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tv   News  RT  May 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the, the, the russian army gains ground on the front line, while ukraine's conscription methods lead. people scratching their heads as 11000 ton and makes them move. a lot is to join forces also ahead a chinese and so being leaders lead thing brings fruitful results with mutual investments, a free trade agreements of student exchange opportunities, the hundreds of people on the lines of from one to 3 presidency for listening to me. the iron clad friendship between serbia and china will never be broken by anyone. we are very loyal to you for always standing by serbia. when we faced hardships fairly accidentally to was 8 years ago,
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serbia became tremendous 1st comprehensive, strategic partner in central and eastern europe. today, serbia becomes the 1st european county to build a shared community with china. as to is that gonna say that withdrawing gets quite a bit 19 vaccine from the markets due to commercial reasons. also, the company reported the method that the job may trigger life starting side effects . we can continue to engage and we can continue to lee fast cyber rhetoric of washington says that the world needs the american guidance, despite data, showing that the decline and positive perception on think us the a very welcome. this is all the international with the latest world news updates is great to have you with us as always. we start this out with the latest on the ukraine collins legs,
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the washing all the has taken control of another telling us in the don't. yes, people with republic moving the front line of the to the west and troops have liberated the town of case lift the in the hawk of region on the boulder with new guns. the defense ministry has also reported loan to the group strikes that targeted military facilities in ukraine. he has army law, stay your german mates, less a pipe tank as well than a dozen on the vehicles in the fighting were russian soldiers. i call him sidney a train and even as they hold strategic military positions, troops work to most the tactical combat techniques needed in the offensive. the approach seems to contrast how you train is handling recruitment for the ongoing conflicts. have officials, if the right thing to arrest anyone, quotes, filming the process, but even a prison sentence doesn't speak. ukrainian men from service as an estimate of $11000.00 criminal cases have been paused and those charged
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a mobilized authors. marina calls are about, has the details for us, and there is a desperate recruitment to live in ukraine. it seems, and they're doing edwards, and they can get the manpower they need before. a fresh batch of weapons from the west arrives. and this is one of their latest advertising campaigns, whether you liked it or not, you will have to fight so picturesque balls and your roll and get garbage. that's the message here, these things up by allowing soldiers to choose where they slides and the house will make them all come running. i guess they forget that we live during the time of social media. we're bad news travels fast. recruitment efforts have been hampered by reports about show to use of our munition claims of corruption incompetent combined as an inadequate training sweating of social media, as well as to luckily for front line troops. a proposal to allow soldiers to mobilize off to 36 months was dropped off the army chief sped too many experience
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troops would leave early next year. it's hardly surprising that they're struggling to recruit and resorts into the classic mobilization tactics. snacks and man off the streets and beaten them into submission. the accident reports of disabled and mentally ill people being forced to serve and some end up dead, like the person who was electrically kidnapped by ukrainian military recruitment officers and had an epileptic seizure wide after a sharp deterioration. and the soldiers health was accompanied by signs of an epileptic seizure. emergency medical assistance was immediately called before which military enlistment assistance was provided. the police officers who arrived at the
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call found biological dest, without signs, as a physical impact. and another called script who died after an epileptic seizure while he was on the way to a training center. now the circumstances surrounding this death are still being investigated. now, here's a group of people demanding to know where the recruitment officers took their relative. did you, you did, you did your to, to a former, she was one of them, was the con, the so look, i think the, some of the things, the premier, there are dozens of videos like these. so it's only natural that ukrainian men are afraid. i'm not very confident about going into the trenches. the crate in military reputation has been painted. it's just the very least. and those will experience holes in the lines, trying to save the amateurs, thousands of drain troops,
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like alexander, re do the upgrade to in the 21st separate make a nice brigade have been fighting for the best part of 2 years without the proper arrest. if we go home, he says, inexperienced soldiers might be able to hold the line against the russians, but a lot of them will die. some already wondering whether it's time to let go of done boss instead of a holding on and running the risk of there being no one left to defend the rest of the country, which would not liberty. yeah, it's obviously unpleasant, painful offensive. and no one wants to leave any settlements, but at the same time, we should not consider it unknown to notify launch military units or entire formations or an entire army in the future in order to keep some territories. those didn't want to fly to select the country, but they too are now subject to the fresh draft as part of the craze mobilization overall. how it looks like now, a man of conscription age went abroad,
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showed his state that he does not care about its survival. and then comes and wants to receive some says from the state. it does not work this way. our country is at war, was like poland, the lithuania have already promised cube that. they'll send back any mail ukrainian refugees of military age. so it's on clear how they're planning to do that. exactly . all the countries, however, like hungary, have a more humane opinion on the matter and refuse to back down hungry will not extradited creating refugees. we're not considering if a green diem, some soldiers are not on the base. supplementary commodity will not allow them to be sent to their deaths. and there you have it's more western weapons on the way, but the crane is still desperate for boots on the ground resorts into dubious recruitment methods, which sometimes end up what's called scripts that before you've been making it to the front line versus circle of bad p r, which only increases that ukrainian death, so as, as military, as were accurately retreated,
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an end replete and all the rest of the offensive shows no signs of slowing down. the friendship between serbia and china is i am not the president's alexander view church some. the recent biological tools in belgrade with the chinese presidency, jim ping received a very warm welcome to me. iron clad friendship between serve and china and they'll never be broken up by any one of your very loyal people. investment to the republic of serbia in previous 10 years increased by 30 times from the people's republic of china. the free trade agreement with the people's republic of china is the agreement that guarantees of the future of our country. the republic of serbia, people's republic of china will enable for the $300.00 young citizens of serbia to study in the people's republic of china. 300 young serbs of 300
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young people, the feel be able to learn, not only chinese language, and so many things about trinity's culture and burke essays. but there's going to be a bridge between our 2 countries. extra interviews have accord you a friendly atmosphere on the china survey relationship and other issues of mutual interest. we reached new important consensus. we're now together to build a china service community with a shared future in the new euro, which will open up a new chapter in the history of china, serbia relations. 8 years ago, serbia became china's 1st comprehensive strategic partner in central and eastern europe. today, serbia becomes the 1st european country to be with the community with assurance future, west china and then other matters. it was also on the table was the belt enrolled
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initiative proposed by china. this will essentially provide serbia with much needed projects and development with respect to infrastructure throughout the country were talking about will rows, railways, and fundamental infrastructure needed to, of course, turn it into a so essentially a trading help. and this is another matter of concern because we're taking into consideration trying this position in europe. we understand that china is currently serve us probably some months, serbia's largest foreign direct investment partners. this is something that has been welcome and something that is quite valuable for the serbian government. we also understand that the country in and of itself is a member of attempted a member to join the european union and in 2009. uh certainly initially proposed its bid and for the better part of more than a decade, the talks and discussions have been ongoing. but there's also been the matter of costs at all. and this is a matter of great concern for serving leadership because more than a decade after the discussion started a new european union especially proposed or forced of the chapter $35.00 of the
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over at agreements essentially demanding. we're asking, in a sense for service to recognize customers independence. this is a matter of that survey and leadership seems unacceptable. and as a result, china has offered it support for serbia with respect to its position, into european union as well as the united nations. and this is a matter that the survey leadership values highly of anything above everything else . and there's also the matter that's the survey leadership is, of course, grateful for china is position. and during the meeting between the 2 heads of states, they issued their gratitude. we'll see you and when you feel your positions regarding cost allowing me to hear territorial integrity of the republic of serbia. but i quote, present. she, the republic of serbia will have solid support of the republic, people's republic of china regarding all the issues initiated within the united nations. this is of utmost importance for us and i was explaining to presidency
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what we are facing with and mess with rate. what's the people's republic of china to the respective, despite the fact that we are often pushed and pressed by many most powerful powers and forces in the world. we are happy always to have a friend in the people's republic of china. i said to day to the presidency, to our great friend that serbia, even being a small country, very courageously and bravely confront attempts of both the revision of historical memory but also to further pressures on the republic of serbia ended over resistance will be comparable, stronger than anyone could imagine student skills, i'm just trying to support serbia and hop upholding into independence and following the development path that suits its own conditions. trying to supports service efforts to safeguard sovereignty and territory integrity on the costs of the issue
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. in contrast to the european position, china is essentially offering serving leadership a win win strategy. here, we're talking about trade relations, bilateral relations, but also what matters relating to its position within the european blog. and the comparatively speaking is, does not necessarily mean that china does not have its own set of expectations, but comparing it to the expectations set by the european union. uh, essentially matters that have been deemed unacceptable by survey and leadership. china is position and offer seems a lot more valuable at this time. and it comes at a time when the european blog is considering applying for the sanctions and terrace on cheap chinese products. this is an important step forward for china as well. when the chinese president egypt thing essentially met with french president and money in my crone, they discussed the need for one another. and the french present was quoted as saying that the french as well as the european block needs china, in a sense they did not necessarily dismiss, trying this position and the need for china within europe. and by doing so,
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meeting with the french president, the european commission and meeting with serbian leadership today and following these european visits, the chinese president will meet with the hon, gary and leaders. and they will discuss what needs to be done to ensure that china can protect and strengthen its foothold in your u. k. based pharmaceutical joined after venica was made in scandal 3 years ago, edward's corona virus, maxine and now it's back in the headlines. the company is withdrawal reduced quite a bit. 19 job worldwide us weeks off, the 8 admitted the schultz compos wet and dangerous side effects. but asked was that a good claims that it's vaccine is being removed from the market? for commercial reasons, we're going to be as multiple marianne cove of 19 vaccines have since been developed. there is a surplus of available updated vaccines. this has led to a decline in demand for vax, every a, which is no longer being manufactured or supplied. astrazeneca has therefore,
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taken the decision to initiate the withdrawal of the marketing authorizations for rex. every i was in, europe will be bringing you more details on base story later in the program. so do stay with us for that. the americans influence continues to wayne around the world, particularly in muslim majority countries. that's according to the 2024 democracy perception index. however, washington insist that his guidance is essential onto correspondence and the icon gay takes a closer look at the decline and us popularity. so u. s. lead, global, or the appears to be unraveling. the pos fee is alone parts of the world. i've seen some of the, it was financial crises, sufficient waves of unrest across africa and the middle east. even my point in price these toilet to political destruction was something else. but as the central office is the united states, and amid the sound of things for washington phillips,
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this, it needs to be in charge. and even the countries that are complaining about what we're doing in any given moment or don't like a particular policy. still want us and as we look at it, there's a basic choice. we can continue to engage and we can continue to lead. or if we don't, we know one or 2 things that's going to have someone else will. and probably not in a way that advances are interested values, or maybe just as bad. no one will. and then you're almost guaranteed to have a vacuum. so by bad things before it's filled by good things and that will ultimately come back to bite us. meanwhile, in the back and forth back, so for instance, was send you was calibrate to will need a survey. examining global approval ratings, shows that to be sold to superpower assess with age for end of this illusion, minutes with recent years. so in just how i mean, because the storage and international lead has declined, not as a result of challenges, but i've read international leaders, but as
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a consequence of washington, his own decisions and actually taking it off. for example, with the state basically says, america doesn't practice when he preaches lawmakers, they even start with a complaint to excel, so use some best of that. and then it's just, it's really surprising home. erica always speaks about human rights solver and jan . freedom of expression. when in reality does not apply those principles, every single decision made in the rocky parliament is a decision of the rocky nation. we do not allow any interference from this. i'm basset, or, or any other for an official. if she wants to speak about human rights, she should talk about post indian children, women, and men who are suffering from the is really american war on garza. and even before that, to be rocky prime minister said defunct, i want to do is forces us quickly in africa with a u. s. has been attempting to project military muscle, economy, cloud, and cultural interest. it's been the same side. and you see are amongst the
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countries that have toby, has ministry to pack up and the air force has asked the american defense that tashay to immediately stop american activities on the chico, say air base. and we ask you to intercede with the appropriate authorities to inform the americans that we have taken the decision to stop their activity. often enough to measure and government progress deserve the american government to deny the sovereign measuring people the right to choose their partners and the types of partnerships capable of helping them to truly fight against terrorism. yes, the go moment of new share rejects the false allegations of the head of the american delegation to maintain that it has signed a secret agreement on uranium with this type of group of look over on the cynical approach usually used to discredit them, an ice and justifying the threats against states doesn't pass. we don't recall in the example of the secondary rec war. indeed, the syrians in the entire international community still remember the false evidence brandished by the american secretary of state before the un security council. to justify the american impressions against iraq chat and you see
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a fall from being the only countries that want to hear is troops on syria as an equally determined to drive the american occupation forces from its territories. the syrians, defense ministry has even accused washington being involved with him of the area targeted by the us attacks and eastern syria is the same area where the syrian arrow bar me is fighting the remnants of the terrorist organization isis. this confirms that the united states and its military forces are involved and aligned with this organization, working to revive it as their field arm and syria and iraq through old dirty means . the occupation of us forces and parts of syrian territory cannot continue. many other reasons, washington is critics could name to make a case that the world would be better off without leadership in ms points is was, it has led to its allies into the read that is extreme is i sit in and so on. and as this list shapes where we get to and more difficult for washington to convince
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the world that it's 2 political roles, benefits in one box, except let's discuss this by the way that can hold on nasty and political commentator on syrian analysis channel. a found the many thanks for joining us on the program. it's very nice to see you today. so with this data appearing to show that well perception of the us is the terrier racing, i'd like to ask you 2 questions and one, 1st of all, what do you think is the reason for this decline? and how do you assess how washington is trying to spend it? so to explain this tony, it's very natural that the position of the united states and the image under the condition of the united states is a shrinking among the global saws. and especially among the r, i big people, and this is not a coincidence because since the fall of the soviet union, and even before the united states economic model is based on wars, the united states makes profits onwards sober. and there is a conflict, and the united states claims the flares of this conflict, the alias into united,
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just make profits financial fits from these conflicts. for example, in syria in jamante. and you're not turning countries against each other. you're not against you down, for example, and this sort of the art, it'd be a game so you can different countries in the region. however, nowadays the people of the region are experiencing defense motives. for example, we have the chinese and we have the russian models, and these 2 countries are presenting to the people of these countries that they kind of stabilize just countries and hands. eventually, this will lead into economic prosperity. and when there is economy prosperity, there is also a social welfare. and when there is social welfare, the people are making also a better job of which and having better job opportunities and also increasing their educational levels and all sorts of human rights. right? and this is very important in the context of speaking a why the united states position is a shrinking among the population. one of which for example,
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is the sanctions region. the united states sees any competitor and any liability as a trips to its domain names around the world. therefore, the united states has weaponized the dollar against many countries, including in the middle east or west asia, on it, on, on syria and this most impactful it, it, it, it really hurts, for example, congress like it on like cuba, like see that like venezuela. but like country is, uh, like the restaurant in china, this is, this has backfired. these countries have made strategies. and they calculated well that these sanctions, the gym would have minimum effect on their economies. and this is having actually the contract if effect on, on the dollar itself. and nowadays we can see that the value of dollar is also dropping. and one of the reasons for this is a, is the non stop money printing in $3.00 nights just in order to continue financing . the unsustainable, the worse it onto words, one of which is in ukraine, on the other one in the gulf stream. and the speaking in the gaza shaped the people
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in the region. if you ask for a 100000000 people and you do a pulling up, what's happening in, in the, in, in the guys i ship the fast. my job is to of the people i've sympathizers with the palestinians, and this means the americans have presented themselves as not totally complicit with the is rarely also it's against the policy and spots rather also a partner in this great crime against the palestinians, which has a great impact on the people's opinions around the world. now today i was reading today i was, we think and statement of for congressmen brian mast and she was challenged about the invasion off of us off in a, in cause. and he said, i'm quote, thinking, i think is what i should go in there and kick the shit out of them. just absolutely destroy them, their infrastructure level, anything that they touch. this is a clear indication that the united states doesn't see. and this only shows will not see the people in the region as well as the off living in their eyes. the probably the slice have more rights than the people in the regions. but the people in the
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region can see to these american many pollution and their insistence on continuing to work in the region and they want to liberate them, says something american hegemony and she of comes for example, the 3rd countries the chinese and media took between it on and so the idea of you and this will reflect positively on the beach, and i like the united states, which it's economic model is based on work. it's a military industrial complex. you have the apex, you have the a, c, i a, which have enormous influence over to the security, the and the following policy of the united states. which means you have known the state actors having invested interest in before them pull this up the united states, and this doesn't necessarily align with the national interest of the american. yeah, i think it's interesting to note as well that germany was one of the countries that started deterioration and the public perception of washington. do you think this is sad to say that all of the recent events, particularly in the past few years,
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would be ukraine conflicts. and what we're seeing at play out in gauze right now that people are kind of waking up to what the us is. actions and intentions really are. and course of a, just because people's perception of the us is changing when they change anything. actually, i have to be very careful with my words since i live in germany, and the government is becoming in toner, ends against any criticism of the german government. but in my opinion, the americans have committed to give a crime against age. as jim and people, for example, and jim, and he is an ally for the united states. and whether we, if we agree with the investigations about what's happening, what's happened with the nazi and pipelines, the americans had direct quote in the destruction of the notion pipelines and they had any investments interest in destroying to the nursing programs. and this was the energy lifeline for germany. and we used to have very cheap, for example, energy bills. we used to have a cheaper products because the production was cheaper as well due to that you guys
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from gusher. and now we have to pay the price of everything, like the bills have a skyrocket, dirty and everything to groceries. so the direct impact is on the people. so the people are carrying the burden on their shoulders and they can see from the abuse. and this is, of course, changing the people's minds because at the end of the day, people want to secure products for their family. and they see that the consequences of involving as a people as the techs, peer as a techs peer in an endless war in ukraine. which is what the americans are planning on doing an endless word. they're in order to recycle all just billions that they send to the use of social security aid packages. and they've asked me to drop it off. it would be suit recycled and come back in the pockets of the media to the industrial complex. and this comes to the real issue here. is that america has the golden opportunity? do you have to have the full off the soviet union to become a superpower? that's the kind of stabilize the work and play
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a leading role as billington is wishing for. however, the american students use this opportunity to, to bring any good a for the people of the world and also for their own people. because the americans are not the manufacturers of this endless. where is there a dollar money has the value has a shrink and the, the purchasing power has a shrink as well. and the also, the texas having ceased in the united states, therefore, the americans are also suffering from this world. and the here comes with all of the social media why the people are waking up because we have alternative ways to express all of the opinions. and here comes the laws and the abuse for the meeting speech suppression of a speech, and we have every day and you will take relations in order to regulate speech. and which is of course, they are trying to limit the speech because we are, we are actually the people who are working in dalton has to meet you on social media. are the ones who have a future and not the tradition of the media and increasing number of people are
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listening to them. what's happening and do not assist in this campus. this is the biggest example of it. that's why the american administration, they want to band tick tock and they want to buy it. it fails quite on stuff, football, this change that doesn't, it is the us cleans onto his position in this unit. polar, well, be the idea of a multi po, this is todd single and people like the sound of the especially, you know, the african continent is african needs the saying that equal partnerships would be a condition, a cooperation with the west. do you think there's a chance that the us might actually embrace this position? won't this idea perhaps on to a different present the lights of a share? you know, kind of, the simple answer is no, because the, the, with the presidents could change. and however, the decision making process is much more complicated than the president himself or herself into united states. and in my opinion, the united states is driven by hardcore. i don't know why they accuse the rest of the word of being driven by ideologies. they are hard for,
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i do looks and they truly believe that the rest of the world are less than them. and they truly believe that the people in africa and in the middle east are backwards. i mean it, the chief of ego, he called the european union as a garden and the rest of the word as a jungle. this is a deep rooted in their understanding of what other civilizations mean and you are the was the of living or not under multiple of words. for example, it's not only about political multiple everything but also its culture and multiple directly. it's also ideology because most people are which means that the people in africa, they have their customs and traditions and values in, in the middle east is the same. we have our religion, we have our values. the americans will not accept that under the uni, pull the words they want everyone to accept their own side use and the impose on the entire words. and if you don't accept it, they come to impose on you to worse and destruction and cover populations of aging change works. for example, under the multi pull of words, the, the, the models,
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the rising models from engaging. i mean, most of what they are telling the africans that you have your own traditions, you have your own values, you keep it, we want to do business, and this is a win win situation. you win or i mean maybe i mean more because i have a stronger economy, but i'm not destroying your info structure in order to rebuild it later to some funds and to some loans which are political, of course conditions. and it will pay conditions and it's right, the detroit, the, the chinese and the russians are building just conscious and stabilizing it. and i'm not trying to make any compliments to this conscious, but this is the, most of the matter. and we have to tell it's loud so that the people around the board also increasingly wake up to this fact and push back and push against the american asian money. because unless the americans withdraw a little bit into an isolation as well and recalculate their priorities and come back as the same nation and not trying to explore.


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