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tv   News  RT  May 6, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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on the common ground, the the back off now they from the incense a clear message to the west. that's it. borders, military drills with non strategic nuclear weapons saying that they come in response to the increasing folds up put in boots on the browsing the crate. get out while you can easily tell civilians to flee the guy, the safety of dropbox and the head of its impending ground abrasion of the coal columns. i missed the latest strikes of the set of wigs claims of police 21 miles on the japanese volunteers who survived some of the battles and the dumbass spot of rushes into an optional unit. she has his thoughts, exclusive into the japan will not appreciate my emissions when i left japan for
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russia, everyone was against my decision, a seal pd for the japanese government. it is very immediate. does whatever the us tells us to do? i wanted to show the us that there was a japanese man who's on the wash, assigned the head of the welcome to our team, to an option or reaching you live from a new center in moscow. why a michael fortune. now we start this with breaking news coming from russia. a passenger plane traveling from moscow to the city of autumn book has disappeared from the slide tracking services before that's the ad boss. a 321 had issued a distress call with media report saying that he was returning to a set of my to the airport and the roster and kind of a capital of a plane had been flying for 30 minutes and had dropped to an altitude of 3000 meters, we will keep you update as soon as we get more details of what's going on. i
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mean, what set to be a direct response to increasing talks of putting west and boots on the ground in ukraine. the president put things ordered maybe 3 x 5, this using non strategic nuclear weapons of the russian defense ministry set. the preparations for the drills had already begun during the day. also, such as measures will be carried out to practice issues of preparation and use of no strategic nuclear weapons. the exercises am that's maintaining the regiments of personnel and equipment of units of combat to use of non strategic nuclear weapons . first puns, and so conditionally ensure the territorial integrity and southern to the russian states and response to provoking to statements and threats by certain west and officials against russia. a russian officials won the western pulse of sending on contingency into ukraine could lead to on, on proceed entered escalation of tensions. of the crime. lean has set up a situation required at all the most attention streaming as pressure to check if
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you're asking me about what statements about western representatives we're talking about. well obviously we're talking of course about the statements of mr. mul, cron and the statement of a british representative, you know, representative of the west side. it was also, if i'm not mistaken, spoke about the redness and even intention to send arm contingent supreme that is infected with native soldiers in the front of the russian military. this is a completely new round of us collection of tensions. it is unprecedented and of course is require special attention and special measures quite let's now cross live to do a political, military analyst, an indian army veteran condo. well he dev honda is good to have you join me now. why do you make a call? thank you. what do you may call the vitamin put in order to conduct drills using non strategic nuclear weapons? i see a few us shades all for this statement. the 1st is a joe political statement that the sensory integration and for up on the 5th them this time of important as much more stronger than
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a ward with the direction mazda is behind him. so that gives him the authority in the goes around the world that he's here to take some, some decisions if that'd be the case and the need of the on the 2nd part is it. so it would be kind of a brilliant i think we'd be, you'd happens with all miller trees. some may thoughts, i may not talk about that. but the sions had been getting out such as excited as uh, over the years. and it has been no problem. what anybody whatsoever, because they actually come on the largest, the awesome new also you could have been to the on the code part of the shared is that they have been promulgated. and i believe anybody, any self respecting country which has its own reasons for the water cutting fee at hand, like $1.00 between the stand ukraine does not want any other input if it ends and that connects emanating from the less than 5 to be able to tell that shows that they were deployed
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a longer range of systems to strike. it will be hard to know for russian mainland, and that's who in support of euclid. and i'm also afraid that even these talks about putting boots on them, they look pretty much nice to me as i started to think of because they had this opportunity when the initial, the short on was taking place only in terms of uh, you know, various about an echo that and we had didn't have books on ground explicitly after you put in uh, you know, uh was all for the nato membership. and when people in the west we're talking a little south there that actually are deployed groups along the border. and then finally of the board and see what i do not think that in inside this emilio also nuclear testing or exercise which is primarily oriented towards operational readiness. you'll see them a student perspective. if you have pets in be if you have pled spelled along the way and strike someone's that a little thing that is good, the money order would be possible and do that. yeah, the legs wouldn't be able to support that from this item. you can, if,
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by what would not even put in or you would like to put in. you're going to take all the precautions to ensure including some, you know, kind of new bill, say moderately, as it may be, to ensure that there is a data ends, which is going as a very clear message. so i think there is nothing wrong in what a bit of reaction is. i'm also not very sure if anything is wrong with what the accidental the west is. but i, i failed to understand. read is the beads in what the rest is. they'll say, because it's been a long time the live stream of victims with the minimum quarter that, that the damage had been that cheap. and i think this exercise is only going to spend time that is all of that. i shouldn't do. then. i would also what i told you that one more point for you on attention which is about the duct cleaning of use. often you feel that funds which people generally in the jupiter because of that and that i to focus to be more diversity that this is what your stand is on ought to be . and all in this sense, i think that assumes that are far ahead in majority in terms of the application
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part. if you, if you take your mind back, the c, d, b, b, c, d has not been the identified. my majority of the best empires. when i actually want the name of the united states, whereas that i should have and i divided, so coming from and a bundle view of being responsible. i think they're also the gods that are clear. now the only thing is, which defines in that i shouldn't, don't think the people that the big and one page off is that, that shows what do use it to the effect of books. and the fact that when that existence is tend to live with edlio, exist as this picked on to something which is time sensitive, it is not bad, for example, you know, i get my own example of india. and many people used to talk about the nuclear. if i'd be able to plug this on these, which i thought was always a new good boogie. now just imagine and you are not going to wait for a maybe when football field means that these are stuck by some fall in terms of why that them is either. but it's on a new little bit odd and then you would go through or hike them on. and the
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president of the problem is little. so what is the country is, is going to, you know, say that board with the nuclear weapon systems. that's not the case. the tactical nuclear weapons, they have a very different i'd want this to shift to ensure that the mainland thoughts from the ukraine in 33 by the west and far things 15 times or before that they've that step and 100 times all of before the think up any longer into perspective, besides that systems to be deployed against bid us infinity, which is also well, it's hard to manufacture and deliver by wisdom systems. so i think that is with being that you think with the lies. and i think uh, you know, you must have heard about a few minutes back. be the addition bottom list, the has some on the, but it says best go to data and they go, gas is available. the remarks of the david cameron and that image from long range meant in the same systems and but systems being to provide to support the euclidean cause. i believe that is not the call of the west to a lot of good us. yeah. in that sense, it, as it may be,
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to talk about such kind of actions as preemptive. again, that isn't that it is always the, but actually i is within its means to take this of the actions. so it is a con, very you need to best de escalate the middle of the list and file was need to de escalate. they don't have to do say, but it like they have to talk to the shows. they have to keep them in bed. they've done what they wanted to do. they've done the section far. they've done the inside thing, the word part, they're done the media part. they've done they, you can go right back. but the very least of it last one of you. they have them says not for the light that is also it is there, but interested to meet i do, i would that assumes. so i think it's too late in the day for the same, but it will happen. and i think it's too early in the day for the students to play . they've got, they've started with a difference of, of falling out the sides. but the middle of the night, anybody has to, with this is new. let us know what that is. and that's what that assumes i'd like to be doing at all. and all right, the various spots on the native has done everything they can do so far. thank you
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so much. we have to leave you here. now, geo political ministry on the indian abi john, a call and veteran run, cut out right. he dev, thank you so much. thank you. that. meanwhile ukraine enrolled in the attack in russia's, bel garad region has left 7 people dead and at least 40 wounded. and that's according to local authorities. and a good culture off um has set to have been targeted with more details. here is r t, steve sweeney. at least 7 people being killed and faulty, wounded in the latest. you cried in a tug on rushes belgrade region. that's according to local officials who said the kamikaze drones had struck passenger vehicles including those taking people to work in the early hours of monday morning. now emergency services on the scene at the moment so that a casualty figures always casualties. that goes, could indeed arise,
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rushes investigative committee has opened the case into what has been described as a terror attack. now this was just one of a number of attacks that took place across the belgrade region over the paul's 24 hours with the veridian home civilian infrastructure targeted and damaged and a number of civilians among those wounded belgrade regional calls say it's on the board with ukraine that is being subjected to an increase number of attacks as they've intensified over the last few months. these have included those drones strikes of missed all strikes and attempted incursions along with the downing of the aisle $76.00 passenger transcript playing, which was making his way to ukraine this paul to integrate prison the swamp. now these lights, his attacks came just a week off to the british. foreign minister, the other elected paid little david cameron effective the green light to the attacks inside russian territory. and it comes also a report by russian human rights organization,
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which said it had leaked information, senior nato officials night to come on, does with directing and come on in the operations in ukraine. this includes general antonia, due to who's being described as the shadow. come on, does the crating on full season in the wake of the sacking of general was a notion, you know, according to the report. it is him that has been planning on coordinating attacks on the belgrade region as part of his plan to wreak havoc saying that they're all noted civilians. only the enemy is now that we stayed in the a city of rome as the russians safety on sunday. now some of the early hours of monday morning residents that received a text message from the local authorities warnings over the imminent you ivy attack . so it's a free a is now that with now you to is blessing. we're going to see more of these kind of attacks on more civilian casualties, about use roles or dod civilians in rockford to evacuate the head of its expected
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ground, defensive and the solvent guides in the city or the idea of as you'd fly as text messages, phone calls and media broadcasts in the robin to tell people to move. rafa comp, the brazil counts on the neighborhood. so files, shovel or an hour for are all set to be pockets. people have been told to it, to go had to expanded too many chair in the area of my was a, my wasi pile of a center of the city will come units has become a new shelter for the of i. q we use roll has been intensifying its attacks on vasa, idea of strikes if hit about a dozen homes in the southern part of guys in the media report, say the many of those killed where children, emergency workers have been pulling casualties out of the rubble. let's trust live to political analyst and guides. a native. i'm come a,
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a boost side is nice to have you join me right now. so r d f is urging people to evacuate. parts of rafa. does it mean there is no turning back from the ground? defense of what, what are you hearing a lot better. thanks for hosting me. uh, it seems to me the off to 2 days of uh, seeing your stocks between the egyptian video tours on how this uh, it seems to be that no decision has been made to be attempted to us between as well and how much and as you just indicated uh these were the all the as all the, all the palace, the display as palestinians in the eastern side overall to evacuate to other areas of drop off to out of milwaukee may loose, which is most of the area uh to the best of my knowledge i already out of fill out a bombing guys who really started on the eastern side or overall. and i believe
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that, uh, we are probably in the early stages of, uh, ground, uh, as well a or false ideas are the city of a where $1500000.00 displays the palestinians on are forced to do rough off as the parts in between our mazda and as women started uh, 7 months ago, off the uh, the attack by having us on october 7th on israel right now. so many policy unions had already fled to rafa from all the parts of garza. uh, the city is right next to the egypt and border. how fair is it to ask them to move us again when easel previously told people that never want to head south for their own safety? and i thought this to, uh, the beginning of this is what i really appreciate. and again, is the palestinians in golf law 7 months ago as when, or the palestinians who live in the north to browse out to evacuate to the south,
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including myself. i'm family where i used to live in garza city and we were evacuated to the south of guys all to our new one is our drop off and uh, 2 months after, uh the palestinians in can you and this will also order to uh, evacuate, drop off the roof uh it has become a very densely area now, where about 1500000 south sidney and i have been displaced and drop off for the past 7 months. and now is when is ordering, product of adults often is log displays and blah blah to evacuated to another area . unfortunately, all the areas which have been on folders by as well. north of galvan, i'm 10 years, i've been devastated by that is why the aggression on these lately i was sold on the dollar slip. i don't really know where the policy is. would be able to go. uh, as a matter of fact,
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i'm talking to my relatives and girls are basically there are no explicit ways overall to evacuate. how to what uh, allowed to do it backwards from the eastern side of the milwaukee area. and there is a stair to chaos that is going on right now and pop up as a result of this is where you get all those attention among the palestinians as wide spread. because basically as we're in has since on the attending the palestinian that these areas will have to be evacuated above a, to the rest of my knowledge on from what i hear from my relatives and friends in the, of even the areas which i've been designated for evacuation with all sorts, advice is lady from bob's month and out of hillary. so uh, even even areas of adjacent to the areas designated put it back you wish and cannot
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escape is what you need to know the at the x on his way to bombard. all right, now give us a picture. the id f is telling them to move to the eastern pots of rock. we're talking about millions of people here. how possible is that? can you create that picture for us to understand? i wish i really can't explain this to you in a very accurate way, but as you just mentioned, off off you do, i mean, used to house to a quarter of a 1000000 felt lost in those 250000 all the original a population of the area but as a result of this is why you the water division, rough, my husband, the housing now 1500000 ballast indians. it's a very crowded, very busy place. you cannot even walk in the streets of law because of the hundreds of thousands of palestinians who have been housed and broke off for the past 7 months. now ordering prompts of the city to back you where to the milwaukee,
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which is what's the robot that will create a lot of chaos. we're talking about hundreds of thousands of dollars in off again to evacuate the eastern side, the drop off to the worst over of a home to can you in this area? i what i hear is that as i just mentioned, do there's a lot of chaos going on. there was a lot of tension. there's uh no way. oh, oh, uh, uh, is it movement from the east side the to the word slides. overall, it seems to me that we're gonna see more uh, uh, a kiosk in the coming hours and days as a result of this is where it is a decision. but unfortunately is where it is saying that, uh, this, uh, uh, this um military. it back, you this military assault of
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a has been coordinated with that you, us today we have the that there was a phone call between the is what you did the minister of the army. uh you are, the lines would be uh you, us minutes. total defense lloyd austin and it seems to me that that you, us is uh well, unfortunately what is going on right now in the ground is all. ringback this is why you to plan that you with hundreds of thousands of palestinians will be used like the overall cost of the worst. and uh, the problem. and then with the, has held the, the american administration responsible for the blood, beth beth, is about to take place in buffer as a result of not preventing is where in, from, uh, going into our ground invasion again, a sort of a, uh, unfortunately, uh, it seems to me that the worst has, hasn't come yet. but what we have seen over the past 7 months. well,
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uh roughly 35000 charleston years i've been killed. most of them are the children on women, not often in civilian. more than $77000.00 fell off and then have also been injured and i believe that the brought the drop off wouldn't mid more low blood should more, more killing, get more to destruction. uh for the palestinians in the area. all right, we have to live here. now i'm come on both side of political analysts. thank you so much for you inside here. thank you is sluggish. but despite tokyo's and t, moscow stands over the watering ukraine. one japanese man has opt routes and decided to join the ranks of the russian army. he's enjoyed some of the few says to fighting in the conflict and dumbass in an exclusive interview with archie. he spoke about how his decision changed his life. my names, it goes, donovan,
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sitting down with me here today is kind of cool day suckle, who's a japanese national, who chose to join the ranks of the russian troops in the don't pass this to kind of cool. thank you so much for your time. would be of a pross. my 1st question to you is, what made you take part in the special military operation, and that the, the height a mazda, on the special meal to operation started. i was in thailand where my work had to do with the armed forces and the police. i followed the coverage on neutral mass media in thailand and learned about what was going on. that's how it all began with this, cuz i still have our setup with assemble as, as you said, your work had to do with the military and the police with them. could you tell us more? did you have combat experience by then? hire a mazda in thailand. i worked for the army as a shooting instructor, you know they, i ins what firearms did you work with? as an instructor in a tight entire lines i work with different firearms. somewhere russian made somewhere american made german made and others
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a clue. what type of weapons are we talking about? a salt rifles, machine, guns, sniper rifles. that's what was your specialty. apple might say be so. so the automatic rifles sniper rifle shot most in the guns rifles. no. now, could you tell us about the obstacles you had to overcome in order to join the special military operation? was yeah, and you said it was, it was difficult to gather information about the russia, for example, how to travel there, whether it was possible to get the right. oh, really, how could one obtain a visa? what would happen at the border getting to rush it in the 1st place was problematic? yes. what was the 1st unit you signed a contract with? if it's not a secret, it'll send us the fitness cobra gate. which tells to i've read that you also have some history with the wagner group. is that true at the problem? the? well yeah, well 100, there were guys from wasn't our input nashika, but i personally have nothing to do with wagner. so you guys know why? yeah. the communication is often a matter of life and death for
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a soldier. how have you been able to fight? and so successfully as far as i know. even though you spoke no rush in the tool at the time of your arrival, and you're only learning it now, but i see you. i most of us handle that come up. i use machine translation to talk to my fellow soldiers. but when you are on the battlefield, look at your comrades face is enough to get what he means by the atmosphere and makes everything clear. but i did memorize the most useful words, such as magazine in advance for me to do it. i mean, yes, click on what could you tell me about one or 2 of the most memorable moments for you on the front lines and then in the front of what the most memorable moments can happen, doing an operation that is over now. so i can tell you the exact date, it was an update. on november 25th, there were 2 coordinate explosions and i was wounded with fragments in my cheek. in one of my kidneys. we might be able to start, but it'll be a couple thought she could you tell us more about how you were wounded or were you
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trying to take something by storm if so, then what about what were you holding? a defensive position was by their openness to you. that operation is a thing of the past now in the past. so i don't think it's a secret any more. no more comes in. uh, i was taking part in an attack. we were about 20 meters from the enemy and i got hit on the front of a boat where exactly, well, you get 1000. was it in a neighborhood with private homes, apartment buildings, or what i thought it was in a wooded area next to an industrial park. it was on a plane. so everything was clearly visible in the day time. that's why we were taking that's night. when it was very dark, and there was some better color as quick as now, it was a you just to make it. as far as i know, you are the only japanese citizen who has volunteered to join the russian army, or in your case, the p up nashika battalion. what do you think about the fact that there was a huge number of foreign mercenaries on the ukrainian side interest?
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some of them were from japan high on all the fighting. and dave could talk me one thing. the enemy forces have their own principles and convictions. i have my own principles and convictions to that's why i'm in no position to criticize them. everyone is right in their own way. regardless way above that, everyone is right, a couple of toys, district. then what do you think about the fact that you'll native country japan was and it was taking such a fetus, anti russian and pro ukrainian positions group. i use albany enough. i can, i don't mind wrestling. i feel very sorry about this whole situation. i mean, i think is our japanese media presents to events in a matter that's convenient for america and nato, ordinary japanese people believe them do me to of, of should, in your opinion, how effective is the work of the japanese media, which as you've just said, distorts reality is there really a large proportion of the japanese population who support ukraine's just right? a sort of snap more that email if there is a growing number of japanese one to stand, that the blame should not simply be being done. russia right up to the launch of
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the special meal to up ration where the 90 percent were convinced that it was only russia and that this book is more back then. i lived in thailand and i realized that the japanese media was wrong. i compared the media messages and realized what was the truth and what was the light discovery. it shows me said there are japanese who do not believe the official narrative and who understand that the full picture is different. what led you to understand that and why in stone? i think there are 2 reasons you can do this is put in this war. then why does it last so long? the japanese are wondering that as for the 2nd reason, people are beginning to question the mind. don events in 2014, which happens prior to the operation and the associated implications. this information is trickling though, and people are gradually discovering it. there's no box of some how did your family and friends react to your decision? must come up with the cool. uh no, i do not have any people that i can call the family. have some friends who i spend
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time with in a pop. i mean, at 1st they said i was wrong. when i return to japan in late 2023. the attitude was different. do you have you made any friends with your brothers in arms? what kind of a, on a 30th to my sure way, always in touch. i really love getting messages from russia. they write to me every day. after i returned to japan, i got enough for to go to a 3rd country. what i chose russia. it's my only choice. this is why i came back to russia us. yes and is a good at so what's next about if it's not a secret, of course, using. thanks to my new friends, i've signed a contract with the russian defense ministry to settle a bonus, but it's always something one of your interviews. you said you are not afraid to show your face to talk to the media without a balaclava. you openly say that you are a foreigner from japan that you have come here to fight for your principles. do you fear any reprisals from the japanese government?
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much at all and we must, i'm sure they've, japan will not appreciate my emission when i left japan for russia. everyone was against my decision. i feel beat for the japanese government. it is very a beating and does whatever the us tells it to do. i say i wanted to show the us that there was a japanese man who's on russia site mom, other car. yes. most of you put in you watching your video of near quick door to one more personal questions or what japan has a long tradition of tattoos. i can see you've got some. what do they stand for it to know corny most. i don't know how my right leg. i've got a tattoo that says to the victory and sat on my hand. i've go to tools. i said a word time friend asked me to do. she died. unfortunately. i start by asking what is the message they are not on a hornet, and on this case it is a symbol of bones, implies death for the enemy. we mostly a concern. do you plan to go back to japan once the conflict is over? most importantly, will you be able to do that after signing
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a contract with the russian defense ministry will go home? tornado, she has to be told. yeah, no, i will not go back to japan. i have fallen in love with russia so much that i am not willing to go back on you. i must have a meeting by a spell even. so what is so good about russia? most of most of it, the 1st questions are very kind and friendly. second questions are complex people. when you get them friendly terms, they do not let you down. they are very carrying. that is a trait that the japanese have lost. they used to have it, but now it is all gone. kind of cause i got the, the in just before we go, a quick update on that developing story coming out of russia that we would cover nearly a passenger plane had disappeared from slide tracking. so this is now landed safely back in moscow at the ad boss had been heading from the russian capital to the city of art in burg, wendy, this is soft depressurize ation.


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