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tv   News  RT  May 8, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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times of white australians against aborigines has not been resolved so far. the sum of the security of systems that we're providing, the palestinian purchased the pack over us defense secretary and cobra as he confirms the pause of ownership is where i live. it's the sole from the gulf of the city the i'm going to shoot you. over the past decade, our economic union has established itself as one of the independent and self sufficient incentives to be merging. multiple will gladly appreciate it, hard to visit the tendency range in economic communion so much in moscow. smoking the 1st official international meeting all the his presidential, you know, grace and that's present because says it's with roaring is cubic
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19 vaccine from the market for commercial reasons. not soft to the pharmaceutical joined, but fortunately it missed it. the job may trigger life threatening side effects. the just going to 11 pm here in moscow in nairobi. and this dumble, this is off the international thanks very much for joining us. hey, on the news. our a very busy one coming up for you. well, the us had suspended the shipment of some 3 and the hoff faust, bottoms the israel. this is the fees that the munitions could be used against civilians. in rafa the box spring confirmed by pentagon chief lloyd austin as his report to send it as in washington, was interrupted by protest is he did pause as we re evaluated some of the security of systems that we're providing to
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so we, we've been very clear senator as you know from the very beginning that that israel should launch a major attack in or off or without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in that battle space. and again, as we have assess the situation, we pause one shipment of high high payload, the munitions. well, the was incredible scenes on capitol hill, but let's get more on this now course live to, to and list manila, chime mid. a thanks very much for joining us. here, can you just talk me through the tea takeaways from what happened on capitol hill? yes, it is a stunning. moved by washington halting a shipment of some 1802000 pound bonds along with other munitions to israel
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following. it's a salt on the crucial rafa crossing with egypt. now prior to the capture of off, i'd be bided administrator and made clear to be being that's in yahoo, that they do not support any action in this region which puts another us ally egypt in a very difficult situation. rasa is where most aid the, the food, medical supplies, and fuel enter gaza. the white house says it's currently reviewing other proposed arms deals with israel as well as many us lawmakers rebuke the president for such moves, namely senator lindsey graham of south carolina, who pressed the sect. das lloyd austin on his position on this particular matter during a senate appropriations hearing on wednesday. listen, or you're telling me, you're going to tell them how to fight the war and what they can and can't use when
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everybody around them wants to kill all the jews. and you're telling me that if we with whole weapons in this spike, the existential fight for the life of the jewish day, they won't send the wrong signal. if we stop weapons necessary to destroy the enemies of the state of israel at a time of great peril, we will pay a price. this is up saying, it is absurd. give israel what they need to fight the war. they can't afford to lose. this is here ashima and nagasaki on steroids. now that exchange between graham and austin went on for several minutes. the pencil gone boss, visibly on easy on how to approach each answer, defaulting to his job, being that of supporting and executing the wishes of the commander in chief. now the defense secretary and the new chairman of the joint chiefs of staff charles brown were testifying before the committee about the the are these fiscal 2025
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budget pentagon brass are requesting a one percent increase in the budget, putting it at a staggering roughly $850000000000.00 mark. however, the former and now retired chairman of the joint chiefs, mark. milly rates raised some eyebrows from his recent remarks during a media conference recently, almost rebuffing himself and his time. in that seat. we all get so precious. and i wish people in massive numbers, innocent people with nothing to do with joe morris, terrible. the law makers then raised the question about what is happening to pentagon presents in the chair. now this comes some weeks after the once a government in these year cancelled
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a 12 year old security agreement with us and meant no words demanding that the approximately 1000 us troops leave their country. here's what they had to say. you mentioned that we were forced to leave new here. i uh, we will leave new year senator, but uh, as you know, what we do in order to go on terrorism thrives and non govern spaces. and what we typically do is to try to help a countries develop their own capability to, to control their, their, their savage based. and of course, what are the biggest parts of the pentagon budget concerns ukraine and ongoing us support there? lloyd austin again reiterating his boss, joe biden's fund commitment to a ukrainian victory. listen as we are drawn down some of the orange dogs and provided the weapons and,
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and vehicles to ukraine will replace those weapons with newer models. and, and all of that work flows through our industrial base. and it will affect some 40 different states in the country, and that creates good jobs. good, good paying jobs for, for americans and, and we were my and excited about that. and while the bite in white house continues to rubber stamp all a bill is going to ukraine, it has recently been met with some resistance coming from a small contingent of g o. p. lawmakers, here in washington. it's been a, a pretty incredible day there in congress. thanks very much for taking this theory that, that is jen list manila chan. well the you and refugee agency for palestine is sounding via law a disastrous holt of humanitarian aid supplies to gaza. this comes, it may be as radius sold on rafa. windows receiving any agent to the gaza strip.
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the roof across an area has on go imagery operations that have been continued bombardments in this area throughout the day. no few little age has entered garza and this is disastrous for the giving you a tear into response. well as well claims that has reopened one of the crossings. this is the correct shalom to humanitarian supplies in gaza. but under says that the food actually remains closed and no age is being allowed to cross cut them shalom was shut some food days ago. this was off the homeless. rootkits point killed several idea troops that was stationed, that according to another roof of crossing from gauze. to egypt is also closed and the full is where the ministry control, however, when grilled about the situation by policy and during less than us states development spokesperson has planning that the borrowing of the border crossings is
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not leading to a famine in garza. and it's a bit cynical of these really, you know, to do this on the day after cindy mccain came up and said, there's a full blown time that's a very close real fast. they close come of sat in the close. all these things is that it doesn't that bother you with that, you know, all right, after the head of the world, food program comes out and say there's a full blown trying in guys that they want and closed. so i don't think you have to draw a connection between those comments and the closing of this does to get it doesn't matter as well. this compliments as well as relentless bombardment of rafa, as the idea is up for a full scale invasion of the southern most gauls and the city fits criticism old via sold his pouring in from countries across the globe. more than 1000000 displace palestinians have been sheltering in rafa for months. the majority of them living
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intent comes with extremely limited access to basic necessities. some of the civilians, let's say that they have nowhere less to run and will stay in the city despite the escalating 5 to if i'm on this number, of course we won't leave all the displaced is not an easy thing. we will stay here even if these really all means here, because there is no safe place to go. in fact, there is bowman everywhere. i mean, last on these really all may ask us to go to rough on saying it has to man, it's era nate and it's a safe place. and now the answer is rough. uh, i'm on names. personally, i will not go anywhere. i will stay here for a website to be moved. have the parents need a new chapter of the displacement store will be open to a new most. anyway, i don't know where to go from that we have such a lot. so even though it shows was the horrible things and we saw a splendid while we had been displaced,
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even thanks. i know it's bob from us and you can see them with you about eyes. all the children are traumatized, and now we're here with these values. haven't entered from east and rough on him yet. if it's up to you, the situation here in rafa has changed dramatically due to his really air strikes and the military operation, which is now and it's 2nd day, is really forces are advancing towards rafa from several eastern directions, trucks bringing some minutes here and aid or trade goods have not arrived in guys for 2 days in a row, and people's lives are under threats. fears fighting by palestinian forces has erupt, it, especially in the eastern part of our shock with city and also in the house. the alarm area is really air strikes, have intensified and there is showing an l chuck y l cell, manero and jenny. all these areas came under fierce air, fire overnights and in the morning is really military ships, also fired heavy machine guns that are refugee camp in the early morning. at the moment, a city of rough eyes being attacked by its really forces in air strikes have been
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constant since the evening. this has resulted in a large number of casualties, and many wounded were been taken to the elk weight hospital located in the city center and another hospital i will use of, on the shar, is completely out of service. a situation has also changed in areas these really forces have left behind, specially hung in this of that, where refugees from ralph i have asked to be moved while the military operation is spreading throughout garza not only in the city of rafa, which is the focus of attention now, due to the masses of refugees and severe destruction and having the great suffering of its residents. the humanitarian situation is terrific. leaving residents, no choice, but the fleet to western regions, separate ports of the alamo last the area in hon. eunice, even there, and there are targeted why is really planes resulting in many debts and injuries among the refugees? the operation also continues in central regions around almo brazza. how's a wide, uh, new se, route elma gaz, a. all of them have been exposed to systematic and continuous showing western and
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southwestern areas of kansas city have been subjected to error strikes and shelling during these really military operations since yesterday evening. the same is happening in the north of guys of city and the bates here regional. so is really striking everywhere in all provinces. not just the city of rafael. we're all eyes are now turn. these really military operation continues and expands, despite talk of a truce. and the delegations meeting in cairo to try and stop the fighting and is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has reportedly decided it should be expanded even further, especially in raphael on this. so i may, a person has have the dynamic economic integration taking place on the wills law, just continent. his comments were made during the tense. you ration economic union summit here in moscow in the shade should you see, to lead to over the past decade. our economic union has established itself as one
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of the independent and self sufficient centers of the emerging multiple well, the origin union today is an effective and dynamically integrated framework. the activities of which contribute to the growth of trade and investment exchanges. the intensification of business contacts and the expansion of co operative ties. the economic indicators speak for themselves. in 10 years, the total gdp of the european union state has increased to $2.00 trillion dollars. trade turnover with the countries has grown by 60 percent, and the volume of mutual trade has almost doubled. more over, more than 90 percent of payments are already carried out in national currencies. the. we heard a lot of important points from the participants here at this meeting of the supreme council of the region economic union, vladimir putin kicked off these remarks with his own words, specifically emphasizing just how important it is for this union to continue to develop cooperation with 3rd parties, and this is already going under underway,
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according to the russian president with countries like serbia, ron, indonesia, and vietnam. he said that regional cooperation with organizations like the shang, i, cooperation, organization is no less important to. and it goes without saying that china is among some of the most important trade partners of the economic block. while in connection to that, the russian president also emphasized that the belt in rhode initiative has yielded some very positive results in the district. but most, you're going to build up with somebody's reading the work on linking integration processes through the ration union. and china is built in rhode initiative is using real results. agreements on free trade with sylvia. iran and vietnam have also been enacted in agreements of being prepared with countries that offer great economic potential such as egypt, indonesia, and the united arab emirates. a draft decision has been prepared for today's meeting to start negotiations on concluding
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a temporary trade agreement with mongolia with which the region countries have close and neighborly relations, and intensive trade and economic contacts. we also heard a lot from beller, russian president, alexander lucas jenco, who stressed specifically the importance of digitizing the economy of the ration economic union to bring it up to modern standard. so on a political note, he said that some very important for the union to look at how it's going to further cooperate with countries in latin america and africa will continue to struggle with colonial list aggression from the west. you said that this economic union would not have gotten to where it is today, if it were not for its policy. that is basically the antithesis of colonialism. one in which the member states listen to each other and respect each other. sovereignty, uterus prove, appears. neither g d p growth nor an increase in real incomes would be possible if we weren't a part live we have seen sledging trade agreement has been signed with around
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a mutually beneficial corporation in the format of the 5 with friendly countries is being strengthened, africa needs a wide range of our goods works, services, and technologies. africa like left in america, has had enough of colonialism from the respective countries. this is the point at which we must come to africa. the federal level participation of the block and our partners in the commonwealth of independent states in the shanghai cooperation organization. and bricks is also a huge advantage for all of us. we are responsible for ensuring that our countries develop for the benefit of our peoples and become more economically attractive in the modern world. the president of catholic stand shared location co sentiments when it comes to the digitization of the economy, mentioning this specifically critical importance of artificial intelligence in that
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process. he also said that further cooperation with mongolia and the global south are good indications for the economic unions future because there's condos loaner cars. exxon certainly welcomes the decision to start negotiations with mongolia on a temporary trade agreement. there are great prospects for cooperation with the rapidly developing countries of asia, africa, and the middle east. co operation with the global south is of particular interest given the expected contribution of asia alone to the current 60 percent growth in global g d p. we invite our fellow member states of economic union to join the ask about agreement on the creation of an international transportation core door. today, your agent transport framework provides an effective trade link between europe and asia, north and south, west part the president of target. stan called the international situation difficult and he said that to deal with modern challenges the your agent, economic union is going to have to adopt new investments. sold, tentative approaches and new strategies. now,
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although cuba is not in the ration sphere, the president of the island was invited to this meeting and he spoke about how history has taught the island socialist nation, how important it is to cooperate and develop relations with the region economic union. he said that a multi polar world can only be built through fair cooperation between it's in current income in states. so this meeting, this 10th anniversary of the supreme council of the region economic union and the ration economic union itself has been an a tremendously important event for leaders all across the multi polar world likes to now to the latest needs only ukraine, conflicts with the russian army now having taken control of nuva colleen of, uh, uh, in the next people's republic. and that's just up here moving the front line to the, to the west. and the troops of ulster liberated the town of his laws. this is in
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the region which ford is that with the guns. now the defense ministry has also reported launching a group stripe it targeted military facilities in ukraine. caps on the last german made length of time to add to all the ones that is already lost or id and more than a dozen vehicles in the fine thing are now russian soldiers are constantly trained, even as they ho strategic military positions. troops work to more stuff tactical combat techniques needed to be offensive. now the approach seems to control us perhaps with how ukraine has been handling its real quick link from the ongoing conflict. kev officials office right needing to arrest any one court filming the process. but even a prison sentence doesn't spy, you coordinated my phone service. it's estimated that 11000 criminal cases have
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been paused. and those charged on mobilized ortiz, marine. acosta has the details. there is a desperate recruitment to live in ukraine. it seems. and they're doing edwards, and they can get the manpower they need before a fresh batch of weapons from the west arrives. and this is one of their latest advertising campaigns, whether you liked it or not, you will have to fight. so pictures, fault, and your role. and get, go they, that's the message here. they things up by allowing soldiers to choose where they flights and the house will make them all come running. i guess they forget that we live during the time of social media. we're bad news travels fast. recruitment efforts have been hampered by reports about show to use of our munition claims of corruption incompetent combined as an inadequate training sweating of social media . as well as to luckily for front line troops. a proposal to allow soldiers to mobilize off to 36 months was dropped off the army chief sped too many experience
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troops would leave early next year. it's hardly surprising that they're struggling so with foods and resorts into the classic mobilization tactics. snacks and man off the streets and beaten them into submission. the accident reports of disabled and mentally ill people being forced to serve. and some end up bed, like the person who was electrically kidnapped by ukrainian military recruitment officers and had an epileptic seizure wide after a sharp deterioration. and the soldiers health was accompanied by signs of an epileptic seizure. emergency medical assistance was immediately called before which military enlistment assistance was provided. the police officers who arrived at the
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call found biological dest, without signs, as a physical impact, and another called script who died after an epileptic seizure, while he was on the way to a training center. now, the circumstances surrounding this death are still being investigated. now here's a group of people demanding to know where the recruitment officers took their relative. did you? you did, you did your to him off of the show, a former she was one of them was the con, the so look, i think the, some of the things the year and there are dozens of videos like these. so it's only natural that ukrainian men are afraid. i'm not very confident about going into the trenches. the crate in military reputation has been painted. it's just the very least. and those with
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experience how within the lines, trying to save the amateurs, thousands of trained troops like all looks under irregular upgrade to in the 21st separate make a nice brigade have been fighting for the best part of 2 years without the proper arrest. if we go home, he says, inexperienced soldiers might be able to hold the line against the russians, but a lot of them will die. some already wondering whether it's time to let go of done boss instead of a holding on and running the risk of there being no one left to defend the rest of the country, which would not liberty. yeah, it's obviously unpleasant, painful offensive. and no one wants to leave any settlements, but at the same time, we should not consider it unknown to notify launch military units or in time formations or an entire army in the future in order to keep some territories know so they don't want to fly to select the country, but they too are now subject to the press draft as part of the praise mobilization overall. how it looks like now, a man of conscription age went abroad,
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showed his state, but he does not care about its survival. and then comes and wants to receive, some is from the state. it does not work this way. our country is at war houses like poland to lift the way. i have already promised cube that they'll send back any mail ukrainian refugees of military age, though it's on clear how they're planning to do that. exactly. all the countries, however, like hungary, have a more humane opinion on the matter and refuse to back down hungry will not extradited creating refugees. we're not considering if a green diem, some soldiers are not on the base. supplementary commodity will not allow them to be sent to their deaths. and there you have it's more western weapons on the way, but the crane is still desperate for boots on the ground resorts into dubious recruitment methods, which sometimes end up what's called scripts that before even making it to the front line, a vicious circle of bad p r, which only increases the ukrainian death,
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so as, as military is rapidly retreating and depleting, all the rest of the offensive shows no signs of slowing down. while it made the advance of the russian military, this fresh tool can some countries about sending weston troops to ukraine? we've been speaking with a polish judge in, fled persecution in his country over his views. and he's now living in belarus. this is thomas schmidt, who told us the wolf so is waiting deep, but in to the war against the will of the polish public. not he was interviewed in minutes by archie corresponding constantine pretty by a little. let's have a listen to what do you have to say? i mean the force of pulling this building up, it's misery, power with 4 percent of do to be spent on the on me. we're also talking about nuclear weapons as opposed to citizen. well, you're afraid to realize that the authorities are dragging poland into some kind of war. babbled up. it's true. that's why i came here to tell you about it. and indeed,
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there is such a threat and it is enough to listen to what micro, on a saying, there was a danger that the countries that support nato will enter ukraine under their own flags. now, of course, there must know is, are there. but there is such a danger that troops will be brought in officially, you would not want to war with the green, or with bellows or with russia. i'm talking about ordinary people, not about the authorities. this village, that's a lot. so it seems that the polish government does not reflect the real mood of the people. i agree that's the way it is, but we don't have a lot of political choices. we have to main block 2nd, the so called conservative b i s party. and those parties that have cooperated with it and the civic platform party, both parties are in favor of escalating the conflict. they are in favor of poland being dragged into this conflict by the power of vocations funded from foreign countries. that's what the georgia security service is, one bit nation of that comes in
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a public on rest over the so called for an agents bill. it's in the parliament at the moment. the country security service is also pointed to the involvement of georgia and citizens who are fighting in ukraine in the interest of state security in the peaceful coexistence of all citizens. we would like to inform the public that certain groups of individuals are trying to organize provocations during the contacts and in the parliament of georgia, which are aimed at the development of destructive in volume and scenarios, and which is supported by funding from foreign countries. georgians. citizens outside the country are actively involved in the aforementioned criminal plans. in particular, the specific segments of georgians fighting in ukraine. individuals are actively discussing plans to attack a special task force in order to provoke mess, disorder and chaos must purchase erupt into georgia and kept up to be seen last month when the bill was introduced in parliament. and if pulse that would force loading profet entities receiving more than 20 percent of the funding from abroad
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to register. as for the agents, the georgia and government says the bill is actually similar to weston legislation, but the in your district freeze. and as he threatened to squat, but georgia is in candidate status on the us says it was to see the bill revoked in response to the georgia department. it says, canceled his trip to washington. we've been getting reaction from a georgian political analyst. the main points on the still, the case is that it showed you is trying to become a mo, soon. like, you know, the 1st case because we remember off which includes the problem, the cost of history. you pretty funky, knows how these kind of, uh, uh, went to the farm, the, to the uh, the government hello visitation to work was e y, a link to. it looks a color other when lucian, seen a do pretty positive, like
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a gold. yeah. i'm the 1000 in sweet old dining and ukraine. anybody who gets caught in those as well. so i think that it's easy. it's like something you will be leaving a few uh before the georgia nowadays. isn't it? similar to, to jail for 2003 when they say, i know the course, the color blue can be put soviet eros. ready uh nowadays uh, lets say to do it uh, 2 side b. r. mitchell's warranty you, cree, also may be clear for, i would, let's say that for whole georgia, but for lots of people. they wait, wait, he's usually like 2 o g a a the ukraine and other countries as low as next.


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