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tv   Documentary  RT  May 8, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT

2:30 am
use in just about 30 minutes in the meantime. as always be sure to visit our website, r t dot com for the very latest breaking news and buy the the a 0 near ship dishes so that i get them. i'm scared about orders only the lab dot gov. i the good i need save. save. you give us
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a user. can you send me an image survey for us to create brand central data? show us where the software insurance gets here for you when you come on. okay. so what are you insured on? fold young people are on the floor. so if i gave you somebody at that granular, that's why there are certain i'm with frontier to what's your role to log in to visit with her? cuz he's out for his tours. triple pole. the energies and she's moving through from whole show you as i go on to federal, a september shift for her was india radio, cory church, the year when their power to arrive, you or she or last session, to know my coroner's division here. there's a roof for june, 50 jeremiah, omar, chauffeur,
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yeah. corner served towards judge award who died. i've got to learn how to crochet on a train and that's at the end of summer stay. yeah. can i put in your land, sheila, you are you were to have for new even yeah, here from 11 to march. you're in there for a nation that can give a name, runs the mountain in there. she clear vermont probably get closer or endorse definitive certain that i'm or a paragraph shiver in nature space, february the memory. yes, we're actually measured by 32 south turn a concert just practice rates and the, the semi attacker and look at the model, rush or name with in the shows of this yet i'm
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a frontier to level 2 lawn chairs for the sub solution for any kind of federal or system system that was indeed emilio cory church the yeah we're, we're our tools i do or she, we're glad just by the live here. so as soon as the know my really new i like this here. let me is there, let you have a shame, pass her somewhere for the developments and then a new new me fact, even with sheer one way to pro that's in my ear. no text. oh my goodness. okay, so this is the core and she lives here for me and i sort of that so that yeah, i just want to hear the go to go to frontier. she was it was good cause
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for this surgery, would it be a good fit for you? real strongly, you know, it's kind of to sylvester listed as usual now. 32 years now. k windsor moved, we're not to live there knows a ship say who you want. you should be to tell b as yeah. so we usually nearby you, me, general miles scam model is only the guy that i used to be in may, right. the, the government, all the, give me a go far, the skids ship the, there's a way of image the roots and to dates are there that i show us where that was the change just here for here. when you come are sending me or is fair to work for the
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school in the city, the settings that are great set to that set for the information where the shipment has slip workforce is. he has to do this and i am the only in the lives on the list and in a statement i'm interested. so i have set an s at model, and i would that to show course them. this is the place at e. s, saturday, or facility course. riley, and as well do change whether she is for me as, as good as young breakdown to show us where they built their mission. so i didn't know a separate offense or presented sheets or sheet or what's come for special, which are so shame, which you know for on our board does not come with us here in a share through 1st. so here's the preferred here's from push to mary,
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and brewing for work motion bill, phone call. when you're not sure to brand, going to are you sure of old. we have 2 parents are coming up for one tablet. and so it was a particular teacher's excuse, genuine show, vision really is for what the letters are good. yeah. from zillow action, me up is brand new. they're not provided to me. when you say it is cool to shift which interviews for pick not to do that. since you're so so just so important trailer tow to ship bullshit was run the turn on monday, but you know no, it wasn't really sure to finish the immediate or fortunately as you did when the girls came waiting and there was something that gentleman scape ice got as we had to move to do with the up with the, put all the color considering the maybe i wouldn't be able to i just like show man on our needs are laid by, you know,
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portion control control and visual mark. i'm gonna put the tray or you're worker's trailer, the show wait time to follow to sugars for a yard, structure, owner theater, and figure that you are. can you peter shared it? darker. do need to do shoshone. still. mosher force him to the george bush and he was turned on the 2nd the where she really started to terminal some good credit for thousands of dollars from the adult shade. is way o'clock. hope that goes there. sure. sure. the german older. yeah. sure it will.
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you more go with the shit. do you want to go very little fast temperatures or what are number to someone to come and they're just getting really well. percussion was sooner useful formula or reward who were in there. i wonder where you would run your former guy or yeah, it's just you over them for the year, we will a vision on there for there should be glad to see some of the various with a social media or show me i'm a gun. yeah, that was who was what i so right there was a little bit lower for me here for the water is going to to for motion, but on for social so nice and clear to him but full. so here's a clearance. could you tell me the address prior to that they're going to get on
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the court or the shoot search for a homely or is, is gonna take care of salt surgery and she has no you know, sort of deal if it is that is why him or your or, or what from because there and we'll get those out of school for profession and way of what take you to where you are cheerful. yeah. she says here in a few to insure for various companies. dish cuz they've been out there working here . i'm certainly georgian ought to have some work done because the doors, the to phone. nobody to it for the steam referral, for here, no worries. we'll start a new bottle and there's no one where she is not there. then the boy list of the ladder. i just saw me and that little dougherty, let me move. that's kind of cool. so me could i see my really
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preference style? it could be rising to that and it took me asperity and there were for services that happened 1111 or 1130. and there will message schumer, lamb this, that are for the year for view and nearly the they're sending that's up to us. thank you very much. not sure i let them work that letter from them, but i should say what the best of them story. and then the last is the last sanders and pay. yeah, new more agreed to tell you need a new test. i'm suddenly in stroke that are still premier to the total for some of the students that are sort of an answer. but those, i feel it's a new story on somebody in your time they are, you are part company that's up to them and publish them on find that to me right
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here on assess what suspended that's a big children vehicle in the english. i mean in which to test and then, and then as you go from there to the custom work with what they should as natalie the be so bad. okay, let me know when they're laughing here because i will cut my left to which the the, the one we're working over roy's, just to her to hear whisker for her to assure you, look for you. so there's
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a chance to try it. try to have the stuff covered at home no longer come on there. yeah. sure. yeah. all right. your way stores it's federal. sure. fish. sure. cheryl cunningham to dora. but had you called yeah. for the service. uh, part futures case scenario for where it was purchased enough and starting a new motor on the interior of tango park village do is not just the one that i but yeah. same sure. so check the 2 or 3 or the cover under settings each. the keisha jones. no, the roof is julio horan profession's k, which now she's tons, dean for his 2. you know, she's down to the previous years. young
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girl or for him to very preaches particular terms. the terms contributed to, you know, still story. yes. the lives of terms and of course will appear for the move to for and for you you her was to the higher the issue. so the show customer here, this is still hold. this is time to come here. not to form or are you doing here the roof part of the over here really mash is dover. so who is the lot is clear to me to turn this your tablet for just a car cargo cover jammed. so if you say the lot is
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present for you, really of the shit hole that go home or when they're going to hear their conditions or go or shame the the the, the
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other way, not to the right. so see what's printing, what was the other one that's good? so sounds good. just so basically of course we need the last name was needed read. those can, will be used to be imagine we have support for someone who is this, we would show new people to the the
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or the move i try to go to a shoulder from korea somewhere here in charlotte further, shall i come? yes, there was cold here for him. i'm coming to you to the source, please refer to as you move it up from the source and the amount that you found that's to punch it off. i don't use insurance for that insurance, but of course they have a short survey page and then on your part, pretty good. i mean, so formulas is here from your account here to start school with us. cool. yeah, that's fair. yeah, i remember you remotely for there for, for me or for the sheriff's quote or visit us. we'll start pulling up for showcase cool, cool tourism should work for you. remember where you're set up and you're sure you're well, but also very well. we're to be really clear and present it to you,
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but also we'll put that towards the oceans needs for the phone, which is good. ok. no, no kidding. yeah, miss just the whole thing. it's funny to hear for shares key that has doors. great . yeah. does it prior to visit with the shop for, for just yeah, well, this is where you can show the most of the month for the technicians, consumers who shared it, they're forced to triple phone the for the whole 0. so for sure, for the most of the hold the visual for every minute furniture a plan or a crew or a horn and the delivery is, are for per box. yeah. i just prefer to they're going to are so yeah. oh stare. so
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for whole, for the rest of the year, separate from thursday to clear. williams social security is here. no problem here because scheduled, scheduled, scheduled, scheduled for sure. thank you guys know that i've used to the 3 figures ready to ship sources from i did on we do for the quarter proctors here over 50, the worst comfortable deal, but i want the user level williams wants to hear us cold through the oakland and 0 to and so what's the goal is that the field give us quote contributors in the whole. so yeah. so it's not in the present. no, no good over here. where's the show? here's my fears. i should have said, i'm sure. for lorraine, it's missing charles for good or to i never was there. he'll be there to just go
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for it for the day and it was it was quite different sort of further torsion from furniture or anything to him simply will be the visitor. surely for the last page comes out and they are really very informative sort of guy when it's not that i did that yesterday about those 80. okay. for the horses or what bill i'm calling because i don't remember if i've had a change or heard of whether or not they've done right now, but for the show some of those barriers shopping the order that goes out of here one year the 0 who started to the new york necessarily did try to do to going to occur when a substantial install a new or is a more challenging you will use more to issue. talk about the yeah, for sure. so where nielsen analysis, i mean if you ever really dash
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a 0 plus polls for thousands, cuz that's probably the most current way of slippery notions figured to appear. but they're guided with issues that have to a shift towards a where they are the most of the circle going to go as well. so she lives in your picture by state of glass. you can change them. so for the 1st thing in the meeting is at perfect and no early lab issue of failure letter year cab or shift fluoride troops who can create them for a new mess. you said to me, when you're ready, let's use the word salability is right and didn't need to sort them over to the right. sorry. it does seem that from the 2nd in the camera, i'm going to here and being in the had been an actor or near our landline. you put in good. yeah. it's set they move. yes. cuz our park every
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night going. so yeah, that machine, even though we live in the pit and let us in that sense. so said duty initially and whereas the most it said of the area again, loveday, shalaya, playing next english. assume that that it's, and i read not and i have some so i love free everything. spanish see me with the problem that prevents the vision. really i have for someone or yeah. or that was because i like the way to do it because she him by staying on the laptop down the machine wash and those and the address. sure. yeah. with that because i am, us is 1000 a hash. there's a tight on the election for that. so i have is shown the i so there memorize them, the ship had read certain that visual and shared or the
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bodies much d. e d. good old a doing pretty good. the still pretty good. the ship here was this through question holds you agree? there's lots or dental or vice more or my or boots for us to clean it were dropped as usual. now i'm here here. i'm here the way now they're going to choose blue because there are some washers service breaches. still some weren't story and will there were sure the remember daughter instructions are here for
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the credit score is realize inventory. oh here the of the show coming here to show me i know or yep. lushu corridor jewelry. not question. of course are waiting on the nation and we're open, i am here. all right, and i was going to learn more if i, if i may have for her family here very. i see it for me and that sort a but i sit there and i, she's in the the funds, my friends come, i agree is your zip man because what it shouldn't be is it says you need a one with the white by you little nice lady said you still need your orders each digital in a mess and they say it. but then our color me is going to stay,
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you know very and that's the word here has thought the chair, me sort of what, what it is where i live in jail. should color change ways to start in this to me as that from the, from the year. and i should just have, let us know i'm the asleep kid in that area to me or send it to me. there was some i always let them know to be done in one shot with clinch or leslie, not the nationalist in the suddenly patter, and actually for the lc memory. nature of fact in near it's in person or you, you remember me 3 chance i live on history here for her for poorly, for the or even maria, can you sure center i was nearest from years only it's 3. check you on the condition and not of here. he's arrow and she knew she has,
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can they have done and i drove past for years, them and pressure. i little sure. your and i changed to a from, from a silver that is shamore only you're in was there to use for this time when she ain't. and then sydney said new this year kind show has somebody. yeah. and yeah, that's why you so maria, and the really nice and that today and, and i've sat the to the maybe i gave my mum send me and i was here listening to more on that work for the new the she my more staff. okay. very are with my ask them. yeah mama where me. ok. you mr. hatch, i was saying that the lowest you can grow as you a certain amount was a 130 full show. familiar with the airport. you are the whole show you're here with me. are pretty words is don't really i wonder credential issues,
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phenomena chauffeur's corner corner corner the 3rd quarter. their bills are here for the for june here, 3 quarter to there over here to visor will be a 3 to their mom or sure. 3. yeah. quarter santori does your or the had the really no rush and that will be easy to do the finishes 0 not covered the views at fairly certain needs for cynthia, for someone to be a detect the policy shift you and you are getting the money to accept that i'm going to, let's see. and i said no, i wonder you know, she,
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lance and i was very sure and that piece from harvey and to share with red. she says the feeling and the rest, the february. yeah. well, no, i've not for all of our programming, no pets. okay, when your job, but he's seen him. i mean, then you're going in the register to rarely to breathe. well, more lab there rarely have to to go. he was sort of started spreadsheet brush the previously, i know you're gonna call him the money and the solution, right. you see birth, see him. yeah, you wouldn't be homeless. yeah. covers a federal shan doing this. i mean there are server and there's 2 separate. so the was just cuz it is run through it does what it is, it will produce your nursing facility starts to turn the air conditioners from you
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guys. that's my you come on, you just can't. who are big trunk was told me there's, there's just one. you know this just check the whole by show are busy the reset the such as their own. i don't go to dr. kim brewer here, but we're just showing your discharge and match for margaret. just allow me to shift i to stop you to shoot tell a trailer because this is the
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the russian states never is as tight as one of the most sense community best. most all sense and up in the system must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on russia to day and split the r t. suppose that keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say a request, which is the
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wave of violent protests and all the western world where university students are demanding their alma mater, is it cut all ties? israel over to bombardment of gaza. the details are drilled in there are under the age of 2 and a suffering acute menu. there's one and 3 children is suffering from famine and guys as rough. uh, according to the, when it comes, israel's round invasion of the unclaimed southern russ city bring more civilian casualties to the end, battled on the side and the key of some sound on videos of its military recruitment practice of so many new crimes, mobilization officers and action is now punishable with up to 8 years instead of 11
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