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tv   News  RT  May 3, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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that's the video. they think i was wrong. and that's the moscow says the koreans been used by the west to wage an open war against russia, and that's not the produced. pardon secretary, sadly p f has the right despite russian pockets u. k, supplied weapons. as us look forward to use credit down on the campus bodies, you run steps into office scholarships, to 80 students expelled over their support for gather with its the prim elidah lashing out of the washington is actually based. we gave, you know, the american government and was the student process has shown that just as a finance pessimism towards the us, it shows to everyone that the us is that complex. please. real nice glass off as far enough looks to shed light on the dock side of the moon on one of its most
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complex face missions today the by the 6 pm in moscow. welcome to our international reaching you from on east center. i a michael, quite chat with the updates. now the west is waging an open war against moscow out of the hands of ukraine. that's according to the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman tomorrow as a kind of a few as responding to recent comments by britain stopped implement that it came in on the new debit camera in an interview with reuters suddenly declared that ukraine has the right to strike as he put it on the rush instead of 2 with british weapons . for the 1st time, a western politician so openly admitted something that has long been an open secret for all countries of the global majority. the west is wage and an open war against russia at the hands of ukrainians. covenants words, i get more evidence of that high bid war to which our country is responding and
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will continue to do so. i knew well david cameron, an ex british prime minister, now the you k is most senior diplomats. he had some very interesting things to say when it came to essentially escalating the conflict in ukraine as uh, the conflict. brian's on and things don't go as well as they should do, maybe for you quite on the battlefield. the western partners seem to be going all in on the escalation, united swing by the prime minister, that we will give 3000000000 pads every year for as long as is necessary. and we've just really m e we can in terms of gifting equipment, to the biggest of adequate we've, we've, we've been able to give so far. new credit absolutely has the right to strike back it russian. you can quite understand why ukraine the feels the need to make sure it's defending itself. it's getting the russians out of his country and it has the ability to strike back. so as you can see, essentially suggesting that it's open season of russian territory. energy
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infrastructure, maybe even civilian population centers, it is a significant suggestion, almost to escalate. because remember that ukraine has no capacity destroyed questionnaire to get cells. it would rely almost exclusively on british or french at or american hardware and ordinance to do so. why is best such a desire to be u. k to escalate this conflict? uh well, i think historically this is nothing new to the united kingdom. our great britain has that is additionally sort of ed, it's a good relationship with russia more recently, and very soon after the beginning of the russian special ministry operation, there was an opportunity for peace. this is, well, no, no, it's well. well reported western media and here, and that's essentially the bar of johnson to then prime minister or x probably minister has had don't t x. you have to actually pull the mirrors lensky away from the negotiating table.
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and so, well, no, no, luckily not everybody in europe feels the same way as the british. and that's what it listen to the hungry and foreign minister and his viewpoint as he tells us and explains to us that the, you know, wants to essentially provide a $100000000000.00 to you, trying to continue the fight for the next 5 years. the big impact more and i can go to be seems to be more and more distant to us, european, since nato is moving forward at a fast pace along the previously drone red line, especially on tuesday. we received the proposal and how the secretary general alternate type intends to collect the 100000000 dollars from the member states, which h i wants to pump into the war. in addition, this $100000000000.00 should be collected in find is which means that the nature of the accounting on the print on getting eligible for at least another 5 years habitable. so as you can see, it seems that the only method of forward motion for the western allies who of remember propagated the might on conflict,
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have had an instrumental part to play in the feeling of this conflict. the building of the scaffold it's burning on. and i know pumping hundreds of hundreds of billions of dollars into it, and they're also intimately involved in trying to keep it going. are there any opposition to this escalate jury rhetoric from brussel? mm hm. well, in an official platform hungry victor obama has spoken out against the prolonging of the war. the propagation of the war, also robert fee, so that the slow bike prime minister, we, as they elected these would be the only $2.00 official governments are states. that's however, listened to a hung gary and member for the european parliament, talking about how people's voices seemed to be overshadowed entirely by the pro war pulse. mike was a haze at whitehall, the brussels bureaucracy, the political lead of the country. something are being union in their own bubble c . this is along the way to war when enormous press abilities the seed as their own
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war. however, among the citizens, there is an unwilling pro peace position. and in europe, it's only them get in government. those who represent it, we do the right thing, business our job, and not simply because we have more of the right. because based on the rules of democracy, we represent the interest of the vast majority of european citizens dance. we just pro peace folder. so yet again, it's a hung darian voice urging tom urging that there is another way to resolve this that you know, essentially that the war that ukraine has been asked to flight points, west and partners sacrificing hundreds and hundreds of thousands of men. we had sort of issue recently and the last day or so telling us that a 1000 ukrainians are dying a day on the battlefield. the terrifying numbers. it seems that the backers of ukraine, i remember with the american money, u. k. weapons, french weapons, german with his natal weapons. essentially,
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ukraine defining an army has been defeated, has probably been defeated twice. it's much warranted counter offensive failed to as catastrophically over a $100000.00 men died. it didn't make any games today. russia is advancing on the battlefield. the international community seems to understand that this war is militarily on a winnable, but it seems the leads in the west, the, those in the think tanks and washington, the london and brussels, are determined to prolong the conflict, agitate russia even further to. all right, ukraine says ross is not just waging a war against it's mandatory, but it's language to a key of commission of for linguistic issues made the claims i see deny. the more is done to promote you create a nationalism. ukrainian language is in the cross hairs of russian criminals. people are threatened and murdered libraries and schools or burns signs are replaced and propagandistic. literature is imported,
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the language is being killed. we need to transition from the defense to the all sense in the ukraine. i zation of our country. this will promote additional opportunities and bolster control to ensure the functioning of the ukrainian language. now, while the grain has been cutting down its number of russian language classes, the regions that recently chose to join moscow continued to provide ukrainian language courses along about 250 schools in this upper osha of across the region. about half of the elementary schools will be taught ukrainian as a 2nd language. now let's take a look at kids approach in comparison, a side by side as we're looking at this issues right now, not in, in the past 2 years. the number of russian language schools in ukraine has been reduced from 29 to only 3 right now. and that's according to your crating,
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it reading and speech language and votes my now from hundreds of thousands of students who have been offering that right now, we have less than 800 attending russian language schools. now that's the spot, the widespread use of the russian language in ukraine. in one example that i'm going to give you, according to google, with the exception of a few western regions depicted in blue that i'm going to let i'm, i'm showing you right here. the overall majority of ukrainian, spelled the country using russian now finished journalist. yeah. there's but couldn't believe that the so called policy of you could i, zation is all about control. a great new language is basically from the very minority region and a russian related language of out from the russian language, it's called, keeps to control for the regime to pull their agenda or the russian speaking population. and because the russian language focused another will another world
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which creating a re she doesn't want their people to see friends here, change your language and you will change your thoughts and that these, what blue gray is up to and these charts of what you have be showing. ready clearly that the dock you against the russian language, the and over russian language regions has been very, very crucial factor. why there is the war in don't bus and, you know, pray away from your tray. now there's been a fresh wave of arrests in new york, one of the epa centers of pro pablo stein, campus raleigh's been, have slept across the united states. demonstrate those have been seen with their hands tied behind their backs as the where it's called the way by the police. now in size, they tensions flat one protest as were seen on getting with the police officers or the demonstrators were tempting slow goods and carrying slides in diana's claiming
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the u. s. has been complicit in the events in gaza. other students are also calling on universities. the sub, a financial ties with these really linked businesses. a police crackdowns have been taking taking place in paris and in the us city of portland, oregon. lab protest as were beaten and forced to retreat. a raleigh was denied as to ends. genocide in gaza was also held in australia while in mexico, active active is settled 10 comp similar to previous ones. in the united states, american authorities of arrested more than 2100 people. i'd pro palistine in demonstrations on college campuses around the country. now in france, law enforcement have evicted pro palestinian protest as from the powers use digital political studies. as 10 students stop at a hunger strike, school officials have now closed all the buildings on the campus students and it says that the western governments want to silence the voices. this was the place of
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the large mobilization support to the students for repressed in their past occupations. this is not the 1st time this has happened. 2 weeks police has intervened twice to evacuate students and to demand uh, samantha condemnation from there's one that is happening to show how much universities all over the world in france, united states government is the invoice and forces of the you because they know this is a movement that is going to go into to find our generation movement and solid already with the policy and in and with the cause of oppressed people in laveries.
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as the demand remains the same, the hunger strike continues to normal people joining its own campuses in paris and the regions. we will have stopped until investigative committees, the setup, to ensure that university partnerships with the state of israel, a castle because they are actively participating in the risk of genocide and human rights violations, to and now and a show of solidarity to lee. ronnie and universities are offering scholarships to any american and european students expelled for taking part in pro policy to involve these are the costs of the cost is an accommodation will apparently be compet are to use use of july lead picks up this jury from here as the fears correct down on pro palestinian demonstrators and testify cindy, west and want in universities are offering a safe haven for students and that you was and you were a poor facing expulsion and other repercussions for their participation and
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involvement in the demonstrations that prestigious shaheed the history university and that one is now the 2nd academic center in error on to a noun, scholarships for those who have been expelled or fucking with expulsion for speaking out against is wells actions in gus i'd be offer follows a similar initiative why she was university marking a growing trend of support for protesters facing backlash for their pro palestinian stance in the west che best eats. university side of this color ships were provided cover. all educational expenses with accommodation included. it also offers additional support to palestinian students impacted by the ongoing conflict in the gaza strip. apart from this scholarship offer campuses across the want to have been the scene of rallies denouncing the united states support for is really atrocities and condemning what they call violence. suppression of peaceful protest iranian
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students that go their statements approach. saint god. the however succeeds surfacing out of american, kansas is call into question the western claim of being the cradle of free speech and human rights. while at the same time, they have 0 tolerance for dissenting voices around a supreme leader i to lot common a also reacted to once on folding and that was think it shows the legitimacy off. it was per pessimism about the west. the one to is on was the phase behavior of the american government was dispute in process as shown that rogers and this of finance pessimism towards the us and has supported the slogan down with the united states. it shows to everyone that the us is that complex of israel look for the us and their relation entities are doing to justify protests against israel, disputed and stuff. american universities, the not sabotage deal or says fly or do anything or anyone. they did not even break any gloss, and yet again, they're being treated like this since the onset of the gods. a conflict in general,
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these bunker public has offered all kinds of support to try to bring the war to one ends from backing the resistance access in the m and iraq and serial. i've really turned this through on israel and the way some of the guys are war 2, it's diplomatic efforts to try to bring about a ceasefire to the war. and in the enclave and most recently, it's unprecedented missile on your own attack on israel. so essentially it's uh, it was highly anticipated that to one would quickly throw its way. it's behind such a pro palestinian gesture in the west, locally telling those students that a go ahead and don't worry about the consequences of your actions because everyone in universities are always here to welcome you with open arms. but interestingly, when we look at the united states response of the incidents instead of listening to the voices of its students, american officials are busy playing a blame game. calling the protesters quotes ideological twins if they're wanting.
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and officials, we're here to discuss the literal gauze that have risen up on campuses across america, and the liberal, college administrators and politicians who refused to restore law and order and to protect other students. these little guys are disgusting sess pools of anti semitic hate. full of pro, how mos sympathizers, fanatics and freaks protera sympathize verse. and these little garza is art peacefully protesting israel's conduct in the war there violently and illegally, demanding death for israel, just like their audiological twins, the i a total us in iran and the blame game continues unabated mainstream media are reporting that are used to rivals such as iran, russia and china are covertly covertly attempting to offend the planes of tensions in the west. of course they have provided no concrete ever. busy is to support
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their claim relying solely on social media. post a news reports that express defense over the mistreatment of processors and that was, for example, the chinese government has criticized the unrest as western and have pol chrissy and double stand or swell airlines. foreign ministry share to cartoon on x that i think the police arresting a young protest or disguised as the statute of liberty. yeah, to western media suggest that these posts are part of a covert chain to perpetuate the turmoil and highlights the binding administration's failure to address public sentiment at home. but the message related by iran, russia and china, is not complicated and is clear. they are just saying that the key to prevent any further escalation is to listen to the voices of the students instead of punishing them and depriving them of their way to education. and as a desk to advise us in gaz us costs of the john list have been killed in the deadly
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conflict. but on will press freedom day, the west and the un decided to focus on environmental issues. and would that please for help from pa this teen and don't list our last invade? are these, these we need picks up the story from here. a low press freedom day during listening media. what? because across the globe will pay tribute to those kilobytes, riley falls as while working. a garza, according to a report from the committee to protect goodness, 3 quarters of the 19 on jet. and this, the media was killed worldwide in 2023 died during the initial stages of as well as on sort the. this fig only covers the 1st 10 weeks of his way. the operations on his since was and sharply some put the death toll as high as 133 more than in the vietnam war and world war 2 of accounting for 11 percent of the jun listing garza and guys the as a war has been the most deadly and the most dangerous environment we've seen. since
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we start counting number in front of us, goes board like in 1992, we're investigating at least a dozen cases where we think that journalists have been deliberately targeted. we seen the case, for example, of some of the voices joining us who was killed on the lebanese food that had been a number of independent reports indicating that he was katie wearing a he was a wearing pressing sydney at his other job invest in an area known to be an area wedge on this operates and yes i was talking to it's by is really fine. is where the strike and, and there were a number of other cases that we're looking into. yeah, those very palestinians appeared to be missing from the official not to say that the united nations through 1991 designated may. the 3rd, as an i knew the date to recognize, apply to june. this across the world, given the global slide and press freedom on the front of the board join. this was killed in 2023. that in any of the years since rentals the gun,
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the choice of food because of the us for 2024 seems somewhat bizarre. instead of paula city, john this, this is john breeze dedicated to a white for its local, national in the global med, the all the, let's gonna hide stories about the claimant's crises by level to see loss and environmental injustice. so the work people come to understand the price of all planets, that movie lies, that empowered to take action for change. yes, that's right. the global environmental crisis, but it's not just the you and that seems to be ignoring the difference in the room . well, issuing phoning statements on his commitment to the importance of free speech to the society of editors earlier this week. british prime minister ritchie, so not seem to focus on everyone but the palestinians friday, march morning press freedom day. i'd like to take this chance to pay tribute to all those suffering behind bars in the name of freedom and democracy to evan garris
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could which flooding the your car or lose a certain day to come or sky. alec seen the volley and to the men and women of ukraine who are on the front line of the fight for the values we hold dear. i know you will join me in saying that we stand with them all. the clever inhibition of the palestinians is on surprising, given the precious government's role in the massacring cause a blocking loose or an immediate cease for selling weapons is ro, also noted to be absent from so not speech was perhaps the world's most famous joy, this duty and a son's laptop in london's belmont prison despite not being charged with any crime, but it's not just governments, well, bodies that would come on defy for us now being published sydney and jen. this last week, the published sydney june the syndicate was an open letter to the committee to protect journalist on us report is calling on them to a boy called the white house correspondents dinner. as palestinian journalists. we
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urgently appeal to you, our colleagues globally with a demand for immediate and unwavering and action against the biden administration's ongoing complicity in the systematic slaughter in persecution of journalists and gaza. we insist you publicly boy caught the upcoming white house correspondents dinner on april 27th as an act of solidarity with us. your fellow journalist, as well as with the millions of palestinians currently being starved and gaza. due to the biden administration's continued political, financial, and military backend of israel and cut off of funding for life, saving humanitarian aid, the less it went on to christmas. all just for that object simons. while that pay is a being master, could, urging them to stand up for palestinians reporting from gaza unions of press freedom groups have also come on. defy for deadlock, plus the response. a curious a precinct, palestinians of 2nd cross. good,
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unless i'm being afraid of their own governments and for too long palestinian journalists have been 2nd class citizens. they are the so called string us who do the hard work, whose, whose lives are exposed to, to real danger. and they are lucky to get a 2nd or 3rd place on the by line. no, simply a note at the bottom while it is the uh, the american and european power show test is one of y'all have the guess call the who get all the glory back in 2021. my own union brought to motion quoting for so that i would see would that paula sent me and pay is riding myself on my end. huge i colleagues, extremists of pseudo revolution based for us stones. they use top are also partners that motion. so i think it is not the job at the end you j to give a voice to others targeting. are you kidding to, and this is a war crime with breast and none of us charges complacency as they supply the very
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owns, the things you use to killed as opposed to getting garza, israel continues to act with impunity. why didn't restrict things that i showed you in this from n sync, gaza, as it seeks to control the narrative? it begs the questions, who's press freedom is being celebrated, and who will speak out for the palestinians. on break the world of silence? a bias report based on incomplete facts, that's the downloading message from an indian dashboard. i think tack on the recent report which said that the india should be labeled a country, a particular concern for a large validation of really just freedom. the us commission on international religious freedom support is based on the nation and commission of fact, utilize impartial data hide into full context, generalize in isolated incidents and questioning the implementation of the law of the land. this report is partial and as a lighted incidents, the wrong, the brand,
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the largest democracy in the world, with the population of 1400000000, mentioned the opportunity to indicate positive recent trends against the background of the complex and void and past history. now the annual report by the us commission on international religious freedom claim to religions, religious rights, and freedoms, has bitter rated in the country. india is foreign ministry slammed the document, accusing the american commission of biomass and spreading propaganda. now for more on this less trust live to former indian ambassador, bravo de y'all. joining us from new delhi and bass. it is good to have you join me right now. starting with the american reports, your thoughts on what india has cold, biased reports share that with us we know has category being an addictive disabled. and it said that this us commission,
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or international religious freedom is a biased, a, g, g with a major good agenda. i mention that rides the freedom of religion in fries, the dental office does do some citizens of 3 to read, shop, practice or propagate any really, you know, dead drugs and the goals and india afford a good day. this right now the us can be sure on a genetic religious freedom has been publishing such bias, propaganda against india in the boss or i read or did, did the dog or the gender of discussion. how do you disagree with the completion report in 20? 19 it was india. was this designated as
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a country of what dicky loved himself or c, b c, attending donkey. the gentleman had said that he had lived in india. what took deals as a religious v g and the people did that in the, in an open society with a robust democratic and unique system. he also said that in the other great civilization options age and time, it has been a dunfee on my do religious marketing. and why did god to the douglas the bottom just the live, the just the vision has that is the kind of diversity of distribution. the fact is that the us division points the national interest, freedom does not make an effort to understand in the guide will move the listing and demographics equals one dining book. this involved is
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very suspicious. it just be released while the unit general elections up ended. and it was going to be said in response to this before the f one into the, with the largest look through the exercise in the water will not succeed. so there is some suspicion. is that going to start so know, you know, the 1st 2 digits to the point do in the us. let's look at the situation and dental guns. and many of the believe that religious freedom in the country is on the right. so as i said to us was part of the principle of religious liberty, but this principle is on the 10th, and therefore the us needs to correct the wrong old society. i would like to order from stated, you'll just read a book by the us to really get freedom is based on the illusion of
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that's utilizing positive data. how you doing the whole context, generalizing isolated incidents and questioning the implementation of the law. the law. miller, for record that around 10 days ago, the us been the black mark to have the report. i had to release the report about human rights and all wanted me to step mr. jason. good. and said that the us criticism of human rights and india is because of a better not be than boardmax. he had sent the peoples outside the flood. we're also we'd like to have you with about that all these in both. but so this is going to extinguish this us the board to be religious freedom. this is the basic and in fact it's barbara.


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