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tv   News  RT  May 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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we spoke on yesterday, the seems right there was a police end up arresting over a 100 pro palestinian demonstrate is u. c l a in california. that's as the us house of representatives of proves and on the t semitism awareness bill basically making it more difficult for those protesters to do what they're doing. this is not an issue of antisemitism. this is an, this is an attempt by the us government to complete the, to, to confuse the public and to make it seem that anyone to criticize this is real, is anti semitic. all to fuses new daily powering out a political assassination on its soil. but india fires backwards, strong was saying kind of those become a whole bedford separatism on the street. isn't. is remarks plus the
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illustrates once again, the kind of political space that has been given in the country and canada to separate it isn't like stream is in full sort of program a decade ago today. almost face to the people were fun to live in the self in ukrainian city of desa profit. they took a style and don't oppose. the truancy of russia continues to pledge the justice will be saw is still going forward for the french president once again raising the specter of putting boots on the ground in you pray if key of offsets that is boeing, russia plus to be the . so how much to go out during this? i like ro acosta from amongst go is still good to have the company pulled us out because your top stories are sent to god. but frankly,
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you're going to believe the scenes across countless us university campuses. as israel continues to pound gaza, the pictures we keep getting basically showing chaos for now, 0 again on police to the university of california, los angeles. as they moved in to break up the demons. the dozens of pro palestinian demonstrators were detained while reports claimed that at least one professor was also arrested. perhaps not the 1st time. the additional police units were dispatched to various campus demonstration sites over night guard. he's telling protesters to leave threatening more arrests if indeed they disobey. now offices they moved in. they entered a one of the campus buildings off with the students that basically said no to an order to vacate. and before the following footage are showing how the demonstrate is setup barricades as a prepared to hold the ground. the students will box to protect themselves from tia gas and pepper spray. and then as we understand, if you look at the 10s right here,
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people basically have been a messing on the site for many days of the pro power steering and riley's have broken out at universities all across america. have looked at this map right to him . and his just wanting to see how his whole broken out, the main. but as you can see, east northeast coast right there with new york being at the focal center. people excited me that israel is basically being committing and continues to commit genocide. many of us started off between police and protest as have of course, as you would imagine, bold over into violence. wow. the,
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the, one of the protest organizes, are you see i la alumni. wrong. gotcha. as he took us through how the police basically crack down what had originally been thought of a peaceful demonstration. here in los angeles, at the university of southern california usc about 93 students were arrested on the 1st day of the student protests this morning. early this morning, more than 100 students were arrested at u. c. l. a. where the police came in and violently attacking the students, pepper, pepper spray the students interested them, they were not being violent. they were simply indian counting intrinsic, defending cat meant to continue to demand that you see how they stop investing in dead stop giving their money to support the genocide being committed by israel. the students are steadfast, the students are not getting up, and they have community support. you know, i'm an alumni, i'm a proud alumni, b, c, l a. and we've been going out there to see to support the students. the process
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will continue at u. c. o a and many universities throughout the country just yesterday or may, they may 1st more university started their, their accounts. so this is something that is going to continue across the country. it's, we're not going to stop drip. i'm finally addressing the process. so saying he will not change washington's policy in the middle least, despite widespread open criticism. he said that the us is not a place that anti semitism seemingly dismissing the fact that many jewish students are among the demonstrators that we are not doing as our terry nation, where we silence people are squashed to send the american people or heard. let's be clear about this as well. there should be no place on any campus, no place in america for anti semitism, or threats of violence against jewish students. with the protest comments that he was house of representatives approved to circle the anti semitism awareness acts on wednesday, still needs to be passed by the senate before the president signs off. but the act
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would basically broaden the definition of what anti semitism means. but a lot of people are saying it's really an attempt to stand about criticism of israel is ongoing military incursions across casa and wrong culture. as again says the protest as are in fact against anti semitism. we don't want anyone to be anti semitic, and a lot of our brothers and sisters, jewish brothers and sisters are envying cabinets across the country. many of the largest protests in the united states against the genocide, had been led by a courageous, jewish brothers and sisters. so this is not an issue, and so somebody isn't, this isn't it. this is an attempt by the us government to complete the, to, to confuse the public. and to make it seem that anyone who criticizes israel is anti semitic, that is back to not be further from the truth. they are hundreds of thousands of people inside of israel today, protesting against terrorism and yahoo, or demanding that he step down from power. so they in israel are protesting against
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the government in israel, their protesting against the genocide in israel. they are protesting the occupation of palestine. so unless the u. s. government wants to go say that those re, these are also anti semitic. well that's, that's their problem. but we know that we are not, and for somebody, we stand shoulder to shoulder with our jewish brothers and sisters or fighting against the orientation or fighting against genocide. and so if there is anyone who would anti semitic, who just hates jewish people, we would never work with someone like that because those type of people would hate us to as a latin american. they would hate me as well. and so to say that that our movements have anything to do an emphasis and it isn't, it's completely and absolutely wrong. and, and we did notice that a lot of washington is titling domestic protests of highly with thongs on to a gas. the white house is taking a moment to a lecture, georgia on how is treating its own demonstrate isn't typically see over a so called foreign agents will give you some good contrast bit later in this
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course. so what sort of key? repeatedly closing his ports to old is really tre. you can imagine it comes as part of anchor his response to the on going confident garza. i discussed it a short time ago with our correspondent yesterday. and he is in assemble for parts of an emerging, suggesting target is putting a complete halt to expand ports and exports to israel highlighting an important milestone in turkey is really relations. we understand that the report was 1st published by bloomberg. they start to turkish officials. we've reached out to turkish officials to ask for a comment and they provided no comments. so there's no official word just yet. but there is an official reaction from the israeli side. this is how i dictated behaves disregarding the interest of the turkish people and businessman and ignoring international trade agreements. i'm instructed the director general of the as rating administrative for an advisor to meet lee engage with all relevant policies in the government to create alternatives for trade with turkey, focusing on local production and inputs from other countries. this past week has
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been an interesting one. it's been a milestone between churches real relations, but another matter of great concern is of course, a rhetoric that is really officials are using at this point. the is really foreign minister. israel costs us taken to the social media platform of the course of last week or 2, with a very insulting tone. some, it's a tone that on kind of would classify as insulting and this back and forth between israel and turkey. it has been a great matter of concern because concord is applying the pressure at this very point. it's decided this decided to take israel to the i, c j. it's decided to present its own case a case that would not be rejected by the court. there's also one other case that on congress currently pursuing at the i, c. c. and there's just a lot of pressure that's mounting against that is where the governments, there's really a, there's pressure against there's where the government in europe, there's a lot of pressure in the united states, particularly universities in a campuses. but taking everything at the coast consideration, there's
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a great deal of back and forth with respect to the actions that these governments are taking on cut a wanted to essentially provide aid to the palestinians within the gaza strip. it requested to do so using jordanian aerospace is real rejected this offer. and as a result, of course, hawkins food on the turkish foreign minister on wednesday, decided to announce that trade relations would be coming to a halt that turkey would be pursuing a case of the ice age. and as this continues, it's, it seems that a spiraling out of control, at least relations between the 2 countries. in response to all of these allegations are these claims that is real would be taken to court at the ice as you have the i c. c is really prime minister benjamin that's on you always said that it does not worry him, it does not concern him and it's not binding in any way whatsoever. and this is a matter of concern because these really parameters it says that is risk actions will continue. we understand that the i c j is a court that will investigate claims of genocide. we understand that there are over $100.00 members that are essentially tied to the rulings and the decisions that
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come out of the i, c, j, the united states is not one of them. in response to these claims that united states said that these courts do not have any authority or jury distress diction pertaining to the united states under the united states was done with israel, regardless of what happens a war of words has erupt it between new delhi and of hawaii is over the death of a sick sep, professionally, that with canadian citizenship from minnesota, just intruder was a q was the indian government of carrying off a political assassination. as prompted as one might have matching the rob, a fiery response in return from new york driving district to lose remarks as he has made those remarks, certainly it as well. so they have no, it's nothing new. his remarks to us, it illustrates once again the kind of political space that has been given in the country and canada to separatism,
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extremism and violent people who practice violence. this luckily impacts india canada relations, but also encourages employment to violence and commodity in canada to the detriment of which citizens context, some timeline here. justin photo when store call saudi when face and team toronto cod saw these new wheels celebrations by the sea community. so religious events box to call this sony slogans, war chanted at that particular event call a song on which the fonts leads to demanding a separate homeland for the community hall. my breaking up india. now, when these teen, the slogans will be on that at that particular riley. what just to deed was nothing box, smile. and at this point, it's hard to believe that justin to doesn't know the meaning of these johns because he himself on the stage. welcome back to fand jobby himself. of course justin so
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will do, very openly has been sheltering. these extreme is sec purchase elements on canadian solar, the spies india repeatedly requesting warning canada lots to do so. india has very strongly, reactive design as well. and fox in depth, some kind of talking, diploma in canada and said that this is not going to walk. but justin to has not really understood what endows fine to say, despite the very fact that the was at work, federal tax and the canadian history have also happened because of the call this time except such as a plane in 1985 was not an avondale. please all who was 300 passengers on board, 200 of them was, couldn't need doing. but despite that, because of his political reasons,
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he's desperately trying to avoid a seat community that he has an alliance. remember with just me seeing a c p that was also protocol of sony. recently in an interview with justin to do said was that despite relationships going be tough with india? he is helen on finding to what the 2 of his wouldn't read us or no. obviously there are real challenges right now between canada in india, and to know that there are credible reasons to believe that the agents of the government of india were involved in the killing of a canadian citizen. i'm a canadian soil is a real problem. it's a problem for the rules based ordered and that, and that the principles of free open democracies and sovereignty that we stand for . it's also a problem in our relations with india. so using, you know,
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being involved in the killing fish seek separatist leader on canadian sword to now remember justin toodle has not provided any rules whatsoever, but it's not just limited to that. canada has constant even all can give me a. there are several economists, sony referendums that have been held on the canadian soil. remember, canada or the other sea are also lean to india for nibbling in their internal elections. one of these allegations that justin to do is make you an india. it's only spoiling his relationship with the process going economy in the walls. he is coming across to somebody who at this point is ready to deal with extreme is with radical elements as long as it's being his political interest. remember that in canada there's a huge population of the community around $800.00 pals and have them look on some digital signs. and at this point, justin pseudo in order to move them,
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is not only putting india extras but also canada. i'm the was by harbouring by sheltering music scene is set for just elements. moscow has plays, but ukrainian nationalist too carried out the deadly austin attack in odessa. exactly 10 years ago today will be brought to justice. almost 50 people were killed when the trade union building they were trapped inside was quite deliberately set on fire to day remembering the victims of the bloody massacre in odessa. we believe that sooner or later, every perpetrator and mastermind of this barbaric crime which has no statue of limitations will face justice. we believe that it will not be long before just the will cost of the oppression of the present day bend to rights and become a truly free city where people of different nationalities will live in peace and harmony. loud and we spoke with the former ukrainian politician and presidential candidate or leg. sorry, of you said that
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a decade ago he asked me trying to talk sense into organizes the my don qu, but his words fell on deaf ears. during the my done, i spoke on tv that it's organizers would lead ukraine to a civil war and conflict with russia. that brothers would kill each other. i asked them, i've done leaders to stop the protests in the southeast were just the response to the legal coded time. key of the we representatives of the key ever seen in the collective west reacted to them as an example of the monstrous double standards. while those in q evan residents of western ukraine were seizing administrative buildings and burning recruiting members alive for and politicians, and diplomats or shouting about the right to peaceful protest. but when residents of the se outraged by the events and key of came out to rallies, they began to be killed. and no one in the west was interested in this any more. the speaker of the russian senate has called for a war, crimes tribunal against the cab authorities are pledging to include that of the
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odessa austin attack. looking back at what was a very doc day full, that city and country at law, john sees steve sweeney reports, or maybe 50 people at buttons live by phone while you find new policies in your best. if i do union house massacre, the nobody is being held accountable as a vipers and the families of the victims fight for justice. despite, depending on from day one who was responsible, you know who was gonna be sending to you once shudders at the memories of a terrible tragedy in odessa, where peaceful protestors were brutally murdered, burned to live in the house of trade unions. the criminals who committed that atrocity have never been punished and no one is even looking for them. but we know their names and we will do everything to punish them,
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find them and bring them to justice. effect the only people that are being charged so full of those who were attacked. we used the do a good a of the stairs video footage on the subject available to everyone. we know the names of those who shot at people jumping from the burning building. the grant and the soldiers have opened a criminal case against those who were burned by the entire world community stenciled. we progressively minded following the u. s. lead has shown no interest in the situation at all. just saw through us like mind on co, which i will send the cranium present. 100 foot bust into a desk of the night before come from us will protest, body with football support is ready to join the provocative mall or the what really needs to be reviewed. the wrench in the, in april and even earlier, begin to send through people through the recreation center. this and that's all of them near a desk. there were a lot of them. there were a lot of them in the door cut in
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a desk. they were there by the hundreds ins adults. there were about $300.00 people at one of the basis that they were already preparing an operation to shut the mouth of people in odessa. it happened because this operation was planned by the as move . they decided to teach a desk, a lesson to shut us up and make example of odessa and to show you green, who's the boss and the house pro kept forth. is that part of tens as an incumbent, driving pro russians interview. so if i do union building, the police will not merely press the bystanders, they will soon find them that guns into the union building. many were trapped inside, as crowds below. oh shante, the boat and colorado burn a reference to the pro russian colors of the ribbons. being by some of the protest is the us the for a total through the building ukrainian. that's the most sung by this guy that outside tormenting the truck, people like burned to death, the nazi of a slogan, slobber, you craning,
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which is now used like you have the west and supporters with shuttle to those people were dying inside the building, which was told with swastikas good. my point is that it wasn't just succession in the building. many people were killed with a head shot. this was not an investigation, but a travesty of an investigation. it was all about drawing this investigation in a puddle of lice, and i'm to, they said they were looking for consensus. so were you looking for consensus or were you looking for the truth? they were saying that they had no data that there were depths, do you do outside interference? no one has been held accountable for the atrocities. right sectors didn't feel, yas, whose organization claim responsibility for culminating the attack. even became a candidate for the cranium presidency unlike to an m p. t was never investigated by ukraine also or to use, i think was not alone. bravo odessa, let these devils burn in hell. this day when down in history,
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colorado stockpiles illuminated. alexa, going to, i think, a policy, me what that's a protest was late to elected to the counselor abuse parliamentary assembly. these are the so called democrats spiked by the west pro care full see to seek to raise the vent from memory. and you cranes west. and back as of august, i still want to down play the role of fall, right? you creating forces? cool. so i kind of draw attention to the massacre or make who is responsible to do so with blow a major holding the narrative that the owner fos. you just told me you're not using ukraine, which site you have is a beacon of freedom and democracy. the victims are being lost if it goes in by the west sacrifice of poems in its proxy war against russia under bond. and by those who claim to sign it so that i would say with the people of you crying, this is the security group. ukraine is its, her state, it has taken its entire population hostage. there is no hopefully green. that's for
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sure. 100 percent. i have talked to many from the o. s. c e. one person told me that there is little hope that anyone will do anything. so the only hope is if the military operation ends up as planned on this, i saw the amount of us are a paypal right here in moscow, gather to one of the memory of the victim, solve diagnostic a 10 years ago today of the, the tragedy in odessa was like a reboot to me. all previous life was gone and we started living. and then the reality that was created by certain circles, reality of death, blood tragedy. now we're doing everything. so these people, if you can even call them dads punished and history, remember, saw friends who lost their lives in odessa. are that simple come back home with when? so me may the 2nd is probably the worst day of my life because i've seen it with my
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own eyes. we tried to talk with them. i dont authority days, but we didn't think it would lead to such a tragedy. we didn't think they would stop killing in such a happy and peaceful city like a desa even 10 years later. it is hard to fight them. and today we have come to pay tribute to our full and friends, victims of that trust at 8, committed by the ukranian nasa authorities, the pain can subside, but the burn marks on our souls will stay forever. despite his unilateral plan floated earlier this year, there was eventually peddled the back, the french president macro and his now down the double down again, i should say it's a, he's suggesting again, the french boots may end up on the ground in ukraine. if russia wins in ukraine, there will be no security in europe who can pretend that russia will stop there. if the russians were to break through the front lines. if there were a ukrainian request, which is not the case today, we would legitimately have to ask ourselves this question. when the macro on 1st
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raised the idea or in february this year it seemed just so panic among other european leaders. the company ruled out his suggestion. the plan also did not float too well at home. this new statement by mano ma chrome is extremely serious. the sending a french troops to create and mobiles and existential threat to 65000000 french people, a new balance. they so madness for macro and the food who's just announced that he can once again, send ground troops against russia. stop these totally irresponsible statements which could lead us to the worst. no soldiers, no weapons, not a single euro, and ukraine, enough is enough. we want peace. nobody, nobody is ready to go die for ukraine. those who are ready to go that for you, great heart gardener scenarios who are already over there. so i think when we start talking to people of yours, your sons, your cousins,
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your neighbors are going to go fight over new trains. again, people who are totally disapprove of that. we have a part of that, i would say on the political spectrum, people with the status is those who believe that with washington has to be guiding the well, they're ready for the different are ready to, to go, died for this for. and if they were to see french bodies coming back in body bags because of sonya is cremmit, dar scar, died in different other cities. i think a lot of people would definitely the disagree with this tend. today's, the majority of the fresh population is, believe me totally. i guess this why they don't see the utility of it. they want to speak about peace. they want to more to settle. they want us to move on your best for sure, but they don't want to go out the fight. so this is really the actually is counterproductive for knock on. we're heading towards your directions and this is the last thing i think defense would like to hear. so i think different in this, in their voting turned out, we will see that this is going to damage to many of them back home, but he's a, i could come because he's still going forward with his idea. and i think he just
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doesn't care about the rest. it just wants to convince other countries that it would be have to put a needle who's on the ground, but the french don't a lot more are to a georgia now where the pilot, on his way to cancel the hearing, to discuss the implementation of the so called foreign agents bill that has caused such an uproar among the off position fires in the streets. water kind of deployed bloody faces as well as police class will demonstrate, as all lies on the little makers who have been set to hold a 3rd and final review of the bill before protestors attend to the storm. the parliament building is a quick recap of the latest events that have sent a nation's capital into a state of the
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will. to you quickly chimed in all the developments in tbilisi with his commission and suggesting she knows best what the citizens of georgia really want. i am falling into sedation in georgia with great concern and condemned to violence on the streets of billy c. the georgian people warranty europe in future for their country. georgia is at a crossroads. it should stay the course on the road to europe. so let me get this straight here. the fact though, queen erst live underlined the blocks top and elected bureau, crowded, sticking her nose, and st. george in domestic affairs. to argue that georgia doesn't need a law to prevent for, and those is like hers be stuck into its domestic affairs book. if she want to make a case for georgia law makers the wrong, then she could have at least pretended to find out instead of serving as exhibit a. but here's where you get so often figuring that they have a right to tell georgia what to do in the 1st place. it's one of the countries seated at the u. candidate city table. with paper plates, plastic works,
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animal balloons, and according to settling need for constant pair. and they apparently, you officials consider georgia to be good enough for an association agreement. so the you can sell it stuff, but not good enough to be admitted to the club right now. if ever, but the books leadership seems to think improve to that still gives them more than enough reason to dictate what georgia should be doing domestically by dialing up the threat of eventual non welcome you had mentioned kind of like slapping the kids into line by denying the desert, the blocks chief diplomat, joseph burrell, scolded georgia for ruining his disney princess, like vision of europe as his tranquil garden. i strongly condemned the violence against protestants in georgia to a peaceful demonstrating against the law and for an influence. georgia is in the candidate country i call, and it's a for the just to ensure the right to peaceful assembly. you support the suppressive is unacceptable. interesting to you. officials like berlin,
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borderline don't seem to be nearly as concerned with crackdowns on campus protesters right inside of europe right now. advocating for gaz of civilians against israel. they don't seem to be as interested not as they are with what's going on inside. non you, georgia. go figure that any quote unacceptable forces were also seems to always be against causes that you just happens to support. and in this case that you really hates the george and governments idea of requiring organizations in the country to register as for an agents in cases where they get 20 percent or more of their funding from foreign source. it's something that the george and prime minister actually considers to be fully in line with what you expect of the country. if it pass everything and we will certainly possibly slaugh, they'll be several days of discomforts. however, in the long term will ensure the construct, gays polarization and broad to colors and for years if we do not break the close. so a couple of polarization and brides of colors and it will be very difficult.


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