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tv   News  RT  May 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the the police detain thousands of pro palestinian demonstrators at the university of california, and that's as the us house of representatives, the tools and anti semitism awareness build, which will make it harder for before protested to call out these roles, brutality remarks to us. it illustrates once again, the kind of political space that has been given in the country and canada to separatism, extremism, india and canada lock horns after auto like jesus and you'd valley of carrying out
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the political absence of nation on its toil, in the fires back, say kind of does become a hot bed for 2 separate isn't an extremism remembering the pain a decade ago today, almost 50 people with burned to live in this problem, the through density of with desa, after they oppose the 2 in p. it russia of thousands of preparatory tests will be brought to justice, the kind of the welcome to arch international reaching. you live for my new center in moscow. i a micro question with the updates. now there's been a dramatic turn of events at one of the campus protests to the united states of the police moved in to try to break up the demonstrations at the university of california. the
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now dozens of pro palestinian demonstrators where detain, wild reports claimed the protest. the professor was also arrested. the additional police units were dispatched to a vera's campus demonstration sites overnight or forward use of order to protest this to leave threatening the more arrest event. disobey the officer has moved in and entered one of the campus buildings after the students defied an area order to leave. now, best foot that shows how the demonstrate does have set of barricades as they prepared to hold the ground, that the students will masks to protect themselves from the gas and pepper spray typically have been the massing on side for days. now the pro publish team in raleigh is a broker. now that universities all across the united states with a major focal point being a new york city. now the demonstrators have been calling for an immediate cease fire and gas that they also claim that ease will,
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has been committing genocide. many of us found us between police and protest as a board over into valid wow. the . now one of the protests organize as you c l e alumni. ron gorgeous, took us through help with these personally cropped down on the peaceful l. a demonstration. here in los angeles, at the university of southern california usc about 93 students were arrested on the 1st day of the student protests this morning. early this morning,
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more than 100 students were arrested at u. c. l. a. where the police came in and violently attacking the students, pepper the pepper spray the students and arresting them even though yesterday about 24 hours before the students were brutally beaten by a mob of fascist zionist attackers. we use weapons against them who use torture tactics against them and not one person was arrested for attacking the student protests, sisters. but this morning, like i said, more than 100 students were arrested. they were not being violent. they were simply indian counting in terms of defending count, meant to continue to demand that you see how they stopped investing in dead stop giving their money to support the genocide being committed by israel. the students are steadfast, the students are now getting up and they have community support. you know, i'm an alumni, i'm a proud alumni, b, c, l a. and we've been going out there to see it to support the students. because a lot of the people who are attacking the students,
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they're not students that you see of a, their grown people, their zion, is that people from organizations that are fashioned organizations for planning and coordinating to attack the students. so those of us were community members and blocked the community organizations. we're also going to support the students to, to get money who any, anything we can to support the suitable. and so the process will continue at u. c. l. a. and many universities throughout the country just yesterday or may day, may 1st more university started their, their camps. so this is something that's going to continue across the country. it's, we're not going to stop at the spot. many julie students being taking part in the pro policy then demonstrations across the america, us president do body and his address the protest. same of the united states is not a place blonde to submit to the. so we are not in a far terry nation where we silence people are squashed to say the american people are heard. let's be clear about this as well. there should be no place on any campus,
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no place in america for anti semitism or threats of violence against jewish students . either protests. com mass, the us house of representatives approved on august separatism awareness act on a wednesday. it still needs to be passed by congress and the, the president of the act which, which would, why didn't the definition of what i just said. that as an, as with some claim, it's on the attempt to stamp out criticism of easily, atrocities wrong good. as again says that the protest as are against on to semitism themselves and have jewish people among their rugs us. we don't want anyone to be anti semitic. and a lot of our brothers and sisters, jewish brothers and sisters are envying companies across the country. many of the largest protests in the united states against the genocide, had been led by a courageous, jewish brothers and sisters. so this is not an issue, and for some it isn't. this isn't it. this is an attempt by the us government to complete the to, to confuse the public and to make it seem that anyone who criticizes israel is anti semitic,
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that is back to not be further from the truth. they are hundreds of thousands of people inside of israel today, protesting against terrorism. then yahoo, org, demanding that he's step down from power. so they in israel are protesting against the government in israel. they're protesting against the genocide in israel. they are protesting the occupation of palestine. so unless the u. s. government wants to go say that those rallies are also anti semitic. well that's, that's their problem. but we know that we are not. and for somebody, we stand shoulder to shoulder with a jewish brothers and sisters or fighting against the occupation or fighting against genocide. and so if there is anyone who would anti semitic, who just hates jewish people, we would never work with someone like that because those type of people would hate us to as a latin american. they would hate me as well. and so, so to say that, that our movements have anything to do an anti semitism is completely and absolutely wrong. and, and we did notice that stop while washington suggests it's
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a role module for democracy and free speech suggesting it knows best how to tackle domestic protests. the white house is like to georgia on how it's treating the demonstrators in, into police, the over a so called for and the agents bill and the u. u has chimed in as well more and that story coming up later when the peer gap a war of words has erupt between new dally and all tyler over the death of a sick separatist leader with a canadian citizenship. prime minister adjusted intruders accused the indian government of carrying out a political assassination. and that prompted an angry response from new delhi in that in which i had you prime minister to those remarks. he has made those remarks, certainly it as well. so they have no, it's nothing new. his remarks to us,
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it illustrates once again the kind of political space that has been given in the country and canada to separatism, extremism and violent people who practice violence. this not only impacts india canada relations, but also encourages employment to violence and commodity in canada to the detriment of which citizens. so we also, uh you would have seen up basically that be sure that it would couldn't be how seriously these can be the concerns for this. right, let's get more on this now and cross to archie is really good charmaya who is joining us from new delhi originally. it's good to have you join me now. so tell us more about these remarks. bobby canadian prime minister has ignite this, such an angry response from india of the. so let me give you the context and timeline here on justin to do attended a call saw the event called saudi essentially is oh,
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really just the event of new york celebration of this community. this happened in toronto. so justin, so we don't was there on why he was that there was n t in the office opens that with john cindy's look for college son, silver status call us sounds in the modified just sweet song like that. it's essentially the people with that calling for industrial golf for india to be called out into a separate seek stage, cold call. this done. and to that, what just do some due date was nothing box. my, at this point is hard to believe that justin single does not understand what the people or they are saying, considering justin to do all the governments, the position, the govern government. they've been trying to do some each 100 housing, the community and justin to at that event essentially also he said some punjabi reading such as why, what did you call solve blocking,
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but did you the 1st day that's, that's a very common popular seek region used in india and by 6 elsewhere in the world as well. so if he knows the meaning of that one, what is you're in all of his time would spendings with a seed community also knows with an t. yeah. so with that being tempted to call the science opens and justin total instead of basically now being to age g. like i said, just mild. we take a listen to what he us the setup events. so obviously there are real challenges right now between canada in india, and to know that there are credible reasons to believe that the agents of the government of india were involved in the killing of a canadian citizen. i'm a canadian soil is a real problem. it's a problem for the rules based ordered and that,
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and that the principles of free open democracies and sovereignty that we stand for . its also a problem in our relations with india. the allegations of to allegations without any tools whatsoever for us, there was several call us on exactly brandon's that were held in canada and del objected, but nothing. then because justin to go back and basically it's using india, well being involved in the models is the separatist leader on the canadian. so i know to give them to now by the way, then of course the only other thing i remember count it also all key was in doubt of meddling in canadian elections. there was a kinship given to india by a canadian committee itself by doing sole dustin show door has very, very successfully damaged. it's really isn't chip with india. in fact, the canada in the mother died at this point, the very,
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very bitter and the visa and perhaps is because they'll justin to government and justin to himself at this point is coming across to someone who was very easy to deal with. that because extreme elements, as long as it is so being, is with the interest, remember, the community is a considerable bags in canada. but what justin pseudo is knoxville lies, and is that the extreme, this element, is that all going on? the canadian, so it on not only dangerous to india, but they're also dangerous to canada. i'm the was remember one of the worst terra tax in canadian history. in 1985, it's happened when a call of sony separate has often avondale being out of the 300 passengers on board, 200 of them were canadian, themselves, still by doing sole, by harbouring bye bye nothing. they seem elements sheltering them in the canadian, anyone in canada,
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what justin to do basically is doing is use indians being not only indians, but also canadians, and the people in the world. all right, we have to leave it here. now our t correspondent, route to some are bringing us up to speed. the thank you in moscow supplies, that's ukrainian nationalist who carried out a deputy austin to attack in odessa. exactly 10 years ago today were brought to justice. almost 50 people were killed when the trade union building v wed trop. inside was set on 5 today, remembering the victims of the bloody massacre in odessa. we believe that sooner or later, every perpetrator and mastermind of this barbaric crime which has no statue of limitations will face justice. we believe that it will not be long before our adjustable cost of the oppression of the present day, bend the rights and become a truly free city where people of different nationalities will live in peace and
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harmony. while the speaker of the rough insanity is called for a war crime tribunal against the key of authorities pledging, it would include the odessa austin attack artist div sweetie has been looking back at the grammy's ends of that day, or maybe 50 people at the end of life by fall while you create new policies in the best. if i do union house massacre, the nobody is being held accountable survivors and the families of the victims fight for justice. despite you being 9 from day one who was responsible wasn't was going to send it to you. once shudders at the memories of a terrible tragedy in odessa, where peaceful protestors were brutally murdered and burned to live in the house of trade unions. the criminals who committed that atrocity have never been punished
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and no one is even looking for them. but we know their names and we will do everything to punish them, find them and bring them to justice. effect the only people that are being charged so full of those who were attacked. we used the do a good to do the stairs. video footage on the subject available to everyone in the we know the names of those who shot at people jumping from the burning building. the grant and the soldiers have opened the criminal case against those who were burned by the entire world community stenciled. we progressively minded following the us lead has shown no interest in the situation at all. a just moment saw through us by my crew, which will sit the cranium present 100 foot bust into a death of the night before comfortable those who protest body, which will support this body to join the provocative mulch. and you will probably be subdued. branch of the, in april and even earlier, begin to send through people through the recreation center. this and that's only
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him near a desk. there were a lot of them. there were a lot of them in the adult in odessa. they were there by the hundreds. is a delta, there were about $300.00 people at one of the basis. but they were already preparing an alteration to shut the malls of people in odessa. it happened because this operation was planned by the as blue. they decided to teach a desk, a lesson to shut us up and make example of a desk and to show your green, who's the boss and the house pro kept forth. is that a lot of times as an incumbent, driving pro russians, individual testified, union building, the police will not merely prosecute bystanders. they will soon find him that guns into the union building. many were trapped inside his crowds below shante, the boat and colorado burned a reference to the probably russian colors of the ribbons being by some of the protest is the of the for a total through the building. ukrainian that's a lot of them was sung by this guy that outside tormenting the front people that's
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like burned to death. the nazi ever slogan, slobber you, craney, which is now use like you have the west and supporters was shuttled to those people were dying inside the building, which was filled with swastikas. good. my point is that it wasn't just a succession in the building. many people were killed with a head shot. this was not an investigation, but a travesty of an investigation. it was all about drawing this investigation in a bottle of lice and i'm to, they said they were looking for consensus. so were you looking for consensus or were you looking for the truth? they were saying that they had no data that they're what depths you do outside interference. no one has being held accountable for the atrocities. right? stick to the statement for all, yas, who's organization claim responsibility for culminating the attack even became a candidate for the quite new presidency. unlike to an m p. he was never investigated by you quite any and also, or to use, i think, was not alone. bravo,
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odessa, let these devils burn in hell this day when down in history, colorado stockpiles illuminated alexa going, feeling co policy, me what that's a protest was late to elected to the counselor of use parliamentary assembly. these are the so called democrats, sparked by the west pro care full see to seek to raise the vent from memory and you cranes west. and back as of august, i still want to down play the role of fall, right? ukrainian falls is cool. so i kind of draw attention to the message board make, who is responsible to do so it would blow a major holding the narrative that the owner fos, you just told me you're not using ukraine, which site you have is a beacon of freedom and democracy. the victims are being lost if it goes in by the west sacrifice as portions its proxy war against russia and the bond. and by those who claim just uninstalled, a diamond st with the people of ukraine,
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this is the security group. ukraine is it service state that has taken its entire population hostage? there is no hopefully grain. that's for sure. 100 percent. i have talked to many from the o. s. c e. one person told me that there is little hope that any one will do anything. so the only hope is if the military operation ends up as plans. good. the moon on the solar men advisory people gather that the red squire moscow to honor the memory of the victims of the massacre. i saw him shield the impact the tragedy has had on them removed from the the tragedy. and the desk was like a reboot to me. all previous life was gone and we started living in the reality that was created by certain circles, reality of death, blood tragedy. now we're doing everything. so these people, if you can even call them dads punished and history, remember self friends who lost their lives in odessa or the civil come back home
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with when so me me. the 2nd is probably the worst day of my life because i've seen it with my own eyes. we tried to talk with them. i dont authority days, but we didn't think it would lead to such tragedy. we didn't think they would stop killing in such a happy and peaceful city like a desa even 10 years later, it is hard to fathom. and today we have come to pay tribute to our full and friends, victims of the atrocities committed by the ukrainian nasa authorities. the pain can subside, but the burn marks on our souls will stay forever and to georgia. now where a parliament has cancelled a hearing to discuss the implementation of the so called for the agents bill has cost and not real on among the opposition. the no fires in the streets. both a cannon deployed and lobbied spaces as police crashed with demons, freighters, all lies, all and lawmakers who had been set to hold
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a sudden final review of the bill before protest as attempted to storm the parliament building. there was a recap all the latest events that have sent the nation's capital into a state of chaos. the w you has quickly chimed in on the development they need to police see whether it's the commission of suggesting that she knows best what the citizens of georgia want . i am falling into sedation in georgia with great concern and condemned to violence on the streets of billy c. the georgian people warranty europe in future for their country. georgia is at a crossroads. it should stay the course on the road to europe. so let me get this
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straight here. the fact the queen ursula vander line the blocks top and elected bureau, crowded, sticking her nose into georgia. domestic affairs, to argue that georgia doesn't need a law to prevent for, and those is like hers, be stuck into its domestic affairs book if she want to make a case for georgia law makers the wrong. and then she got them at least pretended to find out, instead of serving as exhibit a. but here's where you get so often figuring that they have a right to tell georgia what to do in the 1st place. it's one of the countries seated at the u candidate city table. with paper plates, plastic works, animal balloons, and a condescending need for constant pair. and they, apparently, you officials considered georgia to be good enough for an association agreement so you can sell it stuff, but not good enough to be admitted to the club right now. if ever. but the books leadership seems to think and that still gives them more than enough reason to dictate what georgia should be doing domestically by dialing up the threat of
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eventual non welcome you had mentioned kind of like slapping the kids into line by denying the desert the blocks chief diplomat, joseph burrell, scolded georgia for ruining his disney princess, like vision of europe as his tranquil garden. i strongly condemned the violence against protestants in georgia to a peaceful demonstrating against the law and foreign influence. georgia is an e candidate country i call, and it's a forward a just to ensure that right, the peaceful assembly you support this oppressive is unacceptable. interesting to you. officials like berlin, borderline don't seem to be nearly as concerned with crackdowns on campus protesters right inside of europe right now. advocating for gas as civilians against israel. they don't seem to be as interested not as they are with what's going on inside non u. georgia. go figure that any quote unacceptable for us, as we're also seems to always be get causes that you just happens to support. and in this case that you really hates the george and governments idea of requiring
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organizations in the country to register as for an agents in cases where they get 20 percent or more of their funding from for and source is something that the georgia in 5 minutes or actually considers to be fully in line with what you expect of the country if it pass everything and we will certainly possibly slaugh, they'll be several days of discomforts. however, in the long term will ensure the concept against polarization and brides of colors and for years if we do not break the close. so a couple of polarization and rise of colors and it will be very difficult for us to become a member of the repeating union. all right, so why would the georgian prime minister be scratching his head over to use office vision to this particular law? maybe because of the process itself unveiled similar legislation last december against foreign influence, citing the need to bolster democracy with the need for organizations and individuals to formally declared their activities and funding at a public register under financial pendant penalty for noncompliance. now, where did the you get this idea something new?
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well, from washington's born ages, registration acts fair act. so of course, washington would be all in favor of the george in law. right. this legislation in georgia in dreams anti western rhetoric put georgia on a precarious trajectory of the statements in the actions of the georgian government are incompatible with the democratic values that underpin membership in the you and nato invest jeopardize georgia's path to euro. atlantic integration use of force to suppress peaceful assembly and freedom of speech is unacceptable. and we urge authorities to allow non violent protesters to continue to exercise their right to freedom of expression. yeah, let george's pro madeline supporters protest. it's not like the modeling is russian right. because is our the case, they be all for a law to prevent it. so if it's not russian modeling that the west is opposing, d wonder who could possibly be must be minor,
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vice scraped ministry. another whistle blower who's raised the alarm of a safety standard to boeing, make a play and make a boeing has been found dead. and he's found that he said that the death of the 44 year old was sudden a comes as buildings, reputation has been suffering severe tapia, the ends of late the about this latest desk comes this 2 months after another building with the blood don bonnet took his own live after just hours up to testifying against the global
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giant and then ongoing legal case. he died of a self inflicted gunshot wound, though his friends claimed that he had won them. if anything happened to him, it would not be suicide. during his testimony, the engineer claimed that he had been threatened by the management, and he came back to my desk and he, he, like i said go, he made the trip. and then after that is, are you in or are you out? and what that means are you going to just shut up, right? and if you want to be in, you need to be quiet. you need to stop this, you know, don't, don't say anything more, certainly don't tell the public. that's how i interpreted or let's get some expert analysis now and speak different, a vision expert and for my pilot, serial de la dresser, it is good to have you join me right now to me again another. what's the blow wise that apple one would say, this is nothing but another bob headline for boeing, isn't it? so it's complicated because when you have one with of low with died apparently from
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suicide, it's bad luck. and when you have a 2nd one, it's really, really bad. like so we all can ask questions. and once i've gotten the problems that has been pointed out by this 2nd whistleblower and touch this, i'm very sincere to find some of the design certification process. i some last of the 737, max and the other aircraft to it. that's a very uh, in product the for boeing. sorry. just how, how damaging are some of this testimonies against bullying and what are the consequences for its image? well, the, the very for us consequences are for voting global image. but once you look at bullying, you have to understand that boeing is not only single young. boeing is also military. so with the system that is in place in the u. s. and the 2 big
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to fail. and the story i see hardly the story being capable to tear down uh, being completely bad on the civilian part. yes, it's going to be very the modul because the process to stop this requires the grounding of many craft which would cost a huge amount of money not only to boeing but for deep down lines that are using those ashcroft for re certification process city. what can be the, you know, when you build an ad craft, you know, you have millions of different parts. right? uh, in the old time the manufacturer was building everything by itself. today. boeing, elbows, umbrella. they have a lot of contract doors and sub contractors. so all those contractors and subcontractors, they have to be certified also and everyone is producing part of the crap that will


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