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tv   News  RT  May 6, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, as russia order has been a tree drills involving nuclear weapons for the kremlin, says it's a see a message to the west over it's increasing to put things, boots on the ground. the new crane reading down terra in belgrade, ukrainian brody's tried to kill 7 civilians in the cities, becomes that to the u. k. game, but not the key of to use its weapons, just tried russian territory and putting its people. first, india again defends his trade relations with russia, saying if he didn't maintain unusual stands indians themselves who be head hard in
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their pocket, the kettle that welcome to washington national reaching you live for my new center. in moscow, i have mike cook, quite chat with the updates. a style of watch set to be a direct messages in response to increasing talk of putting west and boots on the brand new crane president put in this order ministry drills using nuclear weapons or the russian defense ministry said the preparations had already been gone during the trail so such as measures will be carried out to practice issues of preparation use if no strategic nuclear weapons. the exercises aimed at to maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment of units of come by to use of no strategic nuclear weapons for response. and so i'm conditionally ensure the territorial integrity and silver until the russian states in response to prove up to statements
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and threats by certain west and officials against russia. well, ukraine's had a tough time on the battlefield. as of late russia has been advancing in key areas, key has been saying that it's been running into supply problems and as a result, the west has up. it's rhetoric something that the kremlin spokesman to meet your pest golf has pointed out, you're streaming as pressure. thank you for asking me about what statements about western representatives we're talking about. well, obviously we're talking of course about the statements of mr. mul, crohn, and the statement of a british representative on the, you know, representative of the was sent in plus also, if i'm not mistaken, spoke about the redness and even intention to send on contingency ukraine that is infected with native soldiers in front of the russian military sorry, this is a completely new round of escalation of tensions. it is unprecedented, and of course is requires special attention and special mattress. not the scores mentioned that manual matt cron there, and he's no doubt been the most vocal about this very dangerous idea of sending nato troops to ukraine. it's very likely that if they were to be sent, they would replace a troops in the rear as
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a more and more ukrainians are refusing to fight as a result of these tighter conscription laws that we're seeing in the country. in fact, key of will soon be able to even conscript the disabled and the mentally ill. so it's not really clear just how many of these troops in the rear would have to be replaced by nato troops. if this very dangerous move is carried out, but still it's seriously of something that could lead to a disastrous open confrontation between western forces and russia. the company ins books by sickness is still is talking about not just what the rhetoric coming out with from my car. what are they all the western leaders say? well, we also heard from the british foreign secretary, david cameron, he said, actually, just recently as he was in ukraine, that you the t of should have the ability and has the right to strength targets on russian territory using british supplied weapons. let's take a list. they must take their steps, we did discuss city the covey as the we put on all those things, then you create opportunity has the right to strike back at russia include the
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inside, right, right. you as a decision for you create and you create has that right? as of now, moscow has called upon the investors from both france and the u. k. but we also saw a statement from the russian foreign ministry saying that the british investor was actually born that strikes on russian territory using british supplies weapons would lead to the conflict spilling outside of ukraine. the impacts of the was told of the russian side considered cameron's was as evidence of a serious escalation and confirmation of london's growing involvement in the military actions on cab side and passed the case. it was want that the response of the cranium strikes with the use of british weapons on russian territory could be on any british military facilities and equipment on the territory of ukraine and beyond. now across the atlantic, we also heard similar rhetoric from us democratic senator had came jeffries, he said that us servicemen would have to get involved in the ukraine conflict. if
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you have some military fails on the battlefield, we can't let you crane fall because if it does, then there is a significant likelihood that america will have to get into the conflict. not simply with our money, but without service women, l service man. we can either stop russia and ukraine. bye can simulink our military and economic support for we can face a challenging situation where vladimir putin in russia are able to overrun ukraine and then threaten nato allies. or why the had came is just reiterating some of the fear mongering among leaders in the west. in europe, in canada and united states, all, if russia wins, that is going to, over on the whole of europe put in a set time. and again, we don't have any of those things if that's we want to concentrate to what's
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happening back home and develop up people and help up people and prosper and so on . let's talk about what's going on now. what do we know about the, the drills, the ministry drills that all that we have been covering while these future exercises are set to take place in russia's southern military district, which now includes the recent territories that joined the russian federation. and they're set to include a ground forces, the navy and non strategic nuclear weapons. other than that, we don't really know that much about these exercises. so we're going to have to keep our finger on the pulse and see how everything turns out. you'll political, military, analyst and indian on the veteran cano rashid. dev believes that western publications over ukraine for the russian. the presidents hands over the drills, and i see a few of us shades off for this statement. the 1st is a new political statement that the sense of the number they sent into on the 5th of
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this time of importance is much more strong. but anyway, when did i say most of the i'm him so that gives them the authority in the do you particularly prepare the word that he's here to take some, some tough decisions if that'd be the case and the need of the, the 2nd part is it so it will be kind of a brilliant activity, it happens with ultimate increase, some may thoughts, i mean, or talk about that. but the, the, i shouldn't have been getting out such as the sizes over the years. and it has been no problem what anybody whatsoever. because they actually come on the largest the us mail for you could have been to the on the 3rd part of the shared is that they have been slow located. and i believe anybody, amy said prospecting country, which has its own reasons for the water cutting fee at times like $1.00 between the stand. ukraine does not want any other input. if i didn't send that to the parents emanating from the less than 5 to be able to tell that i shows that they were
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deployed in long range systems to strike. and it will be hard to know what i should in mainland and that full in support of euclid that one man has been killed. and an 8 year old girl, one did have to re ukrainian drove and hit the residential building and rushes belgrade region. and that's alice after another attack in the area left, 7 people dead. and then at least 40 all those winded with more details here is our di steve, sweetie. at least 7 people being killed and 40 wounded in the latest. you cried in a tug on rushes belgrade region. that's according to local officials who said the kamikaze drones had struck passenger vehicles including those taking people to work in the early hours of monday morning. now, emergency services on the scene at the moment so that a casualty figures always casualty figures could indeed arise, rushes investigative committee has opened the case into what has been described as
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a terror attack. now this was just one of a number of attacks that took place across the battle road rage. and over the paul's 24, i was with civilian home civilian infrastructure, targeted and damaged, and a number of civilians among those wounded belgrade regional calls say it's on the border with, are you crying that is being subjected to an increase number of attacks that we intensified over the last few months, these have included those drones strikes of missile strikes and attempted incursions along with the downing of the aisle $76.00 passenger transcript playing, which was making his way to ukraine. this paul to integrate prison to swap. now these liked his attacks came just a week off to the british, foreign minister, the other elected paid low david cameron effective the green light to the attacks inside russian territory. and it comes also a report by russian cuban. right. so organization which said add link to
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information senior nato officials made to combine this with directing and come on in the operations in ukraine. this includes general antonio due to who's being described as the shadow come on. does the crating on full season in the wake of the sacking of general was the notion of email according to the report. it is him that has been planning on coordinating attacks on the belgrade region as part of his planned to wreak havoc saying that they're all know civilians. only the enemy is now. we stayed in the a city a vote on age. the russians safety on sunday. now some of the early hours of monday morning residents that received a text message from the local authorities warning over the imminent you ivy attack . so it's a free a is now that with nato is blessing. we're going to see more of these kind of attacks on more civilian casualties. the india is neutral, stands over the water. ukraine is 1st and foremost for the benefit of indian people . and that's
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a direct message from the nation's foreign minister who has been defending new daily's continued trade with moscow. a look at the one example. i think that's what i do. you also mentioned we had this pressure on what a show couldn't we? but clear. ok. suppose we had not to be clear. suppose we had search, sorry, sorry. you are you are. you are saying it very strongly be able to not do what we did. we are probably the price would have gone up by the bank database. because of that, that thing goes on the past minutes step voting the record, treat that which for prizes would have go not had india not been killed on the show you rewards team does save dropping around, pushing really enjoying those by importing discount. it rushing to boys. now that
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discount has not always been consistent. that discount has fluctuated, but it has to worked out for india to give you a perspective your india is a country that is largely dependent on oil imports for its needs around 83 percent. so the end of the year when india has to put that fast bill on view, any discount then you'd hills, india also have to keep inflation in check. now if the one paying the everybody in india has agreed to, one have been speaking to the last few years. talk ministers in the government of india. also, senior bureaucrats also need those from the opposition policies. the mean disagree with anything else that the more the government is doing in total politics or other policies. but if everybody in india has agreed upon one thing that is that if it
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works for india, if it works with indians, if it works for him, does economy india really continue to buy this count due to russian oil? never mind all the sweat sense to show that india has had from the west, which is why the wheels cost hasn't come to because india is a country independent country with an independent foreign policy that always does what works for india. the best. and the last couple of years of the west has been great up by india because of the strong historic ties. 8 shares with most cool. i'm because of the fact that it wasn't the one you created in the south sea when sanctions on was for india hasn't come to any. india has continued to, to maintain its strong buy lots of ties. we lock shop in fact, the foreign minister of india. and this government has always defended its relationship with moscow. had we not stood out ground about buying energy from
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russia. very frankly, all of you would be paying much more for your energy because we would have more countries would have gone into a natural set of suppliers. and actually these, the was the energy buses. look at this large line, most of that. and i think when you'll see the mapping of it, i think that makes sense why india and our shop would work closely together. we appreciated the fact that our trade to set the time high. we have crossed $50000000.00, don't know. but last year, we expect to exceed dot this year. i think it's very much in the suddenly an indian national interest, but i would suggest, actually in global interest. but when bradshaw, you know, what's happened today with russia is essentially a lot of doors have been shocked to rush on the west. i think it's
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makes sense to give brochure multiple options. so you're seeing the tending foam, and in the realize that the west has, we in the, in the us avenue was the flooring boy from municipal to we're down on the sanctions . but no more also to put some data on to the spec to even last to your in india is in port box gauge from 2023 april to fend the seal in. doesn't voltage around 36 percent rushing to got between $21.00 to $20.00. $22.00, why didn't get important just about $0.04, that's the wrong. 1700 percent jump in. the oil imports also in the last 9 months so. so india has basically april important i use among ford from russia. so whether to buy, washing or, or not, that's never really has been a subject,
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a topic of debate for india. now remembering following the heroes the multiple regimen march was held in the east in india on a soviet forces who defended their motherland in world war 2. among the parts of the funds were russians who lived in india, as well as local for received education in russia. and sylvia universities of those taking part in the multiple regiment much, she had stories about the relatives who contributed to the soviet victory over the next, as in a besides called kata. some of the marches of plans to be held in all those cities of india to commemorate victory day in russia on the 9th of may and to gather now where easily. busy has ordered about a $100000.00 civilians of the city of rafa to evacuate. a comes ahead of its new mean ground, defensive and the solvent ought to be in great. and that's now with shelter for
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over a 1000000 people. now the idea of used flies text messages, phone. busy calls and media broadcast to tell people to pack up out of order is that aimed at those in the east, some part of the city, instructing them to move to neighboring con units. and that's an area that's been the sides of intends fighting in bombardments over the previous months. israel has seen ramping up. it's a tax on rafa. and 22 people where reported the killed and open eyed air strikes and a fresh wave of israel's rates comes on the heels. all the evacuation orders were heard from john was a crime all satari. he says the locals are beginning to panic ahead of the idea of ground to pay for operation. the dinner and situation from dropbox is one of despair. you tens of thousands of pieces of austin was i to lift the area until head to some areas on from umus and to the beach. and yet it does have since then since then because of the symptoms. so people kind of thing last time to move the
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document to use and i found that this outside the roof are, i'm sorry for security. and since j, as in, if the person processed the. ready piece, it's asking people live in about 20 blocks from 5 different areas, including an area that has a decent roof on more than an area where i'll be use of the in the ductless split. that is the face it and see for us to leave, to can units. and these are the dissipation forces provide the ads and selective ask and see if we can move towards. can you just add 50 votes in the areas that are the ones that say fly be as a grade, sufficient disagreements are already moving and read the facing from those different areas to areas of can use and does us. and i noticed that says the subject is due by state and ground 0 percent of people are still edison defense. i'm hoping they would live next to their homes. allison is have no intention to lose the was egypt,
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and they have been moving for the civic lead the words find me with this. and guys i, since i've had to the bottom administration to slam the brakes on its weapon, supplies to ease roll and that's according to media report, citing used really officials while there's been no confirmation from washington. the us house speaker was out raised of the parent decision. this is holly, unacceptable. israel, our closest ally in the middle east is under attack, but the vitamin ministration is yet again kevin to the pro homeless wing of his party. the administration must end this pause immediately. washington says raise the red flags over its allies, planned offensive in roswell, the secretary of state reported the tried to stop it during his trip to the country last week. it diction and catch every book. good folks, over of the many, terry and sees far, are ongoing. by so far, no agreement has been reached. israel has repeatedly being accused of using us supplied weapons and strikes that have killed civilians in humanitarian
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work. as a report by the guardian says, but that was exactly the case in an attack that killed 7 health workers and 11 and back in march. the white house is also styled itself in hot water is over a few minutes here an age do guys that last week, 8 to 6 house democrats signed the latter accusing knees. while the restricting supplies us legislation prohibits sending sending alms to any countries doing so on sunday, the well to the program. one that a full blown assignment already in the notes will be enclave is now sweeping south of the organization. also a q is these roller preventing us aid from reaching gather about israel has repeated leads, valves to continue it's offensive in gaza until how math is wiped out from minutes that been getting the thing. yeah. who said that the country will fight on, even if it has to do so alone in
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a terrible holocaust. they would great world leaders who stood by idly they for the 1st lesson of the holocaust, is if we do not defend ourselves, nobody will defend us. and if we need to stand alone, we will stand alone. other credo, news outlets, esteban ontario believes that there are alter remote tips to washington, southern hesitation over on supply. it is to weeks ago the us congress sunday, but president approved these uh $6070000000.00 weapons package for use. reality is the day that the neighbors have the costs then. so i, i just bought, i feel like it's just uh, made sure it's the same phase is something for p r. you know, you have the university process. you have joe biden, trading behind donald trump in the, in the falls ahead of november elections. they need to show that they're willing to do something, but the thing is, are they actually willing to stop there? what the shipments, right, know, just hold some, i mean, nation. know just and maybe smaller bonds instead of the very big or, you know,
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bunker buster bombs, i think is just a desperate measure. so that, uh, some of the pressure is released from the white house because of the moment israel decides to enter rama and they will enter rama is a likely that the united states is going to stand aside. aside from them, even the big, big old building using ruins a 2 year old is going to continue. bite is eric himself if there is no. is there a we need to cause to build a new israel? so yes, this is just, you know, the things are going to continue as they are even donald trump. you say, you know, we meet this that by israel. this is not a matter of democrats versus republicans. this is a matter of how much controls those are for and country law. we have over your political system and turning from the west and increasingly embracing the east. a sea change has been slipping across the african continent in recent times, as countries look to full new alliances. and the president of the democratic
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republic of congo says that the reason is clear. again, public pressure in china don't come with this arrogance this way of giving lessons, which is actually disappointing. we cannot understand why anyone would come and give us lessons, for example, on human rights made. while in my gerry, a high ranking officials and civil society groups assigned a joint, elected to the president that urging him not to host us in french forces. and there's widespread apprehension that the signing of the peg by nigeria with a wide range of implications for defense and internal security of the country, american and french troops were expelled because their presence did not serve any useful purpose. instead, they were using the defense bank, took care of surveillance operation senior regent to serve their geo political strategic interests. as a result of this expulsion, the gulf of guinea countries, especial nigeria are being pressured to compromise their sovereignty by harper and his foreign troops. i call eastern of civil society groups and prominent statesmen in my gerry, a sense is wanting notice and its concerns were class years of us and french
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military interventions in africa, didn't little to no good. so the confidence about the move could potentially divert the government's attention and resources away from source on local agents. like education, health care, and infrastructure development. the latest development comes a mid, any reason, resentment of western interference in africa. last to for us with, through troops from shops following a government's demand. there is also a similar pattern with frank street in missouri, but jennifer also and molly, we can confirm the states and orderly relocation of approximately 60 us forces from shad to germany where they will continue their work. this temporary step as part of an ongoing review of our security cooperation, which will resume after the may 6 presidential election. united states has been
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sending troops to africa for nearly 2 decades with affiliate aim of helping to combat terrorism for the police on and it's letter. citing data from pentagon describes operations of western forces in the region as for flight unimpressive. if not a complete failure and quote, a 2023 global terrorism index report says, that's from terrorism in oscar. so how region increase the tremendous 2000 percent over the last 15 years with the fossil rank and 2nd among countries most in fox advice are recent tax molly ranch for my jerry, it was a reserve was tim business. i mean, you can see the american presence in the territory of the republic of new jersey illegal. it violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the silver and people, notably. so it's elected officials to be consulted on the installation of a, for an army and that's territory. in recent months, us ties with south africa has also been strained by divided positions on these
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rally palestinian conflict. south africa has accused of washington to close. all i use all of committing genocide in gaza in a case of the international court of justice. the u. s. has rejected some claims and despite the blow, when dissatisfaction with washington policy is an offer for us believes it is the best partner for the confidence we think with the best we think we offer opportunities consistent with the african families of freedom and democracy. and so we want to be the partner that you choose to work with what all these words work more than similarly plaza and rhetoric. we gauge the opinions of so my jerry and i want to get by without but if it be for me last week, i would i have 40 to offer just the one that i forgot to be awkward so that they know that because i don't think they have done much if i may say,
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especially dental secretary before they have you know that this dental benefits from you know, start to gain don't have, i have to so i think most of the i had some works skype most time. yeah. joseph that yes, if his interest as african mesa is get fired from an old system, some are turning very time sensitive. rochelle, which has repeatedly fledged, it's even as to pursue mutually beneficial relations with the content and, and one way to so that was last year when the blacks, the rain deals broke off russia. sense times are free, rain and fertilizers, most in need seems 20 to 22 most because image in africa has improved even more than china's or roger has seen double digit increases in age. countries as equivalent decreases in just 2, but supports remain strong nest in countries in this house. as commodity model, while it emerges,
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developing countries are demanding their fair share and the real forces are well to west the willing to accept for new realities. a well asked of nations continue to turn to russia for a stronger partnership. sympathy of, here's an hour to buddha. like, curious about global affairs. i'm is vito hi believes that given the already poor track record in this whole region, it's unlikely my jury, i will roll out the red carpet for us and french forces. a jury generally would not wear periods. i can tell you that because we, we, we can't turn already. we are, we have seen that wherever they will choose, that they do not break. i mean, it doesn't leave the hearts you know, uh, change them for change of sort functions. it is a positive way, right? i just brings problems on. there is a new kind of case so far, the shift for us and, you know, moving the french on the u. s. i, b b, c. country are so far from where they're most of our clients, especially on this i originally and you'll see the benefits if they've been to our
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seats, the content is for their own certification. so they're not going to get there to the reason being drugs. yeah. presence, it was so you know what the us on the french ought to have it is still, there should be are intelligence? yeah. satellites can we, we can work when, so pictures are, do you see we, we, i'm to sales probably. i'm waiting to, to stop it. but it is to be both just the north. we have c charlie, that'd be fully inside the house is out and lives in surgery center. it's hard to interest all the questions or would you like to see more of the drugs are they're not where so really shows we have time to be doing what to do with it because of the west. why, in any case, as far as resources, really friendship likeness the job. so let me refresh a messenger where people as well, that's all from me now my colleague wherever associated will be with you at the top
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of the hours most or even all bates. i see you again, bye for now the i'm out sooner than say, welcome back to going underground broke of single around the world from the middle east today, the so called world cool to get inputs, a u. s. u u k. on israel, on trial for another genocide like case, tens of thousands, mostly women and children have been killed by nature, weapons, and gaza. while russia and china repeatedly voted the un security council for sci fi, egypt is now wary of his riley ethnic cleansing, of more than


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