminal case against those who were burned by the entire world community stenciled. we progressively minded following the u. s. lead has shown no interest in the situation at all. a just moment saw through us by my crew, which will fit the cranium present, 100 foot bust into a desk of the night before. come from those who protest body, which will support this body to join the provocative mulch. you will probably be reviewing the wrench in the, in april and even earlier, begin to send through people through the recreation center this and that's only him near a desk. there were a lot of them, there were a lot of them in the adult in odessa, they were there by the hundreds ends at oca. there were about 300 people at one of the basis. but they were already preparing an alteration to shut the miles of people in odessa. it happened because this operation was planned by the as blue. they decided to teach a desk, a lesson to shut us up and make example of
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a desktop and to show you green, who's the boss and the house pro kept forth. is that a lot of times as an incumbent, driving pro russians interview with us. if i do union building, the police will not merely prosecute bystanders. they will film 5 of the guns into the union building. many were trapped inside, as crowds below shante, the boat and colorado burn a reference to the pro russian colors of the ribbons. being by some of the protest is the of the for a total through the building. ukrainian national anthem was sung by those just gathered outside. for one thing, the front people that's like burned to death, the nazi of a slogan slobber. you creamy, which is now used by kids west and supporters, was shuttled to those people were dying inside the building, which was told with swastikas. good. my point is that it wasn't just us big station in the building. many people were killed with a head shot. this was not an investigation, but a travesty of an investigation. it was all about drawing this investigation in
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a puddle of lice. and i'm to, they said they were looking for consensus. so were you looking for consensus or were you looking for the truth? they were saying that they had no data that there were deaths. do you do outside interference? no one has been held accountable for the atrocities. right? sec, the statements ro, yas, who's organization probably responsibility for culminating the attack. even became a candidate for the crate, the presidency unlike to an m p. he was never investigated by you quite a need also or to use, i think was not alone. bravo odessa, let these devils burn in hell. this day when down in history, colorado stockpiles illuminated alexa going, feeling co policy me with this, a protest was late to elected to the council of you. it's paul elementary assembly . these are the so called democrats, sparked by the west pro careful see to seek to raise the vent from memory
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a new cranes west and backers of all so as to what the down play, the role of fall, right? ukrainian falls is cool. so i kind of draw attention to the masika or who is responsible to do so it would blow a major holding the narrative that the owner fos, you just told me you're not using ukraine, which site you have is a beacon of freedom and democracy. the victims are being lost if it goes in by the west sacrifice of poems in its proxy war against russia under bond. and by those who claim just uninstalled, a diamond st with the people of you crying, this is the security group. ukraine is it service state that has taken its entire population hostage? there is no free crane. that's for sure. 100 percent. i have talked to many from the o. s. c e. one person told me that there is little hope that any one will do anything . so the only hope is if the military operation ends up a split and some good, the solar money advisory people gather the red squire in moscow to honor the memory
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of the victims. of the massacre, some she of the impacts the tragedies had on their lives. the tragedy in odessa was like a reboot to me. all previous life was gone and we started living. and then the reality that was created by certain circles, reality of death, blood tragedy. now we're doing everything so these people, if you can even call them dads punished and history, remember, saw friends who lost their lives in odessa or that symbol come back home with when so me me. the 2nd is probably the worst day of my life because i've seen it with my own eyes. we tried to talk with them. i dont authority days, but we didn't think it would lead to such a tragedy. we didn't think they would stop killing in such a happy and peaceful city like a desa even 10 years later, it is hard to fight them. and today we have come to pay tribute to our full in
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friends, victims of the atrocities committed by the ukrainian nancy authorities. the pain again subside, but the burn marks on our souls will stay forever. and to the middle east now, it was hoped could be a significant move to help alleviate the suffering of people in gaza as well as open the border. crossing on the northern edge. all the enclave trots packed with a and have already begun to pass through. the move came after the us demanded more was done to address the worst thing community or in crisis. archie is more of an option i sent in this report. after 7 months it is finally re open now that's off to the us secretary of state. so that's what is rarely leader of shape rates are ranging that too many terry and assistance to guidance must be increased. blinking isn't as well for the 7th time since the worrying guys are started last october and this current fees, it comes just about
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a month. softer american president joe biden issued a blatant warning to prime minister in his, in the whole se washington's policy could shift. if israel fails to take steps to avoid civilian deaths and dress humanitarian suffering, it is expected that some states rugs will be able to attend to gaza. throw this crossing, carrying medical supplies from jordan wherever. it's on certain how much this will lead vidarres situation in the guise of where the un reports widespread food and water shortage is affecting everyone in the population of over 2000000. we're different concerns from jordanians. they are saying the way through air is the country's foreign ministry. he complains that to be a human and tyrann vehicles were attacked by is really activists. the jordan young governments condemned. the incident saying is really full, which is a fully responsible for ensuring the protection of a convoys and international organizations as well. blooming roughly invasion has
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been another burning issue on the agenda. during the lincoln's visit to raise ro, washington has repeatedly made it clear. it will not support his real large scale operation in a densely populated southern city of gaza. while on his middle listing for the secretary of state were in the game. again, let's say commission on roof itself looks our position is, is clear, it hasn't changed. it won't change, we cannot, will not support a major military operation. in rafa, absent an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harmed and no, we have not seen such a plan. and at the same time, there are other ways and in our judgment, better ways of dealing with they re, the, the real ongoing challenge of them. us fair as they are, that's washington will not be able to stop is around that has been said for week.


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