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tv   Going Underground  RT  May 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:10pm EDT

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drink the cocktails, etc, and they, they have the same small base characteristics. and frankly, although i have many friends among them, they're not my dish of tea. but if you can get down and you'll meet the shopkeepers and the workers and the students and the rest, really get the talk to them. you'll find that there is out there a great common bond. bring this all together. and now i'm speaking a bit. you know that this is always a fascinating conversation to me. i mean what, what, what makes someone an elitist, as opposed to just somebody who worked hard in is very educated. there's there, there's people who are just, you know, almost intellectuals or pseudo intellectuals are not necessary elite is to get the brand also. so help me figure this out. uh, jeremy, what, what was he trying to say? do you get them? well, i think uh, this is a strategy maybe that uh, you know, preview is what we see in donald trump and don't forget, you know, roger stone was one of his advisors. and he made, he wants to make like he has
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a common bond with common people against easily this knobs. but if you look at a lot of this pa. busy is easy that really, really is a friend of working people. busy so, i mean, he's moving, okay, yeah, there's some liberal policy that is extending from the new deal and great society or, but another way is, you know, he's a traditional republican and you know, he adopting very militaristic foreign policy that subverting money from social programs and not really raising taxes or adopting a left wing pa. busy llc, ease or pro labor policies. so it's more and act way. i see it and that's how he really made his political career. uh but, but it's a funny, but it's policy. it's a worker, really, politically, it's a winning act. i mean, he may have been one of the last to do it, but i mean, just go to the people and say they're all and latest. i'm not neither are you let's band together and get rid of those sons of, you know what, dan?
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yeah, well it sounds a lot like donald trump does any when he talks about the leads in the media, i think he felt misused by the media. he was not had somebody did not have the the, the charm and the career of, of a john f. kennedy, i think he was added that i think a lot of his talk about the leads came from that he just felt like, you know, he had that statement. neil want to have dick nixon to kick around anymore. and i think a lot of his and i lead talk came from a feeling of uh, you know, feeling insecure and, and um, you know, again, not being immediate darling darling. he never was when he was president. and he certainly was an after you know, but again, we see, you know, a for, you know, he kind of foreshadows a trump and those statements. yeah. it all, to, to be fair. he was a hard travel guy. he did not come from a rich family. he had to pay his way through college, not have a rich daddy. and he, this was really personal for him. and i think
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a lot of those had to do with the categories. he couldn't stand the categories even though he said he was friends with them. and they would definitely as elitist as it gets. now let's look at the media. gary is talking about the media. remember when he was president, the media was really in its heyday, not liked today. very few people respect the media today. back then they did. it was cronkite the new york times, etc, etc. every reason or he never quite got, nor did they really get him. i think i think i get him, but i think he, the 3 of us probably understood mixing better than most of the people in the media did that day back then. maybe they never really tried. let's take a list. and if i make a farewell address, i think i would warrant against the media the latest complex. do you think that the 1st amendment has been misused or abused by reporters? oh, no question about the issue is basically as a license but that space that sullivan versus new york times is an effect,
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a license to law high because they can tell them, improve print or non truth, which some of them to consciously do. if it's going to sell newspapers or what have you ever win a prize, and then they can always get behind the barrier. but under that case of saying, well, i didn't intend an e mail or so i had no malice. what do you, what do you, what do you think of that jeremy, his, what do you think of his comments on the media or? well, i think there are a lot of parallels. yeah. with the media coverage of donald trump today. i mean there was a lot of hostility to. busy and then the media because i think he came across maybe to some in certain classes and people's kind of crew. and he was a deficient president. uh, you know, uh, i think some of the statements he made may have been off putting his style of politics. they saw him as may be a kind of slimy character. so i think there was that the m, the t between him and the me that was real just like we see today with donald trump,
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where the media clearly has. and then for trump. yeah, probably for some of the same reasons as nixon. and i think there are also elements in the, in, in the so called deep state that wanted to take nixon down just like trump, in part also because of the daytime policy with russia and china. uh, you know, and especially the far right, you know, there's, there's literature that demonstrate that watergate was a cool the far right against nixon. want to prosecute the cold war. one use rach, are you down and there are elements you want to take trickle down because he was young meeting with him. was adopting as hostile policy towards russia. the neo conservatives would like and elements in the c i a c, e b. i'll tell you it's um, which one you think back of the man and what he met and what drove him and what moved jim? i think he's one of the most fascinating characters in our history. certainly in,
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in, in our presidential lifetime had a lot of it, i think interesting because of who he was, what drove him, both the good and the bad, his demons as well. and that's why i think richard nixon in, in a sense, still lives in what we are today. so it's a great conversation. thank you so much to, to jeremy and then for joining us and for taking us through that. thank you gentlemen. before we go, i want to remind view of our mission, really, it's simple. this side of the world, we've got to stop living and these little boxes go to salt, live in boxes, to slip everywhere. and that's what we try to do here to look everywhere, convert sanchez. this is direct to the
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the, what is part of the, the employee would post that isn't the, the place you of us entered in the word? or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without cases. let's jump out of as the most affordable cuz it was
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the business. and you put in the daily design, you know, maybe cons green. we'll just go through with this discussion of curriculum and also let me provide you with stuff such and sure. ruckel beam was not, i'm sure of the different student info, which of course and yet you throw in the wisdom of the product and you're still the shorter issued through your deos that i sent to you just to be as good as the top 3 . yours man. i'm doing that the study skills for civilian for to flourish, to, for me to on, on, on thursday, the tutor which originally it was it just pushed. it just won't because of this new way to possible do full color. was there any don't know which these are i know for the don't know is i can suggest to do given the other than that. we're going to sort of these disappearing into losses. come over the
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anyway. wait a minute or will it bag middle school and get arrested? is substation be hey, i go to adult, present the process we do all around. we're trying to handle like it would be 2 weeks to south carolina and go back to new york to henderson. there's the 3 weeks, the south carolina go back to new york, have some business, including, but not limited to policy, so immensely. i just relocated because there was a bigger conversation and i just couldn't walk away from it. so may
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know 2016. we started before oregon.


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